143 brevets accordés pour la semaine du 24 mars »Dallas innove – Serveur d’impression
Dallas Invents est un aperçu hebdomadaire des brevets américains accordés avec une connexion à la région métropolitaine de Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington. Les listes comprennent les brevets accordés à des cessionnaires locaux et / ou à ceux avec un inventeur du nord du Texas. L'activité des brevets peut être un indicateur de la croissance économique future, ainsi que du développement des marchés émergents et de l'attraction des talents. En suivant à la fois les inventeurs et les cessionnaires dans la région, nous visons à fournir une vue plus large de l'activité inventive de la région. Les listes sont organisées par classification coopérative des brevets (CPC).
143 brevets accordés Classé n ° 11 en production de brevets sur 250 métros
Texas Instruments Inc. (Dallas) 21
Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano) 5
Enseo, Inc. (Richardson) 4
Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North Americ, Inc. (Plano) 4
Thomas R. Miller (Plano) 4
Vanessa Ogle (Fairview) 4
William C. Fang (Plano) 3
Adam Cole Ewing (McKinney) 2
Andrew Paul Haldeman (Fort Worth) 2
Benjamin L. Weatherford (Princeton) 2
Brian Paul Ginsburg (Allen) 2
Chen-Xiong Zhang (Plano) 2
Clifton S. Thompson (Lucas) 2
David Albert Carlson (Haslet) 2
460 jours
Machine à glaçons claire, brevet no. D0879162
Thomas B. Murphy (Arlington)
4,416 jours
Entraîneur de cheval de coupe, Brevet no. 10595509
Danny Suggs, père (Greenville)
Ne manquez pas Dallas Invents: Inscrivez-vous au bulletin électronique Dallas Innovates. L'information en matière de brevets est fournie par Joe Chiarella, fondateur de la société d'analyse de brevets Patent Index et éditeur de The Inventiveness Index.
Pour plus de détails sur les brevets accordés ci-dessous, recherchez dans la base de données en texte intégral et en image des brevets USPTO.
Assemblage du bol
Brevet No. 10595505
Inventeur (s): David Veness (Fort Worth, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): DOSKOCIL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. (Arlington, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Global IP Counsellors, LLP (9 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15463865 le 20/03/2017 (application 1100 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un ensemble bol ayant un bol et une tasse de remplissage. Le bol est configuré pour être supporté sur une barrière sur un premier côté de barrière. Le godet de remplissage est configuré pour être supporté sur la barrière au niveau d'un deuxième côté de barrière opposé au premier côté de barrière. La coupelle de remplissage et le bol pouvant être reliés entre eux par une ouverture dans la barrière.
Entraîneur de cheval de coupe
Brevet No. 10595509
Inventeur (s): Danny Suggs, père (Greenville, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Cabinet d'avocats Handley, PLLC (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 12034075 le 20/02/2008 (4416 jours d'application à émettre)
Abstrait: Un entraîneur de chevaux de coupe utilise un dispositif de transport qui monte sur un rail de la clôture d'un enclos. Le dispositif de transport peut être placé derrière la clôture d'un stylo. Le dispositif de transport est déplacé le long du rail en réponse aux commandes d'un dispositif de télécommande portable. Une poulie engagée avec le rail est reliée à un veau artificiel, qui se prolonge dans l'enclos via un bras articulé. Lorsque l'unité de transport se déplace le long du rail, la poulie couplée au rail fait tourner le veau artificiel en conséquence. Ainsi, lors des changements de direction, le veau semble tourner, du point de vue du cheval de coupe. Lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé, le bras peut être plié vers le haut pour retirer de l'enclos tout appareil associé à l'entraîneur de chevaux de coupe.
Jouet animal
Brevet No. 10595511
Inventeur (s): Chris Wilson (Plano, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): DOSKOCIL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. (Arlington, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Global IP Counsellors, LLP (9 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16367728 le 28/03/2019 (application de 362 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un jouet animal comprend une partie de corps allongée ayant une première extrémité et une seconde extrémité. Une première roue est disposée sur un premier élément rotatif adjacent à la première extrémité, le premier élément rotatif s'étendant dans une première direction, la première roue ayant une première ouverture disposée dans la première direction. Une deuxième roue est disposée sur un deuxième élément rotatif adjacent à la deuxième extrémité, le deuxième essieu s'étendant dans une seconde direction axiale, la deuxième roue ayant une seconde ouverture disposée dans la deuxième direction. Un premier moteur électrique est configuré pour entraîner la première roue. Le deuxième moteur électrique est configuré pour entraîner la deuxième roue indépendamment. Un contrôleur est programmé pour contrôler le premier moteur électrique afin de contrôler le sens de rotation de la première roue et contrôler le deuxième moteur électrique pour contrôler le sens de rotation de la deuxième roue.
Système d'attirail motorisé pour la pêche
Brevet No. 10595519
Inventeur (s): Kanz Kayfan (Plano, Texas), Sobhan Sanee (Plano, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Cabinet d'avocats Eldredge (2 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15337382 le 28/10/2016 (application de 1243 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un leurre de pêche motorisé comprend un corps inférieur formant une cavité scellée de manière fluide; une batterie portée dans la cavité du bas du corps; un corps supérieur formant une zone intérieure scellée de manière fluide; un moteur électrique transporté à l'intérieur de la zone intérieure étanche aux fluides et couplé de manière conductrice à la batterie; une hélice positionnée à l'extérieur du corps supérieur et fixée au moteur électrique via un arbre d'entraînement; et un crochet fixé au bas du corps.
Casier avec rangement pour chaussures
Brevet No. 10595633
Inventeur (s): Sam Allen (Maypearl, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15639216 le 30/06/2017 (application de 998 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Une enceinte pour le stockage de chaussures comprend une paire de parois d'extrémité espacées, généralement opposées. Une projection est portée par chacune des parois d'extrémité, chaque projection est dimensionnée et configurée pour être insérée à l'intérieur d'une paire de chaussures pour fixer temporairement la chaussure dans une position fixe par rapport à la paroi d'extrémité. Un fond s'étend entre les parois d'extrémité et comprend un plateau amovible pour attraper les débris tombant des chaussures.
Appareil et procédé de production de mousse
Brevet No. 10595686
Inventeur (s): Branko Bem (Plano, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): BOBRICK WASHROOM EQUIPMENT, INC. (North Hollywood, Californie)
Cabinet d'avocats: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP (6 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16136126 le 19/09/2018 (application de 552 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un distributeur de mousse comprend une sortie de distribution, une chambre de pré-mélange recevant du liquide provenant d'une source de liquide et de l'air provenant d'une source d'air, une chambre de mélange en aval de la chambre de pré-mélange et à proximité de la sortie du distributeur, et un premier conduit couplant le pré- chambre de mélange à la chambre de mélange.
[A47K] ÉQUIPEMENT SANITAIRE NON PRÉVU AILLEURS (raccordement à l'alimentation en eau ou au tuyau d'évacuation, éviers E03C; water-closets E03D); ACCESSOIRES DE TOILETTE (équipement cosmétique A45D)
Kit de test de piqûre
Brevet No. 10595768
Inventeur (s): Jovan Hutton Pulitzer (Frisco, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): ROCA MEDICAL LTD. (Londres,, GB)
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15222709 le 28/07/2016 (application de 1335 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un kit de test de piqûre comprend un plateau inférieur contenant une pluralité de puits disposés dans un réseau, dans lequel chacun des puits contient un flacon d'une petite quantité d'un antigène spécifique associé à un puits, chaque puits et flacon associé ayant un antigène différent disposé à l'intérieur, chacun des flacons ayant un capuchon en caoutchouc disposé sur celui-ci qui est stérile et qui peut être piqué par une aiguille de telle sorte que la petite quantité d'antigène puisse en être retirée. Une plaque pénétrante est disposée au-dessus des puits et ayant sur sa surface inférieure diamétralement opposée aux flacons dans les puits une pluralité d'aiguilles perforantes, une associée à chacun des puits et dirigée vers le bas pour y toucher mais sans toucher aucun des fichiers. Une plaque de séparation est disposée entre le plateau inférieur et la plaque de pénétration. Un revêtement stérile est prévu pour contenir l'ensemble complet.
[A61B] DIAGNOSTIC; CHIRURGIE; IDENTIFICATION (analyse du matériel biologique G01N, p.ex. G01N 33/48)
Ancrage de suture sans nœud avec nez non fileté
Brevet No. 10595858
Inventeur (s): Kairi Lofton (McKinney, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): DEPUY SYNTHES PRODUCTS, INC. (Raynham, MA)
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15722049 le 10/02/2017 (application 904 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Une ancre de suture a un corps tubulaire ayant un alésage axial à travers elle avec une ou plusieurs améliorations d'achat sur une surface extérieure du corps adaptées pour améliorer l'achat du corps dans un trou osseux. Il s'agit de préférence de filetages. Un nez distal du corps de suture a une surface extérieure lisse. Une longueur de suture descend le long de la surface extérieure sur les améliorations d'achat, sur le nez distal et monte dans l'alésage. La surface extérieure lisse du nez distal permet à la tension de la suture d'être maintenue par l'engagement du nez dans le trou osseux, ce qui facilite l'obtention d'une tension appropriée car la partie restante est engagée dans le trou osseux pour assurer la fixation finale.
[A61B] DIAGNOSTIC; CHIRURGIE; IDENTIFICATION (analyse du matériel biologique G01N, p.ex. G01N 33/48)
Appareil pour une meilleure respiration
Brevet No. 10596026
Inventeur (s): Alastair Edwin McAuley (Dallas, TX), W. Keith Thornton (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): AirWay Technologies, LLC (Carrollton, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Baker Botts L.L.P. (Local + 8 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 14009821 le 04/05/2012 (application de 2910 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Selon un mode de réalisation, un appareil pour une meilleure respiration est fourni. L'appareil peut comprendre un appareil oral amélioré, un masque amélioré, un coupleur amélioré pour coupler un appareil oral à un masque et / ou une combinaison de ces améliorations.
Appareil pour une meilleure respiration
Brevet No. 10596027
Inventeur (s): Alastair Edwin McAuley (Warkworth,, NZ), W. Keith Thornton (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): AirWay Technologies, LLC (Carrollton, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Baker Botts L.L.P. (Local + 8 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15224112 le 29/07/2016 (application de 1334 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Selon un mode de réalisation, un appareil pour une meilleure respiration est fourni. L'appareil peut comprendre un appareil oral amélioré, un masque amélioré, un coupleur amélioré pour coupler un appareil oral à un masque et / ou une combinaison de ces améliorations.
Compositions et méthodes d'élimination du cérumen
Brevet No. 10596106
Inventeur (s): Eric Anderson (Southlake, TX), Joe Griffin (Burleson, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Eosera, Inc. (Fort Worth, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16325284 le 08/09/2017 (application de 958 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne des systèmes et des procédés d'élimination de cérumen humain. Une composition pour l'élimination du cérumen comprend au moins un agent actif cérumenolytiquement acceptable et un véhicule otologiquement acceptable. L'agent actif céruménolytiquement acceptable peut être un acide alpha-hydroxy (AHA). L'AHA exemplaire peut comprendre, mais sans s'y limiter, l'acide glycolique, l'acide tartronique, l'acide lactique, l'acide malique et tout dérivé ou mélange de ceux-ci. Le véhicule otologiquement acceptable peut être des sels de sodium ou de potassium d'un tampon aqueux de bicarbonate. De plus, le véhicule otologiquement acceptable peut contenir du docusate de sodium. Le cérumen peut être retiré et / ou une impaction de cérumen peut être traitée en administrant à un patient qui en a besoin une composition comprenant un AHA et un véhicule otologiquement acceptable.
[A61K] PRÉPARATIONS À DES FINS MÉDICALES, DENTAIRES OU DE TOILETTES (dispositifs ou méthodes spécialement adaptés pour introduire des produits pharmaceutiques dans des formes physiques ou d'administration particulières A61J 3/00; aspects chimiques ou utilisation de matériaux pour la désodorisation de l'air, pour la désinfection ou la stérilisation, ou pour bandages, pansements, tampons absorbants ou articles chirurgicaux A61L; compositions de savon C11D)
Méthodes et compositions pour traiter les stries distensae
Brevet No. 10596214
Inventeur (s): David Gan (Southlake, TX), Geetha Kalahasti (Plano, TX), Shona Burkes (Dallas, TX), Tiffany Carle (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Mary Kay Inc. (Addison, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP (Local + 13 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15724783 le 10/04/2017 (application de 902 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: La présente invention concerne généralement des méthodes d'utilisation et des compositions utiles pour traiter, prévenir et / ou réduire l'apparence des vergetures. La composition comprend une combinaison d'acides aminés végétaux, [i]Myrciaria dubia [/i]extrait de fruit, [i]Peucedanum graveolens [/i]extrait et ascorbate de tétrahexyldécyle.
[A61K] PRÉPARATIONS À DES FINS MÉDICALES, DENTAIRES OU DE TOILETTES (dispositifs ou méthodes spécialement adaptés pour introduire des produits pharmaceutiques dans des formes physiques ou d'administration particulières A61J 3/00; aspects chimiques ou utilisation de matériaux pour la désodorisation de l'air, pour la désinfection ou la stérilisation, ou pour bandages, pansements, tampons absorbants ou articles chirurgicaux A61L; compositions de savon C11D)
Tapis de sol désinfectant UV LED
Brevet No. 10596280
Inventeur (s): Jeb Henderson (Fort Worth, TX), Jeff Busby (Millsap, TX), Kelly Templin (Granbury, TX), Mike Dry (Fort Worth, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): The Patent Well LLC (Fort Worth, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Jackson Walker, LLP (Local + 2 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15993238 du 30/05/2018 (application 664 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: La désinfection des tapis de sol peut être réalisée par une variété de systèmes, de processus et de techniques. Dans une mise en œuvre générale, un tapis de sol désinfectant peut comprendre un réseau de LED UV, une base et un couvercle transparent. Le réseau de LED UV peut avoir une surface supérieure, une surface inférieure, un périmètre et inclure plusieurs LED émettant des UV. La base peut être configurée pour recevoir le réseau de LED UV. Le couvercle de protection transparent peut comprendre une surface supérieure d'une feuille d'encapsulation pour encapsuler le réseau ou une surface supérieure d'une feuille de protection non encapsulée, le couvercle composé de polyuréthane et ayant une résistance substantielle pour résister à une personne se tenant directement dessus avec des chaussures. Le réseau de LED est adapté pour irradier au moins une partie d'une surface inférieure d'une chaussure positionnée sur le couvercle de protection.
Dispositif et procédé de montage d'extincteur de cuisinière
Brevet No. 10596400
Inventeur (s): Donald W Murray (Arlington, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): Williams RDM, Inc. (Fort Worth, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Morani Patent Law, PC (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15256577 le 09/04/2016 (application de 1297 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne un dispositif de montage et un procédé de montage d'un coupe-feu automatique sur plaque de cuisson. Les feux de cuisinière sont un danger résidentiel et commercial bien connu. Les pièces communes sont utilisées sur les suppresseurs d'incendie de la cuisinière utilisés dans différentes configurations de cuisinière, ce qui réduit le nombre de stocks. La conception du support peut être automatisée pour une plus grande efficacité du temps et du travail et peut fournir une production ou un débit accrus. Un aimant est fixé en usine pour le produit de hotte, ce qui élimine le besoin d'un tel assemblage par un utilisateur final. Cet accessoire atténue également la perte ou le mauvais placement de l'aimant pendant le déballage ou l'installation. Un insert fileté est fixé sur la boîte du suppresseur d'incendie et permet une rétention fiable de l'aimant dans la boîte du suppresseur d'incendie. Les conceptions actuelles permettent la formation d'une zone de ventilation cohérente dans la boîte du suppresseur d'incendie.
[A62C] LUTTE CONTRE L'INCENDIE (compositions d'extinction d'incendie, utilisation de substances chimiques pour éteindre les incendies A62D 1/00; pulvérisation, application de liquides ou d'autres matériaux fluides sur les surfaces en général B05; avions de lutte contre l'incendie B64D 1/16; dispositifs d'alarme G08B, p.ex. incendie alarmes actionnées par de la fumée ou des gaz G08B 17/10)
Système, méthode et dispositif compacts pour développer la mémoire musculaire, le timing et la technique à utiliser dans les sports de swing
Brevet No. 10596404
Inventeur (s): William Wallander (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Wick Phillips Gould Martin LLP (Local + 1 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16131389 le 14/09/2018 (application de 557 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Dispositif tel que divulgué ici utilisant une tige, un tuyau, un piston ou tout autre matériau coulissant coulissant et extensible conçu pour développer la mémoire musculaire, la force, la technique et la flexibilité pour un impact et une extension de swing carré pour améliorer la coordination et la puissance, ainsi que pour fournir une rééducation formation basée sur la répétition avec rétroaction tactile, auditive, d'impact et visuelle immédiate, et qui permet à l'utilisateur de s'entraîner en modes swing partiel et swing complet et peut être utilisé à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur.
O P E R A T I O N S & T R A N S P O R T
Appareil de dialyse portable
Brevet No. 10596310
Inventeur (s): Thomas Robinson (Addison, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. (Waltham, MA)
Cabinet d'avocats: IP nouvelle (8 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15341953 du 11/02/2016 (application de 1238 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: La spécification décrit une machine de dialyse portable ayant une unité de contrôleur et une unité de base détachables. L'unité de commande comprend une porte ayant une face intérieure, un boîtier avec un panneau, où le boîtier et le panneau définissent une région en retrait configurée pour recevoir la face intérieure de la porte, et un récepteur de collecteur fixé de manière fixe au panneau. L'unité de base a une surface plane pour recevoir un récipient de fluide, une échelle intégrée à la surface plane, un élément chauffant en communication thermique avec la surface plane et un capteur de sodium en communication électromagnétique avec la surface plane. Des modes de réalisation du système de dialyse portable décrit présentent des caractéristiques structurelles et fonctionnelles améliorées, y compris une modularité, une facilité d'utilisation et des caractéristiques de sécurité améliorées.
[B01D] SÉPARATION (séparation des solides des solides par des méthodes humides B03B, B03D, par des gabarits ou des tables pneumatiques B03B, par d'autres méthodes sèches B07; séparation magnétique ou électrostatique des matériaux solides des matériaux solides ou des fluides, séparation par des champs électriques à haute tension B03C; centrifugeuses B04B ; appareils vortex B04C; presses en soi pour extraire le liquide du matériau contenant du liquide B30B 9/02) [5]
Catalyseurs à base de ferrite modifiée pour une décomposition directe et procédé de fabrication et d'utilisation d'un catalyseur
Brevet No. 10596519
Inventeur (s): Charles Alexander Roberts (Farmington Hills, MI), Krishna Gunugunuri (Canton, MI), Torin C. Peck (Ann Arbor, MI)
Cessionnaire (s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16406353 le 05/08/2019 (application de 321 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: NON[subscript]X [/subscript]les compositions de réduction ont la formule M[subscript]X[/subscript]Cu[subscript]1 fois[/subscript]Fe[subscript]2[/subscript]O[subscript]4[/subscript], où M est un cation métallique de substitution qui peut être n'importe lequel parmi le cobalt, le nickel et le zinc; et x est supérieur à zéro et inférieur à un. Ces compositions peuvent servir de catalyseurs de décomposition directe et / ou de composants d'adsorption / stockage passifs. Les procédés de synthèse des compositions comprennent la précipitation alcaline de solutions contenant des sels de nitrate de cuivre, de fer et au moins l'un de cobalt, de nickel et de zinc.
[B01D] SÉPARATION (séparation des solides des solides par des méthodes humides B03B, B03D, par des gabarits ou des tables pneumatiques B03B, par d'autres méthodes sèches B07; séparation magnétique ou électrostatique des matériaux solides des matériaux solides ou des fluides, séparation par des champs électriques à haute tension B03C; centrifugeuses B04B ; appareils vortex B04C; presses en soi pour extraire le liquide du matériau contenant du liquide B30B 9/02) [5]
Article poreux ayant une particule sub-micronique de liant polymère
Brevet No. 10596547
Inventeur (s): Evan E. Koslow (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Arkema Inc. (Roi de Prusse, PA)
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15567183 le 18/04/2016 (application de 1436 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne un article poreux solide contenant des particules d'additifs fonctionnelles submicroniques maintenues ensemble en utilisant des particules de liant polymère discrètes submicroniques. L'article poreux contient de préférence également une majorité de particules actives primaires dans la plage de 1 à 300 microns. Les articles poreux solides sont utilisés pour séparer, précipiter et / ou piéger les composants d'un fluide qui traverse l'article poreux. Les articles poreux solides sont utilisés pour séparer et piéger les composants d'un fluide qui passe à travers l'article poreux. Les liants préférés sont les résines de fluorure de polyvinylidène, telles que les résines Kyblock d'Arkema Inc.
[B01D] SÉPARATION (séparation des solides des solides par des méthodes humides B03B, B03D, par des gabarits ou des tables pneumatiques B03B, par d'autres méthodes sèches B07; séparation magnétique ou électrostatique des matériaux solides des matériaux solides ou des fluides, séparation par des champs électriques à haute tension B03C; centrifugeuses B04B ; appareils vortex B04C; presses en soi pour extraire le liquide du matériau contenant du liquide B30B 9/02) [5]
Procédés et appareil utilisant un nettoyage à ultrasons à plusieurs étages pour une meilleure élimination de l'eau
Brevet No. 10596604
Inventeur (s): David Patrick Magee (Allen, TX), Stephen John Fedigan (Plano, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15492286 le 20/04/2017 (1069 jours d'application à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne des procédés et un appareil permettant d'utiliser un nettoyage ultrasonique de lentilles à deux étapes pour éliminer l'eau. Un appareil peut expulser du fluide d'une gouttelette sur une surface optique en utilisant un transducteur à ultrasons couplé mécaniquement à la surface optique et ayant des première et seconde bandes de fréquences de résonance. Un générateur de signaux peut générer un premier signal comprenant une première fréquence à coupler avec le transducteur à ultrasons couplé mécaniquement à la surface, et peut générer un deuxième signal comprenant une deuxième fréquence à coupler avec le transducteur à ultrasons couplé mécaniquement à la surface. Des circuits de commutation peuvent activer le transducteur à ultrasons à la première fréquence pour réduire la gouttelette d'une première taille à une deuxième taille, et activer le transducteur à ultrasons à la deuxième fréquence pour réduire la gouttelette de la deuxième taille à une troisième taille.
[B08B] NETTOYAGE EN GÉNÉRAL; PRÉVENTION DE L'ENCRASSEMENT EN GÉNÉRAL (brosses A46; dispositifs pour le nettoyage domestique ou similaire A47L; séparation des particules des liquides ou des gaz B01D; séparation des solides B03, B07; pulvérisation ou application de liquides ou d'autres matériaux fluides sur les surfaces en général B05; dispositifs de nettoyage pour convoyeurs B65G 45/10; nettoyage, remplissage et fermeture simultanés des bouteilles B67C 7/00; inhibition de la corrosion ou de l'incrustation en général C23; nettoyage des rues, des voies permanentes, des plages ou des terrains E01H; pièces, détails ou accessoires des baignoires ou des baignoires ou des piscines spécialement adaptés au nettoyage E04H 4/16; prévention ou élimination des charges électrostatiques H05F)
Système d'application de pression modulaire
Brevet No. 10596673
Inventeur (s): Austin C. Styer (Denton, TX), Derek L. Phillips (Denton, TX), Julie A. Miller (Denton, TX), Richard V. Miller (Denton, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Elijah Tooling, Inc. (Denton, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15356321 le 18/11/2016 (application de 1222 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un système d'application de pression utilisant un étau fixe et un étau réglable. La base fixe utilise des jauges de contrainte pour mesurer une amplitude de forces appliquées à la base fixe à travers un élément de travail à partir de la base réglable. La base réglable utilise une vis sans fin bidirectionnelle pour appliquer une force linéaire à l'élément de travail par rapport à la base fixe.
Plaque tournante
Brevet No. 10597007
Inventeur (s): Keith J. Wells (Evansville, IN), Robert D. McClain (Haubstadt, IN)
Cessionnaire (s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15409069 le 18/01/2017 (application 1161 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un plateau tournant comprend un pont au niveau du sol et un système de support central configuré pour supporter le pont pour une rotation par une zone centrale du pont. Le pont a un dessous, un dessus et, dans sa zone centrale, un relief central s'ouvrant de son dessous à son dessus. Le système de support central comprend un montant au-dessus du sol qui s'étend à travers le dégagement central du pont, et un palier rotatif supérieur monté entre le montant et le pont pour transporter le pont en rotation.
Conversions de voitures de rack et ajustements de pont automatiques
Brevet No. 10597046
Inventeur (s): Brant R. McGhee (Arlington, TX), Caglar Ozerdim (Dallas, TX), Christopher C. Harkey (Dallas, TX), Hiten Y. Mehta (Frisco, TX), Jerry W. Vande Sande (Dallas, TX), Kenneth W. Huck (Fairview, TX), Kyle R. Coston (Forney, TX,
Cessionnaire (s): Trinity North American Freight Car, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Baker Botts, LLP (Local + 6 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16296566 le 03/08/2019 (application de 382 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un système comprend un wagon, un premier écran latéral, un deuxième écran latéral et un système de réglage. L'autorail comprend une section de toit. Le premier écran latéral est couplé à un côté du wagon. Le deuxième écran latéral est couplé au côté du wagon. Le deuxième écran latéral chevauche une partie du premier écran latéral. Le système de réglage est couplé au wagon et peut être actionné pour régler une position verticale de la section de toit.
[B61D] DÉTAILS OU TYPES DE CARROSSERIE DES VÉHICULES FERROVIAIRES (véhicules en général B60; adaptation des véhicules à des systèmes spéciaux B61B; châssis B61F)
Joints adhésifs pour avions
Brevet No. 10597134
Inventeur (s): George Ryan Decker (Fort Worth, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Textron Innovations Inc. (Providence, RP)
Cabinet d'avocats: Lawrence Youst PLLC (local)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15437198 le 20/02/2017 (application de 1128 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un joint adhésif pour un avion comprend un premier composant d'aéronef ayant une première surface formant une ou plusieurs rainures d'isolation, un deuxième composant d'aéronef ayant une deuxième surface et un adhésif formant une ligne de liaison entre les première et seconde surfaces pour coller le premier composant d'aéronef à la deuxième composante aéronautique. L'adhésif remplit sensiblement la ou les rainures d'isolation pour former au moins une limite d'arrêt de décollement. La au moins une limite d'arrêt de décollage peut fonctionner pour empêcher un décollement dans la ligne de liaison de la traverser, empêchant ainsi le décollement de se propager le long de la ligne de liaison à travers la au moins une limite d'arrêt de décollement.
[B64C] AVIONS; HÉLICOPTÈRES (véhicules à coussin d'air B60V)
Moyeu de rotor à faible moment
Brevet No. 10597143
Inventeur (s): Andrew Paul Haldeman (Fort Worth, TX), Frank B. Stamps (Colleyville, TX), James Donn Hethcock (Colleyville, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON INC. (Fort Worth, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Patent Capital Group (Local + 6 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15683621 le 22/08/2017 (application de 945 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Dans un mode de réalisation, un moyeu de rotor comprend un corps de moyeu et une pluralité de poignées de pale configurées pour fixer une pluralité de pales de rotor. Le moyeu de rotor comprend en outre une pluralité de paliers à force centrifuge couplés à la pluralité de poignées de pale, dans lequel un foyer de la pluralité de paliers à force centrifuge est aligné avec une ligne centrale d'un mât de rotor. Le moyeu de rotor comprend en outre une pluralité de liaisons d'entraînement configurées pour transférer le couple à la pluralité d'aubes de rotor, la pluralité de liaisons d'entraînement étant positionnée pour correspondre à un côté de bord d'attaque de la pluralité d'aubes de rotor. Le moyeu de rotor comprend en outre une pluralité de cornes de pas configurées pour ajuster un pas de la pluralité de pales de rotor.
[B64C] AVIONS; HÉLICOPTÈRES (véhicules à coussin d'air B60V)
Systèmes de rotor articulé avec amortissement lame à lame
Brevet No. 10597150
Inventeur (s): Andrew Paul Haldeman (Fort Worth, TX), Dalton T Hampton (Fort Worth, TX), Frank Bradley Stamps (Colleyville, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Textron Innovations Inc. (Providence, RI)
Cabinet d'avocats: Lawrence Youst PLLC (local)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15961713 le 24/04/2018 (application 700 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un système de rotor comprend une culasse, une pluralité d'ensembles de poignée de lame et une pluralité de paliers à force centrifuge couplant les ensembles de poignée de lame avec la culasse. Une pluralité de pales de rotor sont couplées aux ensembles de poignée de pale de telle sorte que chaque pale de rotor a une charnière coïncidente et de telle sorte que chaque pale de rotor a trois degrés de liberté indépendants comprenant le pas de pale autour d'un axe de changement de pas, le rabat de pale autour d'un axe de battement et le plomb -lag autour d'un axe avance-retard. Une bague d'amortissement lame à lame comprend une pluralité d'ancres d'amortisseur couplées chacune à l'un des ensembles de poignée de lame le long de l'axe de changement de pas respectif et une pluralité d'amortisseurs de décalage d'avance couplés chacun entre des ancres d'amortisseur adjacentes. Pendant les opérations de pas de lame, chaque ensemble de poignée de lame peut fonctionner pour tourner par rapport à l'ancrage d'amortisseur respectif, de sorte que l'anneau d'amortissement lame à lame peut fonctionner pour fournir un amortissement de retard de pas indépendant du pas.
[B64C] AVIONS; HÉLICOPTÈRES (véhicules à coussin d'air B60V)
Avion à double inclinaison à liaison quadrilatère
Brevet No. 10597152
Inventeur (s): Daniel Bryan Robertson (Fort Worth, TX), Kirk Landon Groninga (Fort Worth, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Textron Innovations Inc. (Providence, RI)
Cabinet d'avocats: Lawrence Youst PLLC (Local)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15662257 le 27/07/2017 (application de 971 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un avion ayant un mode de vol au décollage et à l'atterrissage vertical et un mode de vol vers l'avant L'avion comprend un fuselage et un ensemble à double inclinaison ayant une orientation de portance verticale et une orientation de poussée vers l'avant par rapport au fuselage. L'ensemble à double inclinaison comprend une aile avant et une aile arrière couplées ensemble et au fuselage par une liaison quadrilatérale. A distributed propulsion system is coupled to the dual tiltwing assembly and includes a plurality of forward propulsion assemblies coupled to the forward wing and a plurality of aft propulsion assemblies coupled to the aft wing. A flight control system is operably associated with the distributed propulsion system and the dual tiltwing assembly. The flight control system is operable to independently control each of the propulsion assemblies and is operable to transition the dual tiltwing assembly between the vertical lift orientation and the forward thrust orientation.
[B64C] AEROPLANES; HELICOPTERS (air-cushion vehicles B60V)
Aircraft having redundant directional control
Patent No. 10597164
Inventor(s): John Richard McCullough (Weatherford, TX), Paul K. Oldroyd (Azle, TX)
Assignee(s): Textron Innovations Inc. (Providence, RI)
Law Firm: Lawrence Youst PLLC (Local)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15972431 on 05/07/2018 (687 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An aircraft has an airframe with a two-dimensional distributed thrust array attached thereto having a plurality of propulsion assemblies that are independently controlled by a flight control system. Each propulsion assembly includes a housing with a gimbal coupled thereto that is operable to tilt about first and second axes responsive to first and second actuators. A propulsion system is coupled to and operable to tilt with the gimbal. The propulsion system includes an electric motor having an output drive and a rotor assembly having a plurality of rotor blades that rotate in a rotational plane to generate thrust having a thrust vector. Responsive to a thrust vector error of a first propulsion assembly, the flight control system commands at least a second propulsion assembly, that is symmetrically disposed relative to the first propulsion assembly, to counteract the thrust vector error, thereby providing redundant directional control for the aircraft.
Stackable wire-dispensing container
Patent No. 10597251
Inventor(s): Benjamin L. Weatherford (Princeton, TX), Clifton S. Thompson (Lucas, TX), William T. Bigbee, Jr. (Melissa, TX)
Assignee(s): Encore Wire Corporation (McKinney, TX)
Law Firm: Warren Rhoades LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16159658 on 10/13/2018 (528 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An apparatus for dispensing wire or cable, the apparatus including an enclosure with a top and a bottom portion and at least three side portions of a first height, a plurality of holes located in both the top and bottom portions of the enclosure, and a core of a second height located within the enclosure, wherein the core forms an area, wherein at least one of the plurality of holes has a first hole diameter and is located in the top and bottom of the enclosure and is located within the area formed by the core, and wherein the wire or cable is placed around the core.
Stackable wire-dispensing container
Patent No. 10597252
Inventor(s): Benjamin L. Weatherford (Princeton, TX), Clifton S. Thompson (Lucas, TX), William T. Bigbee, Jr. (Melissa, TX)
Assignee(s): Encore Wire Corporation (McKinney, TX)
Law Firm: Warren Rhoades LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16159659 on 10/13/2018 (528 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An apparatus for dispensing wire or cable, the apparatus including an enclosure with a top and a bottom portion and at least three side portions of a first height, a plurality of holes located in both the top and bottom portions of the enclosure, and a core of a second height located within the enclosure, wherein the core forms an area, wherein at least one of the plurality of holes has a first hole diameter and is located in the top and bottom of the enclosure and is located within the area formed by the core, and wherein the wire or cable is placed around the core.
C H E M I S T R Y & M E T A L L U R G Y
Aryl ethers and uses thereof
Patent No. 10597366
Inventor(s): Bin Wang (Dallas, TX), Darryl David Dixon (Somerset, NJ), Eli M. Wallace (Richardson, TX), Hanbiao Yang (Coppell, TX), James P. Rizzi (Irving, TX), John A. Josey (Dallas, TX), Jonas Grina (Coppell, TX), Paul Wehn (Dal
Assignee(s): Peloton Therapeutics, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16164653 on 10/18/2018 (523 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The present disclosure relates to HIF-2 inhibitors and methods of making and using them for treating cancer. Certain compounds were potent in HIF-2 scintillation proximity assay, luciferase assay, and VEGF ELISA assay, and led to tumor size reduction and regression in 786-O xenograft bearing mice in vivo.
[C07B] GENERAL METHODS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY; APPARATUS THEREFOR (preparation of carboxylic acid esters by telomerisation C07C 67/47; processes for preparing macromolecular compounds, e.g. telomerisation C08F, C08G)
Surrogate for concrete divider
Patent No. 10597835
Inventor(s): Abir Saha (Chicago, IL), Chi-Chih Chen (Dublin, OH), Jun Lin (Carmel, IN), Qiang Yi (Carmel, IN), Rini Sherony (Ann Arbor, MI), Stanley Yung-Ping Chien (Zionsville, IN), Yaobin Chen (Carmel, IN)
Assignee(s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16144301 on 09/27/2018 (544 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Surrogates for roadside objects, such as concrete dividers, can be used for vehicle testing. A surrogate for a concrete divider can have substantially the same size and/or shape as the concrete divider that the surrogate is mimicking. The surrogate can be configured to exhibit substantially the same characteristics as their actual counterpart concrete divider when sensed by one or more vehicle sensors (e.g., cameras, radar sensors, and/or LIDAR sensors). Such surrogates can be used to test autonomous vehicles, one or more vehicle sensors, a vehicle sensor system, and/or one or more vehicle system (e.g., a road departure mitigation system). The surrogates can be configured to withstand being crashed into by a test vehicle without being damaged and without damaging the test vehicle.
Toilet fill valve with valve lock
Patent No. 10597855
Inventor(s): Larry L. Schneider (Wadsworth, IL), Michael J. Schuster (Shorewood, IL)
Assignee(s): Danco, Inc (Irving, TX)
Law Firm: Thomas| Horstemeyer, LLP (no location found)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15252396 on 08/31/2016 (1301 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Disclosed are various embodiments of a lockable toilet fill valve and methods according to the present invention. In one embodiment, a toilet fill valve includes a float/arm assembly. The toilet fill valve is closed when the float/arm assembly is disposed in a first position. The toilet fill valve being open when the float/arm assembly is disposed in a second position. A valve lock is associated with the float/arm assembly. The valve lock includes an unlock position and a lock position, wherein the valve lock fixes the float/arm assembly in the first position when the valve lock is in the lock position.
Lifting and leveling insert for a precast concrete slab
Patent No. 10597871
Inventor(s): Hector G. Ruiz (Fort Worth, TX)
Assignee(s): Meadow Burke, LLC (Riverview, FL)
Law Firm: Sheridan Ross P.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16430171 on 06/03/2019 (295 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An insert for lifting and leveling a precast concrete slab is provided. The insert includes a sleeve that extends through the concrete slab and has two distinct threaded portions on an inner surface of the sleeve. This configuration allows a lifting bolt to be positioned into an upper end of the sleeve to lift the concrete slab, and a different-sized leveling bolt to be positioned in the sleeve to selectively elevate or raise part of the concrete slab relative to a ground surface.
Laterally adjustable post base assembly
Patent No. 10597890
Inventor(s): Ian A. Hill (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Oz-Post International, LLC (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: Foley Lardner LLP (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16400346 on 05/01/2019 (328 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A post base includes a base member comprising post support wall and a plurality of peripheral side walls extending from the post support wall. The base member further comprises a first tab and a second tab, each extending inward. A plurality of stirrup plates each include at least one slot sized and shaped to receive one of the plurality of tabs of the base member.
Impact rated light frame for sectional doors
Patent No. 10597930
Inventor(s): Dwayne J. Kornish (Navarre, OH)
Assignee(s): OVERHEAD DOOR CORPORATION (Lewisville, TX)
Law Firm: Haynes and Boone, LLP (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15439691 on 02/22/2017 (1126 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An impact rated frame for sectional doors includes a frame assembly sandwiching a shield member and securely clamping a planar portion of a sectional door. The frame assembly and the shield member are fastened together with a plurality of fasteners driven through the frame assembly and the shield member. The impact rated frame further includes a decorative frame affixed to the frame assembly. The decorative frame seals against the planar portion of the sectional door and the shield member to prevent the frame assembly from contamination. The shield member may be transparent or opaque with multiple louvers.
[E06B] FIXED OR MOVABLE CLOSURES FOR OPENINGS IN BUILDINGS, VEHICLES, FENCES, OR LIKE ENCLOSURES, IN GENERAL, e.g. DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, GATES (shades or blinds for greenhouses A01G 9/22; curtains A47H; lids for car boots or bonnets B62D 25/10; sky-lights E04B 7/18; sunshades, awnings E04F 10/00)
Autonomous pressure control assembly with state-changing valve system
Patent No. 10597972
Inventor(s): Dennis J. Haggerty (Burleson, TX), James Marshall Barker (Mansfield, TX), Thomas Earl Burky (Mansfield, TX)
Law Firm: Haynes and Boone, LLP (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15514124 on 12/01/2016 (1209 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method and apparatus are provided for controlling wellbore pressure within a wellbore during a perforation event by changing a state of a valve system multiple times. Information generated about the wellbore pressure within the wellbore may be received. A state of the valve system, which is positioned relative to a chamber within the wellbore, may be changed multiple times based on the information received to create a plurality of pressure conditions that substantially match a reference pressure profile. Each of the plurality of pressure conditions is selected from one of an underbalance condition and an overbalance condition.
[E21B] EARTH OR ROCK DRILLING (mining, quarrying E21C; making shafts, driving galleries or tunnels E21D); OBTAINING OIL, GAS, WATER, SOLUBLE OR MELTABLE MATERIALS OR A SLURRY OF MINERALS FROM WELLS [5]
Activating a downhole tool with simultaneous pressure from multiple control lines
Patent No. 10597973
Inventor(s): Brad Richard Pickle (Frisco, TX)
Assignee(s): Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Houston, TX)
Law Firm: Parker Justiss, P.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15744434 on 12/08/2016 (1202 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method of hydraulically actuating downhole equipment includes supplying pressure P(z) to a downhole network comprising tools T(n), tool T(x), control lines C(z), and control lines Y(z), wherein n and z are integers, and x=n+1, wherein a pressure P(z) is applied to tool T(n) using at least one control line C(z) in hydraulic communication with tool T(n); applying pressure P(z) to a hydraulically movable portion of tool T(n), wherein pressure P(z) to tool T(n) is not high enough to independently activate tool T(x); and applying each pressure P(z) to a hydraulically movable portion of tool T(x), wherein tool T(x) is only activated when all of pressures P(z) are simultaneously applied to the hydraulically movable portion of tool T(x), and wherein tool T(x) is only activated when each pressure P(z) is at least at a preset value PV(z).
[E21B] EARTH OR ROCK DRILLING (mining, quarrying E21C; making shafts, driving galleries or tunnels E21D); OBTAINING OIL, GAS, WATER, SOLUBLE OR MELTABLE MATERIALS OR A SLURRY OF MINERALS FROM WELLS [5]
Closing sleeve assembly with ported sleeve
Patent No. 10597977
Inventor(s): Jason Earl Davis (Rowlett, TX), Phillip Terry Thomas (The Colony, TX)
Assignee(s): Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Houston, TX)
Law Firm: Baker Botts L.L.P. (Local + 8 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15755000 on 09/29/2015 (1638 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A closing sleeve assembly with a ported sleeve is disclosed. The closing sleeve assembly includes a housing; a port formed in the housing; a sealing surface formed in the housing adjacent to the port; and a closing sleeve configured to move between an open position and a closed position. The closing sleeve includes an uphole portion configured to substantially cover the sealing surface when the closing sleeve is moved to the open position; a port formed in the closing sleeve and configured to substantially overlap with the port formed in the housing when the closing sleeve is in the open position; and a seal configured to engage with the sealing surface to form a fluid and pressure tight seal when the closing sleeve is in the closed position.
[E21B] EARTH OR ROCK DRILLING (mining, quarrying E21C; making shafts, driving galleries or tunnels E21D); OBTAINING OIL, GAS, WATER, SOLUBLE OR MELTABLE MATERIALS OR A SLURRY OF MINERALS FROM WELLS [5]
High flow screen system with degradable plugs
Patent No. 10597983
Inventor(s): Michael Fripp (Carrollton, TX), Stephen M. Greci (Little Elm, TX), Thomas J. Frosell (Irving, TX)
Law Firm: Haynes and Boone, LLP (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15559655 on 12/19/2016 (1191 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An apparatus and method according to which a zone of a wellbore that traverses a subterranean formation is completed. The apparatus includes a flow joint including a first internal flow passage, and a plurality of openings formed radially therethrough, a plurality of plugs disposed within the plurality of openings to form a fluid and pressure tight seal with the flow joint, thus impeding fluid flow through the plurality of openings, and a screen disposed exteriorly about the flow joint and axially along the plurality of openings, and thus also along the plurality of plugs, wherein, when the plurality of plugs are exposed to a downhole fluid, the plurality of plugs are adapted to degrade so that fluid flow is permitted through the plurality of openings. The plurality of plugs may include protective layers adapted to be damaged or removed to expose the plurality of plugs to the downhole fluid.
[E21B] EARTH OR ROCK DRILLING (mining, quarrying E21C; making shafts, driving galleries or tunnels E21D); OBTAINING OIL, GAS, WATER, SOLUBLE OR MELTABLE MATERIALS OR A SLURRY OF MINERALS FROM WELLS [5]
Hammer-operated indentation tool
Patent No. 10598208
Inventor(s): Lieu Xuan Mai (San Antonio, TX)
Assignee(s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15595139 on 05/15/2017 (1044 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An indentation tool includes an installation axis, a radially oriented indentation axis, and a defined reserved space for an indentation site of a cylindrically-shaped structure, as well as a base for installing onto the structure, and an elongate punch for indenting it at its indentation site. The reserved space is spaced apart from the installation axis, and has the indentation axis passing through it. The base extends along the installation axis, and is configured for coaxial installation onto the structure, whereby its indentation site occupies the reserved space. The punch is spaced apart from the installation axis, and is supported by the base for movement along the indentation axis between a home position, in which the punch vacates the reserved space, and an indentation position, in which the punch, leading with an indentation tip, reaches into the reserved space to indent the structure at its indentation site.
Flexible pipe joint
Patent No. 10598305
Inventor(s): David C. Riggs (Coppell, TX)
Assignee(s): LORD CORPORATION (Cary, NC)
Law Firm: Lord Corporation (Local + 14 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15750925 on 08/18/2016 (1314 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A flexible pipe joint ([b]200[/b]) includes a body ([b]210[/b]) having a pin-end member ([b]230[/b]) telescopically fitted within a box-end member ([b]220[/b]), the pin-end member ([b]230[/b]) including an outer connection profile ([b]235[/b]) and the box-end member ([b]220[/b]) including a complementary inner connection profile ([b]225[/b]), a bearing ([b]240[/b]) including an outer bearing surface ([b]244[/b]), wherein the bearing ([b]240[/b]) is fitted within the body ([b]210[/b]) such that at least a portion of an inner body surface ([b]212[/b]) interfaces with at least a portion the outer bearing surface ([b]244[/b]), and wherein the bearing ([b]240[/b]) includes an inner bearing surface ([b]243[/b]), and an extension pipe ([b]270[/b]) including an outer extension pipe surface ([b]289[/b]), wherein the extension pipe ([b]270[/b]) is fitted within the bearing ([b]240[/b]) such that at least a portion of the inner bearing surface ([b]243[/b]) interfaces with at least a portion of the outer extension pipe surface ([b]289[/b]).
Projection device with field splitting element
Patent No. 10598331
Inventor(s): Gavin Perrella (Dallas, TX), Vikrant R. Bhakta (Sunnyvale, CA)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16204640 on 11/29/2018 (481 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Described examples include a projection device having a light source. The projection device also has a spatial light modulator arranged to receive light from the light source and provide modulated light. The projection device also has projection optics arranged to receive and project the modulated light. The projection device also has a field splitting element between the spatial light modulator and the projection optics, a first portion of the field splitting element being structured to pass at least a first portion of the modulated light to the projection optics for projection at a first focal length, and a second portion of the field splitting element being structured to pass at least a second portion of the modulated light to the projection optics for projection at a second focal length.
Energy recovery ventilation smoke evacuation
Patent No. 10598398
Inventor(s): Michael G. Longman (Coppell, TX)
Assignee(s): Air Distribution Technologies IP, LLC (Milwaukee, WI)
Law Firm: Fletcher Yoder, P.C. (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 13840624 on 03/15/2013 (2566 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A control system, comprising one or more smoke sensors, each configured to measure a level of smoke at a location within a building and to output a smoke level signal based at least in part upon the measured level of smoke. A controller configured to receive the smoke level signals and to control an operation of one or more energy recovery ventilation systems in a first mode of operation to recover energy when the smoke level signal is below a predetermined value and in a second mode of operation to evacuate smoke when the smoke level signal is above the predetermined value.
[F24F] AIR-CONDITIONING; AIR-HUMIDIFICATION; VENTILATION; USE OF AIR CURRENTS FOR SCREENING (removing dirt or fumes from areas where they are produced B08B 15/00; vertical ducts for carrying away waste gases from buildings E04F 17/02; tops for chimneys or ventilating shafts, terminals for flues F23L 17/02)
Method and apparatus for identifying erroneous discharge air temperature (DAT) sensor installation
Patent No. 10598553
Inventor(s): Glenn W. Kowald (Carrollton, TX), Lars Noergaard Oernbo (Plano, TX), Payam Delgoshaei (Addison, TX), Sridhar Venkatesh (Irving, TX)
Assignee(s): Lennox Industries Inc. (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: Winstead PC (Local + 2 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15708724 on 09/19/2017 (917 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method of monitoring a HVAC system to detect erroneous sensor installation. The method includes determining whether a circulation fan has been operational for a first predetermined time interval. If the circulation fan has been operational for the first predetermined time interval, determining whether a cooling demand is present. If the cooling demand is present, determining whether the HVAC system has been conditioning air for the first predetermined time interval responsive to the cooling demand. If the HVAC system has been conditioning the air for the first predetermined time interval, determining whether a difference between an indoor air temperature value corresponding to an enclosed space and an air temperature value from a discharge air temperature (DAT) sensor is greater than a predetermined temperature value. If the difference is not greater than the predetermined temperature value, forwarding a message indicating that the DAT sensor positioned within a duct of the HVAC system is improperly installed.
Quantitative texture measurement apparatus and method
Patent No. 10598648
Inventor(s): Chen C. Shao (Vernon Hills, IL), Enrique Michel-Sanchez (Dallas, TX), Ou Bai (Plano, TX), Scott Fagan (Dallas, TX), Scott G. Richardson (Gainesville, TX), Shahmeer Ali Mirza (Dallas, TX), Wilfred Marcellien Bourg, Jr. (Me
Assignee(s): Frito-Lay North America, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Barnes Thornburg LLP (Local + 12 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15711592 on 09/21/2017 (915 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A non-destructive measurement apparatus and method for quantitatively measuring texture of a food snack is disclosed. The apparatus includes a laser generating tool, an ultrasound excitation device, an acoustic capturing device, an ultrasound capturing device and a data processing unit. The laser generating tool and the ultrasound excitation tool direct energy towards a food snack placed on a surface and produce an acoustic signal and an ultrasound signal. The data processing unit further comprises a digital signal processing module that processes the received acoustic signal and ultrasound signal. A statistical processing module further filters the acoustic signal from the data processing unit and generates a quantitative acoustic model for texture attributes such as hardness and fracturability. The quantitative model is correlated with a qualitative texture measurement from a descriptive expert panel. Texture of food snacks are quantitatively measured with the quantitative acoustic model.
[G01N] INVESTIGATING OR ANALYSING MATERIALS BY DETERMINING THEIR CHEMICAL OR PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (measuring or testing processes other than immunoassay, involving enzymes or microorganisms C12M, C12Q)
Magnetic field-based current measurement
Patent No. 10598700
Inventor(s): Arup Polley (Richardson, TX), Baher S. Haroun (Allen, TX), Srinath Ramaswamy (Murphy, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15395789 on 12/30/2016 (1180 days app to issue)
Abstrait: One example includes a current measurement system. The system includes at least two magnetic field sensors positioned proximal to and in a predetermined arrangement with respect to a current conductor, each of the magnetic field sensors being configured to measure magnetic field associated with a current flowing in the current conductor and provide respective magnetic field measurements. The system also includes a current measurement processor configured to implement a mathematical algorithm based on a Taylor series expansion of the magnetic field measurements to calculate an amplitude of the current based on the mathematical algorithm.
[G01N] INVESTIGATING OR ANALYSING MATERIALS BY DETERMINING THEIR CHEMICAL OR PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (measuring or testing processes other than immunoassay, involving enzymes or microorganisms C12M, C12Q)
Measurement of transceiver performance parameters in a radar system
Patent No. 10598767
Inventor(s): Brian Paul Ginsburg (Allen, TX), Daniel Colum Breen (Richardson, TX), Karthik Ramasubramanian (Bangalore, , IN), Karthik Subburaj (Bangalore, , IN), Sandeep Rao (Bangalore, , IN)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16253790 on 01/22/2019 (427 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Methods for monitoring of performance parameters of one or more receive channels and/or one or more transmit channels of a radar system-on-a-chip (SOC) are provided. The radar SOC may include a loopback path coupling at least one transmit channel to at least one receive channel to provide a test signal from the at least one transmit channel to the at least one receive channel when the radar SOC is operated in test mode. In some embodiments, the loopback path includes a combiner coupled to each of one or more transmit channels, a splitter coupled to each of one or more receive channels, and a single wire coupling an output of the combiner to an input of the splitter.
Ophthalmic lens with reduced warpage
Patent No. 10598824
Inventor(s): Steven Weber (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Essilor International (Charenton-le-Pont, , FR)
Law Firm: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15528263 on 11/20/2014 (1951 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Ophthalmic lens comprising an ophthalmic thermoplastic substrate and a light polarizing structure onto said substrate. The ophthalmic lens reduced warpage, in particular when submitted to mechanical, thermal and/or chemical treatment.
[G02B] OPTICAL ELEMENTS, SYSTEMS, OR APPARATUS (G02F takes precedence; optical elements specially adapted for use in lighting devices or systems thereof F21V 1/00-F21V 13/00; measuring-instruments, see the relevant subclass of class G01, e.g. optical rangefinders G01C; testing of optical elements, systems, or apparatus G01M 11/00; spectacles G02C; apparatus or arrangements for taking photographs or for projecting or viewing them G03B; sound lenses G10K 11/30; electron and ion “optics” H01J; X-ray “optics” H01J, H05G 1/00; optical elements structurally combined with electric discharge tubes H01J 5/16, H01J 29/89, H01J 37/22; microwave “optics” H01Q; combination of optical elements with television receivers H04N 5/72; optical systems or arrangements in colour television systems H04N 9/00; heating arrangements specially adapted for transparent or reflecting areas H05B 3/84) [7]
Fiber optic connection device with an in-line splitter
Patent No. 10598858
Inventor(s): Antwan Joco”ques Works (Lewisville, TX), Kristine Alaina Johnson (Keller, TX)
Assignee(s): Corning Optical Communications LLC (Charlotte, NC)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16225221 on 12/19/2018 (461 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A fiber optic connection device having a casing with a first end and a second end is disclosed. An optical splitter is positioned in the casing and has an input proximal to the first end of the casing and an output proximal to the second end of the casing. A first optical interface is located adjacent to the first end and is in optical communication with the input of the optical splitter. The first optical interface includes a first optical fiber interconnection point. A second optical interface is located adjacent the second end of the casing and is in optical communication with the output of the optical splitter. The second optical interface includes a second optical fiber interconnection point. In some embodiments, the casing may provide protection from environmental elements.
[G02B] OPTICAL ELEMENTS, SYSTEMS, OR APPARATUS (G02F takes precedence; optical elements specially adapted for use in lighting devices or systems thereof F21V 1/00-F21V 13/00; measuring-instruments, see the relevant subclass of class G01, e.g. optical rangefinders G01C; testing of optical elements, systems, or apparatus G01M 11/00; spectacles G02C; apparatus or arrangements for taking photographs or for projecting or viewing them G03B; sound lenses G10K 11/30; electron and ion “optics” H01J; X-ray “optics” H01J, H05G 1/00; optical elements structurally combined with electric discharge tubes H01J 5/16, H01J 29/89, H01J 37/22; microwave “optics” H01Q; combination of optical elements with television receivers H04N 5/72; optical systems or arrangements in colour television systems H04N 9/00; heating arrangements specially adapted for transparent or reflecting areas H05B 3/84) [7]
Optical device housing
Patent No. 10598926
Inventor(s): David Patrick Magee (Allen, TX), Stephen John Fedigan (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15696752 on 09/06/2017 (930 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An apparatus for mitigating contamination of an optical device comprises an open-topped, closed-sided, and closed-bottomed housing cup partially defining a protected volume to enclose the optical device. A housing cap encloses a top of the housing cup and partially defines the protected volume. The housing cap includes a top collar having an open central aperture. The top collar includes at least one drain channel extending longitudinally downward into a top collar top surface and extending across the top collar top surface laterally outward from the central aperture. A top cover laterally spans the central aperture of the top collar. An interface structure circumscribes the top cover to suspend the top cover downwardly into the housing cup from the top collar. The interface structure prevents direct contact between the top cover and the top collar.
[G02B] OPTICAL ELEMENTS, SYSTEMS, OR APPARATUS (G02F takes precedence; optical elements specially adapted for use in lighting devices or systems thereof F21V 1/00-F21V 13/00; measuring-instruments, see the relevant subclass of class G01, e.g. optical rangefinders G01C; testing of optical elements, systems, or apparatus G01M 11/00; spectacles G02C; apparatus or arrangements for taking photographs or for projecting or viewing them G03B; sound lenses G10K 11/30; electron and ion “optics” H01J; X-ray “optics” H01J, H05G 1/00; optical elements structurally combined with electric discharge tubes H01J 5/16, H01J 29/89, H01J 37/22; microwave “optics” H01Q; combination of optical elements with television receivers H04N 5/72; optical systems or arrangements in colour television systems H04N 9/00; heating arrangements specially adapted for transparent or reflecting areas H05B 3/84) [7]
Projector with multiple spatial light modulators prisms and light sources
Patent No. 10599027
Inventor(s): Zhongyan Sheng (Allen, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15826298 on 11/29/2017 (846 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Described examples include a projector including a first prism having a dichroic layer. A second prism has a first spatial light modulator on a first surface, and a first light source directed through a second surface of the second prism to the first spatial light modulator. The first spatial light modulator is operable to modulate the first light to provide modulated first light that is reflected off the second surface of the second prism and the dichroic layer to projection optics. A third prism has a second spatial light modulator on a first surface and a second light source directed through a second surface to the second spatial light modulator. The second spatial light modulator is operable to modulate the second light to provide modulated second light that is reflected off the second surface of the third prism and passes through the dichroic layer to the projection optics.
[G03B] APPARATUS OR ARRANGEMENTS FOR TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS OR FOR PROJECTING OR VIEWING THEM; APPARATUS OR ARRANGEMENTS EMPLOYING ANALOGOUS TECHNIQUES USING WAVES OTHER THAN OPTICAL WAVES; ACCESSORIES THEREFOR (optical parts of such apparatus G02B; photosensitive materials or processes for photographic purposes G03C; apparatus for processing exposed photographic materials G03D) [4]
System and method for generating auditable secure seeds from real-world data
Patent No. 10599072
Inventor(s): Kenneth Earl Irwin (Dawsonville, GA), Robert David Hamman (Dallas, TX), William Carey Kennedy, III (Dallas, TX), William John Rump (McKinney, TX)
Assignee(s): SCA Promotions, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Baker Botts L.L.P. (Local + 8 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15992399 on 05/30/2018 (664 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An interface receives a first digital signature of real-world data. A memory stores the first digital signature as seed data. The interface receives a second digital signature of real-world data. The memory stores the second digital signature as seed data. A processor generates first draw seed based, at least in part, on the seed data. The processor generates a first draw result based upon the first draw seed and a drawing algorithm. The interface receives a second draw result from a remote entity, the second draw result based, at least in part, on the first digital signature and the second digital signature. The processor determines whether the first draw result and the second draw result are in agreement. Upon a determination that the first draw result and the second draw result are in agreement, the interface communicates at least one of the first draw result and the second draw result.
[G03G] ELECTROGRAPHY; ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHY; MAGNETOGRAPHY (information storage based on relative movement between record carrier and transducer G11B; static stores with means for writing-in or reading-out information G11C; recording of television signals H04N 5/76)
Systems and methods for controlling operation of autonomous vehicle systems
Patent No. 10599143
Inventor(s): Kade L. Scott (The Colony, TX), Matthew T. Flachsbart (Grapevine, TX), Richard Daniel Graham (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): United Services Automobile Association (USAA) (San Antonio, TX)
Law Firm: Fletcher Yoder, P.C. (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15869424 on 01/12/2018 (802 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system may include one or more sensors configured to acquire data associated with a driver of a vehicle and a processor. The processor may receive the data and determine whether the data is within a baseline data associated with expected behavior of the driver. The processor may then control one or more operations of the vehicle in response to the data being outside the baseline data.
[G05D] SYSTEMS FOR CONTROLLING OR REGULATING NON-ELECTRIC VARIABLES (for continuous casting of metals B22D 11/16; valves per se F16K; sensing non-electric variables, see the relevant subclasses of G01; for regulating electric or magnetic variables G05F)
System and method for transferring images to multiple programmable smart thermostats
Patent No. 10599294
Inventor(s): Sridharan Shanmugam (Chennai, , IN), Sunil K. Khiani (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Lennox Industries Inc. (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: Winstead PC (Local + 2 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15634260 on 06/27/2017 (1001 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system includes a plurality of programmable intelligent thermostats positioned within at least one of a first home environment and a second home environment, a plurality of communication devices configured to operate an electronic media sharing application, and at least one server configured to communicate with the plurality of programmable intelligent thermostats and the plurality of communication devices via a wireless network. A user initiates the electronic media sharing application on at least one of the plurality of communication devices. A touch-screen display of the at least one communication device demonstrates the plurality of programmable intelligent thermostats positioned within the first and second home environments and at least one user-selected electronic media is simultaneously uploaded to at least one of the plurality of programmable intelligent thermostats responsive to a user selection of a region on the touch-screen display.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Interactive presentation system
Patent No. 10599310
Inventor(s): Callie Thomas (Dallas, TX), William Thomas (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Thomas Creative Group Productions, LLC (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16459344 on 07/01/2019 (267 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In some aspects, a method of authoring an interactive presentation includes defining a sequence of two or more primary content items within a presentation, and associating a link to additional content with a primary content item of the sequence in a non-transitory computer-readable medium. In additional aspects, a method of delivering an interactive presentation includes accessing the sequence of two or more primary content items, delivering the primary content items to a presentation device, and delivering, to applications operating on mobile devices of audience members, the primary content items with the additional content and/or one or more links thereto. In further aspects, a method of interacting with an interactive presentation includes receiving, by a mobile device of an audience member, a sequence of primary content items with additional content and/or one or more links thereto, and displaying the received primary content items and the additional content.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Managing lock and unlock operations using operation prediction
Patent No. 10599430
Inventor(s): David Albert Carlson (Haslet, TX)
Assignee(s): Cavium, LLC (Santa Clara, CA)
Law Firm: Young Basile Hanlon MacFarlane, P.C. (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15609225 on 05/31/2017 (1028 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Managing instructions on a processor includes: identifying selected instructions as being associated with operations from a stored library of operations. The identifying includes, for instructions included in a particular thread executing on the processor, identifying first/second subsets of the instructions as being associated with a lock/unlock operation based on predetermined characteristics of the instructions. Managing lock/unlock operations associated with the selected instructions that are issued on a first processor core includes, for each instruction included in a first thread and identified as being associated with a lock operation corresponding to a particular lock, in response to determining that the particular lock has already been acquired, continuing to attempt to acquire the particular lock for multiple attempts using a lock operation different from the lock operation in the stored library.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Cache management operations using streaming engine
Patent No. 10599433
Inventor(s): Abhijeet Ashok Chachad (Plano, TX), Daniel Wu (Plano, TX), David M. Thompson (Dallas, TX), Jonathan (Son) Hung Tran (Murphy, TX), Joseph Raymond Michael Zbiciak (Alviso, CA), Kai Chirca (Dallas, TX), Timothy David Anderso
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16203503 on 11/28/2018 (482 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A stream of data is accessed from a memory system using a stream of addresses generated in a first mode of operating a streaming engine in response to executing a first stream instruction. A block cache management operation is performed on a cache in the memory using a block of addresses generated in a second mode of operating the streaming engine in response to executing a second stream instruction.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Protecting data memory in a signal processing system
Patent No. 10599518
Inventor(s): Brian Paul Ginsburg (Allen, TX), Karthik Ramasubramanian (Bangalore, , IN), Sandeep Rao (Bangalore, , IN)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 14985851 on 12/31/2015 (1545 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Data memory protection is provided for a signal processing system such as a radar system in which the data memory is protected with a common set of parity bits rather than requiring a set of parity bits for each memory word as in Error Correction Coded (ECC) memories. The common set of parity bits may be updated as memory words in the data memory are accessed as part of signal processing of one or more digital signals. The memory protection ensures that in the absence of memory errors the common parity bits are zero at the end of processing the digital signals as long as each word in the data memory that is used for storing the signal processing data is written and read an equal number of times.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Automatically detecting distributed concurrency errors in cloud systems
Patent No. 10599551
Inventor(s): Chen Tian (Union City, CA), Feng Ye (Mississauga, , CA), Guangpu Li (Chicago, IL), Haopeng Liu (Chicago, IL), Haryadi Gunawi (Chicago, IL), Shan Lu (Chicago, IL)
Assignee(s): Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Schwegman Lundberg Woessner, P.A. (11 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15668469 on 08/03/2017 (964 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method for detecting distributed concurrency errors in a distributed cloud computing system includes tracing operations that access objects in functions involving inter-process messaging, applying a set of happens-before rules to the traced operations. Analyzing the traced operations to identify concurrent operations that access a common object to generate a list of potential distributed concurrency errors (DCbugs). Pruning the list of DCbugs to remove DCbugs having only local effect and that do not generate run-time errors.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Context-sensitive debug requests for memory access
Patent No. 10599555
Inventor(s): Jason Lynn Peck (Houston, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15710132 on 09/20/2017 (916 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Disclosed embodiments include a processing device having a debug controller that issues a context-sensitive debug request. The context-sensitive debug request includes at least one conditional criteria. A processing core receives the debug request, determines whether all of the at least one conditional criteria are true, and services the debug request when all of the at least one conditional criteria are true by accessing a data location indicated in the debug request. The servicing of the debug request may be performed in real-time mode without suspending the processing device, and the accessing can be a read or a write operation depending on the type of access indicated in the debug request. The conditional criteria may include one or more of a processor mode condition, a virtual machine identifier condition, and a debug context condition.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Admission control for memory access requests
Patent No. 10599577
Inventor(s): David Albert Carlson (Haslet, TX)
Assignee(s): Cavium, LLC (Santa Clara, CA)
Law Firm: Young Basile Hanlon MacFarlane, P.C. (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15222184 on 07/28/2016 (1335 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Managing memory access requests for a plurality of processor cores includes: storing admission control information for determining whether or not to admit a predetermined type of memory access request into a shared resource that is shared among the processor cores and includes one or more cache levels of a hierarchical cache system and at least one memory controller for accessing a main memory; determining whether or not a memory access request of the predetermined type made on behalf of a first processor core should be admitted into the shared resource based at least in part on the stored admission control information; and updating the admission control information based on a latency of a response to a particular memory access request admitted into the shared resource, where the updating depends on whether the response originated from a particular cache level included in the shared resource or from the main memory.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
PCIe write request acknowledgment
Patent No. 10599598
Inventor(s): Gary Gostin (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP (Houston, TX)
Law Firm: Hewlett Packard Enterprise Patent Department (12 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16134499 on 09/18/2018 (553 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) protocol converter for connection to a central processing unit (CPU) node having a root complex, a CPU memory fabric and CPU memory may include independent PCIe links, a fabric interface and a fabric switch connected to the fabric interface. Each of the links may include an endpoint for connection to the root complex. The fabric switch is connected to the fabric interface of each of the links and is connectable to a remote node. The fabric switch transmits writes of a single write request from the remote node across both links. Each fabric interface is to transmit an acknowledgment to the remote node in response to a write of the writes becoming observable at the CPU node hi Michael, hi Michael,.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Method and system for interpreting clicks on a multi-function input device
Patent No. 10599607
Inventor(s): Stephen Boatner Loe (Allen, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15360737 on 11/23/2016 (1217 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method for interpreting clicks on a multi-function input device included in a digital device is provided that includes receiving a click from the multi-function input device, determining a position of the click on the multi-function input device and a cursor displayed on a display comprised in the digital device, performing an action according to the position of the click when the cursor is a cursor designated as a cursor requiring a click at a specific position on the multi-function input device, and performing an action associated with the cursor when the cursor is a not a cursor designated as a cursor requiring a click at a specific position on the multi-function input device. A digital device is also provided that includes a multi-function input device, a display, a memory storing software instructions for performing the method, and a processor to execute the software instructions.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Parallel stream processing of change data capture
Patent No. 10599639
Inventor(s): Abhijit Chitnis (Frisco, TX), Aditya Relangi (Irving, TX), Aniketh Bothra (McKinney, TX), Behdad Forghani (Allen, TX)
Assignee(s): Capital One Services, LLC (McLean, VA)
Law Firm: Banner Witcoff, Ltd. (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16542488 on 08/16/2019 (221 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Methods and systems described herein may include processing a change data capture stream in parallel and optimizing the write operations contained in the change data capture stream such that the write operations may be written to a change table in parallel. Processing the change data capture stream may include decoding the transaction data contained in the change data capture stream in parallel. After the transaction data in the change data capture stream has been decoded, the transaction data may be analyzed to identify write operations that write to the same row. Write operations that write to the same row may be merged into a single write operation. The merging of write operations may be performed until each write operation writes to a different row. The write operations may then be written to the change table in parallel.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Universal parsing framework systems and methods
Patent No. 10599655
Inventor(s): Kris Loia (Richardson, TX), Phil Hanson (Richardson, TX)
Assignee(s): OPEN TEXT GXS ULC (Halifax, , CA)
Law Firm: Sprinkle IP Law Group (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16284783 on 02/25/2019 (393 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An applicant can instantiate a parsing framework, provide an input stream, attach observers, and initiate parsing, which inverts control to the parsing framework. The parsing framework can have an observer manager, a parser controller, and parsers. The observer manager manages observer design patterns from which the observers are instantiated. The parser controller determines which parser would be appropriate for parsing the input stream and instantiate the appropriate parser(s). The parser controller gets the callbacks from the parsers and communicates outcomes to the observer manager. The observer manager determines which of the observers is to be notified, generates parsing notifications accordingly, and dispatches the parsing notifications directly to the observers. The application can be any application that needs parsing in an electronic information exchange platform. The input stream can be created by the application opening a document received from a backend system communicatively connected to the electronic information exchange platform.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Computer architecture for online node remapping in a cloud-based correlithm object processing system
Patent No. 10599685
Inventor(s): Patrick N. Lawrence (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Charlotte, NC)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15966956 on 04/30/2018 (694 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system that includes an administrative device configured to send a first remap node command that includes a correlithm object key and identifies an output correlithm object type. The system further includes a first device configured to receive the first remap node command and to obtain the correlithm object key from the first remap node command. The first device is further configured to access the first node table linked with the first node, to determine the first remap node command identifies an output correlithm object type, to re-encode the first set of output correlithm objects using the correlithm object key in response to determining the first remap node command identifies an output correlithm object type, and to shuffle the order of the re-encoded first set of output correlithm objects.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Key word searching where a key word is a homonym
Patent No. 10599695
Inventor(s): Mickey Iqbal (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY)
Law Firm: Schmeiser, Olsen Watts, LLP (6 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15427148 on 02/08/2017 (1140 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system and method for forming a search query. Key-word search terms that include a homonym are received. One icon is selected to represent an intended meaning of the homonym. A first row of unique icons pertaining to an entity associated with a search query is displayed. Notification is received that a single unique object represented by a single icon of the unique icons in the first row is modified by a specific attribute and in response, a second row of the single icon modified by the specific attribute is displayed. Acceptance of the displayed single icon modified by the specific attribute is received for inclusion in the search query. The one icon and the single icon are displayed. In response to a user indicating that the displayed icons correctly represent a key-word search as intended by the user, the search based on meanings of the displayed icons is initiated.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Key word searching where a key word is a homonym
Patent No. 10599696
Inventor(s): Mickey Iqbal (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY)
Law Firm: Schmeiser, Olsen Watts, LLP (6 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15427233 on 02/08/2017 (1140 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method and system for forming a search query. Key-word search terms that include a homonym are received. One icon is selected to represent an intended meaning of the homonym. A first row of unique icons pertaining to an entity associated with a search query is displayed. Notification is received that a single unique object represented by a single icon of the unique icons in the first row is modified by a specific attribute and in response, a second row of the single icon modified by the specific attribute is displayed. Acceptance of the displayed single icon modified by the specific attribute is received for inclusion in the search query. The one icon and the single icon are displayed. In response to a user indicating that the displayed icons correctly represent a key-word search as intended by the user, the search based on meanings of the displayed icons is initiated.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Content sharing web page overlay system
Patent No. 10599759
Inventor(s): Michael Q. Wang (Irving, TX)
Law Firm: Roberts Mlotkowski Safran Cole Calderon, P.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15487484 on 04/14/2017 (1075 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An approach for sharing information. The approach includes a method that includes generating, by at least one computing device, a message within a communication layer overlaid on a web page. The method further includes generating a screen shot of the web page. The method further includes sending the screen shot and the message to another user as a memo configured to be displayed on the communication layer overlaid on the web page on a receiving computing device.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Text categorization using natural language processing
Patent No. 10599769
Inventor(s): Aaron Raymer (The Colony, TX), Jon Austin Osbourne (Frisco, TX)
Assignee(s): Capital One Services, LLC (McLean, VA)
Law Firm: Harrity Harrity, LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16019021 on 06/26/2018 (637 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method performed by a device may include identifying a plurality of samples of textual content; performing tokenization of the plurality of samples to generate a respective plurality of tokenized samples; performing embedding of the plurality of tokenized samples to generate a sample matrix; determining groupings of attributes of the sample matrix using a convolutional neural network; determining context relationships between the groupings of attributes using a bidirectional long short term memory (LSTM) technique; selecting predicted labels for the plurality of samples using a model, wherein the model selects, for a particular sample of the plurality of samples, a predicted label of the predicted labels from a plurality of labels based on respective scores of the particular sample with regard to the plurality of labels and based on a nonparametric paired comparison of the respective scores; and providing information identifying the predicted labels.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
System and method for passive verification
Patent No. 10599793
Inventor(s): Felicia James (Carrollton, TX), Michael Krasnicki (Richardson, TX)
Assignee(s): ZIPALOG, INC. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16459717 on 07/02/2019 (266 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A computer implemented method of passive verification of an electronic design, comprising receiving an electronic design file of said electronic design comprised at least in part of a mixed signal or analog system including a plurality of subsystems. At least one analog subsystem of the plurality of subsystems has at least two design representations within the electronic design file that are intended to be equivalent for the at least one analog subsystem being simulated. First and second input subsystem data is collected for a first and second subsystem design representation of the at least two design representations from an analog stimulus to at least one input of the first and second subsystem design representation which is analog. First and second output subsystem data is collected from at least one output of the first and second subsystem design representation of the at least two design representations caused by the analog stimulus to the at least one input of the first and second subsystem design representation. At least one parameter of said first and second input subsystem data is analyzed with respect to said first and second output subsystem data. The at least one parameter of the first subsystem design representation is compared with the at least one parameter of second subsystem design representation. The electronic design file of the electronic design is verified responsive to the determined analysis between the at least one input of the subsystem and the at least
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Computer architecture for emulating a binary correlithm object flip flop
Patent No. 10599795
Inventor(s): Patrick N. Lawrence (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Charlotte, NC)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15783572 on 10/13/2017 (893 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A device configured to emulate a correlithm object flip-flip logic gate comprises a memory and a logic engine. The memory stores a flip-flop logic gate truth table that comprises input logical values, a state input logical value, a set/reset input logical value, and output logical values. These logical values are represented by correlithm objects. The logic engine receives the state input and the set/reset inputs and determines an appropriate output based on a determination of Hamming distances between the inputs and the logical values in the truth table.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Authenticating access to a computing resource using pattern-based facial recognition
Patent No. 10599824
Inventor(s): Manu Kurian (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Charlotte, NC)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15814491 on 11/16/2017 (859 days app to issue)
Abstrait: According to certain embodiments, an authentication system comprises memory operable to store instructions and processing circuitry operable to execute the instructions, whereby the authentication system is operable to provide a prompt for a user to make a set of facial expressions according to an authentication pattern. The authentication system is further operable to receive user data depicting the set of facial expressions and determine a confidence level based on comparing the user data to validation data. The validation data depicts previously validated facial expressions associated with the user and arranged according to the authentication pattern. The authentication system is further operable to authenticate the user in response to a determination that the first confidence level exceeds a first pre-defined threshold.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Visual language interpretation system and user interface
Patent No. 10599921
Inventor(s): Dallas Nash (Frisco, TX), Michael Menefee (Richardson, TX)
Assignee(s): AVODAH, INC. (Wilmington, DE)
Law Firm: Perkins Coie LLP (17 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16270540 on 02/07/2019 (411 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Methods, apparatus and systems for a sign language recognition are disclosed. One example of a sign language recognition device includes a primary display facing a first direction and a secondary display facing a second direction. One or more cameras are positioned adjacent the secondary display and face the second direction, wherein an image captured by the one or more cameras is displayed on at least a portion of the primary display.
Event monitoring with object detection systems
Patent No. 10599929
Inventor(s): Mark Cuban (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): MOTIONLOFT, INC. (San Francisco, CA)
Law Firm: Hogan Lovells US LLP (9 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15862037 on 01/04/2018 (810 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An object detection device including at least one image capture element can capture image data in a field of view and detect types of objects located in that region. Information such as a direction of travel or speed of the object may be used to determine a relative position of the object of interest, for example relative to the object detection device or a target object. The data from multiple devices for a region can be aggregated such that objects can be tracked as they move though the region. Information about the relative position of the object of interest can be used to trigger alerts to users in the area.
Water detection assembly
Patent No. 10599966
Inventor(s): Bradly Jay Billman (Celina, TX), Cory Matheson (Celina, TX), Kade Scott (The Colony, TX), Matthew T. Flachsbart (Grapevine, TX)
Assignee(s): HS Labs, Inc. (San Antonio, TX)
Law Firm: Pizarro Allen PC (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15636317 on 06/28/2017 (1000 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The present disclosure relates to a housing for a wireless communication device that includes an electronic circuit configured to receive an electrical voltage from a water-activated power source, where the electronic circuit is configured to send and receive wireless signals to and from an external electronic device via radio-frequency identification technology, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, near field communication, Zigbee, another wireless communication technique, or a combination thereof, when the electronic circuit receives the electrical voltage, and a memory configured to store instructions to be executed by the electronic circuit, where the housing for the wireless communication device is modular, such that the housing for the wireless communication device is configured to be installed and removed from a plurality of sensing device housings.
Systems and methods for expediting rule-based data processing
Patent No. 10599985
Inventor(s): Fredrick A. Crable (Allen, TX)
Law Firm: Troutman Sanders LLP (9 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15693994 on 09/01/2017 (935 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system includes one or more memory devices storing instructions, and one or more processors configured to execute the instructions to perform steps of a method for generating a data tree structure for expediting rule-based decision-making. The system may receive a rules file having a plurality of rules, where each rule has one or more conditions and one or more actions. The system may generate a plurality of condition frequency counts that represent the total number of rules having a condition of a particular unique condition type. The system may then generate a tree structure based on the plurality of rules and the plurality of condition frequency counts, where the tree structure includes a root node and one or more node branches, where each node branch includes a first-level node and zero or more second-level nodes that each include a node condition and zero or more node actions.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Efficient scheduling of maintenance for power distribution systems
Patent No. 10600037
Inventor(s): Krishnan L. Narayan (McKinney, TX)
Assignee(s): International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15719723 on 09/29/2017 (907 days app to issue)
Abstrait: According to one or more embodiments, a method, a computer program product, and a computer system for managing vegetation across distribution systems are provided. The method may include receiving, by a computer, voltage data from one or more data sensors. The computer may determine one or more locations of one or more voltage fault conditions based on the received voltage data. A score may be assigned to each of the determined locations by the computer. The computer may then identify a subset of one or more work orders corresponding to the one or more determined locations from among a database of work orders. A subset of locations may be determined by the computer from among the one or more locations based on the assigned scores and the identified subset of work orders. A field visit may then be scheduled by the computer based on the determined subset of locations.
Gift card exchange kiosks and associated methods of use
Patent No. 10600069
Inventor(s): Elizabeth Jane Lindemulder (Chicago, IL), Sarah Christine Heffernan (Oak Park, IL), Walter Paulsen (Woodside, CA)
Assignee(s): Cardpool, Inc. (Irving, TX)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 14705828 on 05/06/2015 (1784 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The present disclosure is directed to gift card exchange kiosks and associated methods of use. In one embodiment, for example, a consumer operated kiosk can receive a gift card identifier associated with a gift card via a user interface and/or a card reader, verify the gift card”s activation status and/or face value, and display exchange options for a consumer. The exchange options can include exchanging the gift card for cash or a redeemable cash voucher. The kiosk can also store exchanged gift cards for later sale at the kiosk or at a remote location.
Systems and methods for communicating privacy and marketing preferences
Patent No. 10600085
Inventor(s): Alan Rodriguez (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 14714001 on 05/15/2015 (1775 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Systems and methods of managing and communicating privacy and marketing preferences are described. In particular, a system for managing and communicating comprises a central user preference center that is configured to store at least one privacy and marketing preference dataset of a user in association with account information identifying an account of the user. The central preference center is configured to publish at least one privacy and marketing preference dataset of a user to at least one entity preference center, and the at least one entity preference center is configured to communicate the user”s entity preference center privacy and marketing preference dataset to the central user preference center.
Three-dimensional scanner with detector pose identification
Patent No. 10600203
Inventor(s): Lauren Zemering (Keller, TX)
Assignee(s): CapSen Robotics, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA)
Law Firm: KL Gates LLP (no location found)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15615231 on 06/06/2017 (1022 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Three dimensional (3D) scanning including dynamic detector pose identification utilizing fiducials is provided. Two or more fiducials are operatively coupled to a first body. Configuration data is provided with an identifier and a first position of the two or more fiducials. A detector captures 3D data of the first body. A creator identifies at least two fiducials within the captured 3D data. The creator determines a first observed position of each identified fiducial relative to the detector and compares the first observed position to the configuration data. The creator dynamically identifies the pose of the detector relative to the first body based on the comparison and augments the 3D data with first pose data corresponding to the first pose of the detector. The pose of the detector relative to the body may be undefined and/or unknown during the capture of 3D data without affecting the quality of the model produced from the captured 3D data.
Method and system for gaming revenue
Patent No. 10600285
Inventor(s): William Garrett Webb (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Jackpot Rising Inc. (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15817580 on 11/20/2017 (855 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method and system comprises integrating a contest framework into a game. The contest framework at least comprises means for communicating with a transactional server, a plurality of listeners being configured to monitor interactions during a play of the game for communication to the transactional server, and means for displaying notifications from the transactional server. The transactional server is at least configured for processing received interactions in conjunction with a progressive jackpot contest associated with the game and communicating notifications regarding the processing to the contest framework. A communicating with the transactional server at least comprises associating the game with a progressive jackpot contest and setting parameters for the progressive jackpot contest.
[G07F] COIN-FREED OR LIKE APPARATUS (coin sorting G07D 3/00; coin testing G07D 5/00) [7]
Apparatuses and methods to perform logical operations using sensing circuitry
Patent No. 10600473
Inventor(s): Daniel B. Penney (Wylie, TX), Harish N. Venkata (Allen, TX)
Assignee(s): Micron Technology, Inc. (Boise, ID)
Law Firm: Brooks, Cameron Huebsch, PLLC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16549554 on 08/23/2019 (214 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The present disclosure includes apparatuses and methods related to performing logic operations. An example apparatus comprises sensing circuitry including a sense amplifier and a compute component. A controller is coupled to the sensing circuitry and is configured to cause storing of a first operand in a first compute component storage location, transfer of the first operand to a second compute component storage location, and performance of a logical operation between the first operand in the second compute component storage location and a second operand sensed by the sense amplifier.
[G11C] STATIC STORES (information storage based on relative movement between record carrier and transducer G11B; semiconductor devices for storage H01L, e.g. H01L 27/108-H01L 27/11597; pulse technique in general H03K, e.g. electronic switches H03K 17/00)
Parallel memory self-testing
Patent No. 10600495
Inventor(s): Devanathan Varadarajan (Plano, TX), Sumant Kale (Allen, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15891789 on 02/08/2018 (775 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In described examples of circuitry and methods for testing multiple memories, a controller generates a sequence of commands to be applied to one or more of the memories, where each given command includes expected data, and a command address. Local adapters are individually coupled with the controller and with an associated memory. Each local adapter translates the command to a memory type of the associated memory, maps the command address to a local address of the associated memory, and provides test results to the controller according to read data from the local address of the associated memory and the expected data of the command.
[G11C] STATIC STORES (information storage based on relative movement between record carrier and transducer G11B; semiconductor devices for storage H01L, e.g. H01L 27/108-H01L 27/11597; pulse technique in general H03K, e.g. electronic switches H03K 17/00)
Error correction hardware with fault detection
Patent No. 10599514
Inventor(s): Abishek Ganapati Karkisaval (Karnataka, , IN), Indu Prathapan (Karnataka, , IN), Saket Jalan (Karnataka, , IN)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15844259 on 12/15/2017 (830 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Error correction code (ECC) hardware includes write generation (Gen) ECC logic and a check ECC block coupled to an ECC output of a memory circuit with read Gen ECC logic coupled to an XOR circuit that outputs a syndrome signal to a syndrome decode block coupled to a single bit error correction block. A first MUX receives the write data is in series with an input to the write Gen ECC logic or a second MUX receives the read data from the memory circuit in series with an input of the read Gen ECC logic A cross-coupling connector couples the read data from the memory circuit to a second input of the first MUX or for coupling the write data to a second input of the second MUX. An ECC bit comparator compares an output of the write Gen ECC logic to the read Gen ECC logic output.
[H03M] CODING, DECODING OR CODE CONVERSION, IN GENERAL (using fluidic means F15C 4/00; optical analogue/digital converters G02F 7/00; coding, decoding or code conversion, specially adapted for particular applications, see the relevant subclasses, e.g. G01D, G01R, G06F, G06T, G09G, G10L, G11B, G11C, H04B, H04L, H04M, H04N; ciphering or deciphering for cryptography or other purposes involving the need for secrecy G09C) [4]
System with a high-power microwave vacuum tube (HPM-VT) device having non-evaporable getters (NEG) integrated in an RF cavity
Patent No. 10600607
Inventor(s): Patrick M. Kelly (Colleyville, TX)
Law Firm: Beusse Wolter Sanks Maire, PLLC (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16396150 on 04/26/2019 (333 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A device comprising an RF cavity enclosure including a tubular section having a plurality of interior structures radially or axially arranged which forms an unobstructed inner hollow center within the tubular section. Each interior structure of the plurality of interior structures includes side walls between which is formed an internal hollow sub-cavity. Resonating cavities exist between adjacent interior structures to produce a resonating frequency response. Vents are formed in at least one side wall for permeation of a gas into the internal hollow sub-cavity. A high-power microwave system and method of manufacture are provided.
Leadframe with vertically spaced die attach pads
Patent No. 10600724
Inventor(s): Chia-Yu Chang (Taipei Hsien, , TW), Chih-Chien Ho (Taipei Hsien, , TW), Steven Su (Tainan, , TW)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15151177 on 05/10/2016 (1414 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A leadframe includes a first die attach pad (”DAP”) having a first longitudinally extending edge surface and a second DAP having a first longitudinally extending edge surface. The second DAP is positioned with the first longitudinally extending edge surface thereof in adjacent, laterally and vertically spaced relationship with the first longitudinally extending edge surface of the first DAP.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Flip chip backside mechanical die grounding techniques
Patent No. 10600753
Inventor(s): James Fred Salzman (Anna, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15249424 on 08/28/2016 (1304 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A semiconductor device includes an integrated circuit attached to a chip carrier in a flip chip configuration. A substrate extends to a back surface of the integrated circuit, and an interconnect region extends to a front surface of the integrated circuit. A substrate bond pad is disposed at the front surface, and is electrically coupled through the interconnect region to the semiconductor material. The chip carrier includes a substrate lead at a front surface of the chip carrier. The substrate lead is electrically coupled to the substrate bond pad. An electrically conductive compression sheet is disposed on the back surface of the integrated circuit, with lower compression tips making electrical contact with the semiconductor material in the substrate. The electrically conductive compression sheet is electrically coupled to the substrate lead of the chip carrier by a back surface shunt disposed outside of the integrated circuit.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Method for fabricating a device with a tensile-strained NMOS transistor and a uniaxial compression strained PMOS transistor
Patent No. 10600786
Inventor(s): Emmanuel Augendre (Montbonnot, , FR), Pierre Morin (Grenoble, , FR), Shay Reboh (Grenoble, , FR), Sylvain Maitrejean (Grenoble, , FR)
Assignee(s): STMICROELECTRONICS Inc (Coppell, TX)
Law Firm: Oblon, McClelland, Maier Neustadt, L.L.P. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15452049 on 03/07/2017 (1113 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Manufacture of a transistor device with at least one P type transistor with channel structure strained in uniaxial compression strain starting from a silicon layer strained in biaxial tension, by amorphization recrystallization then germanium condensation.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Three-dimensional memory device containing multilevel drain select gate isolation and methods of making the same
Patent No. 10600800
Inventor(s): Masatoshi Nishikawa (Yokkaichi, , JP), Shinsuke Yada (Yokkaichi, , JP), Yanli Zhang (San Jose, CA)
Law Firm: The Marbury Law Group, PLLC (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16019856 on 06/27/2018 (636 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A three-dimensional memory device includes an alternating stack of insulating layers and word-line-level electrically conductive layers located over a substrate, and a drain-select-level electrically conductive layer located over the alternating stack. Memory stack structures extend through the alternating stack and the drain-select-level electrically conductive layer. Dielectric divider structures including a respective pair of straight sidewalls and drain-select-level isolation structures including a respective pair of sidewalls that include a respective set of concave vertical sidewall segments divide the drain-select-level electrically conductive layer into multiple strips. The drain-select-level electrically conductive layer and the drain-select-level isolation structures are formed by replacement of a drain-select-level sacrificial material layer with a conductive material and by replacement of drain-select-level sacrificial line structures with dielectric material portions.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Multi-tier memory device with rounded top part of joint structure and methods of making the same
Patent No. 10600802
Inventor(s): Kota Funayama (Yokkaichi, , JP), Tadashi Nakamura (Yokkaichi, , JP)
Law Firm: The Marbury Law Group PLLC (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15914560 on 03/07/2018 (748 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A first alternating stack of first insulating layers and first spacer layers, an inter-tier dielectric layer, a sacrificial memory opening fill structure, and a second alternating stack of second insulating layers and second spacer layers are formed over a substrate. The spacer layers are formed as, or are subsequently replaced with, electrically conductive layers. A concave downward-facing surface of the inter-tier dielectric layer is formed on a convex upper surface of the sacrificial memory opening fill structure. An inter-tier memory opening is provided by forming second-tier memory opening and removing the sacrificial memory opening fill structure. A memory stack structure including a memory film is formed in the inter-tier memory opening. The memory film includes a rounded top surface at the joint between tiers to enhance its reliability.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Tunneling field-effect transistor and fabrication method thereof
Patent No. 10600881
Inventor(s): Chen-Xiong Zhang (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen, , CN)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16125902 on 09/10/2018 (561 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The present disclosure relates to a tunneling field-effect transistor and a fabrication method. One example transistor includes a semiconductor substrate, a semiconductor nanosheet, a source region and a drain region, a dielectric layer, and a gate metal layer. The semiconductor nanosheet is vertically disposed on the semiconductor substrate. The source region and the drain region are connected using a channel. The drain region, the channel, and the source region are disposed on the semiconductor nanosheet in turn. The drain region is in contact with the semiconductor substrate. The source region is located at an end, of the semiconductor nanosheet, far away from the semiconductor substrate. The dielectric layer comprises at least a gate dielectric layer, is disposed on a surface of the semiconductor nanosheet, and surrounds the channel. The gate metal layer is disposed on a surface of the gate dielectric layer and surrounds the gate dielectric layer.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Field effect transistor and manufacturing method thereof
Patent No. 10600917
Inventor(s): Chen-Xiong Zhang (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen, , CN)
Law Firm: Conley Rose, P.C. (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16119415 on 08/31/2018 (571 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A field effect transistor and a manufacturing method thereof are provided. The field effect transistor includes two top gate structures ([b]1031[/b]C and [b]1031[/b]D) and two bottom gate structures ([b]1032[/b]A and [b]1032[/b]B). The top gate structures ([b]1031[/b]C and [b]1031[/b]D) and the bottom gate structures ([b]1032[/b]A and [b]1032[/b]B) are opposite to each other in pair. This increases a quantity of control-voltage-induced carriers in the field effect transistor, and therefore increases an output current of the field effect transistor, improves a power gain limit frequency in high-frequency use, and makes an electric field between the top gate structures ([b]1031[/b]C and [b]1031[/b]D) and the bottom gate structures ([b]1032[/b]A and [b]1032[/b]B) more adequately cover a channel layer ([b]106[/b]) between source structures ([b]1041[/b] et [b]1042[/b]) and a drain ([b]105[/b]), thereby reducing a parasitic effect in a high frequency, and further improving a frequency characteristic of the field effect transistor.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Mobile guided surface waveguide probes and receivers
Patent No. 10601099
Inventor(s): James F. Corum (Morgantown, WV), Kenneth L. Corum (Plymouth, NH), Michael J. D”Aurelio (Marietta, GA), Michael W. Miller (Rogers, AR), Paul Kendall Carlton, Jr. (College Station, TX)
Assignee(s): CPG TECHNOLOGIES, LLC (Italy, TX)
Law Firm: Thomas | Horstemeyer, LLP (no location found)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15238938 on 08/17/2016 (1315 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The present disclosure sets forth various embodiments of power reception kits and methods. In one embodiment, a guided surface wave receive structure is configured to obtain electrical energy from a guided surface wave travelling along a terrestrial medium. Power output circuitry having a power output is configured to be coupled to an electrical load. The electrical load is experienced as a load at an excitation source coupled to a guided surface waveguide probe generating the guided surface wave. At least one connector is configured to couple the at least one guided surface wave receive structure to the power output circuitry.
[H02J] CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENTS OR SYSTEMS FOR SUPPLYING OR DISTRIBUTING ELECTRIC POWER; SYSTEMS FOR STORING ELECTRIC ENERGY (power supply circuits for apparatus for measuring X-radiation, gamma radiation, corpuscular radiation or cosmic radiation G01T 1/175; electric power supply circuits specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces with no moving parts G04G 19/00; for digital computers G06F 1/18; for discharge tubes H01J 37/248; circuits or apparatus for the conversion of electric power, arrangements for control or regulation of such circuits or apparatus H02M; interrelated control of several motors, control of a prime-mover/generator combination H02P; control of high-frequency power H03L; additional use of power line or power network for transmission of information H04B)
Base station antennas having reflector assemblies with RF chokes
Patent No. 10601120
Inventor(s): Calvin Dickerson (Garland, TX), Joy J. Huang (Plano, TX), Xiangyang Ai (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): CommScope Technologies LLC (Hickory, NC)
Law Firm: Myers Bigel, P.A. (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15921694 on 03/15/2018 (740 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A base station antenna includes a reflector assembly and a linear array of radiating elements extending forwardly from the reflector assembly. The reflector assembly includes an RF choke that has a choke body and a choke cover. The choke cover at least partially covers a choke body opening so that a choke opening of the RF choke is smaller than the choke body opening.
[H01Q] AERIALS (radiators or aerials for microwave heating H05B 6/72)
Apparatus for a high efficiency hybrid power converter and methods to control the same
Patent No. 10601304
Inventor(s): Aleksandar Prodic (Toronto, , CA), Alvaro Aguilar (Irving, TX), Sombuddha Chakraborty (Redwood City, CA), Timothy McRae (Toronto, , CA), William James McIntyre (Wheatland, CA)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15858931 on 12/29/2017 (816 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In methods, apparatus, systems, and articles of manufacture to a high efficient hybrid power converter, an example apparatus includes: a switched capacitor (SC) converter to generate a first voltage based on a voltage source; and a direct current-to-direct current (DC-DC) converter to generate a second voltage based on the voltage source of the apparatus, the difference between the first voltage and the second voltage corresponding to an output voltage.
[H02M] APPARATUS FOR CONVERSION BETWEEN AC AND AC, BETWEEN AC AND DC, OR BETWEEN DC AND DC, AND FOR USE WITH MAINS OR SIMILAR POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS; CONVERSION OF DC OR AC INPUT POWER INTO SURGE OUTPUT POWER; CONTROL OR REGULATION THEREOF (conversion of current or voltage specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces with no moving parts G04G 19/02; systems for regulating electric or magnetic variables in general, e.g. using transformers, reactors or choke coils, combination of such systems with static converters G05F; for digital computers G06F 1/00; transformers H01F; connection or control of one converter with regard to conjoint operation with a similar or other source of supply H02J; dynamo-electric converters H02K 47/00; controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils, control or regulation of electric motors, generators or dynamo-electric converters H02P; pulse generators H03K) [5]
Isolated DC-DC converter
Patent No. 10601332
Inventor(s): Giovanni Frattini (Travaco” Siccomario, , IT), Maurizio Granato (Milan, , IT), Shailendra Kumar Baranwal (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15859005 on 12/29/2017 (816 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In described examples, an isolated DC-DC converter includes: an input node for receiving an input voltage; a transformer including first and second terminals; first and second low-side switches; and first and second high-side switches. The first low-side switch is coupled between the first terminal and a primary side ground. The second low-side switch is coupled between the second terminal and the primary side ground. The first high-side switch is coupled between the first terminal and the input node and is configured to be activated by a voltage at the second terminal. The second high-side switch is coupled between the second terminal and the input node and is configured to be activated by a voltage at the first terminal. Further, the isolated DC-DC converter includes a switch controller to cause the first and second voltages to alternatingly be zero by opening and closing the first and second low-side switches.
[H02M] APPARATUS FOR CONVERSION BETWEEN AC AND AC, BETWEEN AC AND DC, OR BETWEEN DC AND DC, AND FOR USE WITH MAINS OR SIMILAR POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS; CONVERSION OF DC OR AC INPUT POWER INTO SURGE OUTPUT POWER; CONTROL OR REGULATION THEREOF (conversion of current or voltage specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces with no moving parts G04G 19/02; systems for regulating electric or magnetic variables in general, e.g. using transformers, reactors or choke coils, combination of such systems with static converters G05F; for digital computers G06F 1/00; transformers H01F; connection or control of one converter with regard to conjoint operation with a similar or other source of supply H02J; dynamo-electric converters H02K 47/00; controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils, control or regulation of electric motors, generators or dynamo-electric converters H02P; pulse generators H03K) [5]
Copper pillar bump pad structure for BAW devices
Patent No. 10601396
Inventor(s): Vishwavasu Potdar (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Qorvo US, Inc. (Greensboro, NC)
Law Firm: Withrow Terranova, P.L.L.C. (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15441646 on 02/24/2017 (1124 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A bulk acoustic wave (BAW) device includes a substrate, a reflector on the substrate, a piezoelectric layer on the reflector and including a first opening through which a portion of the reflector is exposed, an electrode layer on the portion of the reflector exposed through the first opening, a passivation layer on the piezoelectric layer and a portion of the electrode layer and including a second opening through which a portion of the electrode layer is exposed, an under-bump metallization layer on the portion of the electrode layer exposed through the second opening and extending over the second opening and the first opening on the passivation layer, and a copper pillar structure on the under-bump metallization layer such that the entirety of the under-bump metallization layer is covered by the copper pillar structure.
[H03H] IMPEDANCE NETWORKS, e.g. RESONANT CIRCUITS; RESONATORS (measuring, testing G01R; arrangements for producing a reverberation or echo sound G10K 15/08; impedance networks or resonators consisting of distributed impedances, e.g. of the waveguide type, H01P; control of amplification, e.g. bandwidth control of amplifiers, H03G; tuning resonant circuits, e.g. tuning coupled resonant circuits, H03J; networks for modifying the frequency characteristics of communication systems H04B)
BAW structure having multiple BAW transducers over a common reflector, which has reflector layers of varying thicknesses
Patent No. 10601398
Inventor(s): Andrew Arthur Ketterson (Dallas, TX), Larry Charles Witkowski (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Qorvo US, Inc. (Greensboro, NC)
Law Firm: Withrow Terranova, P.L.L.C. (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15953080 on 04/13/2018 (711 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A BAW device includes a substrate, a first reflector, and at least two BAW transducers. The first reflector resides over the substrate and has a plurality of reflector layers. A first BAW transducer resides over a first section of the first reflector, has a first series resonance frequency, and has a first piezoelectric layer of a first thickness between a first top electrode and a first bottom electrode. The second BAW transducer resides over a second section of the first reflector, has a second series resonance frequency that is different than the first series resonance frequency, and has a second piezoelectric layer of a second thickness, which is different than the first thickness, between a second top electrode and a second bottom electrode.
[H03H] IMPEDANCE NETWORKS, e.g. RESONANT CIRCUITS; RESONATORS (measuring, testing G01R; arrangements for producing a reverberation or echo sound G10K 15/08; impedance networks or resonators consisting of distributed impedances, e.g. of the waveguide type, H01P; control of amplification, e.g. bandwidth control of amplifiers, H03G; tuning resonant circuits, e.g. tuning coupled resonant circuits, H03J; networks for modifying the frequency characteristics of communication systems H04B)
Low frequency oscillator with ultra-low short circuit current
Patent No. 10601408
Inventor(s): Mahesh Madhukar Mehendale (Dallas, TX), Rajat Chauhan (Bangalore, , IN), Vinod Joseph Menezes (Bangalore, , IN), Vipul Kumar Singhal (Bangalore, , IN)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15952549 on 04/13/2018 (711 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In described examples, a sawtooth waveform generator generates a sawtooth waveform having a first rise time. A comb waveform circuit has a power terminal coupled to receive the sawtooth waveform from an output of the sawtooth waveform generator. The comb waveform circuit generates a comb waveform in response to the sawtooth waveform. The comb waveform has a second rise time that is faster than the first rise time.
[H03K] PULSE TECHNIQUE (measuring pulse characteristics G01R; modulating sinusoidal oscillations with pulses H03C; transmission of digital information H04L; discriminator circuits detecting phase difference between two signals by counting or integrating cycles of oscillation H03D 3/04; automatic control, starting, synchronisation or stabilisation of generators of electronic oscillations or pulses where the type of generator is irrelevant or unspecified H03L; coding, decoding or code conversion, in general H03M) [4]
Circuit and method to generate frequency proportional current
Patent No. 10601412
Inventor(s): Antonio Priego (Freising, , DE), Michael Couleur (Rottach-Egern, , DE), Neil Gibson (Freising, , DE)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15975858 on 05/10/2018 (684 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Disclosed examples include self-biased DLL circuits to generate a bias current signal proportional to a repetition frequency of a first signal representing continuous switching or discontinued switching operation of the DC-DC converter. The DLL circuit includes a monostable multivibrator to provide a pulse output signal in response to an edge of the first signal with a pulse duration set by a control current signal, a phase detector to provide output signals according to a phase difference between an edge of the pulse output signal and the first signal, and an output circuit to provide an output signal according to the phase detector output signals and according to an offset signal, to provide the bias current signal according to the output signal, and to provide the control current signal according to the output signal.
[H03K] PULSE TECHNIQUE (measuring pulse characteristics G01R; modulating sinusoidal oscillations with pulses H03C; transmission of digital information H04L; discriminator circuits detecting phase difference between two signals by counting or integrating cycles of oscillation H03D 3/04; automatic control, starting, synchronisation or stabilisation of generators of electronic oscillations or pulses where the type of generator is irrelevant or unspecified H03L; coding, decoding or code conversion, in general H03M) [4]
Integrated high-side driver for P-N bimodal power device
Patent No. 10601422
Inventor(s): Filippo Marino (Tremestieri Etneo, , IT), Philip L. Hower (Concord, MA), Salvatore Giombanco (Cassaro, , IT), Sameer P. Pendharkar (Allen, TX), Seetharaman Sridhar (Richardson, TX), Yongxi Zhang (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15809291 on 11/10/2017 (865 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An integrated circuit chip includes a bimodal power N-P-Laterally Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor (LDMOS) device having an N-gate coupled to receive an input signal and a level shifter coupled to receive the input signal and to provide a control signal to a P-gate driver of the N-P-LDMOS device. A method of operating an N-P-LDMOS power device is also disclosed.
[H03K] PULSE TECHNIQUE (measuring pulse characteristics G01R; modulating sinusoidal oscillations with pulses H03C; transmission of digital information H04L; discriminator circuits detecting phase difference between two signals by counting or integrating cycles of oscillation H03D 3/04; automatic control, starting, synchronisation or stabilisation of generators of electronic oscillations or pulses where the type of generator is irrelevant or unspecified H03L; coding, decoding or code conversion, in general H03M) [4]
Alternately updated digital to analog converters
Patent No. 10601438
Inventor(s): Eeshan Miglani (Chhindwara, , IN), Visvesvaraya Appala Pentakota (Bengaluru, , IN)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16434526 on 06/07/2019 (291 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A modulator of an analog to digital converter includes a quantizer component configured to generate a digital signal based on a clock input operating at a sample rate. The modulator further includes a first digital to analog converter (DAC) configured to generate first DAC output at half the sample rate. The modulator further includes a second DAC configured to generate second DAC output at half the sample rate, where the first DAC and the second DAC are updated at alternate cycles of the clock input.
Device/UE-oriented beam recovery and maintenance mechanisms
Patent No. 10601492
Inventor(s): Bin Liu (San Diego, CA), Nathan Edward Tenny (Poway, CA), Pengfei Xia (San Diego, CA)
Assignee(s): Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Slater Matsil, LLP (Local + 1 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15681087 on 08/18/2017 (949 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Aspects of this disclosure provide techniques for detecting and recovering from beam-failure events. In some embodiments, motion sensor information generated by motion sensors on a UE is used to detect, predict, and/or recover from a beam failure event that results, or would otherwise result, from movement of the UE. The motion sensor information may be used to adjust a current beam direction used by the UE to transmit or receive a signal, or to determine a recommendation for adjusting a current beam direction of the base station. The motion sensor information may be generated by any sensor that detects a movement of the UE, such as a gyroscope, an accelerometer, a magnetometer, a global positioning system (GPS) sensor, a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) sensor, or any other device that detects a change in position/orientation of the UE.
Probabilistic shaping on eight-dimensional super-symbols
Patent No. 10601517
Inventor(s): Inwoong Kim (Allen, TX), Olga I. Vassilieva (Plano, TX), Sebastiaan Anne Ren Goossens (Plano, TX), Tadashi Ikeuchi (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Fujitsu Limited (Kawasaki, , JP)
Law Firm: Baker Botts L.L.P. (Local + 8 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16254012 on 01/22/2019 (427 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system and method for probabilistic shaping of an eight-dimensional super-symbol in optical transport networks, including receiving binary data to be transmitted as an optical signal; mapping at least a portion of the binary data to symbols of a M-QAM constellation; generating a first four-dimensional symbol of the M-QAM constellation for a first symbol period, including applying probabilistic shaping to the first four-dimensional symbol; generating a second four-dimensional symbol of the M-QAM constellation for a second symbol period, the second symbol period consecutive to the first symbol period, wherein the first and the second four-dimensional symbols have i) an equal symbol energy and ii) a one-to-one relationship; and time interleaving the first symbol period and the second symbol period to generate an eight-dimensional super-symbol.
Power distribution for functional circuit blocks
Patent No. 10601525
Inventor(s): Subbayya Chowdary Yanamadala (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): ARM LIMITED (Cambridge, , GB)
Law Firm: Talem IP Law, LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15958206 on 04/20/2018 (704 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system incorporating a power distribution for functional circuit blocks can include a functional circuit block comprising two or more sub-circuits; a power line comprising at least two segments, a first sub-circuit of the two or more sub-circuits being coupled to a first segment of the at least two segments, and a second sub-circuit of the two or more sub-circuits being coupled to a second segment of the at least two segments; and at least one power delivery circuit (PDC) coupled to the power line at a location to create an electromagnetic flux on two adjacent segments of the at least two segments that is in opposite directions. The PDCs can be arranged coupled to the power line with a number and at locations optimized for mitigating electromagnetic emissions on the power line.
Multicarrier-based data transmission method and apparatus in mobile communication system
Patent No. 10601555
Inventor(s): Aris Papasakellariou (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (Suwon-si, , KR)
Law Firm: Jefferson IP Law, LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15989896 on 05/25/2018 (669 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A multicarrier-based data transmission method and an apparatus for use in a mobile communication system are provided. A Radio Network Temporary Identity (RNTI) reception method of a terminal in a wireless communication system supporting inter-evolved Node B (eNB) carrier aggregation includes receiving cell information on at least one activated cell under control of an eNB, configuring first and second RNTIs allocated by the eNB, monitoring the at least one activated cell for the first RNTI, and monitoring a primary cell among the at least one activated cell for the second RNTI.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Methods, apparatus, and systems to increase common-mode transient immunity in isolation devices
Patent No. 10601614
Inventor(s): James Michael Walden (Apex, NC), Satish Kumar Vemuri (Raleigh, NC), Zhidong Liu (Cary, NC)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16425536 on 05/29/2019 (300 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Methods, systems, and apparatus to increase common-mode transient immunity in isolation devices is disclosed. An example apparatus includes a current mirror including an input terminal and an output terminal; a transistor including a gate terminal, a first current terminal, and a second current terminal, the gate terminal coupled to a reference voltage terminal, the first current terminal coupled to the input terminal of the current mirror, and the second current terminal coupled to an input node; a buffer including an input terminal and an output terminal, the input terminal of the buffer coupled to the output terminal of the current mirror; and a logic gate including an input terminal and an output terminal, the input terminal of the logic gate coupled to the output terminal of the buffer.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Virtual lookup table for probabilistic constellation shaping
Patent No. 10601629
Inventor(s): Murali Krishnan (San Diego, CA), Yan Cui (Sunnyvale, CA), Yu Sheng Bai (Los Altos Hills, CA)
Assignee(s): Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Conley Rose, P.C. (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16055989 on 08/06/2018 (596 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Probabilistic generation and decoding modulation symbols for use with optical communication. Codewords are generated using combinations of symbols from a modulation symbol alphabet, and each type of modulation symbol is sequentially generated using a hardware efficient combination generator that performs as a virtual lookup table (LUT). Likewise, decoding can be performed by sequentially identifying locations of individual modulation symbols within the received codeword.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Multi cause correlation in wireless protocols
Patent No. 10601639
Inventor(s): Balaji Ratakonda (Dallas, TX), John P. Curtin (Richardson, TX), Vignesh Janakiraman (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): NetScout Systems Texas, LLC (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Locke Lord LLP (Local + 12 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15001931 on 01/20/2016 (1525 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A network monitoring system is provided that includes a processor, a memory coupled to the processor and a database that includes session data of one or more transactions in a multiprotocol wireless communication system. The network monitoring system further includes a rule engine configured and operable to store rules associated with at least one rule set. The network monitoring system also includes an analysis engine configured to identify a root cause of a failure for one or more of the transactions based on at least one rule in the rule set.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Configurable packet processing pipeline for handling non-packet data
Patent No. 10601732
Inventor(s): Patrick Bosshart (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Barefoot Networks, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA)
Law Firm: Compass IP Law PC (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15835239 on 12/07/2017 (838 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Some embodiments provide a method for a packet processing pipeline of a network forwarding integrated circuit (IC). The packet processing pipeline includes multiple match-action stages for processing packets received by the network forwarding IC. Each packet is transmitted through the pipeline using a set of data containers. The method receives data, generated by the network forwarding IC, that is separate from the packets processed by the pipeline. The method transmits through the packet processing pipeline (i) a packet using a first set of data containers and (ii) the received data using a second set of data containers. The first and second sets of data containers are transmitted together through the packet processing pipeline. For at least one of the match-action stages, the method processes the packet data in the first set of data containers and the received data in the second set of data containers in a same clock cycle.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Cloud-based multi-factor authentication for network resource access control
Patent No. 10601813
Inventor(s): Manu J. Kurian (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Charlotte, NC)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15794827 on 10/26/2017 (880 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system that includes a plurality of cloud servers in signal communication with user devices and an authentication server. Each cloud server is configure to generate a cloud key that is uniquely linked with a user associated with a user device and the cloud server and send the cloud key to the user device. The authentication server is configured to receive a network resource access request comprising the cloud key from the user device, perform multi-factor authentication with the user associated with the user device, and identify a cloud server from among the plurality of cloud servers based on a user profile linked with the user. The authentication server is further configured to send a key validation request to the identified cloud server, receive a key validation response, determine whether the cloud key passes verification, and send a network resource access response to the user device.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Resource sharing using device location tracking and blockchains
Patent No. 10601835
Inventor(s): Manu J. Kurian (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Charlotte, NC)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15987600 on 05/23/2018 (671 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An access control system that includes Internet of Things sensors and a controller within a controlled area. The controller is configured to detect a guest device for a guest, to identify a sponsor associated with the guest, and to identify a sponsor block chain account for the sponsor. The controller is configured to publish an access control contract to the block chain that includes executable instructions for publishing a transaction in the block chain transferring credits from the sponsor block chain account to a vendor block chain account and conditions linked with the instructions. The controller is configured to receive an access request, to determine whether the conditions have been satisfied, and to send a trigger message that triggers the access control contract to execute the instructions in response to determining the conditions have been satisfied.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
System and method to estimate quality of experience for consumption of encrypted media network traffic
Patent No. 10601869
Inventor(s): Anthony P. Joch (Waterloo, , CA), Craig Radcliffe (Waterloo, , CA), Daniel Eble (Kitchener, , CA), Mark Korhonen (Kitchener, , CA), Stephan Toivonen (Waterloo, , CA)
Assignee(s): NetScout Systems Texas, LLC (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Locke Lord LLP (Local + 12 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15433847 on 02/15/2017 (1133 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system and method is provided for analyzing media traffic having encrypted application-layer and payload data. The method includes determining from network traffic a media service provided to a network subscriber, application-layer and payload data of the network traffic providing the media service to the network subscriber being encrypted, detecting media traffic within the network traffic providing the media service to the network subscriber, associating application-layer data of the media traffic to a media session, determining a key performance indicator (KPI) associated with the media session, and outputting report data based on the KPI.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
High-definition voice for fixed mobile convergence on mobile and wireline networks
Patent No. 10601877
Inventor(s): Elaine Kung (Dallas, TX), Gregory Johnson (Frisco, TX), Tony Wah-Tung Wong (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): ATT Intellectual Property I, L.P. (Atlanta, GA)
Law Firm: Hartman Citrin LLC (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15851274 on 12/21/2017 (824 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Concepts and technologies provided herein can provide high-definition voice for fixed mobile convergence on mobile and wireline networks. A processor executing instructions can detect a call request associated with a called telephone number to setup a call session, where the call request is initiated from a calling device associated with an originating network. The processor can determine a call path for the call session from the originating network to a receiving network. The processor can create a fixed mobile convergence request to alert an electronic number mapping system of the call path for the call session from the originating network to the receiving network. The electronic number mapping system can provide a network presence map identifying a plurality of call receiving devices associated with the called telephone number that are available to participate in the call session via the receiving network.
WLAN device with preamble decode-based receive suspend during undesired packets
Patent No. 10601964
Inventor(s): Matan Yacobi (Karmey Yosef, , IL), Oren Aharon Shani (Kfar Saba, , IL)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16285924 on 02/26/2019 (392 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A WLAN device includes a processor implementing a MAC layer and a PHY layer which is coupled to a transceiver including a receive (Rx) chain and a transmit (Tx) chain that is coupled to an antenna. A preamble decode-based receive suspend algorithm has software stored in a memory that is implemented by the processor or by hardware including digital logic. The algorithm responsive to receiving a packet including a Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP) header, a MAC header, and data, is for analyzing a length field in the PLCP header to determine whether the packet is an undesignated packet and whether there is sufficient time remaining for implementing a turning off and then back on of an analog portion of the Rx chain to avoid missing a next packet. If the undesignated packet and sufficient time are present, the analog portion of the Rx chain is turned off.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Third party monitoring of activity within a monitoring platform
Patent No. 10601982
Inventor(s): Stephen Lee Hodge (Aubrey, TX)
Assignee(s): Global Tel*Link Corporation (Reston, VA)
Law Firm: Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein Fox P.L.L.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16282886 on 02/22/2019 (396 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The present disclosure describes a monitoring environment that monitors an activity for activity that may be indicative of being prohibited by the local, the state, and/or the national governing authorities, namely suspicious activity, or activity that is prohibited by the local, the state, and/or the national governing authorities, namely prohibited activity. The monitoring environment verifies the activity is actually being monitored within the monitoring environment. The verification can require one or more monitoring persons monitoring the activity to perform one or more tasks to verify their attentiveness in monitoring the activity. The one or more tasks can be as simple as activating a checkbox or providing a code or an electronic signature to provide some examples, although more complicated tasks, such as a biometric verification such as a retinal, a facial, and/or a voice verification to provide some examples, are possible as will be recognized by those skilled in the relevant art(s) without departing from the spirit and scope of the present disclosure.
[H04M] TELEPHONIC COMMUNICATION (circuits for controlling other apparatus via a telephone cable and not involving telephone switching apparatus G08)
Obtaining camera device image data representing an event
Patent No. 10602045
Inventor(s): Jeffrey Lynn Edgington (Keller, TX), Lee Carbonell (Flower Mound, TX), Pandian Mariadoss (Allen, TX), Tsz Shing Cheng (Grand Prairie, TX)
Law Firm: Heslin Rothenberg Farley Mesiti P.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15907405 on 02/28/2018 (755 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Methods, computer program products, and systems are presented and can include for instance: determining a location of interest; and obtaining image data from one or more camera device about the location of interest.
Devices and methods for identifying a leading picture
Patent No. 10602156
Inventor(s): Louis Joseph Kerofsky (Camas, WA), Sachin G. Deshpande (Camas, WA)
Assignee(s): Velos Media, LLC (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Nixon Vanderhye P.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15879766 on 01/25/2018 (789 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An encoded bitstream of data including a plurality of encoded pictures is received. It is determined whether a first instantaneous decoding refresh (IDR) picture has one or more subsequent leading pictures included in the plurality of encoded pictures based on a Network Access Layer (NAL) unit type associated with the first IDR picture. The first IDR picture occurs at a random-access point in the encoded bitstream of data. When the NAL unit type of the first IDR picture is a first value indicating that the first IDR picture has one or more subsequent leading pictures, (i) the one or more subsequent leading pictures are decoded with reference to the first IDR picture based on the NAL unit type of the first IDR picture being the first value, and (ii) an output order is generated for the first IDR picture and the one or more subsequent leading pictures such that the one or more subsequent leading pictures precede the first IDR picture in the output order.
Set-top box, system and method for providing awareness in a hospitality environment
Patent No. 10602195
Inventor(s): Thomas R. Miller (Plano, TX), Vanessa Ogle (Fairview, TX), William C. Fang (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Enseo, Inc. (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: Griggs Bergen LLP (Local)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16149284 on 10/02/2018 (539 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system and method for providing awareness in a hospitality environment are presented. In one embodiment, a vertical and horizontal array of set-top boxes is provided and each set-top box includes an identification corresponding to the room in which the set-top box is placed. Each set-top box includes a wireless transceiver that periodically transmits an identification beacon that is received by a proximate wireless-enabled interactive device. The proximate wireless-enabled interactive device, in turn, broadcasts data packets including an indication of the strength of set-top box identification signals received. The broadcasts are received by a server via an array of wireless routers. The location of the proximate wireless-enabled interactive device is determined based on the signal strength information in the data packets.
Set-top box, system and method for providing awareness in a hospitality environment
Patent No. 10602196
Inventor(s): Thomas R. Miller (Plano, TX), Vanessa Ogle (Fairview, TX), William C. Fang (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Enseo, Inc. (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: Griggs Bergen LLP (Local)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16201783 on 11/27/2018 (483 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system and method for providing awareness in a hospitality environment are presented. In one embodiment, a vertical and horizontal array of set-top boxes is provided and each set-top box includes an identification corresponding to the room in which the set-top box is placed. Each set-top box includes a wireless transceiver that periodically transmits an identification beacon that is received by a proximate wireless-enabled interactive device. The proximate wireless-enabled interactive device, in turn, broadcasts data packets including an indication of the strength of set-top box identification signals received. The broadcasts are received by a server via an array of wireless routers. The location of the proximate wireless-enabled interactive device is determined based on the signal strength information in the data packets.
Set-top box with interactive portal and system and method for use of same
Patent No. 10602197
Inventor(s): Edward H. Wolfe (Plano, TX), Thomas R. Miller (Plano, TX), Vanessa Ogle (Fairview, TX)
Assignee(s): Enseo, Inc. (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: Griggs Bergen LLP (Local)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16351893 on 03/13/2019 (377 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A set-top box with an interactive portal and system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the set-top box, the set-top box is deployed to provide an interactive portal in a hospitality establishment having multiple rooms, such as a hotel. The set-top box is associated with a room and includes a housing that secures a television input, a television output, a processor, a transceiver, and memory therein in an interconnected bus architecture. The set-top box generates a guest interactive portal as well as a housekeeping interactive portal for a guest and housekeeper, respectively. Each of the portals provides relevant feedback on the condition of the room to a server associated with the hotel.
Set-top box with interactive portal and system and method for use of same
Patent No. 10602198
Inventor(s): Thomas R. Miller (Plano, TX), Vanessa Ogle (Fairview, TX), William C. Fang (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Enseo, Inc. (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: Griggs Bergen LLP (Local)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16365444 on 03/26/2019 (364 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A set-top box with an interactive portal and system and method for use of the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the set-top box, the set-top box is deployed to provide an interactive portal in a hospitality establishment having multiple rooms, such as a hotel. The set-top box is associated with a room and includes a housing that secures a television input, a television output, a processor, a transceiver, and memory therein in an interconnected bus architecture. The set-top box generates a default interactive portal as well as a guest-specific interactive portal, which is generated from a guest configuration profile having information including guest identification, a guest channel preference presentation, and a guest service preference presentation with guest account information. The guest configuration profile may also enable the creation of a local area wireless network with substantially the same behavior as the guest”s home wireless network.
Short-range cross-device authorization
Patent No. 10602359
Inventor(s): Adrian Borunda (Celina, TX), Cale Riley Spratt (Plano, TX), Jeffrey Joseph Szcinski (Frisco, TX), Richard Tanner (McKinney, TX)
Assignee(s): United Services Automobile Association (USAA) (San Antonio, TX)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16447726 on 06/20/2019 (278 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Techniques are described for cross-device authorization using a wireless network connection. Computing device(s) may broadcast an identification signal indicating that the device is authorized to access a remote service, and is therefore available to provide an authorization token to a receiving device. The receiving device may determine one of the broadcasting device(s) to use for cross-device authorization. The receiving device may send a request, to the determined broadcasting device, for an authorization token to access the remote service. The broadcasting device may receive the request and transmit a message to a server device indicating that an authorization token is to be provided to the receiving device. Alternatively, the authorization token may be sent directly from the broadcasting device to the receiving device (e.g., over the wireless communication network). On receiving the authorization token, the receiving device may use it to access the remote service.
Resource control in a shared RAN
Patent No. 10602408
Inventor(s): Haibo Qian (Frisco, TX), Michael Anthony Brown (McKinney, TX)
Law Firm: Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP (6 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15895731 on 02/13/2018 (770 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Example implementations are directed to a method and an apparatus for managing one of a plurality of core networks (CNs) sharing a radio access network (RAN), which may receive a RAN resource allocation control type indicator associated with at least one CN of the plurality of CNs. The RAN resource allocation control type indicator be at least one of: a guaranteed minimum allocation of RAN resources, an absolute allocation of RAN resources, and a percentage-based allocation of RAN resources. The method and apparatus may further include determining a RAN resource allotment parameter for the at least one CN of the plurality of CNs. The RAN resource allotment parameter and an identification of the associated at least one CN may be transmitted to a traffic controller such that the at least one CN is allocated an amount of RAN resources based on the resource allotment value may.
Network backhaul access
Patent No. 10602410
Inventor(s): John Green (Wylie, TX), Vincent Charles Graffagnino (Rockwall, TX)
Assignee(s): Oceus Networks Inc. (Reston, VA)
Law Firm: Knobbe, Martens, Olson Bear, LLP (9 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15889729 on 02/06/2018 (777 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A communication system can provide an independent mobile cellular network to devices within a covered area. In addition, the system can determine whether user equipment within a covered area of the communication system are to have backhaul access to another communication system and/or whether to adjust the point of presence of the user equipment.
Seamless consumer mobility in information centric networks using forwarding labels
Patent No. 10602416
Inventor(s): Asit Chakraborti (Pleasanton, CA), Aytac Azgin (Santa Clara, CA), Ravishankar Ravindran (San Ramon, CA)
Assignee(s): Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Vierra Magen Marcus LLP (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15649452 on 07/13/2017 (985 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Technology providing seamless mobility to mobile processing devices in an Information Centric Network (ICN) is provided. A first point of attachment (PoA) is configured to communicate with a first processing device identified by a device ID and receive content objects addressed to the first processing device. The first PoA is further configured to determine that the first processing device is no longer communicating with the first PoA and moving to a second PoA, and generate a forwarding label identifying the second PoA and the device ID. The first PoA is further configured to append the forwarding label to any content object addressed to the first processing device and not forwarded by the first PoA to the first processing device before it moves, and forward each such content object to the second PoA.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Application-based user equipment route selection policy mapping
Patent No. 10602422
Inventor(s): Sudhakar Reddy Patil (Flower Mound, TX)
Assignee(s): Verizon Patent and Licensing Inc. (Basking Ridge, NJ)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16214796 on 12/10/2018 (470 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A device can receive, using an application policy handler (APH) component included in the device, a request for a data session for an application associated with the device. The device can identify, using the APH component included in the device, a user equipment route selection policy (URSP) rule, associated with the application, included in a URSP. The device can identify, using the APH component, a network slice specified by the URSP rule associated with the application and a data network specified by the URSP rule associated with the application. The device can attempt, using a modem component included in the device, to establish the data session using the network slice specified by the URSP rule associated with the application and the data network specified by the URSP rule associated with the application.
System and method for downlink transmission in a wireless network
Patent No. 10602500
Inventor(s): Young Hoon Kwon (Laguna Niguel, CA), Yunsong Yang (San Diego, CA), Zhigang Rong (San Diego, CA)
Assignee(s): Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Slater Matsil, LLP (Local + 1 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15914328 on 03/07/2018 (748 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method of communicating in a wireless network includes transmitting, by a station, a null data packet (NDP) power save (PS)-Poll frame including a short training field and a long training field. Also, the NDP PS-Poll frame includes a signaling field including a message type indicator, a transmitter address (TA), a receiver address (RA), and a cyclic redundancy check (CRC). Additionally, the method includes receiving, by the station, buffered data in accordance with the NDP PS-Poll frame.
Enclosure with one-piece structural frame
Patent No. 10602628
Inventor(s): Dion Joe Casto (Nevada, TX), William C. Anderson, III (Garland, TX)
Assignee(s): AmpThink, LLC (Garland, TX)
Law Firm: AmpThink, LLC (no location found)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16365274 on 03/26/2019 (364 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A one-piece structural frame for use with an enclosure, such as an enclosure that houses one or more electronic components is described. The one-piece structural frame includes cutouts that enable the frame to be deformed into a shape conforming to an enclosure to provide additional structural support for the enclosure. The techniques described herein provide a lighter, less expensive method for creating an enclosure frame and for ease in manufacturing the frame and an enclosure that includes the frames.
[H05K] PRINTED CIRCUITS; CASINGS OR CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS OF ELECTRIC APPARATUS; MANUFACTURE OF ASSEMBLAGES OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS (details of instruments or comparable details of other apparatus not otherwise provided for G12B; thin-film or thick-film circuits H01L 27/01, H01L 27/13; non-printed means for electric connections to or between printed circuits H01R; casings for, or constructional details of, particular types of apparatus, see the relevant subclasses; processes involving only a single technical art, e.g. heating, spraying, for which provision exists elsewhere, see the relevant classes)
Wearable foot garment
Patent No. D878739
Inventor(s): Aiesha Ashby (Fort Worth, TX), Kaycee Jones (Atlanta, GA)
Assignee(s): Apolla Performance Wear LLC (Fort Worth, TX)
Law Firm: Meunier Carlin Curfman LLC (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29663623 on 09/17/2018 (554 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Pig shape silicone mold
Patent No. D878851
Inventor(s): Christopher M. Dorion (Elmhurst, IL), Howard J. Locker (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Locker Dorion Associates, Inc. (Addison, TX)
Law Firm: Washam PLLC (Local)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29670557 on 11/16/2018 (494 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Yard debris scoop
Patent No. D878881
Inventor(s): Robert Jastrow (North Richland Hills, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29670136 on 11/14/2018 (496 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Rear bumper for a model vehicle
Patent No. D878977
Inventor(s): Adam Cole Ewing (McKinney, TX), Jory Sprowl (McKinney, TN), Kent Poteet (Lucas, TX), Terry Soward (Van Alstyne, TX)
Assignee(s): TRAXXAS LP (McKinney, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29661443 on 08/28/2018 (574 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Mobile device signal booster
Patent No. D879078
Inventor(s): Joshua Boggs (Aledo, TX)
Assignee(s): Wilson Electronics, LLC (St. George, UT)
Law Firm: Jones Waldo Holbrook McDonough, PC (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29625667 on 11/10/2017 (865 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Clear ice maker
Patent No. D879162
Inventor(s): Thomas B. Murphy (Arlington, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29674235 on 12/20/2018 (460 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Currency recycler door
Patent No. D879193
Inventor(s): David Scott Frank (Coppell, TX), Mark K. Levenick (Flower Mound, TX)
Assignee(s): Revolution Retail Systems LLC (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: Locke Lord LLP (Local + 12 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29653561 on 06/15/2018 (648 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Body wing for a model vehicle
Patent No. D879209
Inventor(s): Adam Cole Ewing (McKinney, TX)
Assignee(s): TRAXXAS LP (McKinney, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29661438 on 08/28/2018 (574 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Vehicle body for a model vehicle
Patent No. D879212
Inventor(s): Jaime Felix Barajas (Dallas, TX), Jonathan Scott Wood (Lewisville, TX), Kent Poteet (Lucas, TX)
Assignee(s): TRAXXAS LP (McKinney, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29646766 on 05/07/2018 (687 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Swing cover
Patent No. D879229
Inventor(s): John Blackrock (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Aarjay Products, LLC (Spingfield, VA)
Law Firm: Widerman Malek, PL (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29669169 on 11/06/2018 (504 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Swing cover
Patent No. D879230
Inventor(s): John Blackrock (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Aarjay Products, LLC (Springfield, VA)
Law Firm: Widerman Malek, PL (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29669193 on 11/06/2018 (504 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ortho alignment tool
Patent No. D879292
Inventor(s): Michael Woodford Freitas (Plano, TX), Shannon Marie Scherr (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): IDM Tooling, LLC (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: Carstens Cahoon, LLP (Local)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29665003 on 09/28/2018 (543 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Face shield
Patent No. D879383
Inventor(s): Michael L Bowen (North Richland Hills, TX)
Assignee(s): Prestige Ameritech, Ltd. (North Richland Hills, TX)
Law Firm: BKDowd Law, P.C. (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29663807 on 09/19/2018 (552 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
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