Jeux Vidéos & Serveurs

Les événements aléatoires à New York cette semaine – Un bon serveur Minecraft

Par Titanfall , le 10 novembre 2019 , mis à jour le 14 décembre 2020 - 136 minutes de lecture

Les événements aléatoires à New York cette semainePhoto: Nicholas Ruiz / Flickr / 2013 Scott Rudd

Quelles sont les réalisations les plus dingues sur Minecraft ?

Au départ, Minecraft n’était franchement pas prévu pour se lancer dans les constructions de villes et de monuments. Néanmoins, aujourd’hui certains passionnés se sont lancés dans des aventures pharaoniques. Le jeu n’en finira donc jamais de surprendre, surtout qu’à l’heure actuelle, il est disponible sur tous les supports (ordinateur, smartphone, tablette, console).

Voici donc les constructions les plus dingues que vous pourrez admirer.

  1. La Tour Eiffel : soyons chauvin, car ce n’est pas forcément la réalisation la plus grande. Par contre, elle est réalisée avec extrêmement de soin, car il faut l’avouer, poser chaque bloc demande une patience bien au-dessus de la normale.
  2. Port-réal : pour les fans de Game of Throne, sachez que vous pourrez vous promener dans les rues de la célèbre capitale des 7 couronnes. Vous éviterez ainsi de prendre un billet d’avion direction Dubrovnik, en cherchant désespérément les lieux du tournage de cette série. Sachez qu’ils sont au nombre de 10.
  3. Mirror’s Edge : l’univers du jeu vidéo regorge de villes aux décors splendides. Le jeu Mirror’s Edge se prête très bien à sa construction dans le monde de Minecraft. Si vous avez joué aux deux, vous pourriez croire que vous avez été téléporté dans la rue du jeu d’Electronic Arts.
  4. Disneyland : vous en avez marre des allées bondées et des queues interminables ? Bonne nouvelle, Minecraft vous offre la possibilité d’avoir le parc de Mickey rien que pour vous.

Il reste encore de très nombreuses villes à réaliser, si vous avez du temps et beaucoup de patience. Nous avons d’ailleurs trouvé un tuto qui vous explique comment construire New York Minecraft. Vous pouvez donc profiter de votre voyage dans la Grosse Pomme, pour prendre des photos et ainsi offrir à vos futurs visiteurs, un petit séjour gratuit dans les rues de New York.

Si vous recherchez le meilleur des choses diverses à faire à New York, consultez la catégorie «Pot-pourri» du City Guide, qui propose des repas spéciaux, des pop-ups, des boutiques, des événements caritatifs, des événements littéraires, des conférences, des lectures, des remises de prix, des galas, et encore plus.

Queens Knitting Circle – Queens Room
03 novembre 2019 – Astoria

Bienvenue dans le Queens Knitting Circle! Cette fois-ci, nous nous réunissons à Queens Room. Veuillez apporter le projet sur lequel vous travaillez afin que nous puissions tricoter ensemble! Comme toujours, préparez-vous à dépenser environ 10 $. Le Queens Room n’est pas seulement un café génial: ils proposent également de super cocktails!

City of Science 2019: Complexe d'éducation physique et de santé du Queens – York College
03 novembre 2019 – Jamaïque

CITY OF SCIENCE revient dans le Queens! Rejoignez le World Science Festival et Con Edison pour cet événement itinérant plus grand que nature, où les propriétés merveilleuses de la science, de la technologie, de l'ingénierie et des mathématiques se rencontrent! Rempli de démonstrations interactives, d'activités pratiques et d'énormes expositions, ce programme GRATUIT libère le scientifique intérieur de chacun.

Œil mystique: sagesse, méditation et bonheur avec Sadhguru Madison Square Garden NYC – Théâtre Hulu
03 novembre 2019 – New York

oin nous pour: – Explorer les questions les plus profondes de la vie – Méditer avec Sadhguru- Vivre son état naturel de liberté, d'amour et de joie sans limitesSadhguru est un yogi, mystique et visionnaire. Nommé parmi les 50 personnes les plus influentes de l'Inde, le travail de Sadhguru a touché la vie de millions de personnes dans le monde. Sadhguru comble le fossé entre le moderne et le mystique et ouvre la porte à des dimensions plus profondes de la vie.Sadhguru a créé la Isha Foundation, une organisation internationale à but non lucratif dirigée par des volontaires et dédiée à la valorisation du potentiel humain. La fondation a son siège au Isha Yoga Center dans le sud de l'Inde et à l'Isha Institute of Inner-sciences aux États-Unis. Sous la direction de Sadhguru et animée par un sentiment d'unité, d'amour et de désir profond de tendre la main et de partager, la Fondation Isha a également mis en œuvre plusieurs projets de services humains à grande échelle pour l'amélioration des conditions de vie en milieu rural, la réforme de l'éducation, la gérance de l'environnement, etc. comme vie holistique et saine.

Sehun Jung – Carnegie Hall
03 novembre 2019 – New York

InterprètesSehun Jung, CountertenorRichmond Country Orchestra

Cérémonie de remise des prix de musique classique d'or – Carnegie Hall
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Cérémonie des PerformersAwards

Le son de la musique – Metrograph
03 novembre 2019 – New York

La gouvernante Maria (Andrews) souffle une bouffée d'air frais dans la maison de la famille Von Trapp dans cette version somptueuse et somptueuse de la comédie musicale de Rodgers et Hammerstein, qui contient leur célèbre recueil de chansons ("Do Re Mi", "Mes choses préférées"). dans les rues et la campagne de Salzbourg, en Autriche, où les collines CinemaScope sont pleines de musique.

Composez M pour meurtre – métrographe
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Hitchcock était ambivalent à propos du processus 3D, mais cela ne l'a pas empêché de l'utiliser sans pareil dans cette adaptation d'un jeu de théâtre très populaire, qui met en scène l'ancienne star du tennis Ray Milland en train de préparer le meurtre parfait de sa femme, Grace Kellyperfect, à l'exception du fait qu'elle ne meurt pas, le laissant improviser un travail insidieux.

'Épouvantail' avec Jerry Schatzberg et Harmony Korine – Métrographe
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Un duo d'acteurs imbattable produit par New Hollywood et son intrépide, Scarecrow, du réalisateur et photographe Jerry Schatzberg, nous emmène en balade avec deux arnaqueurs à la tête dure et à la dérive Max (Gene Hackman) et son partenaire songeur, un ancien marin nommé Lion ( Al Pacino) est l’un des trésors cachés d’un sommet artistique dans le cinéma américain.

Rideau déchiré – métrographe
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Andrews ne peut en croire ses yeux lorsque sa fiancée, une scientifique nucléaire américaine incarnée par Paul Newman, trahit son pays et ses défauts en Allemagne de l'Est et qu'elle ne devrait peut-être pas le faire, car rien ne semble être le cas dans le grand film de Hitchcock sur la guerre froide contient une abondance de faits saillants de fin de carrière, y compris une scène d'espionnage à travers l'Alte Nationalgalerie et une longue lutte à mort contre un agent ennemi dans laquelle Hitch tente de montrer à quel point il est difficile de tuer un homme.

Baignade en forêt: célébrer le changement et les saisons – Jardins publics de Wave Hill
03 novembre 2019 – Bronx

Rendez-vous au centre d'accueil de PerkinsInspiré par la pratique japonaise du shinrin-yoku, le bain en forêt renforce votre système immunitaire et votre force cardiovasculaire, réduit le stress et améliore le fonctionnement cognitif tout en approfondissant votre relation avec la nature. Admirez les changements du paysage automnal et de votre corps en tant que thérapeute forestier certifié, Gerti Schoen vous guidera dans une promenade réflexive à travers les jardins et les sentiers de Wave Hill. Adultes seulement, s'il vous plaît.

Persisticon Iv: Surfer sur la vague bleue – Le clocher
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

21 ans et plus

La communauté juive coloniale du nouvel Amsterdam: visite à pied – se réunit au coin des rues Pearl et Broad en face de la taverne Fraunces
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Cette visite retrace les origines de la colonisation juive dans ce qui était autrefois considéré comme le "New Amsterdam", en se concentrant sur le quartier le plus au sud de la ville. Les touristes visitent les anciens lieux des sites juifs du Lower Manhattan, y compris les premières synagogues en location espagnole et portugaise, la synagogue Mill Street (la première synagogue construite en Amérique du Nord) et le cimetière de la congrégation Shearith Israel situé à Chatham Square, qui est la plus ancienne cimetière à New York, sur un terrain acheté à l'origine en 1682. Visiter ce site est un régal, car il est rarement ouvert au public et vous pouvez voir la pierre tombale d'un soldat qui a combattu pendant la guerre d'indépendance. Votre guide Ce sera Janet R. Kirshheimer, membre de longue date de Shearith Israel. Les billets représenteront 3 PP $ supplémentaires à l'achat du jour de la tournée. WE TOUR RAIN OR SHINE!

New York School of Burlesque – DROM
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Les élèves sexy de la New York School of Burlesque ont travaillé dur (oh! So! Hard!) Pour créer de nouveaux actes délicieux qui taquinent et tentent. Après cinq semaines de cours sur le développement de l'acte avec Jezebel Express, nous sommes enfin prêts à dévoiler nos nouvelles créations!

Ash Lauryn All Day – De nos jours
03 novembre 2019 – Ridgewood

Ash Lauryn est originaire de Detroit, réside à Atlanta et a fondé le blog et l'émission de radio NTS Underground and Black. Elle sera aux commandes toute la journée pour celle-ci.

Promenade dans les jardins – Jardins publics de Wave Hill
03 novembre 2019 – Bronx

Rejoignez un guide de jardin Wave Hill pour une visite publique des points saillants du jardin saisonnier. Gratuit avec entrée sur le terrain.

Pete souza – Bardavon
03 novembre 2019 – Poughkeepsie

Pete Souza, ancien photographe officiel en chef de la Maison-Blanche pour le président Obama et directeur du Photo Office de la Maison-Blanche donnera une présentation visuelle saisissante de photographies exclusives contenues dans son best-seller n ° 1 du New York Times, SHADE: A Tale of Two Presidents. SHADE raconte l'histoire des années Obama et Trump par le biais de juxtapositions visuelles qui commencent le jour de l'inauguration et se poursuivent jusqu'à la publication du rapport Mueller. Certains appellent cela "lancer de l'ombre". Souza appelle cela dire la vérité. Ses photographies sont une réplique du chaos, des abus de pouvoir et des politiques destructrices de l'administration Trump. Shade est un commentaire puissant sur l'état de notre nation.

MoMA PS1 – MoMA PS1 Ville de Long Island
03 novembre 2019 – Long Island City

2019 VW Sunday Sessions 2019-2020 Jour d'ouverture

Œil mystique avec Sadhguru – Théâtre Hulu au Madison Square Garden
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Sadhguru est un mystique contemporain avec une approche à la fois unique et étonnamment rationnelle de la vie et du monde que vous connaissez ou pensez connaître.

Pourquoi il y a des mots – Bowery Poetry Club
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Rejoignez-nous à la filiale new-yorkaise de la célèbre série de lectures littéraires de la région de la Baie, «Pourquoi y a-t-il des mots au Bowery Poetry Club», pour des lectures d'un groupe d'écrivains de renom spécialement sélectionnés à cet effet. Animé par Michael Collins

Support technique pour les grands-parents – 92nd Street Y
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Vous voulez envoyer un SMS de groupe à votre famille en même temps? Apportez votre appareil et nos deux experts techniques vous aideront à le comprendre dans cette classe gratuite. Les cours ont lieu les mercredis de 17h à 18h et les dimanches de 15h à 16h. Il se tiendra au S263 (le salon du centre parental). Si vous ne pouvez pas vous rendre les jours indiqués, vous pouvez nous envoyer un courrier électronique pour toute question.

Explorer nos histoires et créer de nouvelles formes Atelier de poésie avec Dorothy Friedman – Bowery Poetry Club
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Dans cet atelier, nous développerons notre créativité dans une atmosphère favorable. vous recevrez à chaque cours des échantillons d'écriture portant sur des aspects particuliers du processus d'écriture, et vous recevrez une attention personnelle. À chaque session, nous allons générer une nouvelle poésie; explorer des questions telles que l'identité, les relations, la langue, la voix, etc. utiliser des techniques expérimentales, telles que celles développées dans des ateliers avec John Ashbery, Barbara Henning, Ann Waldman et autres. Nous allons donc explorer de nouvelles approches du langage et de la forme. L'atelier propose des exercices et des écritures en classe, ainsi que des conseils sur la manière de perfectionner votre technique et de réaliser vos poèmes. et être publié.

Pourquoi il y a des mots – Bowery Poetry Club
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Rejoignez-nous à la filiale new-yorkaise de la célèbre série de lectures littéraires de la région de la Baie, «Pourquoi y a-t-il des mots au Bowery Poetry Club», pour des lectures d'un groupe d'écrivains de renom spécialement sélectionnés à cet effet. Animé par Michael Collins

Poetny Open Mic FT Megan Kemple – Club de poésie Bowery
03 novembre 2019 – New York


Da DE Los Muertos – Musée des enfants de Brooklyn
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Saviez-vous que Da de los Muertos, ou le jour des morts, est la fête mexicaine qui rassemble famille et amis pour commémorer et célébrer la vie de ceux qui sont décédés? Désormais célébrées dans le monde entier, les familles marquent le festival en fabriquant des autels colorés et en partageant les repas avec leurs proches.

Live Animal Adventure – Musée des enfants de Brooklyn
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Découvrez les animaux vivants de la collection vivante du musée et touchez-les!

Explorer notre histoire et créer de nouvelles formes Atelier de poésie avec Dorothy Friedman – Bowery Poetry Club
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Dans cet atelier, nous développerons notre créativité dans une atmosphère favorable. vous recevrez à chaque cours des échantillons d'écriture portant sur des aspects particuliers du processus d'écriture, et vous recevrez une attention personnelle. À chaque session, nous allons générer une nouvelle poésie; explorer des questions telles que l'identité, les relations, la langue, la voix, etc. utiliser des techniques expérimentales, telles que celles développées dans des ateliers avec John Ashbery, Barbara Henning, Ann Waldman et autres. Nous allons donc explorer de nouvelles approches du langage et de la forme. L'atelier propose des exercices et des écritures en classe, ainsi que des conseils sur la manière de perfectionner votre technique et de réaliser vos poèmes. et être publié.Une lecture à la fin de l'atelier est incluse.Dorothy Friedman August donne des ateliers de poésie depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans. Elle est professeure et enseigne à l’Université Fordham et à l’Empire State College. Elle a également enseigné la création littéraire et des séminaires de poésie au Brooklyn College et au Pratt Institute. Elle a étudié avec John Ashbery au Brooklyn College où elle a reçu sa maîtrise. Elle est une poète et essayiste primée qui a reçu deux bourses de la Fondation des arts de New York et plus récemment une … (en savoir plus)

Vitrine d'atelier Dorothy Friedman – Bowery Poetry Club
03 novembre 2019 – New York

De la page à la scène: exploration de nos histoires et création de nouvelles formes, un atelier de poésie avec Dorothy Friedman AugustDans cet atelier, nous allons développer notre créativité dans une atmosphère favorable; vous recevrez, à chaque cours, des échantillons d’écriture portant sur des aspects particuliers du processus d’écriture; et vous recevrez une attention personnelle. À chaque session, nous allons générer une nouvelle poésie; explorer des questions telles que l'identité, les relations, la langue, la voix, etc. utiliser des techniques expérimentales, telles que celles développées dans des ateliers avec John Ashbery, Barbara Henning, Ann Waldman et autres. Nous allons donc explorer de nouvelles approches du langage et de la forme. Workshop propose des exercices et des écrits en classe, ainsi que des astuces pour perfectionner sa technique, exécuter ses poèmes. et être publié.Une lecture à la fin de l'atelier est incluse.Dorothy Friedman August donne des ateliers de poésie depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans. Elle est professeure et enseigne à l’Université Fordham et à l’Empire State College. Elle a également enseigné la création littéraire et des séminaires de poésie au Brooklyn College et au Pratt Institute. Elle a étudié avec John Ashbery au Brooklyn College où elle a obtenu son MFA. Elle est primée … (en savoir plus)

Pourquoi il y a des mots – Bowery Poetry Club
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Rejoignez-nous à la filiale new-yorkaise de la célèbre série de lectures littéraires de la région de la Baie, «Pourquoi y a-t-il des mots au Bowery Poetry Club», pour des lectures d'un groupe d'écrivains de renom spécialement sélectionnés à cet effet. Animé par Michael Collins.

Coney Island Circus Sideshow – Musée de Coney Island
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Magical Promotions, en collaboration avec Coney Island USA, offre un après-midi de plaisir et d'émerveillement à toute la famille. "Magie chez Coney !!!" est une émission de variétés magique mettant en valeur un vaste éventail de magiciens; illusionnistes, artistes d’évasion, mentalistes et magiciens en gros plan du monde entier. L’admission coûte seulement 10 $ pour les adultes et 5 $ pour les enfants de moins de 12 ans en ligne ou à la porte. 75 billets vendus par représentation. Achat en ligne à l'avance recommandé. Il n'y a pas de frais supplémentaires pour les achats en ligne.

Nyc # 1 Soirée latine du samedi soir à La Terraza – Eventbrite
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn


Friends (Brunch) Trivia 'The One avec les épisodes de Thanksgiving – Stone Creek Bar and Lounge
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Apportons-le. Ébauchez votre équipe et rendez-vous à Stone Creek NYC le dimanche 3 novembre à 13 heures pour le jeu "Brunch" de Friends "Trivia": "Celui qui a vécu les épisodes de Thanksgiving"! Les perdants marchent! Oui, les perdants parlent! Non, non, non, en fait les rimes des perdants.

Knocked Loose – Salle Webster
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Frappé lâche

Daniil Trifonov joue Scriabine – David Geffen Hall
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Notre artiste en résidence et lauréat d'un Grammy Award, Daniil Trifonov (félicité par le New York Times pour son "incandescence") joue le joyau de Scriabine d'un concerto pour piano rhapsodique, poétique et coloré. Jaap van Zweden dirige ensuite la Cinquième de Tchaïkovski, chargée d'émotion, avec des mélodies glorieuses qui ne cessent jamais de faire vibrer.

Réactions philosophiques et poétiques – Lycée James Baldwin
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Compte tenu des multiples interprétations de l'idéalisme allemand par la gauche, les libéraux et les néoconservateurs en termes de fin (s) d'histoire et / ou de nouveau commencement, nous allons interpréter l'esprit historique mondial (1) à la lumière des lumières (2) a Une lecture attentive de la Phénoménologie de Hegel interpelle le monde contemporain et ses multiples variations.

Œil mystique anglais avec Sadhguru – Le théâtre de Madison Square Garden
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Sadhguru est un mystique contemporain avec une approche à la fois unique et étonnamment rationnelle de la vie et du monde que vous connaissez ou que vous pensez connaître. Joignez-nous pour: Explorer les questions les plus profondes de la vieDécouvrez les technologies pour un bien-être intérieurFait de la joie votre compagnon constantMéditez avec Sadhguru

NYC Marathon Party – Cinquième société de brassage de marteaux
03 novembre 2019 – Long Island City

Nous ouvrons tôt pour encourager les marathoniens de New York! Nous aurons du matériel de signalisation, une couverture marathon sur grand écran, des plats pour le petit-déjeuner et un accès Wi-Fi public pour que vous puissiez suivre vos coureurs préférés tout en sirotant des bières fraîches et savoureuses.Entourez votre enthousiasme et votre soif – rejoignez-nous pour encourager certains membres extraordinaires de notre espèce!

Birding in Peace – Cimetière Green-Wood
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Avant l'ouverture de nos portes au grand public, l'expert en ornithologie, Rob Jett, dirige ces paisibles promenades du dimanche matin à la découverte des oiseaux qui habitent au moins temporairement Green-Wood. En septembre, la progéniture de ces oiseaux nicheurs sera seule. Les parulines de retour seront sous leur plumage d'automne moins flamboyant. Un grand nombre de merles, moucherolles, moineaux, viréos et hirondelles passeront également à travers. En octobre, la sauvagine est de retour et nous rechercherons des rapaces en direction du sud. Novembre ramènera nos habitants du Nord en plumes d’hiver.

Da DE Los Muertos – Musée des enfants de Brooklyn
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Saviez-vous que Da de los Muertos, ou le jour des morts, est la fête mexicaine qui rassemble famille et amis pour commémorer et célébrer la vie de ceux qui sont décédés? Désormais célébrées dans le monde entier, les familles marquent le festival en fabriquant des autels colorés et en partageant les repas avec leurs proches. Cette année, nous vous invitons à célébrer avec nous et à expérimenter les saveurs et les traditions culturelles de la fête. Participez à un cours d'espagnol avec Espate, créez des œuvres inspirées de l'artiste mexicain Jos Guadalupe Posada et préparez votre propre Pan de Muertos avec Don Paco Lpez Panadera situé ici même à Brooklyn! Cette année, nous sommes également ravis d'accueillir Somos Familia (We Are Family), un podcast contextuel produit en partenariat avec Hendel Leiva de Immigration MIC. Inspirés par Da de los Muertos, les membres de la communauté partagent des souvenirs, des espoirs, des rêves et des réflexions qui honorent et célèbrent la famille. Les membres de la BCM et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

L'histoire de la conservation – Brooklyn Children's Museum
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Qu'est-ce qui rend un objet "historique?" Pourquoi le musée garde-t-il des objets derrière une vitre? Les enfants réfléchiront à ces questions tout en pouvant physiquement tenir, toucher et sentir les artefacts historiques de notre collection. Ils découvriront l'histoire de ces objets grâce à cette enquête tactique et en reliant ces artefacts historiques à leur propre vie.Les membres du BCM et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

Programmes Spanish Language Adventure avec ESPate – Brooklyn Children's Museum
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Rejoignez Espate et voyagez au Mexique dans une aventure en espagnol! Apprenez à parler espagnol en célébrant les membres de Da de los Muertos.BCM et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

Colorlab: Da DE Los Muertos – Musée des enfants de Brooklyn
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Rendez-vous dans notre ColorLab et expérimentez la couleur, les formes, les textures et les matériaux en réalisant des travaux d'artisanat sur le thème de Da de los Muertos inspirés de l'artiste mexicain Jos Guadalupe PosadaBCM. Les membres et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

Israël et le Moyen-Orient – 92nd Street Y
03 novembre 2019 – New York

Le politologue Ralph Buultjens examine de près les développements actuels au Moyen-Orient: Israël après les élections, l'Iran et le nucléaire, les perspectives saoudiennes, les guerres et le djihadisme, les États arabes et l'Amérique.

Spanish Language Adventure avec ESPate – Brooklyn Children's Museum
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Rejoignez Espate et voyagez au Mexique dans une aventure en espagnol! Apprenez à parler espagnol en célébrant les membres de Da de los Muertos.BCM et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

Mr: Leslie Odom Jr. Entretien avec Budd Mishkin – 92nd Street Y
03 novembre 2019 – New York

L'acteur, chanteur, auteur-compositeur et auteur primé aux Grammy et Tony Awards, Leslie Odom, Jr. se joint à Budd Mishkin pour une conversation en carrière. De son rôle époustouflant d'Aaron Burr dans le phénomène Broadway à Hamilton, pour le lancement de Mr, son premier album Il présente son nouveau rôle dans Harriet, film biographique sur la vie extraordinaire d’Harriet Tubman avec Cynthia Erivo et Janelle Monae, et présente ses nouveaux projets et raconte les coulisses de son incroyable carrière sur scène et dans le film et la télévision.

Salle sensorielle: faire un souci – Brooklyn Children's Museum
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Avec leur couleur vibrante et leur odeur forte, les fleurs de souci, également connues sous le nom de cempaschil, sont utilisées pendant Da de los Muertos pour guider les esprits des êtres chers vers les autels de la famille. Rejoignez-nous dans la salle sensorielle pour créer votre propre fleur de souci à ramener à la maison. Les membres du BCM et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

Baker's Kitchen avec Don Paco Lpez PanaderA – Musée des enfants de Brooklyn
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Saviez-vous que le Pan de Muertos est un type de pain sucré consommé pour célébrer le Da de los Muertos? Rejoignez la boulangerie basée à Brooklyn, Don Paco Lpez Panadera, alors que nous fabriquons et apprécions nos propres membres Pan de MuertosBCM et que les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

Somos Familia Listening Lounge avec Hendel Leiva – Brooklyn Children's Museum
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Nous sommes une famille! Arrêtez-vous dans la salle de classe et écoutez cet enregistrement podcast pop-up sur ce que signifie être une famille. Inspirés par Da De los Muertos, les membres de la communauté partagent des souvenirs, des réflexions et des histoires qui rendent hommage aux êtres chers qui ont été transmis, ainsi que les expériences de la famille qui continuent à enrichir nos vies. Les auditeurs sont invités à réfléchir et à se connecter après chaque session d'enregistrement. Les membres du BCM et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

The Little Orchestra Society: donner vie à des histoires – Brooklyn Children's Museum
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Rejoignez The Little Orchestra Society dans un atelier musical interactif qui explore la musique de différentes cultures à travers le monde et engage le public à travers le mouvement, la chanson, la composition et une introduction aux instruments du monde. Les sessions peuvent accueillir jusqu'à 25 participants sur la base du premier arrivé, premier servi. Les membres du BCM et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

Live Animal Adventure – Musée des enfants de Brooklyn
03 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Découvrez la collection vivante du musée et touchez des animaux vivants. Les membres du CBM et les enfants de moins de 12 mois sont GRATUITS. L'entrée est gratuite tous les jeudis de 14h à 18h et tous les dimanches de 16h à 19h.

Ida Mae – Mercury Lounge
03 novembre 2019 – New York

"Nous voulions faire quelque chose de simple, honnête et brutal", déclare Chris Turpin, une moitié du duo britannique Ida Mae. "Nous voulions faire un disque à notre manière, sans compromis." Cette marque d'engagement farouchement inconditionnel aux chansons, Pour ce qui est du son, Ida Mae a été définie dès le début l'une de l'autre, et elle suit les traces du brillant début du groupe, "Chasing Lights". Alliant des éléments du blues vintage et du rock and roll vintage avec des arrangements audacieusement modernes et des mots punk audacieux, le disque capture Ida Mae dans sa forme la plus pure. Turpin et sa partenaire musicale de longue date, Stephanie Jean, jouent presque en direct dans le studio, sous la direction de producteur légendaire Ethan Johns (Ray LaMontagne, Laura Marling, Kings of Leon).

PoetryFest annuel – Centre des arts irlandais
Jusqu'au 3 novembre 2019 – New York

Organisé par Nick LairdPrésenté en association avec Glucksman Ireland House NYUJourney dans une orbite d'idées et de pensées avec certains des plus éminents poètes du monde, irlandais et nord-américains. Le festival de cette année présente un hommage spécial à Seamus Heaney, qui célèbre la publication américaine de 100 poèmes, une anthologie fondamentale de son travail et une exposition de manuscrits de Heaney, gracieuseté de la Bibliothèque nationale d'Irlande.

Week-ends découverte en famille – Jardin botanique de Brooklyn
Jusqu'au 3 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Expérimentez, apprenez et jouez ensemble dans le Discovery Garden. Des stations pratiques situées dans les prairies, les bois et les marais du jardin et dans le potager incitent les familles à explorer la nature ensemble. Créez un artisanat basé sur la nature à ramener à la maison, en travaillant avec Discovery Docents, un bénévole. Il s'agit d'un programme d'accueil destiné aux familles avec enfants de tous âges. Gratuit avec l'entrée au jardin.Tous les programmes sont en plein air et annulés par mauvais temps. Consultez cette page Web pour les mises à jour.

Minefaire, événement communautaire officiel de MINECRAFT – Hall of Science de New York
Jusqu'au 03 novembre 2019 – Corona

Minefaire: Manifestation communautaire officielle de MINECRAFT au Hall of Science de New York les 2 et 3 novembre 2019.

Séance d'information Stoop Share – BRIC
04 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Êtes-vous un organisme à but non lucratif local qui a besoin d'un lieu pour organiser un événement public? Joignez-vous à nous pour une séance d'information sur le programme Stoop Share du BRIC, une initiative d'engagement communautaire qui offre la possibilité de partager notre site unique avec des organisations à but non lucratif basées dans les environs immédiats de la maison du BRIC pour des réunions, des réunions et des spectacles. Consultez l'espace et les ressources techniques disponibles, écoutez les précédents partenaires de Stoop Share et découvrez comment votre organisation peut s'inscrire pour participer au programme.Si vous avez des questions supplémentaires, veuillez envoyer un courrier électronique à Nia I'man Smith à l'adresse

Dr. Eric Goldman: Les films de Barbra Streisand – Temple Emanuel
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Barbra Streisand a atteint le niveau de gloire en tant que chanteuse, mais a ensuite fait ses preuves en tant qu'acteur polyvalent et metteur en scène exceptionnel. Nous allons examiner le travail cinématographique de Streisand, en nous concentrant sur la manière dont elle et ses origines juives ont influencé les films dans lesquels elle est apparue, même si elle n’avait aucun crédit pour sa participation en tant que cowriter.

Spectacle de variétés Bindlestiff Open Stage – Dixon Place
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Une expérience théâtrale sans compromis qui inclut des artistes aériens, des treillis, des swallowers, des jongleurs de Kung Fu, des groupes de clowns, des rats dressés, un magicien du Heavy Metal, un contorsionniste du couguar et un cow-boy du Bronx.

David Krakauer, Clarinet, et musiciens du festival de musique juive de Pittsburgh – Carnegie Hall
04 novembre 2019 – New York

InterprètesDavid Krakauer, ClarinetteAjout de nouveaux artistes

The Moth Storyslam – Le clocher
04 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

21 ans + The Moth StorySLAMs sont des compétitions de narration d'histoires où la scène est ouverte à tous, avec une histoire à raconter sur le thème de la soirée.

Apprendre les fonctions de base de l'appareil photo – Bibliothèque publique de Brooklyn – Succursale Macon
04 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Une caméra est un instrument optique permettant de capturer des images fixes ou d'enregistrer des images en mouvement, qui sont stockées sur un support physique, tel qu'un système numérique ou un film photographique. Un appareil photo est constitué d'un objectif qui focalise la lumière de la scène et d'un boîtier contenant le mécanisme de capture d'image.Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre les bases d'un appareil photo reflex numérique et d'un micro des trois tiers. Du plus cher au moins cher, vous aurez besoin de l’un de ces appareils et d’une passion pour la photographie! Les lundis de 16h à 17h.

Cornhole Fall League: Semaine 8 – 89 Nord Musique
04 novembre 2019 – Patchogue

LI Kick: Sports sociaux pour adultes: découvrez le côté social des sportsLI-Kick est le premier fournisseur de sports sociaux mixtes pour adultes de Long Island. Notre mission est de fournir une expérience amusante et sociale aux adultes de Long Island. Nous sommes fiers d'offrir aux joueurs de solides plateformes récréatives et compétitives pour renforcer leurs amitiés, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et s'amuser!

Un vote à la fois – Étapes des villes
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Le 4 novembre à 19h, rejoignez le magicien David Kwong et les comédiens Hari Kondabolu et Milana Vayntrub afin de récolter des fonds qui bénéficieront à Un vote à la fois en 2020. Créée après le tournage du Pulse Nightclub, One Vote at a Time est une équipe de réalisatrices dédiées à l'éradication de la violence armée insensée.

Tribeca Film Institute – Lieu privé à New York.
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Conférence sur l’industrie Conférence de mise en réseau Arts de la scène Réception Artiste Arts Patron Film Supporter Industrie Industrie du cinéma Marketing Industrie des arts médiatiques Film Association.

Nous nous sommes rencontrés à ACME – Chelsea Music Hall
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Lindsey Metselaar est une new-yorkaise native, PDG de Lindsey's Lunchbox et animatrice du populaire podcast de rencontres, We Met At Acme. Après de nombreuses expériences de rencontres, Lindsey a estimé qu'il était impératif de créer ce podcast et de faire la lumière sur ce sujet délicat.

Fast Company – La ville de New York, New York
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Consumer Shows Discussion Industrie Conférence Networking Panel Réception Presse Artiste Art Mécène Industrie Industrie financière Industrie Internet Internet Industrie du marketing Industrie des médias Réunions et événements Industrie de l'édition Technologie Association protectrice sociale.

Fondation de la Dramatists Guild – Salle de bal Ziegfeld New York
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Presse Réception Artiste Arts Patron Film Supporter Industrie Industrie cinématographique Industrie des médias Industrie de la musique Théâtre Arts de la scène Supporter Arts social Arts de la scène Education K-12 Éducation Université Bénéfice Spectacle Dîner de gala Levée de fonds Gala Arts de la scène.

Journée de bénévolat corporatif Réservez aujourd'hui – Jardin Queens Bontanical
04 novembre 2019 – Flushing

Parfait pour une journée de bénévolat d'entreprise ou une activité de renforcement de l'esprit d'équipe: entreprises d'attention! Nous pouvons adapter votre expérience de groupe à une activité de travail saisonnier pratique. Complétez votre forfait avec d'excellents compléments tels que le déjeuner, l'happy hour, des photographies professionnelles pour capturer le service ou l'expérience sociale de votre équipe, et plus encore.

Butterboy avec Jo, Aparna et Maeve – Littlefield
04 novembre 2019 – Brooklyn

Trois monstres rigolos s'abattent sur Littlefield tous les lundis à 20 heures, s'emparant d'une horde de comics et d'opérateurs de sexe sur téléphone très frais et au langage de téléphone que cette ville a à offrir.

Bibliothèque publique de New York – Bibliothèque publique de New York New York
04 novembre 2019 – New York

BizBash Top 100 Cocktail Party Dîner de gala de financement Réception de gala Artiste des arts, Patron de l'industrie, Médias, Médias sociaux, Bibliothèques des arts.

NYU Langone Health – Musée d'art métropolitain de New York
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Cocktail Dîner de gala de levée de fonds Réception Industrie Éducation Industrie de la santé Profession médicale Association de mécène social Hôpitaux de santé.

Haus Party Show – Arts publics
04 novembre 2019 – New York

Comme vu dans le New York Times et décrit par Timeout NY comme un "spectacle queer", le spectacle Hus Party Show présenté par le festival de la comédie new-yorkaise à PUBLIC Arts n’est pas une fête ordinaire dans les sous-sols.

Quatrième bal annuel Movember de l'IGC – The Wilson
November 04, 2019 –

On Monday, November 4, chefs from some of New York's favorite restaurants will face off for the title of "Best Balls" in New York. Sample meatballs from Woodpecker by David Burke, Trademark Taste + Grind, The Wilson, Boulton & Watt, Tavern on the Green, The Elgin, Dos Caminos, Lupa Osteria Romana, B Squared, and more before you cast your vote for "People's Choice." Then watch as the ultimate winner is crowned by our panel of celebrity judges, including Chef Chris Scott (Top Chef season 15 finalist), Carl Radke (Bravo's Summer House), and Maddy Rapp (Jack Daniels Brand ambassador). As you're awaiting final results, check out some of the silent auctions and bid for your chance to win a hotel stay, restaurant certificates, workouts, and more!

Stand up for Heroes – Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden
November 04, 2019 – New York

Stand Up for Heroes New York's most anticipated night of hope, healing and laughterreturns for its 13th annual celebration to honor our nation's impacted veterans and their families.

George Will on the Hijacking of Conservatism: Betraying the Founding Fathers – Temple Emanu-El
November 04, 2019 – New York

For almost half a century, George Will has served as conservative America's conscience, as an editor of National Review, author of a Washington Post column syndicated to 450 newspapers, contributor to Newsweek and commentator for ABC, Fox, NBC and MSNBC. The Pulitzer Prize winner has been called by The Wall Street Journal "perhaps the most powerful journalist in America."Will, discussing his new book, The Conservative Sensibility, will outline how American conservatism based on the Founders' belief in natural rights, limited government, religious freedom and human dignity is under threat not only from progressives but from within the Republican Party, from an irresponsible Congress and from a president who has slipped the Constitution's leash.

Building Tops and Top Buildings: Sam Roberts in Conversation with Andrew Dolkart – Brooklyn Historical Society
November 04, 2019 – Brooklyn

On the heels of his book "A History of New York in 101 Objects", New York Times reporter Sam Roberts thinks a bit bigger in "A History of New York in 27 Buildings". Join Roberts and architectural historian Andrew Dolkart to see what makes these 27 buildings icons of the citys 400-year history.

Bob Woodruff Foundation/New York Comedy Festival – Theater at Madison Square Garden New York
November 04, 2019 – New York

Benefit Performance Concert Fundraiser Performing Arts Press Reception Artist Arts Patron Film Supporter Industry Film Industry Financial Industry Media Industry Military Industry Political/Government Industry Theater Industry TV Performing Arts Supporter Social Patron Arts Performing Arts Association.

New York Comedy Festival – New York City New York
November 04, 2019 – New York

Festival Opening Panel Performing Arts Press Artist Arts Patron Industry Internet Industry Media Industry Theater Performing Arts Supporter Arts Performing Arts Association.

Nile – Gramercy Theatre
November 04, 2019 – New York


Alexus Erin – St. John's Wort Reading – Bowery Poetry Club
November 04, 2019 – New York

'St. Johns Wort' is a collection of poems about lost childhood, complicated relationships, and working through trauma towards a sense of release. Alexus Erin sifts through dark moments, looking for the occasional glimmers of light, carefully examining the relics of lives too often sent reeling. This tightly woven work is a stunning example of poetry for today, rich language used to explore the contemporary world, and responding to it in a beautiful, heartbreaking way.

Renia's Diary: A Holocaust Journal – Discussion with Elizabeth and Alexandra Bellak – JCC Manhattan
November 04, 2019 – New York

As we prepare to mark the 76th anniversary of Kristallnacht, join us for a discussion about Renia's Diary, the long-hidden journal of a young Polish woman's life during the Holocaust. Through this extraordinary historical document, we witness the hopes, dreams, and last days of Renia Spiegel as her world plunges into war and she is forced into the Przemsyl ghetto with the rest of the Jewish community. We will be joined by Elizabeth Bellak, Renia's sister, and Elizabeth's daughter, Alexandra Bellak, who will share how they worked together to preserve and share Renia's story with the world for the first time.Copies of Renia's Diary will be available for purchase after the Q&A.

Alexus Erin – St. John's Wort Reading – Bowery Poetry Club
November 04, 2019 – New York

'St. Johns Wort' is a collection of poems about lost childhood, complicated relationships, and working through trauma towards a sense of release. Alexus Erin sifts through dark moments, looking for the occasional glimmers of light, carefully examining the relics of lives too often sent reeling. This tightly woven work is a stunning example of poetry for today, rich language used to explore the contemporary world, and responding to it in a beautiful, heartbreaking way.

Shtetl in the Sun – Temple Emanu-El
November 04, 2019 – New York

By the 1970s, 20,000 elderly Jews had created a yiddishkeit paradise where they spent their waning years strolling the boardwalk, playing canasta by the sea and reprising their youth on the dance floor.Visit the vanished world of old Miami Beach in the film The Last Resort, based on previously unseen photographs that capture the nostalgia of that tropical community's complex vitality.

Woody Allen & the Eddy Davis New Orleans Jazz Band – Cafe Carlyle
November 04, 2019 – New York

Originally opened in 1955, the Caf Carlyle is a legendary cabaret venue with seating for up to 88 people, offering guests a quintessential New York experience unlike any other. The intimate setting of the Caf allows both artist and audience to engage with one another, lending a feeling of a private performance rather than a concert.

NYC Ferments – Fifth Hammer Brewing Company
November 04, 2019 – Long Island City

NYC Ferments holds a meeting + fermented potluck the first Monday of the month at Fifth Hammer. Sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, nukazuke, and more. They discuss the process, share some items for tasting, and learn about the culture and history behind the food. Anyone who ferments food, knows the science of fermenting, or wants to learn more about fermenting foods is encouraged to join!

NYC Ferments – Fifth Hammer Brewing Company
November 04, 2019 – Long Island City

NYC Ferments holds a meeting + fermented potluck the first Monday of the month at Fifth Hammer. Sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, nukazuke, and more. They discuss the process, share some items for tasting, and learn about the culture and history behind the food. Anyone who ferments food, knows the science of fermenting, or wants to learn more about fermenting foods is encouraged to join!

Money, Power, and the People: The American Struggle to Make Banking Democratic – 92nd Street Y
November 04, 2019 – New York

Christopher Shaw speaks on his book, Money, Power, and the People: The American Struggle to Make Banking Democratic, which upends the conventional thinking that financial policy in the early twentieth century was set primarily by the needs and demands of bankers.

Bernard Henri Lvy in Conversation with Thomas Kaplan Never Forget: A Call to Action – 92nd Street Y
November 04, 2019 – New York

Across the globe, authoritarian leaders seek to undermine democratic institutions and chip away at ethical norms.Human history tells us that the darkest and most treacherous times have erupted when the key universal values of tolerance and mutual respect have been undermined.

Building Tops and Top Buildings: Sam Roberts in Conversation with Andrew Do… – Brooklyn Historical Society
November 04, 2019 – Brooklyn

On the heels of his book A History of New York in 101 Objects, New York Times reporter Sam Roberts thinks a bit bigger in A History of New York in 27 Buildings. Join Roberts and architectural historian Andrew Dolkart to see what makes these 27 buildings icons of the city's 400-year history.For questions about this event or other inquiries, contact our Visitor Services desk at 718-222-4111, ext. 250.Building Tops and Top Buildings: Sam Roberts in Conversation with Andrew DolkartMonday, November 4Doors: 6:00 pmEvent: 6:30 pm€10 General Admission / $5 for Members

NY Comedy Festival Co Headliner Series: Caitlin Pelufo & Usama Siddiqee – Old Man Hustle
November 05, 2019 – New York

Headliner: Caitlin Pelufo (Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Caitlin Peluffo is a stand-up comic, actor and writer living in New York City. She recently made her network television debut on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and was recently featured in the Carolines on Broadway Breakout Artist Series.Headliner: Usama Siddiquee ( Just For Laughs, Usama Siddiquee is a Bengali-American comedian living and working in NYC. His rapid fire charisma has gotten him featured on BET, the prestigious Just For Laughs New Faces in Montreal, and the Comedy Cellar.

The 100 Most Jewish Foods – Temple Emanuel
November 05, 2019 – New York

If we are what we eat, pastrami, latkes and kugel add up to more than clogged arteries. They are portraits of our grandmas' kitchens, of holiday dinners and of a culture that runs through our veins.And that's equally true for flodni, the ancient Hungarian Jewish pastry filled with poppy seed spread, apples, walnuts and plum jam; huevos haminados, Sephardic 7-hour eggs; and carciofi alla Guidia, the deep-fried artichokes of Rome; plus 97 other delicacies.

Ensemble Connect – Carnegie Hall
November 05, 2019 – New York

PerformersEnsemble Connect Tamara Winston, Oboe Yen-Chen Wu, Bassoon Wilden Dannenberg, French Horn Christopher Goodpasture, Piano Jennifer Liu, Violin Suliman Tekalli, Violin Caeli Smith, Viola Meagan Turner, Viola Arlen Hlusko, CelloProgramPOULENC Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and PianoMOZART Quintet for Horn and Strings in E-flat Major, K. 407BEACH Piano Quintet in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 67

Lynn Spurgat, Soprano Jason Wirth, Piano – Carnegie Hall
November 05, 2019 – New York

PerformersLynn Spurgat, SopranoJason Wirth, PianoProgramROSSINI Selections from Les Soires musicalesRACHMANINOFF Six Songs, Op. 38POULENC BanalitsGINASTERA Canciones populares ArgentinasSCHOENBERG Cabaret Songs

Golden Classical Music Awards Ceremony – Carnegie Hall
November 05, 2019 – New York

PerformersAwards Ceremony

Maybe Joy – Dixon Place
November 05, 2019 – New York

Maybe Joy is a new song cycle-in-progress about finding moments of connection and joy.

Family Open Play – Mill Basin Library
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

For children ages 0-5 and their caregivers–join us at Mill Basin for toys and friends!

Chess Workshop with Jose Villar – Brooklyn Public Library – Macon Branch
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

Learn to play or improve your game, with instructor Jose Villar from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. For beginners or advanced players.

Alexis Pauline Gumbs: Black Being Beyond the Human – The Cooper Union, 41 Cooper Square
November 05, 2019 – New York

Alexis Pauline Gumbs is an experienced Black feminist scholar and poet and an inexperienced marine mammal in apprenticeship. During this talk she will invite us into her depth work on the salt water within us, inspired by the breathing, kinship and survival practices of whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, walruses and other marine mammals. In the time of rising oceans, Gumbs asks us to reconsider our relationship to float, wake, emotional intelligence and subtle adaptation. Our time together will include reading from Gumbs's work, an interactive oracle offering towards your own adaptation.

An Evening with Jung Chang and the Soong Sisters – Downtown Office
November 05, 2019 – New York

Jung Chang, author of bestseller Wild Swans, launches her newest work, Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister: Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century China, in a conversation about China's past, present, and future.

Maybe Joy – Dixon Place
November 05, 2019 – New York

Maybe Joy is a new song cycle-in-progress about finding moments of connection and joy.Amy Burgess & Sara Cooper

Teen Tech Time in Teen Space – Clarendon Branch Library
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

Join us for Teen Tech Time in Teen Space! We'll have the PS3 out and ready, just bring yourselves!

Visiting Lecture | Peter Zellner: Art Into Architecture, Architecture Into Art – The Great Hall at Cooper Union
November 05, 2019 – New York

Peter Zellner is a Los Angeles based designer, writer, and artist. Zellner's award-winning work ranges from large scale city planning projects to commercial and residential designs. His built projects include the Matthew Marks Gallery in West Hollywood and the Casa Anaya in Tijuana, Mexico and several art galleries in New York, Manhattan, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. He is the author of numerous essays and books on architecture.

The 100 Most Jewish Foods – Temple Emanu-El
November 05, 2019 – New York

The 100 Most Jewish Foods

The Juilliard School – David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center New York
November 05, 2019 – New York

Benefit Performance Dinner Fundraiser Performing Arts Arts Patron Industry Financial Industry Music Industry Theater Performing Arts Supporter Social Patron Arts Performing Arts Education Adult.

Alexis Pauline Gumbs, 'Saltwater Apprenticeship: Black Being Beyond the Human – Frederick P. Rose Auditorium
November 05, 2019 – New York

As part of the Fall 2019 Intra-Disciplinary Seminar series, Alexis Pauline Gumbs delivers a free, public lecture. Gumbs is an experienced Black feminist scholar and poet and an inexperienced marine mammal in apprenticeship. During this talk, she will invite us into her depth work on the salt water within us, inspired by the breathing, kinship and survival practices of whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, walruses and other marine mammals. In the time of rising oceans, Gumbs asks us to reconsider our relationship to float, wake, emotional intelligence and subtle adaptation. Our time together will include reading from Gumbs's work, an interactive oracle offering towards your own adaptation.

Museum of Arts and Design – Cipriani 42nd Street New York.
November 05, 2019 – New York

Cocktail Party Dinner Fashion Event Fundraiser Gala Press Reception Artist Arts Patron Film Supporter Industry Fashion Industry Film Industry Financial Industry Theater Music Supporter Performing Arts Supporter Social Patron Arts Film Arts Performing Arts Arts Visual Arts Association Museum.

All-of-a-Kind Family Walking Tour – Museum at Eldridge Street
November 05, 2019 – New York

School's out for Election Day, and we've got your day-off plan: a Lower East Side walking tour for families inspired by the children's classic All-of- a-Kind Family. Join us as we follow in the footsteps of Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte and Gertie, the beloved sisters depicted in Sydney Taylor's book. We'll stroll through the streets and into the story to visit the spots where the children played, prayed and purchased pickles. Recommended for children five and up and their adult companions. – Convene – One Liberty Plaza New York
November 05, 2019 – New York

Press Reception Webinar Industry Internet Industry Marketing Industry Media Industry Meetings and Events Industry Technology Civil/Human Rights Industry Conference Networking Panel.

American Cancer Society – Guastavino's New York
November 05, 2019 – New York

Cocktail Party Dinner Fundraiser Gala Reception Industry Medical Profession Social Patron Association Health Cancer.

St. Mary's Healthcare System for Children – Cipriani Wall Street New York
November 05, 2019 – Bayside

St. Mary's Children's Hospital will host its 2019 Tribute Dinner on Nov. 5. This year's dinner will honor Frank Sciame, CEO and Chairman of Sciame Construction. St. Mary's has been the primary provider of long-term and rehabilitative care for New York's most critically ill and injured children since the 1870s.

Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center – The Plaza Hotel New York
November 05, 2019 – New York

Cocktail Party Dinner Fundraiser Industry Medical Profession Social Patron Health Cancer Health Hospitals Medical Research.

An Inconvenient Talk Show – Caveat
November 05, 2019 – New York

Everyone's favorite former vice president and environmental crusader is now a late night comedy talk show host, and he's taking no prisoners in this riotous breakdown of the current state of climate change.

Ester and Eric's One Woman Show – The Duplex
November 05, 2019 – New York

Thanks to a double booking, two frenemies are forced to perform their solo shows on the same stage at the same time. See what TimeOut New York says is an ""uproarious event"" featuring two ""narcissistic actors"". Come for the comedy, stay for the drama.

Hungry for Laughs – Helen Mills Theater
November 05, 2019 – New York

The New York Comedy Festival is teaming up with veteran restaurant critic Hal Rubenstein to present HUNGRY FOR LAUGHS, a first-of-its-kind celebration of New York City's food and comedy scenes where a diverse roster of the nation's top chefs and comedians come together for an evening of great food and comedy.

Latinos out Loud Live – Engine Room New York
November 05, 2019 – New York

Latinos out Loud presents a live taping of the award-winning podcast featuring comedians Rachel "La Loca" Strauss-Muniz, Michael "Juan Bago" Diaz, Jaime "Jfernz" Fernandez and Staff Conspiracy Theorist, Frank Nibbs. You can expect an opening stand up act, a live DJ, a bunch of loudness and laughter, and an evening filled with improv, jabs and an interview with a notable guest.

Westbeth Entertainment Presents the Football Ramble Live – Gramercy Theatre
November 05, 2019 – New York

Westbeth Entertainment Presents the Football Ramble Live

An Evening with Jung Chang and the Soong Sisters – Downtown Office
November 05, 2019 – New York

Jung Chang, author of bestseller Wild Swans, launches her newest work, Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister: Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century China, in a conversation about China's past, present, and future. The book examines the lives of three of the most famous women in modern China: the Soong sisters, whose families and marriages changed the fate of an embattled China through civil war and revolution.

Yung Daddy Live with Lev Fer – The Stand
November 05, 2019 – New York

Lev Fer hosts a WILD episode of his Yung Daddy Podcast with special guests!

Anxieties & Compulsions of Stand up Comics – The Stand
November 05, 2019 – New York

SiriusXM's Ron Bennington hosts a panel on the addictions, compulsions, and even anxieties that pervade the lives of stand up comedians. It's an hour of hilariously dark stories with some of the funniest people on the planet Yamaneika Saunders, Chris Gethard, Mark Normand and Ian Fidance.

Little Weirds Tour – The Stand
November 05, 2019 – New York

An evening of live reading and very alive chatting with Jenny Slate. Moderated by Todd Oldham. Orchestra tickets include a free copy of Jenny Slate's book "Little Weirds" with ticket purchase. If you have already purchased a ticket, a book will be included in the purchase.

Wild Things – The Secret Loft
November 05, 2019 – New York

A stand-up show from some of Netflix, Comedy Central, and late night television's hottest talents at Secret Loft, the venue Time Out New York called the coolest secret spot in NYC! FREE PIZZA! BYOB!

BCM Explorers Day – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

There's tons to explore at BCM and Tuesdays are dedicated to our permanent exhibits. Together with your child, can you find an authentic West Indian Day Parade costume? Have you met the Madagascar hissing cockroaches in our greenhouse? Can you try your dance moves in Global Beats? Check out our exhibits

Going Deep with Chad and Jt – Carolines on Broadway
November 05, 2019 – New York

TOM and JOHN have gained a ton of attention for their Nathan Fielder-esque stunts, petitioning local governments on truly important issues such as Keeping House Parties in LA and Erecting a Paul Walker Memorial Statue on the Newport Beach pier.

Streisand at the Bon Soir with Henry Koperski – Joe's Pub
November 05, 2019 – New York

In 1960 at age 19, Barbra Streisand was already making her mark in NYC, performing an array of jazz classics in between humorous musings and eccentric jokes. She was wacky, brilliant and beautiful and had a musical sensibility that was far too advanced for someone her age.

Roastmasters Tournament Hosted by Kim Congdon – The Stand
November 05, 2019 – New York

The Roastmasters tournament is back. After a year hiatus NYC Champion Eli Sairs gets to defend his title! This 3 day event will be part of the New York Comedy Festival and hosted by one of the best roasters in the history of Roast Battle/Roastmasters series, Kim Congdon! Don't miss all the action, Monday Nov. 4 at 7:30pm, Tuesday Nov. 5 at 9:30pm and the Finals at Midnight on Nov. 8th! Special surprise judges will join us each night!

Election Day – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

On November 5, adults across New York will cast their votes in a general election. Join us as we explore the democratic process and civic engagement through voting on an animal representative for our Museum and packing supplies for CAMBA, a Brooklyn-based shelter.

The Office Trivia – Stone Creek Bar and Lounge
November 05, 2019 – New York

Topics to be discussed Diversity Day, The Health Care Plan or the review of the amazing screenplay, Threat Level Midnight.Come to Stone Creek for The Office Trivia on Tuesday, November 5 starting 8pm to test your knowledge on the incredible cast of characters that are employed at the Scranton Branch of Dunder Mifflin!

Big K.R.I.T. – Webster Hall
November 05, 2019 – New York


Open Rehearsal – David Geffen Hall
November 05, 2019 – New York

All Open Rehearsals are "working" rehearsals and therefore the program may not be played in its entirety. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the appearance of any soloist at an Open Rehearsal.

Philosophical and Poetic Reactions – James Baldwin High School
November 05, 2019 – New York

Given the multiple Left, Liberal and Neo-conservative interpretations of German idealism in terms of the end(s) of history and or its new beginning, we will interpret the world historical spirit (1) in the light of the enlightenment (2) a close reading of Hegel's Phenomenology engage the contemporary world and its multiple variations.

– Eclectic
November 05, 2019 – New York

The #FreshmanTour is taking over NYU on Nov. 5th with a one-day concert & pop up shop! Here are the deets:

John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey – Cafe Carlyle
November 05, 2019 – New York

Husband-and-wife duo John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey make their annual fall pilgrimage to Caf Carlyle with an all-new show, November 5-16. The New York Times recently described John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey as "the supreme nightclub act of our time." A world-renowned guitarist and singer, John Pizzarelli has been entertaining audiences for over 20 years and has established himself as one of the prime contemporary interpreters of the Great American Songbook.

Parkchester: A Bronx Tale of Race and Ethnicity – 92nd Street Y
November 05, 2019 – New York

In commemoration of the publication of Parkchester: A Bronx Tale of Race and Ethnicity, Professor Jeffrey Gurock will discuss the unique 80-year history of this community and what this neighborhood's saga tells us about inter-group relations in Gotham. As a child of Parkchester himself, Gurock couples his critical expertise as leading scholar of New York City's history with an insider's insight in producing a thoughtful, nuanced understanding of ethnic and race relations in the city.

Block Lab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

BCM's Block Lab invites visitors to develop spatial reasoning, engineering, and language skills with our Imagination Playground block set. Experience the fun in our play space where big blue blocks build new worlds and kids make all the rulesBCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Fall Ferments – 92nd Street Y
November 05, 2019 – New York

Fermentation is one of the oldest food processing methods still used today.Scientifically known as zymology, it is the conversion of carbohydrates into alcohols, carbon dioxide, yeast or bacteria. Beer, miso, sourdough, kefir, kimchi and many other delicious foods we love are the product of fermentation.

Election Day – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

On November 5, adults across New York will cast their votes and elect new leaders to represent their communities. Join us as we explore the democratic process and civic engagement through voting on a new animal representative for our museum, packaging bags of warmth for CAMBA Homeless Shelter, and creating a megaphone to show the world how you make your voice heard. Join the audience for Turn It Up, a musical by Clean Green Music Machine, and learn all about climate change and how you can make a difference for the planet.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Gentrification and Its Discontents – 92nd Street Y
November 05, 2019 – New York

Matthew Schuerman, Aaron P. Shkuda and Van C. Tran with Nikita Stewart

Turn It Up – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

Head down to this interactive musical theater experience and all learn about energy and how our energy choices affect the future.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Bcm Kids Vote: Taxidermy Animal Edition – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

Visit our polling station as we choose a new taxidermy animal representative for our museum. Cast your vote for Baby Ostrich, King Penguin, Fawn or Platypus and help us choose a furry representative for 2020BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Westbeth Entertainment Presents the Football Ramble Live – Gramercy Theatre
November 05, 2019 – New York

Age Restriction: 16+ Unless Accompanied by a Guardian**Will Call tickets cannot be picked up before the doors open on the night of the show**Just a few blocks from Madison Square Park, Gramercy Theatre's intimate live experience remains unmatched by any other Manhattan venue. Get up close and personal with the performers in the general admission section, or enjoy a full view of the unforgettable environment in our authentic theatre seating. Grab a cold drink from one of the many bars located in the venue, including the downstairs lounge.

Maylis DE Kerangal and Monique Truong – 92nd Street Y
November 05, 2019 – New York

Maylis de Kerangal, acclaimed French author of The Heart, now publishes The Cook"a bountiful, beautifully written (and gorgeously translated) 'Portrait of the Chef as a Young Man,'" wrote The New York Times. "As much about language as it is about mackerel with fresh raspberries, its pages overflow with catalogs of fruits and fish, of butters and instruments." Monique Truong's new novel, The Sweetest Fruits, reimagines the Greek-Irish writer Lafcadio Hearn's migratory life through the voices of the women who knew him best. "A sublime novel of voyage and reinvention, it will cross horizons, yet remain burrowed in your heart," wrote Anthony Marra.

Bags of Warmth Packaging Project With Repair the World – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

Join Brooklyn Children's Museum and Repair the World for a community service project and pack bags of gloves, socks, and other warm clothing for CAMBA Homeless Shelter's Respite Bed Program. Space is limited to 20 participants and will be offered on a first come, first served basis.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

New York Islanders vs. Ottawa Senators – Barclay Center
November 05, 2019 – Brooklyn

Download the LIRR Train Time app to get real-time information. Pick your station, check a countdown to your train's arrival and easily search for your destination. Basic train information is available even without cellular service.

Open Rehearsal – David Geffen Hall
November 06, 2019 – New York

All Open Rehearsals are "working" rehearsals and therefore the program may not be played in its entirety. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the appearance of any soloist at an Open Rehearsal.

Randall Atcheson, Piano – Carnegie Hall
November 06, 2019 – New York

PerformersRandall Atcheson, Piano

Mitch Albom on the Making of an Unlikely Family – Temple Emanuel
November 06, 2019 – New York

After penning Tuesdays wIth Morrie, the bestselling memoir of all time, Mitch Albom largely confined himself to fiction writing and trying the follow the lessons from his own iconic book.One of these involved "giving to others." In 2010, after Haiti's devastating earthquake, Albom took over the operations of an orphanage of 40 children in the capital city of Port Au Prince. He has been there every month since.

Golden Classical Music Awards Ceremony – Carnegie Hall
November 06, 2019 – New York

PerformersAwards Ceremony

Brentano String Quartet – Carnegie Hall
November 06, 2019 – New York

Explore how composers put their distinctive mark on the string quartet. Mozart did it with forward-looking harmonies in one of his six dedicated to Haydn, but its wit and genial tone suggest the influence of the dedicatee. Ravel stressed color, melody, and rhythmic daring when composing his masterful String Quartet in F Majorone of his finest creations. Its two central movements are particularly noteworthy: The second evokes Javanese gamelan music and the third shimmers with vivid color.

On the Table – Dixon Place
November 06, 2019 – New York

Diana Arnold serves up her waitressing stories for us, and explores the idea of being in service. Drawing from her autobiographical childhood experiences with a handicapped father, we see the server like we never have before she's the special tonight! Peppered with realizations made in her 30's and hilarious celebrity anecdotes, Diana really puts it all On The Table. Come hear what the best waitress in New York City has to say, without having to tip!

Fall Foliage Walk – Wave Hill Public Gardens
November 06, 2019 – Bronx

Meet at Perkins Visitor CenterEnjoy colorful foliage at its seasonal peak. Senior Horticultural Interpreter Charles Day shares some of his favorite trees and shrubs in their vibrant fall finery.Free with admission to the grounds.

The Best of Ucbtny – UCBT Hell's Kitchen
November 06, 2019 – New York

Come watch two of UCBTNY's Best Shows!

Behind the Bit with Crystal Marie & Chris Redd – The Stand
November 06, 2019 – New York

The best art is inspired by personal experience. The best stand-up is no different. Each show comics will share their darkest and most personal material and then sit down for an intimate conversation with Crystal Marie about the real life experiences that inspired it.

Celebrity Music Presents Country Night with Whiskey Road – 89 North Music
November 06, 2019 – Patchogue

THIS EVENT IS FOR ALL AGESCELEBRITY MUSIC PRESENTS COUNTRY NIGHT!Featuring line dancing instruction with Leslie, Charlie playing all of your favorite country requests, and a special performance by Whiskey Road!

Anna Borges: The More or Less Definitive Guide to Self-Care Panel – Astoria Bookshop
November 06, 2019 – Astoria

Some days you need a pick-me-up, some days you need a life preserver.For most of us, writes Anna Borges, self-care is a wide spectrum of decisions and actions that soothe and fortify us against all the shit we deal with. You may already practice some form of self-care, whether its taking an extra-long shower after a stressful day, splurging on a ~fancy~ dinner, or choosing Netflix over that friend-of-a-friends birthday party. But when life gets so overwhelming that you want to stay in bed, some more radical care is crucial to maintain your sanity.The More or Less Definitive Guide to Self-Care is here to help you exist in the world. Borges gathers over 200 tips, activities, and stories (from experts and everyday people alike) into an A-to-Z listfrom asking for help and burning negative thoughts to the importance of touch and catching some Zzzs. Make any day a little more OK with new skills in your self-care toolkitand energy to show up for yourself.Anna Borges is a writer, podcast host, mental health advocate, and senior health editor for SELF. Previously, she was a senior health and wellness writer at BuzzFeed, where she helped build its mental health platform … (read more)

Gasp Writer's Room Reading – Dixon Place
November 06, 2019 – New York

Instead of choosing a "classic" or known text to explore for her thesis, Anna Rebek (3rd year MFA Directing Candidate at Columbia University) chose to generate her thesis with the help of 2 playwrights and a room full of talented actor/writers.At this reading we will share our favorite horror stories with you!

On the Table – Dixon Place
November 06, 2019 – New York

Diana Arnold serves up her waitressing stories for us, and explores the idea of being in service. Drawing from her autobiographical childhood experiences with a handicapped father, we see the server like we never have before she's the special tonight! Peppered with realizations made in her 30's and hilarious celebrity anecdotes, Diana really puts it all On The Table. Come hear what the best waitress in New York City has to say, without having to tip!

High School Equivalency (Hse) Screening – The New Lots Learning Center
November 06, 2019 – Brooklyn

Are you hoping to get your high school equivalency (HSE) diploma? Need to build your reading and writing skills? Register to take a test of your readiness for the exam, and you will be placed in a prep class, enrolled in our online prep class, or registered for the TASC exam or National External Diploma Program (NEDP).

Tech Support for Grandparents – 92nd Street Y
November 06, 2019 – New York

Want to group-text your whole family all at once? Bring your device and our two tech experts will help figure it out in this free class. The class meets Wednesdays, from 5-6 pm, and Sundays, from 3-4 pm. It will be held in S263 (the Parenting Center lounge). If you can't make it on the listed days, you can email us with any questions.

New Parent Get-Togethers – 92nd Street Y
November 06, 2019 – New York

First-time parenthood can feel overwhelmingwe're here to help! 92Y Parenting Center director Sally Tannen welcomes new moms, dads, and babies to gather for weekly meet-ups full of sharing, advice, and the support every new parent needs.Wednesdays, 10:30 am-12 pm, $20, payable in advance online or at the door with a credit card.Come when you can! Registration not required.Bring your baby and join Sally Tannen, director of 92Y's Parenting Center, for a weekly get-together where parents share, get tips, and make new friends. You'll have the opportunity to get feedback on all your parenting questions from one of New York City's leading experts in parenting and early childhood.Gatherings focus on topics relevant to you and your familysleep and your new baby, traveling with an infant, managing finances, and much more. See individual sessions for upcoming topics.

Of the People, By the People, For the People – Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan
November 06, 2019 – New York

Current and past Manhattan Borough Presidents, Gale Brewer and Ruth Messinger, will teach a course on the structure of city government, how decisions are made, how to be involved with local politics and make an impact, and what to do if you might want to run for office. The course will also touch on state and federal government. Join us to learn the ins and outs of how you can most effectively advocate for change via electoral politics!Repeats weekly, Wednesdays Nov. 6-Dec. 4

Unity Course Info Session – Eventbrite
November 06, 2019 – Brooklyn

Join us for this info session on our Unity Course and meet-and-greet with our community. We'll show off a selection of games coming out of our community and give you the full rundown on the course we have in store to get you making games and releasing games of your own alongside them. Plus, get hands-on with a selection of new games from our current and former students and instructors.Join our community of game developers, designers, creatives, investors and more building across multiple platforms and genres. Meet developers and network with game professionals from throughout our local community. Hope you can make it!

Unity Course Info Session – Eventbrite
November 06, 2019 – Brooklyn

Join us for this info session on our Unity Course and meet-and-greet with our community. We'll show off a selection of games coming out of our community and give you the full rundown on the course we have in store to get you making games and releasing games of your own alongside them. Plus, get hands-on with a selection of new games from our current and former students and instructors.Join our community of game developers, designers, creatives, investors and more building across multiple platforms and genres. Meet developers and network with game professionals from throughout our local community. Hope you can make it!

Open Rehearsal – David Geffen Hall
November 06, 2019 – New York

All Open Rehearsals are "working" rehearsals and therefore the program may not be played in its entirety. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the appearance of any soloist at an Open Rehearsal.

Block Lab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 06, 2019 – Brooklyn

BCM's Block Lab invites visitors to develop spatial reasoning, engineering, and language skills with our Imagination Playground block set. Experience the fun in our play space where big blue blocks build new worlds and kids make all the rules!

A #Blessed New Musical – Theatre at ST. Clements
November 06, 2019 – New York

Before they were enemies, they were co-workers. Jesus and Lucifer never saw eye-to-eye, but when an extreme case of creative differences gets the best of them, all hell breaks looseliterally. ONLY HUMAN is a new musical of biblical proportions with a heavenly cast led by Gary Busey as God.

Open Rehearsal – David Geffen Hall
November 06, 2019 – New York

All Open Rehearsals are "working" rehearsals and therefore the program may not be played in its entirety. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the appearance of any soloist at an Open Rehearsal.

Collecting Artist Books in the US and Europe: Consequences for the Art – The Center for Book Arts
November 06, 2019 – New York

Explore how artists books are collected and used in the United States and Europe.In her many years buying and selling artist books as a collections consultant, Susanne Padberg, encountered many reasons private collectors as well as institutions have for collecting contemporary artist books and the criteria that guide their choices. These are often based on responses to artist books that are different than one might expect. And they are very different in the US than in Europe. So, if the market for artist books is small is their production influenced by that and does the attitude toward collecting influence content?The event is part of The Nomads programming at The Center for Book Arts. The Nomads are a new patron group of the Center for Book Arts of young professional and emerging art collectors with a passion for the arts. To get discounted tickets for this and other Nomad benefits click here. Nomad members get a promo code to use to access their event discount during checkout.

Collecting Artist Books in the US and Europe: Consequences for the Art – The Center for Book Arts
November 06, 2019 – New York

Explore how artists books are collected and used in the United States and Europe.In her many years buying and selling artist books as a collections consultant, Susanne Padberg, encountered many reasons private collectors as well as institutions have for collecting contemporary artist books and the criteria that guide their choices. These are often based on responses to artist books that are different than one might expect. And they are very different in the US than in Europe. So, if the market for artist books is small is their production influenced by that and does the attitude toward collecting influence content?The event is part of The Nomads programming at The Center for Book Arts. The Nomads are a new patron group of the Center for Book Arts of young professional and emerging art collectors with a passion for the arts. To get discounted tickets for this and other Nomad benefits click here. Nomad members get a promo code to use to access their event discount during checkout.

Industry Standard with Barry Katz – The Stand
November 06, 2019 – New York

Barry Katz (co-creator of Last Comic Standing who managed Chappelle, Burr, Cook, Morgan, Cummings, and others) hosts a one-of-a-kind, inspirational podcast that provides an "all-access-pass" to the entertainment business, with the industry's biggest players.

The Maine Presents the Mirror – Webster Hall
November 06, 2019 – New York

The Maine presents The Mirror

Bronfman and Beethoven – David Geffen Hall
November 06, 2019 – New York

Yefim Bronfman brings his brilliance and power to Beethoven's sublime Piano Concerto No. 4. From the same composer, Maestro van Zweden conducts the jubilant, high-spirited Second Symphony that foreshadows the power and drive we associate with Beethoven.

Live Edits – Sound Lounge
November 06, 2019 – New York

Four storytellers take the stage in front of a panel of judges who are later challenged to perform live edits to one of the stories they heard.

So What Happened Was – Freddys Bar & Backroom
November 06, 2019 – Brooklyn

So What Happened WasA monthly storytelling show, true stories.

A #Blessed New Musical – Theatre at ST. Clements
November 06, 2019 – New York

Before they were enemies, they were co-workers. Jesus and Lucifer never saw eye-to-eye, but when an extreme case of creative differences gets the best of them, all hell breaks looseliterally. ONLY HUMAN is a new musical of biblical proportions with a heavenly cast led by Gary Busey as God.

John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey – Cafe Carlyle
November 06, 2019 – New York

Husband-and-wife duo John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey make their annual fall pilgrimage to Caf Carlyle with an all-new show, November 5-16. The New York Times recently described John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey as "the supreme nightclub act of our time." A world-renowned guitarist and singer, John Pizzarelli has been entertaining audiences for over 20 years and has established himself as one of the prime contemporary interpreters of the Great American Songbook.

Celebrating the Legacy of Louis Armstron – Flushing Town Hall
November 06, 2019 – Flushing

Open to jazz students, musicians, and music educators, Monthly Jazz Jams are a fun way to hone your skills and jam with your peers. The house band is led by saxophonist Carol Sudhalter. All are welcome, regardless of instrument (vocalists, too!). Don't play? Come listen!

Adhoc Presents: Hollerado – Baby's All Right
November 06, 2019 – Brooklyn

This event is 21 and overHollerado's debut album Record In A Bag came out in 2009 and received a Canadian JUNO award nomination for Best New Artist. Their incredible "Americanarama" video garnered over 1.4 Million YouTube views with its forcefully creative approach to video making, and the album spawned the Top 10 radio hits "Americanarama" and "Juliette" as well as Top 20 radio hit "Got To Lose." The launch of White Paint followed, their 2013 studio release, which included the Top 10 song and video for "So It Goes," a wrenchingly personal story about lead singer Menno Versteeg's Dutch grandfather, whose life was spared in World World II. Hollerado's band ethos is spent building a music community of music loving fans, so it's no surprise that 2015's 111 Songs was a project where they wrote custom songs for specific fans. This exhaustive continuous songwriting project built the working framework for the release for their new single, "Born Yesterday, which hints at the sheer energy of musical and creative offerings to come from the band in 2017.

Hollerado – Baby's All Right
November 06, 2019 – Brooklyn

This event is 21 and overHollerado's debut album Record In A Bag came out in 2009 and received a Canadian JUNO award nomination for Best New Artist. Their incredible "Americanarama" video garnered over 1.4 Million YouTube views with its forcefully creative approach to video making, and the album spawned the Top 10 radio hits "Americanarama" and "Juliette" as well as Top 20 radio hit "Got To Lose." The launch of White Paint followed, their 2013 studio release, which included the Top 10 song and video for "So It Goes," a wrenchingly personal story about lead singer Menno Versteeg's Dutch grandfather, whose life was spared in World World II. Hollerado's band ethos is spent building a music community of music loving fans, so it's no surprise that 2015's 111 Songs was a project where they wrote custom songs for specific fans. This exhaustive continuous songwriting project built the working framework for the release for their new single, "Born Yesterday, which hints at the sheer energy of musical and creative offerings to come from the band in 2017.

Block Lab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 06, 2019 – Brooklyn

BCM's Block Lab invites visitors to develop spatial reasoning, engineering, and language skills with our Imagination Playground block set. Experience the fun in our play space where big blue blocks build new worlds and kids make all the rulesBCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Mo Rocca in Conversation with Lesley Stahl: Mobituaries – 92nd Street Y
November 06, 2019 – New York

Mo Rocca is an obituary connoisseurand he knows that in the right hands, a death notice can be a life-affirming work of art.Join him as he talks to Lesley Stahl about Mobituaries, the rigorously-researched book companion to his popular CBS podcast of the same name exploring the historical figures whose deaths were met with a curious sense of quiet in the obituary pages, and why. From Thomas Paine to Audrey Hepburn, Rocca shares his findings about these livesand deathswith characteristic wit and irreverence. Who decides who gets obituaries? And why are some lives glossed over?

Salonen, Bach, and Hindemith – New York Philahrmonic
November 06, 2019 – New York

Radiant strings, stirring chorales, and noble brasses evoke paintings "The Concert of Angels," "The Entombment," and "The Temptation of St. Anthony" by the 16th-century German painter Matthias Grnewald, subject of Hindemith's Mathis der Maler. Plus, Salonen conducts his own works about mythological twin brothers, Pollux the demigod and Castor the mortal, with music to match their temperaments.

I'm in Love with Vienna – 92nd Street Y
November 07, 2019 – New York

In his program, I'm in Love with Vienna, Steve Ross explores the fascinating connections between the Viennese and German composers and the American Songbook.

Holiday Stress Relief: An Introduction to Heartmath Techniques to Boost Energy and Build Resilience – 92nd Street Y
November 07, 2019 – New York

Wellness Coach and Founder of Resilience for Life Jaymie Meyer will introduce the HeartMath method as a way to combat stress, particularly as we enter the holiday season.The Resilience Advantage workshop from HeartMath offers self-regulation tools and strategies to reduce stress. Highly interactive and useful, participants will learn simple techniques to improve coherence between the heart and the brain. There will also be a live technology demonstration revealing how the practices support balance in the nervous system. Founded in 1991, the HeartMath Institute is dedicated to the study of human physiology and the effects of stress. This 60-minute program focuses on HeartMath's foundational techniques. Handouts provided.

How to Make Powerful Impressions – 92nd Street Y
November 07, 2019 – New York

Professional success is influenced by impressions you make on others. How you come across to clients, partners, boards of directors, potential employers, talent, investors, colleagues etc. impacts what people think about you (and your company) which can make or break opportunities.In this class, you'll learn how to make more powerful impressions both in person and online by strengthening key aspects of your personal brand. We'll cover how to optimize your message and drive visibility and influence. We'll break down in-person presence and discuss ways to strengthen the impressions you make during meetings, presentations, interviews and when networking. We'll also focus on the digital part of your personal brandLinkedIn profile & engagement, other social media, email communication ensure you best reflect your expertise and unique value and follow best practices to make powerful online impressions.The goal of this class is to provide strategies and guidance to optimize how you present yourself in any professional situation and make the best impressions possible so you can achieve your goals.

2019 Bric Gala – BRIC
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

Join us for this very special evening supporting BRIC's 41-year legacy as a major New York City cultural institution.The eveningshowcasing BRIC's vibrant contemporary art, performing arts, and media programswill include a cocktail reception and seated dinner within an immersive artistic installation and a compelling curated exhibition of artworks for sale.

Boot, Nux Vomica, emospacebird., Laugh – Gold Sounds Bar
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

Bootindie rock trio from brooklyn hell yeahNux VomicaMaddi Seely of Stairwell H debuting her solo project hell yeahLaughChristian VM tearing it up hell yeah

Maxim Lando, Piano – Carnegie Hall
November 07, 2019 – New York

Sixteen-year-old American pianist Maxim Lando came to attention when he appeared alongside pianist Lang Lang at Carnegie Hall's Gala Opening Night in 2017, performing the part intended for Mr. Lang's injured left hand. He won First Prize of the 2018 Young Concert Artists International Auditions and has performed as a soloist with the Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, Moscow Philharmonic, and Israel Philharmonic. Mr. Lando currently studies at Juilliard Pre-College with Hung-Kuan Chen and Tema Blackstone.

Decoda – Carnegie Hall
November 07, 2019 – New York

Decoda, alumni of the acclaimed Ensemble Connect, return to Carnegie Hall with works for winds, strings, and pianosometimes all together! The instrumental interplay in J. C. Bach's Quintet is invigorating, while the gorgeous melodies and exuberant virtuosity of Mozart's Quintet makes it a chamber music favorite. Webern's arrangement of Schoenberg's Chamber Symphony sheds new light on a 20th-century masterpiece, and Thomas Ads's daring Catch begins with the clarinetist playing offstage and walking around the hall before joining the other players.

Daniel Matt: Jewish Mysticism – Temple Emanuel
November 07, 2019 – New York

The Old Man of Mishpatim, who teaches in riddles and paradoxes resolved through a chivalrous story of a damsel in a castleThis is the Zohar, the beautiful but impenetrable work of Jewish spirituality. Written in Aramaic and filled with digressions, symbolism and morality tales, it long defied translators unable to replicate its complex, poetic rhythm.

Open House at Michel et Augustin – The Banana Farm
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

It's just what it sounds like: on the 1st Thursday of every month from 7 to 8:15pm, we open the doors to the Banana Farm (our office) in Gowanus. Come on by to taste some cookies.

The Other Art Fair Brooklyn – Brooklyn Expo Center
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

You don't need to be rich to be an art collector. Start your gallery wall with as little as $150 at this curated art fair, featuring local fine artists as well as immersive experiences, live DJs, round table discussions with art professionals, and a fully-stocked bar.

Seeing in Three Dimensions – Pioneer Works
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

Learn about stereographic methods (anaglyph, lenticular, polarized, direct view) to create a visual perception of three dimensions from two dimensional images with resident astronomer Peter Lipschutz. Using the space related images, we will focus on anaglyph 3D, or the stereoscopic 3D effect using filters of different (usually chromatically opposite) colors, typically red and cyan, that brain perceives a three-dimensional scene or composition.

La Fete DU Champagne 2019 – New York
November 07, 2019 – New York

La Fte du Champagne 2019 will take place November 7-9 in New York City. Guests will enjoy exclusive lunches & dinners, informative & engaging seminars, a Grand Tasting of wines from all attending Champagne producers, and the culminating Gala Dinner.

Garden Highlights Walk – Wave Hill Public Gardens
November 07, 2019 – Bronx

Meet at Perkins Visitor CenterJoin a Wave Hill Garden Guide for a public tour of seasonal garden highlights.Free with admission to the grounds.

Ruben Studdard Sings Luther Vandross – St. George Theatre
November 07, 2019 – Staten Island

Imagine The vocals and music performed like Luther performed them in concert With hits such as:Always and ForeverNever Too MuchSuperstarA House is Not a HomePower of LoveHere and NowSo AmazingStop to LoveDance With My Father and Many MoreIt's a magical night out a special concert event for Ruben fans and millions of Luther Vandross fans who long for his music who now have a show that comes very close to the feeling of his memorable concerts it's a vocal tribute to his remarkable talent. There will never be another Luther Vandross, and no other voice comes closer to him than Ruben Studdard the remarkable singer who was hailed as "The Next Luther" during his American Idol run, and was nominated for a Grammy for singing "Superstar".Produced by Stig Edgren the creative force who staged events for numerous popes and presidents, created "Elvis Presley In Concert", The Colors of Christmas, designed shows for Earth, Wind & Fire, Gloria Estefan, and created Natalie Cole's "unforgettable" live video.

Beer School: The Elements of Beer – Captain Lawrence Brewing Company
November 07, 2019 – Elmsford

Join us as we explore a number of brewing and beer topics while we enjoy some of the best beers that Captain Lawrence has to offer.

Aaron Berg's American Etiquette – The Stand
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

American Etiquette Live from the New York Comedy Festival . Part stand up, part live audiobook, this will be a time capsule of the tumultuous moment we face at the end of 2019. Join Aaron for a bi-partisan instruction manual on how to make America the best it can be.

Quinta Brunson and Friends – The Bell House
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

Quinta Brunson (HBO's Black Lady Sketch Show) is joined by friends for a night of comedy at The Bell House. About Quinta BrunsonNamed one of Forbes' "30 Under 30 in Hollywood & Entertainment" and one of The Hollywood Reporter's "Digital Disruptors," award-nominated actor, writer, and producer Quinta Brunson has quickly made a name for herself as a powerful force within the entertainment industry.

A F*Ckboy Treatment Program – Chelsea Music Hall
November 07, 2019 – New York

A relatively new breed of human, described as 'a boy who is a player and is only in a relationship for sex', the f*ckboy has been wreaking havoc among beautiful women for enough time now. This one's here to offer space for stand-up, storytelling and dragging. Comedy and healing all in one. BIG YES.

The Fall Tour of Hobo Johnson & the Lovemakers – PlayStation Theater
November 07, 2019 – New York

16 & OverSacramento, CA alternative hip-hop artist Hobo Johnson is Frank Lopes Jr; oftenbacked by his bandmates "The Lovemakers." In November 2017, Hobo Johnsonreleased the record The Rise of Hobo Johnson, which Frank wrote during a time he hadto live out of his '94 Toyota Corolla – hence his self-given pseudonym.On April 17, 2018, Hobo Johnson released the highly anticipated single "Peach Scone"(both the studio and live version), which debuted on Spotify's New Music Friday. (Listento "Peach Scone" here.) The new single comes on the heels of Hobo Johnson's "PeachScone" live performance video, which was posted online as a submission for NPR'sTiny Desk contest. The live video of that unreleased track got Hobo Johnson muchmore than expected. In just 7 weeks, the "Peach Scone" video racked up over 14.6million views on Facebook and YouTube. Across all socials, their followers have grownfrom 10,000 total to well over one million followers. Their fervent new fans boosted the2017 The Rise of Hobo Johnson album to #8 on the iTunes Hip-Hop chart and #11 onBillboard's Heatseekers chart.

True Masters – DROM
November 07, 2019 – New York

Ages 21+True Masters Showcase where 8 MC's 8 Producers and 8 Dancers battle it out in a round of elimination style

Turnt Valley Church Club – The Pit
November 07, 2019 – New York

Jacobs and Leaeah are the founders and resident pastors of Turnt Valley Church Club, a church for the Instagram generation that is known for its celebrity parishioners and hot, relatable take on Christianity.

Champions of Dance – The Slipper Room
November 07, 2019 – New York

Straight out of Dublin, The Lords of Strut are two super-styled Irish idiots with delusions of stardom with one mission:TO CHANGE PEOPLE'S LIVES THROUGH DANCE!

What Plunging U.S. China Investment Means for Globalization – Downtown Office
November 07, 2019 – New York

Cash flow from China into the U.S. is drying up, coupled with the deceleration of American investment into China as the trade war drags on. News has it that the White House is considering putting even more restrictions on China's investment.

Harrison Greenbaum & Alex Carabao – Old Man Hustle Bklyn
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

Co headliner series staring 2 of the hottest up coming comics performing 30 minute sets along with a feature and a host. Not to be missed!

The Musical – UCB Theatre – Hell's Kitchen
November 07, 2019 – New York

Gavin and Trent, two of the world's greatest bachelors, are here to teach you (the lame and hopeless audience) how to pick up women and live their lifestyle. So, pull a stool up to the bar as they rescue your lame ass through song, sketches and the strong power of bromance.

Her-Icane – Chelsea Music Hall
November 07, 2019 – New York

Her-icane is a monthly showcase of all women+ comics to benefit disaster reliefbecause women are funny, and the planet is in crisis. Running since November 2017, the series has raised thousands of dollars for relief efforts for the hurricanes in Puerto Rico and the Carolinas and the California Wildfires, among others.

Built and Never-Built Brooklyn: An Exploration – Brooklyn Historical Society
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

Join Cornell professor and urbanist Thomas Campanella for an unprecedented journey through the history of our beloved borough via its built environment. In his book "Brooklyn: The Once and Future City", Campanella brings us from sleepy colonial settlements, to the electric playground of Coney Island, and everything built in between. In addition to sharing what weve built and what weve lost, this epic story highlights some of the never-realized dreams of Brooklynites through time, from abandoned plans for the worlds tallest building to failed designs to make Jamaica Bay the largest deep-water seaport on Earth. Editor at Curbed Amy Plitt joins Campanella for this urban exploration.

ToddlerTime – Brooklyn Public Library – Homecrest Branch
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

Come and enjoy books, songs and toytime. For ages 18 momths – 3 years old. Earn free books with the Reading Is Fundamental program (RIF).

Seeing in Three Dimensions – Pioneer Works
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

Learn about stereographic methods (anaglyph, lenticular, polarized, direct view) to create a visual perception of three dimensions from two dimensional images with resident astronomer Peter Lipschutz. Using the space related images, we will focus on anaglyph 3D, or the stereoscopic 3D effect using filters of different (usually chromatically opposite) colors, typically red and cyan, that brain perceives a three-dimensional scene or composition. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to process still images and video, and learn best practices to create their own 3D images.

Year of Upheaval: 1919 and Its Legacies – Museum of the City of New York
November 07, 2019 – New York

The year 1919 witnessed some of the most violent and far-reaching developments in modern U.S. history. A massive wave of labor strikes mobilized a quarter of all American workers that spring but signaled an end to union gains for at least the next decade. At the same time, a string of bloody race riots involving black veterans, migrants, and homeowners in the North and South contributed to the growth of a second KKK and 1920s nativism. And the infamous "Palmer Raids" (organized by a twenty-four-year-old J. Edgar Hoover, under President Wilson's command) led to the almost wholesale deportation of the Left and created the basis for the later FBI's secret police. In short, the Progressive Era came to an end.In this conversation, presented with CUNY's Gotham Center for New York City History, four historians reflect on that tumultuous year in NYC and beyond: Steve Jaffe, the curator of MCNY's City of Workers, City of Struggle exhibition, talks about the wave of labor actions that marked that year, including NYC's actors union strike; Shannon King of Worcester College talks about black-white relations in NYC leading up to 1919 and the impact of the "Red Summer"; Beverly Gage of Yale ta… (read more)

Block Lab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

BCM's Block Lab invites visitors to develop spatial reasoning, engineering, and language skills with our Imagination Playground block set. Experience the fun in our play space where big blue blocks build new worlds and kids make all the rules!

Colorlab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

ColorLab is Brooklyn Children's Museum's family art-making space where artists of all ages can explore, make, and celebrate art! We value discovery, artistic process, freedom of expression, and creative collaboration with others.

Harry Potter Book Trivia – Stone Creek Bar and Lounge
November 07, 2019 – New York

See if you've got what it takes to be a 'Prefect' at Harry Potter Trivia at Stone Creek on Thursday, November 7 at 8pm for FIVE rounds of Ordinary Wizarding Levels that will challenge your memory of the beloved books!

Temples – Webster Hall
November 07, 2019 – New York


Bronfman and Beethoven – David Geffen Hall
November 07, 2019 – New York

Yefim Bronfman brings his brilliance and power to Beethoven's sublime Piano Concerto No. 4. From the same composer, Maestro van Zweden conducts the jubilant, high-spirited Second Symphony that foreshadows the power and drive we associate with Beethoven.

Galaxy Innovator Session: New Latin Wave – Samsung 837
November 07, 2019 – New York

Join us at Samsung 837 for our next Galaxy Innovator Session, a new discussion series that highlights entrepreneurs at the forefront of innovation and identity. This session explores Latinx arts and culture with special showcase and conversation led by Marquis Neal (@marquimode), model, content creator, and #TeamGalaxy Squad member.The evening will begin with Sokio (@NewLatinWave), artist, composer, and founder of New Latin Wave, performing a musical piece using digital instrumentation. Here, he will showcase how he fuses tech and innovation to create his unique sound. During the performance, the digital artwork of Chilean-born Andrea Wolf will run on our 3-Story Main Stage Screen.After the musical performance, Marquis Neal will lead a panel discussion with Paula Leonvendagar (@paulaleonvendagar), filmmaker and video artist; Wolfgang Gil (@wolfgang_gil), artist and experiential content creator; and Sokio. They will discuss how identity, purpose, and passions have fueled each of their journeys, challenges, and barriers theyve defied, and how technology has played an integral role in pushing the boundaries in their respective artistic disciplines.New Latin Wave showcases… (read more)

John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey – Cafe Carlyle
November 07, 2019 – New York

Husband-and-wife duo John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey make their annual fall pilgrimage to Caf Carlyle with an all-new show, November 5-16. The New York Times recently described John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey as "the supreme nightclub act of our time." A world-renowned guitarist and singer, John Pizzarelli has been entertaining audiences for over 20 years and has established himself as one of the prime contemporary interpreters of the Great American Songbook.

The Dwelling Place of NYs 2019 Annual Fall Gala – Saints Cyril & Methodius Hall
November 07, 2019 – New York

Support one of the only transitional shelters for homeless women of its kind in Manhattan during a night of cocktails and hors doeuvres at The Dwelling Place of NYs fall gala. All proceeds benefit the shelters mission of leading women from homeless to home. This years gala will honor two groups that have gone above and beyond to support The Dwelling Place: The NYC Area of the Order of Malta, American Association and The (In)Visible Women Club at United Nations International School. For more than four decades, The Dwelling Place has provided homeless women with support, safe refuge, meals, social services, stability, guidance, compassion, family, and dignity as the women build themselves a self-supported, sustainable lifestyle. For more information about its life-giving work, visit

Block Lab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

BCM's Block Lab invites visitors to develop spatial reasoning, engineering, and language skills with our Imagination Playground block set. Experience the fun in our play space where big blue blocks build new worlds and kids make all the rulesBCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Sensory Room – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

In this inclusive space, children of all abilities can explore their senses through play, including sensory mats, objects, and swings. The Sensory Room is designed to meet the needs of children with sensory sensitivities and/or who are on the Autism spectrum.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Colorlab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn

ColorLab is Brooklyn Children's Museum's family art-making space where artists of all ages can explore, make, and celebrate art! We value discovery, artistic process, freedom of expression, and creative collaboration with others.ColorLab's rotating programs feature the work and artistic processes of African American, Afro-Caribbean, and African contemporary artists. Each visit to ColorLab offers new ways to experiment with artistic processes and new ideas to explore, as well as the exploration of the Museum's collection using all of the senses. Hands-on programs are supported by BCM's teaching artists and educators.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

New York Islanders vs. Pittsburgh Penguins – Barclay Center
November 07, 2019 – Brooklyn


Goreum, Traditional Korean Dance with Jae Seung Kim and Maholra Dance Company – 92nd Street Y
November 08, 2019 – New York

Goreum, the ribbon emblazoned on the traditional Korean costume that suggests a hint of the erotic, brings to 92Y the NY debut of female/male duets and solos, elegant and refined, performed by traditional master artists Jae Seung Kim & Maholra Dance Company. The dances express the long history of both Ga (music) and Mu (dance) in Korean culture.

Eat Pray Leave: A Unique Shabbat Experience – 92nd Street Y
November 08, 2019 – New York

Are you an aspirational shabbater? You knowyou want to celebrate Shabbat, but maybe you don't know how to get started or you don't have all night? Join us for the spiritual fix you've been looking for!

Logic – Barclays Center
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn


Julie Reumert, Soprano Gerald Martin Moore, Piano – Carnegie Hall
November 08, 2019 – New York

PerformersJulie Reumert, SopranoGerald Martin Moore, PianoBridget Kibbey, HarpEli Zoller, GuitarAdditional artists to be announced

Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra – Carnegie Hall
November 08, 2019 – New York

Brahms looks back while Strauss soars to unprecedented heights in this concert. Brahms envisioned a symphony built around a Bach theme, and in the final movement of his last symphony crafted an epic passacaglia (variations over a repeating bass line) on the master's melody, building to a devastating emotional climax. Autumnal sentiments are also present in Strauss's gorgeous Four Last Songs, sung here by Diana Damrau who, according to Opera News, can "do anything she wants with any note at any given time."

Anna Borges: The More or Less Definitive Guide to Self-Care Panel – Strand Bookstore
November 08, 2019 – New York

Author of The More or Less Definitive Guide to Self-Care, Anna Borges, will host a panel discussion about intersectional self-care. Anna will be joined by the bestselling author of How to Be Alone, Lane More, author of How to Be You, Jeffrey Marsh, and popular podcast host, Tracy Clayton.

Shining Through: Stories of Women in the Stars – Dixon Place
November 08, 2019 – New York

Shining Through: Stories of Women in the Stars is a song cycle that explores the intersection of art and science. It examines the mythology behind constellations from the perspective of the women depicted in them.

Ishikawa Sake Free Tasting – Landmark Wine & Spirits
November 08, 2019 – New York

Join a FREE Tasting Event of premium Ishikawa sake with us!Tasting session participants will receive a 20% discount for all Ishikawa sake purchased during event hours (while supplies last).

Garden Highlights Walk – Wave Hill Public Gardens
November 08, 2019 – Bronx

Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for a public tour of seasonal garden highlights.Free with admission to the grounds.

Euphoria: The Party – Market Hotel
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

Wear your best grimdark-inspired ensemble to this party emulating the stunning world of HBO's "Euphoria," where you can dance all night long to music from the iconic TV show.

Underwater Sunshine Festival Night #1 – Rockwood Music Hall
November 08, 2019 – New York

Produced by Counting Crows singer, Adam Duritz, this multi-stage, multi-day immersive festival cultivates a warm, music-focused environment. On this night, check out bands like Marcy Playground, Wildermiss, David Keenan, and tons more.

Sugar Mountain Band – Anthology
November 08, 2019 – Rochester

All Ageswith Celebrating The Genius Of Neil Young

Las Joyas Larchmont – Larchmont Yacht Club
November 08, 2019 – Larchmont

Celebrate 'The Jewels' of the Ol & Obrigado wine portfolio with Patrick Mata and eight visiting winemakers from Spain and Portugal. We will showcase an extraordinary selection of Spanish and Portuguese wines, offering an exclusive "taste" of fine wines from the Iberian Peninsula. Delicious appetizers will be served to accompany this remarkable tasting. The event will be hosted by Ol & Obrigado and Grapes The Wine Company.Guests will receive a $50 credit to use towards the purchase 12 bottles or more (mix and match allowed).

Bambara – Saint Vitus Bar
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

Seeing a Bambara set live is sorta like getting trapped in a long, dark corridor with the vague sensation that you are being followed by the thing that terrifies you most so long as what you're scared of is experimental indie bands with a tendency to be mellow very loudly." – Weekly Dig Boston

Vio-Lence, Ache – Brooklyn Bazaar
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

Scenic presents: Vio-Lence, Ache

Shining Through: Stories of Women in the Stars – Dixon Place
November 08, 2019 – New York

Shining Through: Stories of Women in the Stars is a song cycle that explores the intersection of art and science. It examines the mythology behind constellations from the perspective of the women depicted in them.

Farmer's Market Hosted by down to Earth Markets – Queens Bontanical Garden
November 08, 2019 – Flushing

Shop locally sourced produce, brought to you by local farmers and Down to Earth Markets.

Asian AF – Ucb Theatre – Hell's Kitchen
November 08, 2019 – New York

Asian AF is a variety show featuring the best Asian American talent in Los Angeles and New York. Improv, sketch, stand-up and even some music. This show isn't just lit AF, it isn't just funny AF, it's Asian AF!

Rosebud Baker – Union Hall
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

Making her NYCF headlining debut, standup comic/ tiny fireball Rosebud Baker (Comedy Central Stand- up, Amazon's 'Inside Jokes.' Two Less Lonely Girls Podcast) brings her fiercely personal, remorselessly dark, morally bankrupt comedy to the stage for an hour of jokes that remind us why everything is funnier when you're not supposed to laugh.

UCB Headline Series – UCB at Subculture
November 08, 2019 – New York

The UCB Headline Series will feature long-form stand-up sets from some of the best up-and-coming comics in the country! Headliner TBA.

A #Blessed New Musical – Theatre at ST. Clements
November 08, 2019 – New York

Before they were enemies, they were co-workers. Jesus and Lucifer never saw eye-to-eye, but when an extreme case of creative differences gets the best of them, all hell breaks looseliterally.

Short Film Screening – Syndicated
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

NEWHOUSE is a screening hosted and created by comedian, filmmaker, and artist Lorelei Ramirez (VICE/ADULT SWIM) featuring short films from filmmakers working today across a variety of genres.

The Stepfathers – UCB Theatre – Hell's Kitchen
November 08, 2019 – New York

New York's top longform improvisers take you on a tour of everything cute and brutal. This supergroup of improv veterans includes Sebastian Conelli, Michael Delaney, Alexandra Dickson, Shannon O'Neill, and Connor Ratliff.

Trevor Wallace: Stay Twisted Tour Presented by New York Comedy Fest – Gramercy Theatre
November 08, 2019 – New York

Trevor Wallace: Stay Twisted Tour Presented by New York Comedy Fest

Writers & Friends of Patriot Act Hosted by Hasan Minhaj Presented by Nycf – Gramercy Theatre
November 08, 2019 – New York

Writers & Friends of Patriot Act Hosted by Hasan Minhaj Presented by Nycf

Gayme Show Presented by New York Comedy Fest – Gramercy Theatre
November 08, 2019 – New York

Gayme Show Presented by New York Comedy Fest

A Night of R&B: New York – Eventbrite
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

For two years, our company's primary focus has been to create a safe, interactive, loving & fun space for lovers of R&B to party, drink & network. Thanks to your support, we've been able to do this TWENTY amazing times in ELEVEN different cities.

Block Lab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

BCM's Block Lab invites visitors to develop spatial reasoning, engineering, and language skills with our Imagination Playground block set. Experience the fun in our play space where big blue blocks build new worlds and kids make all the rules!

Freestyle Fridays in Colorlab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

Bring your creativity and curiosity to Freestyle Fridays! In this open-studio art-making experience, choose from a quirky assortment of materials and tools to make something unique. Look out for special guests, unexpected tools, and objects that spark imagination.

The Office Trivia – Stone Creek Bar and Lounge
November 08, 2019 – New York

Alright everyone in the conference room! Topics to be discussed Diversity Day, The Health Care Plan or the review of the amazing screenplay, Threat Level Midnight.Come to Stone Creek for The Office Trivia on Friday, November 8 starting 8pm to test your knowledge on the incredible cast of characters that are employed at the Scranton Branch of Dunder Mifflin

Cavetown – Webster Hall
November 08, 2019 – New York


The Ultimate Cleansing And Detoxification Experience – La Casa Spa
November 08, 2019 – New York City

La Casa Spa Presents the Hocatt Event! Come visit La Casa Spa for your chance to experience one of the few Hocatt experiences in all of the United States. Hyperthermic Ozone Carbonic Acid Technology: HOCATT is a steam sauna that improves the bodys ability to respond to health challenges, injury, & chronic conditions, improves athletic performance, enhances skincare and beauty and facilitates overall health rejuvenation.Energy Healing: The discoveries made through this research have made it possible for todays health care practitioners to work with subtler forms of energy, both in the diagnosis and treatment of illness. Energy healing stimulates the bodys restorative systems without the side-effects associated with the use of pharmacological substances.Due to limited space, you must call the spa to schedule your personalized Hocatt experience.

Living Gallery: Rosamond S. King – Gibney
November 08, 2019 – New York

Rosamond S. King is an award-winning creative and critical writer and performer who draws on reality to create non-literal, culturally and politically engaged interpretations of African diaspora experiences. She will give a performative reading from her collection-in-progress, All the Rage. Her goal is to make people feel, wonder, and think, usually in that order.Living Gallery, a monthly program curated by Eva Yaa Asantewaa and produced in the Gibney Gallery, presents live performance of storytelling, monologues, spoken word, stand-up, or creative talks.Each performancefree and open to the publicruns 30-45 minutes, usually scheduled within the hour before a dance concert presented in Gibney's Theater. We welcome you to attend both events and enjoy a wide range of expressive artists.

John Pizzarelli & Jessica Molaskey – Cafe Carlyle
November 08, 2019 – New York

Husband-and-wife duo John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey make their annual fall pilgrimage to Caf Carlyle with an all-new show, November 5-16. The New York Times recently described John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey as "the supreme nightclub act of our time." A world-renowned guitarist and singer, John Pizzarelli has been entertaining audiences for over 20 years and has established himself as one of the prime contemporary interpreters of the Great American Songbook.

Radio Gods – Caveat
November 08, 2019 – New York

This innovative smart comedy explores the new world of podcasting, regret, and redemption of incredibly flawed characters. as we follow an exiled 90's celebrity Philadelphia morning show DJ duo.

Writers & Friends of Patriot Act Hosted by Hasan Minhaj – Gramercy Theatre
November 08, 2019 – New York

Hasan Minhaj is joined by writers and friends of his award-winning Netflix show 'Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj'. Minhaj hosts a night of stand-up from his daring and incisive writing staff.

U Up Live – Town Hall
November 08, 2019 – New York

Helloooo and welcome to U Up Live! In this modern dating podcast, Betches Media co-founder Jordana Abraham and comedian Jared Freid give their take on modern dating issues ranging from apps to hook ups to relationships.

Writers & Friends of Patriot Act Hosted by Hasan Minhaj Presented by Nycf – Gramercy Theatre
November 08, 2019 – New York

Age Restriction: 16+ Unless Accompanied by a GuardianMoss Perricone, Ismael Loutfi, Kevin Kataoka, Joyelle Nicole Johnson

Puke Fest with Rachel & Moss – Union Hall
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

PUKE FEST is a stand-up show drinking game that Rachel Sennott and Moss Perricone started in a basement three years ago. Before each comic, Moss and Rachel will say a thing that the comic typically does. When they do that thing, everyone drinks.

Block Lab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

BCM's Block Lab invites visitors to develop spatial reasoning, engineering, and language skills with our Imagination Playground block set. Experience the fun in our play space where big blue blocks build new worlds and kids make all the rulesBCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Freestyle Fridays in Colorlab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

Bring your creativity and curiosity to Freestyle Fridays! In this open-studio art-making experience, choose from a quirky assortment of materials and tools to make something unique. Look out for special guests, unexpected tools, and objects that spark imagination.Freestyle Fridays in ColorLab is made possible in part by the Lincoln Center Cultural Innovation Fund, which is generously supported by The Rockefeller Foundation and administered by Lincoln Center.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Logic – Barclay Center
November 08, 2019 – Brooklyn

LOGIC returns to Brooklyn on Friday, November 8.

New York Islanders vs. Florida Panthers – Barclay Center
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Parm, an acclaimed casual Italian restaurant, is the perfect place to start your Barclays Center experience. Make your dinner reservation for Parm by calling 917.618.6340 or online through

'Orchestral Music in America' – New York Philahrmonic
09 novembre 2019 – New York

he impact of orchestral music spans the globe, and music from America is no exception. From Florence B. Price to Leonard Bernstein, the music in this country pays tribute to the symphonic tradition and our collective identity. Hear how a range of cultures and perspectives come together with the orchestra to create an American voice.

The Real Bros of Simi Valley – Chelsea Music Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Join show creators Jimmy Tatro and Christian A. Pierce, along with actors Cody Ko and Colleen Donovan for a discussion of all things Real Bros of Simi Valley.

Ross Noble Live – Gramercy Theatre
09 novembre 2019 – New York

What happens when pure comedy takes human form. What happens when a creature is created and bred to do stand up, Nobody knows because that isn't a thing. What is a thing is Ross Noble doing a show. You can come and see. This is it.

Good Problem to Have Tour – Town Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Look who showed up. So happy you made it! Here's a little bit about me. I love the Vanderbilt Commodores. My father is a former clown turned world-class magician, and I have followed his footsteps into the entertainment business.

The Underculture with James Adomian – Union Hall
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

James Adomian and friends perform a surreal vision of our times populated by familiar heroes and hucksters. A live recording of the hit Forever Dog podcast.

Food Summit – 92nd Street Y
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Get up close and personal with some of the most dynamic and influential figures in the culinary world. We'll be talking food from every perspective with the chefs, bakers, entrepreneurs, writers, mavericks, and others at the center of it all. From spotlights on innovation and burgers once thought impossible, to balancing the thrill of the delicious with social responsibility, to how immigrant chefs are transforming American cuisine, to what you'll be eating in 2020, join us for this tantalizing think tank for food lovers.

The Curfew – UCB Theatre – Hell's Kitchen
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Ten of the UCBT's most seasoned improvisers create hilarious worlds from scratch in this long-running show. In addition to being veteran performers at the UCBT, members of The Curfew have appeared on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, 30 Rock, Comedy Central, Adult Swim, MTV, and Late Night with Conan O'Brien. On the web they've starred in projects by Improv Everywhere, The Onion, Funny or Die, and College Humor.

Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra – Carnegie Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York

A heroic overture and sublime concerto set the stage for an intense symphony. Weber uses several quotes from his opera in a thrilling curtain raiser, while Mozart's concerto delights with gorgeous melodies. Shostakovich's symphony reflects on his precarious life in Stalin's Soviet Union with music that is viscerally powerful. Both men are portrayed in the symphony: the former in a motif that cryptically spelled out initials of his name and the latter in the savage second movement. Ultimately, there is victory as Shostakovich outlived the dictator and dances in a triumphant finale.

Zhou Libo – Carnegie Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York

PerformersZhou Libo

Judy Huang, Piano – Carnegie Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York

West Coast pianist Judy Huang performs a recital that features works by Beethoven. Her concert includes the composer's Piano Sonata No. 31 in A-flat Major, Op. 110, and 32 Variations in C Minor.

Middle-Aged Boy Tour – Bam
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Nick Kroll has established himself as one of today's most sought-after creators, writers, producers, and actors in film and television. Kroll co-created, writes, produces and performs over 30 voices on the Emmy-Nominated Netflix animated series BIG MOUTH, which is based on his childhood.

Tinder Live with Lane Moore – Littlefield
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

"Tinder LIVE! is truly addictive entertainment[it’s] ingenious. Moore transforms the banter on a dating app into compelling long-form improvisation. Ms. Moore, a cagey and humane performer, has developed an instinct for turning the raw materials of sexually charged chat with ordinary strangers into honed and generous jokes.

Dark Tank with Yedoye Travis – Union Hall
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Dark Tank is a podcast where white people try their best. In each episode, Yedoye Travis asks a melanin deficient guest to undo the mistakes of the past by pitching solutions to pressing minority issues to a panel of people of color.

UCB Headline Series – UCB at Subculture
09 novembre 2019 – New York

The UCB Headline Series will feature long-form stand-up sets from some of the best up-and-coming comics in the country! Headliner TBA.

Good Problem to Have Tour – Town Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Look who showed up. So happy you made it! Here's a little bit about me. I love the Vanderbilt Commodores. My father is a former clown turned world-class magician, and I have followed his footsteps into the entertainment business.

Good Problem to Have Tour – Town Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Look who showed up. So happy you made it! Here's a little bit about me. I love the Vanderbilt Commodores. My father is a former clown turned world-class magician, and I have followed his footsteps into the entertainment business.

The Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Roadshow – BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Kevin Smith has been saying silly cinematic shit since his first film Clerks, released way back in 1994. He had a heart attack and almost died last year but survived solely so he could direct his magnum opus, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. A polygamist, he's married to both his wife Jen and podcasting.

Derek Gaines Fucboi Ground Zero – The Stand
09 novembre 2019 – New York

You've seen him on THE LAST OG with Tracy Morgan. You've seen him on Will and Grace and you've seen him on tour with Pete Davidson, but you've never seen the GREAT BOY Derek Gaines quite like this.

HRPK Green Team – Hudson River Park
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Gain meaningful experience working with friends, community members and like-minded individuals looking to beautify and maintain Hudson River Park's picturesque waterside landscape! This volunteer program is an exciting opportunity for community members to nurture their inner green thumb alongside their neighbors while improving public greenspace. Members of the HRPK Green Team will work with our seasoned horticulture staff and participate in landscape enhancement activities including planting, weeding, pruning, mulching, trimming of ornamental grasses, addition of soil amendments, cleaning of vegetation beds and other general gardening activities.

Trevor Wallace – Gramercy Theatre
09 novembre 2019 – New York

You've seen him on THE LAST OG with Tracy Morgan. You've seen him on Will and Grace and you've seen him on tour with Pete Davidson, but you've never seen the GREAT BOY Derek Gaines quite like this.

I'm Well Ish – Dixon Place
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Salut! I'm Wellish, and I've been trying to get well for a long time! Are you tired? Over Worked? Unbalanced? Out of touch with all of your chakras? Sounds like you need to attend my first wellness healing seminar at Dixon's Place on November 9th at 7:00 pm. The seminar will include free video tutorials on some of my top recommended wellish products. These videos will provide demonstrations on how to cleanse your aura using stickers, find your lost pets, remove your toxic-ness, and solve every problem you've ever encountered in your life!

I Can't Make This Up: Live Show – UCB at Subculture
09 novembre 2019 – New York

I Can't Make This Up is a LIVE SHOW about breaking stereotypes through stories that can not be made up. Your host, AJ DUNK spelled *all caps*, will help everyone find the funny in everything.

Terms Of Service: Berlin – Industry City
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

We're experiencing a moment when online life must become more human and humane, and when internet users are demanding transparency and accountability in the bargains they strike online every day.

Watson Adventures Wax Attacks Scavenger Hunt – Madame Tussauds
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Go on a campy, pop-culture-filled scavenger hunt as you tackle fun, tricky questions at Madame Tussauds wax museum. Party with JLo, play with the Jonas brothers and snap shots of your team with dozens of other celebs. Youll mingle with actors and musicians at a Hollywood party; meet presidents, artists, and other historic greats in a hall of fame; and time-travel from the Roaring 20s to the present as you pass such figures as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Robin Williams and Prince. Price includes museum admission. Advance purchase is required.

E Birding Workshop – Wave Hill Public Gardens
November 09, 2019 – Bronx

Create a real-time sampling of your bird sightings using smartphone apps right here at Wave Hill, or anywhere! Connect with scientists and birders around the world while building a log of your personal sightings. Guided by naturalist Gabriel Willow, explore the digital aspects of recording individual bird observations with both indoor instruction and a walk in the gardens. No experience necessary; bird watchers of all levels are encouraged to participate. Wings over Wave Hill Weekend event.

Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Food Festival: Fall Edition – Industry City, bldg. 2 The Landing
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Industry City transforms into an "East Coast Napa Valley" for a full day of artisanal food, local restaurant tastings, and free wine pours from vineyards around the world. You might just leave with a new favorite bottle.

Watson Adventures HAMILTON: The Scavenger Hunt – Watson Adventures Meet-Up Location
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Join Watson Adventures on a unique scavenger hunt featuring Alexander Hamilton!Follow in Alexander Hamiltons footsteps through the streets of Lower Manhattan, from Wall Street to Battery Park, to discover the places where the feisty Founding Father worked, played, debated, fought and planned his fatal duel. Highlights include Hamiltons grave, the site of his home on Wall Street, Federal Hall, Fraunces Tavern where Hamilton worked as Secretary of the Treasury, Pearl Street, which was part of the route of his funeral procession, the site of his law office, and more. Whether youre a fan of the Broadway musical or the book that inspired it, or just curious about the Founding Fathers and early New York City, youll love this scavenger hunt. Advance purchase is required.

Gardening Workshop: Edible Birdseed Ornaments – Wave Hill Public Gardens
November 09, 2019 – Bronx

Feeding the birds is a rewarding winter activity, but it can also be a fun and creative craft! Learn about varieties of birdseed, then mix and mold your own edible decorations with naturalist Pam Golben. Go home with several assorted birdseed ornaments to give as gifts or share with your own backyard birds. Drop-ins accommodated as space permits. Children 10 and older welcome with an adult. Wings over Wave Hill Weekend event.

Sensory Room – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

In this inclusive space, children of all abilities can explore their senses through play, including sensory mats, objects, and swings. The Sensory Room is designed to meet the needs of children with sensory sensitivities and/or who are on the Autism spectrum.

Live Animal Adventure – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Learn about and touch live animals from the Museum's living collection!

Shababa Saturdays / All Ages – 92nd Street Y
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Get ready to sing, dance, jump and groove your way through Shabbat morning like never before! Through creative prayer, rockin' sing-a-longs and joyful Jewish rituals, Rebecca engages everyone, from babies to grandparents. Whether it's your first Shabbat or you celebrate regularly, Shababa is fun, accessible and welcoming for all. You bring the family, we'll bring the challah, grape juice, good tunes and good vibes! See you in Shababaland!

Vio-Lence, Zombie Apocalypse – Brooklyn Bazaar
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Scenic presents: Vio-Lence, Zombie Apocalypse

Desi Saturdays – Stage 48
09 novembre 2019 – New York

21+Desi Saturdays is one high society DesiParty. Wow factor everywhere. Beautiful people, beautiful venue, beautiful ambiance, and did we mention beautiful people? High energy, amazing music and a packed house are just some of the traits of what you would expect at this weekly Bollywood party.This event is the talk of the town amongst young socialites. It's so exclusive it only takes place on Saturday Nights, and don't even try to dress down, because it is almost impossible to get in, but more importantly you would feel so out of place. So don your best, and you may just be lucky enough to party out on Saturdays Nights at Stage48!!

If These Walls Could Talk – Brooklyn Historical Society
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Uncover the secret history of your Brooklyn home or block! Join us for a rare visit to our landmarked Othmer Library during closed hours for a special intensive morning workshop. BHS Reference Librarian Cecily Dyer reveals insider methods for conducting house research, followed by a hands-on deep dive into the librarys collections of archival images, records, and documents. Following a lunch break, attendees are invited back to the library to continue their exploration.

Met hd: Madama butterfly Puccini – Bardavon
November 09, 2019 – Poughkeepsie

Anthony Minghella's vividly cinematic staging returns to cinemas, featuring soprano Hui He in the devastating title role. Pier Giorgio Morandi conducts one of opera's most beautiful and heartbreaking scores, with a cast that also includes tenor Piero Pretti as Pinkerton, baritone Paulo Szot as Sharpless, and mezzo-soprano Elizabeth DeShong as Suzuki.

A #Blessed New Musical – Theatre at ST. Clements
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Before they were enemies, they were co-workers. Jesus and Lucifer never saw eye-to-eye, but when an extreme case of creative differences gets the best of them, all hell breaks looseliterally.

A #Blessed New Musical – Theatre at ST. Clements
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Before they were enemies, they were co-workers. Jesus and Lucifer never saw eye-to-eye, but when an extreme case of creative differences gets the best of them, all hell breaks looseliterally.

Ross Noble Presented by New York Comedy Fest – Gramercy Theatre
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Ross Noble Presented by New York Comedy Fest

Children's Cooking Class – Bright Horizons at West Village
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Join Bright Horizons at West Village for a morning of fun. Our friends from The Creative Kitchen will be leading a brunch-themed cooking activity where children (ages 2-5) will be making Waffle Towers.

Trevor Wallace: Stay Twisted Tour Presented by New York Comedy Fest – Gramercy Theatre
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Trevor Wallace: Stay Twisted Tour Presented by New York Comedy Fest

A Night of R&B: New York – Eventbrite
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

For two years, our company's primary focus has been to create a safe, interactive, loving & fun space for lovers of R&B to party, drink & network. Thanks to your support, we've been able to do this TWENTY amazing times in ELEVEN different cities.

E-Birding Workshop – Wave Hill House
November 09, 2019 – The Bronx

Create a real-time sampling of your bird sightings using smartphone apps right here at Wave Hill, or anywhere! Connect with scientists and birders around the world while building a log of your personal sightings.

Family Art Project: Painting to Migratory Bird Songs – Wave Hill House
November 09, 2019 – The Bronx

Experiment using natural materials as your paintbrush to make marks on a Family Art Project collective sky while listening to the music of migratory birds and letting their calls inspire you. Look to the knowledge of migratory birds that pass through Wave Hill and create pastel birds to add to our collective sky in celebration of these travelling birds. Wings over Wave Hill Weekend event.

Gardening Workshop: Edible Birdseed Ornaments – Wave Hill House
November 09, 2019 – The Bronx

Feeding the birds is a rewarding winter activity, but it can also be a fun and creative craft! Learn about varieties of birdseed, then mix and mold your own edible decorations with naturalist Pam Golben. Go home with several assorted birdseed ornaments to give as gifts or share with your own backyard birds. Drop-ins accommodated as space permits. Children 10 and older welcome with an adult. Wings over Wave Hill Weekend event.

Avian Adventures Family Walk – Wave Hill House
November 09, 2019 – The Bronx

On this special family walk focused on birds, families will go bird-watching, using binoculars to closely observe birds in their natural habitat, with Environmental Educator Olivia Kalin. Through investigation of feathers, feet and skulls, discover how birds' adaptations help them thrive in their special niches at Wave Hill. Wings over Wave Hill Weekend event.

Colorlab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

ColorLab is Brooklyn Children's Museum's family art-making space where artists of all ages can explore, make, and celebrate art! We value discovery, artistic process, freedom of expression, and creative collaboration with others.

Drag Queen Story Hour – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Join us for our monthly Drag Queen Story Hour, an interactive art and story time program that celebrates the uniqueness of all kids and families!

History Hyenas Presented by New York Comedy Fest – Gramercy Theatre
09 novembre 2019 – New York

History Hyenas Presented by New York Comedy Fest

Kill Tony Podcast Presented by New York Comedy Fest – Gramercy Theatre
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Kill Tony Podcast Presented by New York Comedy Fest

Cavetown – Webster Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York


Let's Talk About Religion – Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Today, people around the world ardently seek religious and faith-based experiences, at times with an intolerant fervor. How did we vacillate between such extremes in the span of only half a century.

Friends Trivia 'The One with the Thanksgiving Episodes' – Stone Creek Bar and Lounge
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Let's bring it in. Draft your team and head to Stone Creek on Saturday, November 9 at 5pm for Friends Trivia "The One with the Thanksgiving Episodes"! Losers walk! Yeah, losers talk! No, no, no, actually losers rhyme.The ENTIRE trivia will consist of the Friends Thanksgiving Episodes, so brush up and bring your peas to put in the trifle.

– Industry City Courtyard
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Food Festival is back for its Fall Edition in November! New York Wine Events transforms Industry City into an East Coast Napa Valley alongside an artisanal food extravaganza. Attendees will get the chance to sample a curated selection of incredible wines, ciders and other beverages complemented by creative tastes and delicious hors-d'oeuvres from all over.

Matthew Odell, Piano | Pre-College Faculty Recital – Paul Recital Hall
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Matthew Odell, Piano | Pre-College Faculty Recital

John Pizzarelli & Jessica Molaskey – Cafe Carlyle
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Husband-and-wife duo John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey make their annual fall pilgrimage to Caf Carlyle with an all-new show, November 5-16. The New York Times recently described John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey as "the supreme nightclub act of our time." A world-renowned guitarist and singer, John Pizzarelli has been entertaining audiences for over 20 years and has established himself as one of the prime contemporary interpreters of the Great American Songbook.

Traces in the Snow – Flushing Town Hall
November 09, 2019 – Flushing

Kunqu Society presents Traces in the Snow, a rare comic gem from the classical repertoire of Kunqu, which is the oldest continuously-performed genre of Chinese Opera: How does an impoverished couple reconcile and reaffirm their devotion to each other when the husband doubts his wife's fidelity because of some suspicious footprints left in the snow on a frigid winter day? Come find out! Supertitles in English with pre-performance introduction and post-performance Q&A.

John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey – Cafe Carlyle
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Husband-and-wife duo John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey make their annual fall pilgrimage to Caf Carlyle with an all-new show, November 5-16. The New York Times recently described John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey as "the supreme nightclub act of our time." A world-renowned guitarist and singer, John Pizzarelli has been entertaining audiences for over 20 years and has established himself as one of the prime contemporary interpreters of the Great American Songbook.

Dead Distillers Trolley Tour – Green-Wood Cemetery
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Green-Wood is teaming up with our friends at Kings County Distillery to delve into the storied past of distilling in Brooklyn. The afternoon kicks off with a trolley tour of the cemetery's "permanent residents" with whiskey connections, including the one and only casualty of the Brooklyn Whiskey Wars of the late 1860s and early 1870s. Afterward, the trolley will head to Kings County Distillery in the Brooklyn Navy Yard where visitors will see first-hand how whiskey is made and enjoy a tasting of four delectable varieties.

Saturday Studio – Dia: Beacon
November 09, 2019 – Beacon

Join practicing artists for a free monthly workshop of art making and play in the Learning Lab at Dia:Beacon. Designed for all ages, Saturday Studio is a family friendly program that is most suitable for children ages 5 and up. All families participating in the Saturday Studio program receive free admission to Dia:Beacon for the day.Saturday Studio begins promptly at 10:30 am on the second Saturday of every month. Space is limited; reservations are recommended. Reservations can be made by visiting the calendar listings for specific program dates. A limited number of spaces will be available on Saturday, November 9, 2019 on a first-come, first-served basis. The sign-up process begins in the admissions area at 10 am.

The Podcast for Laundry with Brett Davis – Union Hall
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Laundry enthusiast Brett Davis records a live episode of his sociopathic train-wreck of a podcast that over the course of 100+ episodes has destroyed friendships, incurred legal action, and claimed at least one life.

Iconography with Ayo Edebiri and Olivia Craighead – Union Hall
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Ayo Edebiri and Olivia Craighead are joined by special guests to take a deep dive into the lives and careers of the celebrities they stan. From Rhianna to Keanu to the Real Housewives, no stone is left unturned as Ayo and Olivia determine whether to bestow icon status on the celebrity of the week.

New York's Funniest Stand-Up Competition Finals – Carolines on Broadway
09 novembre 2019 – New York

The search is on for "New York's Funniest Stand-Up," a competition open to any and all comedians who think they have what it takes to be New York's Funniest.

A Conversation with Jessica Bell Brown on Sam Gilliam – Dia:Beacon
November 09, 2019 – Beacon

Jessica Bell Brown is a writer, curator, and an art historian based in New York. She is currently the consulting curator for Gracie Mansion Conservancy, New York, where she organized She Persists: A Century of Women Artists in New York, 19192019. Bell Brown is a PhD candidate in Modern and Contemporary Art in the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University. Her research explores American painting and identity in the post-civil-rights decade. Before pursuing graduate study, she worked in programming capacities at Creative Time and the Brooklyn Academy of Music. From 2016 to 2017, Bell Brown was the museum research consortium fellow in the Department of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. As a writer and critic, she has penned critical essays on contemporary artists Senga Nengudi, Eric Mack, Sam Gilliam, Jennifer Packer, Kerry James Marshall, Charles Ray, and Wilmer Wilson IV, among others. Her writing and art criticism has appeared in Artforum, the Brooklyn Rail, Hyperallergic, and Flash Art, in addition to catalogues and publications for the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, Lvy Gorvy, Museum of Modern Art, and Studio Museum in… (read more)

Secrets in Stone – Green-Wood Cemetery
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

There is a secret language at Green-Wood that is etched in its centuries-old monuments. Inverted torches, bales of wheat, and hourglasses with wings are but a few of the curious depictions that you will encounter. This eye-opening walking tour will showcase the meaning of these eternal, though sometimes cryptic, symbols.

Ross Noble Presented by New York Comedy Fest – Gramercy Theatre
09 novembre 2019 – New York

Age Restriction: 16+ Unless Accompanied by a Guardian**Will Call tickets cannot be picked up before the doors open on the night of the show**Just a few blocks from Madison Square Park, Gramercy Theatre's intimate live experience remains unmatched by any other Manhattan venue. Get up close and personal with the performers in the general admission section, or enjoy a full view of the unforgettable environment in our authentic theatre seating. Grab a cold drink from one of the many bars located in the venue, including the downstairs lounge.

Colorlab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

ColorLab is Brooklyn Children's Museum's family art-making space where artists of all ages can explore, make, and celebrate art! We value discovery, artistic process, freedom of expression, and creative collaboration with others.ColorLab's rotating programs feature the work and artistic processes of African American, Afro-Caribbean, and African contemporary artists. Each visit to ColorLab offers new ways to experiment with artistic processes and new ideas to explore, as well as the exploration of the Museum's collection using all of the senses. Hands-on programs are supported by BCM's teaching artists and educators.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Drag Queen Story Hour – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Join us for our monthly Drag Queen Story Hour, an interactive art and story time program that celebrates the uniqueness of all kids and familiesBCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Sensory Room – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

In this inclusive space, children of all abilities can explore their senses through play, including sensory mats, objects, and swings. The Sensory Room is designed to meet the needs of children with sensory sensitivities and/or who are on the Autism spectrum.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Live Animal Adneture – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 09, 2019 – Brooklyn

Learn about and touch live animals from the Museum's living collectionBCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Ia Love g1 Host: Lostatsea – Gibney
Through November 09, 2019 – New York

g1(host): lostatsea grapples with what it means to live within conditions shaped by the "afterlife" of slavery. As a serial, multi-media performance and mobile site of study, I pursue questions regarding my body's status as it pivots on this fundamental query: what remains of the Middle Passage as force, gesture, and affect? Exploring themes of loss, alchemy, geological debris, and generational accretions, I trace a dense, energetic nothingness. Here, "wake work," as scholar Christina Sharpe asserts, operates as a mode of suspension, a sensory field of historical being, an oceanic black thing that we're all drenched by and in.

Salonen, Bach, and Hindemith – New York Philahrmonic
Through November 09, 2019 – New York

Radiant strings, stirring chorales, and noble brasses evoke paintings "The Concert of Angels," "The Entombment," and "The Temptation of St. Anthony" by the 16th-century German painter Matthias Grnewald, subject of Hindemith's Mathis der Maler. Plus, Salonen conducts his own works about mythological twin brothers, Pollux the demigod and Castor the mortal, with music to match their temperaments.

Colorlab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

ColorLab is Brooklyn Children's Museum's family art-making space where artists of all ages can explore, make, and celebrate art! We value discovery, artistic process, freedom of expression, and creative collaboration with others.ColorLab's rotating programs feature the work and artistic processes of African American, Afro-Caribbean, and African contemporary artists. Each visit to ColorLab offers new ways to experiment with artistic processes and new ideas to explore, as well as the exploration of the Museum's collection using all of the senses. Hands-on programs are supported by BCM's teaching artists and educators.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm

Classical Kids Fair – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

Listen, look, and play music alongside WQXR, the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, and The Little Orchestra Society! Join us for the Classical Kids Fair at Brooklyn Children's Museum, where families can enjoy live performances, experience an instrument petting zoo, engage in arts and crafts, participate in radio broadcasting workshops and moreBCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Sensory Room – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

In this inclusive space, children of all abilities can explore their senses through play, including sensory mats, objects, and swings. The Sensory Room is designed to meet the needs of children with sensory sensitivities and/or who are on the Autism spectrum.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Live Animal Adventure – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

Learn about and touch live animals from the Museum's living collectionBCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Bcm Explorers Day – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

There's tons to explore at BCM and Tuesdays are dedicated to our permanent exhibits. Together with your child, can you find an authentic West Indian Day Parade costume? Have you met the Madagascar hissing cockroaches in our greenhouse? Can you try your dance moves in Global Beats? Check out our exhibits here.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

Gus Dapperton – Webster Hall
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Gus Dapperton

UCB Headline Series – UCB at Subculture
10 novembre 2019 – New York

The UCB Headline Series will feature long-form stand-up sets from some of the best up-and-coming comics in the country! Headliner TBA.

Adam Gopnik on Homer – 92nd Street Y
10 novembre 2019 – New York

How can we read Homer in the twenty-first century? Not as a schoolroom duty or an archeological expedition, complete with pith helmet, but as epic poetry that enters our hearts? Having emerged from a two-year immersion in Homeric translations, including those of Robert Fagles and Emily Wilson, Adam Gopnik returns to the Books and Bagels series to offer advice and appreciation about exploring the bedrock of Western literature in an age of shaken foundations.

Pete Holmes: The Silly Silly Fun Boy Tour – Murmrr Theatre
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

Pete Holmes is a comedian, writer, actor, cartoonist, podcast host, and author. His wildly popular podcast, You Made It Weird, is a comedic exploration of the meaning of life, with guests ranging from Deepak Chopra and Elizabeth Gilbert to Seth Rogan and Garry Shandling.

Marc Gerber Album Recording – New York Comedy Club Midtown
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Marc Gerber is a born and bred New Yorker who has been performing stand-up for over a decade in New York City and beyond. Marc was a Caroline's Breakout Artist and 2016 and recently returned to headline Caroline's in preparation for his album recording.

Marc Gerber Album Recording – New York Comedy Club Midtown
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Marc Gerber is a born and bred New Yorker who has been performing stand-up for over a decade in New York City and beyond. Marc was a Caroline's Breakout Artist and 2016 and recently returned to headline Caroline's in preparation for his album recording.

Return to the Jewish West Bronx – A Walk Back in Time -A New Tour – Lorelei Fountain
November 10, 2019 – Bronx

Join the LESJC, and tour guide Susan Birnbaum for a walk on the "Boulevard of Dreams" – The Grand Concourse, to learn about the Jewish West Bronx.The first Jewish settlement there was founded around 1840 by German and Hungarian who owned small shops or peddled their wares.By the 1880's with the introduction of the 3rd and 9th Avenue EL-trains, more Jews settled in Morrisania, Kingsbridge, and West Farms. As the subways came uptown, more Bronx neighborhoods became Jewish enclaves. Synagogues and Yeshivas were founded, so of course food shops followed with bakeries, delis, bagel and appetizing stores.On this tour, as we stroll the Grand Concourse, a street that became a symbol of prosperity for Jews, we will explore:Exteriors of several former synagogues that are now churches,including Temple Zion, Adath Israel, The Concourse Center of Israel, and Tremont Temple Gates of MercyThe former YM-YWHAThe former Yeshiva Zichron MosheThe Bronx Museum of the Arts (formerly Young Israel of the Concourse)The Freedman Home founded by Andrew Freedman, the son of German Jews who created a home for formerly wealthy folks who lost their fortunesThe fabulous Art Deco buildings, many … (read more)

Garden Highlights Walk – Wave Hill Public Gardens
November 10, 2019 – Bronx

Join a Wave Hill Garden Guide for a public tour of seasonal garden highlights.Free with admission to the grounds.

Live Animal Adventure – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

Learn about and touch live animals from the Museum's living collection!

Stay Humble with Francis Ellis & Ashley Hessetine – The Stand
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Stay Humble with Francis Ellis & Ashley Hessetine.

BHS Vintage Car Show at Fort Totten – Bayside Historical Society
November 10, 2019 – Bayside

Ride back in time with Bayside Historical Society's classic car show! A variety of vintage and antique automobiles will be showcased on the lawn of the BHS Castle at Fort Totten. This is a free event.RSVP at

Kill Tony Podcast – Gramercy Theatre
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Host Tony Hinchcliffe holds his wildly popular podcast with his co-host Brian Redban. Rising young up and coming comics or failing older comics get their name pulled out of a bucket, do one minute of material each, and then Tony and his two weekly friends/guests give feedback, extra material, and ask questions to the young performers always leading to a hilarious debacle.

Kill Tony Podcast – Gramercy Theatre
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Host Tony Hinchcliffe holds his wildly popular podcast with his co-host Brian Redban. Rising young up and coming comics or failing older comics get their name pulled out of a bucket, do one minute of material each, and then Tony and his two weekly friends/guests give feedback, extra material, and ask questions to the young performers always leading to a hilarious debacle.

American Eagle, the Abductors, Unruly Boys, the Droogettes, + More! – Brooklyn Bazaar
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

Sunday, November 10th ~Veteran's Day Celebration!30th Anniversary Edition featuring:American Eagle NYC Oi Abductors (CT)Unruly Boys (NC)The Droogettes (PA)Model Citizen (NY)On The Loose

An Evening with Styx – The Stanley Theatre
November 10, 2019 – Utica

The six men comprising Styx have committed to "Rockin' the Paradise" together with audiences far and wide by entering their second decade of averaging over 100 shows a year, and each one of them is committed to making the next show better than the last. Styx draws from over four decades of barn burning chart hits, joyous singalongs, and hard-driving deep cuts. Like a symphony that builds to a satisfying crescendo, a Styx set covers a wide range of stylistic cornerstones. From the progressively sweeping splendor of songs such as "The Grand Illusion," "Blue Collar Man," "Lady," "Miss America," "Man in the Wilderness," "Crystal Ball," "Come Sail Away," and "Renegade," the band draws on an unlimited cache of ways to immerse one's mind and body in their signature sound.After more than a decade together on the road, this incarnation of Styx is looking forward to performing as many shows as it can as long as it can. "It all comes back to the chemistry," says bassist/vocalist Ricky Phillips. "The legacy of this band will be that it brought joy to millions of people," notes drummer Todd Sucherman. Observes keyboardist/vocalist Lawrence Gowan, "We've always tried to explain why this is… (read more)

Se Buscan Poetas: Bilingual Open Mic – Bowery Poetry Club
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Bilingual Open MicHosted by Marcos de la Fuente

Poetny Open Mic FT Anton Yakovlev – Bowery Poetry Club
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Nyc's Poetry Open Mic, Hosted by Mason GrangerFeature Poet: Anton Yakovlev

Tech Support for Grandparents – 92nd Street Y
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Want to group-text your whole family all at once? Bring your device and our two tech experts will help figure it out in this free class. The class meets Wednesdays, from 5-6 pm, and Sundays, from 3-4 pm. It will be held in S263 (the Parenting Center lounge). If you can't make it on the listed days, you can email us with any questions.

Exploring Our Histories & Creating New Forms Poetry Workshop With Dorothy Friedman – Bowery Poetry Club
10 novembre 2019 – New York

In this workshop we will expand our creativity in a supportive atmosphere; you will receive writing samples at each class that focus on particular aspects of the writing process, and you will receive personal attention. At each session we will generate new poetry; explore issues such as Identity, Relationships, Language, Voice, etc.; use experimental techniques, such as those developed in workshops with John Ashbery, Barbara Henning, Ann Waldman and others. Therefore, we will explore new approaches to language and form. The workshop provides exercises and in-class writing, as well as tips on how to hone your technique, perform your poems; and get published.

Writers With Attitude – Bowery Poetry Club
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Writers With Attitude" is a creative writing workshop based in New York, NY. The workshop is free to the public with a reservation. We read works from diverse authors, share ideas and give observations on each other's writing. We aim to become more prolific and find our voice within our writing through various styles. We operate like a college workshop, without the boring professor. W.W.A is many things, but we are also not a lot of things.

Se Buscan Poetas: Bilingual Open Mic – Bowery Poetry Club
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Bilingual Open MicHosted by Marcos de la Fuente

A #Blessed New Musical – Theatre at ST. Clements
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Before they were enemies, they were co-workers. Jesus and Lucifer never saw eye-to-eye, but when an extreme case of creative differences gets the best of them, all hell breaks looseliterally.

Poetny Open Mic FT Anton Yakovlev – Bowery Poetry Club
10 novembre 2019 – New York


Eugenia Zuckerman: 'like Falling Through a Cloud' Book Launch – Hudson Hall
November 10, 2019 – Hudson

Published to coincide with Alzheimer's Awareness Month, Like Falling Through a Cloud is an intimate, courageous, heartbreaking, lyrical, and uplifting account of acclaimed flutist, published novelist, and television commentator Eugenia Zukerman's struggle with Alzheimer's disease. Join Eugenia for a book reading and Q&A with Executive Director and CEO of the Northeastern New York Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, Elizabeth Smith-Bovin.

Design Dialogue – Cooper Hewitt
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Cooper Hewitt offers a free program for individuals with Alzheimer's or other dementias and their care partners to experience and discuss design objects and exhibitions in a small group. Led by museum educators, these dialogues provide a social environment for exploring design objects and stories and participate in hands-on learning experiences.

Coney Island Circus Sideshow – Coney Island Museum
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

Magical Promotions, together with Coney Island USA, presents an afternoon of fun and wonder for the entire family. "Magic at Coney!!!" is a magical variety show highlighting a vast array of magicians; featuring illusionists, escape artists, mentalists and close-up magicians from around the world.Admission is only $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12 online, or at the door. 75 tickets sold per performance. Advance online purchase recommended. There are no extra fees for online purchases.

Family Art Project: Painting to Migratory Bird Songs – Wave Hill House
November 10, 2019 – The Bronx

Experiment using natural materials as your paintbrush to make marks on a Family Art Project collective sky while listening to the music of migratory birds and letting their calls inspire you. Look to the knowledge of migratory birds that pass through Wave Hill and create pastel birds to add to our collective sky in celebration of these travelling birds. Wings over Wave Hill Weekend event.

Owl Pellet Dissection Drop-In Workshop – Wave Hill House
November 10, 2019 – The Bronx

Owls swallow their prey whole. Parts of their prey, such as bones, feathers and fur, are bound up during digestion into a tight pellet, which the owl regurgitates. Drop in for this exploratory workshop with naturalist Gabriel Willow and discover the origins of the owl's diet. Ages eight and older welcome with an adult. Wings over Wave Hill Weekend event.

Kohls New Gifts at Every Turn – Zeno Group
Through November 10, 2019 – New York

Kohl's is bringing its first-ever immersive + shoppable holiday pop-up to NYC to showcase new fashion brands and top gifting picks for the holiday season. Walk through Kohl's holiday windows to experience New Gifts at Every Turn. Be the first to shop the newest exclusive brand launches, such as JW Jason Wu and Elizabeth & James, in addition to other Kohl's favorite brands, such as Scott Living, LC Lauren Conrad and Simply Vera Vera Wang. Step inside each window to become part of the display, while reveling in a unique experience every part of the way. Receive a complimentary monogrammed item from the exclusive Elizabeth and James collection. Bring home a custom floral arrangement from the JW Jason Wu space to celebrate his exclusive, limited time holiday capsule collection. Engage with an interactive snapchat lens from the Simply Vera Vera Wang space. Join carolers who will be performing holiday classics at the Scott Living space, and receive personalized ornaments from an onsite calligrapher. Celebrate the LC Lauren Conrad 10-year anniversary with a sweet selection of chocolate treats. Enter The Outfit Bar space to sip on your choice of curat… (read more)

Introduction to engraving with Carla Hagan New York, New York – Court Tree Gallery
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

The engraving class is designed to teach the lettering artist the skills necessary to translate their unique hand from pen and paper to drill and glass.

Gus Dapperton – Webster Hall
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Gus Dapperton

Watercolor Workshop: Autumn Leaves – Queens Botanical Garden
November 10, 2019 – Flushing

In this seasonal series of classes, learn the basic techniques of painting with watercolors with artist Chemin Hsiao and use colors of fall as inspiration.

Philosophical and Poetic Reactions – James Baldwin High School
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Given the multiple Left, Liberal and Neo-conservative interpretations of German idealism in terms of the end(s) of history and or its new beginning, we will interpret the world historical spirit (1) in the light of the enlightenment (2) a close reading of Hegel's Phenomenology engage the contemporary world and its multiple variations.

Fidler Afn Dakh – Temple Emanu-El
10 novembre 2019 – New York

For more than a year, Anatevka's Jews have been singing their bittersweet story of love, family, tradition and tragedy on New York stages . . . in their native language. From the Museum of Jewish Heritage, where it was extended four times, this extraordinary Yiddish-language production of Sholem Aleichem's classic story moved uptown . . . and has riveted audiences ever since with the authenticity of the at-once familiar and entirely original rendition of the music and tales we thought we knew.

Home Free: Dive Bar Saints World Tour – The Town Hall
10 novembre 2019 – New York

Town Hall Presale Thursday, May 16 From 10AM. On Sale Friday, May 17 At 10AM

Roastmasters Tournament Hosted by Kim Congdon – The Stand
10 novembre 2019 – New York

The Roastmasters tournament is back. After a year hiatus NYC Champion Eli Sairs gets to defend his title! This 3 day event will be part of the New York Comedy Festival and hosted by one of the best roasters in the history of Roast Battle/Roastmasters series, Kim Congdon! Don't miss all the action,

Holding History – Brooklyn Children's Museum
November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

What makes an object "historical?" Why does the museum keep objects behind glass? Children will ponder these question while being able to physically hold, touch, and feel historical artifacts from our collection. They will learn about the history of those objects through this tactical investigation and by relating these historical artifacts to their own lives.BCM Members and children under the age of 12 months are FREE. Admission is free every Thursday between 2pm-6pm and every Sunday between 4pm-7pm.

The Other Art Fair Brooklyn – Brooklyn EXPO Center
Through November 10, 2019 – Brooklyn

Brooklyn's favorite independent artist showcase returns for its Fall edition on November 7 – 10 at the Brooklyn Expo Center.The Other Art Fair, presented by Saatchi Art in partnership with BOMBAY SAPPHIRE, gives you the opportunity to meet a curated selection of over 130 independent artists and browse thousands of pieces to suit every budget under one roof. With prices starting from as little as $150, this is an art fair for everyone. Whether you're a first-time art buyer, seasoned collector, curator, investor, gallery owner, art lover or anything in between, you are guaranteed to find something to add to (or start!) your collection.

Wings over Wave Hill Weekend – Wave Hill House
Through November 11, 2019 – The Bronx

This Veteran's Day weekend, spend a day or twoor threeenjoying a plethora of activities devoted to birds both big and small. With plenty to engage both adults and families, enjoy hands-on workshops, art-making, walks and our popular, annual, fall falconry demonstration with free-flying birds of prey.

Doc NYC 2019 – SVA Theatre
Through November 14, 2019 – New York

Documentary storytelling is flourishing like never before encompassing reportage, memoir, history, humor and more. DOC NYC celebrates this cultural phenomenon and encourages its new directions.Please DO NOT contact SVA Theatre for tickets all ticketing is handled via DOC NYC.

NYC Tots: Fall Class Series – Museum of the City of New York
Through November 21, 2019 – New York

Register for six sessions that focus on exploration and discovery of fall in New York through song, play, and hands-on activities. Learn to look closely and imaginatively with guided gallery visits to the Museum's many exhibitions, including New York at Its Core. Participants will learn about our city and create special art projects inspired by New York in autumn.

20/20 Insight: Posters from the 2017 Women's March – Poster House
Through January 05, 2020 – New York,

The Women's March held on January 21, 2017, in cities across the United States brought together people of all types for a demonstration in response to the election of President Donald J. Trump.Taking to the streets, protesters made posters addressing issues of immigration, environmentalism, and civil rights that tapped into an apprehension about the future of democracy in the United States and, in particular, the treatment of women. The 2017 Women's March was a highwater mark of participation in recent memory, but it follows a tradition of protests and persistent action in the quest for equal rights. Equally enduring are the graphics and poster images that have carried through generations of marches, rallies, and grassroots action. Today's demonstrators arm themselves with symbols from poster history, borrowing the power of their ideology while crafting new meaning. 20/20 Insight looks at the 2017 Women's March within this larger context to understand what has come before and to encourage participation in the future of this democracy.

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