133 brevets accordés pour la semaine du 21 avril »Dallas innove – Bien choisir son serveur d impression
Dallas Invents est un aperçu hebdomadaire des brevets américains accordés avec une connexion à la région métropolitaine de Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington. Les listes comprennent les brevets accordés à des cessionnaires locaux et / ou à ceux avec un inventeur du nord du Texas. L'activité des brevets peut être un indicateur de la croissance économique future, ainsi que du développement des marchés émergents et de l'attraction des talents. En suivant à la fois les inventeurs et les cessionnaires dans la région, nous visons à fournir une vue plus large de l'activité inventive de la région. Les listes sont organisées par classification coopérative des brevets (CPC).
133 brevets accordés Classé n ° dix en production de brevets sur 250 métros
Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano) 9
SanDisk Technologies LLC (Addison) 6
Encore Wire Corporation (McKinney) 2
Christopher William Overton (Richardson) 15
Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton) 15
Anand Seshadri (Richardson) 2
Balaji Ranganathan (Plano) 2
Edwin W. Peters (Irving) 2
Michael Linley Fripp (Carrollton) 2
Nitty T. Pulikan (Irving) 2
176 jours
Système et procédé de formation au tir utilisant un système optique
Brevet n ° 10625147-B1
Inventeur: George Carter (Dallas)
3185 jours
Cellule SRAM ayant un biais à n puits
Cessionnaire: Texas Instruments Inc.
Inventeurs »Anand Seshadri (Richardson), Theodore W. Houston (Richardson)
Brevet n ° 10629250-B2
Ne manquez pas Dallas Invents: Inscrivez-vous au bulletin électronique Dallas Innovates. L'information en matière de brevets est fournie par Joe Chiarella, fondateur de la société d'analyse de brevets Patent Index et éditeur de The Inventiveness Index.
Pour plus de détails sur les brevets accordés ci-dessous, recherchez la base de données de texte intégral et d'images des brevets USPTO
Système de leurre auto-stabilisant
Brevet No. 10624334
Inventeur (s): Blake Lierman (Fate, TX), Eric M. Gibson (Fate, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15461265 le 16/03/2017 (application de 1132 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un leurre de volaille est détaillé avec une tige flottante en forme et décorée pour se rapprocher d'une volaille. La tige est fixée à un stabilisateur en forme d'entonnoir qui s'étend vers le bas à partir de la surface inférieure de la tige flottante. L'entonnoir améliore le mouvement du leurre en abaissant le centre de masse et en permettant à l'eau de déplacer le leurre par la force appliquée à la partie inférieure du stabilisateur. Le leurre est également équipé d'une ancre pour faciliter son retrait de l'eau.
[A01M] CAPTURE, PIÉGEAGE OU MARQUAGE D'ANIMAUX (appareils pour capturer des essaims ou attraper des drones A01K 57/00; pêche A01K 69/00-A01K 97/00; biocides, insectifuges ou insectifuges A01N); APPAREIL POUR LA DESTRUCTION D'ANIMAUX NOXIEUX OU DE PLANTES NOXIEUSES
Utilisation de terres décolorantes usées provenant du traitement des huiles comestibles dans la formulation de blocs ou de granulés de sel et de minéraux pour le bétail
Brevet No. 10624367
Inventeur (s): Norman J. Smallwood (Plano, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: McKee, Voorhees Sease, PLC (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15799273 le 31/10/2017 (application de 903 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: La terre décolorante usée provenant du traitement de l'huile comestible peut être utilisée dans la formulation de blocs et de boulettes de sel et de minéraux à lécher pour le bétail afin d'améliorer la santé et la valeur nutritive des compléments alimentaires. En raison du risque d'inflammation inhérent à la terre décolorante usée, la mise en décharge a été et continue d'être la principale méthode d'élimination. En ajoutant du sel ou de la saumure à la terre de blanchiment usée lors de la décharge des filtres de traitement, la propriété hydroscopique gardera le matériau sûr pour la manipulation et l'utilisation économique comme décrit. NUL
Bureau de thérapie
Brevet No. 10624451
Inventeur (s): Amor Bhattacharya (Little Elm, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Dunlap Bennett Ludwig PLLC (2 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16236709 le 31/12/2018 (application de 477 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un bureau de thérapie et des dessus de bureau fournissent diverses thérapies aux utilisateurs debout ou assis. Il est configuré pour fournir des avantages thérapeutiques par deux boutons qui sont tournés à la main pour élever et abaisser le bureau ou le bureau, offrant une excellente thérapie aux doigts, aux poignets, aux mains, au dos et aux jambes. Comme il est opéré en position assise, il évite les tensions dans le dos. Le dispositif de colportage utilisé en position assise offre également une excellente thérapie pour les jambes.
Brevet No. 10624497
Inventeur (s): Barbara Bumgarner (Arlington, TX), Stacie Bumgarner (Arlington, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 14308073 le 18/06/2014 (2134 jours d'application à émettre)
Abstrait: Un grille-pain comprend un boîtier ayant une paroi avant, une paroi arrière, une paroi inférieure, une paroi supérieure et deux parois latérales opposées. Sur la paroi supérieure se trouvent une pluralité d'ouvertures de distribution de pain, chacune en communication avec une chambre de cuisson désignée. Un élément chauffant et une grille déployable sont positionnés verticalement à l'intérieur de chaque chambre de cuisson. Un mécanisme de levage comprend une pluralité d'éléments d'accrochage rotatifs qui libèrent la grille chaque fois que le boîtier est vertical de sorte que le dispositif fonctionne comme un grille-pain conventionnel. Cependant, lorsque le boîtier est tourné pour se trouver sur sa paroi arrière, les éléments de capture saisissent automatiquement la grille de sorte que le mécanisme de levage l'éjecte à travers l'ouverture de distribution de pain.
Système d'interface fluide pour implants
Brevet No. 10624746
Inventeur (s): Jason Tinley (Fort Worth, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): HD LifeSciences LLC (Woburn, MA)
Cabinet d'avocats: Nelson Mullins Riley Scarborough LLP (5 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15941193 le 30/03/2018 (application 753 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: La présente invention comprend un système d'interface fluide destiné à être utilisé dans des implants médicaux. Le système d'interface fluide de la présente invention peut comprendre un ou plusieurs canaux d'interface fluide disposés à l'intérieur d'un implant. Les systèmes d'interface de fluide peuvent facultativement comprendre des canaux de redirection de fluide, des ports d'interface de fluide et un instrument correspondant pour transférer du fluide dans ou hors des ports d'interface de fluide.
Emulsion ophtalmique
Brevet No. 10624848
Inventeur (s): David L. Meadows (Colleyville, TX), Howard Allen Ketelson (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Alcon Inc. (Fribourg,, CH)
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16405180 le 05/07/2019 (application 350 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: La présente invention concerne une émulsion ophtalmique. L'émulsion a une combinaison unique d'ingrédients qui favorise la stabilité des petites gouttelettes d'huile dans l'émulsion. L'émulsion comprend également un polymère mucoadhésif qui aide à délivrer un lipide à la surface oculaire.
[A61K] PRÉPARATIONS À DES FINS MÉDICALES, DENTAIRES OU DE TOILETTES (dispositifs ou méthodes spécialement adaptés pour introduire des produits pharmaceutiques dans des formes physiques ou d'administration particulières A61J 3/00; aspects chimiques ou utilisation de matériaux pour la désodorisation de l'air, pour la désinfection ou la stérilisation, ou pour bandages, pansements, tampons absorbants ou articles chirurgicaux A61L; compositions de savon C11D)
Dispositifs médicaux hydrophiles
Brevet No. 10624998
Inventeur (s): Ahmad Robert Hadba (Fort Worth, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): COVIDIEN LP (Mansfield, MA)
Cabinet d'avocats: Carter, DeLuca Farrell LLP (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16050056 le 31/07/2018 (application de 630 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne un dispositif médical comprenant un substrat poreux traité au plasma qui est fonctionnalisé pour fournir une surface hydrophile, et un procédé de préparation d'un tel dispositif médical. Le procédé comprend le traitement par plasma d'au moins une partie d'une surface d'un substrat poreux avec une espèce de gaz choisie parmi l'oxygène, l'azote, l'argon et leur combinaison. L'espèce gazeuse est configurée pour fonctionnaliser la surface du dispositif médical et former une surface hydrophile.
[A61B] DIAGNOSTIC; CHIRURGIE; IDENTIFICATION (analyse du matériel biologique G01N, p.ex. G01N 33/48)
Seringue de sécurité avec dispositif de redirection d'aiguille
Brevet No. 10625028
Inventeur (s): Mark Small (Heavener, OK), Thomas J. Shaw (Frisco, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Retractable Technologies, Inc. (Little Elm, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Ross Barnes LLP (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15635346 le 28/06/2017 (application de 1028 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Seringue de sécurité comprenant un dispositif de redirection d'aiguille qui est configuré de manière souhaitable pour plier la tige d'aiguille vers l'avant du cylindre après une injection pour ainsi rediriger la pointe de l'aiguille d'une première position où elle fait saillie vers l'avant en alignement coaxial avec le cylindre de la seringue vers une seconde position où la pointe de l'aiguille est recouverte ou protégée des contacts accidentels ou accidentels et des bâtonnets d'aiguille associés. Des modes de réalisation coulissants et pivotants sont décrits.
[A61M] DISPOSITIFS POUR INTRODUIRE DES MÉDIAS DANS OU SUR LE CORPS (introduction de médias dans ou sur le corps des animaux A61D 7/00; moyens pour insérer des tampons A61F 13/26; dispositifs pour administrer par voie orale des aliments ou des médicaments A61J; récipients pour la collecte, le stockage ou administration de sang ou de fluides médicaux A61J 1/05); DISPOSITIFS POUR TRANSMETTRE LES MÉDIAS CORPORELS OU POUR PRENDRE DES MÉDIAS DU CORPS (chirurgie A61B; aspects chimiques des articles chirurgicaux A61L; magnétothérapie utilisant des éléments magnétiques placés dans le corps A61N 2/10); DISPOSITIFS POUR PRODUIRE OU METTRE FIN AU SOMMEIL OU AU STUPOR [5]
Appareil, système et procédé de mesure et de stockage de données de condition physique normalisées
Brevet No. 10625119
Inventeur (s): Charlie Lee Amos, III (DeSoto, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP (Local + 13 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16434970 le 06/07/2019 (application de 319 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne un appareil et un système permettant d'obtenir des métriques associées à l'athlétisme d'un utilisateur. Dans un mode de réalisation, l'utilisateur effectue un entraînement en utilisant l'appareil, et l'entraînement est noté sur la base d'un système de notation. Dans un mode de réalisation, le système de notation peut être objectif, facilitant ainsi la standardisation des scores, et les utilisateurs individuels pour lesquels des scores ont été enregistrés peuvent être classés par le système. Dans un mode de réalisation, les utilisateurs individuels peuvent associer leurs profils de système à une ou plusieurs positions pour un ou plusieurs sports. Les classements peuvent être filtrés par poste et par sport pour faciliter l'identification d'un ou plusieurs utilisateurs d'intérêt, par exemple à des fins de recrutement universitaire ou de brouillons d'équipe sportive professionnelle.
Club de golf
Brevet No. 10625125
Inventeur (s): John Kendall (Wylie, TX), Justin Honea (Richardson, TX), Tim Reed (McKinney, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): TAYLOR MADE GOLF COMPANY, INC. (Carlsbad, Californie)
Cabinet d'avocats: Dawsey Co., LPA (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16458916 le 07/01/2019 (application de 295 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un club de golf ayant des propriétés de masse uniques et tous les avantages qui en découlent.
Système et procédé de formation au tir utilisant un système optique
Brevet No. 10625147
Inventeur (s): George Carter (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16665911 le 28/10/2019 (application de 176 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un système et une méthode de simulation de tir. Le système comprend une pluralité d'armes à feu. Chaque arme à feu est associée à un soldat séparé ayant un ordinateur porté par l'homme, un dispositif de localisation pour déterminer la position du soldat, un système optique pour capturer une image où l'image capturée fournit des informations sur la trajectoire d'une balle virtuelle tirée à partir d'un tir arme à feu, et un dispositif d'orientation pour obtenir l'orientation de l'arme à feu lors du tir de l'arme à feu. Le système optique est aligné avec une vue de l'arme à feu de tir et capture l'image lors de la prise de vue de l'arme à feu. Le système comprend également un module de résolution de l'emplacement du tireur / cible pour identifier une cible valide et un module de reconnaissance d'image cible pour déterminer un emplacement d'impact où une balle virtuelle de l'arme à feu de tir aurait un impact dans l'image capturée et déterminer si une cible identifiée à partir de la capture l'image est un succès ou un échec.
O P E R A T I O N S & T R A N S P O R T
Système de production d'articles solides poreux composites
Brevet No. 10625213
Inventeur (s): Evan E. Koslow (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): ARKEMA INC. (Roi de Prusse, PA)
Cabinet d'avocats: Aucun avocat
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15567173 le 04/12/2016 (1470 jours d'application à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne un système de production pour la fabrication d'articles solides poreux composites, dans lequel la couleur de ces articles est contrôlée pour confirmer que les articles, qui sont produits par chauffage et compression de mélanges de poudre de liant de poly (fluorure de vinylidène) (comme la résine Kyblock d'Arkema) et poudre de charbon actif, sont complètement durcis. Des ajustements aux conditions de traitement sont effectués lorsqu'une région de l'article apparaît en bleu (indiquant un durcissement incomplet).
[B01D] SÉPARATION (séparation des solides des solides par des méthodes humides B03B, B03D, par des gabarits ou des tables pneumatiques B03B, par d'autres méthodes sèches B07; séparation magnétique ou électrostatique des matériaux solides des matériaux solides ou des fluides, séparation par des champs électriques à haute tension B03C; centrifugeuses B04B ; appareils vortex B04C; presses en soi pour extraire le liquide du matériau contenant du liquide B30B 9/02) [5]
Recyclage des pièces de ferraille
Brevet No. 10625304
Inventeur (s): Manuel Gerardo Garcia, Jr. (Lexington, KY), Nalin Kumar (Fort Worth, TX), Ronnie Kip Lowe (Westworth Village, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): UHV Technologies, Inc. (Fort Worth, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Matheson Keys Kordzik PLLC (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16358374 du 19/03/2019 (application de 399 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un système de tri de matériaux trie les matériaux en utilisant un système de vision qui met en œuvre un système d'apprentissage automatique afin d'identifier ou de classer chacun des matériaux, qui sont ensuite triés en groupes séparés sur la base d'une telle identification ou classification déterminant que les matériaux ont une forme géométrique spécifiée . Un tel système peut trier les pièces monétaires ou d'autres métaux précieux d'autres formes de ferraille.
[B07B] SÉPARER LES SOLIDES DES SOLIDES PAR TAMISAGE, CRIBLAGE OU CRIBLAGE OU EN UTILISANT DES COURANTS DE GAZ; AUTRES SÉPARATIONS PAR DES MÉTHODES SÈCHES APPLICABLES AUX MATIÈRES EN VRAC, p. Ex. ARTICLES LIBRES CONÇUS POUR ÊTRE MANIPULÉS COMME DES MATIÈRES EN VRAC (procédés de séparation par voie humide, tri par des procédés utilisant un matériau fluide de la même manière que le liquide B03; combinaisons d'appareils de séparation à sec avec un appareil de séparation par voie humide B03B; utilisant des liquides B03B, B03D; tri par magnétique ou électrostatique séparation des matériaux solides des matériaux solides ou des fluides, séparation par champs électriques à haute tension B03C; centrifugeuses ou appareils à vortex pour la réalisation de processus physiques B04; tri manuel, tri postal, tri par commutation ou autres dispositifs actionnés en réponse à la détection ou à la mesure de certains caractéristique des articles ou des échantillons de matériau B07C)
Support à chapeau suspendu pour appuie-tête automobile
Brevet No. 10625682
Inventeur (s): Arie Nissan Sharon (Garland, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): NON ATTRIBUÉ
Cabinet d'avocats: BLK Law Group (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15860961 le 01/03/2018 (application 839 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un porte-chapeau suspendu pour appuie-tête d'automobile est configuré pour être couplé à l'appui-tête d'un siège d'automobile, dans lequel le porte-chapeau est formé d'une seule pièce, structure abattable, un dossier configuré pour être adjacent au siège d'automobile, une base couplée à une extrémité inférieure du dos et s'étendant loin du dos et un élément de suspension de chapeau couplé à la base à une position opposée à la position de l'accouplement du dos à la base, dans lequel l'élément de suspension de chapeau est configuré pour être espacé de l'automobile siège et configuré pour engager l'intérieur d'un chapeau de cowboy américain ou d'un chapeau de police Sherriff traditionnel pour être engagé à une position au-dessus du bandeau anti-transpiration du chapeau.
[B60R] VÉHICULES, ACCESSOIRES DE VÉHICULE OU PIÈCES DE VÉHICULE, NON PRÉVUS AILLEURS (prévention des incendies, confinement ou extinction spécialement adaptés aux véhicules A62C 3/07)
Protecteur de brosse polyvalent, protecteur de cabine et accessoire d'extension de hayon
Brevet No. 10625697
Inventeur (s): Adam D. Holmstrom (Pinckney, MI), Scott L. Frederick (Brighton, MI), Scott P. Robison (Dexter, MI)
Cessionnaire (s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15875011 le 19/01/2018 (application de 823 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un système modulaire est fourni pour un accessoire polyvalent configuré pour fonctionner sélectivement en tant que protège-balais, protecteur de cabine et rallonge de hayon pour un véhicule. Le système comprend une première structure de montage reliée à un châssis avant du véhicule. Une seconde structure de montage est connectée à une partie cabine du véhicule, et une troisième structure de montage est connectée à un hayon du véhicule. Un accessoire polyvalent est fourni, comprenant une partie de corps principal et au moins un élément de fixation s'étendant à partir de la partie de corps principal. L'élément de fixation est configuré pour être reçu alternativement par la première structure de montage, dans lequel l'accessoire polyvalent sert de protège-balais; la deuxième structure de montage, dans laquelle l'accessoire polyvalent sert de protecteur de cabine; et la troisième structure de montage, dans laquelle l'accessoire polyvalent sert d'extension de hayon.
[B60P] VÉHICULES ADAPTÉS POUR LE TRANSPORT DE CHARGES OU POUR TRANSPORTER, TRANSPORTER OU COMPRENDRE DES CHARGES OU DES OBJETS SPÉCIAUX (véhicules avec des dispositions spéciales pour le transport de patients ou de personnes handicapées, ou leurs moyens de transport personnels A61G 3/00)
Renfort de capot adhésif pour la protection des piétons
Brevet No. 10625707
Inventeur (s): Jeremiah T. Hammer (Ann Arbor, MI), Troy N. Grantham (Ann Arbor, MI)
Cabinet d'avocats: Snell Wilmer LLP (5 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15955436 le 17/04/2018 (application de 735 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Systèmes et appareils pour un véhicule destinés à améliorer la sécurité des piétons. L'appareil comprend un capot d'un véhicule comprenant un panneau extérieur de capot ayant une surface extérieure et une surface intérieure. Le capot comprend un panneau intérieur de capot connecté au panneau externe de capot. Le capot comprend un patch de renforcement connecté à la surface intérieure du panneau extérieur du capot entre le panneau extérieur du capot et le panneau intérieur du capot, à un emplacement de renforcement aligné avec un composant structurel du véhicule. Le patch de renforcement est configuré pour augmenter la rigidité et la masse du panneau extérieur du capot à l'emplacement de renforcement pour absorber l'énergie d'un piéton heurté par le véhicule et pour réduire l'impact de la composante structurelle du véhicule sur le piéton lorsque le panneau extérieur du capot et le panneau intérieur du capot se comprime sur le composant structurel du véhicule.
[B60R] VÉHICULES, ACCESSOIRES DE VÉHICULE OU PIÈCES DE VÉHICULE, NON PRÉVUS AILLEURS (prévention des incendies, confinement ou extinction spécialement adaptés aux véhicules A62C 3/07)
Système de commande de rotor adaptable pour un nombre variable de pales
Brevet No. 10625846
Inventeur (s): Frank B. Stamps (Colleyville, Texas), Gary Miller (North Richland Hills, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON INC. (Fort Worth, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Patent Capital Group (Local + 6 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16408057 le 05/09/2019 (application de 348 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Dans un mode de réalisation, un moyeu de rotor comprend un étrier pour fixer une pluralité d'aubes de rotor, un joint à vitesse constante pour entraîner le couple d'un mât à l'étrier et pour permettre à l'étrier de pivoter, et un système de commande de rotor configuré pour ajuster une orientation de la pluralité d'aubes de rotor. De plus, le système de commande du rotor comprend: un plateau cyclique, un point d'appui d'adaptateur de phase, une pluralité d'actionneurs commandés sur la base d'une entrée de commande de vol, une pluralité de liaisons à pas inférieur configurées pour transférer le mouvement entre la pluralité d'actionneurs et le plateau cyclique, une pluralité de leviers de réglage de phase configurés pour régler une phase de commande associée au mouvement transféré entre la pluralité d'actionneurs et la pluralité de liaisons à pas inférieur, et une pluralité de liaisons à pas supérieur configurées pour régler un pas de la pluralité d'aubes de rotor, dans lesquelles il y a plus de supérieur liens de hauteur que les liens de hauteur inférieure.
[B64C] AVIONS; HÉLICOPTÈRES (véhicules à coussin d'air B60V)
Configuration automatisée d'avions spécifiques à la mission
Brevet No. 10625853
Inventeur (s): John Richard McCullough (Weatherford, TX), Paul K. Oldroyd (Azle, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Textron Innovations Inc. (Providence, RI)
Cabinet d'avocats: Lawrence Youst PLLC (local)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16154207 le 10/08/2018 (application 561 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne des systèmes et des procédés de configuration automatisée d'aéronefs spécifiques à une mission pouvant fonctionner pour effectuer une transition entre une portance poussée dans une orientation VTOL et une portance portée dans une orientation biplan. Un procédé comprend la réception de paramètres de mission comprenant des paramètres de vol et des paramètres de charge utile; configurer une cellule en fonction des paramètres de mission, y compris sélectionner un système de commande de vol, des première et deuxième ailes et des premier et deuxième pylônes pouvant être utilisés pour le couplage entre les première et deuxième ailes, les première et deuxième ailes ayant chacune des première et deuxième stations de nacelle intérieures et des première et deuxième deuxièmes stations de nacelles extérieures; déterminer les exigences de poussée sur la base des paramètres de mission; configurer un réseau de poussée distribué bidimensionnel sur la base des exigences de poussée, y compris sélectionner des ensembles de propulsion internes pouvant être couplés aux stations de nacelle intérieures des première et deuxième ailes et sélectionner des ensembles de propulsion extérieurs pouvant être couplés aux stations de nacelles extérieures des premier et deuxième ailes.
[B64C] AVIONS; HÉLICOPTÈRES (véhicules à coussin d'air B60V)
Configurations flexibles de sièges rabattables pour la sortie d'urgence des avions
Brevet No. 10625866
Inventeur (s): Carl A. May (Mansfield, TX), Joshua Emrich (Grapevine, TX), Richard Theodore Perryman (Fort Worth, TX), Ross D. Cosby (Mansfield, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON INC. (Fort Worth, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Patent Capital Group (Local + 6 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15405284 le 01/12/2017 (application 1195 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Dans un mode de réalisation, un appareil peut comprendre: un panneau de plancher pour un giravion; et une pluralité de sièges passagers couplés au panneau de plancher, dans lequel: la pluralité de sièges passagers est agencée en une pluralité de rangées de sièges; et la pluralité de sièges passagers comprend un ou plusieurs sièges rabattables agencés pour faciliter l'accès à une ou plusieurs sorties du giravion.
Système et appareil pour l'emballage et le gain de fils et de câbles
Brevet No. 10625974
Inventeur (s): John L. Rhoads (McKinney, TX), Karolina Zuraw (Richardson, TX), Troy D. Skidmore (McKinney, TX), William T. Bigbee, Jr. (Melissa, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Encore Wire Corporation (McKinney, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Warren Rhoades LLP (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16367246 le 28/03/2019 (application de 390 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Appareil pour le transport et le gain de fils et de câbles enroulés, l'appareil comprenant un paquet à double coque, un vide intérieur formé par le paquet à double coque, le vide intérieur comprenant un compartiment à l'intérieur pour contenir du fil et du câble enroulés pendant le transport et le gain du fil et câble, un port de gain est couplé au boîtier à clapet, dans lequel le fil et le câble enroulés sont extraits du boîtier à clapet par le port de gain sur un axe sensiblement similaire à l'axe du fil et du câble extraits, et dans lequel le port de gain s'étend de le boîtier à clapet à travers le fil et le câble enroulés.
Appareil et procédé pour enrouler du fil
Brevet No. 10625975
Inventeur (s): John L. Rhoads (The Colony, TX), William T. Bigbee, Jr. (Melissa, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Encore Wire Corporation (McKinney, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Warren Rhoades LLP (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16016645 le 24/06/2018 (application 667 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: L'invention concerne un appareil et un procédé de dévidage comprenant un ensemble de bride intérieure, un ensemble de bride extérieure et un ensemble de palier couplé aux ensembles de bride intérieure. L'ensemble bride interne est capable de tourner librement par rapport à l'ensemble bride externe. Dans un autre mode de réalisation, le fil est enroulé à partir d'un ensemble de bobines comprenant un ensemble de bride intérieure et un ensemble de bride extérieure.
Effecteurs d'extrémité de sélection de moteur et procédés de montée et de descente de moteurs de véhicule utilisant des effecteurs d'extrémité de sélection de moteur
Brevet No. 10625987
Inventeur (s): Mary C. Hollowell (Marion, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Toyota Motor North America, Inc. (Plano, Texas)
Cabinet d'avocats: Dinsmore Shohl LLP (14 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16394497 du 25/04/2019 (application de 362 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un effecteur terminal comprend un corps dans lequel se trouve une cavité. Le corps enferme partiellement la cavité et comprend une ouverture à travers le corps vers la cavité qui est dimensionnée pour recevoir un crochet de suspension. Une structure d'accrochage est située dans la cavité. Un verrou est reçu de manière mobile par le corps. Le verrou a une position fermée qui réduit la taille de l'ouverture et une position ouverte qui augmente la taille de l'ouverture.
[B66C] GRUES; ÉLÉMENTS OU DISPOSITIFS POUR ENGAGER LA CHARGE DES GRUES, DES CABESTANS, DES TREUILS OU DES ÉQUIPEMENTS (mécanismes d'enroulement de cordes, câbles ou chaînes, dispositifs de freinage ou de détente à cet effet B66D; spécialement adaptés aux réacteurs nucléaires G21)
C H E M I S T R Y & M E T A L L U R G Y
Détergent à vaisselle manuel pressé
Brevet No. 10626350
Inventeur (s): Thomas Muller (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Ecolab USA Inc. (Saint Paul, MN)
Cabinet d'avocats: McKee, Voorhees Sease, PLC (1 bureaux non locaux)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 14962064 le 12/08/2015 (application de 1596 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: On décrit une composition détergente en bloc solide qui peut être dispensée d'un jet d'eau pour former un détergent aqueux pour couper et enlever la graisse, enlever et suspendre les salissures et rincer facilement en laissant les articles nettoyés. Le détergent bloc solide contient un tensioactif anionique sulfoné neutralisé en combinaison avec divers auxiliaires technologiques pour optimiser l'élimination des salissures dans une formulation qui peut être pressée pour former un solide.
Dispositifs d'isolation de puits de forage avec glissements et bandes de glissement dégradables
Brevet No. 10626695
Inventeur (s): Michael Linley Fripp (Carrollton, Texas), Zachary William Walton (Carrollton, Texas)
Cessionnaire (s): Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Houston, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: McGuireWoods LLP (Local + 9 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15759803 le 11/10/2015 (application de 1624 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un dispositif d'isolement de puits de forage peut comprendre un mandrin; des barbotines dégradables disposées autour du mandrin et composées d'un alliage métallique dégradable choisi dans le groupe constitué d'un alliage de magnésium, d'un alliage d'aluminium et de toute combinaison de ceux-ci; et au moins un élément packer disposé le long du mandrin. Les glissements dégradables peuvent être formés d'un matériau métallique dégradable. Facultativement, le dispositif d'isolation de puits de forage peut en outre comprendre des bandes de glissement dégradables formées d'un matériau métallique dégradable ou d'un polymère dégradable.
[E21B] FORAGE DE TERRE OU DE ROCHE (exploitation minière, exploitation de carrières E21C; fabrication de puits, de galeries ou de tunnels d'entraînement E21D); OBTENIR DE L'HUILE, DU GAZ, DE L'EAU, DES MATIÈRES SOLUBLES OU FONDABLES OU UNE BOULE DE MINÉRAUX PROVENANT DE PUITS [5]
Dispositifs de contrôle de débit à pistons à pression équilibrée
Brevet No. 10626702
Inventeur (s): Michael Linley Fripp (Carrollton, TX), Richard Decena Ornelaz (Frisco, TX), Thomas Jules Frosell (Irving, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Houston, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: McGuireWoods LLP (Local + 9 autres métros)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 15564726 le 27/12/2016 (application de 1211 jours à émettre)
Abstrait: Un ensemble d'écran de contrôle du sable comprend un tuyau de base et un dispositif de contrôle d'écoulement positionné dans un chemin d'écoulement pour un fluide qui s'étend entre l'extérieur et l'intérieur du tuyau de base. Le dispositif de commande de débit comprend un boîtier définissant une entrée qui reçoit le fluide du trajet d'écoulement et une sortie qui refoule le fluide dans le trajet d'écoulement, et une chambre de piston est définie dans le boîtier pour communiquer de manière fluide l'entrée avec la sortie. Un piston à pression équilibrée est positionné à l'intérieur de la chambre de piston et mobile entre une première position, où l'écoulement de fluide entre l'entrée et la sortie est empêchée, et une deuxième position, où l'écoulement de fluide entre l'entrée et la sortie est facilité. Un actionneur déplace le piston à pression équilibrée entre les positions fermée et ouverte, et un module électronique est couplé de manière communicante au dispositif de contrôle de débit pour faire fonctionner l'actionneur.
[E21B] FORAGE DE TERRE OU DE ROCHE (exploitation minière, exploitation de carrières E21C; fabrication de puits, de galeries ou de tunnels d'entraînement E21D); OBTENIR DE L'HUILE, DU GAZ, DE L'EAU, DES MATIÈRES SOLUBLES OU FONDABLES OU UNE BOULE DE MINÉRAUX PROVENANT DE PUITS [5]
Mécanisme de boîte de vitesses à came axiale
Brevet No. 10626964
Inventeur (s): Carlos A. Hoefken (Dallas, TX)
Cessionnaire (s): Motus Labs, LLC (Dallas, TX)
Cabinet d'avocats: Carstens Cahoon, LLP (local)
Numéro d'application, date, vitesse: 16537218 le 08/09/2019 (256 jours d'application à émettre)
Abstrait: Le mécanisme de boîte de vitesses de l'invention comprend une pluralité d'ensembles de blocs d'engrenages actionnés par came, qui transfèrent la puissance d'un arbre de puissance à un élément d'engrenage secondaire ou de sortie. Chaque bloc de pignons comprend un bloc de pignons ayant une surface qui s'interface périodiquement avec un élément de pignon secondaire ou de sortie. Dans un mode de réalisation préféré, la surface d'interface comprend une pluralité de saillies ou dents qui correspondent à des saillies complémentaires ou des dents d'engrenage sur l'élément d'engrenage de sortie. Chaque ensemble de bloc d'engrenage comprend en outre un bloc d'engrenage, un culbuteur, des suiveurs de came et / ou un poteau de suivi de bloc d'engrenage, qui connectent ou relient le bloc d'engrenage à un ensemble de came, qui à son tour est connecté à une source d'alimentation. The cam assembly includes about its circumference a unique pathway or groove for each cam followers and/or gear block tracking post of a particular gear block assembly so that the movement of the gear block may be controlled in two or three dimensions in accordance with a certain design parameter.
Process for pneumatically conveying a powdery material
Patent No. 10627108
Inventor(s): David Lyons (Fort Worth, TX)
Assignee(s): S.A. Lhoist Recherche et Developpement (Ottignies-la-Neuve, , BE)
Law Firm: Whitaker Chalk Swindle Schwartz PLLC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15361618 on 11/28/2016 (1240 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Process and device for pneumatically conveying a powdery material comprising the steps of
[F23J] REMOVAL OR TREATMENT OF COMBUSTION PRODUCTS OR COMBUSTION RESIDUES; FLUES (precipitating dust from flue gases B01D; composition of fuels C10; combustion apparatus for consuming smoke or fumes, e.g. exhaust gases, F23G 7/06)
Smart accumulator to scrub inlet fluid
Patent No. 10627141
Inventor(s): Shawket Bin Ayub (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15935012 on 03/25/2018 (758 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The Smart Accumulator Fluid Scrubbing System includes a drying mechanism and filtration system with liquid level control all in one housing to protect compressors or compressor systems from moisture, contaminants, and liquid ingestion. The Smart Accumulator is connected to the compressor or compressor systems inlet. The Smart Accumulator only allow dry, clean gas to enter the compressor and compressor system. The switch in conjunction with the heating elements and compressor circuits prevents the compressor from running, while heating elements boil off excess liquid. The Pressure equalizing port prevent compressor to start at high delta pressure and or reduces extremely high-pressure compressor or system operation that may be detrimental to mechanical failure.
[F25B] REFRIGERATION MACHINES, PLANTS, OR SYSTEMS; COMBINED HEATING AND REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS; HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS (heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials, e.g. refrigerants, or materials for the production of heat or cold by chemical reactions other than by combustion C09K 5/00; pumps, compressors F04; use of heat pumps for domestic or space-heating or for domestic hot-water supply F24D; air-conditioning, air-humidification F24F; fluid heaters using heat pumps F24H)
Dry erase board system and method of use
Patent No. 10625537
Inventor(s): Dony Dawson (Fort Worth, TX), Keven Kirk (Boyd, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15467468 on 03/23/2017 (1125 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A dry erase board system includes a base hub, having a center stem; wheel bases attached to the center stem; dry erase boards, each of the dry erase boards having a frame; and a front wheel attached to the frame and to be removably secured to one of the wheel bases; the base hub holds the dry erase boards upright.
Hydraulic system for ultrasonic flow measurement using reflective acoustic path approach
Patent No. 10627271
Inventor(s): Hans Martin Hilbig (Tiefenbach, , DE), Johann Reinhold Zipperer (Unterschleissheim, , DE), Peter Wongeun Chung (Frisco, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16212082 on 12/06/2018 (502 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A flow meter for determining the flow rate of a fluid through a conduit, including an upper body having an inlet chamber, an acoustic channel, an outlet chamber, a sound wave generator, and a sound wave receiver. The inlet chamber, acoustic channel, and outlet chamber are fluidly connected together. The acoustic channel is a non-linear pathway that is symmetrically dimensioned. The sound wave generator is configured to create a sound wave that moves along the liquid pathway formed by the acoustic channel. The receiver detects that sound wave that has moved through the acoustic channel and such information is used to determine the flow rate of the fluid through the flow meter.
Anisotropic magneto-resistive (AMR) angle sensor die comprising a plurality of AMR angle sensors
Patent No. 10627459
Inventor(s): Dok Won Lee (Mountain View, CA)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15651206 on 07/17/2017 (1009 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Some embodiments are directed to an anisotropic magneto-resistive (AMR) angle sensor die. The die comprises a plurality of AMR angle sensors, each of the plurality of AMR angle sensors comprising a first Wheatstone bridge and a second Wheatstone bridge, wherein an angle position output of the sensor die includes a combination of angle position outputs of each of the plurality of AMR angle sensors.
[G01R] MEASURING ELECTRIC VARIABLES; MEASURING MAGNETIC VARIABLES (indicating correct tuning of resonant circuits H03J 3/12)
Distributed radar signal processing in a radar system
Patent No. 10627480
Inventor(s): Brian Paul Ginsburg (Allen, TX), Jasbir Singh Nayyar (Bangalore, , IN), Murtaza Ali (Plano, TX), Sudipto Bose (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 14633647 on 02/27/2015 (1880 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A cascaded radar system is provided that includes a first radar system-on-a-chip (SOC) operable to perform an initial portion of signal processing for object detection on digital beat signals generated by multiple receive channels of the radar SOC, a second radar SOC operable to perform the initial portion of signal processing for object detection on digital beat signals generated by multiple receive channels in the radar SOC, and a processing unit coupled to the first radar SOC and the second radar SOC to receive results of the initial portion of signal processing from each radar SOC, the processing unit operable to perform a remaining portion of the signal processing for object detection using these results.
Methods and apparatus for velocity detection in MIMO radar including velocity ambiguity resolution
Patent No. 10627483
Inventor(s): Adeel Ahmad (Richardson, TX), Dan Wang (Allen, TX), Karthik Subburaj (Bangalore, , IN), Sandeep Rao (Bangalore, , IN)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15371754 on 12/07/2016 (1231 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In accordance with described examples, a method determines if a velocity of an object detected by a radar is greater than a maximum velocity by receiving on a plurality of receivers at least one frame of chirps transmitted by at least two transmitters and reflected off of the object. A velocity induced phase shift ([subscript]ré[/subscript]) in a virtual array vector S of signals received by each receiver corresponding to a sequence of chirps (frame) transmitted by each transmitter is estimated. Phases of each element of virtual array vector S are corrected using [subscript]ré [/subscript]to generate a corrected virtual array vector S[subscript]c[/subscript]. A first Fourier transform is performed on the corrected virtual array vector S[subscript]c [/subscript]to generate a corrected virtual array spectrum to detect a signature that indicates that the object has an absolute velocity greater than a maximum velocity.
Photonics integrated phase measurement
Patent No. 10627496
Inventor(s): Jae Seung Lee (Ann Arbor, MI), Paul Donald Schmalenberg (Ann Arbor, MI), Tsuyoshi Nomura (Novi, MI)
Assignee(s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15685277 on 08/24/2017 (971 days app to issue)
Abstrait: System, methods, and other embodiments described herein relate to a photonic apparatus including integrated phase measurement. The photonic apparatus includes a phase shifter operably connected with a source optical waveguide to receive a source light wave and to shift a source phase of the source light wave to produce a shifted light wave with a shifted phase that is different from the source phase. The photonic apparatus includes an output optical waveguide connected with the phase shifter to provide the shifted wave and a reference optical waveguide operably connected with the source optical waveguide to provide the source light wave. The photonic apparatus includes a combiner to combine the shifted light wave with the source light wave to produce a combined light wave. The photonic apparatus includes a detector to determine a difference in phases between the shifted phase and the source phase as embodied in the combined wave.
[G01C] MEASURING DISTANCES, LEVELS OR BEARINGS; SURVEYING; NAVIGATION; GYROSCOPIC INSTRUMENTS; PHOTOGRAMMETRY OR VIDEOGRAMMETRY (measuring liquid level G01F; radio navigation, determining distance or velocity by use of propagation effects, e.g. Doppler effect, propagation time, of radio waves, analogous arrangements using other waves G01S)
Eyewear article side shield retainer
Patent No. 10627652
Inventor(s): Dana R. Dixon (Laguna Hills, CA), Laurent Froissard (Cranston, RI)
Assignee(s): HOYA OPTICAL LABS OF AMERICA, INC. (Lewisville, TX)
Law Firm: Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton LLP (14 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15032326 on 10/21/2014 (2009 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A side shield retainer kit is provided. In an exemplary embodiment, a side shield retainer kit includes a spring bar having first and second engagement surfaces and an outer surface including a sloped portion. A cylindrical polymeric retainer having an outer major surface and an inner major surface is positionable around the spring bar and is configured to secure the spring bar to a spectacle side shield upon exposure to heat.
Thermal guiding for photonic components
Patent No. 10627653
Inventor(s): Ercan Mehmet Dede (Ann Arbor, MI), Paul Donald Schmalenberg (Ann Arbor, MI), Tsuyoshi Nomura (Novi, MI)
Assignee(s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15688026 on 08/28/2017 (967 days app to issue)
Abstrait: System, methods, and other embodiments described herein relate to directing thermal energy within a photonic device. In one embodiment, the photonic device includes an optical component that is temperature sensitive and that provides a different response to light propagated within the optical component according to a present temperature of the optical component. The photonic device includes a heat source disposed at a separating distance from the optical component and that produces thermal energy within the photonic device. The photonic device includes a first thermal guide disposed proximate to the optical component and the heat source and spanning the separating distance. The first thermal guide concentrating the thermal energy from the heat source to the optical component.
[G02B] OPTICAL ELEMENTS, SYSTEMS, OR APPARATUS (G02F takes precedence; optical elements specially adapted for use in lighting devices or systems thereof F21V 1/00-F21V 13/00; measuring-instruments, see the relevant subclass of class G01, e.g. optical rangefinders G01C; testing of optical elements, systems, or apparatus G01M 11/00; spectacles G02C; apparatus or arrangements for taking photographs or for projecting or viewing them G03B; sound lenses G10K 11/30; electron and ion “optics” H01J; X-ray “optics” H01J, H05G 1/00; optical elements structurally combined with electric discharge tubes H01J 5/16, H01J 29/89, H01J 37/22; microwave “optics” H01Q; combination of optical elements with television receivers H04N 5/72; optical systems or arrangements in colour television systems H04N 9/00; heating arrangements specially adapted for transparent or reflecting areas H05B 3/84) [7]
Systems and methods for pairing a power base of a modular wheelchair system with a guide robot
Patent No. 10627826
Inventor(s): Douglas A. Moore (Fairview, TX)
Law Firm: Dinsmore Shohl LLP (14 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15937083 on 03/27/2018 (756 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system includes a modular wheelchair system and a guide robot. The modular wheelchair system includes an upper component, and a power base configured to detachably couple to the upper component. The guide robot is communicatively coupled to the power base and configured to provide navigation data to the power base. The guide robot identifies the power base, determines whether the upper component is detached from the power base, pairs with the power base in response to determination that the upper component is detached from the power base, and implements coordinated movement with the power base to transfer the power base to a predetermined area.
[G05D] SYSTEMS FOR CONTROLLING OR REGULATING NON-ELECTRIC VARIABLES (for continuous casting of metals B22D 11/16; valves per se F16K; sensing non-electric variables, see the relevant subclasses of G01; for regulating electric or magnetic variables G05F)
Method and apparatus for low-output-noise, high-power-supply-rejection and high-precision trimmable band-gap voltage reference suitable for production test
Patent No. 10627846
Inventor(s): Anand Veeravalli Raghupathy (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Vidatronic, Inc. (College Station, TX)
Law Firm: Liang Legal Group, PLLC (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16205561 on 11/30/2018 (508 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A band-gap reference circuit includes a band-gap voltage reference core to provide a reference voltage; a low impedance block; three capacitors; two transmission gates to connect and disconnect the capacitors; and two digital control blocks. The three capacitors includes an output capacitor connected at an output of the low impedance block to ground; a small capacitor connected to an output of the band-gap voltage reference core; and a large capacitor connected to the two transmission gates. The band-gap voltage reference core includes an operational amplifier, wherein an output of the operational amplifier connects to an input of the low impedance block and the small capacitor, wherein the small capacitor is also connected to ground; and a combination of bipolar junction transistors, MOS-FET, resistors, capacitors, or FinFET devices that provides a reference voltage.
[G05F] SYSTEMS FOR REGULATING ELECTRIC OR MAGNETIC VARIABLES (regulating the timing or recurrence frequency of pulses in radar or radio navigation systems G01S; regulation of current or voltage, specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces G04G 19/02; closed-loop systems for regulating non-electric variables by electric means G05D; regulating power supply of digital computers G06F 1/26; for obtaining desired operating characteristics of electromagnets with armatures H01F 7/18; regulating electric power distribution networks H02J; regulating the charging of batteries H02J 7/00; regulating of the output of static converters, e.g. switching regulators, H02M; regulation of the output of electric generators H02N, H02P 9/00; controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils H02P 13/00; regulating frequency response, gain, maximum output, amplitude or bandwidth of amplifiers H03G; regulating tuning of resonant circuits H03J; controlling generators of electronic oscillations or pulses H03L; regulating characteristics of transmission lines H04B; controlling electric light sources H05B 37/02, H05B 39/04, H05B 41/36; electric control of X-ray apparatus H05G 1/30) [5]
Systems and methods for on-die control of memory command, timing, and/or control signals
Patent No. 10628049
Inventor(s): Gordon Yee (San Mateo, CA), Tz-Yi Liu Liu (Palo Alto, CA), Yibo Yin (San Mateo, CA), Yuheng Zhang (Saratoga, CA)
Assignee(s): Sandisk Technologies LLC (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Stoel Rives LLP (6 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15870390 on 01/12/2018 (830 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A sequencer circuit is configured to generate control signals for on-die memory control circuitry. The control signals may include memory operation pulses for implementing operations on selected non-volatile memory cells embodied within the same die as the sequencer (and other on-die memory control circuitry). The timing, configuration, and/or duration of the memory control signals are defined in configuration data, which can be modified after the design and/or fabrication of the die and/or on-die memory circuitry. As such, the timing, configuration, and/or duration of the memory control signals generated by the sequencer may be manipulated after the design and/or fabrication of the die, sequencer, and other on-die memory control circuitry.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
System for electronic data verification, storage, and transfer
Patent No. 10628058
Inventor(s): Bryan L. Ford (Allen, TX), Srinivasa D. Madireddi (Flower Mound, TX)
Assignee(s): BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Charlotte, NC)
Law Firm: Moore Van Allen PLLC (6 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15498130 on 04/26/2017 (1091 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Embodiments of the invention are directed to systems, methods, and computer program products for verifying, storing, and transferring data within an entity. The system is configured for receiving data from one or more source systems, generating a metadata, exposure, and control statement for the data, transferring the data and the metadata, exposure, and control statement to a system of origination, logically classifying the data in the system of record into one or more domains, transferring the data into one or more authorized data sources associated with the one or more domains, receiving a request from a user associated with a target system to retrieve a set of data from the one or more authorized data sources, and transferring the set of data from the one or more authorized data sources to the target system.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Architecture and instruction set to support integer division
Patent No. 10628126
Inventor(s): Alexander Tessarolo (Lindfield, , AU), Prasanth Viswanathan Pillai (Bangalore, , IN), Venkatesh Natarajan (Bangalore, , IN)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16432257 on 06/05/2019 (321 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A processor includes a core and a plurality of registers including a first register, a second register, and a third register. The core is configured to perform a division operation that includes execution of a sign extraction instruction in which a sign of at least one of a numerator value and a denominator value is stored, a conditional subtraction instruction which divides the numerator value by the denominator value to generate a quotient value and a remainder value, and a sign assignment instruction which adjusts the sign of at least one of the quotient and remainder values. The conditional subtraction instruction is configured to cause the core to perform multiple iterations of a conditional subtraction in one execution of the conditional subtraction instruction and in one clock cycle. Others methods and apparatus are described as well.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Loop break
Patent No. 10628142
Inventor(s): Jesse Gregory Villarreal, Jr. (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15655356 on 07/20/2017 (1006 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In the described examples, a non-transitory machine-readable medium includes a compiler that detects a soft-break indicator in a loop included in source code and the compiler applies software pipelining to generate compiled code for the loop. The compiled code includes assembly instructions and the soft-break indicator enables the compiler to arrange the assembly instructions to complete in-flight iterations of the loop after execution of the soft-break.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Vector SIMD VLIW data path architecture
Patent No. 10628156
Inventor(s): Ashish Shrivastava (Plano, TX), Duc Quang Bui (Grand Prairie, TX), Eric Biscondi (Roquefort-les-pin, , FR), Jelena Milanovic (Antibes, , FR), Joseph Raymond Michael Zbiciak (Farmers Branch, TX), Mujibur Rahman (Plano, TX), Pe
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 14327084 on 07/09/2014 (2113 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) digital signal processor particularly adapted for single instruction multiple data (SIMD) operation on various operand widths and data sizes. A vector compare instruction compares first and second operands and stores compare bits. A companion vector conditional instruction performs conditional operations based upon the state of a corresponding predicate data register bit. A predicate unit performs data processing operations on data in at least one predicate data register including unary operations and binary operations. The predicate unit may also transfer data between a general data register file and the predicate data register file.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Processor with variable pre-fetch threshold
Patent No. 10628163
Inventor(s): Christian Wiencke (Garching, , DE), Johann Zipperer (Unterschleissheim, , DE)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 14255077 on 04/17/2014 (2196 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method and apparatus for controlling pre-fetching in a processor. A processor includes an execution pipeline and an instruction pre-fetch unit. The execution pipeline is configured to execute instructions. The instruction pre-fetch unit is coupled to the execution pipeline. The instruction pre-fetch unit includes instruction storage to store pre-fetched instructions, and pre-fetch control logic. The pre-fetch control logic is configured to fetch instructions from memory and store the fetched instructions in the instruction storage. The pre-fetch control logic is also configured to provide instructions stored in the instruction storage to the execution pipeline for execution. The pre-fetch control logic is further configured set a maximum number of instruction words to be pre-fetched for execution subsequent to execution of an instruction currently being executed in the execution pipeline. The maximum number is based on a value contained in a pre-fetch threshold field of an instruction executed in the execution pipeline.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
High availability for virtual network functions
Patent No. 10628195
Inventor(s): Paul Miller (Derry, NH)
Assignee(s): GENBAND US LLC (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Haynes and Boone, LLP (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15331602 on 10/21/2016 (1278 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method includes, with a Virtual Network Function (VNF) manager, managing a VNF that includes a plurality of VNF components running on a plurality of virtual machines, the virtual machines running on a set of physical machines, determining a first number that is equal to a number of virtual machines capable of providing for a current demand for VNF components, determining a second number that is equal to the highest number of virtual machines being provided by a single one of the set of physical computing machines, and with the VNF manager, causing a Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure (NFVI) to have a total number of virtual machines provisioned, the total number being equal to the first number plus the second number.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Resource overprovisioning in a virtual machine environment
Patent No. 10628224
Inventor(s): Farid Khafizov (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Open Invention Network LLC (Durham, NC)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16237627 on 12/31/2018 (477 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Systems, apparatuses, methods, and computer programs for overprovisioning resources are disclosed. Resource usage statistics may be gathered for a plurality of client virtual machines (”VMs”). Statistical characteristics of resource usage by the plurality of client VMs may be calculated. It may also be determined which of the plurality of client VMs requesting resources to allocate resources to, as well as an amount of the resources to allocate, in a given time slot based on the calculated statistical characteristics.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Logfile-related technologies and techniques
Patent No. 10628263
Inventor(s): Matthew Seyer (Garland, TX), Rafael Gorgal (Mesquite, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 14448952 on 07/31/2014 (2091 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method can include receiving information of a journaling file system; parsing at least a portion of the information for a journaled entry; and, for the journaled entry, performing a reverse journal replay with respect to file catalog of the journaling file system to establish a file system state.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Systems and methods for utilizing DDR[subscript]4[/subscript]-DRAM chips in hybrid DDR[subscript]5[/subscript]-DIMMs and for cascading DDR[subscript]5[/subscript]-DIMMs
Patent No. 10628343
Inventor(s): Xiaobing Lee (Santa Clara, CA)
Law Firm: Slater Matsil, LLP (Local + 1 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15424638 on 02/03/2017 (1173 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A hybrid DDR5 DIMM device includes a PCB board with a host interface through one of two DDR5 sub-channels, and a plurality of DDR4 or slow DDR5 SDRAM chips on the PCB coupled to this single channel DDR5 host interface. An embodiment processing system includes a host CPU to access one or more pairs of hybrid DDR5 DIMM devices for 4DDR5 memory capacities (4DPC), a first or second hybrid DDR5 DIMM including a plurality of half-speed SDRAM chips, and a first or second DDR5 sub-channel coupled the host with slow SRAM chips on DIMM. Mounting same data-buffer and RCD chips on hybrid DIMM to a server motherboard can double available DDR4 DIMMs” speed to DDR5 speed rate. Pairs of hybrid DDR5 DIMM devices cascaded one-by-one can aggregate more DDR5 DIMM devices to expand memory capacities at double speed of DDR4 or DDR5 SDRAM chips, beyond current DDR5 speed limit 6400 MT/s.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Construction product modelling
Patent No. 10628534
Inventor(s): David Crawford (Prosper, TX)
Assignee(s): Hilti Aktiengesellschaft (Schaan, , LI)
Law Firm: Grneberg and Myers PLLC (no location found)
Application No., Date, Speed: 14844948 on 09/03/2015 (1692 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method for updating a computer aided design model of a building is disclosed. The model of the building may include at least one barrier and at least one penetrating item. A barrier may have fire resistance properties and include a passage to accommodate passage of a penetrating item, with firestop product information to maintain the fire resistance properties of the barrier. The method may be carried out by defining a universe of one or more barriers that have fire resistance properties; analyzing a computer aided design model of a building to identify an intersection of a penetrating item and a barrier that is within the defined universe; analyzing the computer aided design model of the building for fire resistance properties corresponding to the barrier. The method may be further carried out by using the fire resistance properties corresponding to the barrier to identify a firestop product to maintain the fire resistance properties of the barrier; and updating the computer aided design model of the building to include information of the firestop product, a drawing of the firestop product, or both.
[G06G] ANALOGUE COMPUTERS (analogue optical computing devices G06E 3/00; computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Computer-based platforms or systems, computing devices or components and/or computing methods for technological applications involving provision of a portal for managing user accounts having a login portal configured to defend against credent
Patent No. 10628576
Inventor(s): Jit Sen (Frisco, TX), Riteshkumar Hadawani (McKinney, TX), Sreedhar Vedantam (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Capital One Services, LLC (McLean, VA)
Law Firm: Greenberg Traurig, LLP (14 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16545835 on 08/20/2019 (245 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Systems and methods associated with computer-implemented online portals having secure login processing features are disclosed. In one embodiment, an exemplary method may comprise receiving a login request including processing user credentials and capturing browser print information associated with the login request, validating the login request via analyzing current login attributes and/or an attributes checksum derived from the browser print information captured during the login request and assessing the browser print information for spoofed browser attributes, redirecting an access attempt that is flagged as the potential replay attack to an enhanced security process, and allowing or denying login to customer accounts or information associated with the user credentials based on the enhanced security process.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Systems and methods for determining trust levels for computing components using blockchain
Patent No. 10628578
Inventor(s): Brick Eksten (Uxbridge, , CA), Craig White (Richmond Hill, , CA)
Assignee(s): Imagine Communications Corp. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15850953 on 12/21/2017 (852 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Systems and methods for determining trust levels for components of a computing application using a blockchain. The system may include a development framework, a trust matrix, a trust level calculation module, a visual design subsystem, and a deployment subsystem, where trust levels are associated with components, combinations of components, graphs, and blueprints, where trust levels relate to categories of use.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
System and method for forced data leakage prevention
Patent No. 10628581
Inventor(s): David Wu (Allen, TX), James D. Testerman (McKinney, TX), Jonathan N. Yanez (Allen, TX), Luis A. Valencia Reyes (Garland, TX), Ricardo A. Ruiz (The Colony, TX)
Assignee(s): Dell Products, LP (Round Rock, TX)
Law Firm: Prol Intellectual Property Law, PLLC (no location found)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15961505 on 04/24/2018 (728 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An information handling system operating a forced data leakage prevention system may comprise a processor executing code instructions of the forced data leakage prevention system to identify a third party application and an associated first dynamic link library address, identify a control policy associated with the third party application and the identified user, wherein the control policy includes a subset of code instructions associated with a secure data set, identify a call to execute code instructions stored at the first dynamic link library address, move the code instructions stored at the first dynamic link library into a second library prior to execution, inject the subset of code instructions into the code instructions stored in the second library according to the control policy, and move the code instructions stored in the second library including the injected subset of code instructions into the first dynamic link library for execution by the processor.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Functional language source code vulnerability scanner
Patent No. 10628584
Inventor(s): Matthew Joshua Tijerina (Richardson, TX), Paul David Kimbrel (Wylie, TX), William Knight Harrod (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (Bloomington, IL)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15724640 on 10/04/2017 (930 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A code scanning system has a syntax generation component that receives source code and generates an abstract syntax tree file. The system includes a white list of permitted pure functions, and a black list of prohibited impure functions. In addition, the system includes a static code analyzer for performing static analysis of the source code. The static code analyzer includes a function analyzer that receives the AST file and identifies the functions. Each function is compared to the white list, and if it is present, marked as permitted in a static analysis file. If the function is not on the white list, it is compared to the black list. If it is present on the black list, it is marked as prohibited in the static analysis file. If the function is not on the white or black list, it is marked as ”unknown” and subjected to manual analysis.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Dynamic network connections for data access control and information security
Patent No. 10628598
Inventor(s): Manu J. Kurian (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Bank of America Corporation (Charlotte, NC)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15861349 on 01/03/2018 (839 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system that includes a network device, an access controller, and a data vault. The network device is configured to receive a first tokenized sub-string, combine a second tokenized sub-string with the first tokenized sub-string to generate an initiation token, and send the initiation token to the access controller. The access controller is configured to validate the initiation token and to send connection information comprising a connection identifier to the network device and send a post-action verification token to a data vault in response to validating the initiation token. The network device is further configured to send a network connection request comprising the connection identifier to the data vault. The data vault is configured to receive the network connection request, determine that the post-action verification token linked the connection identifier has been received, establish a network connection with the network device, and exchange data with the network device.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Interrogator and interrogation system employing the same
Patent No. 10628645
Inventor(s): Eric McMurry (Richardson, TX), John P. Volpi (Garland, TX), Logan Scott (Fort Collins, CO)
Assignee(s): Medical IP Holdings, LP (Addison, TX)
Law Firm: Boisbrun Hofman, PLLC (Local + 2 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16252652 on 01/20/2019 (457 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A control and processing system for use with an interrogator and an interrogation system employing the same. In one embodiment, the control and processing system includes a correlation subsystem having a correlator that correlates a reference code with a reply code from a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag and provides a correlation signal therefrom. The control and processing system also includes a decision subsystem that verifies a presence of the RFID tag as a function of the correlation signal.
Automatic body movement recognition and association system
Patent No. 10628664
Inventor(s): Catherine Bentley (Dallas, TX), Hazem Said Ahmed Mohammed (Cairo, , EG), Mohamed Elwazer (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): Kintrans, Inc. (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Rockman Videbeck O”Connor (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15613201 on 06/03/2017 (1053 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An automatic body movement recognition and association system that includes a preprocessing component and a ”live testing” engine component. The system further includes a transition posture detector module and a recording module. The system uses three dimensional (3D) skeletal joint information from a stand-alone depth-sensing capture device that detects the body movements of a user. The transition posture detector module detects the occurrence of a transition posture and the recording module stores a segment of body movement data between occurrences of the transition posture. The preprocessing component processes the segments into a preprocessed movement that is used by a classifier component in the engine component to produce text or speech associated with the preprocessed movement. An ”off-line” training system that includes a preprocessing component, a training data set, and a learning system also processes 3D information, off-line from the training data set or from the depth-sensing camera, to continually update the training data set and improve a learning system that sends updated information to the classifier component in the engine component when the updated information is shown to improve accuracy.
Activity recognition method using videotubes
Patent No. 10628667
Inventor(s): Fatih Porikli (San Jose, CA), Huang Wei (Santa Clara, CA), Luis Bill (Daly City, CA), Qijie Xu (Santa Clara, CA)
Assignee(s): Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Schwegman Lundberg Woessner, P.A. (11 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15867932 on 01/11/2018 (831 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An activity recognition device comprises a port configured to receive a video stream from a video source for a first object and a second object; a memory configured to store instructions and image frames of the video stream; and one or more processors, wherein the one or more processors execute the instructions stored in the memory, the one or more processors configured to: select portions of the image frames based on presence of the first object; determine areas within the portions of image frames, wherein locations of the first object in the video frames are bounded by the determined areas; determine motion of the first object and locations of a second object within the areas of the image frames; and identify an activity according to the determined motion and locations of the second object, and generate an alert according to the identified activity.
Image capture with context data overlay
Patent No. 10628674
Inventor(s): Hrishikesh Godse (Prosper, TX)
Assignee(s): United Services Automobile Association (USAA) (San Antonio, TX)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16212006 on 12/06/2018 (502 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Techniques are described for capturing an image of a document or other type of physical object, and presenting the image in a user interface (UI) with an overlay that includes context information regarding the document or other physical object in the image. An application running on a portable computing device receives an image of the document that is captured using a camera of the device. The application may perform an initial analysis to identify one or more data elements present in the document, such as certain words, phrases, paragraphs, and so forth. The data elements can be uploaded to a remote service that analyzes the data elements and returns context data which is presented as an overlay to the image of the document. The context data can then be presented in an overlay to the presented image of the physical object.
System and methods for autonomous and semi-autonomous toll facility navigation
Patent No. 10628819
Inventor(s): Christopher L. Rovik (Northville, MI), Eric R. Schmidt (Northville, MI)
Assignee(s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15017379 on 02/05/2016 (1537 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A computing device for a vehicle is provided. The computing device includes one or more processors for controlling operation of the computing device, and a memory for storing data and program instructions usable by the one or more processors. The one or more processors are configured to execute instructions stored in the memory to determine when a vehicle is approaching a toll facility; locate available information relating to the toll facility; determine a type of toll payment desired; determine if, based on the available information, the vehicle can be autonomously driven into a payment lane that is in accordance with the type of toll payment desired; and if the vehicle can be autonomously driven into a payment lane that is in accordance with the type of toll payment desired, autonomously drive the vehicle into a payment lane that is in accordance with the type of toll payment desired.
Distributed image processing and manipulation
Patent No. 10628914
Inventor(s): Devi Kiran Gonuguntla (Flower Mound, TX), Grace Kaldawi (Plano, TX), Jack Farrington (Lewisville, TX), Jordan Donais (Little Elm, TX), Rajani Kumar Reddy Naini (Frisco, TX), Suresh Navayamkunnil Raghavan (McKinney, TX), V
Law Firm: Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP (no location found)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16557252 on 08/30/2019 (235 days app to issue)
Abstrait: This disclosure pertains to a dynamic pipeline for processing images. The pipeline can receive inventory data or records from an upstream process. These records can include one or more URLs for images relating to a product listing or any other listing. An orchestration layer of the pipeline can carry these records through a series of processes or steps. Each step can be performed by a cluster in the pipeline. Individual task workers in each cluster can pick up each record, perform the task assigned to the cluster, and pass the record to the next step.
Vehicle cargo carrier with multi-user accessibility
Patent No. 10629016
Inventor(s): Sean L. Helm (Saline, MI)
Law Firm: Snell Wilmer LLP (5 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16268216 on 02/05/2019 (441 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Methods, systems, and apparatuses for managing cargo. A cargo carrier attaches to a vehicle and includes an interior cavity for storing one or more items. The cargo carrier includes a lock configured to secure the interior cavity. The cargo carrier includes a lock control unit configured to lock or unlock the lock. The cargo carrier includes a processor configured to receive an access communication via a transceiver identifying a first mobile device, and an access communication via the transceiver identifying a second mobile device. The processor is configured to receive an unlocking communication from the first mobile device, and in response transmit a communication to the lock control unit to cause the lock to be unlocked. The processor is configured to receive an unlocking communication from the second mobile device, and in response transmit a communication to the lock control unit to cause the lock to be unlocked.
[G05B] CONTROL OR REGULATING SYSTEMS IN GENERAL; FUNCTIONAL ELEMENTS OF SUCH SYSTEMS; MONITORING OR TESTING ARRANGEMENTS FOR SUCH SYSTEMS OR ELEMENTS (fluid-pressure actuators or systems acting by means of fluids in general F15B; valves per se F16K; characterised by mechanical features only G05G; sensitive elements, see the appropriate subclasses, e.g. G12B, subclasses of G01, H01; correcting units, see the appropriate subclasses, e.g. H02K)
Devices for providing ground-based advertising in a parking lot setting
Patent No. 10629104
Inventor(s): Benjamin Elias Blumenthal (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: Standley Law Group LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15922621 on 03/15/2018 (768 days app to issue)
Abstrait: The invention discloses devices for providing continuous advertising content within a plurality of dedicated parking lot advertising infrastructure units called ”capsules.” Advertisements are generally placed in a waterproof space defined by a back unit and a clear, hard-plastic cover. A display unit or a physical advertisement may be placed in the space. Lighting and Internet connectivity may be provided to improve the performance and range of parking lot advertising capsules.
Automatic note taking within a virtual meeting
Patent No. 10629188
Inventor(s): Balaji Ranganathan (Plano, TX), Edwin W. Peters (Irving, TX), Nitty T. Pulikan (Irving, TX)
Law Firm: Cuenot, Forsythe Kim, LLC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 13839038 on 03/15/2013 (2594 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Arrangements relate to automatically taking notes in a virtual meeting. The virtual meeting has meeting content that includes a plurality of meeting content streams. One or more of the meeting content streams is in a non-text format. The one or more meeting content streams in a non-text format can be converted into text. As a result, the plurality of meeting content streams is in text format. The text of the plurality of meeting content streams can be analyzed to identify a key element within the text. Consolidated system notes that include the key element can be generated.
Automatic note taking within a virtual meeting
Patent No. 10629189
Inventor(s): Balaji Ranganathan (Plano, TX), Edwin W. Peters (Irving, TX), Nitty T. Pulikan (Irving, TX)
Law Firm: Cuenot, Forsythe Kim, LLC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 14216682 on 03/17/2014 (2227 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Arrangements relate to automatically taking notes in a virtual meeting. The virtual meeting has meeting content that includes a plurality of meeting content streams. One or more of the meeting content streams is in a non-text format. The one or more meeting content streams in a non-text format can be converted into text. As a result, the plurality of meeting content streams is in text format. The text of the plurality of meeting content streams can be analyzed to identify a key element within the text. Consolidated system notes that include the key element can be generated.
Voice analysis training system
Patent No. 10629200
Inventor(s): Margaret L Brooks (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): SalesBoost, LLC (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: McGuireWoods LLP (Local + 9 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15914893 on 03/07/2018 (776 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method for performing voice analysis includes storing a simulation file having a script for conducting a training session with a user. The method also stores desired attributes associated with the simulation file. The method also includes retrieving the simulation file and providing a user interface to conduct the voice analysis using the simulation file. The method further includes receiving one or more voice impressions from a user and analyzing at least one of the voice impressions of the user. The method additionally includes determining attributes of the at least one voice impression in response to analyzing the at least one voice impression and comparing the determined attributes to the desired attributes associated with the simulation file. The method provides feedback to the user based on the comparison.
Method and systems for bookmarking complex commands using voice
Patent No. 10629203
Inventor(s): Anoop Krishnan Nair (Allen, TX)
Assignee(s): Flex, Ltd. (Singapore, , SG)
Law Firm: Sheridan Ross P.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16023123 on 06/29/2018 (662 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Voice information is received, via a network from a first voice assistant. The voice information comprises a digitized voice stream and/or information associated with the digitized voice stream. A keyword is identified in the voice information. The keyword is used to create a first bookmark. In response to identifying the first keyword in the voice information, a name for the first bookmark is received in the voice information, a command for the first bookmark is received in the voice information; and the bookmark is stored in a memory.
SRAM cell having an n-well bias
Patent No. 10629250
Inventor(s): Anand Seshadri (Richardson, TX), Theodore W. Houston (Richardson, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 13196042 on 08/02/2011 (3185 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An integrated circuit containing SRAM cells. Each SRAM cell has a PMOS driver transistor, a PMOS passgate transistor, and at least two separate n-wells. The integrated circuit also has an n-well bias control circuit that is configured to independently bias the n-wells of an addressed SRAM cell. Moreover, a process of operating an integrated circuit that contains SRAM cells. The process includes writing a low data bit value, writing a high data bit value, and reading a data bit value of an addressed SRAM cell.
[G11C] STATIC STORES (information storage based on relative movement between record carrier and transducer G11B; semiconductor devices for storage H01L, e.g. H01L 27/108-H01L 27/11597; pulse technique in general H03K, e.g. electronic switches H03K 17/00)
Dynamic management of programming states to improve endurance
Patent No. 10629260
Inventor(s): Abhijeet Manohar (Bangalore, , IN), Nian Niles Yang (Mountain View, CA)
Assignee(s): SanDisk Technologies LLC (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Dickinson Wright PLLC (7 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16146351 on 09/28/2018 (571 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A storage device with a memory may include improved endurance and programming speed by modifying the programming states of the memory blocks. For example, the blocks may be three bit memory blocks, but a dynamic reassignment of verify levels and read margins can result in the block acting like a two bit memory block. Memory blocks may be designed for a certain number of bits per cell (i.e. number of states) and the programming is based on that number. However, single level cell (SLC) programming is still possible in addition to programming according to the number of bits per cell that the memory is designed for. Multiple SLC programming steps can be used to modify the number of states for certain memory cells by the memory controller.
[G11C] STATIC STORES (information storage based on relative movement between record carrier and transducer G11B; semiconductor devices for storage H01L, e.g. H01L 27/108-H01L 27/11597; pulse technique in general H03K, e.g. electronic switches H03K 17/00)
Two-stage ramp up of word line voltages in memory device to suppress read disturb
Patent No. 10629272
Inventor(s): Ching-Huang Lu (Fremont, CA), Hong-Yan Chen (San Jose, CA), Wei Zhao (Fremont, CA)
Assignee(s): SanDisk Technologies LLC (Addison, TX)
Law Firm: Vierra Magen Marcus LLP (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16274153 on 02/12/2019 (434 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Techniques for reducing read disturb of memory cells. A discharge process reduces a channel gradient in a NAND string by using a two-step ramp up of adjacent word lines of the selected word line. The voltages of the adjacent word lines can be provided at an intermediate level while the selected word line voltage is spiked up to a read pass voltage and then decreased. The voltages of the adjacent word lines can then be increased from the intermediate level to a read pass voltage and maintained at that level during the sensing of the memory cells. The voltage of the selected word line is decreased from a read pass voltage to a positive control gate read voltage at the end of the discharge process.
[G11C] STATIC STORES (information storage based on relative movement between record carrier and transducer G11B; semiconductor devices for storage H01L, e.g. H01L 27/108-H01L 27/11597; pulse technique in general H03K, e.g. electronic switches H03K 17/00)
Mobile carrier-centric data record custodian systems and methods
Patent No. 10629296
Inventor(s): Ravi Seshadri (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): NANTHEALTH, INC. (Culver City, CA)
Law Firm: Stetina Brunda Garred and Brucker (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 14838264 on 08/27/2015 (1699 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system for mobile carrier-centric data record custodians is provided and includes cellular network interfaces that transmit and receive wireless communication over a cellular network, an electronic medical record (EMR) database that stores EMRs, and a mobile account management server coupled with the cellular network interfaces and the EMR database, the mobile account management server receiving an EMR request associated with a mobile user account over the cellular network, querying the EMR database for a results set having EMRs satisfying the query, generating a plurality of EMR responses to the EMR request as a function of the results set and state information associated with the cellular network, and transmitting the plurality of EMR responses over the plurality of cellular network interfaces to the mobile device via the cellular network, the plurality of EMR responses being formatted for wireless protocols of the cellular network interfaces over which they are transmitted.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Systems and methods for providing an in-vehicle image supplement
Patent No. 10630407
Inventor(s): Sean L. Helm (Saline, MI)
Assignee(s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Dinsmore Shohl LLP (14 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 13453624 on 04/23/2012 (2920 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Systems and methods for providing an in-vehicle image supplement are disclosed. One embodiment includes receiving a broadcast media signal that includes a content portion and a metadata portion, determining whether a primary image is included in the metadata portion, and in response to determining that the primary image is included in the metadata portion, providing the primary image for display. Additionally, in response to determining that the primary image is not included in the metadata portion, some embodiments include determining whether the primary image is otherwise available and in response to determining that the primary image is otherwise available, retrieving the primary image and providing the primary image for display. In response to determining that the primary image is not otherwise available, some embodiments include determining whether a secondary image is available, retrieving the secondary image, and providing the secondary image for display.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
System and method for push-to-talk (PTT) in mobile edge computing (MEC)
Patent No. 10630529
Inventor(s): Brahmananda R. Vempati (Dallas, TX), Ramu Kandula (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): KODIAK NETWORKS, INC. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15857374 on 12/28/2017 (845 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In an embodiment, a method includes: synchronizing service information for a push-to-talk (PTT) client between a central PTT server and an first edge PTT server, the first edge PTT server and the PTT client being in a first network, the central PTT server being in a second network different from the first network; establishing a service session with the PTT client at the first edge PTT server in accordance with the service information, the service session used to conduct a PTT call with the PTT client; registering a first functionality for the PTT call at the first edge PTT server with the central PTT server; and performing the first functionality for the PTT call at the first edge PTT server.
[G06F] ELECTRIC DIGITAL DATA PROCESSING (computer systems based on specific computational models G06N)
Mid-cycle adjustment of internal clock signal timing
Patent No. 10631248
Inventor(s): Anand Seshadri (Richardson, TX), Hugh P McAdams (McKinney, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15607881 on 05/30/2017 (1057 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Changes in operating conditions, like voltage or temperature, can cause the frequency of an internal clock signal to change and negatively affect device operation. In one embodiment, a method for controlling internal clock frequency of a device includes counting a number of clock cycles of the internal clock signal relative to a current period of a system clock signal to determine a current mid-cycle count of clock cycles, wherein the internal clock signal is based on a first clock signal of a plurality of clock signals produced in the device, each having a different frequency. When the current mid-cycle count is differs from a calibrated mid-cycle count by more than a tolerable amount, a second clock signal of the plurality of clock signals is selected as the internal clock signal.
Magazine for packaged integrated circuits
Patent No. 10627443
Inventor(s): Mohd Zairi Haron (Selangor, , MY), Razleen Abdul Rahman (Kuala Lumpur, , MY), Sahaimi Mohamad Yazid (Selangor, , MY)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15666158 on 08/01/2017 (994 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An IC magazine with retractable stop pins at both ends of the IC magazine. The retractable stop pins project into the magazine slot through an opening from a cavity in the base of the IC magazine. The long segment of an L-shaped push rod projects through an opening from the cavity through the magazine rail. The short segment of the L-shaped push rod is coupled to the bottom of the retractable stop pin inside the cavity. A spring inside the cavity between the underside of the short segment and the bottom of the cavity holds the retractable stop pin in an up position. An IC magazine with retractable stop pins at both ends of the IC magazine. The retractable stop pins project into the magazine slot through an opening from a cavity in the base of the IC magazine. A stop collar surrounding the retractable stop pin inside the cavity. A spring inside the cavity that pushes up on the underside of the stop collar and pushes down on the bottom of the cavity.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Comparator with adaptive sense voltage clamp
Patent No. 10627838
Inventor(s): Mitsuyori Saito (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16258233 on 01/25/2019 (452 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system includes a monitored component and a comparator configured to compare a sense voltage from the monitored component with a reference voltage. The system also includes an adaptive input clamping circuit configured to limit the sense voltage input to the comparator to below an upper threshold voltage.
[H03K] PULSE TECHNIQUE (measuring pulse characteristics G01R; modulating sinusoidal oscillations with pulses H03C; transmission of digital information H04L; discriminator circuits detecting phase difference between two signals by counting or integrating cycles of oscillation H03D 3/04; automatic control, starting, synchronisation or stabilisation of generators of electronic oscillations or pulses where the type of generator is irrelevant or unspecified H03L; coding, decoding or code conversion, in general H03M) [4]
Nanostructure barrier for copper wire bonding
Patent No. 10629334
Inventor(s): Christopher Daniel Manack (Flower Mound, TX), Nazila Dadvand (Richardson, TX), Salvatore Frank Pavone (Murphy, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15984346 on 05/19/2018 (703 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A nanostructure barrier for copper wire bonding includes metal grains and inter-grain metal between the metal grains. The nanostructure barrier includes a first metal selected from nickel or cobalt, and a second metal selected from tungsten or molybdenum. A concentration of the second metal is higher in the inter-grain metal than in the metal grains. The nanostructure barrier may be on a copper core wire to provide a coated bond wire. The nanostructure barrier may be on a bond pad to form a coated bond pad. A method of plating the nanostructure barrier using reverse pulse plating is disclosed. A wire bonding method using the coated bond wire is disclosed.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Modular interconnects for gate-all-around transistors
Patent No. 10629538
Inventor(s): John H. Zhang (Altamont, NY)
Assignee(s): STMICROELECTRONICS, INC. (Coppell, TX)
Law Firm: Seed IP Law Group LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15984263 on 05/18/2018 (704 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A modular interconnect structure facilitates building complex, yet compact, integrated circuits from vertical GAA FETs. The modular interconnect structure includes annular metal contacts to the transistor terminals, sectors of stacked discs extending radially outward from the vertical nanowires, and vias in the form of rods. Extension tabs mounted onto the radial sector interconnects permit signals to fan out from each transistor terminal. Adjacent interconnects are linked by linear segments. Unlike conventional integrated circuits, the modular interconnects as described herein are formed at the same time as the transistors. Vertical GAA NAND and NOR gates provide building blocks for creating all types of logic gates to carry out any desired Boolean logic function. Stacked vertical GAA FETs are made possible by the modular interconnect structure. The modular interconnect structure permits a variety of specialized vertical GAA devices to be integrated on a silicon substrate using standard CMOS processes.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Integrated circuit packaging
Patent No. 10629562
Inventor(s): Anderson Li (New Taipei, , TW), Arvin Nono Verdeflor (Allen, TX), Byron Lovell Williams (Plano, TX), Honglin Guo (Dallas, TX), Jason Chien (Taipei, , TW), Jeffrey Alan West (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16025603 on 07/02/2018 (659 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An integrated circuit package and methods for packaging an integrated circuit. In one example, a method for packaging an integrated circuit includes connecting input/output pads of a first die to terminals of a lead frame via palladium coated copper wires. An oxygen plasma is applied to the first die and the palladium coated copper wires. The first die and the palladium coated copper wires are encapsulated in a mold compound after application of the oxygen plasma.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Optical proximity sensor arrangement and method for producing an optical proximity sensor arrangement
Patent No. 10629576
Inventor(s): David Mehrl (Plano, TX), Greg Stoltz (Flower Mound, TX)
Assignee(s): ams AG (Unterpremstaetten, , AT)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15442536 on 02/24/2017 (1152 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An optical proximity sensor arrangement comprises a semiconductor substrate ([b]100[/b]) with a main surface ([b]101[/b]). A first integrated circuit ([b]200[/b]) comprises at least one light sensitive component ([b]201[/b]). The first integrated circuit is arranged on the substrate at or near the main surface. A second integrated circuit ([b]300[/b]) comprises at least one light emitting component ([b]301[/b]), and is arranged on the substrate at or near the main surface. A light barrier ([b]400[/b]) is arranged between the first and second integrated circuits. The light barrier being designed to block light to be emitted by the at least one light emitting component from directly reaching the at least one light sensitive component. A multilayer mask ([b]500[/b]) is arranged on or near the first integrated circuit and comprising a stack ([b]501[/b]) of a first layer ([b]502[/b]) of first elongated light blocking slats ([b]503[/b]) and at least one second layer ([b]504[/b]) of second elongated light blocking slats ([b]505[/b]). The light blocking slats are arranged in the mask to block light, incident on the mask from a first region of incidence ([b]701[/b]), and to pass light, incident on the mask from a second region of incidence ([b]702[/b]), from reaching the at least one light sensitive component.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Three-dimensional memory device having level-shifted staircases and method of making thereof
Patent No. 10629606
Inventor(s): Nobutoshi Sugawara (Yokkaichi, , JP), Shigeyuki Sugihara (Yokkaichi, , JP)
Law Firm: The Marbury Law Group, PLLC (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15805599 on 11/07/2017 (896 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A plurality of horizontal top surfaces that are vertically offset is formed on a substrate. An alternating stack of insulating layers and spacer material layers is formed and patterned to provide a plurality of staircase regions that are laterally spaced apart and overlies a respective one of the plurality of horizontal top surfaces of the substrate. Memory stack structures are formed through the alternating stack. The spacer material layers are formed as, or are replaced with, electrically conductive layers. A set of contact via cavities are formed over the electrically conductive layers.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Three-dimensional memory device and methods of making the same using replacement drain select gate electrodes
Patent No. 10629611
Inventor(s): Hisakazu Otoi (Yokkaichi, , JP), Kenji Sugiura (Yokkaichi, , JP), Kiyohiko Sakakibara (Yokkaichi, , JP), Mitsuteru Mushiga (Yokkaichi, , JP), Zhixin Cui (Yokkaichi, , JP)
Law Firm: The Marbury Law Group, PLLC (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16024048 on 06/29/2018 (662 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method of forming a three-dimensional memory device includes forming an alternating stack of insulating layers and sacrificial material layers over a substrate, forming a patterned template structure around memory openings in a drain-select-level above the alternating stack, forming drain-select-level isolation structures in trenches in the patterned template structure, forming memory stack structures in the memory openings extending through the alternating stack, where each of the memory stack structures includes a memory film and a vertical semiconductor channel, replacing the sacrificial material layers with word lines, and separately replacing the patterned template structure with a drain select gate electrode.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Three-dimensional memory device having vertical semiconductor channels including source-side boron-doped pockets and methods of making the same
Patent No. 10629613
Inventor(s): Kiyohiko Sakakibara (Yokkaichi, , JP), Satoshi Shimizu (Yokkaichi, , JP), Yu-Hsien Hsu (Yokkaichi, , JP)
Law Firm: The Marbury Law Group, PLLC (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16196026 on 11/20/2018 (518 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A three-dimensional semiconductor device includes source-level material layers including a doped semiconductor source contact layer including boron atoms and n-type dopant atoms, an alternating stack of insulating layers and electrically conductive layers located over the source-level material layers, memory stack structures vertically extending through the alternating stack in which each of the memory stack structures comprises a memory film and a vertical semiconductor channel. Each vertical semiconductor channel includes a first region in which n-type dopants have a higher atomic concentration than boron atoms and a second region overlying the first region that includes boron atoms at a higher atomic concentration than n-type dopant atoms to provide a p-n junction at an interface with the first region. Boron atoms in the source-level p-doped layer and an underlying source-level sacrificial layer that is replaced with an n-doped source contact layer yields a sharp p-n junction at the source-select gate electrode layer.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Bonded three-dimensional memory devices and methods of making the same by replacing carrier substrate with source layer
Patent No. 10629616
Inventor(s): Ching-Huang Lu (Fremont, CA), James Kai (Santa Clara, CA), Johann Alsmeier (San Jose, CA), Murshed Chowdhury (Fremont, CA)
Law Firm: The Marbury Law Group, PLLC (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16274687 on 02/13/2019 (433 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A three-dimensional memory device may include an alternating stack of insulating layers and spacer material layers formed over a carrier substrate. The spacer material layers are formed as, or are subsequently replaced with, electrically conductive layers. Memory stack structures are formed through the alternating stack. Each memory stack structure includes a respective vertical semiconductor channel and a respective memory film. Drain regions and bit lines can be formed over the memory stack structures to provide a memory die. The memory die can be bonded to a logic die containing peripheral circuitry for supporting operations of memory cells within the memory die. A distal end of each of the vertical semiconductor channels is physically exposed by removing the carrier substrate. A source layer is formed directly on the distal end each of the vertical semiconductor channels. A bonding pad can be formed on the source layer.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Trench isolated capacitor
Patent No. 10629674
Inventor(s): Binghua Hu (Plano, TX), Hideaki Kawahara (Plano, TX), Sameer Pendharkar (Allen, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16379165 on 04/09/2019 (378 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An integrated trench capacitor and method for making the trench capacitor is disclosed. The method includes forming a trench in a silicon layer, forming a first dielectric on the exposed surface of the trench, performing an anisotropic etch of the first dielectric to expose silicon at the bottom of the trench, implanting a dopant into exposed silicon at the bottom of the trench, forming a first polysilicon layer over the first dielectric, forming a second dielectric over the first polysilicon layer, and forming a second polysilicon layer over the second dielectric to fill the trench.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Three-dimensional memory device containing capacitor pillars and methods of making the same
Patent No. 10629675
Inventor(s): Hardwell Chibvongodze (Hitatsuka, , JP), Masatoshi Nishikawa (Nagoya, , JP)
Law Firm: The Marbury Law Group, PLLC (3 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16210306 on 12/05/2018 (503 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A semiconductor structure can include an alternating stack of insulating layers and electrically conductive layers located over a substrate, and capacitor pillar structures vertically extending through the first alternating stack. Each of the capacitor pillar structures can include a node dielectric and a semiconductor material portion that is laterally surrounded by the node dielectric. A first electrode layer of a capacitor includes the semiconductor material portions, and a second electrode layer of the capacitor includes the electrically conductive layers. Alternatively or additionally, a first dielectric fill material portion can extend through the alternating stack and can include a plurality of capacitor via cavities. A capacitor can be provided within the plurality of capacitor via cavities.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
High voltage DEMOS transistor with improved threshold voltage matching
Patent No. 10629683
Inventor(s): Doug Weiser (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15857980 on 12/29/2017 (844 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A semiconductor device includes a semiconductor substrate having a first conductivity type. First and second wells are located within the substrate, the first well being formed with a dopant of the first conductivity type, e.g. n-type, and the second well formed with a dopant of a second different conductivity type, e.g. p-type. A doped gap region is located between the first and second wells. The doped gap region is formed with a dopant of the second conductivity type, e.g. p-type, at a lower dopant concertation than the dopant concentration in the second well.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Schottky power MOSFET
Patent No. 10629723
Inventor(s): Haian Lin (Bethlehem, PA), Jacek Korec (Sunrise, FL), Shuming Xu (Schnecksville, PA)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 14135661 on 12/20/2013 (2314 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A semiconductor device containing a vertical power MOSFET with a planar gate and an integrated Schottky diode is formed by forming a source electrode on an extended drain of the vertical power MOSFET to form the Schottky diode and forming the source electrode on a source region of the vertical power MOSFET. The Schottky diode is connected through the source electrode to the source region. A drain electrode is formed at a bottom of a substrate of the semiconductor device. The Schottky diode is connected through the extended drain of the vertical power MOSFET to the drain electrode.
[H01L] SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; ELECTRIC SOLID STATE DEVICES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (use of semiconductor devices for measuring G01; resistors in general H01C; magnets, inductors, transformers H01F; capacitors in general H01G; electrolytic devices H01G 9/00; batteries, accumulators H01M; waveguides, resonators, or lines of the waveguide type H01P; line connectors, current collectors H01R; stimulated-emission devices H01S; electromechanical resonators H03H; loudspeakers, microphones, gramophone pick-ups or like acoustic electromechanical transducers H04R; electric light sources in general H05B; printed circuits, hybrid circuits, casings or constructional details of electrical apparatus, manufacture of assemblages of electrical components H05K; use of semiconductor devices in circuits having a particular application, see the subclass for the application) [2]
Voltage protection circuit
Patent No. 10630072
Inventor(s): Eric Rudeen (Denver, CO), Mark Allen Hamlett (Richardson, TX), Simon Bevan Churchill (Whitchurch, , GB), Vishnu Ravinuthula (Allen, TX)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15856457 on 12/28/2017 (845 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A voltage protection circuit, comprising a first metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) having a gate terminal coupled to a first node, a source terminal coupled to a second node, and a drain terminal coupled to a third node, a second MOSFET having a gate terminal coupled to the first node, a source terminal coupled to the second node, and a drain terminal coupled to a fourth node, a first current mirror coupled to the third node and configured to couple to a fifth node, a sixth node, and a regulator supply, and a second current mirror coupled to the fourth node, and configured to couple to the fifth node, the sixth node, and a ground node.
[H02H] EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENTS (indicating or signalling undesired working conditions G01R, e.g. G01R 31/00, G08B; locating faults along lines G01R 31/08; emergency protective devices H01H)
Adjustment of guided surface waveguide probe operation
Patent No. 10630111
Inventor(s): James F. Corum (Morgantown, WV), Kenneth L. Corum (Plymouth, NH)
Assignee(s): CPG TECHNOLOGIES, LLC (Italy, TX)
Law Firm: Thomas Horstemeyer, LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15909596 on 03/01/2018 (782 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Disclosed are various embodiments for transmitting and receiving energy conveyed in the form of a guided surface-waveguide mode along the surface of a lossy medium such as, e.g., a terrestrial medium excited by a guided surface waveguide probe.
[H02J] CIRCUIT ARRANGEMENTS OR SYSTEMS FOR SUPPLYING OR DISTRIBUTING ELECTRIC POWER; SYSTEMS FOR STORING ELECTRIC ENERGY (power supply circuits for apparatus for measuring X-radiation, gamma radiation, corpuscular radiation or cosmic radiation G01T 1/175; electric power supply circuits specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces with no moving parts G04G 19/00; for digital computers G06F 1/18; for discharge tubes H01J 37/248; circuits or apparatus for the conversion of electric power, arrangements for control or regulation of such circuits or apparatus H02M; interrelated control of several motors, control of a prime-mover/generator combination H02P; control of high-frequency power H03L; additional use of power line or power network for transmission of information H04B)
Thrust load support for downhole-type system
Patent No. 10630139
Inventor(s): Kuo-Chiang Chen (Kennedale, TX)
Assignee(s): Upwing Energy, LLC (Cerritos, CA)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15974460 on 05/08/2018 (714 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A downhole-type system includes a rotatable rotor, a magnetic thrust bearing coupled to the rotor, and a mechanical thrust bearing coupled to the rotor. The magnetic thrust bearing is configured to support a first portion of an axial load of the rotor during rotor rotation, and the mechanical thrust bearing is configured to support a second portion of the axial load of the rotor during rotor rotation.
[H02K] DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES (dynamo-electric relays H01H 53/00; conversion of DC or AC input power into surge output power H02M 9/00)
Gate drive adapter
Patent No. 10630160
Inventor(s): Ingolf Frank (Freising, , DE), Xun Gong (Freising, , DE)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Tuenlap Chan (no location found)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15961161 on 04/24/2018 (728 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A gate drive adapter circuit includes an input circuit, an output circuit, and a charge pump circuit. The input circuit is configured to receive pulses suitable for controlling a silicon power transistor. The output circuit is coupled to the input circuit. The output circuit is configured to translate the pulses to voltages suitable for controlling a silicon-carbide power transistor. The charge pump circuit is coupled to the input circuit and to the output circuit. The charge pump circuit is configured to generate a negative voltage. The output circuit is configured to apply the negative voltage to translate the pulses.
[H02M] APPARATUS FOR CONVERSION BETWEEN AC AND AC, BETWEEN AC AND DC, OR BETWEEN DC AND DC, AND FOR USE WITH MAINS OR SIMILAR POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS; CONVERSION OF DC OR AC INPUT POWER INTO SURGE OUTPUT POWER; CONTROL OR REGULATION THEREOF (conversion of current or voltage specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces with no moving parts G04G 19/02; systems for regulating electric or magnetic variables in general, e.g. using transformers, reactors or choke coils, combination of such systems with static converters G05F; for digital computers G06F 1/00; transformers H01F; connection or control of one converter with regard to conjoint operation with a similar or other source of supply H02J; dynamo-electric converters H02K 47/00; controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils, control or regulation of electric motors, generators or dynamo-electric converters H02P; pulse generators H03K) [5]
Transient event detector circuit and method
Patent No. 10630174
Inventor(s): Antonio Priego (Freising, , DE), Michael Couleur (Munich, , DE), Neil Gibson (Freising, , DE)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16225771 on 12/19/2018 (489 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Disclosed examples include a transient event detector circuit to detect transient events in a switching converter, including a DLL circuit to detect changes in a duty cycle of a pulse width modulation signal used to operate a switching converter, and an output circuit to provide a status output signal in a first state when no transient event is detected, and to provide the status output signal in a second state indicating a transient event in the switching converter in response to a detected change in the duty cycle of the pulse width modulation signal.
[H02M] APPARATUS FOR CONVERSION BETWEEN AC AND AC, BETWEEN AC AND DC, OR BETWEEN DC AND DC, AND FOR USE WITH MAINS OR SIMILAR POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS; CONVERSION OF DC OR AC INPUT POWER INTO SURGE OUTPUT POWER; CONTROL OR REGULATION THEREOF (conversion of current or voltage specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces with no moving parts G04G 19/02; systems for regulating electric or magnetic variables in general, e.g. using transformers, reactors or choke coils, combination of such systems with static converters G05F; for digital computers G06F 1/00; transformers H01F; connection or control of one converter with regard to conjoint operation with a similar or other source of supply H02J; dynamo-electric converters H02K 47/00; controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils, control or regulation of electric motors, generators or dynamo-electric converters H02P; pulse generators H03K) [5]
Pseudo current tracking for power supply regulation
Patent No. 10630175
Inventor(s): Isaac Cohen (Dix Hills, NY)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15666256 on 08/01/2017 (994 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A power supply circuit includes a regulation circuit that receives an input voltage and provides a regulated output voltage based on the input voltage. The regulation circuit includes a switch device having a switched output that generates a ripple current waveform in the current regulator to provide the regulated output voltage. A control circuit includes a pseudo current tracker (PCT) that is operatively coupled to the regulation circuit. The PCT receives a reference voltage and generates a ripple voltage waveform that is proportional to the ripple current waveform. The control circuit commands the switch device to generate the ripple current waveform based on the ripple voltage waveform such that the regulated output voltage approximates the reference voltage.
[H02M] APPARATUS FOR CONVERSION BETWEEN AC AND AC, BETWEEN AC AND DC, OR BETWEEN DC AND DC, AND FOR USE WITH MAINS OR SIMILAR POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS; CONVERSION OF DC OR AC INPUT POWER INTO SURGE OUTPUT POWER; CONTROL OR REGULATION THEREOF (conversion of current or voltage specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces with no moving parts G04G 19/02; systems for regulating electric or magnetic variables in general, e.g. using transformers, reactors or choke coils, combination of such systems with static converters G05F; for digital computers G06F 1/00; transformers H01F; connection or control of one converter with regard to conjoint operation with a similar or other source of supply H02J; dynamo-electric converters H02K 47/00; controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils, control or regulation of electric motors, generators or dynamo-electric converters H02P; pulse generators H03K) [5]
Systems and methods for real-time inductor current simulation for a switching converter
Patent No. 10630183
Inventor(s): David Jauregui (Bethlehem, PA), Rengang Chen (Hellertown, PA), Scott E. Ragona (Bethlehem, PA)
Assignee(s): Texas Instruments Incorporated (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15942962 on 04/02/2018 (750 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A switching converter having a high-side switching transistor and a low-side switching transistor and an inductor, having a circuit for generating a simulated waveform representing a sawtooth inductor current waveform. A circuit for monitoring and voltage at a switch node between the high-side and low-side transistors to determine a time during which the inductor current is increasing and a time during which the inductor current is decreasing wherein voltage across the low-side transistor when it is conducting represents a first portion of the simulated sawtooth inductor current waveform. A circuit for utilizing the time when the inductor current is increasing, the time when the inductor current is decreasing and the voltage across the low-side transistor when it is conducting to generate a portion of the simulated inductor current waveform when the high-side transistor is conducting. A method and a power supply utilizing this circuit are also disclosed.
[H02M] APPARATUS FOR CONVERSION BETWEEN AC AND AC, BETWEEN AC AND DC, OR BETWEEN DC AND DC, AND FOR USE WITH MAINS OR SIMILAR POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS; CONVERSION OF DC OR AC INPUT POWER INTO SURGE OUTPUT POWER; CONTROL OR REGULATION THEREOF (conversion of current or voltage specially adapted for use in electronic time-pieces with no moving parts G04G 19/02; systems for regulating electric or magnetic variables in general, e.g. using transformers, reactors or choke coils, combination of such systems with static converters G05F; for digital computers G06F 1/00; transformers H01F; connection or control of one converter with regard to conjoint operation with a similar or other source of supply H02J; dynamo-electric converters H02K 47/00; controlling transformers, reactors or choke coils, control or regulation of electric motors, generators or dynamo-electric converters H02P; pulse generators H03K) [5]
Capacitively coupled chopper amplifier
Patent No. 10630245
Inventor(s): Biraja Prasad Dash (Tucson, AZ), Dimitar Trifonov (Vail, AZ), Ravinthiran Balasingam (Tucson, AZ)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 16126281 on 09/10/2018 (589 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A six phase capacitively coupled chopper amplifier. Two phases provide a zeroing phase to zero the feedback capacitors and set the input common mode value. Two phases provide a passive transfer of an input charge from the input capacitors to the zeroed feedback capacitors. The final two phases are chopping and amplification phases. The zeroing phases address the input common mode without the need for biasing resistors. The passive transfer phases resolve the glitching that occurs if the feedback capacitors have to be recharged on each cycle of the chopping clock. Resolving the glitching and the charge time allows the frequency of the amplifier to increase.
[H03F] AMPLIFIERS (measuring, testing G01R; optical parametric amplifiers G02F; circuit arrangements with secondary emission tubes H01J 43/30; masers, lasers H01S; dynamo-electric amplifiers H02K; control of amplification H03G; coupling arrangements independent of the nature of the amplifier, voltage dividers H03H; amplifiers capable only of dealing with pulses H03K; repeater circuits in transmission lines H04B 3/36, H04B 3/58; application of speech amplifiers in telephonic communication H04M 1/60, H04M 3/40)
Low power mode of operation for mm-wave radar
Patent No. 10630249
Inventor(s): Brian Ginsburg (Allen, TX), Sandeep Rao (Bangalore, , IN)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15669229 on 08/04/2017 (991 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Disclosed examples include a radar system that operates in a first mode and a second mode. In the first mode, the system detects the presence of an object within a threshold range. In response to detection of the presence of the object, the system transitions to the second mode, and the system generates range data, velocity data, and angle data of the object in the second mode. When the object is no longer detected within the threshold range, the system transitions back to the first mode.
[H03F] AMPLIFIERS (measuring, testing G01R; optical parametric amplifiers G02F; circuit arrangements with secondary emission tubes H01J 43/30; masers, lasers H01S; dynamo-electric amplifiers H02K; control of amplification H03G; coupling arrangements independent of the nature of the amplifier, voltage dividers H03H; amplifiers capable only of dealing with pulses H03K; repeater circuits in transmission lines H04B 3/36, H04B 3/58; application of speech amplifiers in telephonic communication H04M 1/60, H04M 3/40)
Interference discovery for cable modems
Patent No. 10630401
Inventor(s): Fan Wang (Santa Clara, CA), James Jeng Chen (Corona, CA), Li Zhang (Santa Clara, CA), Lifan Xu (Santa Clara, CA), Xiaolong Zhang (Santa Clara, CA)
Assignee(s): Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Schwegman Lundberg Woessner, P.A. (11 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15701805 on 09/12/2017 (952 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method implemented by a cable modem of a cable network includes sending an upstream test signal during at least one frequency division duplex minislot assigned to the cable modem, receiving other upstream test signals from other cable modems, measuring interference in each received test signal from the other cable modems, and reporting the interference measurement for each received test signal to a cable modem termination system.
Radio transmission apparatus and methods
Patent No. 10630443
Inventor(s): Akihiko Matsuoka (Kanagawa, , JP), Masayuki Orihashi (Kanagawa, , JP), Yutaka Murakami (Osaka, , JP)
Assignee(s): Wi-Fi One, LLC (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Nixon Vanderhye P.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16413945 on 05/16/2019 (341 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A radio transmission apparatus determines information indicative of an estimated communications channel condition and generates a single modulation signal or a plurality of modulation signals based on the estimated communications channel condition information. The single modulation signal from a first antenna or the plurality of modulation signals is(are) transmitted from the first antenna and a second antenna. The plurality of modulation signals include different information from each other and are transmitted over an identical frequency band and at an identical temporal point. The single modulation signal and the plurality of modulation signals contain parameter information indicating a number of modulation signals transmitted at the same time.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Trusted client security factor-based authorizations at a server
Patent No. 10630480
Inventor(s): Scott Gaetjen (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Oracle International Corporation (Redwood Shores, CA)
Law Firm: Hickman Palermo Becker Bingham LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15825509 on 11/29/2017 (874 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Trusted client security factor-based authorizations at a server. The computer-implemented techniques allow the server to authorize client requested operations to access a protected resource or service based on trusted client security factors that are obtained at client machines and provided to the server. A level of trust by the server in the client security factors is established by requiring that the client machine be pre-registered in a trusted machine registry before the server allows requests from the client machine to access a protected service or a protected resource. The registration of the client machine in the machine registry may be made by way of a probabilistically difficult to predict machine registration digest that encompasses a digest of a client program installed on the client machine and a machine identifier of the client machine.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
System and method for providing network support services and premises gateway support infrastructure
Patent No. 10630501
Inventor(s): Alvin R. McQuarters (Euless, TX), Amir Ansari (Plano, TX), George A. Cowgill (Farmersville, TX), Jude P. Ramayya (Richardson, TX), Ramprakash Masina (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): KIP PROD P1 LP (New York, NY)
Law Firm: Perkins Coie LLP (17 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16370126 on 03/29/2019 (389 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A service management system communicates via wide area network with gateway devices located at respective user premises. The service management system remotely manages delivery of application services, which can be voice controlled, by a gateway, e.g. by selectively activating/deactivating service logic modules in the gateway. The service management system also may selectively provide secure communications and exchange of information among gateway devices and among associated endpoint devices. An exemplary service management system includes a router connected to the network and one or more computer platforms, for implementing management functions. Examples of the functions include a connection manager for controlling system communications with the gateway devices, an authentication manager for authenticating each gateway device and controlling the connection manager and a subscription manager for managing applications services and/or features offered by the gateway devices. A service manager, controlled by the subscription manager, distributes service specific configuration data to authenticated gateway devices.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Application-driven cross-stratum resource monitoring
Patent No. 10630563
Inventor(s): James N. Guichard (Santa Clara, CA), Ricard Vilalta (Barcelona, , ES), Young Lee (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Futurewei Technologies, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Schwegman Lundberg Woessner, P.A. (11 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15903985 on 02/23/2018 (788 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method and system for application-driven proactive multi-stratum resource monitoring in software defined networks (SDN). A Cross-Stratum Optimization (CSO) service orchestrator obtains a service intent, a notification subscription, and a programmable performance rule specified by an application. The CSO service orchestrator collects streaming performance data in a network based on the notification subscription, evaluates performance of the network using the collected data and the programmable performance rule, and allocates one or more of storage, computer, and network resources based on the evaluation to ensure quality of service for the application.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Systems and methods for facilitating digital document communication
Patent No. 10630648
Inventor(s): Adrian Borunda (Celina, TX)
Assignee(s): United Services Automobile Association (USAA) (San Antonio, TX)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15427898 on 02/08/2017 (1168 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, to provide digital identification. One of these methods includes receiving a request for a digital document from a digital wallet executing on a mobile device. The method includes identifying a digital document provider capable of providing the requested document. The method includes sending the request for the digital document to the identified digital document provider. The method includes receiving, from the digital document provider, information that enables the mobile device to view the digital document and does not enable the computer system to view the digital document.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
System and method for content messaging
Patent No. 10630742
Inventor(s): Bharat Ram Setti (Plano, TX), Debabrata Dash (Richardson, TX), Krishnakant M. Patel (Richardson, TX), Pratap Chandana (Plano, TX), Ravi Ayyasamy (Richardson, TX), Sayyad Gaffar (Bengaluru, , IN)
Assignee(s): KODIAK NETWORKS, INC. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15299812 on 10/21/2016 (1278 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system and method for content messaging includes observing, by the server, synchronization of a database cluster accessible to the server with a first local database at a first client, the database cluster including a message after the synchronization, the message including content and instructions for processing the content, and processing, by the server, the content of the message according to the instructions for processing the content, in response to observing the synchronization.
[H04L] TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION, e.g. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication H04M) [4]
Wireless communication methods
Patent No. 10630820
Inventor(s): Corey Egan (Dallas, TX), Qinghui Tang (Plano, TX), Swapnil Bora (Dallas, TX)
Assignee(s): ILUMI SOLUTIONS, INC. (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Chalker Flores, LLP (Local)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15204901 on 07/07/2016 (1384 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Various wireless communication methods are provided for controlling two or more wireless devices. In one embodiment, various processes optimize the wireless communication, especially when multiple devices are present in a system or a network. In another embodiment, various controlling devices are accommodated in a network of devices at different points in time. The speed at which the new controlling device comes into a range of the networked devices is improved with existing signatures of different wireless protocols or devices present in the network. In another embodiment, a change in the signal strength of a wireless device can be used to detect an object or person, such as an intruder.
Electronic patient sitter management system and method for implementing
Patent No. 10630941
Inventor(s): Derek Stevan del Carpio (Corinth, TX), Matthew Cameron Clark (Frisco, TX), Sam Anthony Greco (Flower Mound, TX), Steven Gail Johnson (Highland Village, TX)
Assignee(s): CareView Communications, Inc. (Lewisville, TX)
Law Firm: Meister Seelig Fein LLP (1 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16027480 on 07/05/2018 (656 days app to issue)
Abstrait: An electronic sitter management system coupled to patient surveillance network having a plurality of video cameras, each camera transmitting a stream of surveillance video of a respective patient room. The sitter management system includes at least one sitter management device and a plurality of sitter devices. Each device being assigned a plurality of patient rooms and capable of receiving a plurality of streams of surveillance video for the corresponding plurality of patient rooms and simultaneously displaying a plurality of video images of the corresponding plurality of patient rooms. Each device is also capable of transmitting sitter device availability information to the sitter management device. The sitter management device being capable of recognizing a sitter device being unavailable and reassigning the plurality of patient rooms previously assigned to the unavailable device to other of the plurality of sitter devices that are available.
Luma-based chroma intra-prediction for video coding
Patent No. 10630975
Inventor(s): Akira Osamoto (Plano, TX), Madhukar Budagavi (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15633515 on 06/26/2017 (1030 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method for luma-based chroma intra-prediction in a video encoder or a video decoder is provided that includes down sampling a first reconstructed luma block of a largest coding unit (LCU), computing parameters and of a linear model using immediate top neighboring reconstructed luma samples and left neighboring reconstructed luma samples of the first reconstructed luma block and reconstructed neighboring chroma samples of a chroma block corresponding to the first reconstructed luma block, wherein the linear model is Pred[subscript]C[/subscript][x,y]=Rec[subscript]L[/subscript][x,y]+, wherein x and y are sample coordinates, Pred[subscript]C [/subscript]is predicted chroma samples, and Rec[subscript]L[/subscript] is samples of the down sampled first reconstructed luma block, and wherein the immediate top neighboring reconstructed luma samples are the only top neighboring reconstructed luma samples used, and computing samples of a first predicted chroma block from corresponding samples of the down sampled first reconstructed luma block using the linear model and the parameters.
System and method for television network in response to input
Patent No. 10631031
Inventor(s): Jovan Hutton Pulitzer (Frisco, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 15842717 on 12/14/2017 (859 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A system and method are provided for collection and of a biologic sample. The method comprises collecting by a user of a testing device a biologic sample for use with the testing device, assigning correlative values as test results, and receiving the test results at a server disposed on a network. Some aspects also include presenting audiovisual messages to the user while the user is waiting for test results to be completed. These audiovisual messages are presented to the user by a mobile application. The audiovisual messages may take several forms, including advertisements and television channels.
Adjusting vehicle speakers
Patent No. 10631083
Inventor(s): Danil V. Prokhorov (Canton, MI), Michael Paul Rowe (Pinckney, MI), Ryohei Tsuruta (Ann Arbor, MI), Umesh N. Gandhi (Farmington Hills, MI)
Assignee(s): Toyota Motor Engineering Manufacturing North America, Inc. (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Darrow Mustafa PC (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15929071 on 12/18/2018 (490 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A speaker assembly can include a speaker and one or more actuators operatively positioned to cause the position and/or the orientation of the speaker to be adjusted. The one or more actuators include a bladder. The bladder can include a flexible casing. The bladder can define a fluid chamber. The fluid chamber can contain a dielectric fluid. The one or more actuators can include a first conductor and a second conductor operatively positioned on opposite portions of the bladder. The one or more actuators can be configured such that, when electrical energy is supplied to the first conductor and the second conductor, the first conductor and the second conductor can become oppositely charged. As a result, the first conductor and the second conductor are electrostatically attracted toward each other to cause at least a portion of the dielectric fluid to be displaced to an outer peripheral region of the fluid chamber.
System and method for beacon interval adaptation
Patent No. 10631229
Inventor(s): Jian Wang (Beijing, , CN), Nathan Edward Tenny (Portland, OR), Yalin Liu (Shanghai, , CN)
Law Firm: Slater Matsil, LLP (Local + 1 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16148499 on 10/01/2018 (568 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A method for operating a user equipment (UE) adapted to transmit beacons includes adjusting an initial beacon interval between successively transmitted beacons in accordance with a value of at least one parameter and a beacon configuration received from a network entity, thereby producing an adjusted beacon interval, and transmitting a beacon selected in accordance with the adjusted beacon interval in a beacon transmission opportunity determined in accordance with the initial beacon interval.
Targeted user equipment-base station communication link
Patent No. 10631237
Inventor(s): Kevin Dean Stiles (Allen, TX), Vincent Charles Graffagnino (Rockwall, TX)
Assignee(s): Oceus Networks Inc. (Reston, VA)
Law Firm: Knobbe, Martens, Olson Bear, LLP (9 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16209035 on 12/04/2018 (504 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A mobile device can receive information blocks from one or more base stations, which can be emitted by the base stations within a particular radio band. The mobile device can identify base stations in an exclusivity state. The mobile device can establish a communication link with one of the base stations in the exclusivity state. In some cases, the mobile device can establish a communication link with the base stations that is in an exclusivity state and that matches a cell identifier stored on the mobile device.
Scheduling systems and methods for wireless networks
Patent No. 10631277
Inventor(s): Khiem Le (Coppell, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (4 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15996094 on 06/01/2018 (690 days app to issue)
Abstrait: In one embodiment, a method is performed by a base station in a wireless network. The method includes receiving from a user device a request to reconfigure already-active uplink semi-persistent scheduling (SPS). The already-active uplink SPS grants the user device a resource block allocation (RBA) and a modulation and coding scheme (MCS) for periodic uplink transmissions. The already-active uplink SPS includes a time-interval parameter, the time-interval parameter specifying a time interval between the periodic uplink transmissions. The request includes information related to a proposed adjustment of the time-interval parameter. The method further includes reconfiguring the already-active uplink SPS. The reconfiguring includes modifying the time-interval parameter based, at least in part, on the information.
Limiting data transmission under lossy wireless conditions of an internet of things wireless device to facilitate a reduction of wireless retransmissions of the data
Patent No. 10631302
Inventor(s): Craig Allen Lee (Frisco, TX)
Assignee(s): ATT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY I, L.P. (Atlanta, GA)
Law Firm: Amin, Turocy Watson, LLP (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 15635115 on 06/27/2017 (1029 days app to issue)
Abstrait: Limiting data transmission under lossy wireless conditions of an Internet of Things (IoT) wireless device to facilitate a reduction of wireless retransmissions of such data is presented herein. A method can comprise determining a characteristic of a radio frequency channel wirelessly coupling a wireless device to an access point device that has been configured to transfer data, which has been received from the wireless device, to a host device; and in response to the characteristic of the radio frequency channel being determined to satisfy a defined condition representing a degradation of a fidelity of the radio frequency channel, modifying, based on a determined classification of outbound data of the data that has been directed to the host device, a transmission of the outbound data to facilitate a reduction in wireless retransmissions of the outbound data due to the degradation of the fidelity of the radio frequency channel.
Method and apparatus for determining allocation of communication resources
Patent No. 10631321
Inventor(s): Bong Hoe Kim (Anyang-si, , KR), Dong Youn Seo (Anyang-si, , KR), Eun Sun Kim (Anyang-si, , KR), Joon Kui Ahn (Anyang-si, , KR)
Assignee(s): Optis Cellular Technology, LLC (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: Nixon Vanderhye P.C. (2 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16132533 on 09/17/2018 (582 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A user equipment (UE) receives downlink data using resource blocks in a wireless mobile communication system. The UE receives downlink control information including resource allocation information and downlink data mapped to physical resource blocks (PRBs) based on the downlink control information. The resource allocation information indicates virtual resource block (VRB) allocations for the UE. A resource block pair includes a first resource block associated with a first time slot and a second resource block associated with a second time slot adjacent to the first time slot. The first and second resource blocks are allocated to the same frequency indices. A mapping between VRB pairs and PRB pairs exists such that frequency consecutive VRB pairs are mapped to non-frequency consecutive PRB pairs and that each resource block pair is split so there is a frequency gap between the first and second parts of the resource block pair.
System and method for managing emergency requests
Patent No. 10631360
Inventor(s): Jan Hendrik Lucas Bakker (Keller, TX)
Assignee(s): BlackBerry Limited (Waterloo, Ontario, , CA)
Law Firm: Fish Richardson P.C. (Local + 13 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 16192613 on 11/15/2018 (523 days app to issue)
Abstrait: A network component is provided. The network component including a component configured such that the network transmits a response message containing an indicator indicating that a first message is an emergency-related request, and such that the network receives a second message containing information associated with a user equipment (UE).
Patent No. D881611
Inventor(s): Gary R Nightingale (Arlington, TX)
Assignee(s): Dallasia, LLC (Arlington, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29616099 on 09/01/2017 (963 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Toy train car
Patent No. D881623
Inventor(s): Bee Toh Siow (Plano, TX), Wai Hoe Ho (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): UNASSIGNED
Law Firm: Law Office of Sam Sokhansanj PLLC (Local + 690 other metros)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29586683 on 12/06/2016 (1232 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Jewelry article
Patent No. D881737
Inventor(s): Keith E. Matheny (Plano, TX)
Assignee(s): Tuff-Links, LLC (Plano, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29615328 on 08/28/2017 (967 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Patent No. D881749
Inventor(s): Crawford Shaw (Atlanta, GA)
Assignee(s): In the Black Revocable Trust (Dallas, TX)
Law Firm: Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP (4 non-local offices)
Application No., Date, Speed: 29653831 on 06/19/2018 (672 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882019
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644794 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882020
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644798 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882021
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644808 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882022
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644816 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882023
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644825 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882024
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644828 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882025
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644831 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882026
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644835 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882027
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644838 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882028
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644843 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882029
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644849 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882030
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644853 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882031
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644855 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882032
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644867 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
Ammunition cartridge
Patent No. D882033
Inventor(s): Christopher William Overton (Richardson, TX), Lonnie Burrow (Carrollton, TX)
Law Firm: No Counsel
Application No., Date, Speed: 29644869 on 04/20/2018 (732 days app to issue)
Abstrait: No Abstract Patent Class: N/A
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The feature image is an artist’s concept and/or artistic impression for illustration and editorial display purposes only unless otherwise stated in the image caption. The image(s) do not represent any condition at present, or in the future, and are not intended to represent specific patents unless otherwise stated in the photo description and/or photo credit(s).
As of June 12, 2018, unassigned patents with a local inventor may be included.
For additional details on patents granted, search the USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database.
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