Serveur d'impression

Notes de version pour DS218j | Synology Inc. – Bien choisir son serveur d impression

Par Titanfall , le 7 février 2022 - 141 minutes de lecture

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Version : 7.0.1-42218 Mise à jour 2


Note importante

  1. Votre Synology NAS peut ne pas vous informer de cette mise à jour DSM pour les raisons suivantes. Si vous souhaitez mettre à jour votre DSM vers cette version maintenant, veuillez cliquer ici pour le mettre à jour manuellement. Seul le Synology NAS avec DSM 7.0.1 installé peut être mis à jour vers cette version.
    • La mise à jour n'est pas encore disponible dans votre région. La mise à jour devrait être disponible pour toutes les régions dans les prochains jours, bien que l'heure de publication dans chaque région puisse varier légèrement.
  2. Cette mise à jour redémarrera votre Synology NAS.

Problèmes résolus

  1. Correction d'un problème où DSM identifiait à tort des erreurs dans les fichiers de licence de certains packages.
  2. Correction d'un problème où les journaux de package n'étaient pas tournés après un basculement sur SA3200D.
  3. Correction d'un problème où le compte Synology pouvait être déconnecté de manière inattendue.
  4. Correction d'un problème où le temps de réponse de l'interface utilisateur pouvait être plus long lorsque les utilisateurs exécutaient des scripts définis par l'utilisateur qui incluaient des montages liés.
  5. Correction d'un problème d'affichage incorrect de l'attribut d'heure des fichiers sur un périphérique de stockage externe au format exFAT.
  6. Correction d'un problème où il pouvait y avoir des changements d'autorisation de fichier inattendus dans Surveillance Station en raison du traitement de fichiers multithread.
  7. Correction d'un problème où les caches SSD pouvaient cesser de fonctionner lorsque la mémoire système était insuffisante.
  8. Correction d'un problème où le montage d'un dossier partagé chiffré sur un volume Btrfs pouvait échouer.
  9. Correction de plusieurs vulnérabilités de sécurité. (Synology-SA-22:01)

Version : 7.0.1-42218 Mise à jour 1


Note importante

Cette mise à jour a été rappelée le 12 janvier 2022, en raison d'erreurs de fichier de licence faussement identifiées. Le problème est résolu dans la version 7.0.1-42218-2.

Version : 7.0.1-42218



DSM 7.0.1-42218 est mis à jour le 21 octobre pour résoudre les problèmes avec Service PME
. Il est recommandé aux utilisateurs qui ont déjà installé cette version de DSM de mettre à jour le service SMB dans le Centre de paquets.

Avant la mise à jour

  1. La mise à jour devrait être disponible pour toutes les régions dans les prochaines semaines, bien que le moment de la publication dans chaque région puisse varier légèrement. Si vous souhaitez effectuer la mise à jour vers la dernière version maintenant, accédez au Centre de téléchargement de Synology et mettez à jour manuellement votre DSM.
  2. DSM 7.0.1 redémarrera votre Synology NAS.
  3. Après avoir installé DSM 7.0.1, vous ne pourrez pas rétrograder vers une version précédente de DSM.
  4. Avant la mise à jour, votre Synology NAS doit exécuter DSM 6.2 ou versions supérieures.
  5. Réservez du temps supplémentaire pour terminer la mise à jour de DSM 7.0.1. La mise à jour DSM prend 10 à 20 minutes, tandis que la mise à jour du package peut prendre plus d'une heure. Le temps réel dépend de la puissance de calcul de votre modèle, du nombre de fichiers d'indexation multimédia et du nombre de packages installés.
  6. Si vous effectuez une nouvelle installation, assurez-vous de terminer l'installation avec ou Synology Assistant 7.0-50029 ou supérieur.
  7. Pour éviter d'éventuels problèmes de compatibilité, les utilisateurs qui ont installé les applications mobiles Active Insight, Synology Photos et Secure SignIn pendant les programmes DSM 7.0 Preview/Beta doivent mettre à jour les applications vers la dernière version après la mise à jour de DSM.
  8. DSM 7.0.1 consomme davantage de ressources système, y compris de mémoire. Assurez-vous que votre NAS dispose d'au moins 1 Go de mémoire avant la mise à jour.
  9. Cette version de DSM est compatible avec les modèles ci-dessous.
    • Série FS : FS6400, FS3600, FS3400, FS3017, FS2017, FS1018
    • Série SA : SA3600, SA3400, SA3200D
    • Série 21 : RS2821RP+, RS2421RP+, RS2421+, RS1221RP+, RS1221+, DS1821+, DS1621+, DS1621xs+, DVA3221, RS4021xs+, RS3621xs+, RS3621RPxs
    • Série 20 : RS820RP+, RS820+, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS620slim, DS420+, DS420j, DS220+, DS220j, DS120j
    • Série 19 : RS1219+, RS819, DS2419+II, DS2419+, DS1819+, DS1019+, DS419slim, DS119j, DVA3219, RS1619xs+
    • Série 18 : RS2818RP+, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, RS818RP+, RS818+, DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS418, DS418play, DS418j, DS218+, DS218, DS218play, DS218j, DS118, RS3618xs, DS3018xs
    • Série 17 : RS217, DS1817+, DS1817, DS1517+, DS1517, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs+, RS3617xs, RS3617RPxs, RS18017xs+, DS3617xs, DS3617xsII
    • Série 16 : RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS816, DS916+, DS716+II, DS716+, DS416, DS416play, DS416slim, DS416j, DS216+II, DS216+, DS216, DS216play, DS216j, DS216se, DS116, RS18016xs+
    • Série 15 : RS815RP+, RS815+, RS815, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS1515, DS715, DS415+, DS415play, DS215+, DS215j, DS115, DS115j, RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2015xs
    • Série 14 : RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214play, DS214se, DS114, RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs
    • Série 13 : DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, DS213j, RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+
  10. Pour les modèles ci-dessous, vous ne pouvez télécharger le correctif de mise à niveau qu'à partir du Centre de téléchargement de Synology car vous ne recevrez pas de notifications pour cette mise à jour sur votre DSM.
    • Série XS : RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+, RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2015xs
    • Série Plus : DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, DS214+, RS815RP+, RS815+, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+, DS215+
    • Série Valeur : DS114, DS214, DS214play, DS414, RS214, RS814, RS815, DS1515, DS715, DS415play, DS115
    • Série J : DS119j, DS213j, DS214se, DS414j, DS414slim, DS215j, DS115j


  1. Les périphériques USB (dongle Wi-Fi, dongle Bluetooth, dongle 3G/4G, DAC/haut-parleur USB et dongle DTV) ne sont plus pris en charge. Si votre Synology NAS est actuellement connecté via un dongle sans fil, il sera déconnecté après la mise à jour.
  2. DSM 7.0.1 met fin à la prise en charge d'ext3. Nous vous suggérons fortement de sauvegarder les données stockées sur vos volumes ext3 et de transférer les données vers des volumes avec des systèmes de fichiers pris en charge avant la mise à jour.
  3. Par défaut, DSM 7.0.1 désactive NTLMv1 et active uniquement NTMLv2, de sorte que les clients SMB (par exemple, les appareils Windows XP, les lecteurs multimédias, les imprimantes réseau, les téléviseurs intelligents et les caméras IP) ne pourront pas accéder à votre Synology NAS. Pour restaurer la connexion après la mise à jour, accédez à Panneau de configuration > Services de fichiers > SMB > Paramètres avancés > Autres et activez l'authentification NTLMv1.
  4. NFSv4.1 et les fonctions avancées associées (multipathing) ne sont plus prises en charge sur les modèles Synology NAS avec les architectures de package suivantes : Alpine, Alpine4k, armada38x, Avoton, Braswell, Bromolow, Cedarview, Grantley, Monaco. Si vous aviez précédemment activé NFSv4 et NFSv4.1, le protocole NFS maximal est défini sur NFSv4 par défaut après la mise à jour. Pour plus d'informations sur l'architecture de package de votre modèle, veuillez consulter cet article.
  5. La création de caches SSD sur des LUN de niveau bloc n'est plus prise en charge. Les caches SSD existants pour les blocs LUN fonctionneront normalement après la mise à jour.
  6. Les domaines NT4 ne sont plus pris en charge. Les domaines NT4 actuels ne seront plus disponibles après la mise à jour.
  7. Les URL utilisées par DSM lors de la mise à jour ou de l'exécution des services ont été modifiées. Veuillez lire cet article et assurez-vous que vos règles de pare-feu sont correctement configurées.
  8. iSCSI Manager deviendra SAN Manager. Veuillez vous référer aux notes de version du package pour plus de détails.
  9. Lorsque vous vous reconnectez aux cibles iSCSI à partir de vos hôtes VMware ESXi après la mise à jour de DSM, les banques de données sur les LUN qui sont mappées aux cibles peuvent ne pas être montées correctement. Cela n'arrive qu'aux LUN créés avant la mise à jour. La résolution peut être trouvée dans la base de connaissances VMware.
  10. Pour fournir une prise en charge TLS complète et assurer la compatibilité, le niveau de profil TLS/SSL dans la compatibilité moderne passera automatiquement à la compatibilité intermédiaire après la mise à jour.
  11. EZ-Internet est fusionné avec la configuration du routeur dans le panneau de configuration. Pour configurer la redirection de port, accédez à Panneau de configuration > Accès externe > Configuration du routeur.
  12. Python3 est fusionné avec DSM en tant que service intégré. Le package Python3 d'origine ne sera pas disponible dans le Centre de packages et vous pourrez le supprimer manuellement.
  13. Les fournisseurs DDNS suivants sont supprimés de la liste des fournisseurs de services dans Panneau de configuration > Accès externe > DDNS :
    ClouDNS, DNO-O-Matic, DNSEXIT, Dynamic DO!.jp,, RU-CENTER,, Variomedia,
  14. La connexion QuickConnect mise à jour est sécurisée par un certificat SSL et votre domaine QuickConnect sera transmis à Let's Encrypt à des fins de demande de certificat. Veuillez vous reporter à la divulgation de la collecte de données sur les services pour plus de détails.
  15. Security Advisor active par défaut l'analyse de connexion et certains éléments de contrôle de détection de compte personnalisés après la mise à jour.
  16. La conversion vidéo aux formats FLV et MPEG-4 Partie 2 sur les modèles suivants n'est plus prise en charge.
    • Série 20 : DS120j
    • Série 19 : DS119j
    • Série 16 : DS216se
    • Série 15 : DS215j, DS115, DS115j
    • Série 14 : RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214se, DS114
    • Série 13 : DS213j


  1. Synology Moments et Photo Station seront mis à niveau et fusionnés en tant que Synology Photos. Si vous souhaitez utiliser Synology Photos sur vos appareils mobiles, veuillez installer l'application iOS/Android. Voir cette page pour plus de détails.
  2. Cloud Station Server et Cloud Station ShareSync seront mis à niveau et fusionnés avec Synology Drive Server. Si vous utilisez des applications Cloud Station Suite (Cloud Station Server, Cloud Station Drive, Cloud Station Backup, Cloud Station ShareSync ou DS cloud), vous devez passer à leurs équivalents dans Synology Drive Suite pour garantir la compatibilité. Voir cette page pour plus de détails.
  3. MariaDB 5 est incompatible avec DSM 7.0.1. Pour mettre à jour vers DSM 7.0.1, veuillez d'abord installer MariaDB 10, migrer la base de données et désinstaller MariaDB 5 dans le Centre de paquets.
  4. Si vous ne trouvez pas certains packages tiers approuvés par Synology dans le Centre de paquets, consultez cet article pour connaître le dernier état des packages. Pour les autres packages tiers, veuillez contacter leurs développeurs pour plus d'informations.
  5. Les packages suivants ne sont plus pris en charge :
    Cloud Station Server (remplacé par Synology Drive Server), Cloud Station ShareSync (remplacé par Synology Drive Server), Discourse, DokuWiki, Drupal, Drupal8, DVBLink, GitLab, GLPI, Hasplm, Java7, Java8, LimeSurvey, Logitech® Serveur multimédia, LXQt, Magento, Magento2, MantisBT, Moments (remplacé par Synology Photos), Mono, Moodle, Node.js 0.10, Node.js 0.12, Node.js v4, Node.js v6, Node.js v8, Odoo 8 , OpenERP 6.1, OpenERP 7.0, OrangeHRM, Orthanc, osCommerce, osTicket, PHP PEAR, Photo Station (remplacé par Synology Photos), phpBB, Piwik, Podcast Generator, PrestaShop, PrestaShop1.7, PythonModule, Redmine, Ruby, Spree, SugarCRM, SVN, Gestionnaire de fichiers Synology, Tomcat6, Tomcat7, TVMosaic, Webalizer.
  6. Après la mise à jour vers Web Station 3.0.0-0308, un dossier partagé web_packages sera créé par défaut pour stocker les fichiers des packages tiers installés (par exemple, phpMyAdmin).

Quoi de neuf

  1. Prend en charge la migration des configurations système SA3200D lorsque les utilisateurs effectuent une migration de disque dur.
  2. Ajout de la prise en charge de la mise en miroir du cache mémoire sur les contrôleurs pour une meilleure cohérence des données sur SA3200D.
  3. Ajout de la prise en charge de l'option "Synchroniser les dossiers montés à distance" pour la synchronisation des dossiers partagés.
  4. Prend en charge la création de volumes jusqu'à 1 Po au format Btrfs (Peta Volume) sur les modèles des séries XS/XS+, SA (SA3200D exclu) et FS. (Apprendre encore plus)
  5. Ajout de la prise en charge de la déduplication des données sur les volumes Btrfs sur certains modèles. (Apprendre encore plus)
  6. Prend en charge la notification des utilisateurs lorsque le stockage est insuffisant pour les métadonnées.
  7. Mise à jour d'OpenSSL vers la version 1.1.1l pour corriger plusieurs vulnérabilités de sécurité (CVE-2021-3711, CVE-2021-3712).

Problèmes résolus

  1. Correction d'un problème où DSM pouvait ne pas se reconnecter automatiquement à un VPN après la déconnexion.
  2. Correction du problème de tri sur la page Afficher les détails dans Moniteur de ressources > Performances > Disques lorsqu'un lecteur USB est connecté.
  3. Correction d'un problème où l'affichage dans les paramètres de volume dans le gestionnaire de stockage était incorrect une fois que les utilisateurs avaient épinglé les widgets du bureau.
  4. Correction d'un problème où le débit dans Resource Monitor pouvait ne pas s'afficher correctement lorsque le trafic réseau du système ou le débit des disques ou des volumes était important.
  5. Correction d'un problème où lorsque les utilisateurs utilisaient des extensions tierces pour changer le thème DSM, ils ne pouvaient pas personnaliser le fond d'écran.
  6. Correction d'un problème où, lorsque des utilisateurs non administrateurs partageaient des fichiers avec des liens protégés par mot de passe, les noms de fichiers s'affichaient de manière incorrecte.
  7. Correction d'un problème où un disque sain pouvait être détecté à tort comme défectueux après avoir été échangé avec un disque défaillant dans le même pool de stockage lorsque le système a été arrêté. Le problème entraînerait le blocage ou la disparition du pool de stockage dégradé.
  8. Correction d'un problème où les utilisateurs ne pouvaient pas importer les fichiers de configuration du conteneur Docker à partir d'ordinateurs locaux.
  9. Correction d'un problème où certains packages ne pouvaient pas être installés lorsque le package intégré "DSM UI Compatible 6.x" était manquant.
  10. Correction d'un problème où les statuts des packages pouvaient être bloqués dans "Obtenir le statut" dans le Centre de packages.
  11. Correction d'un problème où les filtres pouvaient ne pas fonctionner lorsque les utilisateurs modifiaient les privilèges d'utilisateur ou de groupe de domaine dans Panneau de configuration > Privilèges d'application.
  12. Correction d'un problème où Security Advisor n'appliquait pas les paramètres de base de sécurité pour la première analyse.
  13. Correction d'un problème où les utilisateurs disposant du privilège "Utilisateur local et gestion" ne pouvaient pas effectuer les actions attribuées.
  14. Correction d'un problème où les utilisateurs qui avaient pris des instantanés d'un dossier partagé ne pouvaient pas désactiver l'analyse détaillée de l'utilisation du volume du dossier partagé dans Storage Manager.
  15. Correction d'un problème où la sauvegarde automatique de la configuration pouvait échouer dans certaines conditions.
  16. Correction d'une faille de sécurité concernant GhostScript utilisé par AirPrint. (CVE-2021-3781).
  17. Correction de plusieurs vulnérabilités de sécurité. (Synology-SA-21:25)"

Édition : 7.0-41890



DSM 7.0-41890 est mis à jour le 19 juillet pour résoudre les problèmes avec SAN Manager 1.0.1-0197, Active Insight 1.0.2-1007 et SMB Service 4.10.18-0223. Il est recommandé aux utilisateurs qui ont déjà installé cette version de DSM de mettre à jour les packages dans le Centre de packages.

Avant la mise à jour

  1. La mise à jour devrait être disponible pour toutes les régions dans les prochaines semaines, bien que le moment de la publication dans chaque région puisse varier légèrement. Si vous souhaitez effectuer la mise à jour vers la dernière version maintenant, accédez au Centre de téléchargement de Synology et mettez à jour manuellement votre DSM.
  2. Après l'installation de DSM 7.0, vous ne pourrez plus revenir à une version antérieure de DSM.
  3. Avant la mise à jour, votre Synology NAS doit exécuter DSM 6.2 ou versions supérieures.
  4. Réservez du temps supplémentaire pour terminer la mise à jour de DSM 7.0. La mise à jour DSM prend 10 à 20 minutes, tandis que la mise à jour du package peut prendre plus d'une heure. Le temps réel dépend de la puissance de calcul de votre modèle, du nombre de fichiers d'indexation multimédia et du nombre de packages installés.
  5. Si vous effectuez une nouvelle installation, assurez-vous de terminer l'installation avec ou Synology Assistant 7.0-50029 ou supérieur.
  6. Pour éviter d'éventuels problèmes de compatibilité, les utilisateurs qui ont installé les applications mobiles Active Insight, Synology Photos et Secure SignIn pendant les programmes DSM 7.0 Preview/Beta doivent mettre à jour les applications vers la dernière version après la mise à jour de DSM.
  7. DSM 7.0 consomme davantage de ressources système, notamment de mémoire. Si votre modèle dispose de moins de 1 Go de mémoire, la mise à jour vers DSM 7.0 peut affecter les performances du système.
  8. Cette version de DSM est compatible avec les modèles ci-dessous. DSM 7.0 pour les séries FS, SA, XS/XS+ et DVA est actuellement en cours de développement et sera disponible au cours du prochain trimestre.
    • Série 21 : RS2821RP+, RS2421RP+, RS2421+, RS1221RP+, RS1221+, DS1821+, DS1621+
    • Série 20 : RS820RP+, RS820+, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS620slim, DS420+, DS420j, DS220+, DS220j, DS120j
    • Série 19 : RS1219+, RS819, DS2419+II, DS2419+, DS1819+, DS1019+, DS419slim, DS119j
    • Série 18 : RS2818RP+, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, RS818RP+, RS818+, DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS418, DS418play, DS418j, DS218+, DS218, DS218play, DS218j, DS118
    • Série 17 : RS217, DS1817+, DS1817, DS1517+, DS1517
    • Série 16 : RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS816, DS916+, DS716+II, DS716+, DS416, DS416play, DS416slim, DS416j, DS216+II, DS216+, DS216, DS216play, DS216j, DS216se, DS116
    • Série 15 : RS815RP+, RS815+, RS815, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS1515, DS715, DS415+, DS415play, DS215+, DS215j, DS115, DS115j
    • Série 14 : RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214play, DS214se, DS114
    • Série 13 : DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, DS213j
  9. Pour les modèles ci-dessous, vous ne pouvez télécharger le correctif de mise à niveau qu'à partir du Centre de téléchargement de Synology car vous ne recevrez pas de notifications pour cette mise à jour sur votre DSM.
    • Série Plus : DS214+, DS215+, DS415+, DS713+, DS1513+, DS1515+, DS1813+, DS1815+, DS2413+, DS2415+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS815RP+, RS815+, RS2414RP+, RS2414+
    • Série Valeur : DS114, DS115, DS214, DS214play, DS414, DS415play, DS715, DS1515, RS214, RS814, RS815
    • Série J : DS115j, DS119j, DS213j, DS214se, DS215j, DS414j, DS414slim


  1. Les périphériques USB (dongle Wi-Fi, dongle Bluetooth, dongle 3G/4G, DAC/haut-parleur USB et dongle DTV) ne sont plus pris en charge. Si votre Synology NAS est actuellement connecté via un dongle sans fil, il sera déconnecté après la mise à jour.
  2. DSM 7.0 mettra fin à la prise en charge d'ext3. Nous vous suggérons fortement de sauvegarder les données stockées sur vos volumes ext3 et de transférer les données vers des volumes avec des systèmes de fichiers pris en charge avant la mise à jour.
  3. Par défaut, DSM 7.0 désactive NTLMv1 et active uniquement NTMLv2, de sorte que les clients SMB (par exemple, les appareils Windows XP, les lecteurs multimédias, les imprimantes réseau, les téléviseurs intelligents et les caméras IP) ne pourront pas accéder à votre Synology NAS. Pour restaurer la connexion après la mise à jour, accédez à Panneau de configuration > Services de fichiers > SMB > Paramètres avancés > Autres et activez l'authentification NTLMv1.
  4. NFSv4.1 et les fonctions avancées associées (multipathing) ne sont plus prises en charge sur les modèles Synology NAS avec les architectures de package suivantes : Alpine, Alpine4k, armada38x, Avoton, Braswell, Bromolow, Cedarview, Grantley, Monaco. Si vous aviez précédemment activé NFSv4 et NFSv4.1, le protocole NFS maximal est défini sur NFSv4 par défaut après la mise à jour. Pour plus d'informations sur l'architecture de package de votre modèle, veuillez consulter cet article.
  5. La création de caches SSD sur des LUN de niveau bloc n'est plus prise en charge. Les caches SSD existants pour les blocs LUN fonctionneront normalement après la mise à jour.
  6. Les domaines NT4 ne sont plus pris en charge. Les domaines NT4 actuels ne seront plus disponibles après la mise à jour.
  7. Les URL utilisées par DSM lors de la mise à jour ou de l'exécution des services ont été modifiées. Veuillez lire cet article et assurez-vous que vos règles de pare-feu sont correctement configurées.
  8. iSCSI Manager deviendra SAN Manager sur DSM 7.0. Veuillez vous référer aux notes de version du package pour plus de détails.
  9. Lorsque vous vous reconnectez aux cibles iSCSI à partir de vos hôtes VMware ESXi après la mise à jour de DSM, les banques de données sur les LUN qui sont mappées aux cibles peuvent ne pas être montées correctement. Cela n'arrive qu'aux LUN créés avant la mise à jour. La résolution peut être trouvée dans la base de connaissances VMware.
  10. Pour fournir une prise en charge TLS complète et garantir la compatibilité, le niveau de profil TLS/SSL dans la compatibilité moderne passera automatiquement à la compatibilité intermédiaire après la mise à jour.
  11. EZ-Internet est fusionné avec la configuration du routeur dans le panneau de configuration. Pour configurer la redirection de port, accédez à Panneau de configuration > Accès externe > Configuration du routeur.
  12. Python3 est fusionné avec DSM en tant que service intégré. Le package Python3 d'origine ne sera pas disponible dans le Centre de packages et vous pourrez le supprimer manuellement.
  13. Les fournisseurs DDNS suivants sont supprimés de la liste des fournisseurs de services dans Panneau de configuration > Accès externe > DDNS :
    CloudNS, DNO-O-Matic, DNSEXIT, Dynamic DO!.jp,, RU-CENTER,, Variomedia,
  14. La connexion QuickConnect mise à jour est sécurisée avec un certificat SSL et votre domaine QuickConnect sera transmis à Let's Encrypt à des fins de demande de certificat. Veuillez vous référer à la déclaration de confidentialité pour plus de détails.
  15. Security Advisor active par défaut l'analyse de connexion et certains éléments de contrôle de détection de compte personnalisés après la mise à jour.
  16. La conversion vidéo aux formats FLV et MPEG-4 Partie 2 sur les modèles suivants n'est plus prise en charge.
    • Série 20 : DS120j
    • Série 19 : DS119j
    • Série 16 : DS216se
    • Série 15 : DS215j, DS115, DS115j
    • Série 14 : RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214se, DS114
    • Série 13 : DS213j
  17. Active Insight et Hybrid Share Service sont tous deux intégrés à DSM 7.0 et sont actuellement en version bêta. Ils seront installés avec la mise à jour.
  18. Synology Moments et Photo Station seront mis à niveau et fusionnés en tant que Synology Photos. Si vous souhaitez utiliser Synology Photos sur vos appareils mobiles, veuillez installer l'application iOS/Android. Voir cette page pour plus de détails.
  19. Cloud Station Server et Cloud Station ShareSync seront mis à niveau et fusionnés avec Synology Drive Server. Si vous utilisez des applications Cloud Station Suite (Cloud Station Server, Cloud Station Drive, Cloud Station Backup, Cloud Station ShareSync ou DS cloud), vous devez passer à leurs équivalents dans Synology Drive Suite pour garantir la compatibilité. Voir cette page pour plus de détails.
  20. MariaDB 5 est incompatible avec DSM 7.0. Pour mettre à jour vers DSM 7.0, veuillez d'abord installer MariaDB 10, migrer la base de données et désinstaller MariaDB 5 dans le Centre de paquets.
  21. L'assistant de migration est actuellement en version bêta sur DSM 7.0. Plus d'informations peuvent être trouvées sur la page du programme bêta, y compris les détails de compatibilité et les notes de version.
  22. Si vous ne trouvez pas certains packages tiers approuvés par Synology dans le Centre de paquets, consultez cet article pour connaître le dernier état des packages. Pour les autres packages tiers, veuillez contacter leurs développeurs pour plus d'informations.
  23. Les packages suivants ne sont plus pris en charge :
    Cloud Station Server (remplacé par Synology Drive Server), Cloud
    Station ShareSync (remplacé par Synology Drive Server), Discourse, DokuWiki, Drupal, Drupal8, DVBLink, GitLab, GLPI, Hasplm, Java7, Java8, LimeSurvey, Logitech® Serveur multimédia, LXQt, Magento, Magento2, MantisBT, Moments (remplacé par Synology Photos), Mono, Moodle, Node.js 0.10, Node.js 0.12, Node.js v4, Node.js v6, Node.js v8, Odoo 8 , OpenERP 6.1, OpenERP 7.0, OrangeHRM, Orthanc, osCommerce, osTicket, PHP PEAR, Photo Station (remplacé par Synology Photos), phpBB, Piwik, Podcast Generator, PrestaShop, PrestaShop1.7, PythonModule, Redmine, Ruby, Spree, SugarCRM, SVN, Gestionnaire de fichiers Synology, Tomcat6, Tomcat7, TVMosaic, Webalizer
  24. Après la mise à jour vers Web Station 3.0.0-0308, un dossier partagé web_packages sera créé par défaut pour stocker les fichiers des packages tiers installés (par exemple, phpMyAdmin).

Quoi de neuf

  1. Stockage
    • Une nouvelle révision de Storage Manager :
      • Ajout de visuels des modèles Synology NAS avec leurs emplacements de disque, leurs unités d'extension et leurs emplacements M.2 intégrés pour aider les utilisateurs à visualiser l'état du disque.
      • Convivialité améliorée avec un affichage plus clair de la relation entre les pools de stockage, les volumes et les caches SSD.
      • Amélioration du processus de configuration du disque de secours et du nettoyage des données.
      • Ajout d'une fonctionnalité pour guider les utilisateurs dans la configuration des lecteurs nouvellement insérés.
    • Nouvelles fonctionnalités des pools de stockage, des volumes et des lecteurs :
      • Prend en charge l'exécution simultanée de différentes tâches sur différents pools de stockage.
      • Prend en charge la mise à jour du micrologiciel pour les lecteurs Synology.
      • Amélioration des performances d'accès du RAID 6 dégradé de 70 %.
      • Ajout de l'affichage de l'utilisation du stockage de chaque élément de catégorie sur les volumes Btrfs.
      • Ajout d'un nouveau mécanisme de réparation rapide pour réduire le temps nécessaire à la réparation du RAID en fonction de l'utilisation du stockage et ainsi réduire le temps de dégradation du RAID.
      • Ajout de la possibilité de remplacer un disque dans un pool de stockage sain par un disque inutilisé sans interrompre les services ni provoquer de dégradation du pool de stockage.
      • Ajout de la possibilité de remplacer automatiquement les disques « critiques » ou « défaillants » dans les pools de stockage protégés par Hot Spare.
      • Ajout de la fonction de réparation automatique pour exécuter automatiquement une réparation RAID lorsqu'un disque défectueux est remplacé par un disque sain dans le même emplacement de disque.
      • Ajout de la possibilité d'éjecter un pool de stockage sur une unité d'extension pour assurer le retrait en toute sécurité des disques sans interrompre les services système.
      • Ajout de la possibilité de monter des pools de stockage à partir de lecteurs insérés après la mise sous tension du périphérique sans interrompre les services système.
      • Prend en charge la personnalisation de la notification de faible capacité pour des volumes individuels lorsque leur espace disponible tombe en dessous de la valeur spécifiée.
      • Ajout de la prise en charge des calendriers de récupération d'espace pour les volumes Btrfs.
    • Nouvelles fonctionnalités du cache SSD :
      • Ajout de la possibilité de créer et de supprimer des caches SSD sans interrompre les services système.
      • Ajout du nouveau SSD Cache Advisor pour surveiller les accès E/S et fournir des recommandations de capacité plus précises.
      • Ajout de la possibilité d'épingler toutes les métadonnées Btrfs aux caches SSD pour améliorer les performances d'accès aux petits fichiers et raccourcir le temps de réponse lors de l'accès régulier aux fichiers.
      • Ajout de la possibilité d'activer la protection automatique sur les caches de lecture-écriture SSD avec tolérance aux pannes multi-disques.
      • Ajout de la prise en charge du mécanisme de réécriture rapide, offrant une synchronisation 30 % plus rapide des caches SSD vers les disques durs lorsque la protection automatique est activée.
  2. Moniteur de ressources
    • Refonte de l'affichage des métriques de performances enregistrées avec une granularité plus fine des points de données et la possibilité de se concentrer sur certains moments.
    • Amélioration de la transparence de la surveillance des services système en séparant les processus plus importants et non liés.
    • Ajout de la possibilité de gérer les fichiers actuellement consultés et leurs utilisateurs connectés pour mieux gérer les fichiers verrouillés.
  3. Système de fichiers/Services de fichiers
    • Prend en charge l'activation/la désactivation de la compression de fichiers pour les dossiers partagés créés sur DSM 7.0.
    • Taux de compression de fichier amélioré et affichage supplémentaire du taux actuel pour chaque dossier partagé.
    • Ajout de la prise en charge du verrouillage interprotocole entre SMB et AFP.
    • Prend en charge l'accès aux dossiers partagés chiffrés via NFS sur certains modèles. (Apprendre encore plus)
    • Performances Btrfs améliorées et latence d'E/S réduite.
    • Modularisation du service de fichiers SMB dans un package.
    • Permet aux utilisateurs d'activer/désactiver les journaux de transfert SMB pour les modifications d'autorisation, fournissant des journaux de transfert plus flexibles.
    • Amélioration des performances de chiffrement jusqu'à 10 % sur certains modèles avec la plate-forme x86.
    • Dans l'Explorateur de fichiers Windows, les utilisateurs peuvent désormais rechercher les fichiers et leur contenu dans des dossiers indexés.
  4. Gestion des utilisateurs
    • Amélioration de la politique de mot de passe. Les mots de passe doivent exclure le nom d'utilisateur et la description, inclure à la fois des lettres majuscules et minuscules ainsi que des chiffres. La longueur minimale du mot de passe est de 8 caractères.
    • Ajout de la possibilité de déléguer des rôles d'administrateur prédéfinis à des comptes d'utilisateurs non administrateurs et de leur permettre de gérer certains services et paramètres système, offrant une gestion des autorisations plus flexible.
    • Ajout de la possibilité d'exiger que les utilisateurs importés changent leurs mots de passe après leurs premières connexions DSM.
    • Ajout de la possibilité d'attribuer des comptes d'utilisateurs à partir de listes d'importation à des groupes spécifiques.
  5. Intégration domaine/LDAP
    • Amélioration des performances d'authentification du client LDAP en réduisant le nombre de requêtes envoyées avec un mécanisme de mise en cache.
    • Les services et packages suivants prennent désormais en charge les connexions UPN : Synology Assistant, Hyper Backup, Synology Mail Server, Synology Calendar et Shared Folder Sync.
    • Amélioration des performances de synchronisation de la base de données de domaine en synchronisant uniquement les données modifiées.
  6. Sécurité
    • Ajout de la possibilité de bloquer les ports USB et console.
    • Processus de connexion QuickConnect amélioré pour renforcer la sécurité.
    • Fournit uniquement la prise en charge de TLS 1.3 pour l'option de compatibilité moderne pour le niveau de profil TLS/SSL.
    • Ajout de la possibilité de définir l'authentification à 2 facteurs comme obligatoire pour des utilisateurs ou des groupes spécifiques.
  7. Expérience utilisateur
    • Expérience utilisateur améliorée pour la première installation de DSM et la configuration des services liés au compte Synology (par exemple, QuickConnect).
    • Ajout de la possibilité d'installer automatiquement les mises à jour importantes de DSM et de packages.
    • Ajout d'informations et de conseils d'utilisation sur la sécurité, la notification et d'autres paramètres recommandés dans l'aide de DSM.
    • Ajout de la possibilité de sauvegarder la configuration du système DSM sur un compte Synology connecté.
    • Ajout de la possibilité d'exporter des rapports sur les autorisations de dossier.
    • Ajout de la prise en charge de l'intégration du webhook d'application pour envoyer des notifications système à Synology Chat et à d'autres applications tierces.
    • Ajout de niveaux de gravité aux notifications pour une meilleure catégorisation des événements.
    • Amélioration de la réactivité de l'interface utilisateur pour lancer plus rapidement les packages et les services installés.
    • Performances de connexion améliorées lors de la connexion à partir de réseaux externes.
    • Expérience utilisateur améliorée pour les processus de mise à jour de package en affichant l'état de la mise à jour avec des icônes de package sur le bureau DSM.
    • Prend en charge la réinitialisation des mots de passe de tous les comptes d'utilisateurs du groupe des administrateurs en appuyant sur le bouton RESET du Synology NAS pendant 4 secondes.
    • Refonte de l'onglet Service dans Panneau de configuration > Centre d'informations. L'onglet se concentre sur l'état des services et packages activés, y compris les ports locaux, les ports de routeur et les autorisations de pare-feu.
    • Amélioration de la convivialité du panneau de configuration en réorganisant ensemble les fonctionnalités associées :
      • Ajout d'un nouvel onglet de compte Synology pour consolider les futurs services fournis via le compte Synology.
      • Options de domaine consolidé/LDAP à configurer dans un nouvel assistant unifié.
      • Paramètres QuickConnect consolidés dans l'onglet Accès externe.
      • Paramètres consolidés des utilisateurs et des groupes.
      • Options de thème et de portail d'applications consolidées dans l'onglet Portail de connexion.
      • Options de notification par e-mail consolidées dans l'onglet Notification > E-mail.
      • WS-Discovery consolidé dans File Services > SMB.
      • Réseau consolidé > Paramètres DSM dans Portail de connexion > Services Web.
      • Déplacement de l'option de signature du serveur SMB vers Services de fichiers > SMB > Paramètres avancés.
      • Déplacement de la synchronisation des dossiers partagés dans l'onglet Services de fichiers.
      • Déplacement de l'option Appliquer l'authentification à 2 facteurs dans l'onglet Sécurité.
      • Serveur DHCP modularisé dans un package.

Problèmes résolus

  1. Correction d'un problème où les widgets de bureau DSM pouvaient disparaître après avoir cliqué sur le bouton Afficher le bureau.
  2. Correction d'un problème où, après la mise à jour vers DSM 7.0-41222, les utilisateurs tentant de se connecter à des packages via des portails d'applications peuvent être bloqués sur la page "Se préparer".
  3. Correction d'un problème où des erreurs de volume pouvaient se produire lorsque l'analyse détaillée de l'utilisation était activée dans Storage Manager.
  4. Correction d'un problème où les périphériques de stockage externes exFAT ne pouvaient pas être montés correctement lorsque la mémoire système disponible était fragmentée.
  5. Correction d'un problème où la mise hors tension automatique ne pouvait pas être désactivée via l'interface d'hibernation du disque dur.
  6. Correction d'un problème où les utilisateurs se connectant à certaines applications mobiles empêchaient les sessions de connexion utilisateur enregistrées même après le redémarrage du système.
  7. Correction d'un problème où certaines circonstances pouvaient empêcher le système de sauvegarder correctement les paramètres de configuration.
  8. Correction d'un problème où Synology Chat Client s'affiche vide lorsque les utilisateurs se connectent.
  9. Correction d'un problème empêchant la vidéo DS de lire des vidéos sur certains modèles de téléviseurs Samsung.
  10. Correction d'un problème où la connexion UPnP via QuickConnect pouvait échouer lorsque le service de relais n'était pas activé.
  11. Correction d'un problème où les nouveaux utilisateurs ne pouvaient pas appliquer le fond d'écran par défaut ou les images stockées dans DiskStation comme arrière-plan du bureau.
  12. Correction d'un problème où le service Bonjour générait des journaux redondants.
  13. Correction d'un problème où les serveurs gérés pouvaient se déconnecter de l'hôte CMS si l'hôte CMS exécute DSM 6.2.4.


  1. Lorsque vous cliquez sur Notifications > Tout afficher sur votre bureau juste après la mise à jour, vous ne pourrez voir que les 500 notifications récentes. Cependant, cela ne se produira pas pour les notifications futures.
  2. DSM 7.0 ne prend plus en charge l'envoi de notifications push via le serveur de messagerie de Synology. Pour configurer les notifications par e-mail, accédez à Panneau de configuration > Notification > E-mail.
  3. DDSM est incompatible avec DSM 7.0. Pour continuer à utiliser DDSM, vous devez conserver la version actuelle de DSM. Pour mettre à jour vers DSM 7.0, veuillez d'abord supprimer DDSM.
  4. La fonction « Arrêter l'onduleur lorsque le système passe en mode veille » n'est disponible que sur l'onduleur Omron.
  5. The AFP service is disabled by default after a clean installation.
  6. After the update, if your Synology NAS is a managed server in Central Management System, the CMS host must run DSM 6.2.4 or above and CMS 2.1.4 to be able to manage important DSM updates and package updates on your device.
  7. Central Management System no longer supports managing Synology NAS with DSM version earlier than DSM 6.2. Please update all managed servers to DSM 6.2 or above first. Managed servers that are unable to update to DSM 6.2 should be disjoined from the CMS host before the update.

Version: 6.2.4-25556 Update 4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions shortly, while the time of release in each region vary slightly. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here.
  2. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.4 installed can be updated to this version.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Samba (Synology-SA-22:02).

Version: 6.2.4-25556 Update 3


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.4 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where package logs weren't rotated after a switchover was performed on SA3200D.
  2. Fixed an issue where Synology Account might be signed out unexpectedly.
  3. Updated the renewal rule of the built-in certificate to prevent DSM connection errors.
  4. Fixed an issue where users couldn't expand a RAID 1 storage pool on the active server in a Synology High Availability cluster when the active server's RAID 1 storage pool is smaller than the one on the passive server.
  5. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-22:01)

Version: 6.2.4-25556 Update 2


Important Note

  1. DSM 6.2.4-25556-2 is updated on September 1 to fix the issues below.
    • Fixed an issue where the Synology Account sign-in status at Control Panel > QuickConnect was incorrectly shown as not signed in.
    • Fixed an issue where exFAT Access package installation might fail.
    • Fixed an issue where users couldn't use SSH transfer encryption for Shared Folder Sync tasks.
    • Fixed an issue where Active Insight might not be able to automatically collect and transfer diagnostic data when users submitted technical support forms.
  2. Disables the "Shut down UPS when the system enters Safe Mode" option by default.
  3. Audio Station must be updated to version 6.5.6-3377 or above to be compatible with this update.
  4. Media Server must be updated to version 1.8.1-2876 or above to be compatible with this update.
  5. Surveillance Station must be updated to version 8.2.9-6459 or above to be compatible with this update.
  6. Virtual Machine Manager must be updated to version 2.4.1-9259.

What's New

  1. Added support for Synology Active Insight, which provides an option for automatic delivery of diagnostic data to Synology Technical Support upon submission of a support ticket for a faster troubleshooting process. This option is configurable at DSM > Support Center.
  2. Added log entries for drive removal.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the domain group list wasn't updated correctly.
  2. Fixed an issue where administrator users couldn't sign in to DSM after they reset their password by pressing the RESET button.
  3. Fixed an issue where all input fields across DSM were auto-filled with DSM account name if users had had Google Chrome remember their password with the Autofill function.
  4. Fixed an issue where Finder might stop responding when users search for content within mounted folders on macOS Big Sur 11.1 and 11.2.
  5. Fixed an issue where after users updated to DSM 6.2.4, iSCSI targets mapped with LUNs created on DSM 6.0 and before became offline and couldn't be enabled.
  6. Fixed an issue where signing in via 2-step verification generated an extra log entry.
  7. Fixed an issue where deleted files from the home folder couldn't be found in the recycle bin if deleted via SMB.
  8. Fixed an issue where there is a slight possibility that the SMB service might be shortly disconnected the moment users apply SMB setting modifications.
  9. Fixed an issue where backing up data on Windows using Windows Server Backup or other third-party software to Synology NAS might fail after users updated their Windows with updates released since April 2021.
  10. Updated the OpenSSL setting in response to new rules of Let's Encrypt certificates.
  11. Fixed an issue where there might be an incorrect IP conflict message for VLANs.
  12. Fixed an issue where DHCP settings of one network interface might be wrongly applied to another interface whose DHCP settings hadn't been enabled.
  13. Fixed an issue where CMS-managed servers might disconnect from a CMS Host that has been updated to DSM 6.2.4.
  14. Adjusted the LED indicator behavior for drive hibernation and deep sleep, making the LED status easier to distinguish on the following 15-series and 16-series models: DS916+, DS716+II, DS716+, DS416, DS416play, DS415+, DS415play, DS216+II, DS216+.
  15. Fixed an issue where the UPS server might not function properly after the system reboot.
  16. Refines the description for abnormal S.M.A.R.T test results and specifies the problematic S.M.A.R.T attributes.
  17. Fixed an issue where the system might not obtain the compatibility information of hot-swapped drives on expansion units.
  18. Fixed an issue where Western Digital hard drives couldn't be detected upon bootup on the following models: RS4017xs+, RS3618xs, RS3617xs+, RS3617RPxs, DS3617xsII, DS3617xs.
  19. Fixed an issue where the fan couldn't resume in full speed mode after a system reboot on models with the V1000 platform.
  20. Fixed an issue where memory module error messages weren't displayed properly.
  21. Enhanced the system performance when there is a large number of concurrent connections.
  22. Fixed an issue where when the "Get user/group lists with NT4-compatible mode" option is enabled, domain users might not be able to sign in to Synology Contacts.
  23. Fixed an issue where 15-series and newer models couldn't hibernate when there is a system error, such as a storage issue and hardware malfunction.
  24. Adjusted the fan speed on SA3400 and SA3600 to fix a potential overheating issue when E10G18-T2 is installed.
  25. Fixed an issue where users couldn't expand the LUNs on ext4 volumes that are already mapped to iSCSI Targets.
  26. Adjusted the fan speed to fix a potential overheating issue when a Synology network interface card (E10G18-T1, E10G18-T2, E10M20-T1, E10G21-F2, E25G20-F2) is used as the Heartbeat connection in an SHA cluster or for Open vSwitch.
  27. Fixed an issue where the system couldn't retrieve the full name of domain groups correctly after users click "Update domain data".
  28. Fixed an issue where the status of domain users couldn't be displayed properly when the status is "lockout".
  29. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (CVE-2020-14318, CVE-2020-14323, CVE-2020-14383, CVE-2020-27840, CVE-2021-20277).
  30. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-21:22)

Version: 6.2.4-25556


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update includes fixes to the below issues mentioned in 6.2.4-25554.
    • Fixed an issue where external hard drives couldn't wake from hibernation on certain platforms (Grantley, Broadwell, Broadwellnk, Purley).
    • Fixed an issue where users could not sign in to Synology mobile apps after they had cleared the remembered device list in DSM 6.2.4.
  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.
  4. Integrates the beep control options for degraded/crashed volumes and abnormal SSD caches.
  5. The new LED indicator behavior makes the system status easier to distinguish on 15-series and newer models. (Learn more)
  6. DNS Server must be updated to version 2.2.3-5028 or above to be compatible with this update.
  7. LDAP Server must be updated to version 2.4.49-2515 or above to be compatible with this update.

Compatibility & Installation

  1. Enhanced the password policy. Passwords must exclude usernames and descriptions, include both upper-case and lower-case letters as well as numerical digits. The minimum password length is 8 characters.
  2. Fixed a compatibility issue between the Geminilake platform and virtual machines running Windows 10.
  3. On a newly installed version of DSM, file rename and deletion log events for SMB will be enabled by default.

What's New

  1. Users can now set 10 email addresses to receive system notifications.
  2. Enhanced domain database synchronization performance by syncing only altered data.
  3. Supports bad block detection on Synology SSDs.
  4. Supports the updating of Synology HDD and SSD firmware directly via DSM.
  5. Improved fan speed control based on the Synology network interface card temperature for 19-series and newer models.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the "Enable Web Assistant" option didn't work on NVR216 and NVR1218.
  2. Fixed an issue where the date and time formats for scheduled tasks were inconsistent in the widget and system settings.
  3. Fixed an issue where scheduled tasks may fail to be executed or modified.
  4. Fixed an issue where tasks scheduled at a high frequency generated a lot of logs and occupied system partitions.
  5. Fixed an issue where the custom welcome text may differ on the preview and actual login page due to character limits.
  6. Fixed an issue where data could still be written to LUNs after the volume runs out of space.
  7. Fixed an issue where if Wi-Fi dongles are installed, some available network interfaces weren't listed when users edit iSCSI targets.
  8. Fixed an issue where iSCSI services may be unstable when the host is too busy or when users disable iSCSI targets and ending sessions simultaneously.
  9. Fixed an issue where initiators couldn't connect to the iSCSI target after ethernet interfaces reconnect in a high-availability cluster.
  10. Fixed an issue where packages may not operate properly when drives migrated from another Synology NAS cause volume ID conflicts.
  11. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to find their Synology NAS in My Network Places on Windows when WS-Discovery isn't operating properly.
  12. Fixed an issue where Log Center didn't record recycle bin enabling/disabling events.
  13. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Sudo. (Synology-SA-21:02)
  14. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-21:03)


  1. In response to the enhancement of domain database synchronization efficiency, the domain user/group list will be updated once an hour when it is created with Synology Directory Server.

Version: 6.2.4-25554


Important Note

  1. This update is recalled on March 8, 2021, because of an issue where external hard drives couldn't wake from hibernation on certain platforms (Grantley, Broadwell, Broadwellnk, Purley). The issue is fixed in version 6.2.4-25556.

Version: 6.2.3-25426 Update 3


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Compatibility & Installation

  1. Photo Station must be updated to version 6.8.14-3501 or above to be compatible with this update.

What's New

  1. Enhanced NFSv4 connection stability.
  2. Increased the maximum number of IP camera channels on FS6400 to 150.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where support ticket submissions might fail in a certain version of Google Chrome.
  2. Fixed an issue where Windows 10, version 2004 virtual machines might fail to power on when users select UEFI as the firmware.
  3. Fixed an issue where there might be network disconnections on Virtual DSM.
  4. Enhanced the stability of SSD caches when multiple processes are accessing the same cache at the same time.
  5. Fixed an issue where CMS managed servers might not connect to the CMS host after they restarted.
  6. Fixed an issue where disks in Resource Monitor performance charts were not displayed in the correct sequence. Affected models include:
    • 21-series: DS1621+
    • 20-series: FS6400, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS420+, DS220+
  7. Fixed an issue where when users access files on DSM using Windows software via SMB, system performance might be affected. This is because of Windows software's continuous attempts to access the shared folders to which it has no permissions.
  8. Fixed an issue where Windows File Explorer might not update file deletion or removal in real time when folders are mounted via SMB.
  9. Fixed an issue where the system might not report the power status correctly on SA3200D.
  10. Fixed an issue where the setting pages after first-time DSM installation might not launch on Synology NAS models with multiple LAN ports.
  11. Fixed an issue where users were not able to empty the recycle bin of the "usbshare" shared folder.
  12. Fixed an issue where administrators were not able to change the "User must change password at next logon" setting via Windows RSAT.
  13. Fixed an issue where domain users could not be added to built-in groups via Windows RSAT.
  14. Fixed an issue where enabling the "Collect debug logs" option for SMB might result in excessive system space usage.
  15. Fixed an issue where the system might send incorrect port forwarding notifications after a restart.
  16. Fixed an issue where SHA-1 certificates might disappear when users click "Upgrade certificate".
  17. Fixed an issue where DSM might block users' IP addresses and create excessive logs when they tried to sign in after re-installing DSM.
  18. Fixed an issue where incorrect drive compatibility information was displayed after drive migration.
  19. Enhanced the stability of network interface cards on certain models.
  20. Fixed an issue where links in password reset emails did not work when the URLs exceed the maximum length.
  21. Fixed an issue where packages did not update automatically due to dependency problems.
  22. Enhanced SAS controller stability during system shutdowns.
  23. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-20:26)
  24. Supports Let's Encrypt ISRG certificates.

Version: 6.2.3-25426 Update 2


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New

  1. Added support for Synology Expansion Unit FX2421.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where a DS920+ or DS720+ might not enter hibernation when its connected expansion unit has entered deep sleep.
  2. Fixed the issue where drive status LED indicators on a connected expansion unit might not work properly when the expansion unit wakes up from deep sleep.
  3. Fixed the issue where daylight saving time might not display correctly in certain time zones (e.g., Dublin, Casablanca).
  4. Fixed the issue where mounted remote shared folders on a Synology NAS may cause volumes to operate improperly or the Synology NAS unable to shut down in certain scenarios.
  5. Fixed the issue where the system might incorrectly prompt "drive slot disabled” notice when a DS413 or DS213+ wakes up from deep sleep.
  6. Enhanced the performance in writing a large number of files to a Btrfs volume with RAID 1 configuration using hard disk drives (HDD).
  7. Fixed the issue where Synology Universal Search and Synology Drive might consume excessive CPU resources when the option "Utilize unused memory as database cache to improve (search) performance" has been enabled.
  8. Fixed the issue where domain-related services might not resume working because the update of domain data could not be complete.
  9. Fixed security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-20:18).
  10. Fixed the issue where the system might incorrectly prompt IP address conflict warning if a network interface card is attached to Synology NAS and the option "Reply to ARP requests if the target IP address is a local address configured on the incoming interface" is disabled.
  11. Fixed the issue where the status of an Ethernet port might not be detected properly when the Ethernet port is not connected to a network cable while Open vSwitch has been enabled.

Version: 6.2.3-25426 Update 1


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
    • The update is not required for your Synology NAS. Synology NAS will automatically run a checklist, which checks the services and system configurations, to determine whether this update is required.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where Storage Manager might display an incorrect warning when the size of a storage pool is over 16 TB on certain 32-bit models.

Version: 6.2.3-25426


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly. If you want to update to the latest version now, please go to Download Center and manually update your DSM.
  2. This update includes fixes to the below issues mentioned in 6.2.3-25423.
    • Fixed the issue where the automatic mounting of encrypted shared folders might result in the loss of indexing rules and the failure of the search function.
    • Fixed the issue where the Synology NAS equipped with NVMe device might be woken up from hibernation by the update of NVMe device's health status cache.
  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.
  4. Removed the support for Google Cloud Print in DSM 6.2.3 and above.
  5. To avoid the interruption of iSCSI service, the automatic DSM update and your power schedule to shut down may not be executed as expected if there are any active iSCSI sessions.
  6. Removed TWNIC from the list of DDNS service providers on DSM 6.2.3 since TWNIC will stop accepting new registrations for DSM as of Jul. 1, 2020. Your current TWNIC DDNS services can still be used and edited but will not be available again once deleted from DSM.
  7. This is the last major DSM version (6.2) that supports the video conversion to .flv and MPEG-4 Part 2 on certain models (RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS216se, DS215j, DS214+, DS214, DS214se, DS213j, DS120j, DS119j, DS115, DS115j, and DS114) in consideration of the termination of Adobe's support for Flash Player by the end of 2020.

What's New in DSM 6.2.3

  1. Thin Provisioning LUN will become protected upon insufficient volume space, preventing clients from writing data to the LUN while allowing read-only access to the existing data.
  2. Added support for domain users to sign in to DSM using a UPN (user principal name) via file protocols (including SMB, AFP, FTP, and WebDAV).
  3. Added support for the option of forcing password changes for importing local users.
  4. Enhanced the compatibility of the imported user list, providing clearer error messages when the imported file contains syntax errors.
  5. Added support to record only the events of SMB transfer selected by the user, providing transfer logs that meet the requirements more closely.
  6. Added support for client users to monitor the changes of subdirectories under shared folders via SMB protocol.
  7. Added details of desktop notifications to facilitate users' timely responses.
  8. Added support for external UDF file system devices.
  9. Added support for the Open vSwitch option in a high-availability cluster.
  10. Added support for IP conflict detection, providing logs and notifications accordingly.
  11. Added support for Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates for Synology DDNS.
  12. Added support to waive the need of DSM login again through an HTTPS connection after a change in client's IP address.
  13. Added support for hardware-assisted locking for Thick Provisioning LUN on an ext4 volume.
  14. Added support for customized footer message on DSM login pages.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where certain cities might be mapped to incorrect time zones.
  2. Fixed the issue where LDAP users could not be notified of the upcoming password expiration.
  3. Fixed the issue where the upload of LDAP certificate could not overwrite the original one with the same file name.
  4. Fixed the issue where the application permissions settings might not be applied properly to the Domain Users group when such group in Windows AD domain was named other than "Domain Users".
  5. Fixed the issue of inaccurate time of usage history in Resource Monitor.
  6. Improved system responsiveness by reducing the latency of the Btrfs file system in certain scenarios.
  7. Fixed the issue where SNMP did not provide the indices of Disk and RAID correctly.
  8. Fixed the issue where the recycle bin of an encrypted shared folder might not be emptied properly.
  9. Enhanced the DSM login performance for multiple concurrent logins.
  10. Adjusted the personal notification mechanism to comply with the latest Gmail API.
  11. Fixed the issue where the iSCSI service might be interrupted when the LUN backup task is stopped.
  12. Removed the function of expanding the capacity of a block LUN.
  13. Fixed security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-19:33, Synology-SA-19:35, Synology-SA-19:37, Synology-SA-20:06, Synology-SA-20:18).

Known Issues & Limitations

  1. Due to Apple's new security requirements for trusted certificates, after a DSM update from an older version, the access to DSM via HTTPS using Google Chrome on a client device running macOS 10.15 might fail because of a certificate error. You may renew the default certificate on the Synology NAS to resolve this issue.
  2. To run Centralized Management System (CMS) on Surveillance Station after updating to DSM 6.2.3-25426, Surveillance Station 8.2.7 or above is required.

Version: 6.2.3-25423


Important Note

  1. This update has been recalled on May 13, since the automatic mounting of encrypted shared folders might result in the loss of indexing rules and the failure of the search function. The issue has been fixed in 6.2.3-25426.

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 6


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New

  1. RS4017xs+ now supports D4EC-2666-16G memory module.

Fixed Issues

  1. Improved drive migration compatibility for certain combinations of devices and DSM versions.
  2. Improved the stability of iSCSI sessions on VMware hosts running EXSi 6.7 U3.
  3. Fixed an issue where the system might unexpectedly reboot when users run remote virtual machines on certain models in an unstable network environment.

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where the LED indicators on the drive slots of DS118, DS218, DS218play, DS418, DS418j, and RS819 might not work properly.
  2. Fixed the issue where the certificate might not work properly when the renewal has failed.
  3. Fixed the issue where manually renewed certificates may not be applied to certain services.
  4. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Net-SNMP (CVE-2018-18066).
  5. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Nginx (Synology-SA-19:33).
  6. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-19:37).

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 3


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New

  1. Updated the protocol of Let's Encrypt to ACME V2 to enhance the stability of the registration process.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where the system might be unable to install a package during first time installation.
  2. Fixed the issue where shared folders could not be accessed via the SMB protocol if the smb.conf file was manually modified for Final Cut Pro X.
  3. Improved the performance of the SMB protocol by reducing CPU usage when Synology NAS joins a domain.
  4. Fixed the issue where Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) might not work again if the protocol has been disabled before.
  5. Fixed the issue where the LED indicators on the drive slots of RS4017xs+ and RS2818RP+ might not work properly.
  6. Adjusted the notification mechanism to comply with the latest Gmail API.
  7. Fixed the issue where duplicate entries of the same login event might be recorded at Log Center.
  8. Fixed the issue where applying non-default date formats at personal settings might result in additional date information being displayed.
  9. Fixed the issue where adding a Synology NAS to CMS host might result in a frozen "Checking" status and the device would not be added successfully.
  10. Fixed the issue where the storage capacity of a volume could not be expanded after it was migrated to a new Synology NAS with its corresponding SSD cache.

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 2


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.
  3. In response to Gmail API changes, your DSM needs an update to this version to continue the functionality of sending notifications via Gmail. If you wish to skip this update, or if your Synology product model is not eligible to update to DSM 6.2, please refer to the following article which will guide you through the manual configuration:
    How to use Gmail SMTP server to send emails for DSM

What's New

  1. Optimized the repair mechanism of RAID 6.
  2. Enhanced the stability of Btrfs file system.
  3. Enhanced the performance of the scheduled task to automatically empty the recycle bin.

Fixed Issues

  1. Adjusted Gmail notification authentication mechanism to comply with the new Gmail API.
  2. Fixed the issue where the public sharing link function might not work properly.
  3. Fixed several issues which might result from the defective NVMe SSDs, such as system startup failure.
  4. Fixed the issue where Google Chrome might autofill usernames and passwords into incorrect fields.
  5. Fixed the issue where the encrypted shared folders could not be accessed under certain conditions.
  6. Fixed the issue where the encrypted shared folders could not be mounted properly after system startup.
  7. Fixed the issue where, after the restart of Synology NAS or the configuration of Synology High Availability, the domain service powered by Directory Server for Windows Domain might not work properly.

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where available DSM updates may not be displayed in Control Panel and Notification.
  2. Fixed an issue where domain users may not be able to change their passwords when logging in through DSM.
  3. Fixed an issue where joining DSM to LDAP server might fail.
  4. Fixed an issue where accessing a path with special characters after enabling Mac special characters feature may result in permission error.
  5. Fixed an issue where some packages' functions might fail due to file permissions being reset by Package Center.
  6. Enhanced the stability of Btrfs file system under certain high I/O loading conditions.
  7. Fixed an issue where there's a small chance that UPS might be disabled after rebooting.
  8. Fixed an issue where reconnecting via CIFS in File Station might fail under unstable connection environment.
  9. Changed the default option for system date and time format settings to YYYY-MM-dd and HH:mm respectively.
  10. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Samba (Synology-SA-19:23).
  11. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding libxslt (CVE-2019-11068).

Version: 6.2.2-24922


Important Note

  1. This update was re-released on Apr. 29 to fine-tune certain functionality and usability.
  2. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New in DSM 6.2.2

  1. Added the new Smart Update function and adjusted the update mechanism of DSM.
  2. IHM now supports 14TB IronWolf and IronWolf Pro drives.
  3. Added firmware update function of SAS controller on certain SAS models.
  4. Added knowledge base article recommendations in the Support Center to help users with easy troubleshooting.
  5. Domain users can now change their passwords upon DSM login when their passwords expire.
  6. Added support for Integrated Windows Authentication.
  7. Added support for Google LDAP services.
  8. Added the new Low-Capacity Write function, which resumes LUNs from read-only status temporarily when a volume is running out of space.
  9. Users can now select which advanced features to enable during iSCSI LUN creation.
  10. Adjusted the warning mechanism in iSCSI Manager for insufficient volume space.
  11. Added function to schedule the snapshot rotation in iSCSI Manager.
  12. Added support for the configuration of date and time formats in personal account settings and Control Panel.
  13. Supports SSD compatibility check on XS and FS series models.
  14. Adjusted the notification mechanism for bad sectors.
  15. Improved the calculating accuracy of SSD cache hit rate.
  16. Users can now get a Let's Encrypt certificate automatically upon adding a new Synology DDNS.
  17. Changed notification badges from numbers to red dots and modified display rules.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where usage history may not show in Resource Monitor on certain models.
  2. Fixed an issue where files cannot be re-uploaded after being deleted on macOS 10.13.
  3. Fixed an issue where encrypted Excel files cannot be opened in Microsoft Office 2016 simultaneously on multiple macOS devices.
  4. Shortened the time needed for domain and LDAP authentication via AFP.
  5. Improved the stability of mounting exFAT external devices (exFAT package required).
  6. Improved the stability of NFS protocol connection.
  7. Improved the stability of Snapshot Replication when moving a large number of directories.
  8. Enhanced the stability of Btrfs file system under certain high I/O loading conditions.
  9. Enhanced vulnerabilities protection from KPTI to Spectre and Meltdown Protection for improved security. Applied models:
    • 18-Series : DS218+, DS418play, DS718+, DS918+, DS1618+, DS3018xs, RS2418+, RS2418RP+, RS2818RP+, FS1018
    • 19-Series : DS1019+, DS1819+, DS2419+, RS1619xs+
  10. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2017-13168, CVE-2018-19824, CVE-2017-15649, CVE-2018-14634, CVE-2018-17182, CVE-2018-10853).
  11. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding OpenSSL (CVE-2018-0732, CVE-2018-0737, CVE-2019-1559, CVE-2018-0734, CVE-2018-5407).
  12. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Spectre & Meltdown (Synology-SA-18:01).
  13. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding OpenSSH (CVE-2019-6109, CVE-2019-6110, CVE-2019-6111, CVE-2018-20685).
  14. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding SQLite (Synology-SA-18:61).
  15. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (Synology-SA-18:47, Synology-SA-18:60).
  16. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Intel TXE and ME (Synology-SA-17:73).
  17. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Speculative (Synology-SA-18:23).
  18. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding L1 Terminal Fault (Synology-SA-18:45).
  19. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 6


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS if you are using the models listed below.
    • Plus Series : DS218+, DS718+, DS918+, DS1019+
    • Value Series : DS418play

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where abnormal reboot while converting SHR type or expanding SHR capacity may cause the storage volume not to be properly mounted.
  2. Fixed an issue where the completion of Snapshot Replication under high load environment may result in abnormal reboot.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:64).

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 3


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Netatalk (Synology-SA-18:62).

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 2


Important Note

  1. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the SSD cache auto-protection mechanism was not able to start automatically.
  2. Fixed an issue where installing package creates unnecessary package backup that occupies system space.

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Improve Package Center system mechanisms to enhance user experience.
  2. Enhanced the ext4 file system stability.
  3. Fixed an issue where external hard drives of WD My Book might not be recognized if DSM is rebooted while the drives are in hibernation.
  4. Fixed an issue where Microsoft Office files might not be renamed in Windows File Explorer through SMB protocol.
  5. Fixed an issue where the HASP package might not be usable after upgrading to DSM 6.2-23739-2 and DSM 6.2.1-23824.
  6. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA-18:44).
  7. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:55).
  8. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding wpa_supplicant (CVE-2018-14526).
  9. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSH (CVE-2018-15473).
  10. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (CVE-2018-10858, CVE-2018-10919).

Version: 6.2.1-23824


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

  2. After system upgrades to DSM 6.2.1, the HASP package will not be supported.

  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

  4. For the following models, DSM 6.2 will be the last upgradable version. DSM 6.2 will continue to receive critical and security updates until June 2023 after the official release. Please refer to the DiskStation Manager Life Cycle section in Synology Security White Paper.

    • XS Series : RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs
    • Plus Series : RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+
    • Value Series : RS812, RS212, RS411, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111
    • J Series : DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j
    • Others : NVR216, NVR1218, DDSM

What's New in DSM 6.2.1

  1. Space reclamation speed of legacy Advanced LUNs is now adjustable.

  2. You can now convert legacy Advanced LUNs into new Advanced LUNs, which come with instant snapshots and performance improvements.

  3. Added password strength meter for creating and modifying passwords.

  4. When you install or upgrade your DSM version through the Internet, it will now automatically be upgraded to the corresponding DSM version with critical and security updates.
    The following models are not available due to hardware performance limitations.

    • 11 series: RS411, DS411slim, DS411j, DS411, DS211j, DS211+, DS211, DS111
    • 12 series: RS812, RS212, DS212j, DS212+, DS212, DS112j, DS112+, DS112
    • 13 series: DS413j, DS413, DS213j, DS213air, DS213+, DS213
    • 14 series: RS814, DS414slim, DS414j, DS414, RS214, DS214se, DS214+, DS214, DS114
    • 15 series: RS815, DS215j, DS115j, DS115
    • 16 series: DS216se

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to delete snapshots when the volume is full.

  2. Fixed an issue where Windows may falsely detect an error on an exFAT format USB drive after it is used as the backup destination of Hyper Backup.

  3. Improved Snapshot Replication package stability.

  4. Fixed an issue where incorrect or incomplete update information may be displayed in the DSM Update tab.

  5. Fixed an issue where a single RAID with over 24 drives may fail to assemble a RAID 5/6/F1 or SHR 1/2 storage pool.

  6. Fixed an issue where boot failure might occur if the system was rebooted during the conversion process from RAID 5 to RAID 6.

  7. Enhanced the compatibility of certain drives on Synology NAS and Expansion Unit models.

  8. Fixed an issue where local users may fail to log in via SMB on specific Windows versions after adding their NAS to a Synology Active Directory domain.

  9. Improved Windows client's clock synchronization with DSM after it is added to a Synology Active Directory domain. Upgrading Active Directory Server to version 4.4.5-0077 or above is required.

  10. Modified HDD hibernation mechanism to prevent HDDs from entering hibernation when a volume is degraded, crashed, or not created.

  11. Adjusted the default range of passive FTP/FTPS ports to align with maximum concurrent connections of each model.

  12. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-1000199, CVE-2018-8897, CVE-2017-0861).

  13. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSL (CVE-2018-0739).

  14. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding procps-ng (CVE-2018-1124).

  15. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding ISC DHCP (CVE-2017-3144).

  16. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:51).

  17. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.2-23739 Update 2


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS if you are using the models listed below.

    • XS Series : RS2818RP+, RS3618xs, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, FS1018, DS3018xs, RS818RP+, RS818+, FS3017, FS2017, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs, RS3617RPxs, DS3617xs, RS3617xs+, RS18017xs+, RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+, DS3615xs, RC18015xs+, RS815RP+, RS815+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RS3614xs+, RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+, DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs

    • Plus Series : DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS218+, DS1817+, DS1517+, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+

    • Value Series : DS418play

    • Others : VirtualDSM, DDSM

Fixed Issues

  1. Adjusted power saving mechanism to improve PCIe compatibility.
  2. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA-18:01).
  3. Fixed an issue where iSCSI Manager might not open for the incompatible format of iSCSI LUN configuration files set up before DSM 5.2.
  4. Enhanced package start-up performance.
  5. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:36).

Version: 6.2-23739 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-8897).
  2. Enhance the performance of Surveillance Station when deleting recordings in btrfs volume.
  3. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:33).
  4. Fixed an issue where VAAI might fail after iSCSI LUN was recovered by LUN Backup.
  5. Fixed an issue where LUN configuration might be inconsistent.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.2-23739


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

Compatibility and Installation

  1. DSM 6.2 can only be installed on Synology products running DSM 6.0 and above.

  2. Starting from DSM 6.2, the core replication function is centrally managed by a new package, Replication Service. Packages with replication feature, such as Snapshot Replication, must install the Replication Service package.

  3. For the following models, DSM 6.2 will be the last upgradable version. DSM 6.2 will continue to receive critical and security updates until June 2023 after the official release. Please refer to the DiskStation Manager Life Cycle section in Synology Security White Paper.

    • XS Series : RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs

    • Plus Series : RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+

    • Value Series : RS812, RS212, RS411, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111

    • J Series : DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j

    • Others : DDSM

What’s New in DSM 6.2

  1. DSM

    • For easier management, Key Manager can now be stored locally on Synology NAS. Encrypted shared folders can be auto-mounted without the need of a USB drive. (To achieve better data protection, users are suggested to store Key Manager on an external USB drive.)
    • Standard users can now right-click on shared folders in File Station to view Properties.
    • Added support for IBM WebSphere SSO.
    • Enhanced password strength policy for better account security.
    • Added support for a new SMS provider SendinBlue and Clickatell API (RESTful).
    • Added support for Thai language.
    • Updated Privacy Statement and related settings in the installation flow.
  2. iSCSI Manager

    • Brand new iSCSI Manager built for IT administrators, providing a new management user interface for an optimized iSCSI management and monitoring experience.
    • Advanced LUN provides lightning-fast LUN snapshot creation and recovery, and LUN cloning within seconds, as well as VAAI/ODX, storage acceleration commands, and support for better VM performance. Since Advanced LUNs can utilize file system cache to provide better efficiency, block-level LUNs will no longer be supported on DSM 6.2 and onward. DSM 6.2 will still be compatible with the block-level LUNs upgraded from DSM 6.1 and prior.
    • Supports cross-volume LUN clones.
    • Added support for network binding settings to allow each iSCSI target to map to a network interface.
    • Users can now disable storage reclamation for thin-provisioned LUNs to enhance I/O performance.
  3. Storage Manager

    • The brand new Overview shows the health status of all storage components on your NAS, displaying a clearer and better look on the system overview.

    • Introduced Storage Pool, a new storage component, to replace the original Disk Group and RAID Group, and rearrange storage-related functions to provide users with a more consistent and smoother experience.

    • Smart Data Scrubbing detects the supported file system and RAID type to perform data scrubbing automatically while enhancing data scrubbing usability. A new built-in scheduler allows users to do data scrubbing periodically with just a few clicks, improving data integrity and consistency.

    • RAID resync speed can now be adjusted to accommodate IT management needs.

    • Users can remotely deactivate drives via Storage Manager for better management.

    • Added a default monthly S.M.A.R.T. test on both new and existing drives that were not previously configured.

    • After each DSM upgrade, DSM will remind users if a bad sector or lifespan alert is not set up.

    • The health status of disks is now uniform with storage pools and volumes.

    • Log Center now includes disk logs.

    • Provided an option to change stripe cache size when the RAID type of Storage pool is RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID F1, or SHR (three disks or above).

  4. High Availability Manager 2.0

    • High Availability Manager has been modularized into a package to ensure better system maintenance and offers greater update  flexibility.

    • New mechanism can now eliminate unnecessary system reboot during major update to keep your cluster secure and maintain high service availability.

    • SHA 2.0 can handle situations more effectively especially when the servers are in a vulnerable state.

    • A simpler yet more intuitive user interface,  offering you a comprehensive cluster overview and management.

    • The new interface design provides more detailed and visual information as well as easy-to-follow solutions.

    • Brand new user interface is introduced to display more details of both active server and passive server, giving you an in-depth system utilization overview.

    • When first creating SHA cluster, user new to SHA can choose to only replicate system configuration to shorten setup time.

  5. Extended Btrfs File System Coverage

  6. Azure AD support

    • Added the capability to join existing Azure AD as an SSO client. Utilizing the single sign-on feature, daily productivity is increased by saving time spent on re-authentication.
  7. Security Advisor

    • User login details and abnormal geolocation information are dissected using intelligent analysis techniques and reported via DSM notifications.

    • Daily and monthly reports provide more comprehensive information, allowing IT administrator to review abnormal activity and security scan regularly.

  8. TLS/SSL Profile Level

    • An advanced way to configure your security level profile based on different services to meet different security level requirements, providing flexibility to suit your network security requirements.
  9. 2-step authentication

    • Synology NAS administrators must set up an email notification when 2-step authentication is enabled.
  10. Domain/LDAP management

    • Flexibly assign specified domain groups with admin privileges.
  11. FTP

    • Added ECDSA certificate support for FTPS connections.
  12. NFS

  13. Package Center

    • The brand new user interface design brings a more intuitive experience and allows users to quickly find everything they need.
  14. IHM tool

    • Added Seagate IronWolf Health Management (IHM) support on DS118,
      DS218play, DS418j and DS418.

Known Issues & Limitations

  1. DSM 6.2 is the last DSM version supporting IPv6 Tunneling in Network Interface.

  2. The Fedora utility will not be supported after DSM 6.2.

  3. Starting from DSM 6.2, the USB device drivers, including printers, cloud printers, DAC/speakers, Wi-Fi dongles, DTV dongles, LTE dongles, and Bluetooth dongles will no longer be updated.

  4. Wi-Fi dongle does not support Parental Control and Device List if set as Bridge Mode.

  5. Starting from DSM 6.2 Beta, Virtual Machine Manager will no longer support creating clusters with older DSM versions. Please update each host in the cluster to the same DSM version or above versions for the Virtual Machine Manager cluster to operate properly.

  6. SSH authentication by DSA public key is prohibited for security concerns.

  7. When logging in through VPN or Proxy server, some functionalities may have authentication issues. To fix this issue, please go to Control Panel > Security, and click the Trusted Proxies button to add the trusted proxy server to the list.

  8. The original RAID scrubbing scheduled tasks will be migrated to Smart Data Scrubbing scheduled tasks. If the upgrade is performed while running scheduled tasks, the Data Scrubbing process will automatically be re-executed shortly after the upgrade is completed.

  9. Office 2.x and below are not compatible with DSM 6.2.

Version: 6.2.4-25556 Update 4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions shortly, while the time of release in each region vary slightly. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here.
  2. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.4 installed can be updated to this version.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Samba (Synology-SA-22:02).

Version: 7.0.1-42218 Update 2


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 7.0.1 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where DSM falsely identified errors in the license files of certain packages.
  2. Fixed an issue where package logs weren't rotated after a switchover was performed on SA3200D.
  3. Fixed an issue where Synology Account might be signed out unexpectedly.
  4. Fixed an issue where the user interface response time might be longer when users ran user-defined scripts that included bind mounts.
  5. Fixed an issue where the time attribute of files on an exFAT-formatted external storage device was displayed incorrectly.
  6. Fixed an issue where there might be unexpected file permission changes in Surveillance Station due to multi-threaded file processing.
  7. Fixed an issue where SSD caches might stop functioning when there is insufficient system memory.
  8. Fixed an issue where mounting an encrypted shared folder on a Btrfs volume might fail.
  9. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-22:01)

Version: 7.0.1-42218 Update 1


Important Note

This update has been recalled on January 12, 2022, because of falsely identified license file errors. The issue is fixed in version 7.0.1-42218-2.

Version: 6.2.4-25556 Update 3


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.4 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where package logs weren't rotated after a switchover was performed on SA3200D.
  2. Fixed an issue where Synology Account might be signed out unexpectedly.
  3. Updated the renewal rule of the built-in certificate to prevent DSM connection errors.
  4. Fixed an issue where users couldn't expand a RAID 1 storage pool on the active server in a Synology High Availability cluster when the active server's RAID 1 storage pool is smaller than the one on the passive server.
  5. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-22:01)

Version: 7.0.1-42218


Important notes

DSM 7.0.1-42218 is updated on October 21 to fix issues with SMB Service
. Users who have already installed this version of DSM are recommended to update SMB Service in Package Center.

Before Update

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly. If you want to update to the latest version now, please go to Synology Download Center and manually update your DSM.
  2. DSM 7.0.1 will restart your Synology NAS.
  3. After installing DSM 7.0.1, you will not be able to downgrade to a previous DSM version.
  4. Before updating, your Synology NAS should be running DSM 6.2 or above versions.
  5. Reserve extra time to complete DSM 7.0.1 update. The DSM update takes 10 to 20 minutes, while the package update may take more than an hour. The actual time depends on the computing power of your model, the number of media indexing files, and the number of packages installed.
  6. If you're performing a clean installation, make sure to complete the installation with or Synology Assistant 7.0-50029 or above.
  7. To avoid possible compatibility issues, users who installed Active Insight, Synology Photos, and Secure SignIn mobile applications during DSM 7.0 Preview/Beta programs should update the applications to the latest version after the DSM update.
  8. DSM 7.0.1 consumes more system resources, including memory. Make sure your NAS has at least 1 GB of memory before updating.
  9. This version of DSM is compatible with the models below.
    • FS-Series: FS6400, FS3600, FS3400, FS3017, FS2017, FS1018
    • SA-Series: SA3600, SA3400, SA3200D
    • 21-Series: RS2821RP+, RS2421RP+, RS2421+, RS1221RP+, RS1221+, DS1821+, DS1621+, DS1621xs+, DVA3221, RS4021xs+, RS3621xs+, RS3621RPxs
    • 20-Series: RS820RP+, RS820+, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS620slim, DS420+, DS420j, DS220+, DS220j, DS120j
    • 19-Series: RS1219+, RS819, DS2419+II, DS2419+, DS1819+, DS1019+, DS419slim, DS119j, DVA3219, RS1619xs+
    • 18-Series: RS2818RP+, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, RS818RP+, RS818+, DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS418, DS418play, DS418j, DS218+, DS218, DS218play, DS218j, DS118, RS3618xs, DS3018xs
    • 17-Series: RS217, DS1817+, DS1817, DS1517+, DS1517, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs+, RS3617xs, RS3617RPxs, RS18017xs+, DS3617xs, DS3617xsII
    • 16-Series: RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS816, DS916+, DS716+II, DS716+, DS416, DS416play, DS416slim, DS416j, DS216+II, DS216+, DS216, DS216play, DS216j, DS216se, DS116, RS18016xs+
    • 15-Series: RS815RP+, RS815+, RS815, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS1515, DS715, DS415+, DS415play, DS215+, DS215j, DS115, DS115j, RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2015xs
    • 14-Series: RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214play, DS214se, DS114, RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs
    • 13-Series: DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, DS213j, RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+
  10. For the models below, you can only download the upgrade patch from Synology Download Center because you won't receive notifications for this update on your DSM.
    • XS Series: RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+, RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2015xs
    • Plus Series: DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, DS214+, RS815RP+, RS815+, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+, DS215+
    • Value Series: DS114, DS214, DS214play, DS414, RS214, RS814, RS815, DS1515, DS715, DS415play, DS115
    • J Series: DS119j, DS213j, DS214se, DS414j, DS414slim, DS215j, DS115j


  1. USB devices (Wi-Fi dongle, Bluetooth dongle, 3G/4G dongle, USB DAC/speaker, and DTV dongle) are no longer supported. If your Synology NAS is currently connected via a wireless dongle, it will be disconnected after the update.
  2. DSM 7.0.1 ends support for ext3. We strongly suggest backing up the data stored on your ext3 volumes and transferring the data to volumes with supported file systems before the update.
  3. DSM 7.0.1 by default disables NTLMv1 and enables NTMLv2 only, so SMB clients (e.g., Windows XP devices, media players, network printers, smart TVs, and IP cameras) won’t be able to access your Synology NAS. To restore the connection after the update, go to Control Panel > File Services > SMB > Advanced Settings > Others and enable NTLMv1 authentication.
  4. NFSv4.1 and related advanced functions (multipathing) are no longer supported on Synology NAS models with the following package architectures: Alpine, Alpine4k, armada38x, Avoton, Braswell, Bromolow, Cedarview, Grantley, Monaco. If you had previously enabled NFSv4 and NFSv4.1, the maximum NFS protocol is set to NFSv4 by default after the update. For more information about the package architecture of your model, please refer to this article.
  5. Creating SSD caches on block-level LUNs is no longer supported. Existing SSD caches for block LUNs will function normally after the update.
  6. NT4 domains are no longer supported. Current NT4 domains will be unavailable after the update.
  7. The URLs used by DSM when updating or running services have been modified. Please read this article and make sure that your firewall rules are configured appropriately.
  8. iSCSI Manager will become SAN Manager. Please refer to package release notes for more details.
  9. When you reconnect to iSCSI targets from your VMware ESXi hosts after the DSM update, the datastores on the LUNs that are mapped to the targets may not be mounted properly. This only happens to LUNs created before the update. The resolution can be found in VMware Knowledge Base.
  10. To provide comprehensive TLS support and ensure compatibility, the TLS/SSL profile level in Modern compatibility will automatically change to Intermediate Compatibility after the update.
  11. EZ-Internet is merged with Router Configuration in Control Panel. To set up port forwarding, go to Control Panel > External Access > Router Configuration.
  12. Python3 is merged into DSM as a built-in service. The original Python3 package will be unavailable in Package Center and you can remove it manually.
  13. The following DDNS providers are removed from the service provider list at Control Panel > External Access > DDNS:
    ClouDNS, DNO-O-Matic, DNSEXIT, Dynamic DO!.jp,, RU-CENTER,, Variomedia,
  14. The updated QuickConnect connection is secured with an SSL certificate, and your QuickConnect domain will be passed to Let's Encrypt for certificate application purposes. Please refer to the Services Data Collection Disclosure for more details.
  15. Security Advisor by default enables Login Analysis and certain custom account detection check items after the update.
  16. Video conversion to FLV and MPEG-4 Part 2 formats on the following models is no longer supported.
    • 20-Series: DS120j
    • 19-Series: DS119j
    • 16-Series: DS216se
    • 15-Series: DS215j, DS115, DS115j
    • 14-Series: RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214se, DS114
    • 13-Series: DS213j


  1. Synology Moments and Photo Station will be upgraded to and merged as Synology Photos. If you would like to use Synology Photos on your mobile devices, please install the iOS/Android app. See this page for more details.
  2. Cloud Station Server and Cloud Station ShareSync will be upgraded to and merged with Synology Drive Server. If you are using any Cloud Station Suite applications (Cloud Station Server, Cloud Station Drive, Cloud Station Backup, Cloud Station ShareSync, or DS cloud), you must switch to their counterparts in the Synology Drive Suite to ensure compatibility. See this page for more details.
  3. MariaDB 5 is incompatible with DSM 7.0.1. To update to DSM 7.0.1, please install MariaDB 10, migrate the database, and uninstall MariaDB 5 in Package Center first.
  4. If you cannot find certain Synology approved third-party packages in Package Center, check this articlefor the latest status of the packages. For other third-party packages, please contact their developers for more information.
  5. The following packages are no longer supported:
    Cloud Station Server (replaced by Synology Drive Server), Cloud Station ShareSync (replaced by Synology Drive Server), Discourse, DokuWiki, Drupal, Drupal8, DVBLink, GitLab, GLPI, Hasplm, Java7, Java8, LimeSurvey, Logitech® Media Server, LXQt, Magento, Magento2, MantisBT, Moments (replaced by Synology Photos), Mono, Moodle, Node.js 0.10, Node.js 0.12, Node.js v4, Node.js v6, Node.js v8, Odoo 8, OpenERP 6.1, OpenERP 7.0, OrangeHRM, Orthanc, osCommerce, osTicket, PHP PEAR, Photo Station (replaced by Synology Photos), phpBB, Piwik, Podcast Generator, PrestaShop, PrestaShop1.7, PythonModule, Redmine, Ruby, Spree, SugarCRM, SVN, Synology File Manager, Tomcat6, Tomcat7, TVMosaic, Webalizer.
  6. After you update to Web Station 3.0.0-0308, a web_packages shared folder will be created by default to store files from installed third-party packages (e.g., phpMyAdmin).

What’s New

  1. Supports migrating SA3200D system configurations when users perform HDD migration.
  2. Added support for memory cache mirroring across controllers for better data consistency on SA3200D.
  3. Added support for the "Sync remote mounted folders" option for Shared Folder Sync.
  4. Supports creating volumes of up to 1 PB in Btrfs (Peta Volume) format on the XS/XS+, SA (SA3200D excluded), and FS-series models. (Learn more)
  5. Added support for data deduplication on Btrfs volumes on certain models. (Learn more)
  6. Supports notifying users when there is insufficient storage for metadata.
  7. Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1l to fix multiple security vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-3711, CVE-2021-3712).

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where DSM might not automatically reconnect to a VPN after disconnection.
  2. Fixed the sorting issue on the View Details page in Resource Monitor > Performance > Disks when a USB drive is connected.
  3. Fixed an issue where the display in Volume Settings in Storage Manager was incorrect once users pinned the desktop widgets.
  4. Fixed an issue where the throughput in Resource Monitor might not be displayed correctly when the system network traffic or the throughput of disks or volumes was heavy.
  5. Fixed an issue where when users used third-party extensions to change the DSM theme, they couldn't customize the wallpaper.
  6. Fixed an issue where when non-administrator users shared files with password-protected links, the file names were displayed incorrectly.
  7. Fixed an issue where a healthy drive might be falsely detected as malfunctioning after it was swapped with a failed drive in the same storage pool when the system was shut down. The issue would cause the degraded storage pool to crash or become missing.
  8. Fixed an issue where users couldn't import Docker container configuration files from local computers.
  9. Fixed an issue where certain packages couldn't be installed when the built-in "DSM UI Compatible 6.x" package is missing.
  10. Fixed an issue where package statuses might be stuck at "Getting Status" in Package Center.
  11. Fixed an issue where filters might not work when users edit domain user or group privileges at Control Panel > Application Privileges.
  12. Fixed an issue where Security Advisor didn't apply the security baseline settings for the first scan.
  13. Fixed an issue where users given the "Local user and management" privilege couldn't perform the assigned actions.
  14. Fixed an issue where users who had taken snapshots of a shared folder couldn't disable the usage detail analysis of the shared folder's volume in Storage Manager.
  15. Fixed an issue where automatic configuration backup might fail under certain conditions.
  16. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding GhostScript used by AirPrint. (CVE-2021-3781).
  17. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-21:25)"

Version: 6.2.4-25556 Update 2


Important Note

  1. DSM 6.2.4-25556-2 is updated on September 1 to fix the issues below.
    • Fixed an issue where the Synology Account sign-in status at Control Panel > QuickConnect was incorrectly shown as not signed in.
    • Fixed an issue where exFAT Access package installation might fail.
    • Fixed an issue where users couldn't use SSH transfer encryption for Shared Folder Sync tasks.
    • Fixed an issue where Active Insight might not be able to automatically collect and transfer diagnostic data when users submitted technical support forms.
  2. Disables the "Shut down UPS when the system enters Safe Mode" option by default.
  3. Audio Station must be updated to version 6.5.6-3377 or above to be compatible with this update.
  4. Media Server must be updated to version 1.8.1-2876 or above to be compatible with this update.
  5. Surveillance Station must be updated to version 8.2.9-6459 or above to be compatible with this update.
  6. Virtual Machine Manager must be updated to version 2.4.1-9259.

What's New

  1. Added support for Synology Active Insight, which provides an option for automatic delivery of diagnostic data to Synology Technical Support upon submission of a support ticket for a faster troubleshooting process. This option is configurable at DSM > Support Center.
  2. Added log entries for drive removal.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the domain group list wasn't updated correctly.
  2. Fixed an issue where administrator users couldn't sign in to DSM after they reset their password by pressing the RESET button.
  3. Fixed an issue where all input fields across DSM were auto-filled with DSM account name if users had had Google Chrome remember their password with the Autofill function.
  4. Fixed an issue where Finder might stop responding when users search for content within mounted folders on macOS Big Sur 11.1 and 11.2.
  5. Fixed an issue where after users updated to DSM 6.2.4, iSCSI targets mapped with LUNs created on DSM 6.0 and before became offline and couldn't be enabled.
  6. Fixed an issue where signing in via 2-step verification generated an extra log entry.
  7. Fixed an issue where deleted files from the home folder couldn't be found in the recycle bin if deleted via SMB.
  8. Fixed an issue where there is a slight possibility that the SMB service might be shortly disconnected the moment users apply SMB setting modifications.
  9. Fixed an issue where backing up data on Windows using Windows Server Backup or other third-party software to Synology NAS might fail after users updated their Windows with updates released since April 2021.
  10. Updated the OpenSSL setting in response to new rules of Let's Encrypt certificates.
  11. Fixed an issue where there might be an incorrect IP conflict message for VLANs.
  12. Fixed an issue where DHCP settings of one network interface might be wrongly applied to another interface whose DHCP settings hadn't been enabled.
  13. Fixed an issue where CMS-managed servers might disconnect from a CMS Host that has been updated to DSM 6.2.4.
  14. Adjusted the LED indicator behavior for drive hibernation and deep sleep, making the LED status easier to distinguish on the following 15-series and 16-series models: DS916+, DS716+II, DS716+, DS416, DS416play, DS415+, DS415play, DS216+II, DS216+.
  15. Fixed an issue where the UPS server might not function properly after the system reboot.
  16. Refines the description for abnormal S.M.A.R.T test results and specifies the problematic S.M.A.R.T attributes.
  17. Fixed an issue where the system might not obtain the compatibility information of hot-swapped drives on expansion units.
  18. Fixed an issue where Western Digital hard drives couldn't be detected upon bootup on the following models: RS4017xs+, RS3618xs, RS3617xs+, RS3617RPxs, DS3617xsII, DS3617xs.
  19. Fixed an issue where the fan couldn't resume in full speed mode after a system reboot on models with the V1000 platform.
  20. Fixed an issue where memory module error messages weren't displayed properly.
  21. Enhanced the system performance when there is a large number of concurrent connections.
  22. Fixed an issue where when the "Get user/group lists with NT4-compatible mode" option is enabled, domain users might not be able to sign in to Synology Contacts.
  23. Fixed an issue where 15-series and newer models couldn't hibernate when there is a system error, such as a storage issue and hardware malfunction.
  24. Adjusted the fan speed on SA3400 and SA3600 to fix a potential overheating issue when E10G18-T2 is installed.
  25. Fixed an issue where users couldn't expand the LUNs on ext4 volumes that are already mapped to iSCSI Targets.
  26. Adjusted the fan speed to fix a potential overheating issue when a Synology network interface card (E10G18-T1, E10G18-T2, E10M20-T1, E10G21-F2, E25G20-F2) is used as the Heartbeat connection in an SHA cluster or for Open vSwitch.
  27. Fixed an issue where the system couldn't retrieve the full name of domain groups correctly after users click "Update domain data".
  28. Fixed an issue where the status of domain users couldn't be displayed properly when the status is "lockout".
  29. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (CVE-2020-14318, CVE-2020-14323, CVE-2020-14383, CVE-2020-27840, CVE-2021-20277).
  30. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-21:22)

Version: 7.0-41890


Important notes

DSM 7.0-41890 is updated on July 19 to fix issues with SAN Manager 1.0.1-0197, Active Insight 1.0.2-1007, and SMB Service 4.10.18-0223. Users who have already installed this version of DSM are recommended to update the packages in Package Center.

Before Update

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly. If you want to update to the latest version now, please go to Synology Download Center and manually update your DSM.
  2. After the installation of DSM 7.0, you will not be able to downgrade to a previous DSM version.
  3. Before updating, your Synology NAS should be running DSM 6.2 or above versions.
  4. Reserve extra time to complete DSM 7.0 update. The DSM update takes 10 to 20 minutes, while package update may take more than an hour. The actual time depends on the computing power of your model, the number of media indexing files, and the number of packages installed.
  5. If you're performing a clean installation, make sure to complete the installation with or Synology Assistant 7.0-50029 or above.
  6. To avoid possible compatibility issues, users who installed Active Insight, Synology Photos, and Secure SignIn mobile applications during DSM 7.0 Preview/Beta programs should update the applications to the latest version after the DSM update.
  7. DSM 7.0 consumes more system resources, including memory. If your model has less than 1 GB of memory, updating to DSM 7.0 may affect system performance.
  8. This version of DSM is compatible with the models below. DSM 7.0 for FS, SA, XS/XS+, and DVA series is currently under development and will be available in the next quarter.
    • 21-series: RS2821RP+, RS2421RP+, RS2421+, RS1221RP+, RS1221+, DS1821+, DS1621+
    • 20-series: RS820RP+, RS820+, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS620slim, DS420+, DS420j, DS220+, DS220j, DS120j
    • 19-series: RS1219+, RS819, DS2419+II, DS2419+, DS1819+, DS1019+, DS419slim, DS119j
    • 18-series: RS2818RP+, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, RS818RP+, RS818+, DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS418, DS418play, DS418j, DS218+, DS218, DS218play, DS218j, DS118
    • 17-series: RS217, DS1817+, DS1817, DS1517+, DS1517
    • 16-series: RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS816, DS916+, DS716+II, DS716+, DS416, DS416play, DS416slim, DS416j, DS216+II, DS216+, DS216, DS216play, DS216j, DS216se, DS116
    • 15-series: RS815RP+, RS815+, RS815, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS1515, DS715, DS415+, DS415play, DS215+, DS215j, DS115, DS115j
    • 14-series: RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214play, DS214se, DS114
    • 13-series: DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, DS213j
  9. For the models below, you can only download the upgrade patch from Synology Download Center because you won't receive notifications for this update on your DSM.
    • Plus Series: DS214+, DS215+, DS415+, DS713+, DS1513+, DS1515+, DS1813+, DS1815+, DS2413+, DS2415+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS815RP+, RS815+, RS2414RP+, RS2414+
    • Value Series: DS114, DS115, DS214, DS214play, DS414, DS415play, DS715, DS1515, RS214, RS814, RS815
    • J Series: DS115j, DS119j, DS213j, DS214se, DS215j, DS414j, DS414slim


  1. USB devices (Wi-Fi dongle, Bluetooth dongle, 3G/4G dongle, USB DAC/speaker, and DTV dongle) are no longer supported. If your Synology NAS is currently connected via a wireless dongle, it will be disconnected after the update.
  2. DSM 7.0 will end support for ext3. We strongly suggest backing up the data stored on your ext3 volumes and transferring the data to volumes with supported file systems before the update.
  3. DSM 7.0 by default disables NTLMv1 and enables NTMLv2 only, so SMB clients (e.g., Windows XP devices, media players, network printers, smart TVs, and IP cameras) won’t be able to access your Synology NAS. To restore the connection after the update, go to Control Panel > File Services > SMB > Advanced Settings > Others and enable NTLMv1 authentication.
  4. NFSv4.1 and related advanced functions (multipathing) are no longer supported on Synology NAS models with the following package architectures: Alpine, Alpine4k, armada38x, Avoton, Braswell, Bromolow, Cedarview, Grantley, Monaco. If you had previously enabled NFSv4 and NFSv4.1, the maximum NFS protocol is set to NFSv4 by default after the update. For more information about the package architecture of your model, please refer to this article.
  5. Creating SSD caches on block-level LUNs is no longer supported. Existing SSD caches for block LUNs will function normally after the update.
  6. NT4 domains are no longer supported. Current NT4 domains will be unavailable after the update.
  7. The URLs used by DSM when updating or running services have been modified. Please read this article and make sure that your firewall rules are configured appropriately.
  8. iSCSI Manager will become SAN Manager on DSM 7.0. Please refer to package release notes for more details.
  9. When you reconnect to iSCSI targets from your VMware ESXi hosts after the DSM update, the datastores on the LUNs that are mapped to the targets may not be mounted properly. This only happens to LUNs created before the update. The resolution can be found in VMware Knowledge Base.
  10. To provide comprehensive TLS support and ensure compatibility, the TLS/SSL profile level in Modern compatibility will automatically change to Intermediate Compatibility after the update.
  11. EZ-Internet is merged with Router Configuration in Control Panel. To set up port forwarding, go to Control Panel > External Access > Router Configuration.
  12. Python3 is merged into DSM as a built-in service. The original Python3 package will be unavailable in Package Center and you can remove it manually.
  13. The following DDNS providers are removed from the service provider list at Control Panel > External Access > DDNS:
    CloudNS, DNO-O-Matic, DNSEXIT, Dynamic DO!.jp,, RU-CENTER,, Variomedia,
  14. The updated QuickConnect connection is secured with an SSL certificate, and your QuickConnect domain will be passed to Let's Encrypt for certificate application purposes. Please refer to the Privacy Statement for more details.
  15. Security Advisor by default enables Login Analysis and certain custom account detection check items after the update.
  16. Video conversion to FLV and MPEG-4 Part 2 formats on the following models is no longer supported.
    • 20-series: DS120j
    • 19-series: DS119j
    • 16-series: DS216se
    • 15-series: DS215j, DS115, DS115j
    • 14-series: RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214se, DS114
    • 13-series: DS213j
  17. Active Insight and Hybrid Share Service are both built-in with DSM 7.0 and are currently in beta. They will be installed along with the update.
  18. Synology Moments and Photo Station will be upgraded to and merged as Synology Photos. If you would like to use Synology Photos on your mobile devices, please install the iOS/Android app. See this page for more details.
  19. Cloud Station Server and Cloud Station ShareSync will be upgraded to and merged with Synology Drive Server. If you are using any Cloud Station Suite applications (Cloud Station Server, Cloud Station Drive, Cloud Station Backup, Cloud Station ShareSync, or DS cloud), you must switch to their counterparts in the Synology Drive Suite to ensure compatibility. See this page for more details.
  20. MariaDB 5 is incompatible with DSM 7.0. To update to DSM 7.0, please install MariaDB 10, migrate the database, and uninstall MariaDB 5 in Package Center first.
  21. Migration Assistant is currently in beta on DSM 7.0. More information can be found on the Beta Program page, including compatibility details and release notes.
  22. If you cannot find certain Synology approved third-party packages in Package Center, check this article for the latest status of the packages. For other third-party packages, please contact their developers for more information.
  23. The following packages are no longer supported:
    Cloud Station Server (replaced by Synology Drive Server), Cloud
    Station ShareSync (replaced by Synology Drive Server), Discourse, DokuWiki, Drupal, Drupal8, DVBLink, GitLab, GLPI, Hasplm, Java7, Java8, LimeSurvey, Logitech® Media Server, LXQt, Magento, Magento2, MantisBT, Moments (replaced by Synology Photos), Mono, Moodle, Node.js 0.10, Node.js 0.12, Node.js v4, Node.js v6, Node.js v8, Odoo 8, OpenERP 6.1, OpenERP 7.0, OrangeHRM, Orthanc, osCommerce, osTicket, PHP PEAR, Photo Station (replaced by Synology Photos), phpBB, Piwik, Podcast Generator, PrestaShop, PrestaShop1.7, PythonModule, Redmine, Ruby, Spree, SugarCRM, SVN, Synology File Manager, Tomcat6, Tomcat7, TVMosaic, Webalizer
  24. After you update to Web Station 3.0.0-0308, a web_packages shared folder will be created by default to store files from installed third-party packages (e.g., phpMyAdmin).

What’s New

  1. Storage
    • A new revision of Storage Manager:
      • Added visuals of Synology NAS models with their drive slots, expansion units, and built-in M.2 slots to help users view drive status.
      • Enhanced usability with a clearer display of the relationship between storage pools, volumes, and SSD caches.
      • Enhanced the setup process of Hot Spare and Data Scrubbing.
      • Added a feature to guide users through configuring newly inserted drives.
    • New features of storage pools, volumes, and drives:
      • Supports performing different tasks on different storage pools simultaneously.
      • Supports updating the firmware for Synology drives.
      • Enhanced the access performance of degraded RAID 6 by 70%.
      • Added display of the storage usage of each category item on Btrfs volumes.
      • Added a new Fast Repair mechanism to reduce the time needed for RAID repair based on storage usage and thus reduce the time of RAID degradation.
      • Added the ability to replace a drive in a healthy storage pool with an unused one without interrupting services or causing storage pool degradation.
      • Added the ability to automatically replace “Critical” or “Failing” drives in protected storage pools with Hot Spare.  
      • Added the Auto Repair feature to automatically run a RAID repair when a malfunctioned drive is replaced with a healthy one in the same drive slot.
      • Added the ability to eject a storage pool on an expansion unit to ensure the safe removal of drives without interrupting system services.
      • Added the ability to mount storage pools from drives that are inserted after the device has been powered on without interrupting system services.
      • Supports customizing the low capacity notification for individual volumes when their available space drops below the specified value.
      • Added support for space reclamation schedules for Btrfs volumes.
    • New features of SSD Cache:
      • Added the ability to create and remove SSD caches without interrupting system services.
      • Added the new SSD Cache Advisor to monitor I/O accesses and provide more accurate capacity recommendations.
      • Added the ability to pin all Btrfs metadata to SSD caches to enhance the performance of accessing small files and shorten the response time when accessing files regularly.
      • Added the ability to activate automatic protection on SSD read-write caches with multi-drive fault tolerance.
      • Added support for the quick write-back mechanism, delivering a 30% faster synchronization from SSD caches to HDDs when automatic protection is activated.
  2. Resource Monitor
    • Revamped the display of recorded performance metrics with a finer granularity of data points and the ability to focus on certain time points.
    • Enhanced monitoring transparency of system services by separating larger, unrelated processes.
    • Added the ability to manage currently accessed files and their connected users to better handle locked files.
  3. File System/File Services
    • Supports enabling/disabling file compression for shared folders created on DSM 7.0.
    • Enhanced file compression ratio and added display for the current ratio for each shared folder.
    • Added support for cross-protocol locking between SMB and AFP.
    • Supports accessing encrypted shared folders via NFS on certain models. (Learn more)
    • Enhanced Btrfs performance and lowered I/O latency.
    • Modularized the SMB file service into a package.
    • Allows users to enable/disable SMB transfer logs for permission changes, providing more flexible transfer logs.
    • Enhanced the encryption performance by up to 10% on certain models with the x86 platform.
    • In Windows File Explorer, users can now search for the files and their content in indexed folders.
  4. User Management
    • Enhanced the password policy. Passwords must exclude username and description, include both upper-case and lower-case letters as well as numerical digits. The minimum password length is 8 characters.
    • Added the ability to delegate predefined administrator roles to non-administrator user accounts and allow them to manage certain services and system settings, offering more flexible permission management.
    • Added the ability to require imported users to change their passwords after their initial DSM logins.
    • Added the ability to assign user accounts from import lists to specific groups.
  5. Domain/LDAP Integration
    • Enhanced LDAP client authentication performance by reducing the number of queries sent with a caching mechanism.
    • The following services and packages now support UPN logins: Synology Assistant, Hyper Backup, Synology Mail Server, Synology Calendar, and Shared Folder Sync.
    • Enhanced domain database synchronization performance by syncing only altered data.
  6. Security
    • Added the ability to block USB and console ports.
    • Enhanced QuickConnect connection process to strengthen security.
    • Provides only TLS 1.3 support for the Modern Compatibility option for TLS/SSL profile level.
    • Added the ability to set 2-factor authentication as mandatory for specific users or groups.
  7. User Experience
    • Enhanced user experience for DSM first-time installation and Synology Account related service setup (e.g. QuickConnect).
    • Added the ability to automatically install important DSM and package updates.
    • Added information and usage tips about security, notification, and other recommended settings in DSM Help.
    • Added the ability to back up DSM system configuration to a connected Synology Account.
    • Added the ability to export folder permissions reports.
    • Added support for application webhook integration to send system notifications to Synology Chat and other third-party applications.
    • Added severity levels to notifications for better categorization of events.
    • Enhanced user interface responsiveness to launch installed packages and services faster.
    • Enhanced login performance when connecting from external networks.
    • Enhanced user experience for package update processes by displaying the update status with package icons on the DSM desktop.
    • Supports resetting the passwords of all user accounts in the administrators group by pressing the RESET button on Synology NAS for 4 seconds.
    • Revamped the Service tab at Control Panel > Info Center. The tab focuses on the status of enabled services and packages, including local ports, router ports, and firewall permissions.
    • Enhanced Control Panel usability by reorganizing related functionality together:
      • Added a new Synology Account tab to consolidate future services provided through Synology Account.
      • Consolidated Domain/LDAP options to be configured in a new unified wizard.
      • Consolidated QuickConnect settings into the External Access tab.
      • Consolidated User and Groups settings.
      • Consolidated Theme and Application Portal options into Login Portal tab.
      • Consolidated email notification options into Notification > Email tab.
      • Consolidated WS-Discovery into File Services > SMB.
      • Consolidated Network > DSM Settings into Login Portal > Web Services.
      • Relocated the SMB Server Signing option to File Services > SMB > Advanced Settings.
      • Moved Shared Folder Sync into the File Services tab.
      • Moved the Enforce 2-factor authentication option into the Security tab.
      • Modularized DHCP Server into a package.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where DSM desktop widgets may disappear after clicking the Show Desktop button.
  2. Fixed an issue where, after updating to DSM 7.0-41222, users attempting to sign in to packages through application portals may be stuck on the "Getting Ready" page.
  3. Fixed an issue where volume errors might occur when usage detail analysis is enabled in Storage Manager.
  4. Fixed an issue where exFAT external storage devices could not mount successfully when the available system memory was fragmented.
  5. Fixed an issue where auto poweroff could not be disabled via the HDD Hibernation interface.
  6. Fixed an issue where users logging in to some mobile apps causes saved user login sessions to remain even after system reboot.
  7. Fixed an issue where certain circumstances might prevent the system from correctly backing up configuration settings.
  8. Fixed an issue where Synology Chat Client shows up blank when users sign in.
  9. Fixed an issue where DS video can't play videos on certain Samsung TV models.
  10. Fixed an issue where UPnP connection via QuickConnect may fail when relay service is not enabled.
  11. Fixed an issue where new users could not apply the default wallpaper or images stored in DiskStation as the desktop background.
  12. Fixed an issue where Bonjour service generated redundant logs.
  13. Fixed an issue where managed servers might become disconnected from the CMS Host if the CMS Host is running DSM 6.2.4.


  1. When you click Notifications > Show All on your desktop right after the update, you will only be able to see the 500 recent notifications. However, this won't occur for future notifications.
  2. DSM 7.0 no longer supports sending push notifications via Synology’s email server. To set up email notifications, go to Control Panel > Notification > Email.
  3. DDSM is incompatible with DSM 7.0. To continue using DDSM, you should retain the current DSM version. To update to DSM 7.0, please delete DDSM first.
  4. The "Shut down UPS when the system enters Standby Mode" function is only available on Omron UPS.
  5. The AFP service is disabled by default after a clean installation.
  6. After the update, if your Synology NAS is a managed server in Central Management System, the CMS host must run DSM 6.2.4 or above and CMS 2.1.4 to be able to manage important DSM updates and package updates on your device.
  7. Central Management System no longer supports managing Synology NAS with DSM version earlier than DSM 6.2. Please update all managed servers to DSM 6.2 or above first. Managed servers that are unable to update to DSM 6.2 should be disjoined from the CMS host before the update.

Version: 6.2.4-25556


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update includes fixes to the below issues mentioned in 6.2.4-25554.
    • Fixed an issue where external hard drives couldn't wake from hibernation on certain platforms (Grantley, Broadwell, Broadwellnk, Purley).
    • Fixed an issue where users could not sign in to Synology mobile apps after they had cleared the remembered device list in DSM 6.2.4.
  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.
  4. Integrates the beep control options for degraded/crashed volumes and abnormal SSD caches.
  5. The new LED indicator behavior makes the system status easier to distinguish on 15-series and newer models. (Learn more)
  6. DNS Server must be updated to version 2.2.3-5028 or above to be compatible with this update.
  7. LDAP Server must be updated to version 2.4.49-2515 or above to be compatible with this update.

Compatibility & Installation

  1. Enhanced the password policy. Passwords must exclude usernames and descriptions, include both upper-case and lower-case letters as well as numerical digits. The minimum password length is 8 characters.
  2. Fixed a compatibility issue between the Geminilake platform and virtual machines running Windows 10.
  3. On a newly installed version of DSM, file rename and deletion log events for SMB will be enabled by default.

What's New

  1. Users can now set 10 email addresses to receive system notifications.
  2. Enhanced domain database synchronization performance by syncing only altered data.
  3. Supports bad block detection on Synology SSDs.
  4. Supports the updating of Synology HDD and SSD firmware directly via DSM.
  5. Improved fan speed control based on the Synology network interface card temperature for 19-series and newer models.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the "Enable Web Assistant" option didn't work on NVR216 and NVR1218.
  2. Fixed an issue where the date and time formats for scheduled tasks were inconsistent in the widget and system settings.
  3. Fixed an issue where scheduled tasks may fail to be executed or modified.
  4. Fixed an issue where tasks scheduled at a high frequency generated a lot of logs and occupied system partitions.
  5. Fixed an issue where the custom welcome text may differ on the preview and actual login page due to character limits.
  6. Fixed an issue where data could still be written to LUNs after the volume runs out of space.
  7. Fixed an issue where if Wi-Fi dongles are installed, some available network interfaces weren't listed when users edit iSCSI targets.
  8. Fixed an issue where iSCSI services may be unstable when the host is too busy or when users disable iSCSI targets and ending sessions simultaneously.
  9. Fixed an issue where initiators couldn't connect to the iSCSI target after ethernet interfaces reconnect in a high-availability cluster.
  10. Fixed an issue where packages may not operate properly when drives migrated from another Synology NAS cause volume ID conflicts.
  11. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to find their Synology NAS in My Network Places on Windows when WS-Discovery isn't operating properly.
  12. Fixed an issue where Log Center didn't record recycle bin enabling/disabling events.
  13. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Sudo. (Synology-SA-21:02)
  14. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-21:03)


  1. In response to the enhancement of domain database synchronization efficiency, the domain user/group list will be updated once an hour when it is created with Synology Directory Server.

Version: 6.2.4-25554


Important Note

  1. This update is recalled on March 8, 2021, because of an issue where external hard drives couldn't wake from hibernation on certain platforms (Grantley, Broadwell, Broadwellnk, Purley). The issue is fixed in version 6.2.4-25556.

Version: 6.2.3-25426 Update 3


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Compatibility & Installation

  1. Photo Station must be updated to version 6.8.14-3501 or above to be compatible with this update.

What's New

  1. Enhanced NFSv4 connection stability.
  2. Increased the maximum number of IP camera channels on FS6400 to 150.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where support ticket submissions might fail in a certain version of Google Chrome.
  2. Fixed an issue where Windows 10, version 2004 virtual machines might fail to power on when users select UEFI as the firmware.
  3. Fixed an issue where there might be network disconnections on Virtual DSM.
  4. Enhanced the stability of SSD caches when multiple processes are accessing the same cache at the same time.
  5. Fixed an issue where CMS managed servers might not connect to the CMS host after they restarted.
  6. Fixed an issue where disks in Resource Monitor performance charts were not displayed in the correct sequence. Affected models include:
    • 21-series: DS1621+
    • 20-series: FS6400, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS420+, DS220+
  7. Fixed an issue where when users access files on DSM using Windows software via SMB, system performance might be affected. This is because of Windows software's continuous attempts to access the shared folders to which it has no permissions.
  8. Fixed an issue where Windows File Explorer might not update file deletion or removal in real time when folders are mounted via SMB.
  9. Fixed an issue where the system might not report the power status correctly on SA3200D.
  10. Fixed an issue where the setting pages after first-time DSM installation might not launch on Synology NAS models with multiple LAN ports.
  11. Fixed an issue where users were not able to empty the recycle bin of the "usbshare" shared folder.
  12. Fixed an issue where administrators were not able to change the "User must change password at next logon" setting via Windows RSAT.
  13. Fixed an issue where domain users could not be added to built-in groups via Windows RSAT.
  14. Fixed an issue where enabling the "Collect debug logs" option for SMB might result in excessive system space usage.
  15. Fixed an issue where the system might send incorrect port forwarding notifications after a restart.
  16. Fixed an issue where SHA-1 certificates might disappear when users click "Upgrade certificate".
  17. Fixed an issue where DSM might block users' IP addresses and create excessive logs when they tried to sign in after re-installing DSM.
  18. Fixed an issue where incorrect drive compatibility information was displayed after drive migration.
  19. Enhanced the stability of network interface cards on certain models.
  20. Fixed an issue where links in password reset emails did not work when the URLs exceed the maximum length.
  21. Fixed an issue where packages did not update automatically due to dependency problems.
  22. Enhanced SAS controller stability during system shutdowns.
  23. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-20:26)
  24. Supports Let's Encrypt ISRG certificates.

Version: 6.2.3-25426 Update 2


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New

  1. Added support for Synology Expansion Unit FX2421.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where a DS920+ or DS720+ might not enter hibernation when its connected expansion unit has entered deep sleep.
  2. Fixed the issue where drive status LED indicators on a connected expansion unit might not work properly when the expansion unit wakes up from deep sleep.
  3. Fixed the issue where daylight saving time might not display correctly in certain time zones (e.g., Dublin, Casablanca).
  4. Fixed the issue where mounted remote shared folders on a Synology NAS may cause volumes to operate improperly or the Synology NAS unable to shut down in certain scenarios.
  5. Fixed the issue where the system might incorrectly prompt "drive slot disabled” notice when a DS413 or DS213+ wakes up from deep sleep.
  6. Enhanced the performance in writing a large number of files to a Btrfs volume with RAID 1 configuration using hard disk drives (HDD).
  7. Fixed the issue where Synology Universal Search and Synology Drive might consume excessive CPU resources when the option "Utilize unused memory as database cache to improve (search) performance" has been enabled.
  8. Fixed the issue where domain-related services might not resume working because the update of domain data could not be complete.
  9. Fixed security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-20:18).
  10. Fixed the issue where the system might incorrectly prompt IP address conflict warning if a network interface card is attached to Synology NAS and the option "Reply to ARP requests if the target IP address is a local address configured on the incoming interface" is disabled.
  11. Fixed the issue where the status of an Ethernet port might not be detected properly when the Ethernet port is not connected to a network cable while Open vSwitch has been enabled.

Version: 6.2.3-25426 Update 1


Important Note

  1. Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to manually update it. Only Synology NAS with DSM 6.2.3 installed can be updated to this version.
    • The update is not available in your region yet. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
    • The update is not required for your Synology NAS. Synology NAS will automatically run a checklist, which checks the services and system configurations, to determine whether this update is required.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where Storage Manager might display an incorrect warning when the size of a storage pool is over 16 TB on certain 32-bit models.

Version: 6.2.3-25426


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly. If you want to update to the latest version now, please go to Download Center and manually update your DSM.
  2. This update includes fixes to the below issues mentioned in 6.2.3-25423.
    • Fixed the issue where the automatic mounting of encrypted shared folders might result in the loss of indexing rules and the failure of the search function.
    • Fixed the issue where the Synology NAS equipped with NVMe device might be woken up from hibernation by the update of NVMe device's health status cache.
  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.
  4. Removed the support for Google Cloud Print in DSM 6.2.3 and above.
  5. To avoid the interruption of iSCSI service, the automatic DSM update and your power schedule to shut down may not be executed as expected if there are any active iSCSI sessions.
  6. Removed TWNIC from the list of DDNS service providers on DSM 6.2.3 since TWNIC will stop accepting new registrations for DSM as of Jul. 1, 2020. Your current TWNIC DDNS services can still be used and edited but will not be available again once deleted from DSM.
  7. This is the last major DSM version (6.2) that supports the video conversion to .flv and MPEG-4 Part 2 on certain models (RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS216se, DS215j, DS214+, DS214, DS214se, DS213j, DS120j, DS119j, DS115, DS115j, and DS114) in consideration of the termination of Adobe's support for Flash Player by the end of 2020.

What's New in DSM 6.2.3

  1. Thin Provisioning LUN will become protected upon insufficient volume space, preventing clients from writing data to the LUN while allowing read-only access to the existing data.
  2. Added support for domain users to sign in to DSM using a UPN (user principal name) via file protocols (including SMB, AFP, FTP, and WebDAV).
  3. Added support for the option of forcing password changes for importing local users.
  4. Enhanced the compatibility of the imported user list, providing clearer error messages when the imported file contains syntax errors.
  5. Added support to record only the events of SMB transfer selected by the user, providing transfer logs that meet the requirements more closely.
  6. Added support for client users to monitor the changes of subdirectories under shared folders via SMB protocol.
  7. Added details of desktop notifications to facilitate users' timely responses.
  8. Added support for external UDF file system devices.
  9. Added support for the Open vSwitch option in a high-availability cluster.
  10. Added support for IP conflict detection, providing logs and notifications accordingly.
  11. Added support for Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates for Synology DDNS.
  12. Added support to waive the need of DSM login again through an HTTPS connection after a change in client's IP address.
  13. Added support for hardware-assisted locking for Thick Provisioning LUN on an ext4 volume.
  14. Added support for customized footer message on DSM login pages.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where certain cities might be mapped to incorrect time zones.
  2. Fixed the issue where LDAP users could not be notified of the upcoming password expiration.
  3. Fixed the issue where the upload of LDAP certificate could not overwrite the original one with the same file name.
  4. Fixed the issue where the application permissions settings might not be applied properly to the Domain Users group when such group in Windows AD domain was named other than "Domain Users".
  5. Fixed the issue of inaccurate time of usage history in Resource Monitor.
  6. Improved system responsiveness by reducing the latency of the Btrfs file system in certain scenarios.
  7. Fixed the issue where SNMP did not provide the indices of Disk and RAID correctly.
  8. Fixed the issue where the recycle bin of an encrypted shared folder might not be emptied properly.
  9. Enhanced the DSM login performance for multiple concurrent logins.
  10. Adjusted the personal notification mechanism to comply with the latest Gmail API.
  11. Fixed the issue where the iSCSI service might be interrupted when the LUN backup task is stopped.
  12. Removed the function of expanding the capacity of a block LUN.
  13. Fixed security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-19:33, Synology-SA-19:35, Synology-SA-19:37, Synology-SA-20:06, Synology-SA-20:18).

Known Issues & Limitations

  1. Due to Apple's new security requirements for trusted certificates, after a DSM update from an older version, the access to DSM via HTTPS using Google Chrome on a client device running macOS 10.15 might fail because of a certificate error. You may renew the default certificate on the Synology NAS to resolve this issue.
  2. To run Centralized Management System (CMS) on Surveillance Station after updating to DSM 6.2.3-25426, Surveillance Station 8.2.7 or above is required.

Version: 6.2.3-25423


Important Note

  1. This update has been recalled on May 13, since the automatic mounting of encrypted shared folders might result in the loss of indexing rules and the failure of the search function. The issue has been fixed in 6.2.3-25426.

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 6


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New

  1. RS4017xs+ now supports D4EC-2666-16G memory module.

Fixed Issues

  1. Improved drive migration compatibility for certain combinations of devices and DSM versions.
  2. Improved the stability of iSCSI sessions on VMware hosts running EXSi 6.7 U3.
  3. Fixed an issue where the system might unexpectedly reboot when users run remote virtual machines on certain models in an unstable network environment.

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where the LED indicators on the drive slots of DS118, DS218, DS218play, DS418, DS418j, and RS819 might not work properly.
  2. Fixed the issue where the certificate might not work properly when the renewal has failed.
  3. Fixed the issue where manually renewed certificates may not be applied to certain services.
  4. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Net-SNMP (CVE-2018-18066).
  5. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Nginx (Synology-SA-19:33).
  6. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-19:37).

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 3


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New

  1. Updated the protocol of Let's Encrypt to ACME V2 to enhance the stability of the registration process.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where the system might be unable to install a package during first time installation.
  2. Fixed the issue where shared folders could not be accessed via the SMB protocol if the smb.conf file was manually modified for Final Cut Pro X.
  3. Improved the performance of the SMB protocol by reducing CPU usage when Synology NAS joins a domain.
  4. Fixed the issue where Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) might not work again if the protocol has been disabled before.
  5. Fixed the issue where the LED indicators on the drive slots of RS4017xs+ and RS2818RP+ might not work properly.
  6. Adjusted the notification mechanism to comply with the latest Gmail API.
  7. Fixed the issue where duplicate entries of the same login event might be recorded at Log Center.
  8. Fixed the issue where applying non-default date formats at personal settings might result in additional date information being displayed.
  9. Fixed the issue where adding a Synology NAS to CMS host might result in a frozen "Checking" status and the device would not be added successfully.
  10. Fixed the issue where the storage capacity of a volume could not be expanded after it was migrated to a new Synology NAS with its corresponding SSD cache.

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 2


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.
  3. In response to Gmail API changes, your DSM needs an update to this version to continue the functionality of sending notifications via Gmail. If you wish to skip this update, or if your Synology product model is not eligible to update to DSM 6.2, please refer to the following article which will guide you through the manual configuration:
    How to use Gmail SMTP server to send emails for DSM

What's New

  1. Optimized the repair mechanism of RAID 6.
  2. Enhanced the stability of Btrfs file system.
  3. Enhanced the performance of the scheduled task to automatically empty the recycle bin.

Fixed Issues

  1. Adjusted Gmail notification authentication mechanism to comply with the new Gmail API.
  2. Fixed the issue where the public sharing link function might not work properly.
  3. Fixed several issues which might result from the defective NVMe SSDs, such as system startup failure.
  4. Fixed the issue where Google Chrome might autofill usernames and passwords into incorrect fields.
  5. Fixed the issue where the encrypted shared folders could not be accessed under certain conditions.
  6. Fixed the issue where the encrypted shared folders could not be mounted properly after system startup.
  7. Fixed the issue where, after the restart of Synology NAS or the configuration of Synology High Availability, the domain service powered by Directory Server for Windows Domain might not work properly.

Version: 6.2.2-24922 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where available DSM updates may not be displayed in Control Panel and Notification.
  2. Fixed an issue where domain users may not be able to change their passwords when logging in through DSM.
  3. Fixed an issue where joining DSM to LDAP server might fail.
  4. Fixed an issue where accessing a path with special characters after enabling Mac special characters feature may result in permission error.
  5. Fixed an issue where some packages' functions might fail due to file permissions being reset by Package Center.
  6. Enhanced the stability of Btrfs file system under certain high I/O loading conditions.
  7. Fixed an issue where there's a small chance that UPS might be disabled after rebooting.
  8. Fixed an issue where reconnecting via CIFS in File Station might fail under unstable connection environment.
  9. Changed the default option for system date and time format settings to YYYY-MM-dd and HH:mm respectively.
  10. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Samba (Synology-SA-19:23).
  11. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding libxslt (CVE-2019-11068).

Version: 6.2.2-24922


Important Note

  1. This update was re-released on Apr. 29 to fine-tune certain functionality and usability.
  2. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New in DSM 6.2.2

  1. Added the new Smart Update function and adjusted the update mechanism of DSM.
  2. IHM now supports 14TB IronWolf and IronWolf Pro drives.
  3. Added firmware update function of SAS controller on certain SAS models.
  4. Added knowledge base article recommendations in the Support Center to help users with easy troubleshooting.
  5. Domain users can now change their passwords upon DSM login when their passwords expire.
  6. Added support for Integrated Windows Authentication.
  7. Added support for Google LDAP services.
  8. Added the new Low-Capacity Write function, which resumes LUNs from read-only status temporarily when a volume is running out of space.
  9. Users can now select which advanced features to enable during iSCSI LUN creation.
  10. Adjusted the warning mechanism in iSCSI Manager for insufficient volume space.
  11. Added function to schedule the snapshot rotation in iSCSI Manager.
  12. Added support for the configuration of date and time formats in personal account settings and Control Panel.
  13. Supports SSD compatibility check on XS and FS series models.
  14. Adjusted the notification mechanism for bad sectors.
  15. Improved the calculating accuracy of SSD cache hit rate.
  16. Users can now get a Let's Encrypt certificate automatically upon adding a new Synology DDNS.
  17. Changed notification badges from numbers to red dots and modified display rules.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where usage history may not show in Resource Monitor on certain models.
  2. Fixed an issue where files cannot be re-uploaded after being deleted on macOS 10.13.
  3. Fixed an issue where encrypted Excel files cannot be opened in Microsoft Office 2016 simultaneously on multiple macOS devices.
  4. Shortened the time needed for domain and LDAP authentication via AFP.
  5. Improved the stability of mounting exFAT external devices (exFAT package required).
  6. Improved the stability of NFS protocol connection.
  7. Improved the stability of Snapshot Replication when moving a large number of directories.
  8. Enhanced the stability of Btrfs file system under certain high I/O loading conditions.
  9. Enhanced vulnerabilities protection from KPTI to Spectre and Meltdown Protection for improved security. Applied models:
    • 18-Series : DS218+, DS418play, DS718+, DS918+, DS1618+, DS3018xs, RS2418+, RS2418RP+, RS2818RP+, FS1018
    • 19-Series : DS1019+, DS1819+, DS2419+, RS1619xs+
  10. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2017-13168, CVE-2018-19824, CVE-2017-15649, CVE-2018-14634, CVE-2018-17182, CVE-2018-10853).
  11. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding OpenSSL (CVE-2018-0732, CVE-2018-0737, CVE-2019-1559, CVE-2018-0734, CVE-2018-5407).
  12. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Spectre & Meltdown (Synology-SA-18:01).
  13. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding OpenSSH (CVE-2019-6109, CVE-2019-6110, CVE-2019-6111, CVE-2018-20685).
  14. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding SQLite (Synology-SA-18:61).
  15. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (Synology-SA-18:47, Synology-SA-18:60).
  16. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Intel TXE and ME (Synology-SA-17:73).
  17. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Speculative (Synology-SA-18:23).
  18. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding L1 Terminal Fault (Synology-SA-18:45).
  19. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 6


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS if you are using the models listed below.
    • Plus Series : DS218+, DS718+, DS918+, DS1019+
    • Value Series : DS418play

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where abnormal reboot while converting SHR type or expanding SHR capacity may cause the storage volume not to be properly mounted.
  2. Fixed an issue where the completion of Snapshot Replication under high load environment may result in abnormal reboot.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.1.7-15284 Update 3


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Netatalk (Synology-SA-18:62).
  2. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:64).

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:64).

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 3


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Netatalk (Synology-SA-18:62).

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 2


Important Note

  1. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the SSD cache auto-protection mechanism was not able to start automatically.
  2. Fixed an issue where installing package creates unnecessary package backup that occupies system space.

Version: 6.2.1-23824 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Improve Package Center system mechanisms to enhance user experience.
  2. Enhanced the ext4 file system stability.
  3. Fixed an issue where external hard drives of WD My Book might not be recognized if DSM is rebooted while the drives are in hibernation.
  4. Fixed an issue where Microsoft Office files might not be renamed in Windows File Explorer through SMB protocol.
  5. Fixed an issue where the HASP package might not be usable after upgrading to DSM 6.2-23739-2 and DSM 6.2.1-23824.
  6. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA-18:44).
  7. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:55).
  8. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding wpa_supplicant (CVE-2018-14526).
  9. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSH (CVE-2018-15473).
  10. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (CVE-2018-10858, CVE-2018-10919).

Version: 6.2.1-23824


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

  2. After system upgrades to DSM 6.2.1, the HASP package will not be supported.

  3. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

  4. For the following models, DSM 6.2 will be the last upgradable version. DSM 6.2 will continue to receive critical and security updates until June 2023 after the official release. Please refer to the DiskStation Manager Life Cycle section in Synology Security White Paper.

    • XS Series : RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs
    • Plus Series : RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+
    • Value Series : RS812, RS212, RS411, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111
    • J Series : DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j
    • Others : NVR216, NVR1218, DDSM

What's New in DSM 6.2.1

  1. Space reclamation speed of legacy Advanced LUNs is now adjustable.

  2. You can now convert legacy Advanced LUNs into new Advanced LUNs, which come with instant snapshots and performance improvements.

  3. Added password strength meter for creating and modifying passwords.

  4. When you install or upgrade your DSM version through the Internet, it will now automatically be upgraded to the corresponding DSM version with critical and security updates.
    The following models are not available due to hardware performance limitations.

    • 11 series: RS411, DS411slim, DS411j, DS411, DS211j, DS211+, DS211, DS111
    • 12 series: RS812, RS212, DS212j, DS212+, DS212, DS112j, DS112+, DS112
    • 13 series: DS413j, DS413, DS213j, DS213air, DS213+, DS213
    • 14 series: RS814, DS414slim, DS414j, DS414, RS214, DS214se, DS214+, DS214, DS114
    • 15 series: RS815, DS215j, DS115j, DS115
    • 16 series: DS216se

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to delete snapshots when the volume is full.

  2. Fixed an issue where Windows may falsely detect an error on an exFAT format USB drive after it is used as the backup destination of Hyper Backup.

  3. Improved Snapshot Replication package stability.

  4. Fixed an issue where incorrect or incomplete update information may be displayed in the DSM Update tab.

  5. Fixed an issue where a single RAID with over 24 drives may fail to assemble a RAID 5/6/F1 or SHR 1/2 storage pool.

  6. Fixed an issue where boot failure might occur if the system was rebooted during the conversion process from RAID 5 to RAID 6.

  7. Enhanced the compatibility of certain drives on Synology NAS and Expansion Unit models.

  8. Fixed an issue where local users may fail to log in via SMB on specific Windows versions after adding their NAS to a Synology Active Directory domain.

  9. Improved Windows client's clock synchronization with DSM after it is added to a Synology Active Directory domain. Upgrading Active Directory Server to version 4.4.5-0077 or above is required.

  10. Modified HDD hibernation mechanism to prevent HDDs from entering hibernation when a volume is degraded, crashed, or not created.

  11. Adjusted the default range of passive FTP/FTPS ports to align with maximum concurrent connections of each model.

  12. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-1000199, CVE-2018-8897, CVE-2017-0861).

  13. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSL (CVE-2018-0739).

  14. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding procps-ng (CVE-2018-1124).

  15. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding ISC DHCP (CVE-2017-3144).

  16. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:51).

  17. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.2-23739 Update 2


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS if you are using the models listed below.

    • XS Series : RS2818RP+, RS3618xs, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, FS1018, DS3018xs, RS818RP+, RS818+, FS3017, FS2017, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs, RS3617RPxs, DS3617xs, RS3617xs+, RS18017xs+, RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+, DS3615xs, RC18015xs+, RS815RP+, RS815+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RS3614xs+, RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+, DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs

    • Plus Series : DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS218+, DS1817+, DS1517+, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+

    • Value Series : DS418play

    • Others : VirtualDSM, DDSM

Fixed Issues

  1. Adjusted power saving mechanism to improve PCIe compatibility.
  2. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA-18:01).
  3. Fixed an issue where iSCSI Manager might not open for the incompatible format of iSCSI LUN configuration files set up before DSM 5.2.
  4. Enhanced package start-up performance.
  5. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:36).

Version: 6.1.7-15284 Update 2


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS if you are using the models listed below.

    • XS Series : RS2818RP+, RS3618xs, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, FS1018, DS3018xs, RS818RP+, RS818+, FS3017, FS2017, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs, RS3617RPxs, DS3617xs, RS3617xs+, RS18017xs+, RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+, DS3615xs, RC18015xs+, RS815RP+, RS815+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RS3614xs+, RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+, DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs

    • Plus Series : DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS218+, DS1817+, DS1517+, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+

    • Value Series : DS418play

    • Others : VirtualDSM, DDSM

Fixed Issues

  1. Adjusted power saving mechanism to improve PCIe compatibility.
  2. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:36).

Version: 6.2-23739 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-8897).
  2. Enhance the performance of Surveillance Station when deleting recordings in btrfs volume.
  3. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:33).
  4. Fixed an issue where VAAI might fail after iSCSI LUN was recovered by LUN Backup.
  5. Fixed an issue where LUN configuration might be inconsistent.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.1.7-15284 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2018-8897).
  2. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:33).
  3. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Procps-ng (CVE-2018-1124).
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 6.2-23739


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

Compatibility and Installation

  1. DSM 6.2 can only be installed on Synology products running DSM 6.0 and above.

  2. Starting from DSM 6.2, the core replication function is centrally managed by a new package, Replication Service. Packages with replication feature, such as Snapshot Replication, must install the Replication Service package.

  3. For the following models, DSM 6.2 will be the last upgradable version. DSM 6.2 will continue to receive critical and security updates until June 2023 after the official release. Please refer to the DiskStation Manager Life Cycle section in Synology Security White Paper.

    • XS Series : RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs

    • Plus Series : RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+

    • Value Series : RS812, RS212, RS411, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111

    • J Series : DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j

    • Others : DDSM

What’s New in DSM 6.2

  1. DSM

    • For easier management, Key Manager can now be stored locally on Synology NAS. Encrypted shared folders can be auto-mounted without the need of a USB drive. (To achieve better data protection, users are suggested to store Key Manager on an external USB drive.)
    • Standard users can now right-click on shared folders in File Station to view Properties.
    • Added support for IBM WebSphere SSO.
    • Enhanced password strength policy for better account security.
    • Added support for a new SMS provider SendinBlue and Clickatell API (RESTful).
    • Added support for Thai language.
    • Updated Privacy Statement and related settings in the installation flow.
  2. iSCSI Manager

    • Brand new iSCSI Manager built for IT administrators, providing a new management user interface for an optimized iSCSI management and monitoring experience.
    • Advanced LUN provides lightning-fast LUN snapshot creation and recovery, and LUN cloning within seconds, as well as VAAI/ODX, storage acceleration commands, and support for better VM performance. Since Advanced LUNs can utilize file system cache to provide better efficiency, block-level LUNs will no longer be supported on DSM 6.2 and onward. DSM 6.2 will still be compatible with the block-level LUNs upgraded from DSM 6.1 and prior.
    • Supports cross-volume LUN clones.
    • Added support for network binding settings to allow each iSCSI target to map to a network interface.
    • Users can now disable storage reclamation for thin-provisioned LUNs to enhance I/O performance.
  3. Storage Manager

    • The brand new Overview shows the health status of all storage components on your NAS, displaying a clearer and better look on the system overview.

    • Introduced Storage Pool, a new storage component, to replace the original Disk Group and RAID Group, and rearrange storage-related functions to provide users with a more consistent and smoother experience.

    • Smart Data Scrubbing detects the supported file system and RAID type to perform data scrubbing automatically while enhancing data scrubbing usability. A new built-in scheduler allows users to do data scrubbing periodically with just a few clicks, improving data integrity and consistency.

    • RAID resync speed can now be adjusted to accommodate IT management needs.

    • Users can remotely deactivate drives via Storage Manager for better management.

    • Added a default monthly S.M.A.R.T. test on both new and existing drives that were not previously configured.

    • After each DSM upgrade, DSM will remind users if a bad sector or lifespan alert is not set up.

    • The health status of disks is now uniform with storage pools and volumes.

    • Log Center now includes disk logs.

    • Provided an option to change stripe cache size when the RAID type of Storage pool is RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID F1, or SHR (three disks or above).

  4. High Availability Manager 2.0

    • High Availability Manager has been modularized into a package to ensure better system maintenance and offers greater update  flexibility.

    • New mechanism can now eliminate unnecessary system reboot during major update to keep your cluster secure and maintain high service availability.

    • SHA 2.0 can handle situations more effectively especially when the servers are in a vulnerable state.

    • A simpler yet more intuitive user interface,  offering you a comprehensive cluster overview and management.

    • The new interface design provides more detailed and visual information as well as easy-to-follow solutions.

    • Brand new user interface is introduced to display more details of both active server and passive server, giving you an in-depth system utilization overview.

    • When first creating SHA cluster, user new to SHA can choose to only replicate system configuration to shorten setup time.

  5. Extended Btrfs File System Coverage

  6. Azure AD support

    • Added the capability to join existing Azure AD as an SSO client. Utilizing the single sign-on feature, daily productivity is increased by saving time spent on re-authentication.
  7. Security Advisor

    • User login details and abnormal geolocation information are dissected using intelligent analysis techniques and reported via DSM notifications.

    • Daily and monthly reports provide more comprehensive information, allowing IT administrator to review abnormal activity and security scan regularly.

  8. TLS/SSL Profile Level

    • An advanced way to configure your security level profile based on different services to meet different security level requirements, providing flexibility to suit your network security requirements.
  9. 2-step authentication

    • Synology NAS administrators must set up an email notification when 2-step authentication is enabled.
  10. Domain/LDAP management

    • Flexibly assign specified domain groups with admin privileges.
  11. FTP

    • Added ECDSA certificate support for FTPS connections.
  12. NFS

  13. Package Center

    • The brand new user interface design brings a more intuitive experience and allows users to quickly find everything they need.
  14. IHM tool

    • Added Seagate IronWolf Health Management (IHM) support on DS118,
      DS218play, DS418j and DS418.

Known Issues & Limitations

  1. DSM 6.2 is the last DSM version supporting IPv6 Tunneling in Network Interface.

  2. The Fedora utility will not be supported after DSM 6.2.

  3. Starting from DSM 6.2, the USB device drivers, including printers, cloud printers, DAC/speakers, Wi-Fi dongles, DTV dongles, LTE dongles, and Bluetooth dongles will no longer be updated.

  4. Wi-Fi dongle does not support Parental Control and Device List if set as Bridge Mode.

  5. Starting from DSM 6.2 Beta, Virtual Machine Manager will no longer support creating clusters with older DSM versions. Please update each host in the cluster to the same DSM version or above versions for the Virtual Machine Manager cluster to operate properly.

  6. SSH authentication by DSA public key is prohibited for security concerns.

  7. When logging in through VPN or Proxy server, some functionalities may have authentication issues. To fix this issue, please go to Control Panel > Security, and click the Trusted Proxies button to add the trusted proxy server to the list.

  8. The original RAID scrubbing scheduled tasks will be migrated to Smart Data Scrubbing scheduled tasks. If the upgrade is performed while running scheduled tasks, the Data Scrubbing process will automatically be re-executed shortly after the upgrade is completed.

  9. Office 2.x and below are not compatible with DSM 6.2.

Version: 6.1.7-15284


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. Updated Privacy Statement

Fixed Issues

  1. Improve stability of Docker when using Btrfs under low memory configurations.
  2. Improved stability of the snapshot replication feature.
  3. Enhanced stability of MCS in Windows environments.
  4. Fixed an issue where a file’s Last Opened Date may be incorrect when using Spotlight.
  5. Fixed an issue where enabling SSD Trim may cause file services failure in a high-availability cluster.
  6. Fixed an issue fan where changes to speed settings do not apply immediately in a high-availability cluster.
  7. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Wget (CVE-2018-0494).
  8. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding PostgreSQL (CVE-2018-1058).
  9. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA-18:21, CVE-2018-1000199).

Version: 6.1.6-15266 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where Drive might not work properly when the indexing rules have been changed.
  2. Fixed an issue where certain functions in Package Center might not work properly on Synology NVR products.

Version: 6.1.6-15266


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where iSCSI service may stop under Windows cluster environment.
  2. Fixed an issue where the history record of Resource Monitor may not be updated.
  3. Fixed an issue where Korean files may not be read by HFS+.
  4. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding p7zip (CVE-2017-17969).
  5. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding NTP (Synology-SA-18:13).
  6. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2017-15649, CVE-2017-17712).
  7. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding isc-dhcp (CVE-2018-5732).
  8. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (Synology-SA-18:08).
  9. Fixed multiple vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:14).

Version: 6.1.5-15254 Update 1


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

Fixed Issues

  1. Enhanced system stability.

Version: 6.1.5-15254


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New in DSM 6.1.5

  1. Added support for editing permissions to multiple groups and users to a single folder or file simultaneously in File Station.
  2. Added Seagate IronWolf Health Management (IHM) support on DS118, DS218play, DS418j, DS418 and DS218.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the system may make a false alarm about hot spare disks when upgrading SHA.
  2. Fixed a domain issue by allowing Synology NAS to join an existing domain with an ASCII password.
  3. Enhanced system efficiency in calculating a large number of user and group privilege settings.
  4. Enhanced SSD cache reliability.
  5. Fixed the issue where setting notifications for low volume capacity is not available on 1-bay models.
  6. Fixed an issue where converting a single volume to support multiple volumes may be misidentified as a crashed volume.
  7. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to collapse and expand fieldsets on an SSD cache webpage with Safari 11 browser.
  8. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2017-16939).
  9. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Samba (Synology-SA-17:72).

Version: 6.1.4-15217 Update 5


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the scan results of Security Advisor may not be correct.

Version: 6.1.4-15217 Update 3


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. This update is a repack to fix the iSCSI issues.


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities pertaining to OpenSSL (CVE-2017-3735, CVE-2017-3736, CVE-2017-3737, CVE-2017-3738).
  2. Enhanced the stability of the Apollo Lake platform BIOS.
  3. Fixed an issue with abnormal transfer rates for LUNs when backing up to an external storage device.
  4. Fixed an issue where DSM may shutdown incorrectly when iSCSI Block LUN services are overloaded.
  5. Improved the error handling mechanism for the SSD cache when volumes crash.
  6. Enhanced the stability of the upgrade process for SHA clusters.
  7. Enhanced volume expansion process stability after an improper shutdown.
  8. Enhanced system efficiency for calculating large numbers of user and group privilege settings.
  9. Fixed an issue where Microsoft Office documents may fail to save when Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is installed.

Version: 6.1.4-15217 Update 4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where Block LUNs cannot be enabled after upgrading to DSM 6.1.4-15217-3.
  2. Fixed an issue where Advanced LUNs larger than 2TB cannot be mapped to Targets after upgrading to DSM 6.1.4-15217-3.

Version: 6.1.4-15217 Update 2


  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (Synology-SA-17:72 Samba).

Version: 6.1.4-15217 Update 1


  1. Fixed an issue where PPPoE cannot be displayed properly in Control Panel.

Version: 6.1.4-15217


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

What's New in DSM 6.1.4

  1. Adjusted the threshold of remaining storage capacity warning to 10%.
  2. Support 12TB IronWolf and IronWolf Pro drives with IHM.
  3. Users with ACL permissions set as "administration" can edit shared folders in File Station.

Fixed Issues

  1. Enhanced the compatibility of USB on certain models.
  2. Enhanced the compatibility of SAS drives on certain models.
  3. Fixed an issue where the response of user interface might slow down when using hotspares under certain circumstances.
  4. Fixed user interface display issues to enhance the usability of Resource Monitor.
  5. Fixed an issue where DSM mobile might not work properly on devices running Android 8.0.
  6. Fixed an issue where administrator might not be able to log in DSM after removing clients from trusted client list.
  7. Enhanced file system stability by backporting Kernel updates.
  8. Enhanced the stability of RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID F1, and SHR.
  9. Enhanced the compatibility of Windows AD and NFS protocol.
  10. Fixed an issue where RAID Resync might slow down when creating or deleting multiple volumes.
  11. Fixed an issue where users might be logged out or shared folders of mounted via AFP might be disconnected when changing permissions.
  12. Fixed an issue where the background of login panel might be blurry when accessing DSM on Chrome browser.
  13. Fixed an issue where users might not be able to collapse and expand nested sections on DSM webpage when using Safari 11 browser.
  14. Fixed search results filters of File Station, AFP and SMB to ensure that users can only find files with read permissions in their search results.
  15. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2017-10661, CVE-2017-10662, CVE-2017-10663).
  16. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Samba (CVE-2017-11103).
  17. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Wget (CVE-2017-6508, CVE-2017-13089, CVE-2017-13090).
  18. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding XSS (CWE-79).
  19. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding poppler library (CVE-2017-2820, CVE-2017-7511, CVE-2017-7515, CVE-2017-9408, CVE-2017-9775).
  20. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Samba (Synology-SA-17:57).

Version: 6.1.3-15152 Update 8


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding WPA/WPA2 protocols for wireless connections (CVE-2017-13077, CVE-2017-13078, CVE-2017-13079, CVE-2017-13080, CVE-2017-13081, CVE-2017-13082, CVE-2017-13084, CVE-2017-13086, CVE-2017-13087, CVE-2017-13088).

Version: 6.1.3-15152 Update 7


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Enhanced system stability on certain models:
    • DS918+
    • DS718+
    • DS218+
    • DS418play
  2. Enhanced the stability when adding hard disks to expand RAID.

Version: 6.1.3-15152 Update 6


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding DNSmasq (CVE-2017-13704, CVE-2017-14491, CVE-2017-14495, CVE-2017-14496).
  2. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding DHCPv6 Server (CVE-2017-14492, CVE-2017-14493, CVE-2017-14494).

Version: 6.1.3-15152 Update 5


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Enhanced monitor mechanism of drive temperatures.
  2. Enhanced compatibility of certain drives.
  3. Improved the healing mechanism for possible cache device errors.
  4. Enhanced file system stability by backporting Kernel updates.
  5. Fixed an issue where DSM might not check updates properly when QuickConnect is enabled.
  6. Enhanced the stability of DSM startup.
  7. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Bluetooth dongle (CVE-2017-1000250).
  8. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding Linux kernel (CVE-2017-1000251).

Version: 6.1.3-15152 Update 4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed HDD hibernation issues to enhance HDD compatibility.
  2. Enhanced overall stability of iSCSI services.
  3. Fixed compatibility issues with VMware environments.
  4. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux Kernel (CVE-2017-10661, CVE-2017-10662, CVE-2017-10663).
  5. Enhanced the stability of RAID 5, RAID 6, SHR and RAID F1.

Version: 6.1.3-15152


  1. N/A. (This is the initial release of DS218j)

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