Meilleurs jeux PS4 2019: jouez à des jeux PlayStation 4 exceptionnels – Un bon serveur Minecraft
Bienvenue dans le meilleur guide des jeux PS4 pour T3 2019. Ce guide a été conçu avec soin pour fournir une synthèse complète des meilleurs jeux PlayStation 4 disponibles à ce jour. Tous les jeux de cette liste ont reçu notre approbation. Vous pouvez donc être sûr que chacun de ces titres est performant et constituerait un excellent ajout à votre collection PS4.
Depuis la sortie de la PlayStation 4, Sony s’est efforcé de proposer une sélection vaste et variée de jeux sur la PlayStation 4, la PlayStation 4 Slim et la PlayStation 4 Pro. Ce qui suit est le meilleur de cette offre, à la fois en termes de exclusives à la première partie et à jouer par des tiers.
Des jeux comme Borderlands 3, MXGP 2019, Rédempteur: Édition enrichie, Devil May Cry 5, Exode métropolitain, Des jours révolus, Mortal Kombat 11, Dead or Alive 6, Sekiro: Les ombres meurent deux fois, Final Fantasy XIV: Des créatures fantômes et bien d'autres encore la PlayStation 4 est un endroit fantastique pour jouer à des jeux en ce moment.
Et le moment est venu de créer votre bibliothèque de jeux PS4 avec certains de ces titres incroyables. C'est parce que nous sommes maintenant au beau milieu de la saison de magasinage des Fêtes avant l'hiver, qui est également sujette à des ventes sérieusement impressionnantes chez les détaillants de jeux. En tant que tel, il n’ya pas que des tonnes de jeux PS4 parmi les meilleurs à jouer en ce moment, mais beaucoup sont disponibles à des prix avantageux.
Et comme vous êtes fan de tout ce qui est PlayStation, en plus de vous présenter les meilleures offres de jeux PS4 ici dans ce guide, nous avons également des guides dédiés aux meilleures offres DualShock 4 pour tous vos besoins en matière de manettes PlayStation, meilleure PS4. Des offres pour tous vos besoins en matière de console, ainsi que toutes les meilleures offres PlayStation VR en cours actuellement, au cas où vous souhaiteriez étendre les capacités de votre PS4.
Ceci dit, voici la liste définitive des meilleurs jeux PlayStation 4 sur lesquels T3 peut se procurer dès maintenant.
Les meilleurs jeux PS4 disponibles à ce jour: procurez-vous les meilleurs jeux PlayStation 4 pour votre collection
Yooka-Laylee et le repaire de l'impossible
Le duo de plates-formes secoue le rétro
Raisons d'acheter
+Apprenez les compétences nécessaires pour battre le repaire Impossible+Recueillir des secrets dans un casse-tête rempli du monde entier+Niveaux de plateforme rapides et difficiles
Alors que le Yooka-Laylee original était vraiment une ode à l'âge d'or 64 bits des plateformes 3D, une grande partie de l'équipe de Playtonic Games est un ex-développeur rare, après tout, son suivi, Yooka-Laylee et l'Impossible Lair, se démarque des niveaux difficiles de la série Donkey Kong Country tout en adoptant des idées de RPG légères et des mécanismes créatifs qui changent de niveau.
La repaire impossible Impossible peut être consultée dès le début du jeu, mais vous mourrez probablement dans les premières minutes. Mais ça va. Vous êtes voué à l'échec, vous pouvez donc compléter le reste du jeu, constituer votre répertoire de compétences (et un bouclier en abeilles, rien de moins), puis affronter la dernière manche du boss. Explorez un monde terrestre descendant, puis complétez des niveaux de défilement latéral rapides dans lesquels vous utiliserez des toniques spéciaux qui changent l’apparence, les sons et les sensations du monde qui vous entoure!
la grille
La réponse de Codies à Forza & Gran Turismo redémarre
Raisons d'acheter
+Voitures de tourisme, stocks de muscles et plus+Modèle de dommage hyper réaliste+Affrontez votre unique pilote Nemesis
Le GRID original visait à exploiter la longue histoire et l’expertise de Codemasters dans le monde de la course virtuelle et à l’appliquer à une expérience multidisciplinaire pouvant rivaliser avec des groupes tels que Gran Turismo et l’alternative exclusive de Microsoft Xbox One, Forza. Bien que sa suite ait perdu une partie de son attrait général en doublant l’aspect réaliste de l’autosport, ce redémarrage en douceur de la série espère créer une expérience de course plus accessible à la fois aux novices et aux vétérans chevronnés.
La nouvelle grille propose un large éventail de disciplines de course à parcourir, allant des voitures de course à hayon de base aux bêtes de formule haut de gamme. Le mode carrière propose six disciplines distinctes à suivre. Les joueurs qui souhaitent optimiser leur temps sur la piste ont donc tout intérêt à rejouer. Il y a même un mode mettant en vedette Fernando Alonso, qui a servi de consultant sur le jeu. Donc, il y a ça aussi!
La surtension 2
Un autre jeu d'action-RPG de type Souls de Deck13
Raisons d'acheter
+Le système de parade est difficile mais enrichissant+Détruire des parties spécifiques dans le combat contre le ciblage des membres+Un cadre plus diversifié à Jéricho
Alors que Lords of the Fallen – le premier élan de Deck13 Interactive à un jeu de rôle-action – tentait d'imiter un peu trop la formule de Dark Souls et l'esthétique de la fantasy sombre, il a heurté quelque chose d'un peu plus original avec The Surge de 2017. Échanges de châteaux et de chevaliers contre des usines et des cyborgs futuristes, cette nouvelle propriété intellectuelle utilisait le ciblage des membres et la capacité de réutiliser des armes et armures ennemies pour améliorer votre propre personnage. Surge 2 ne réécrit pas cette formule, mais améliore simplement vos options avec des builds (classes), une liste d’ennemis plus diversifiée et, bien sûr, bien plus d’options en matière de personnalisation.
Avec un environnement plus diversifié à Jericho City, vous pouvez désormais explorer et déverrouiller de nouveaux raccourcis, ce qui facilite chaque nouvelle exécution. Le combat est toujours difficile, mais vous pouvez augmenter votre personnage pour donner des invites à l'écran pour vous aider à parer et à bloquer. Il y a aussi beaucoup plus de versions à choisir, vous pouvez donc concevoir une classe qui convient à votre style de jeu particulier. Et avec plus d’ennemis que jamais, vous pouvez piller, fabriquer et améliorer de nouvelles pièces d’armure et de nouvelles armes.
La FIFA retourne dans la rue
Raisons d'acheter
+Le mode VOLTA relance FIFA Street+Nouvelles améliorations AI ennemi+Toutes les compétitions et ligues majeures au même endroit
Alors que la saison régulière de football bat déjà son plein au Royaume-Uni, l’arrivée imminente d’une nouvelle FIFA se profile à l’horizon. FIFA 20 n'apporte pas beaucoup de modifications majeures au gameplay, n'améliore en rien les joueurs contrôlés par l'IA qui améliorent la fluidité du jeu, mais introduit un nouveau mode appelé VOLTA Football. Conçu comme un rappel de l'époque de FIFA Street, VOLTA propose 17 lieux dans le monde entier pour des actions 11v11 à haute intensité.
Avec des éléments narratifs apparentés au scénario achevé de The Journey, VOLTA reprend nombre des éléments qui rendent si populaire World of Chel dans la série LNH – personnalisation de personnages, événements chronométrés et conceptions de stade créatives – et lui confère une allure fulgurante, FIFA Street. tourner. Ailleurs, le côté gestionnaire du mode Carrière a été mis à jour pour inclure davantage d'agences de joueurs. Deux nouveaux modes sont également proposés dans FUT.
Borderlands 3
Claptrap et co reviennent pour une nouvelle ronde de tir au butin
Raisons d'acheter
+Plus de variations d'armes que jamais+Les nouvelles classes de Vault Hunter sont bien meilleures+Histoire et mondes plus agréables
Les Borderlands d’origine offraient quelque chose de très différent en 2009, alliant l’attrait constant du butin à un jeu de tir coopératif à la première personne. Sautez de l'avant d'une décennie et cette formule est devenue un phénomène très familier. Que propose donc Borderlands 3 pour se démarquer? Eh bien, pas beaucoup, mais cela est clairement voulu. Borderlands 3 conserve ses propres systèmes et mécanismes en orange, offrant les mêmes environnements en monde ouvert et la même police d'ennemis toujours fluide à tuer et à récupérer.
Tout comme Borderlands 2, l'entrée numéro trois augmente simplement l'échelle à laquelle vous tirez et collectionnez des objets. Vous allez maintenant explorer un ensemble plus diversifié de nouveaux mondes, en offrant un changement de départ par rapport aux lieux historiques du canyon terne du jeu original. Les missions sont aussi beaucoup plus variées que les instructions "Allez ici, tuez cette". L'humour du jeu – quelque chose que la série a parfois cloué et échoué à d'autres moments – est également plus fort cette fois-ci. C'est puéril, oui, mais en réalité, pour une fois, c'est drôle.
Comme auparavant, vous jouez en solo, en local en coopération ou en ligne avec des amis ou des inconnus. Jouer en équipe est toujours le meilleur moyen de profiter de Borderlands, même si lors du lancement, BL3 a quelques problèmes de ralentissement en jouant en ligne, en particulier lors d’une fusillade avec un peu trop d’ennemis. Ce n'est pas cohérent, mais c'est un problème suffisamment important pour que Gearbox puisse l'examiner.
NBA 2K20
Le tribunal est en session
Raisons d'acheter
+VC grind est beaucoup plus courte+Le verrouillage de position réduit l'équipe surempilée dans MyTeam+Nouveau mode 3v3 en Pro-Am
L'un des meilleurs – sinon le meilleur – simulateurs de sport annuels de la planète est de retour, apportant avec lui une série de changements mineurs mais très importants pour le déroulement du jeu. La NBA 2K20 met désormais davantage l’accent sur les caractéristiques réalistes entre les positions. Les petits joueurs sont donc plus rapides, alors que les grands sont physiquement dominants.
En conséquence, la "route vers 99" est désormais plus courte, avec moins de travail pour gagner de la VC, le développeur Visual Concepts souhaitant que les joueurs investissent dans plusieurs "constructions" axées sur des postes et des rôles clés. Les microtransactions sont là, mais la progression ne semble plus aussi étouffée par elles. Le hub social de quartier a une nouvelle disposition, tandis que Pro-Am prend en charge un mode 3v3 bienvenu.
MXGP 2019
La course à deux roues revient sur les pentes boueuses
Raisons d'acheter
+Centre d'entraînement mis à jour, le terrain de jeu+Construisez vos propres pistes de motocross+Nouveaux modes et personnalisation plus profonde du pilote / vélo
Le développeur italien Milestone Team se passionne pour le genre de la simulation de course depuis des années. L'une des séries qu'elle a le plus améliorée est le monde défrichant de MXGP. Les grands sauts, les toboggans et les accidents spectaculaires de motocross se traduisent très bien en jeux vidéo. MXGP 2019 poursuit la combinaison de franchises de maniement d'arcade et de physique réaliste du cycliste / cycliste.
Le MXGP 2019 voit également certains des changements les plus importants apportés à la série depuis le passage de la série au moteur Unreal Engine pour MXGP 3, notamment l’inclusion d’un nouveau hub de terrain de jeu sandbox (pensez au hub de Descenders ou au quartier des récents jeux NBA 2K). , les nouveaux modes visent à ajouter un peu plus de fun au réalisme (Waypoint semble être un excellent ajout) et – enfin! – un éditeur de piste pour créer vos propres cours boueux à partager en ligne.
Les événements paranormaux à New York
Raisons d'acheter
+Libérez des pouvoirs tels que la télékinésie et les boucliers+Combattez des monstres horribles dans un bâtiment qui se déforme et se modifie
Remedy Entertainment a certainement de l'ambition. Il a réussi à prendre le concept de balle à retardement de The Matrix et à l'appliquer à une histoire de vengeance dans Max Payne, à explorer de nouvelles techniques narratives avec une touche d'horreur dans Alex Wake et à combiner avec succès une émission de télévision et un jeu avec Quantum Break. Alors, naturellement, son dernier jeu combine des éléments des trois.
Le contrôle vous met dans la peau de Jesse Faden, un agent du Federal Bureau of Control, une agence gouvernementale secrète créée pour surveiller et contrôler les activités paranormales. Enfermé dans le quartier général de la «plus vieille maison» à New York, les choses tournent mal et Jess doit apprendre à manifester ses pouvoirs et à survivre à la menace d'une entité connue sous le nom de Hiss.
Reste: des cendres
Un jeu de tir d'action de survie des fabricants de Darksiders
Raisons d'acheter
+Expérience en coopération à trois joueurs+Mondes générés dynamiquement+Combattez des boss colossaux
Après avoir développé la série Darksiders pendant une bonne partie de la décennie (y compris Darksiders III sous-estimé l'année dernière), Gunfire Games est enfin prêt à lancer sa première nouvelle propriété intellectuelle. Reste: From the Ashes rompt avec le moule précédent du studio, en adoptant un modèle de jeu de tir coopératif de survie qui sera instantanément familier à quiconque a joué la série The Division.
Contrairement aux jeux de Tom Clancy, Remnant est plutôt une interprétation fantastique de l'après-apocalypse, où un cauchemar d'une autre dimension a ravagé la Terre. De nombreux emplacements, à la fois sur notre planète et dans d'autres royaumes, offrent de nombreuses cartes ouvertes à explorer pour le butin et l'équipement, avec un nivellement d'XP et des boss géants pour combattre.
La ville qui coule
Lancez-vous dans cette aventure de survie
Raisons d'acheter
+Un jeu de style détective avec une touche d'horreur+Approche inhabituelle dans un monde ouvert
Après avoir fait ses armes depuis de nombreuses années dans les tout derniers jeux de Sherlock Holmes (y compris les jeux de Crime & Punishments et The Devil's Daughter, tout aussi plaisants que plaisants), le développeur Frogwares s’est inspiré de cette structure de détective bien connue et s’applique même à Gothier. S'inspirant des travaux de HP Lovecraft, le studio ukrainien oriente les choses vers une direction d'horreur troublante.
Plutôt que des niveaux autonomes, The Sinking City adopte une approche de monde ouvert, avec votre fidèle bateau vous permettant de visiter toutes sortes de zones isolées. Votre santé mentale peut devenir fragile si vous êtes témoin de trop de scènes horribles. Vous devrez donc vous ressaisir pour tenter de résoudre le mystère de la ville proclamé par les vagues.
Age of Wonders: Planetfall
Construire un empire parmi les étoiles
Raisons d'acheter
+Combat tactique au tour par tour avec une touche de science-fiction+Utiliser la diplomatie, la politique et le combat pour gagner+Campagne solo et support multijoueur
Il existe des jeux de stratégie, puis des «jeux de stratégie 4X», avec leurs batailles à grande échelle et leurs toiles de politique, d'intrigues et de diplomatie de la taille d'un continent. Le dernier opus de la série Age of Wonders, Age of Wonders: Planetfall, oriente l'action vers un avenir inspiré par la science-fiction, qui vise à faire partie de l'héritage de l'éditeur Paradox Interactive avec la brillante série Europa Universalis.
En utilisant une carte générée par procédure, vous commencerez avec le choix de six factions au lancement, chacune avec leur propre histoire, leurs unités et leurs préférences tactiques uniques. Vous pouvez explorer des planètes, exploiter plusieurs biomes pour obtenir des ressources, négocier des accords commerciaux et même déclarer une guerre totale. Vous pouvez construire des flottes de marine interstellaires et même créer vos propres armes.
Madden NFL 20
Le seul et unique simulateur de grille revient
Raisons d'acheter
+Nouvelle campagne de récits personnalisés+Système de progression du joueur+Mode de franchise complète et plus
C'est cette période de l'année où tous les grands simulateurs sportifs commencent à revenir, avec de nouvelles gammes, de nouvelles étoiles de couverture et du contenu mis à jour. Le premier à sortir du tunnel et à rejoindre l’arène est Madden NFL 20, le simulateur de grille inégalé d’EA. Tous les modes classiques tels que Franchise et Madden Ultimate Team sont de retour, avec le mode Histoire remplacé par une toute nouvelle expérience.
Face of the Franchise: QB1 remplace The Longshot, utilisant une structure similaire au mode Superstar (vu pour la dernière fois dans Madden NFL 06), dans laquelle vous amenez un quarterback personnalisé de l'université à la NFL. Dix équipes universitaires licenciées seront présentées, avec beaucoup de visages célèbres jeté pour faire bonne mesure. Un nouveau système Superstar X-Factor est également en vigueur, vous permettant d’utiliser les compétences clés de certains des plus grands fabricants de jeu de la ligue.
Wolfenstein: jeune sang
Wolfie va déshonoré dans ce jeu de tir coopératif
Raisons d'acheter
+Premier Wolfenstein moderne à proposer un gameplay coopératif+La conception de niveau non linéaire donne aux missions plusieurs itinéraires d'achèvement+Personnalisez votre personnage avec des skins et des emotes
Depuis que Bethesda a relancé la franchise Wolfenstein en 2014 avec The New Order, nous avons eu droit à une série de tir de plus en plus violente et tout aussi créative, qui trouve toujours de nouvelles façons de tuer les nazis dans son contexte alternatif. La troisième entrée complète dans cette ré-imaginaire moderne se situe dans les années 80, dans un scénario où le Troisième Reich a utilisé une technologie avancée pour remporter la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Clairement influencé par l'une des autres séries populaires de Bethesda, Dishonored, Wolfenstein: Youngblood marque un départ. Tout d'abord, vous pouvez jouer toute la campagne en coop, en ouvrant toutes sortes d'opportunités tactiques. Deuxièmement, avec une base d'opérations comme plaque tournante centrale, vous pourrez désormais entreprendre des missions avec plus de liberté. Oh, et il y a une bande son de tueur synthétiseur d'onde.
Rédempteur: édition améliorée
Un bagarreur de vieille école assoiffé de sang
Raisons d'acheter
+Un système de destruction unique maintient la violence variée+Soutien à la coopérative locale+Pour les fans de tireurs classiques tels que Loaded
Alors que le créneau pour des jeux tels que Redeemer: Enhanced Edition est assez spécifique – c’est-à-dire ceux qui recherchent une expérience descendante simple qui tire son épingle du jeu en faisant preuve de créativité et de violence – il gratte vraiment cette démangeaison. Dans Redeemer, vous jouez Visily, un ancien marchand russe qui tente de reconstruire sa vie en tant que moine pacifique ruiné par sa vie passée. Comme tous les grands héros d’action des années 80, Visily est un homme doté d’un ensemble de compétences qui le transforme en un croisement entre Kratos et Rambo.
Que ce soit à mains nues, avec un marteau ou avec une variété d'armes à feu, Redeemer: Enhanced Edition ne complique pas les choses avec une trop grande exposition. Il vous laisse simplement perdre avec une intention mortelle, avec la possibilité d'envoyer des ennemis avec des assassinats discrets, des exécutions en désordre et plus encore. Vous pouvez même désarmer vos adversaires (littéralement dans certains cas) grâce à un système de parade très pratique. Un soutien pour les coopératives locales a été ajouté, de même qu'un nouveau système de bonus et davantage de moyens de matraquer vos ennemis.
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Construisez et construisez avec ce sim de création en coopération
Raisons d'acheter
+Construisez avec jusqu'à trois autres joueurs en ligne+Plus d'options de construction et d'artisanat que jamais+Grand monde ouvert rempli de régions uniques
Comme la plupart des créations japonaises basées sur une série infiniment plus populaire à l'Est qu'à l'Ouest, il a fallu un peu moins d'un an aux constructeurs originaux de Dragon Quest pour se rendre à l'Ouest. Cela en valait la peine, car le mélange de RPG sur le thème de Dragon Quest et de bâtiment Minecraft a vraiment fonctionné. Maintenant, sa suite est prête à être lancée sur PS4 et Switch et elle est encore plus grande, plus audacieuse et plus vaste que jamais.
Contrairement à la précédente entrée, DQB2 est désormais totalement coopératif et prend en charge les modes multijoueurs hors ligne et en ligne avec trois autres joueurs maximum. Etre capable d'explorer son monde ouvert beaucoup plus vaste (qui regorge de tonnes de nouvelles régions, chacune avec ses propres objets spécifiques pour l'exploitation minière et l'artisanat) avec des amis fait toute la différence. Vous pouvez même nager et voler maintenant, ce qui rend la navigation sur un terrain beaucoup plus agréable.
Cette fois-ci, l’accent est mis sur la culture et la récolte, avec la possibilité de travailler le sol et de cultiver les cultures pour obtenir de meilleurs rendements. Et lorsque vous ne fournissez pas de nourriture aux villages et aux villes, vous pouvez vous battre pour combattre beaucoup de monstres familiers DQ. Si vous jouez en solo, le mystérieux Malroth vous tiendra compagnie dans vos quêtes. Dans l’ensemble, c’est une amélioration par rapport à l’original à presque tous les égards et une excellente alternative à Minecraft et autres.
Final Fantasy XIV: Les Shadowbringers
La dernière grande extension pour le FMO MMO de Square Enix
Raisons d'acheter
+Niveau maximum augmenté de 70 à 80+Nouvelle course et travail jouables+De nouveaux domaines et des donjons à explorer
Alors que Final Fantasy XV était le dernier volet important de la franchise (à l'exception du Fake FFVII Remake qui semble destiné à rester en développement pour toujours), Final Fantasy XIV continue de s'améliorer avec de nouvelles mises à jour. Tout comme The Elder Scrolls Online, ce MMO a régulièrement formé un public dédié et sa dernière extension – Shadowbringers – offre à ses fans un tas de nouveaux lieux, d’ennemis et d’autres ajouts récents.
Vous pouvez maintenant jouer en tant que nouvelle race (la Viera), occuper un nouvel emploi (y compris le Gunbreaker) et explorer de nombreux lieux inédits (comme Rak'tika Greatwood, Amh Araeng et Il Mheg). Vous pouvez jouer à travers toute l'histoire de Shadowbringers en solo (à côté de personnages classiques de la FF) ou faire le tout en tant qu'escouade de joueurs.
La spin-off de Yakuza met son chapeau de détective
Raisons d'acheter
+Combat charnu familier (et satisfaisant)+Des liens subtils dans l'univers de Yakuza+Dub anglais également inclus
Alors que l'histoire de Yakuza s'achève habilement dans Yakuza 6: The Song of Life il y a trois ans (enfin, au Japon au moins), le développeur Ryu ga Gotoku Studio travaille sans relâche à la création d'un nouveau titre s'inscrivant dans le même univers. en essayant d'offrir quelque chose d'un peu différent. Et par là, nous entendons dire qu’il s’agit en réalité d’un autre jeu de Yakuza, mais sans le héros principal Kiryu et quelques mécanismes supplémentaires axés sur le travail de détective.
Bien que les tentatives visant à imiter davantage un sentiment de crime procédural noir ne fonctionnent pas toujours – ces systèmes de recherche de suspects et de poursuites suspectes ne paraissent jamais naturelles – mais Judgment fait un excellent travail de mise à jour du modèle de combat de Yakuza 6 pour en faire une entrée des plus satisfaisantes. dans la série à ce jour. Kamurocho n'a jamais été aussi beau et l'IP Takayuki Yagami constitue une avance intéressante. Judgment voit également un doublage anglais complet inclus à côté de la piste vocale japonaise.
Crash Team Racing – Nitro fait le plein
Bandicoot racing est de retour sur PlayStation
Raisons d'acheter
+Caractéristiques de tous les modes de jeu de l'original+Course en ligne ou dans des tournois multijoueurs locaux+Karts et pistes supplémentaires de Crash Nitro Kart inclus
Les joueurs aiment un peu de nostalgie, en particulier lorsque ces souvenirs d’autrefois sont mis au goût du jour grâce aux visuels et aux mécaniques modernes. Donc, avec Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy et Spyro Reignited Trilogy qui ont tant de succès, Activision s'en tient à la même formule avec un remake contemporain du classique PS1, Crash Team Racing.
Ce n'est pas une grande invention du coureur d'arcade stupide. Vous pourrez toujours glisser sur des pistes remplies de dinosaures, de coulées de lave et plus encore. Vous récolterez des fruits wumpa et ferez briser des caisses comme à l’époque des gloires 32 bits. Cette version prend en charge le mode multijoueur en ligne et inclut des karts supplémentaires et des morceaux du Crash Nitro Kart de la PS2.
MotoGP 19
Brûler le caoutchouc à travers la longue histoire du MotoGP
Raisons d'acheter
+Pilotes officiels et circuits du MotoGP à la Coupe Red Bull MotoGP Rookies+Devenir un directeur de course+Nouvelles courses historiques
Le développeur italien Milestone est devenu le studio de prédilection pour les simulateurs de sport automobile à deux roues et, avec le dernier jeu Monster Energy Supercross déjà à son actif, il est de retour sur le tarmac pour son entrée annuelle dans la série MotoGP. Le MotoGP 19 apporte une multitude de nouvelles fonctionnalités, une physique de course améliorée et tous les derniers coureurs et pistes de différents types de course.
L'incarnation de cette année s'accompagne d'un nouveau mode recréant certains des moments et légendes les plus mémorables de l'histoire du MotoGP, notamment plus de 50 coureurs légendaires, plus de 35 motos et trois pistes historiques supplémentaires. Et c'est à côté de tout le contenu de l'ère moderne aussi. Ajoutez la possibilité de jouer en tant que directeur de course en multijoueur et vous obtenez une simulation de course bien améliorée.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr
La dernière extension de l'ESO arrive enfin sur console
Raisons d'acheter
+Retour à Elsweyr pour la première fois depuis TES: Arena+Nouvelle classe de nécromant+Battle dragons, style Skyrim
Bien que nous attendions probablement beaucoup de temps avant même de voir un aperçu approprié de The Elder Scrolls VI, ZeniMax Studios a gardé en toute confiance les feux de l'ESO avec son MMO de longue date. La troisième et dernière méga expansion, The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr, introduit le pays des khajiits (un lieu non visité par la série depuis le '94's Arena) et ramène enfin des dragons dans le mélange.
Ces bêtes parlantes ont été l'un des moments les plus mémorables de Skyrim. Attendez-vous donc à en affronter beaucoup alors que vous entreprenez plus de 30 heures de nouvelles quêtes et de nouveaux modes de jeu. Il y a l'introduction de la classe de nécromancien très attendue ainsi que de nouveaux événements mondiaux d'attaque de dragon à grande échelle pour rassembler la communauté.
Un conte de peste: l'innocence
Une histoire poignante mêlant horreur et furtivité
Raisons d'acheter
+Utilisez la furtivité et la ruse pour survivre+Grand mélange de puzzles, de furtivité et d'horreur+Un cadre historique bien utilisé
Installé dans la France médiévale pendant la guerre de 100 ans, A Plague Tale: Innocence est une aventure basée sur l'histoire qui n'a pas peur de montrer les réalités de la vie au milieu de la guerre, de la maladie et de la persécution. Vous entrerez dans la peau d'Amica, la fille d'un noble qui se retrouve avec son frère malade alors que l'Inquisition les chasse au cœur de la France rurale.
Au début, Amica n'est pas particulièrement averti au combat. Vous devrez donc utiliser votre fronde pour distraire vos ennemis, les assommer ou utiliser des hordes ou des rats voraces pour les éliminer. Ces rongeurs affamés bougent comme des vagues et tueront tout ce qui est en vue, ce qui conduira à des utilisations tendues du feu et de la lumière dans les cavernes et les cryptes les plus sombres. Avec de nombreuses énigmes furtives et environnementales, A Plague Tale propose un voyage inattendu dans le passé.
Team Sonic Racing
Sumo Digital offre un autre coureur brillant
Raisons d'acheter
+Joignez-vous à l'IA / aux joueurs pour des pouvoirs d'équipe spéciaux+Prise en charge de l'écran partagé en ligne et local à quatre joueurs+Beaucoup d'oeufs de Pâques Sonic legs
Lorsque Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed a été abandonné en 2012, le studio britannique Sumo Digital a repris son travail prometteur avec Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing et a construit un solide coureur de kart qui soit à la fois familier et rafraîchissant pour les fans de Mario Kart. Six ans et demi plus tard, les véhicules en transformation ont disparu, mais à leur place se trouve un coureur doublé de la douceur de son modèle de conduite.
Team Sonic Racing, comme son nom l’indique, met un point d'honneur à travailler avec votre équipe. Que vous jouiez en solo avec / contre l'IA, ou lors de courses en ligne / locales, vous ferez équipe pour renforcer mutuellement, protéger vos coéquipiers ou libérer les pouvoirs qui feront voler vos concurrents. Un bon retour en forme pour le hérisson qui doit aller vite.
Rage 2
Chaos et chaos dans la friche
Raisons d'acheter
+Mélangez pouvoirs et armes pour déchaîner les enfers+Un grand monde ouvert à explorer+DLC Dover Danny Dyer
La Rage originale devait hériter de Doom et de Wolfenstein, mais le jeu de tir à monde ouvert d’id Software, malgré un moteur de jeu techniquement impressionnant et des environnements suffisamment atmosphériques, a fini par être assez décevant en 2011.
Donc, pour sa suite inattendue, id a fait équipe avec Avalanche, développeur de Just Max et de Mad Max, pour créer un jeu de tir à la première personne qui supprime le sérieux post-apocalyptique et adopte une approche plus bâclée de la violence du jeu de tir.
Vous pouvez mettre à niveau une série de pouvoirs augmentés, tels que la capacité de créer des ennemis puissants dans les airs et une puissance redescendue dans le sol, et de les combiner à diverses armes surpuissantes, y compris le puissant manche à aile (par exemple, un frisbee, mais couteaux) ainsi qu’un fusil de combat puissant de niveau Doom.
Certains anciens amis et lieux du premier jeu restent présents, tels que le Dr. Antonin Kvasir et la ville de Wellspring, et la boîte à mort ridicule de Mutant Bash TV fait également son retour.
Rage 2 ressemble plus à Bulletstorm et Borderlands qu’à la Rage d’origine, le jeu vous donnant constamment le pouvoir de charger et d’essayer de causer le plus de chaos et de carnage possible, plutôt que de jouer lentement et en toute sécurité pour rester en vie. pas de mauvaise chose.
Tout le monde est Golf VR
Prendre le fairway en VR
Raisons d'acheter
+Full golf sim en VR+Utilisez votre manette PSMove en tant que club+Trois parcours complets et un practice
Plutôt que de s’avérer être une mode passagère, la réalité virtuelle s’est améliorée de façon spectaculaire avec un matériel amélioré et des jeux encore plus ambitieux. Le PSVR continue d’être l’une des plates-formes commerciales les plus populaires et Sony ne va pas abandonner comme il l’a fait avec la PS Vita. La dernière sortie, Everybody's Golf VR, s’attache à prendre la série pour les familles et à vous plonger dans son action de club swing comme jamais auparavant.
Vous pouvez utiliser votre contrôleur PSMove comme un club pour pouvoir effectuer des mouvements complets sur le fairway et taper la balle dans le trou lors de la mise du green. There are three full courses to explore, a driving range for perfecting your swing and there's even an interactive caddie that will accompany you around as you play.
Days Gone
Terror on two wheels
Reasons to buy
+Some great VO performances, despite a wonky script+Freaker hordes can be a real challenge+Bike handling feels great
Sony has been really hitting it out of the park with its recent run of PS4 exclusives, and it's hoping Days Gone will keep that trend going. And while the story of Deacon St. John – a grizzled biker living in a world ravaged by a zombie-like infection – doesn't quite live up to the likes of God of War or Detroit: Become Human, it's take on the post-apocalyptic open-world is definitely worth playing.
Your trusty motorcycle works much like your equally trusty steed in Red Dead Redemption II, so you'll need to look after it and keep it in good working order if you want it perform when you need it to. So that means looking for scrap to perform repairs and fuel to keep you tank filled to the brim. You can use stealth to your advantage, using lures to send hordes of Freakers to attack human enemies, or you can go all out and blow heads off with shotguns. It's easy to become overwhelmed, but that sense of desperation is part of Days Gone's tragic charm.
Mortal Kombat 11
Test your might
Reasons to buy
+That classic, weighty combat model+Customise your character post-fight+Impressive raft of modes
Mortal Kombat X was a big step forward for the gore-loving western fighter series, but in between developer NetherRealm Studios produced the brilliant Injustice 2 and it's this entry that's had a huge impact on Mortal Kombat 11. Alongside the different variants that affect your moveset and playstyle, you can now customise your character with different costume pieces so you can build your very own take on Scorpion or Raiden.
Alongside these improved and added systems, there's an elaborate single-player storyline spanning the entire MK saga (including revisiting classic versions of the cast), a robust online mode and tons of daily ladders and challenges to keep you playing each day. And with lots of special characters likely to be added with DLC over the next year, there's plenty of reason to test your might in 2019.
Ghost Giant
An adorable interactive diorama of a game
Reasons to buy
+A puzzle game with a unique twist+Beautifully-rendered world+Unique use of PSVR
Swedish studio Zoink Games is fast becoming one of the most exciting developers on the indie scene. When it's not making intuitive platformers chock full of irreverent humour (Flipping Death, Stick it to the Man) it's building ethereal worlds full of secrets and interactive storytelling (Fe). Its latest project continues that unpredictable creative trend with Ghost Giant, a VR-focused affair all about a little boy and his friendship with a – you guessed it – ghost giant.
As the titular big fella, Ghost Giant enables you to interact with its world almost like a series of dioramas. You can open up houses in full 3D, look inside to see what its occupants are up to and solve puzzles therein. As the invisible friend to a well-meaning but easily victimised little boy, Louis, you'll soon form a bond with your tiny pal as help affect the world around him. Beautifully designed and full to the brim with charm, Ghost Giant is a PSVR must-have.
Assassin's Creed III Remastered
A classic historical adventure returns
Reasons to buy
+New visual improvements+Updated systems such as crafting
It's been six and a half years since Ubisoft attempted to move the Assassin's Creed series beyond franchise star Ezio, and while the series has gone onto bigger and better things – including the open-ocean piracy of Black Flag only a year later – ACIII remains a bold if flawed entry. Thankfully, Ubisoft has given this tale a new lease of life with Assassin's Creed III Remastered.
This new version upgrades the visuals with a new lighting model that gives the fledgling United States an even more captivating look than the originals, while a handful of quality of life improvements (such as enabling access to certain weapons via crafting) helps elevate this remaster above the previous iterations. It might seem a little creaky compared to Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but it's still got plenty to offer.
Left Alive
A new survival shooter from Square Enix
Reasons to buy
+From some of the developers behind Metal Gear and Xenoblade Chronicles X+Use stealth and traps to defeat giant mechs
Bringing together some legendary names from Japanese videogame development and anime – including Toshifumi Nabeshima (director, Armored Core series), Yoji Shinkawa from Kojima Productions (character designer, Metal Gear Solid series), and Takayuki Yanase (mech designer, Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Xenoblade Chronicles X) – Left Alive attempts to combine the stealth of Metal Gear with the giant mech combat of the Armored Core series.
There are three characters to choose from, each with their own branching storylines, so there's plenty of narrative to make your way through and with a mixture of stealth and third-person gunfights, you'll get a healthy mix of action when you're battling armoured troops and even angrier mechs.
Sekiro: les ombres meurent deux fois
FromSoftware's post-Dark Souls adventure arrives
Reasons to buy
+Learning curve and open level design similar to DS+Focus on blade strikes and swordplay is thrilling+Ability to scale buildings and vertical structures
Following the excellent Bloodborne and the equally thrilling Dark Souls III was always going to be a challenge, but Japanese developer – much like its hardcore fanbase – rarely backs down from a challenge. The result is Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a confident step forward for the studio that blends some of the elements its made a name for itself with, while adding in new mechanics and ideas that take those familiar ingredients in a welcome new direction.
Rather than building a character like a traditional action-RPG, Sekiro eschews these levelling systems in favour of a greater focus on combat and exploration. Battles are now all about wearing your opponent down before striking a killing blow, making it more akin to the combat system of For Honor than Dark Souls. There's the option to stealth entire areas and a grappling hook on your prosthetic arm enables you to scale buildings in seconds.
Dead or Alive 6
The technical 3D fighter proves its worth
Reasons to buy
+Rewarding 'triangle' fighting model returns+Frightening amount of customisation+Plenty of modes
With the current console generation now approaching its twilight years, fighting game fans are spoilt for choice when it comes to both 2D and 3D fighters. The Dead or Alive series has been around for a long time, and while it spends a little too much time kitting out its female (and male, but mostly female) roster in revealing outfits, the fighting model itself is solid. Dead or Alive 6 doesn't stray too far from this formula, but adds in just enough new modes to keep things fresh.
There's a decent story mode to sink your teeth into, and while it's nothing on the likes of Injustice 2, it does help give each major character a little time in the limelight. There's also a whole host of training modes, which are incredibly helpful to newer players hoping to refine their skills before heading online. Gameplay-wise, the biggest change is the focus on escape moves that help break combos and stop one-sided affairs (which makes a huge difference when playing online). Just watch out for the expensive DLC and season passes.
Tom Clancy's The Division 2
The apolitical co-op shooter returns
Reasons to buy
+A more diverse setting+Loot is numerous and more significant+Gear offers a lot more support options
Despite delays and a fair few technical problems, Tom Clancy's The Division nevertheless offered a robust take on the online shooter/RPG model, combining cover shooting, loot, PvE missions and PvP arenas into one giant package. The Division 2 takes this same formula, moves the action from Manhattan to Washington DC and makes enough important changes to elevate this well above the first game.
Loot is now far more numerous, and missions offer a little more variety to their structure and storytelling. You're still fighting gangs of marauders, murderers and thieves, but with a brand new location that offers far more diverse environments, The Division 2 plays like a step in the right direction for the series. Co-op is a big focus, with support items – such as drones that heal teammates and portal gun turrets you can manual assign targets – helping transform you into a crack unit of agents.
Devil May Cry 5
Dante and co and back to raise hell
Reasons to buy
+Familiar fast-paced hack-'n'-slash action+Incredible looking graphics+Hideaki Itsuno back at the helm
It's been a while since we last saw the Devil May Cry series dust off its pistols and try for that coveted S Rank. In 2013, the series had something of a reboot with DmC: Devil May Cry with demon-slaying hero Dante getting a makeover and a foul mouth for his troubles. Devil May Cry 5 sees development duties brought back in house to Capcom, with veteran director Hideaki Itsuno returning to the franchise and DmC seemingly now existing as an experimental spin-off than a full entry in the series. But Capcom hasn't waited on its laurels in the intervening years, and DMC5 looks set to be the most exciting entry in years.
For a start, it looks incredible. Itsuno and his team have aimed for a hyper realistic aesthetic, even going as far as to have fabrics scanned in order to recreate every texture in the world. Expect brothers/allies/enemies Dante and Nero to unleash mayhem with their mix of acrobatic gunfights, melee kills and over-the-top powers. Considering how well Resident Evil has been revived in recent years, we have high hopes for DMC's future.
Trials Rising
Two-wheeled mayhem returns
Reasons to buy
+Best Trials since Evolution+In-depth tutorial system+Killer soundtrack
It's been almost five years since the last time Trials crashed its way into our hearts, and developer RedLynx has spent that time making one of the best entries in the series yet. While it's no grand reinvention of the classic formula, Trials Rising ticks the right boxes in almost every area. There are countless tracks to compete on, which gradually increase in difficulty and complexity, as well as a ton of customisation options as you level up and earn loot crates.
You can compete online with other like-minded players, compete in skill and trick-based tournaments and even create your party games locally. The Track Editor also returns, enabling you to build your very own courses – however crazy your ideas might be – then share them online for players across multiple platforms to enjoy.
Embrace your Destiny in Bioware's latest sci-fi adventure
Reasons to buy
+Flying the jetpack-style javelins is incredible+Cataclysms make for amazing world events+Lots of customisation options
With the next Dragon Age deep in development and Mass Effect taking a step back after the commercial and critical failure of Andromeda, developer Bioware is taking its experience with building rich RPG worlds and applying it to the world of MMO online shooters. The result is Anthem, a cross between Destiny's co-operative battles and Warframe's third-person gunplay/melee action.
With a rich world to explore (with unique weather cycles that terraform the topography periodically), tons of loot to collect, and all the customisation you could want for your javelin, Anthem is set to be one of 2019's most important releases. The flying mechanic alone are worth the price of admission.
Far Cry New Dawn
A post-apocalyptic semi-sequel/spin-off
Reasons to buy
+Craft makeshift weapons and vehicles+Enemy rankings make gunfights a little more tactical
It's only been a year since Far Cry 5 gave us a grand open-world in the form of Hope County's bombastic playground, but the series is back once more with a sequel set 17 after one of that game's post-apocalyptic endings. The land has now been reclaimed nature, and with a small community to protect you'll be going up against a gang of neon-loving marauders known as The Highwaymen.
Don't expect any grand changes to the formula with Far Cry New Dawn, but do expect a slightly smaller map and a streamlined approach to crafting and combat. You'll still fight to control Outposts, but you can now salvage them, lose them to your enemies then reclaim the for more resources. New Expeditions missions offer trips outside Hope County, while the option to craft new makeshift weapons plays perfectly into its Mad Max-esque aesthetic.
Metro Exodus
The immersive FPS survival horror series broadens its scope dramatically
Reasons to buy
+Satisfyingly violent combat+Visually very impressive+Immersive world and narrative
The Metro series of games returns with a brand new, far more expansive third title in Exodus, which sees the player break free of the claustrophobic confines of ruined Moscow and its labyrinthine metro system and venture out into the wilds of post-apocalyptic Russia.
This broadening of its scope, though, hasn't changed what made the first two Metro game FPS delights, with the immersive survival and RPG aspects like maintaining and customizing your weapons and gear, as well as undertaking realistic actions like wiping condensation and detritus from your gas mask's viewing window and changing its filter, still very much in residence.
These small, atmosphere-building details when combined with a bombastic combat system where gunplay feels natural and very deadly make every mission or exploration genuinely engaging, while the fact that the game comes loaded with multiple different endings means that the player genuinely gets the finale they deserve.
The first properly good FPS of 2019, Metro Exodus is without doubt one of the best PS4 games you can currently play on Sony's generation-winning console hardware.
Kingdom Hearts 3
The Disney-loving franchise finally gets its third instalment
Reasons to buy
+Some of the most lavish locations yet+Toy Story and Pirates settings are brilliant
It's taken so long to arrive we were half expecting it to never come out, but Square Enix has finally made good on its promise to round off the long-running Kingdom Hearts series with a full-on current-gen extravaganza. Kingdom Hearts 3 continues the series' love of combining long-winded storylines with much-loved Disney characters with everyone from the cast of Toy Story to the chilly crew from Frozen getting a look in.
Expect more hack and slash combat, but with a refined battle system and some of the biggest sandbox levels yet. Packed with secrets, Disney lore galore and enough collectibles to keep you searching for months to come, Kingdom Hearts 3 is the top-form successor to KH2 we've all been waiting for.
Resident Evil 2
A survival horror classic gets the remake treatment
Reasons to buy
+Raccoon City has been completely rebuilt+Over-the-shoulder camera makes such a difference
Survival horror has plenty of classics to its name, but few hold as much significance to fans and critics alike as the original Resident Evil games. Resident Evil 2, which originally launched in 1998, is still considered one of the best because it nailed the right mix of action, horror, exploration and puzzles.
Turn the clock forwards to 2019 and Capcom has completely remade that milestone in gaming, with every part of Raccoon City remade with modern visuals and mechanical improvements in mind. Those fixed camera angles are gone, with a RE4-style over-the-shoulder view making all the difference, and some top-notch lighting upping the nightmarish atmosphere.
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
A return to form in the virtual skies
Reasons to buy
+Mix of arcade and simulated dogfighting+Single-player and multiplayer modes+Support for PSVR
It's been a long time since the last proper instalment in Bandai Namco's long-running fighter plane series, and while the intervening years saw the franchise air towards arcade dogfights, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown manages to bridge the gap between the two. The result is an exhilarating exercise in simulated flying, intense aerial fights and the clever use of dynamic clouds as cover.
Along with support for multiplayer modes, and a zeitgeisty Battle Royale mode, the PS4/PS Pro versions also support PSVR. You can't play the whole game in VR, but there are some select missions that will test how good you are at fighting motion sickness and enemy planes.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
A classic JRPG gets the anniversary treatment
Reasons to buy
+Enhanced HD visuals+Japanese PS3 exclusive content included
The Tales series has been around since the SNES, and for more than 20 years its produced some of the best JRPGs to ever grace the genre. Tales of Vesperia, originally released on Xbox 360 in the West back in 2008, is one such example and Bandai Namco is celebrating its tenth anniversary with a nice Definitive Edition.
This version includes updated visuals, an enhanced soundtrack and all the costumes and extra content that was previously exclusive to the Japanese PS3 version. If you loved it the first time round, or you're brand new to the series, this is a must-play addition to your collection.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
A classic platformer gets the spiritual successor it deserves
Reasons to buy
+Captivating hand-drawn animations+Over 15 hours of platforming adventures
Serving as a spiritual successor to the Wonder Boy games – a series of platformers that combined open-ended exploration with challenging combat and a variety of magical creatures to transform into – Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom offers six different forms to take and over 15 hours of gameplay to enjoy.
With hand-drawn animations that give every scene a magical anime aesthetic – and a soundtrack written by legendary Japanese composers Yuzo Koshiro, Motoi Sakuraba, Michiru Yamane, Keiki Kobayashi and Takeshi Yanagawa. If you enjoyed Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap, you'll love this.
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Kiryu's epic story bows out in style
Reasons to buy
+Engrossing Yakuza storyline conludes+Vast array of silly side-activities and quests
The Yakuza series has been going since the days of PlayStation 2, and after three console generations the Japanese RPG brawler is finally ready to bring its story to a close. Set in modern day Japan, the sixth numbered entry in the franchise doubles down on everything that's made the previous entries so much fun, including its arcade combat, silly side-activities and enough side-quests to keep you playing well into 2019.
It's also a really good place to jump into the series for newcomers, but if you're a seasoned member of the Yakuza family, you'll find this a fine swansong to a series that's spiritually succeeded Shenmue for over a decade.
A team-based racer with a difference
Reasons to buy
+Intense team-based racing action+Inventive approach to track design
There's been plenty of memorable racers this year, but while everyone has gone crazy for the likes of Forza Horizon 4, there's been a few titles virtual petrolheads shouldn't overlook. Onrush, which comes from a studio formally known as Evolution Studios (it of Motorstorm fame).
Onrush takes the co-operative nature of a hero shooter and throws it into an off-road racing setup, where certain abilities can help heal your teammates or give them a speed boost. With a ton of modes and rulesets, a near endless amount of vehicle customisation and a slew of tracks to chew up, Onrush is one of the most underrated games of year.
Valkyria Chronicles 4
A tactical RPG with a chilly exterior
Reasons to buy
+More of that special tactical RPG action+Hitoshi Sakimoto's epic soundtrack
With its alternative history take on World War 2 – where fictitious nations battle for control of the continent of Europa – the Valkyria Chronicles series has always set itself apart with its western military aesthetic and anime character designs, and it continues that trend with aplomb in Valkyria Chronicles 4.
With a snow-swept new setting, a brand new soldier type in the form of the Grenadier, and a new Brave system (which enables you to use downed squadd-mates to inspire others to greater deeds) the franchise continues to prove that tactical battles and RPG mechanics can work in harmony.
WWE 2K19
A phenomenal entry in the wrestling sim series
Reasons to buy
+Return of Showcase mode+Faster, less-simulated action
Over the last few years, the WWE 2K series has taken plenty of cues from the NBA 2K games with more of a simulated approach to its wrestling action. Well, developers Yukes and Visual Concepts have listened to fan feedback and decided to return to a more arcadey setup that leads to faster and more fun matches.
That shift in gameplay pace is joined by the return of Showcase mode, which follows the WWE history of Daniel Bryan through some of his most famous rivalries. There's also the return of the faction-driven Road to Glory mode and new Mortal Kombat-style towers. Easily the most accessible entry in the franchise in years.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Three PS1 classics, reborn from the flames
Reasons to buy
+All three Spyro games, fully remade+Plays just like those classic games+A faithful recreation from start to finish
With Sony presumably tinkering away behind closed doors on what will likely one day reveal itself as the PS5, the platform holder has been digging through its exclusivity archive and remaking some of the classics from the PS1 heyday. First it was Crash Bandicoot: N'Sane Trilogy, and now we've Spyro Reignited Trilogy.
Toys for Bob (one of the studios that gave Spyro some short-lived new relevance in the Skylanders series) has remade all three of the original PS1 games with a faithful recreation of every world, hub, enemy and mini-game. There's even a brand new soundtrack based on Stuart Copeland's brilliant original scores. A perfect treat you warm you up this Christmas.
NHL 19
A return to form on the ice, and one of the best PS4 games to play this Xmas
Reasons to buy
+New player progression system+Improved physics and momentum
The NHL series, of all of EA's long running sports franchises, holds one of the best track records for quality, but that means it does occasionally struggle to out-do itself and truly innovate. Thankfully, NHL 19 manages to take the series forwards with some new enhancements to on-field play that make every check, turn and swipe of the puck that bit more realistic.
There's also a new World of Chel system, which uses something as simple as a persistent XP system to track your progress across multiple modes, so every game feels like its part of a connected whole.
Battlefield V
World War Two gets another modern FPS makeover
Reasons to buy
+Some of the best multiplayer maps yet+Single-player campaign+Free DLC and content updates
Call of Duty: WW2 wound back the clock last year, and now EA and DICE's grand shooter series is doing the same, returning to its roots for a full-scale FPS experience that doesn't hold back. Featuring some of the biggest, and the most creative, maps in the franchise, multiplayer boasts plenty of modes (including the multi-tiered Grand Operations). There's even a single-player campaign for those that sorely missed it in this year's Black Ops 4.
There's also an upcoming content schedule, including new maps, new modes, new weapons and vehicles and a battle royale mode that's set to launch in March 2019. Did we mention all DLC is free to every player?
Red Dead Redemption 2
One of the greatest games of this generation
Reasons to buy
+Brilliant story set during the end of the Old West+Incredible world-building+Dynamic and detail-rich open-world
Much like Grand Theft Auto V before it, Rockstar's latest opus – the Wild West-set Red Dead Redemption 2 – is a landmark in modern gaming. Eight years of development has produced an open-world filled with some of the best writing you'll play this generation (from the main story to dynamic encounters littered across its plains, swamps, mountains and deserts).
You can dual fellow gunslingers, break in and bond with wild horses, hunt some legendary animals in the wild and follow a narrative that shows a United States in a state of transformation as the Old West (and the outlaw life) finds itself about to be swallowed by the arrival of the modern era. It's an incredible piece of art, and a game you simply have to own on PS4 or PS4 Pro.
Hitman 2
Agent 47 returns for another sandbox assassination extravaganza
Reasons to buy
+Builds on sandbox formula of the 2016 reboot+Biggest and most detailed environments yet+Sean Bean is one of your targets
Back in 2016, IO Interactive took the sandbox assassination sim that was Hitman and breathed new life into its classic formula. Here and now the much-anticipated sequel takes the elements that made the first Hitman such a success – huge levels to explore, filled with myriad ways to kill a specific target – and simply turns the dial to 11.
Rather than releasing the game episodically as it did with the first game, IO Interactive is releasing Hitman 2 as a full-game alongside Hitman Sniper Assassin 2 and the first of its timed Elusive Targets, played by none other than Sean Bean!
Fallout 76
It's time for Reclamation Day
Reasons to buy
+First proper MMORPG set in the Fallout universe+Game world as big as Fallout 4+Filled with NPCs, quests and secrets to uncover
A lot of detractors thought the fantasy RPG lore of The Elder Scrolls couldn't work as an online experience, and then along came The Elder Scrolls Online with its vast worlds and co-op gameplay. Maintenant Fallout 76 is here, and it's ready to do the same thing for the irradiated plains of West Virginia.
You can party up on a server and play with friends, or go it alone, with a huge array of quests to undertake and complete, gear to collect, and all manner of mutant monsters to evade/destroy/loot. Classic mechanics such as the VATS targeting system and the SPECIAL progression setup all return, although they've been tweaked to fit an always-online experience.
Dieu de la guerre
Fatherhood and fatalities, God of War is a killer PS4 exclusive with heart
Reasons to buy
+Best GoW yet+Rejuvenated combat system+Compelling (and lengthy) story campaign
Having killed every last deity and godly creature on Mount Olympus, the walking mountain of muscle and rage known as Kratos wrapped up the original God of War trilogy in a pool of blood and satisfaction.
So where to go next? To the halls of Norse mythology of course, with a new beard (and a new son) in tow.
It also looks absolutely stunning on PS4 Pro, acting as a technical showcase for just what Sony's pixel-pushing powerhouse console can do.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition
The best PS4 game of 2019 for traditional RPG enthusiasts
Reasons to buy
+Deep, tactical combat system+World is vibrant and full of life+Genuinely funny and well written
The superlative traditional RPG adventure comes to PS4 in the form of Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition, a remarkably good console port that retains everything that made the PC original an out and out hit.
Fans of those classic RPGs from the 1990s, such as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment will immediately feel right at home in Divinity 2, with a detailed character creator, immersive world and narrative, interesting companions, complex and deep tactical combat system, and unsurpassed freedom to learn what skills you want and to go where you want, too.
With thousands of small improvements and enhancements, this edition of Divinity: Original Sin 2 is truly definitive, and a must-play for anyone with an interest in the RPG genre.
Marvel's Spider-Man
Insomniac gives the Web-Crawler the game he deserves
Reasons to buy
+Best web-swinging mechanics since Spider-Man 2+Fantastic Spider-Man story+Fluid combat rivals Batman: Arkham series
It's been a long time since Marvel has had a video game that's achieved the popularity and acclaim that DC has enjoyed for years thanks to the Batman: Arkham series.
Well, that's all changed thanks to Ratchet & Clank developer Insomniac Games, which has given everyone's favourite Web-Head an open-world adventure that encapsulates his powers and taps into the comic's classic lore to create something new, fresh and exciting.
There's a reason this game has already overtaken God of War as the fastest-selling exclusive on PS4.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Lara's origins bow out in style
Reasons to buy
+Best Tomb Raider since Underworld+Combat finely tuned to stealth+Far more elaborate tombs and crypts
With Uncharted: The Lost Legacy proving that Naughty Dog's treasure hunting series was far from retirement age, it's up to Crystal Dynamics – and new series main developer, Eidos Montreal – to step up and prove Lara Croft still has what it takes to show Nate, Chloe and co who the real tomb raider is.
It's a little to bleak in places, and a lot of character development falls flat, but it's still a strong way to see out Crofty's origin trilogy.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
CoD gets into the Battle Royale game
Reasons to buy
+Blackout mode is a fine replacement for the campaign+Welcome improvements to Multiplayer+Best Zombies campaign yet
Blackout – CoD's answer to the big Battle Royale craze – is a slick take on the genre, with a giant map and all the gun variants you could ask for. Multiplayer is now more team-focused with no regenerative health and improved Specialist abilities. And Zombies is packed with content, all of which is a fun and crazy as you could imagine.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
This. Is. SPARTA!
Reasons to buy
+Biggest AC map yet+Open-world sailing is back+Kassandra is a great heroine
While the series seems like its going back to a damaging annual cycle again (it isn't, with Ubisoft confirming the series will take another year off in 2019), you'd never know it thanks to the ambition and execution of Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Offering one of the biggest maps the series has ever boasted, this Ancient Greece set adventure throws in almost every popular feature from the last few years.
The improved combat of Assassin's Creed Origins returns, as well as a renewed focus on RPG mechanics. It can make the game a little grindy in places, but with some brilliant boss fights, a return to open-sea sailing and some great storytelling, it's proof AC is far from over-the-hill.
SoulCalibur VI
A classic fighter finds its form
Reasons to buy
+Unreal Engine 4 makes for a fluid combat model+Two big story modes+Geralt of Rivia!
It's been six years since the previous entry in the series, but while it's taken its time to reach current-gen hardware, SoulCalibur VI brings with it the best entry in the sword-swinging franchise since SCII. The change of engine makes for a slick and responsive combat model, while the inclusion of two huge story modes will ensure this fighting title becomes a serious time sink.
While locking fan favourite fighters behind DLC is a backwards approach to post-launch content, the inclusion of Geralt of Rivia as a special guest character is a fine addition. The net code is rock solid and there's all the customisation options you could possibly want.
Red Dead Redemption 2
A Wild West epic that you simply have to play
Reasons to buy
+Beautifully realised open world to explore+Hundreds of hours of immersive content+Technical showcase on PS4 Pro
We're guessing you're already very familiar with Red Dead Redemption 2 review hype, with the game receiving perfect scores across the board, but it truly is an experience not to be missed.
So much time and money was poured into this game that, if it was anyone but Rockstar Games were at the helm, you'd be concerned it was going to be a costly flop. However, the resultant incredibly in-depth and immersive Wild West simulator and open-world epic is nothing short of a triumph.
The scope of missions, activities, games, characters, stories, systems and the world itself is just breathtaking, and with hundreds of hours of quality content on offer, it's one of the most no-brainer game purchases in 2019.
EA Canada's beautiful game is still a stunner
Reasons to buy
+Best chapter in The Journey yet+Divisions improve FUT progression+House Rules a boon for Kick-Off mode
EA Canada's hyper-polished football simulator may no longer have the shadow of Pro Evo looming over its shoulder, but that doesn't mean the latest FIFA is a complacent instlament. FIFA 19 makes changes to the much-loved formula in almost all the right places, so you're bound to find a mode to suit your footie tastes.
The Journey returns for its final instalment as Alex Hunter tries to go from top-flight superstar to football icon; FUT has a new Divisions mode to improve long-term play; Kick-Off mode has a new FIFA Street-style House Rules addition and much more. The changes to shooting and ball physics also add a sleeker sense of movement across the field.
Detroit: Become Human
Do sheep QuanticDream of electric sheep?
Reasons to buy
+One of the most visually impressive games on PS4+Cinematic story experience
While 2013’s Beyond: Two Souls failed to live up to the serial killer japes (and awkward sex scenes) of 2010’s Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human goes full science-fiction with a story of artificial intelligence in rebellion.
With mankind now using lifelike androids as a worldwide workforce, David Cage’s latest opus will follow the story of three machines that begin think, act and feel beyond their original programming.
You’ll encounter plenty of challenging scenarios, from solving murders to caring for a dying master, so expect a story that evolves with every dialogue choice and action.
The Crew 2
An open-world racer with an extreme edge
Reasons to buy
+Arcade-style racing+Boats, cars, planes and more
Back in 2014, The Crew offered up a truncated version of the United States filled with races and challenges and all manner of Ubisoft-related tropes. It also wasn’t very good, mainly because its racing lacked that ‘wow’ factor.
Fast-forward to now and its sequel has looked to the Xbox-exclusive series Forza Horizon for inspiration, dropping the road trip setup of the first game in favour of a more accessible set of activities across its vast map.
With powerboat racing, street races, drifting, dirt bikes and stunt planes, it’s packed with things to do in vehicular form.
Jurassic World Evolution
It's Zoo Tycoon… but with dinosaurs
Reasons to buy
+UI works really on consoles+Jeff Goldblum on narration
Frontier might be more famous for the expansive universe of Elite: Dangerous, but it also gave us the cutey management sim that is Zoo Tycoon, and it’s these family-friendly series that’s served as the enhanced DNA for Jurassic World Evolution.
The setup is simple: build your own theme park on one of five different islands, including pens full of every dinosaur you’ve seen gnashing their jaws in the films. Search for fossils, extract DNA then breed your very own enhanced species, but watch out. Your new creations might escape and run riot across your very own Jurassic World.
A vampire simulator with a pre-Victorian twist
Reasons to buy
+A world that reacts to your decisions+Brilliant set of vampiric powers
Dontnod Entertainment – the Parisian studio perhaps more well-known for the narrative wonder of Life is Strange – has turned its attention to an entirely new genre, but it’s brought much of its love for stories and worlds that are shaped by your decisions and choices.
Set in London in 1918, you play a doctor attempting to help the city through an outbreak of Spanish Flu. Unfortunately, you’ve also just been turned into a vampire, forcing you to choose between healing people or draining them for blood.
With support for stealthy non-kill playthroughs and all-out vampiric bloodbaths, it’s proved to be a darkly hidden gem.
Battle royale with cheese
Reasons to buy
+Fun, intense multiplayer gameplay+Battle Royal mode is free
While PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds helped put the ‘battle royale’ genre (where a large group of players drop into a map, find weapons and kill each other to the last man/woman) on the map, it’s the colossal popularity of Epic Games’ Fortnite has put it firmly on the map.
The full-game is actually about building a fort and surviving a night of monster-filled attacks, but the BR mode (which includes the ability to build ramps and walls on the fly for makeshift cover and traversing to higher ground) has proved a real winner on Twitch, YouTube and beyond. Who needs a chicken dinner, eh?
Metal Gear Survive
Tactical espionage action has never played quite like this
Reasons to buy
+Shows there is still plenty of fun to be had in the Metal Gear universe+Shakes up the traditional stealth gameplay
Many fans thought the Metal Gear series was doomed to be plunged into chaos after the controversial departure of series brainchild Hideo Kojima — however Metal Gear Survive shows the series has plenty of life and is capable of producing an entertaining spinoff.
What’s most important about this title is that it isn’t a traditional Metal Gear game, instead it serves as a reason for players to relive some of the gameplay elements the series has nailed in the past with a vital twist.
Think of this installment as the Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare of the Metal Gear series. After a worm hole opens in the game world the player is forced to build and fortify a base while upgrading their own abilities and taking on new recruits.
Survival elements play a key part in the game and add to the tangible feeling of desperation the game exudes. Managing your health, food, water and any injuries sustained is vital to continuing the grind towards satisfying progression.
The game may not prominently feature any of the series’ signature characters, but Metal Gear Survive shows that there is still plenty of fun to be had in this incredibly captivating world.
Monster Hunter: World
Bludgeon, stab and conquer to get incredibly rewarding loot
Reasons to buy
+Simplifies its introduction to make it perfect for newcomers+Easily the best cooperative fun you can experience on the PlayStation 4
Monster Hunter: World manages to maintain the series’ historically addictive backbone but makes the barrier to entry lower than ever so a slew of new players can experience gorgeous worlds and inspired creatures.
The game is best suited to cooperative play but has been tailored to fit single-player only hunters all the same. Instead of displaying a litany of text when you boot up the game, the developers instead opted to spoon-feed the player information when it’s needed.
Monster Hunter's incredibly diverse worlds look crisp and run without a hiccup on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro.
Getting friends together to chase down beautifully realised animals could be easier, but once everyone has teamed up the game takes on an entirely new level of charm and companionship.
Monster Hunter: World strikes the perfect balance between catering for die-hard fans of the franchise and a huge set of newcomers at the same time.
It succeeds without sacrificing any of its alluring characteristics that result in hundreds of hours lost slaying monsters, crafting improved items and exploring the game’s vast open worlds.
Shadow of the Colossus
One of the best games of all time just got an amazing visual upgrade
Reasons to buy
+Rebuilt from the ground-up to look and feel better than ever+The emotional finale will stay with you long after the credits roll
The PlayStation 4 rendition of Shadow of the Colossus cements Team Ico’s heartfelt adventure as a true classic. The story about a man’s journey to save a mystical woman by taking down 16 fantastical beasts has never looked or played better.
Two generations of extra power makes the quest feel more immersive and real than ever thanks to the removal of the PlayStation 2’s technical limitations that stiffened up character models and severely cut draw distances.
The exhilarating feeling you get when you charge horse first into the territory of a new Colossus with your sword lighting the way feels better than ever.
Controls have also been greatly improved with remapped jump and grab buttons making this game feel like a modern classic and not a title that saw its first outing over 12 years ago.
Shadow of the Colossus gives players one of the most memorable crusades this generation and tops it off with an ending that will surely go down as one of the industry’s best.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
The frantic blockbuster lives on without Nathan Drake
Reasons to buy
+Uncharted's first foray into an open world+Incredible characters steal the show
Naughty Dog is rivalled only by Rockstar Games in getting the best out of a console, and this trend continues with The Lost Legacy’s depiction of India looking absolutely gorgeous and pixel perfect on the PlayStation 4 Pro.
The game carries on the series tradition of putting characters in scripted moments that play out like the greatest scenes from a Hollywood blockbuster.
The game also takes the franchise forward by introducing an open world level that sets the player free to roam about, discover treasures and witness the developing relationship between Chloe and Nadine.
Horizon Zero Dawn
Engage in ruthless encounters with animalistic beasts
Reasons to buy
+The most original open-world title the PS4 has to offer+An immersive story with endless amounts of lure
With Horizon Zero Dawn Guerrilla Games not only showed they were capable of creating an inspired, new and unique RPG with an incredible amount of lure, but they could do so with an unparalleled amount of elegance.
The game features a strong leading character in the form of Aloy, but the game’s world steals the show with diverse landscapes and inhabiting animal-esque machines forcing players to stop and take everything in, especially in the PS4 Pro’s 4K mode.
The combat is some of the most original this generation with primitive weaponry used to tackle the animalistic enemies. Each machine has its own weakness that requires the player to adjust their techniques to take them down quickly before more arrive.
Horizon encourages the player to explore every crevice, complete every objective and make Aloy the most powerful version of herself. The game is a testament to the financial commitment and creative freedoms Sony offers its first-party studios.
Wipeout Omega Collection
Celebrate everything the series did right one last time
Reasons to buy
+Tracks have hidden layers of nuance that take countless laps to discover+Delivers an unparalleled sense of speed
Developer Psygnosis’ heritage lives on in the Wipeout Omega Collection that contains the beloved trio of WipEout HD, WipEout HD Fury and WipEout 2048 on one Blu-ray disc.
The series charms players instantaneously with its futuristic world and will have you replaying courses over and over again to beat your best time.
The games provide an unparalleled sense of speed but manage to do so while still giving the player a refined control scheme that allow the most talented to navigate a race without a single collision.
A deep meta-game can be found in the statistics of each of the available ships; some will have beefed up armour while others are perfect for nailing corners that will shave off valuable seconds if you’re going for a personal best.
Remastering three of Psygnosis’ greats is the best send off the studio could have ever asked for.
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
The beloved PlayStation mascot is back
Reasons to buy
+Gameplay tweaks make the series more accessible than ever+An incredible amount of content on one disc
The Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy doesn’t just take the collection of games on the original PlayStation and cover them with a current-gen coat of paint.
Instead it serves to improve the first Crash game by adding a more accessible save mechanic that makes the package a lot less intimidating for those looking to dip their toes into the franchise for the first time.
The game serves as a differentiator between a traditional HD upgrade and a complete remaster from the ground-up. The graphics, sound and content have been tweaked or added to in some fashion to make this the definitive way to experience three of Naughty Dog’s classics.
The platforming and memorable boss battles offer a significant challenge for players and deliver a euphoric moment of satisfaction when they’re completed.
Gravity Rush 2
A testament to how unique and creative this series is
Reasons to buy
+Improve gravity-shifting mechanics+Definitively lush art style
The original Gravity Rush was criminally under-played when it was released on the PlayStation Vita in 2012. However Sony’s Japan Studio was lucky enough to get another crack at exploring the fantastical world of Kat, the game’s protagonist.
The adorable blonde has the unique ability of shifting gravity to suit her needs, meaning she can pretty much fly and walk on any surface at will.
The game features the same incredible art style from the original but dials it up significantly after being given the added horsepower of the PlayStation 4 to play with.
Although the story is largely forgettable, cutscenes take place through comic book style sequences that still manage to create some hilarious moments.
The gameplay is what you’ll be sticking around for though, with the combat being given an added layer of depth and the traversal of zipping around by manipulating the world made easier and more precise.
Battlefield 1
An epic World War 1 first person shooter
Reasons to buy
+Top story mode+Loads of free DLC+Excellent multiplayer
The much-loved Battlefield series travels back to World War 1 in this title, which manages to deliver excellent shooting action with a, for an FPS, surprisingly engaging story mode. A dump truck load of DLC (most of which is now free for all users), a top multiplayer Operations mode that allows for 64-player, multi-map scuffles, and the ability to hop into tanks and aircraft, too, keeps the action fresh each play session.
The game isn't optimised for PS4 Pro, so those rocking Sony's flagship won't get any benefit from their juiced up hardware, but the game's art style and graphics are top draw anyway and along with some top music and sound effects, they make for an immersive gaming experience.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
The series goes back to what made it great in the first place
Reasons to buy
+Horror elements are executed brilliantly+The entire game is playable in PlayStation VR
Resident Evil 7 takes the series back to its roots by shaking off unnecessary over-the-top action sequences and replacing them with incredibly tense and frightening moments, rewarding exploration and a ton of nods to previous entries in the franchise.
The game sees the player thrown into a desperate scramble to overcome the sadistic Baker Family.
The player is also forced to conserve their resources that adds to the game’s expertly delivered feeling of vulnerability — the rush that ensues when you use the last of your bullets to land a headshot on a final enemy is one that can’t be understated.
Additionally, the game is one of the few to fully utilise Sony’s PlayStation VR headset in a meaningful way. The player can experience Resident Evil 7 in its entirety in virtual reality and showcases the unparalleled immersion offered by the technology.
South Park: le fracturé mais entier
One of the few games that will have you laughing with regularity
Reasons to buy
+Recreates the style from the series perfectly+A deep set of RPG and fighting mechanics
The beauty of South Park has always been the contemporary nature of each episode; The Fractured But Whole carries on that legacy with its satirical approach to the superhero craze.
Just like the The Stick of Truth before it, the title is easily mistaken for an episode of the show when the HUD is not displayed. The involvement of series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker is the reason this game will have you in fits of laughter from start to finish.
The turn-based combat starts off relatively simple, but as the game progresses it becomes increasingly challenging and requires the player to put a lot more thought into every aspect of a battle.
Little details such as where your characters are positioned have the power to drastically change the tide in any battle.
Fans of the show will see this as another epic episode that pays homage to everything the series has done right for the last twenty years while the contemporary jokes mean even newcomers will have to stop their sides from splitting.
Friday the 13th: The Game
How will you escape the machete-wielding psychopath?
Reasons to buy
+Playing as Jason is incredibly satisfying+Requires teamwork and communication for a successful match
Friday the 13th: The Game is a deep nod to fans of the films – the multiplayer only title sees a team of up to seven players controlling Camp Crystal Lake counsellors attempting to escape the machete-wielding Jason Voorhees.
The game is best experienced with a group of friends and a microphone is a must to coordinate the asymmetrical maps and form a strategy to last the night.
Surviving typically requires finding resources that are scattered across the camp site that are too spread out for a single player to find them all alone, reinforcing the need to play with others you are familiar with.
Playing as Jason meanwhile offers an incredible power-rush as you speed around the map gouging the guts of each counsellor trying to escape. The game offers a variety of costumes that pay homage to Friday fans that know the franchise inside and out.
Although technical hiccups occur more than they should, the unparalleled rush of adrenaline you get as you speed away in a car with Jason following closely behind is worth the brief annoyance.
Le mal dans les 2
Survival horror done right
Reasons to buy
+Throws the player into an unexpected and twisted world+A lengthy, scary and thrilling ride
The Evil Within 2 cements the survival horror genre as one that is thriving and where new titles can bloom.
Developer Tango Gameworks clearly understands what made games of this ilk so popular in the first place — The Evil Within 2 constantly keeps you on edge and feeling vulnerable.
Although the narrative largely takes a back seat in this second instalment, the gameplay and well-executed horror tropes will keep your sweaty hands clinging a little too tightly to the controller for some 15 hours.
The game forces the player to do everything they can to survive, meaning you’ll be scavenging everything you can from the semi-open world to ensure you have enough resources to live long enough to make it to the next deadly encounter.
The Evil Within 2 understands that surviving by the skin of your teeth is what makes survival horror games great and puts forward a wide-variety of innovations that set a new bar for the genre.
Hitman: The Complete First Season
More devious ways to assassinate your targets than ever before
Reasons to buy
+A wide-range of ways to take out each target+Expansive levels that offer a ton of replay value
Many players were turned off when developer IO Interactive announced that the next generation version of Hitman would be released episodically. However, the game turned out to be one of the few examples of this delivery done right.
The series of levels takes Agent 47 across the world and throws him into incredibly expansive mission areas in Paris, Sapienza, Marrakesh and Bangkok to name a few. However it is the incredible amount of variety and diverse ways to complete objectives that gives this title an incredibly long tail.
Hitman retains the series’ classic formula of throwing Agent 47 into an open area, giving him a target and a seemingly endless amount of ways to take them out.
However, this iteration takes that to a new level, providing incredibly detailed worlds and an astonishing amount of killing methods and disguises to experiment with.
The title proves that Hitman is more relevant and endlessly repayable than ever. Developer IO Interactive should be commended for choosing a somewhat unconventional release method and nailing it to keep players invested episode after episode.
Ratchet & Clank
The Lombax and robot duo are back in this remastered adventure
Reasons to buy
+A dump truck worth of weapons available+Charming, unique and memorable characters
Developer Insomniac Games paid a fantastic tribute to the first Ratchet & Clank game that made them a recognised developer across the industry with a remaster built from the ground-up for PlayStation 4.
Although the title diverges slightly from the plot of the original game, the main through points remain. However players will be most enamoured by the glorious graphical treatment that the Lombax and his robotic friend have received.
The charming and incredibly diverse worlds look like something ripped straight from a Pixar cartoon. Of course the game will have your eyes popping on the PlayStation 4 Pro, but things will still look great in 1080p on a standard or slim PlayStation 4.
The quirky characters and litany of firearms have always been a staple of the Ratchet & Clank series and the PlayStation 4 installment takes that to the next level with guns that will have you in fits of laughter from the moment you pull the trigger.
Ratchet & Clank on the PlayStation 4 proves that there is not only a ton of potential for the series to climb to new heights on a new generation of hardware but that it still has the power to delight fans new and old.
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