Labelexpo Europe 2019: aperçu de A à Z – Bien choisir son serveur d impression
L'édition 40e anniversaire de Labelexpo Europe 2019 ouvre bientôt ses portes à Bruxelles. Avec plus de 600 exposants, ce sera le plus grand salon de son histoire.
«Nous attendons avec impatience l'édition du 40e anniversaire de Labelexpo Europe, qui sera notre plus grand salon à ce jour. La participation des exposants cette année a été vraiment incroyable, non seulement par le nombre d’entreprises qui rentrent dans le pays, mais également par les nouveaux arrivants qui se sont joints à nous pour la première fois. Il est étonnant de penser que lors du premier salon, il n'y avait que 44 exposants, preuve de la croissance de l'industrie au cours des quatre dernières décennies », a déclaré Lisa Milburn, directrice générale de Labelexpo Global Series.
Les nouveaux domaines incluent le Sustainability Café et le Arène d'emballage flexible, alors qu'une foule de opportunités éducatives sont disponibles tout au long du spectacle.
Vous pouvez lire les réflexions d'Andy Thomas sur la série iciet Mike Fairley à l'occasion du 40e anniversaire de l'émission ici.
Aperçu A à Z:
AB Graphic présente un module d'embellissement numérique, le système laser Digilase 4.0, la machine à livrets B5010 et le système de contrôle et de montage de caméra Advanced fleyeVision. Le module d'embellissement numérique – Jetfx – à intégrer à la chaîne de conversion Digicon Series 3 permet la réalisation de plusieurs processus en un seul passage, notamment le vernissage par points, le dorage à froid et l'écran tactile. Il est doté de deux têtes à jet d'encre avec épinglage et séchage UV, d'un système automatisé de jet à froid, d'un système de navette pour l'inspection et la réduction des déchets, de rouleaux de refroidissement pour les matériaux thermosensibles et d'un logiciel de pré-presse. Sur le système laser Digilase 4.0, le chemin de la bande a été réduit et les matériaux d’entrée / sortie ont été réduits, ce qui a permis de réduire les déchets. La machine à livrets B5010 peut traiter jusqu'à 36 000 étiquettes de livrets par heure avec une précision d'enregistrement de +/- 0,5 mm. AB Graphic a également fait équipe avec Cerm développer une intégration MIS / ERP, qui fera ses débuts à Labelexpo.
As électrostatique montre les nettoyeurs de bande sans contact AR750 Contact et DM1000, ainsi que les systèmes d'élimination statique de 24V. L’AR750 permet désormais de remplacer sans outil à la fois l’adhésif pré-perforé et les rouleaux en caoutchouc. Des barres antistatiques 24 V sont placées à la fois en entrée et en sortie.
Acme Roll Tech présente des rouleaux anilox pour l’industrie des étiquettes, offset, flexo et ondulé.
Actega Metal Print montre EcoLeaf, revendiqué une technologie durable pour la production de graphiques de métallisation. Le procédé EcoLeaf applique des paillettes de métal sur les substrats. L'unité peut être intégrée en ligne dans les presses à imprimer conventionnelles et numériques.
Ahlstrom-Munksjö montre sa gamme de papiers super calandrés Acti-V et de papiers anti-adhésifs Silco. Les papiers de séparation Acti-V sont supposés permettre un ancrage en silicone plus solide et plus durable, ainsi que des économies de platine et d'énergie grâce au procédé de revêtement de silicone. Les papiers antiadhésifs Acti-V XB présentent une barrière de surface améliorée, améliorant efficacement la couverture en silicone et offrant la possibilité d'optimiser le poids de la couche de silicone. La gamme de papiers siliconés couchés à base d'argile Silco comprend des papiers couchés recto-verso plats, très plats et couchés pour des stratifiés graphiques hautes performances numériques et sérigraphiés ou coupés au traceur.
Albertin présente son nouveau système Smart Register Plate, censé accélérer les temps de démarrage des machines.
Aluminium Féron un fabricant de substrats durables pour étiquettes et étiquettes, présente un nouveau film polyester imprimable au laser, Montex. La société présente également des produits pour l’impression par transfert thermique sur de l’aluminium à haute température, ainsi que des matériaux pour la protection des étiquettes RFID.
AMS spectral UV présente sa nouvelle technologie de traitement UV par LED de la série XPi FLEX pour les presses flexo à bande médiane, à bande large et CI, intégrant les fonctionnalités Industry 4.0 et Internet-of-Things (IoT).
Anytron démontrera l’intégration de l’impression numérique et du module de finition laser any-Cut II avec la dernière technologie en ligne de Bitek.
Gravure laser appliquée présente sa nano-seconde machine de gravure au laser harmonique de 500 watts. Cette technologie permet à l'utilisateur final de graver au laser des métaux, des céramiques et des polymères sur une seule machine de gravure laser. Cela donne accès à une variété d'applications, y compris la sécurité, le film optique, la gravure, le gaufrage, l'anilox, la flexographie, la typographie et les rouleaux applicateurs, le tout gravé sur une seule machine.
Arconvert présente ses nouveaux carnets d'échantillons Avec Plaisir! et innovation et inspiration. Avec Plaisir !, une célébration du 75e anniversaire de Manter, contient dix papiers autocollants. Innovation & Inspiration, destiné à l’impression d’étiquettes de qualité supérieure, intègre la technologie H + O à haute opacité d’Arconvert, la technologie imperméable X-Dry, ainsi que de nouveaux papiers autocollants texturés. Cette année, tous les papiers autocollants d’Arconvert ont obtenu la certification FSC en tant que norme.
Armure montre la version améliorée de sa technologie de ruban AXR TX dédiée aux applications d'étiquetage des textiles. Armor présente également sa marque de rubans à transfert thermique Inkanto.
Photoproduits Asahi affiche ses plaques lavables à l’eau AWP-DEW, les premières à utiliser la technologie CleanPrint de la société. CleanPrint réduit l'énergie de surface de la plaque d'impression, permettant ainsi un meilleur transfert d'encre sur le substrat. CleanPrint a pour effet bénéfique de réduire le remplissage d'encre dans la zone des tons moyens, réduisant ainsi le nombre d'intervalles de nettoyage et le temps d'immobilisation des presses.
Ashe Converting Equipment lance sa nouvelle série Opal «ISR» avec système d’inspection par caméra visuelle à 100%. La machine a une largeur de 440 mm et comprendra son propre système d’inspection de caméra Ashe avec un chemin de bande entièrement intégré pour arrêter tout défaut prédéterminé, sur une table de jonction avant de fendre et de passer au rebobinage. Le système est construit dans un format entièrement modulaire et peut être configuré en fonction des besoins du client.
Ashland montre les adhésifs de laminage à base d’eau, qui ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités d’utilisation des emballages souples.
AstroNova présente deux nouvelles imprimantes, dont ce qu’on prétend être le premier périphérique de bureau 5 couleurs, ainsi que d’autres innovations.
AV Flexologic présente son vaste portefeuille d'équipements de montage automatique de plaques.
Avery Dennison se concentre sur de nouvelles initiatives en matière de développement durable, y compris le rPE, a revendiqué le premier matériau d’application en polyéthylène recyclé de l’industrie; rPET, une doublure contenant plus de 30% de bouteilles PET recyclées, sélectionnée pour le Label Industry Global Awards de cette année; et une extension du portefeuille CleanFlake d’Avery Dennison, une innovation qui permet le recyclage du PET en boucle fermée et qui a remporté le prix Finat Recycling and Sustainability de cette année. Avery Dennison présente également son portefeuille de produits d'étiquetage intelligents et intelligents.
AVT est co-implanté avec son partenaire Esko et présentera les technologies d’automatisation du flux de travail Industry 4.0. Les systèmes d’inspection AVT seront montrés en liaison numérique avec Esko Automation Engine et Color-Cert de X-Rite, permettant ainsi la configuration automatique des travaux d’inspection sur les presses conventionnelles et numériques. AVT présentera également deux systèmes d’inspection 100% Helios, Helios S Turbo + et Helios Turbo HD +, ce dernier étant conçu pour l’inspection automatique à haute résolution des codes à barres et des données variables, ainsi que pour les clients exploitant des plateformes plus larges entre 445 mm et 670 mm. Pour les presses numériques, AVT montrera le système d’inspection automatique Helios D à 100% qui résout les problèmes de buses manquantes, de gouttes d’encre, d’homogénéité des couleurs et d’autres problèmes spécifiques à l’impression numérique.
Axicon Auto ID présente ses vérificateurs de codes à barres.
Systèmes de vision Baldwin montre le système d’inspection des impressions Guardian PQV 100% associé à la surveillance en temps réel Guardian RTM, qui permet aux opérateurs de la presse de surveiller les modifications au fur et à mesure. Guardian RTM utilise un serveur central pour surveiller, collecter et afficher les données d'inspection en temps réel. Parmi les autres systèmes présentés, citons le module de commande de registre Autotron 3600; ColorTrack, qui facilite la correction côté presse des formulations d'encre afin de réduire le nombre de corrections d'encre nécessaires pour obtenir une couleur précise; et le système de mesure spectrale en ligne DeltaCam.
Machines graphiques à barres lance cinq nouveaux produits. Digiflex est une ligne de conversion d'étiquettes numérique modulaire équipée d'une station d'impression flexographique réenregistrée, d'un module de plastification par lamination, d'un module de découpe semi-rotatif avec alignement laser pour un changement rapide et d'un module de découpe rapide qui règle automatiquement les lames de refendage en quelques secondes. La machine est entièrement intégrée à une rembobineuse à tourelle semi-automatique à deux broches, intégrant une coupe et un applicateur automatiques. Rapidslit est une boîte à couteaux numérique entièrement automatique qui automatise le réglage des lames de refendage via l'écran tactile du pupitre opérateur. Parmi les autres modèles présentés, citons la rembobineuse-refendeuse d’inspection des yeux de l’étiquette de BGM, équipée du dernier système d’inspection par vision de 200% d’E + L. La gamme écologique de bobineuses-refendeuses de découpage et d’inspection éconergétiques est également démontrée.
Berhalter démontre une consommation d'énergie réduite et une accumulation de chaleur sur ses machines de découpe utilisant des systèmes de récupération nouvellement conçus.
Berkeley Machinery dévoile sa nouvelle fraise à noyau EasyCut 1500 semi-automatique.
Technologie Bitek lance une découpeuse laser numérique compacte. Any-Cut II est une unité tout-en-un avec guidage de la bande, laminage, découpe au laser, élimination du papier brouillon, refendage et deux rembobineurs. Une fonction clé est le changement automatique de travail, obtenu en lisant le code à barres de chaque travail et en modifiant automatiquement les données de coupe. Bitek introduit également une unité supplémentaire pour Any-Cut II appelée Any-link. Cela agit comme un tampon qui synchronise la vitesse entre l’imprimante et la découpeuse laser. Il est plus facile de connecter une imprimante numérique à Any-Cut II.
Bixolon présentera l'imprimante d'étiquettes de bureau industrielle XT5-40. La XT5-40 4-inch (114mm) est une imprimante d'étiquettes de bureau industrielle à transfert thermique qui permet d'imprimer de gros volumes dans diverses applications, notamment la logistique, la fabrication et l'entreposage. Il est disponible avec les options de support d’impression avec résolution d’impression XT5-40 (203 DPI), XT5-43 (300 DPI) et XT5-46 (600 DPI). Le modèle standard de l’imprimante (XT5-40) prend en charge le traitement rapide des données et des vitesses d’impression jusqu’à 14ips (356 mm / s). Il prend en charge un diamètre de rouleau de support jusqu’à 203 mm, une longueur de ruban jusqu’à 450 mm et une pression réglable de la tête d’impression.
Bobst dévoile sa nouvelle presse hybride numérique / flexo ainsi que toute une gamme de nouvelles technologies, notamment l'encre à la demande (IoD), qui élimine les bacs à encre et les cartouches à chambre; Highly Automated Liquids (HAL), une station de mélange d’encres hors ligne permettant de produire des couleurs Pantone à partir de 14 encres de base; et DigiColor, un système de couleur en ligne «en boucle fermée» qui permet d’ajuster les couleurs de façon numérique aux valeurs Delta E cibles pendant l’impression. Ces innovations ont ouvert la voie à une nouvelle presse flexo hybride avec unité à jet d'encre intégrée Mouvent. Parmi les autres machines exposées, citons M5 IoD / DigiColor, qui transforme l’impression flexo en un processus entièrement numérisé; LB702-WB de Mouvent, pour la production d'étiquettes numériques à base d'eau à 100%; Presse flexo UV en ligne M1X; et M6 presse pour courts et moyens tirages.
Böttcher dévoile un nouveau manchon de montage de plaque destiné aux plaques en photopolymère et élastomère. Les nouveaux produits chimiques BöttcherFlex pour le nettoyage des plaques d'impression et des rouleaux anilox sont également présentés. Des produits pour la gravure laser directe, des manchons DLE et des plaques en caoutchouc DLE complètent le portefeuille de l’impression flexo. Böttcher propose des tubes et des manchons en caoutchouc spéciaux pour la teinture et le revêtement de divers substrats, pouvant être appliqués pour l’application d’apprêt sur une presse à imprimer numérique.
Brain4Tools Le logiciel gère l’inventaire des outils d’impression, notamment la détermination de la séquence d’impression idéale pour une préparation plus rapide du travail. La société présente également l'application Scan4Tools, qui capture des informations lors de l'archivage et de l'extraction des outils, notamment le numéro d'archive et la durée d'exécution des travaux.
Brotech lance le système de conversion modulaire SDF Plus, qui intègre une tête d'estampage à chaud pivotante à 90 degrés et un système complet pour la fabrication de produits en carton pliable, comprenant l'emboutissage à chaud à plat, la sérigraphie, la découpe à plat, l'unité de flexo semi-rotative / rotative complète et unité de découpe semi-rotative / rotative complète. Il est également capable d'être équipé pour les étiquettes IML, les livrets ECL et la conversion RFID.
BST eltromat et le partenaire technologique Hybrid Software font la démonstration d'une intégration logicielle qui comble le fossé entre les portails de commerce électronique, les flux de travaux de prépresse, les systèmes MIS / ERP et les presses à imprimer. Parmi les autres produits présentés, citons la famille TubeScan de systèmes d’inspection à 100% du partenaire Nyquist Systems, membre du groupe BST depuis le début de l’année, et des systèmes de guidage Web comprenant CompactGuide, EcoGuide et le capteur de ligne et de contraste CLS Pro 600 associé à le nouveau dispositif de positionnement de capteur FVG POS 100.
Cadlink lance un logiciel d’impression et de découpe de petits et moyens volumes d’étiquettes, autocollants et étiquettes. Le logiciel RIP de Digital Factory de Cadlink pilote les imprimantes à toner laser et les dispositifs de découpe feuille à feuille ou en rouleau, et intègre la gestion des couleurs et la gestion du toner blanc. La découpe à l'aide de codes à barres permet un flux de travail entièrement automatisé. Le logiciel peut être associé à n’importe quelle imprimante ou découpeuse actuellement prise en charge par Digital Factory. La technologie Cadlink développera des pilotes et des profils de couleurs personnalisés pour les périphériques non pris en charge actuellement.
Canon présente la presse à jet d'encre UV Océ LabelStream série 4000. La presse est présentée dans une chaîne de conversion d'étiquettes hybrides à passe unique totalement intégrée, fonctionnant à 75 m / min, avec une sélection de stations de flexographie, de dorure à froid et de découpage semi-rotatif. Carl Ostermann Erben (coe) présente la technologie de dépistage Bellissima DMS. coe est le partenaire exclusif de prépresse en Allemagne pour Bellissima DMS. La technologie permet aux utilisateurs d’imprimer sans moiré, sans décalage de couleur dû à un mauvais repérage, en qualité offset, avec des points de surbrillance réduits à 1%. coe donne également un aperçu de la manière dont Bellissima DMS peut façonner l’avenir de l’impression 7 couleurs.
Cartes présente les systèmes de conversion modulaire des séries GT360 et Gemini, configurables avec sérigraphie à plat pour impression haute structure, estampage à chaud et bombage, gaufrage et déformation de bossage métalliques, flexo semi-rotative pour vernissage par projection et par projection, matrice à plat et semi-rotative processus de coupe ainsi que de conversion au laser.
Cerm présente les développements de logiciels d'automatisation métier (ERP / MIS). La plateforme de veille stratégique Smart BI dispose désormais d'un outil d'analyse des performances de l'installation et comprend un tableau de bord personnalisé accessible par tablette ou smartphone. Un moniteur en direct affiche l'état des performances en temps réel des équipements de production. À Labelexpo, Cerm présentera un lien basé sur le cloud pour afficher les performances des machines fonctionnant sur les stands de plusieurs partenaires.
Technologie Cheshire Anilox démontre sa gravure ProFlo qui, en offrant un transfert d’encre plus contrôlé, est censée éliminer de nombreux problèmes liés à l’impression ECG par palette fixe. Cheshire présente également deux autres versions de sa gravure TactiLoX pour s'attaquer aux effets tactiles plus difficiles en flexo sans recourir à un embossage ou à un outillage coûteux. MaxFlo +, qui résout les projections UV, et Easy Flo HD pour des blancs d'une opacité élevée en un seul passage, sont également présentés.
Codimag dévoile les améliorations de productivité de sa presse Viva 420 Aniflo de 420 mm de largeur, incluant un nouveau système de transmission de bande permettant d'atteindre des vitesses maximales de 85 m / min, avec une finition en ligne. Une fois encore, l’expérience Aniflolive de Codimag invite les clients à imprimer leur propre travail sur la presse. Un flux de travail numérique intégré entre le prépresse et la presse sera également lancé.
Cohérent (anciennement Rofin), exposant pour la première fois, présente des systèmes de perforation laser à bobine, de découpe au laser et d’ouverture facile au laser. Lors du salon, il lance la nouvelle série Starshape. Ceci incorpore le laser CO2 de série J fabriqué en interne.
Colop lance E-mark, son premier dispositif de marquage électronique mobile (à piles). E-mark est basé sur la technologie jet d'encre associée à une application pour smartphones ou tablettes (Android et iOS) et permet d'imprimer des textes, des logos ou des photos en couleur. Les fonctions de date, d'heure ou de numérotation sont incluses, ainsi qu'un générateur de code à barres et de code QR. Les impressions peuvent être appliquées sur toutes les surfaces absorbant l'encre, du papier au bois.
Colorware présente en avant-première de nouvelles extensions de son système de flux de production couleur indépendant du périphérique MeasureColor. ChromaTrack indique aux opérateurs de presse comment parcourir l'itinéraire le plus court pour correspondre à la couleur cible, tandis que MeasureColor Reports permet aux convertisseurs de générer des rapports de qualité d'impression spécifiques pour des clients individuels, y compris des tableaux de bord dynamiques.
Contiweb fait la promotion de sa presse offset Contiweb Thallo. Les fonctions clés incluent un système avancé de contrôle de la tension de la bande qui permet d’imprimer sur une large gamme de supports, notamment des étiquettes dans le moule, des étiquettes enveloppantes, des manchons rétractables et des emballages souples pour les applications alimentaires et non alimentaires.
Équipement Convertech affiche ses racles Sureprint Series 1000 et Excel Pro, ce dernier étant optimisé pour les encres d’impression métalliques.
Cosmo Films présente sa nouvelle gamme de films d'étiquetage, comprenant un film d'étiquette PS à double couche, un film d'étiquette PS à revêtement mat, un film d'étiquette transparent dans le moule et un papier synthétique à haute résistance à la déchirure pour étiquettes et étiquettes.
CSW Allemagne montre des films de transfert à utiliser sur papier, carton, film et transfert partiel. Nous présenterons également une feuille froide pour la flexographie et l’impression offset en argent, en couleurs et en motifs holographiques.
Daetwyler SwissTec présente sa lame de docteur MDC Pearlstar avec un nouveau revêtement censé éliminer les éclaboussures d’encre ainsi que le raclage en arrière.
Dantex présente des versions de finition autonomes et en ligne de sa presse à jet d’encre durcie par UV-Picojet d’une largeur de 350 mm, qui imprime jusqu’à 75 m / min avec une résolution de 600 DPI à une taille de point de 2,5 pl. Les caractéristiques comprennent un rouleau d'impression à température contrôlée pour les substrats thermosensibles, le contrôle de l'électricité statique, le nettoyage de la bande et le traitement corona. Les options de finition en ligne incluent la découpe, le laminage, la découpe à l’arrière-plan ou découpé, la refente et le rembobinage. La fonctionnalité VDP est également démontrée. Le tout dernier processeur de plaque photopolymère de la société, AquaFlex 920F, a également été conçu pour fonctionner avec la nouvelle plaque flexo UV sans filtration RapidoFlex.
Système DeCo montre ses systèmes Sentinel et Multilabel. Sentinel est un système de contrôle de qualité modulaire permettant d’inspecter toute la longueur de la bobine imprimée, en détectant les étiquettes manquantes, les épissures, la matrice restante, les drapeaux sur le Web et d’autres défauts d’impression tels que la couleur manquante, les taches, les dommages au support, les déviations de couleur et les défauts d’alignement. Multilabel est une machine de finition équipée d'un écran tactile couleur, d'un contrôle automatique de la tension, d'un compteur étiquettes / mètres / diamètre et d'un système de contrôle d'impression Sentinel.
Delfort présente son papier de base antiadhésif, Tersil UltraLight Base, qui ne pèse que 35 g et intègre des matériaux recyclés. La finesse du produit réduit de 38% le nombre de changements nécessaires sur la coucheuse. La base Tersil UltraLight est proposée en blanc et en or.
Delta ModTech présente son convertisseur rotatif Crusader intégrant le système d’inspection visuelle Mod-Track. La démonstration consistera en une découpe rotative avec réenregistrement en boucle fermée, inspection visuelle et plastification multicouche. Frontier, une société du groupe Delta ModTech, présentera le revêtement de ses composants DynaCoat. Ce système de revêtement et de séchage clé en main a un faible encombrement et est commercialisé pour les revêtements à l'échelle de laboratoire, à l'échelle pilote ou de production.
DG Presse présente les derniers développements en impression offset Web hybride avec la presse offset Web hybride Vision et la presse offset Web Thallo.
Diènes présente son système de positionnement automatique des couteaux label slit 4.0, qui peut être intégré dans des machines de conversion neuves ou existantes pour le coupage, le rasage et le cisaillement. Pour découper les largeurs de coupe étroites à partir de 19 mm, la société présente le porte-couteau DS4 à cisaillement. Grâce à une structure en nid d'abeille unique, les porte-couteaux DS4 peuvent être imbriqués étroitement, et il existe un contrôle séparé de la pression de refente et du réglage vertical.
Dilli montre la presse d'étiquettes numérique double blanc NP-210-6-W2PC-VF Neo Picasso. Avec une largeur d'impression maximale de 220 mm, cette presse peut imprimer CMJN + deux couleurs spéciales, avec les options orange et vert. Les caractéristiques de la presse comprennent le traitement Corona, le refroidisseur et l’impression complète de données variables.
Dimatra fait la démonstration d'une machine à sertir les manchons rétractables qui utilise un système de vision pour contrôler le positionnement motorisé du système de sertissage. La machine fonctionne à 500 m / min et dispose de trois stations de bobinage pour un déchargement rapide et facile des rouleaux de petit diamètre. Dimatra présentera une ligne de transformation complète comprenant la refente, le sertissage, l’inspection et la coupe de manchons rétractables.
DNP présente sa nouvelle résine V300, qui imprime sur des supports allant du papier au polypropylène en passant par le polypropylène. Il convient également à tous les types de stratifiés, vernis et couches de finition. Il est également capable de produire des images nettes et sombres à des vitesses d'impression faibles et élevées. Ce produit est commercialisé pour les modèles d’imprimantes de bureau avec des empreintes plus petites. Le M255, la nouvelle formulation de cire / résine de DNP et le nouveau Tough Core durable sont également exposés. M255 aide à sécuriser les étiquettes lisibles. Il offre une résistance élevée à l'abrasion et à l'impression grâce à sa résistance aux produits chimiques tels que le méthanol, l'éthanol ou l'huile de moteur. La réduction des déchets plastiques est le moteur du Tough Core. Ce noyau en carton renforcé remplace le noyau en polystyrène et contribue à réduire les problèmes de changement de ruban.
Domino affiche une version double barre de son module à jet d'encre UV K600i intégré à une ré-enrouleuse d'inspection AB Graphic Omega SRI pour imprimer des codes 100% vérifiés et lisibles à la machine sur des étiquettes prédécoupées. La K600i imprime jusqu’à 150 m / min à 600 x 600 DPI.
Dunmore dévoile sa nouvelle gamme de matériaux compatibles jet d'encre UV Dun-Jet, offrant une adhérence et une qualité d'impression améliorées sur une gamme de matériaux, notamment les films de polyester et les films BOPP.
DuPont présente de nouvelles applications pour son substrat en HDPE Tyvek, notamment les étiquettes de vin, les sacs, les tracts, les bracelets et les numéros de course. Tyvek est un matériau respirant ressemblant à du papier, mais plus solide, recyclable et pouvant être imprimé avec diverses technologies. DuPont lancera également une version améliorée des plaques Cyrel Easy pour le segment du papier.
Durico montre une gamme de films thermiques directs et de facettes en étiquettes compatibles jet d'encre. Les nouveaux produits comprendront des films thermiques directs translucides, donnant un aspect givré à une étiquette transparente, et un film frontal pour étiquettes à jet d'encre GHS durable.
Durst étend sa plate-forme RSC de presses à étiquettes à jet d'encre UV avec de nouveaux produits de flux de travail, notamment Web2Production, le flux de travail et des progiciels d’intégration MIS personnalisés. Durst imprimera une nouvelle encre UV à faible migration pour la plate-forme RSC, qui est conforme aux réglementations EUPIA et à l'ordonnance suisse sur les emballages alimentaires et pharmaceutiques. Durst présentera également la nouvelle presse d'étiquettes modulaire Tau RSCi avec un choix de largeur d'impression de 13, 16,5 ou 20 pouces et une vitesse d'impression pouvant atteindre 328 ft / min. Les presses Tau 330 RSC et RSC-E de Durst seront également présentées avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités, notamment un mode d’impression blanc à haute opacité pour une opacité similaire à celle de l’écran et un mode d’impression blanc à grande vitesse permettant une impression à haute vitesse de toutes les couleurs, y compris le blanc.
Dynic (UK) lance une gamme de matériaux pour étiquettes de soin des textiles compatibles avec les imprimantes à jet d'encre pouvant être utilisés avec les derniers systèmes d'imprimante à jet d'encre couleur pigmentés. La nouvelle gamme offre la possibilité de produire des étiquettes d’entretien des textiles en couleur avec une résolution élevée et une résistance au nettoyage à sec.
Edale montre les modules d'impression de ses presses FL3 et FL5. La dernière technologie d'Edale comprend le nouvel EZ Die, qui permet un changement complet de la matrice en moins de 60 secondes. La société présentera également une barre d’impression EFX, un système à jet d’encre UV conçu pour numériser la finition et l’embellissement des impressions. Le module de découpe à plat FDC d’Edale est également présenté. Il peut être utilisé hors ligne ou en ligne avec le FL5, en combinant des coûts d'outillage réduits avec une coupe, un froissement, un gaufrage et un enlèvement des déchets.
Solutions d'étiquetage Emax présente une gamme de matériaux compatibles jet d'encre adaptés aux encres à base de colorants et de pigments. Outre le papier et les films, la gamme comprend des étiquettes textiles résistantes au lavage. Les options d’adhésif comprennent les adhésifs thermofusibles et acryliques et les adhésifs thermoscellables pour l’impression des étiquettes de matelas et de tapis, ainsi que des adhésifs résistants au lavage pour les étiquettes de vêtements.
Emmendinger Maschinenbau (EMB) présente le dernier modèle de la série DS520 avec l'EMBosser nouvellement développé permettant un gaufrage positionné avec précision et le système d'inspection EMBedded permettant un contrôle haute résolution des images d'impression et la détection de trous d'épingle. Les défauts détectés sont automatiquement rejetés. La conception modulaire de la machine permet de rééquiper ultérieurement les options.
Epson lance quatre nouvelles imprimantes d'étiquettes numériques à la demande ColorWorks, qui incluent des fonctionnalités d'application intégrées et une nouvelle imprimante d'étiquettes industrielle à grande vitesse, la Surepress L-6534 VW. La société présente également un nouveau spectrophotomètre en ligne conçu pour garantir une sortie couleur homogène sur tous les supports imprimés.
Erhardt + Leimer lance un système vidéo d’entrée de gamme, le Elscan OMS3, intégrant la technologie dualView de la société. Smartscan, qui associe surveillance, inspection et comptage des étiquettes, est également présenté. E & L décrit ceci comme une inspection «à 200%», car les images Web sont capturées avec deux méthodes d’éclairage différentes, ce qui signifie que des défauts peuvent être détectés qui ne sont pas visibles avec l’éclairage incident classique.
Esko organise des démonstrations en direct de son imageur CDI Crystal 4835 et de son unité d’exposition XPS Crystal. Parmi les nouveaux logiciels lancés, citons l'assistant de contrôle d'impression pour les étiquettes, l'éditeur de PDF natif ArtPro + et les dernières versions des packages de flux de travail Automation Engine et de gestion de projet WebCenter. Un écran 3D Store Visualizer, configuré en association avec V-Tales, mettra en évidence un nouvel usage de la visualisation 3D pour les emballages et les étiquettes, et montrera en quoi il complète les différents programmes de création de conceptions disponibles sur le marché.
Logiciel Ethique dévoile son ERP Collection 2.0, qui comprend un moteur de calcul basé sur le Web et permettant de traiter les devis. Un espace «espace client» permet aux utilisateurs finaux de suivre leurs commandes, de les renouveler et d’afficher des données de gestion des commandes telles que les stocks, la facturation de la production et des livraisons.
ETI démontre son module de découpe Pellicut. Pellicut permet aux convertisseurs de découper à la matrice sur un support en PET de 18 microns ou sur du papier de 30 g / m² à des vitesses atteignant 225 m / min sans marquer le support. Le module utilise des cylindres magnétiques conventionnels, avec des changements rapides de matrice et d'enclume. Pellicut est proposé en différentes largeurs de bande: 330mm, 420mm, 520mm 570mm et 670mm et une plage de répétition de 275mm à 915mm. Le module peut être intégré en ligne avec Cohesio, installé ultérieurement sur une presse existante ou proposé comme équipement de découpage autonome.
Eukalin lance un adhésif thermofusible UV-acrylique, UV 1237, qui offre une excellente adhésion aux surfaces filmées telles que le PP ou le HDPE. Eukalin UV 2212 est commercialisé pour les étiquettes pharmaceutiques ou inviolables, avec une forte adhérence au tack et au pelage. Un azurant optique émet une lumière bleue de sorte que la couche adhésive d'une étiquette en film appliquée sur un emballage pharmaceutique puisse être détectée. Pour les manchons thermorétractables, Eukalin 7238 VDC est un thermoscellage polyvalent avec une température d'activation de 75 ° C. L'adhésif de positionnement sans solvant pour manchons rétractables est imprimable sur des machines d'impression par rotogravure, flexographie et offset.
Evonik présente ses nouveaux films de plexiglas, à base de polyméthacrylate de méthyle (PMMA). Le PMMA est un polymère transparent, incolore, très résistant aux intempéries et compatible avec une grande variété d’additifs et de pigments. Les films en plexiglas peuvent être fournis dans une gamme de finitions, notamment hautement transparentes ou colorées de manière opaque, avec une surface lisse ou texturée et dans des formats durables ou ultra-destructibles. La division Nutrition et soins d’Evonik présente de nouveaux produits dans la gamme de silicones Tego RC. Tego RC 1904 est un produit monocomposant conçu pour les applications de pelage à grande vitesse. Il possède un bon ancrage sur les films plastiques et les papiers sans qu'il soit nécessaire d'ajouter des acrylates organiques. Tego RC 1904 maintient une force de libération stable même dans des conditions de stockage humides. Un nouveau revêtement antiadhésif basé sur Evonik Tego RC 730 offre une protection de la face supérieure des étiquettes sans doublure thermique directe. Développé pour les papiers thermiques non couchés par le dessus, il peut également être utilisé pour les qualités de papier couché thermique par le dessus et sera démontré à l'aide d'un distributeur Logopak. Logopak est un co-exposant sur le stand.
EyeC présente ses derniers développements en matière de flux de travaux d’inspection, notamment un package qui permet au logiciel EyeC de récupérer des informations à partir de systèmes de prépresse afin d’accélérer l’inspection des fichiers d’imposition. EyeC effectuera des démonstrations en direct du EyeC ProofRunner Web pour l’inspection des bandes étroites et du EyeC Quality Link, qui supprime les matériaux défectueux à l’aide des données d’inspection de la presse. La société présentera également de nouveaux systèmes d’inspection large bande jusqu’à 1 700 mm et le EyeC Proofiler 1200 DT avec un format de numérisation allant jusqu’à 1 270 x 915 mm.
PÉDÉ lance un nouvel appareil de mesure au format de poche, FAG Fluo DX, permettant de contrôler les couleurs non visibles dans le spectre UV. L'appareil est disponible pour différentes éclairages UV tels que 365 + 280, 365 et 365 + 254nm. La société présentera également le FAG Flex³ Pro avec un nouveau logiciel offrant davantage de détails pour l'analyse de points 3D. L'analyseur FAG Creasy dispose d'une nouvelle table de numérisation motorisée, le FAG E-Guide Pro2, pour les mesures de gaufrage.
Concepts Flexo fait la promotion de sa lame de docteur TruPoint Orange à base de polymère établie. Orange est censé fournir un essuyage efficace sur les cribles anilox line jusqu’à 785 L / cm.
Flexo Wash lance le nettoyeur anilox FW 993 XL.NXT, capable de gérer jusqu'à neuf rouleaux simultanément. Parmi les autres systèmes de nettoyage anilox présentés figurent le FW Handy Midi 2×2, le FW Handy Mini 2 et le FW 2000 Laser. Flexo Wash présente le PW 45WR pour le nettoyage des plaques et le PK 92-1 pour le nettoyage des écrans. Les machines pour les systèmes de nettoyage de pièces incluent les PK 200WR TrolleyLoad et PK Eco Midi. Les nouveaux développements comprennent l'unité de recirculation FW, qui réutilise l'eau de rinçage des nettoyants anilox Flexo Wash dans un système à boucle fermée, et l'unité de filtration PK.
Fléchisseur dévoile le module de finition numérique semi-rotatif xCut Pro II avec unité de flexographie et station de film à froid intégrée. D'autres lancements incluront une rembobineuse à tourelle semi-automatique et le système de réglage automatique des couteaux iSlit pour une configuration plus rapide des travaux. Toutes les machines de Flexor seront présentées comme compatibles avec Industrie 4.0. Un nouveau module de passerelle IoT intégré simplifie la capture et l'analyse des données de la machine et facilite la mesure et l'amélioration continues de la productivité. Parallèlement à ces machines, la société présentera la nouvelle presse IQ Series avec station UV flexo, dévidage jumbo et le nouveau réenrouleur de tourelle semi-automatique.
Groupe de silex Narrow Web présente des constructions d’emballages imprimées à l’aide d’une gamme d’encres à séchage UV ne contenant pas de BPA et conformes aux dernières exigences en matière d’étiquetage CMR. Flint shows its latest LED curing inks and provides guidance on inks and varnishes suitable for hybrid presses, where digital print technologies are combined with UV flexo, UV screen and other embellishment techniques. Flint Group’s color-matching service, Vivo Colour Solution, will also be demonstrated and further enhancements will be launched at the show.
Folex demonstrates its expertise in coated face films for adhesive manufacturers, as well as finished adhesive label product options using permanent and removable adhesives.
Focus Label Machinery demonstrates the d-Flex hybrid press which integrates the latest Konica Minolta inkjet technology into a Reflex servo press with in-line UV flexo print head, die-cutting, slitting and rewinding. Focus also shows a 6-color, 330mm wide e-Flex press, equipped full LED and UV drying and chill roll system. The e-Flex incorporates top loading print cylinders and Rapid-Change print cartridges to reduce downtime and set-up times. It can also be integrated with a digital print module. Focus shows peel and reveal label production on a new generation Proflex SE compact flexo press. The Proflex SE is a full servo driven, modular press available with print widths of 250mm and 330mm.
Folien Fischer launches its new line of eco-friendly FOFIGreen materials, scratch resistant films and outdoor films with laser printable coatings. Also on display are PET, PP and PVC films optimized for water-based inkjet inks.
Foyo Technology shows its range of thermal transfer ribbons and hot stamping foils.
Fujifilm showcases developments in three key areas: Flenex FW water washable plates and flexo processors; the retrofittable Illumina UV LED curing system; and UV inkjet imprinting bars that allows flexo printers to add digital capability to a flexo press or introduce off-line label customization.
Gallus launches Digital Printbar – a digital embellishing unit designed specifically for opaque white. With a printing width of 430mm (17in), the moveable inkjet-based Digital Printbar achieves an opacity claimed to rival that of conventional screen printing. The new Digital Printbar will be shown on the Gallus Labelmaster machine system but can be integrated into other systems such as the Gallus Labelfire or Gallus RCS 430. The company will also perform live demos of a new quick-change die-cut unit on the Gallus Labelmaster Advanced. Further highlights on the Gallus Labelfire digital label printing press will include fully variable data printing (fVDP) and the Digital Embellishment Unit.
Gama International teams up with its local dealer Advanced Machinery to present its range of viscometers, sleeve storage systems, and anilox and photopolymer cleaning systems.
GEW launches the LeoLED UV curing unit which is fully compatible with GEW’s ArcLED hybrid system. It has a 50mm-wide window to give a long dwell time and is waterproof-sealed for easy cleaning. It is also resilient to dust and ink. The LED array delivers electrical power of 88W/cm and an intensity of 25W/sq cm, with minimal light loss due to the direct UV path. The system is water-cooled. GEW also showcases its Multi-Point UV monitor system which measures UV dose at the web surface through the print run.
GIC shows a new version of the Dyxee Cut 350 L finishing and embellishment system fitted with a flexo module, cold stamping and die-cutting. Also new is the Taginnov Speed Etiq module for integration RFID inlays into pre-die-cut labels. Global Graphics Software shows its suite of screening technologies which correct quality defects in inkjet output. The ScreenPro screening engine, Advanced Inkjet Screens and PrintFlat have all been designed to overcome streaking, mottling and banding artifacts. Also on display will be Fundamentals, a digital front end with a modern user interface that makes it easy to submit and monitor jobs. It gives consistent, fully adjustable color and its Harlequin RIP is capable of processing high throughput variable data jobs. Fundamentals is a collaboration with Hybrid Software.
GMG Color introduces a direct connection between its ColorServer and OpenColor packages which enables users to publish profiles created in GMG OpenColor directly into GMG ColorServer. The adjustment of paper tints, custom printing conditions or the change of printing parameters is now more efficient and automated. GMG will also demonstrate how complex packaging designs and layouts including spot colors can be simulated with color-accurate proofs on media close to packaging production substrates, including transparent or metallic film using the Epson SC-S80600. GMG also introduces GMG ColorCards, which allows users to create digital color references in less than three minutes. Based on spectral color values, the digital color cards can be printed in various layouts and with accurate substrate simulation.
GoDex unveils a new high-speed thermal transfer printer, the ZX1000Xi with print resolution up to 300 DPI print and speeds up to 14in/sec. Options include cutter, Bluetooth and wireless LAN connectivity, external label rewinder, label dispenser and internal rewinder.
Goodun shows its KP480 UV LED curing system. Suitable for narrow and mid web flexo printing, it features a hybrid wavelength which can adapt to different photoinitiators. Light decay is claimed to be less than 20 percent over 50,000 hours of use. It can support a print speed of up to 400m/min.
Grafisk Maskinfabrik (GM) shows numerous finishing systems, featuring advances in automation and high value applications including multi-layer and hot foil/screen embellished labels. The 2019 models feature quicker set-up time with plate loading for the die-cutting station, better ergonomic design for machine operation and online support. On show, GM’s DC350 line includes a new series of smart modules: Smart Turret (auto slit), Smart Die loading and a new Smart Stripping module. The 33FB wine label line features new faster hot foil stamping unit supporting up to 40m/min. SR350 is a new high-speed inspection slitter rewinder, featuring servo motion technology, auto-set knives, and a Nikka M1 inspection system option. Also on display are the DC330Mini compact finishing system, DC330Miniflex V4 with GM Automatic Slitting Station, DC330 Modular finishing line shown in-line with inkjet label press, GM Online Production Dashboard, with advanced IoT connectivity, ETV330 roll to sheet guillotine cutter, and PNT160 semi-automatic core cutter.
Grafotronic presents no less than 11 machines, including seven new models. It shows four new fully modular digital finishing machines including hot stamping, embossing and flatbed screen. Other new modules are the LasX laser die-cutting system, a multilayer label module and a high-speed non-stop line with ‘Gigafast’ semi-rotary die-cutting at 160m/min. Grafotronic will introduce three new inspection slitter rewinders: the HI3 for 100 percent inspection and high speed slitting is the third generation of the HI; the SR3, a new vertical slitter rewinder for a lower budget but fully servo driven; and the Pharma2 200 percent re-inspection machine for pharma and security labels, which features inkjet numbering with inspection and automatic web tension and slitting. A converting machine from the DC2 range will be producing blanks and pre-printed labels during the show.
Graymills exhibits a new, more compact PQT Peristaltic Pump, which can be mounted vertically or horizontally. Features include a quick-disconnect removable head which allows head/tube changes to be accomplished in seconds without tools, a display which indicates rotational speed, hose life and reverse timer and a predictive hose failure monitor, and remote control. Graymills will also feature Inkitene, a new ‘bio-renewable and aluminum-safe’ cleaner to remove UV and water-based ink from all press parts.
GSB Wahl introduces its latest developments in low migration UV systems and solvent-free cleaners, including its cleanoMat flexo plate cleaning system. On show will be low migration waterless UV offset inks including associated low migration UV varnish, UV anti-adhesive varnish and cleaners; low migration UV screen inks with very high coverage; UV-LMS (Lowest Migration Systems) varnish and primers; low migration UV digital varnish for various digital printing processes; solvent-free cleaner for all UV systems and approved for low migration UV systems; and cleaning equipment for printing plates, anilox rollers and small parts.
GSE introduces Windows 10-based controls for its dispensing systems, enabling machine designs with greater compactness and robustness, improved dispensing accuracy, long-term software upgradeability and machine connectivity. The company also releases GSE Ink manager 5.1 software featuring reports that provide more detail in component availability and usage. New reporting capabilities include VOC emissions and barrel changes per user.
Guangzhou Nickel Printing Machinery shows its FS350 semi-rotary offset press incorporating a PMAC motion control system. Each heavy duty print unit consists of 19 ink rollers and four water rollers configured to prevent ink streaking and ghosting. Each print unit has an automatic positioning system to reduce register time and material waste, with both horizontal and vertical movement of the print units controlled by an independent motor. The inspection camera system allows vertical, horizontal and skew register to be adjusted without stopping the machine.
Gutenberg launches the international (English) version of Gutenberg ERP software. Web-based, it is accessible from any device. It offers automatic quotations, production control, inventory control and Industry 4.0 connectivity. Quality control (paper quality control sheets can become digital) and inventory control (EPSMA-codes are stored for a detailed traceability of rolls) are among its features.
Guyenne Papier demonstrates a range of paper materials including fluorescent paper and inkjet compatible grades.
Hamillroad Software promotes its Digitally Modulated Screening (DMS) for offset (Auraia DMS) and flexo (Bellissima DMS). Auraia DMS is compatible with web heat-set, cold-set, and sheet-fed offset presses and enables customers to print at a higher effective LPI. Bellissima DMS rasterizes the input and determines the correct shape and size of dots to use, as well as determining exactly where the dots need to go on the plate according to the image being printed. The halftone dots are small enough to be invisible to the naked eye, but they are large enough to withstand the rigors of the printing process. The dots are positioned to support each other on the plate, and this provides them with strength and stability.
HanGlobal Digital Solutions (Hanglory Group), alongside European partner Swiss company Opal Digital Printing Equipment, shows the LabStar 330 UV inkjet press. The press has a print speed of 50m/min and is available from a 220mm print width at 600 DPI and four colors, to the top of-the-range 330mm width, 1,200 DPI and five colors. The basic machine is equipped with a corona treater and web cleaner. A wide variety of substrates can be processed. The machine will be available for demos at Opal’s European Competence Center in Switzerland after the show.
Harper Corporation of America displays its QD Proofer, an ink proofing and flatbed ink proofing system which uses flexo and gravure processes. It can be configured at four different speed units. The maximum travel speed is 150ft/min and the travel distance can be adjusted anywhere from 12 to 33 inches in one-inch increments. It is available in either a 2.75in or 5in proofer width. Harper also shows numerous engravings available for anilox rolls.
H.B. Fuller launches Fulltak SE 8116, a water-based acrylic adhesive for special applications, and also shows Swiftmelt 1838, a high-performance hotmelt PSA for the logistics label market.
Henkel shows its broad portfolio of pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) technologies, including conductive inks and a range of water-based PSA wash-off labels for PET bottles, enabling clean recycling. Henkel will also present its most recent developments in food safe labels and removable labels.
Hönle presents its latest curing systems for flexo and digital printing. LED powerline Flexo has a maximum output of > 25 W/sqm and is offered in air-cooled or water-cooled versions. It can also function as a conventional UV lamp by swapping cartridges. The control unit senses which unit is installed and adjusts all parameters automatically. jetCure LED is designed for inkjet inks and reaches an intensity of 18 W/sqm. Light aperture width is optionally 20mm or 40mm and the wavelength can be precisely matched to individual ink or varnish formulations.
HP Indigo demonstrates the HP Indigo 8000 printing at 262 ft/min in-line with the ABG Fast Track die; the mid-web HP Indigo 20000 digital press; and the HP Indigo 6900. There will be live demonstrations of digital pouch-making on an HP Indigo 20000 digital press with Pack Ready Lamination and the Karlville pouch-making machine. HP will also present its digital embellishment portfolio, including ElectroInk Silver to metallize the color gamut, HP Indigo GEM for fully digital, single pass printing and a product for printing colorful metallic effects with the HP Indigo 6900 digital press connected in-line with the Kurz DM-Jetliner. HP showcases its brand protection and security offering including HP Indigo ElectroInks invisible yellow and blue coupled with software and cloud-based systems that allow anti-counterfeiting marks, and protected track and trace systems. HP also offers its online web-to-pack workflow and the latest HP Production Pro for Labels and Packaging, which allows for a faster rip and better connectivity through the cloud.
Hueck Folien launches a metallized silver LDPE-based film, Sikskin, for conformable applications such as cosmetics tubes. Hiperprime is a new primer for durable label facestocks designed for technical applications in the automotive, aerospace and electronics industries as well as for use in laboratories. This primer has a high degree of chemical, mechanical and temperature resistance and is printable with UV flexo. Also new is a brushed silver film for decorative labels. Hueck Folien will also show void products, such as a silver holographic void with a bright hologram and tamper-evident effect.
Impact Air Systems shows its new Matrix Master waste extraction machine, a mobile unit contained in an acoustic enclosure. The precision model 78 series trim cutter, waste fan, material separator and cartridge filter form the heart of the system. An integrated oil mist injection system ensures the pressure-sensitive waste material does not stick to any of the internal surfaces.
Inkstar displays a range of black and colored thermal transfer ribbons in all categories including wax, wax resin, resin, near edge wax resin and ID card ribbons.
Innovia Films shows Rayoface Reclose92, a high clarity monoweb film designed for wet wipe pack applications, eliminating the need to laminate several layers together. In conjunction with an all-polyolefin wipe pack construction, it offers easier recycling after use versus alternative mixed material constructions. The company will also show Rayoface and Ultrafoil clear squeezable films, which have been downgauged by around 40 percent.
Isra Vision showcases its label converter portfolio and demonstrates how to achieve automated quality assurance.
IST Metz presents its new LED curing system, LEDcure SCR, for retrofitting on flexo presses. The system is available in lengths from 270 to 540mm.
INX International will display a full range of conventional and digital products, including sustainable and dispensing products.
Italstick shows a range of digital printable materials including PP and PE films, papers and boards. The company also shows wine label materials including felt-marked, embossed papers combined with adhesives for humid and cold surfaces with good ice bucket performance, and wash-off adhesives for reusable glass bottles.
Iwasaki exhibits the IF330 semi-rotary flexo press, optimized for short set-up time and fast job change. As a semi-rotary press, it offers cost savings compared to full rotary flexo with regard to plates and tooling. It is suited to short and medium run jobs.
JD Press launches the JDF 420/330 series shaftless flexo press capable of printing on a wide range of paper and film-based materials. It features lightweight flexo sleeves, pre-registration system and intelligent overprinting system, as well as in-line stations such as cold foil stamping, lamination, delam/relam and turnbar. The press has a combination of UV drying, infrared drying and hot air drying.
Jet Europe promotes its Aguagreen water-wash flexo plates, available in both analogue and CTP formats, LSL water-wash letterpress and UV flexo plates, HD direct laser engraving DLE plates, analogue and CTP Jet Flex AR solvent plates, and rigid and cushion mounting tapes. A full range of processing systems for each plate type are demonstrated.
Jiangsu Dchange Materials introduces a range of specialist security and brand protection materials including tamper evident label materials and security tape, destructible labels, Void PET labelstocks, water-sensitive labels and anti-counterfeit labels.
The PET VoidOne labestock comes with a glassine liner. When tampered with, the facestock disintegrates leaving Void or custom messages on the liner, which can then be cleanly removed.
Jiangsu Wampolet launches a film-based thermal range available in 65-190 micron thickness, and a 75 micron BOPP thermal facestock for frozen logistic labels used on food, medicine, drinks and other perishables and airline luggage tags. A 95micron BOPP film-based thermal facestock for food and meat labels features resistance to water, oil,plasticizer, scuffing and cold storage.
JM Heaford demonstrates a range of plate mounting systems, including AutoMounter and the FTS, with options for the latter including tape roll holder and pre-register positioning lasers.
The FTS is available in several widths and can be dedicated to
either cylinders or sleeves. An entry-level EES model will also
be demonstrated.
Jurmet shows the Langer3 inspection machine for wraparound labels and other monofoils, linerless as well as liner labels. The system is equipped with a 100 percent inspection camera and its working width is 520mm and speed 450m/min. In addition, Jurmet presents the Winder2 slitter with automatic knife setting. The company also shows a programmable core cutter, Cater-d for inner core diameter from 1in to 6in.
Kanzan, part of the Japanese Oji Group, shows thermal papers for linerless materials among other products.
Kao Collins et Colordyne Technologies showcases the 3600 Series AP digital print engine. This marks the first trade show appearance for the aqueous pigment print engine. The new development incorporates Memjet’s DuraLink printhead technology into an 8.5-inch wide, full color print system. The new technology is claimed to offer ten times longer printhead life, resolution up to 1,600 by 1,585 DPI and print speeds up to 668ft/min (204m/min). Using pigment inkjet, it is compatible with a greater number of substrates, both coated and uncoated. The 3600 Series AP print engine is suited to both label converters – it can be retrofitted onto existing flexo presses – and integration partners.
King + Chiasa present as a joint venture between Spanish company Chiasa and China-based King. The companies focus on garment labels in nylon, satin, polyester and cotton for all types of printing systems. Most products are certified Oeko-tex Standard 100 (Class I). Also launched will be a wide range of recycled materials.
Kocher + Beck shows the latest GapMaster design, which allows for both front and back cutting and is now available in a magnetic cylinder version for semi-rotary presses. Also shown is the UR Precision non-stop winding technology, demonstrated in a fully equipped non-stop off-line cutting configuration. The company’s TecScreen division shows its new screen printing mesh, as well as a compact cleaning unit. The TecScreen Processing Unit allows for standardization and optimization of the washout and drying process. For flexible dies, the new generation of Kocher + Beck Gluex Coating gives an improved non-stick result with less adhesive residue on the cutting edges. The KMS-4 Pressure Gauge System is also demonstrated with a higher stability under changes of load. Further highlights include the Quick Change die-cutting station where magnetic cylinders are pre-mounted during the current job and can be exchanged in seconds.
Koehler shows its portfolio of thermal papers, which has broadened following the installation of a new paper and coating machine – which is also a stepping stone into the flexible
packaging market.
Konica Minolta launches its AccurioLabel 230 digital toner press, running at up to 23.4m/min on a wide range of materials now including PP, PET and synthetic papers. Print width is adjustable between 250 and 300mm. An overprinting option allows the AccurioLabel 230 to print on pre-printed media. Makeready times have been reduced thanks to the fuser being kept warm for up to 30 minutes. Developed and manufactured in Europe with Grafisk Maskinfabrik (GM), the AccurioLabel 230 has been built on the Konica Minolta AccurioPress engine technology.
Kor Engineering will unveil its latest finishing machine developments.
KPG Europe introduces Digicase, a UV inkjet-based system developed for printers of artificial casings now adapted for label production as well. Digicase can print on a wide variety of filmic substrates including polyamide casings and bags, food packaging films and plastic casings in full color, plus white. Single and dual pass printing is supported in multiple web widths, and with a choice of print resolution and operating speeds. Options include flexo print heads and a chilled central impression drum. Resino Trykfarver has developed a specialist ink for use with Digicase, enabling digitally printed polyamide casings to meet existing meat packaging standards including autoclave processing.
KTI, exhibiting alongside fellow Quantum Design-owned CTC, demonstrates the latest version of its MTR series turret rewinder, suited to running pressure-sensitive labestock. Enhancements have been made to the model offering increased product speeds, print and apply functionality and other features. The turret rewinder offers a new roll closure system with in-line print and apply, allowing customers to add various product and production information to the roll closure labels. These labels are automatically printed and applied to the finished rolls before they remove from the machine. In addition to the print and apply, the machine running at the show automatically loads cores onto the machine, eliminating the need for an operator to load.
Kurz launches its new in-line digital cold foiling system, the DM-Liner module, which is integrated into the HP Indigo 6900 digital press. The foil is laminated to the unprinted substrate using an inkjet-applied UV curing adhesive, with LED pinning to increase drop placement accuracy. A PET carrier is then removed and the substrate is transported to the 6900 for overprinting, producing full-color metallic effects, including variable print, in a single pass. The DM Liner’s production speed is up to 75m/min, which allows it to keep pace with the print engine, with a jetting resolution of 600 x 600 DPI on a 340mm web width. The DM-Liner forms part of Kurz’s Digital Metal eco-system which includes a wide range of customized high gloss holographic, diffractive and silver foils.
Label Source demonstrates its SWP-330-2C+2-CNC press equipped with flatbed screen printing station, flexo station, flatbed hot foil/embossing, lamination, flatbed and semi-rotary die-cutting, and chill rolls. All press parameters can be saved and recalled via a touch screen display. The press has full servo tension control and each print group has automatic register control which takes into account different material characteristics.
Labeltech shows its new Stelvio330 digital converting machine with sleeve-based flexo varnish unit, cold foil, full/semi rotary die-cutting and UV LED curing. It also demonstrates its latest-generation slitter rewinder, Ortles, in two versions. While the standard rewinder comes with E+L Smartscan inspection system, an advanced version features automatic knife positioning and semi-automatic turret rewinder. Also on display is a Sciliar 260 bidirectional horizontal rewinder with Rea Jet inkjet variable data marker and BST Tubescan 4K inspection system, alongside two roll lifters.
Lartec launches an automated online service for orders or quotations, as well as advanced traceability services for production transport, historical orders and reorders.
Laserclean exhibits two new versions from its portfolio of ALCS laser cleaning machines. The Laserclean Narrow Web machine ALCS 1000 S(F) is a compact, easy-to-use system. Chain wheels and bearings do not need removal and after cleaning the roller can be used immediately. The cleaning cycle is fast (five minutes average) and no consumables, such as granulates, chemicals or water, are needed. Additionally, a new ALCS 2100 S(F) sleeve cleaning machine will be shown.
Lehner shows its FlexoMatrix plate mounter with a range of automated features including format presetting, print form identification and sequential mounting of several printing plates on one cylinder. Print job management is fully automated.
Lemorau displays a total of eight machines, including its most recent developments: the MEBR+ modular digital finishing machine; the Digi LC entry-level digital printing, coating and finishing machine; the ICR3 inspection and finishing machine; the EBRM+ rotary and semi-rotary table-top finishing machine; a CRM table-top slitter rewinder; an automatic and manual core cutter CTA and CT, and two ER400 roll lifters in standard and 2000mm sizes. The MEBR+ modular digital finishing machine is fully modular and runs in full rotary and semi-rotary mode. The machine on display will have a flexo module added to the standard configuration. The Digi LC can print, coat and die-cut all in one process. This is based on high resolution inkjet with web width ranging from 50 to 250mm.
Lemu Group shows its GTU glueless turret rewind systems, complemented by its fully automated roll label packaging system designed for high-speed use, eliminating costly down time, manual handling and waste. These systems allow converters to print, die-cut, turret rewind and immediately sleeve and package finished rolls of labels in one pass. The turret systems have operational speeds of 250m/ min. The automated roll finishing and packaging lines are retrofittable to all other brands of turret rewind systems. Lemu also has an entire line of modular converting modules for narrow and mid-web widths to complement the turret line. Also on display will be the Teyman inspection slitter rewind system complete with a two-spindle automatic turret rewind system and optional die-cut station. This system can be used as a stand-alone work station for blank label production, freeing up valuable press time or as an inspection slitter rewinder.
Leonardus launches its new line of decorative patterns, created with a combination of holographic and lithographic features. The company also introduces a ‘sustainable holographic technology’ to use of plastics without affecting shelf appeal.
Lintec Europe shows its recently launched tamper-evident non-transfer ‘void’ security labelstock. The films are available in blue, red and transparent color options. The film does not leave any residue on the application surface, and is marketed to luxury consumer packaging and pharmaceutical box seals. Lintec’s new labelstock is designed to reveal product tampering and reduce the likelihood of counterfeit. With an adhesive incorporating covert surface penetrating properties, the label substrate appears to be conventional under normal lighting conditions; if the label is removed, the area where it was once applied will become visible if illuminated by a UV light. Lintec also presents a new multi-layered label material, designed for automotive and industrial paint shop use. The thermal transfer printable polyester base layer ensures superior adhesion and dimensional stability. Once applied to the vehicle chassis, this label is overlaminated with a stack of three layers of the same clear overlaminating film. Lintec’s resealable oil tolerant closure labelstock is also on display. It is designed for oil-based cleansing and moisturizing wet tissues, and the film is able to resist degradation caused by direct contact with oil-based wipes. The labelstock resists oils, water and organic liquids.
Logopak shows its Eco Labeller system for linerless labels, with a claimed 70-100 percent longer running time without reel change compared to a liner-based system.
Lombardi Converting Machinery launches the new Invicta i2 mid web press, aimed at flexible packaging production. The gearless and shaftless machine features direct drive of the three print axes: anilox, plate and chilled drum. It has a print format of up to 36in and a web width of up to 1,100mm. The Synchroline servo-driven flexo press is also on display, alongside a Digitstar Inkjet hybrid press which combines a digital print unit from Domino with flexo printing and finishing units from Lombardi. Also on show are the Toro in-line flatbed foil embossing and hologram in-setting system, aimed at wine, spirits and security labels, whose turnable head allows the processing of several foils in a single pass; Bravo flatbed screen printing unit; and Volo semi-rotary die-cutting unit, which runs at speeds of up to 80m/min. It features one magnetic cylinder for all print formats.
Luster LightTech Group presents an inspection system, color management module, newly developed LED light source for fully transparent material, and high-resolution camera selection. On display will be a LabelRoll-F series inspection system that provides 100 percent inspection for all defects and substrates, including variable data verification and inspection. Only one master image is needed for job set-up and a PDF proved file can also be used as reference. The whole job set-up can be finished within one minute. PrintingProof software can control pre-press processes and ensure digital and sample files are 100 percent correct. It is able to detect graphics errors, print errors, spelling errors, braille check and translation, text errors and barcode verification. All differences are highlighted within seconds, ensuring the pre-press work is completed error-free.
Luxinar, previously Rofin-Sinar UK, shows its portfolio of sealed CO2 lasers and new femtosecond ultrashort pulse laser technology. The company also showcases its OEM 45iX, SR 10i and SR 15i systems.
Maan Engineering demonstrates its Linerless Coating Line, which operates in-line with flexo presses. Linerless labels can be produced from a wide range of materials for various applications, such as linerless with zone coatings and clear-2-clear linerless.
MacDermid shows the latest innovations of its award-winning Lux In-The-Plate (ITP) product portfolio. On display will be the Lava NW-M thermal processing unit, the latest addition to its range of thermal processing systems.
Mark Andy unveils the latest iteration of the Performance Series line and a new entry- to mid-level digital hybrid press, demonstrated with advanced in-line converting. The Digital Pro is a modular 4-color toner system available as a roll-to-roll model or as an advanced in-line hybrid with semi-rotary die-cutting and with production speeds of 23.5m/min for all applications. Also on display is the Digital Series HD, a modular hybrid press pairing UV inkjet with advanced workflow and converting systems.
Martin Automatic exhibits two machines which have been sold to the All4Labels Group and will be delivered following the show for use on a Gallus Labelmaster 440 flexo press. The MBSF (‘F’ for film) automatic unwind butt splicer on show is designed for a production environment where headroom is limited – a situation easily accommodated by Martin’s vertical accumulator (festoon) design. The splicer is capable of handling a variety of materials, including label stock and unsupported lightweight films. The LRD is a two-spindle non-stop automatic transfer rewinder that complements the capabilities of the MBS. It is one of a range that Martin offers to automatically transfer the running web from a full roll to an empty core without stopping or slowing the line and can automatically unload finished rolls.
Maschinen Frommer promotes its business in the trading of used machinery for all graphic arts sectors.
Maxcess, a web handling products and services
Max Speciality Films shows materials for printing wraparound labels, pressure-sensitive labels and in-mold film labels. On display will be a white cavitated WAL film developed for high-speed wraparound labeling which has high gloss, superior mechanical strength and good printability with UV ink. Another wraparound film on display is High Clear WAL film for optically clear high gloss. Its chemically treated surface helps to have good UV printability without the need of any primer coating during UV flexo printing. Visitors will also be able to see one side chemically treated surface on PS label in white and clear that enables either good UV printability or good adhesive bonding. Further, IML Orange Peel Label will be shown, which has special chemically treated surface that makes the product suitable for UV offset printing along with antistatic and orange-peel effect.
MDV and Tech Folien demonstrate materials optimized for water-based inkjet and dry toner-based printing. XTP, a group development, is an example of a conformable durable polyolefin which is toner (Robuskin) and inkjet (Aquaskin) printable. Fluolux and Ultrasilver papers showcase beautiful images digitally printed with white toner using Color-Logic software. Synthetic materials for Indigo technologies will be available. Fully recyclable film Satinex HLS2, claimed to have superior print registration, low stretch and high tear resistance, is ideal for wine labels for production on high-speed multi-color narrow web presses. It is also available in high opacity (Satinex HO), and exceptionally high tear strength versions (Satinex X Tear).
Meech International demonstrates its range of web cleaning and static elimination systems. An enhanced version of Meech’s original CyClean, CyClean R, is a single or double-sided non-contact web cleaner that utilizes positive and negative airflows to clean low-tension webs. It is ideal for wider webs where lower tensions are commonplace. Meech’s 924IPS bars are also installed as a part of the system. Meech’s new mid-range, Pulsed DC Ionizing Bar, Hyperion 960IPS, possesses ionization of up to 15kV and provides 50 percent greater maximum working distance than the popular 929IPS ionizing bar. Meech’s established range of Hyperion products and web cleaners will also be on display.
Melzer launches its latest high-speed and multiple track converting system. The SC-X converting machine features dual rotary and semi-rotary modes, a 330mm web width, easily upgradable multiple track (up to six), speed of up to 60m/min, and a transponder selection in semi-rotary mode. It is suitable for luggage tags, labels, tickets and garments tags.
Memjet unveils its third-generation printing technology, which brings new features such as enhanced durability, new print widths and a long-life 4-color printhead. In addition, Memjet will be discussing systems powered by its original VersaPass technology, as well as new opportunities brought by DuraLink, its printing technology for high-volume markets.
Michelman displays a selection of water-based in-line and off-line primers, and overprint varnishes for both HP Indigo and inkjet-based printing platforms. The company’s range of water-based and UV-based brands for digital presses include DigiPrime primers for HP Indigo, JetPrime primers for inkjet, and DigiGuard for OPVs. DigiPrime primers offer digital versatility for an array of end-use applications. Many Michelman primers have recently passed ecotoxicity, heavy metals, and fluorine content testing according to ASTM and the European Committee of Standardization for use in compostable packaging. Michelman shows DigiGuard 901 for Pack Ready for Labels, a strengthener for HP Indigo validated UV OPVs used with Michelman’s in-line primers, which enables enhanced water, chemical and thermal durability. JetPrime, Michelman’s brand of primers for inkjet, includes JetPrime WB 1100 for pigmented water-based inkjet printing applications. This technology, for coated offset substrates, is useful for high-speed commercial printing applications such as folding cartons and corrugated.
Miraclon, the company which now owns Kodak’s flexographic product range, launches Flexcel NX Ultra, a solvent-free, VOC-free, water-based plate processing system that allows printers to create a press-ready plate in less than an hour.
Mitsubishi HiTec Paper launches a silver gloss inkjet paper and a barrier paper for flexible food packaging.
Miyakoshi presents its new digital MJP13LXV UV LED inkjet press. This 6-color press runs at 50m/min with a resolution of 1200 X 1200 DPI. It comes equipped with an inter-color pinning system and LED curing with a nitrogen purging system which reduces odor and improves the curing process. Substrates finally pass over a chill roller for finishing and color fixing. Miyakoshi also shows its enhanced MLP-C semi-rotary web offset press, equipped with UV dryers and chill rollers. New features such as Cold Start to save waste substrate, and Automatic Plate Change to improve timings on changeovers, have been introduced on this press.
MoistTech Corp displays sensors for moisture measurement and control, as well as monitoring coating thickness for paper, converting and film applications. Typical moisture accuracy is about +/-0.05 percent, coating accuracy from 0.1 to 0.01 micron, depending on the coating type.
Monotech Systems demonstrates its Jetsci Colornovo inkjet press. The press, launched at Labelexpo India 2018, will be introduced in Brussels with a new digital varnish and foiling system.
MPS exhibits its hybrid EF Symjet press in a new color scheme and focuses on press connectivity to MIS systems. The company will also present 'Beyond the Machine' concept with four islands surrounding the MPS printing press, each showing strengths of four key processes: connectivity, applications, productivity and service.
Mühlbauer exhibits systems for low, medium and high-volume personalization and converting of RFID tags. Mühlbauer’s RFID converting line, CL 30000, is suitable for the conversion of dry inlays. It includes reel-to-reel antenna web handling, label/ticket lamination, die-cutting, as well as output testing – all in one modular system. For RFID baggage tags, Mühlbauer has developed several products – from the IL 15000 baggage tag for medium volumes to the CL wide web baggage tag for high-volume production.
Multitech will demonstrate its 450mm wide updated S1 press with auto-register capabilities.
Nanobrick manufactures the MTX magnetically color-changeable photonic crystal materials for anti-counterfeiting applications, and will present M-Tag for labels and M-Pac for packages. The materials, when in contact with a magnet, will change color indicating if a product is genuine or not. Nanobrick also provides an online authentication system, M-Check.
Nanovis showcases its latest Bella cleaning system promoting its sustainable and recyclable technology designed for HP Indigo printers.
Nexqo, a manufacturer of finished RFID labels, can also customize inlays for making the label. The company offers services such as customizing shape, size and reading distance. Advantages include easier data collection, higher accuracy and longer reading distance.
NHK Spring gives a European launch to the Trustgram security label, where product authenticity is verified by using a simple viewer. NHK Spring will also show other anti-counterfeiting products such as a machine-readable hologram system, an anti-counterfeiting ID label and a security fiber label.
Nikka Research presents camera technology for installation in printing presses and rewinders. The Alis product range covers web widths from 250 to 880mm and is offered in three lines: M1 entry level, L1/L2 modular and H1 high resolution inspection. A range of apps are demonstrated which extend camera applications into in-line measurement, data collection and process automation. Also on display will be spot inspection technology – small camera blocks for collecting high resolution images from the web. The NView cameras can be placed anywhere in the printing press or the rewinder and send data to the main system Applications include register marks viewing, color registration, vision slitter control, and top/bottom side registration. The technology will be demonstrated live on four stations with moving webs, configured for the most common applications – printing press, rewinder and slitting control. Additional workstations will be available for in-depth explanation of technologies.
Nilpeter, celebrating its 100-year anniversary, shows two FA-Line flexo presses featuring a number of new technologies. The first FA-Line press, with a 17in web width, features cold foil, lamination, and Nilpeter’s new high-speed semi-rotary die-cutting unit. Launched at the show, this press will run in combination with two new technologies: high-build varnish and high opacity white inkjet units. Nilpeter will demonstrate the press’ versatility and value-adding capabilities within wine and beverage applications. The second FA-Line press, with a 22in web width, features varnish, lamination, a new quick-change die station, and UV LED drying. With this press, Nilpeter will demonstrate food and beverage flexible packaging applications.
Nyquist Systems shows the new TubeScan Digital Strobe 4k equipped with 9-megapixel camera technology for 100 percent inspection. On display will also be a bidirectional label inspection machine with pharma mode. Further, QLink Workflow from Nyquist Systems offers TubeScan users new possibilities for synchronization, data handling, and error editing.
Odesyo unveils its patented Smijet in-line color controller fitted with AI and a patented wide-spectrum sensor. Smijet checks 100 percent of the printed surface, instantly tracking the consistency of color reproduction and print faults. On inkjet presses Smijet instantly points out undetected missing or deviated jets.Its AI-based technology is claimed to model human visual perception, so does not register faults undetectable to the human eye.
OKI shows its 5-color (CMYK+White) desktop label printer, the OKI Pro1050, which is aimed at boutique manufacturers and small label providers who will benefit from on-demand short-run label printing. OKI’s Pro1050 handles a wide range of media including textured papers and synthetics with white, clear, opaque or colored substrates. It is suited to industrial labels intended for harsh underwater environments and the toners are resistant to UV fading. It is also intended for labeling for food, beverage, cosmetic, electrical device and horticulture.
Omet unveils a new press from its XFlex line. The company also exhibits an iFlex and XJet hybrid press, which combines Omet’s flexo technology with a digital system from Durst. XJet powered by Durst offers a wide range of in-line multi-process technologies for finishing requirements – cold foil, hot foil, embossing, varnishing, peel and seal, delam/relam – as well as efficient converting systems such as Monotwin-Cut variable size die-cut, Twist easy-change die and Rock’n’Roll matrix stripping. XJet is suited to short run work, though its speed of 78m/min combined with low ink laydown means it can also cater to medium runs. It prints at 1,200 x 1,200 DPI.
Orthotec demonstrates its SRFD3030 screen printing and hot stamping machine. The press features a flexo unit, screen printing, flat-bed hot stamping and rotary die-cutting in one line. The converting area of the SRFD machine can either be 300mm x 300mm or 400mm x 400mm.
Pantec demonstrates its Swift rotary foiling system on bodycare products, showing embellishment in-line with lenses, holograms and metallic hot foils. The production of high-quality spirits and wine labels will be shown on the new Rhino E flatbed system, which has been optimized for less complex labels and decoration of digitally printed labels.
Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC) demonstrates its Meridian laser anilox cleaner, which uses laser-diode technology to deeply clean anilox rolls. It requires no liquids, chemicals or air supplies and an internal air extraction system eliminates messy waste. The Meridian removes most types of inks, adhesives, glazes, varnishes, stiffeners and coatings on aniloxes with or without journals. The Meridian is designed to allow easy access to all parts of the machine. Additionally, features such as the automatic cleaning cycle, flip-up cleaning area access door, easy-to-use operator interface, and large cleaning area access opening, offer enhanced ergonomics.
Peleman shows foil customization on demand with its flatbed foil printer, enables printing companies to offer a variety of on-demand personalization services without the need for large production runs. The digital printer can print on flat, smooth, semi-smooth and coated surfaces. With a total of six foil color options available, the flatbed foil printer creates custom designs for labels, folding cartons, presentation covers, invitations, business cards, phone covers and more.
Phoseon launches the FireJet FJ645, a self-contained air-cooled UV LED curing lamp for flexo applications. It is available in lamp lengths up to 525mm. Phoseon says the FireJet FJ645 has a wider emitting window to provide longer UV exposure time, which improves through-cure and adhesion of difficult to cure materials, especially OPVs and dense blacks. The FJ645 Phoseon’s new TargetSure technology which monitors UV irradiance in real-time.
Pinewood Label Systems, celebrating 40 years in the self-adhesive market, shows its wide range of label dispensers and applicators. Launched at the show is the Flat-Matic applicator, designed to label a wide range of flat and curved sided containers, including boxes, bottles oval bottles and flasks and odd-shaped containers. Also on show will be the Bottle-Matic, a semi-automatic label applicator for a wide range of cylindrical containers, and the Flex-Matic, an applicator for pouches, sachets, envelopes and more.
Polar demonstrates productive die-cutting machines. LabelSystem SC-25 is designed for the industrial production of square-cut labels, with two strips processed simultaneously for a throughput of 1,560 bundles per hour. For die-cut labels, the LabelSystem DC-11plus is marketed for industrial in-line production and has a high degree of automation. A Polar high-speed cutter and a die-cutter will be available to demonstrate the functioning of a workflow of small and medium-sized runs.
Polyonics shows coated materials and adhesives for high temperatures and harsh environments. OEMs and converters use its products worldwide for thermal transfer printable labels and tags, engineered tapes, thermal interface materials, laser markable labels and printable flexible substrates. The company will also offer ESD-Safe and flame-retardant options. Its materials are used in a variety of industries, including electronics, metals processing, heating, automotive, aerospace and medical devices.
PPG showcases its PPG Teslin substrate for adhesive coaters, label converters and packaging specialists.
Prati presents Digifast 20,000, designed for finishing mid-web format digitally-printed materials. In addition the Digifast One is displayed in a hybrid configuration for high-value printing and finishing. This hybrid printing line was designed and developed together with Screen. The ability to add Digifast One pre-print and post-print modules allows functionality such as in-line priming to extend substrate support, and to mix and match flexo and inkjet printing to add effects and enhance label production.
PrintabLED offers a range of UV LED products for the offset and flexo printing markets. PrintabLED is focusing on the label market after successful installations on sheet-fed offset presses. The modular UV LED system is connected directly to plant-wide management systems, allowing energy costs to be constantly monitored.
Printronix Auto ID presents the T4000 compact industrial thermal printer with a print speed of up to 8in/sec on label thicknesses of up to 0.28mm. Also on display, Printronix Auto ID’s fully integrated thermal barcode printer and validator, ODV-2D, can now additionally validate QR codes as well as 1D and 2D barcodes. If a label fails to conform to the predetermined standard, the device rejects the offending barcode, overstrikes it and reprints it, all without operator intervention at production speeds up to 8in/sec.
Printum demonstrates the Printum Multilayer Unit, a retrofittable system which allows manufacture of sandwich labels in-line. The company also demonstrates its standalone multilayer label production lines
ProPhotonix displays its latest LED-UV curing systems, including the new Cobra Cure Mini. A compact yet powerful UV LED curing lamp, it is suited to high-speed single and multi-pass printers where installation space is restricted and weight is a concern. Cobra Cure Mini’s light head measures just 33.4mm x 57mm x 30mm, with control electronics housed separately achieving a compact light-head module. Weighing less than 175g, the light head is suitable for compact translation systems, providing ease of installation. In addition to its compact form factor, Cobra Cure Mini delivers uniform, high intensity UV light for a reliable cure. Cobra Cure Mini delivers intensities up to 6W/sq cm and a factory set dose of up to 9 J/cm² at 2mm, offering users the flexibility to meet weight restrictions and available footprint without performance trade-off.
Pulse Roll Label Products unveils updates to its portfolio of UV flexo printing inks. Its high-strength PureTone and PureTone FPC (food packaging compliant) inks have been reformulated to respond to recent regulatory changes and comply with the latest EuPIA guidelines. Live demonstrations will show the updated PureTone color database using X-Rite’s InkFormulation Software. A closed loop color management approach that ensures print matches proof every time will be a key focus at the show and the benefits of expanded gamut printing using 7-color PureTone UV flexo process printing will also be presented. The company will perform live color matching for its high-strength PureAqua water-based flexo ink. The company will also promote its new PureBright Silver and Gold UV flexo metallics inks and introduce the latest PureFinish UV flexo cold foil adhesive and PureFinish UV flexo primers. A revamped range of PureWhite opaque white inks will also be introduced. Pulse Roll Label Products has also teamed up with foil manufacturer API Group to support the launch of its new PureFinish cold foil adhesive
Ravenwood unveils a new linerless applicator, the Nobac Stacker. The Stacker is marketed to low volume ‘cottage’ industries that want to opt for a greener type of labeling, for labeling a range of products for general application, and for adding promotional labels at key stages of the product’s life-cycle. The Stacker can be used to cut labels produced on Ravenwood’s Com500 coater. The Stacker cuts and stacks linerless labels at a rate of 100 per minute to a stacked height of 140mm, dependent on label gsm.
Rea introduces the Titan Platform which now operates all Rea coding and marking technologies and allows easy integration into packaging lines and OEM machines, enabling fast data exchange with the production environment. Also new, Rea Verifier systems allow for the quality control of data matrix codes and barcodes. The portfolio includes high-precision portable and stationary verification systems.
Refine Finishing displays two converting machines – Compact 1 and Compact 2. Compact 1 is a die-cutting machine for finishing digital and conventional printed labels; Compact 2 is a die-cut and flexo press with a fully automated flexo station, cold foil and lamination. Refine machineries are designed with a focus on automation through Industry 4.0, cloud computing, and Internet of Things (IoT). This allows for real-time monitoring of the machines, full remote control through existing network infrastructures, and consolidation of machine and job data in the cloud. Data is used for problem‑solving, preventive maintenance, and efficiency reports.
Ritrama presents new adhesive technologies developed with sustainability and innovation in mind.
Rheintacho extends its portfolio of stationary stroboscopes with an additional model with a length of 1,000mm. This stroboscope will light up very large inspection surfaces with high performance LEDs. The light control is achieved by using special lenses. Rheintacho will also be able to use the LED clusters used in the existing models (RT Strobe 3000, 5000, 7000) for this new one. Rheintacho will also offer its RT Strobe pocketLED Laser. This smart function uses a laser beam to determine the synchronization frequency without manual adjustment or external sensor signals. A reflective tape is applied to the object to be measured. Using an intelligent transmission/reception system developed by Rheintacho based on a laser beam, the stroboscope’s flash frequency is automatically synchronized via this reflective tape. With the aid of the reflection of the laser beam, the speed of rotation is determined within a short time.
RK PrintCoat Instruments shows a variety of flexo and gravure color communication systems, including the K Hand Coater to the VCML Pilot coater. The VCML Pilot coater is a reel-to-reel machine developed for printing, coating and laminating for product development and quality control QC. Also on display will be the FlexiProof 100/UV machine. This unit incorporates the essential features required for quality control and research and development of flexo inks. Identical to a standard flexo press, the machine uses a doctored ceramic anilox and photopolymer plate. With a maximum speed of 100m/min, realistic printability testing can be undertaken on all types of flexo substrates.
Rosas Maschinenbau demonstrates inspection systems for the label industry.
Rotometal presents its full portfolio of magnetic cylinders, printing cylinders, sheeters and cutting units.
RotoMetrics displays a variety of new products including flexible die-cutting technology that integrates Electro Optic die-cutting technology for optimal performance on thin films and abrasive materials. RotoMetrics has developed new products for IML, MDO, in-line adhesive applications and handling liner variability. The company shows RotoRepel, an award-winning adhesive-control treatment that allows presses to run faster and dies to last longer. The company also demonstrates, an online quoting and ordering website with features to better track and manage a die library. Also on display is VersaCut with adjustable anvil which allows converters to cope with liner variability, and EZ Clean.
Ruco Druckfarben introduces a new UV screen printing ink series. 963UV-SF rotary screen inks. These low-viscosity inks for printing onto plastic films are silicone-free. 963UV-SF inks are formulated free from ITX, benzophenone and 4-methylbenzophenone and do not contain any bisphenol A. Ruco’s silicone-free and low-migration opaque white 905UV1484LM for rotary UV screen printing, complies with the latest testing requirements under Reach and the Nestlé Guidance Note on Packaging Inks.
S-OneLP features pre-laminated flexible packaging films for a variety of applications and finishes, including water-based OPVs, eBeam, and HP Pack Ready lamination. S-OneLP will launch its Sustainable ByDesign portfolio of products under the brands ReTreve and ReEarth, which include films, coatings and fitments for recyclable and compostable flexible packaging, respectively. Information on the CatPak eBeam Finishing System will be available, as well as brand protection track and trace products from VerifyMe. Label converters will learn about a variety of coatings and varnishes, including the HP Pack Ready for Labels for durable labels. S-OneLP provides a complete durable labels portfolio, including Michelman primers and DigiGuard 901 UV OPV Strengthener, and the proprietary UV OPV to finish durable labels.
Sandon Global offers a range of engravings including FluidUV covering both solid and tone work, and ProjectBlue, its ultra HD product. GMX is designed to apply special coatings and inks including tactile and offering four opacity levels of opaque white while maintaining press speed.
Schobertechnologies shows its RSM550-Digi-Varicut rotary die-cutting systems with vector technology to cut digitally printed materials for the manufacturing of in-mold labels and folding boxes. It has a hybrid drive technology for format-independent processing of digitally printed films and packaging materials. The drive technology combines continuous and intermittent processes during the cutting process. A large number of print format lengths can be covered with a single tool circumference.
Écran shows the Truepress Jet L350UV+ and the Truepress Jet L350UV+LM UV inkjet presses that provide new levels of productivity in label production. Screen will conduct live demonstrations with the L350UV series through a variety of application samples, including self-adhesive labels, pouches, pharmaceutical labels and cosmetic boxes. Screen will also show its recently launched blue ink, used with the Truepress Jet L350UV+. For those seeking approved-inks for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical labels, the Truepress Jet L350UV+LM has the option to incorporate low-migration ink including optional orange ink.
SEI Laser demonstrates the Labelmaster modular system for roll-to-roll and roll-to-sheet digital die-cutting and finishing. Visitors will have the opportunity to see the laser processing of different types of labels and special finishing on different materials such as paper, PP and textiles. Jumbo rolls can be accommodated and the system now ships with motorized knives. A QR-code/barcode reading system allows Labelmaster users to change work on the fly. The control software, compatible with most common digital workflows, maximizes efficiency in the various types of work: web-to-labeling, web-to-stickers, web-to-packaging. SEI Laser will present two configurations: Labelmaster in 350mm and 600mm web configurations. Labelmaster, now in its third generation, is equipped with four laser heads to reach a constant speed of over 100m/min.
Sensory Analytics shows its expanding line of SpecMetrix coating and layer thickness measurement systems. These absolute thickness measurement systems provide continuous coating process improvements, optimize coating utilization and decrease plant waste streams. SpecMetrix systems are available as off-line lab tools or in fixed probe, traversing and OEM configurations for ease of integration onto new or existing plant coating lines.
Shaoxing Xiangyu Green Packing shows its portfolio of polyester films. One of the largest such suppliers in China, it offers polyester films from 8 to 250 micron.
Shree Lamipack will make its debut at Labelexpo Europe this year with focus on holographic labels, labelstock, silicone liners and thermal transfer ribbons.
Sibur Biaxplen introduces a wide range of BOPP-films for different label segments. Biaxplen label films are used for wraparound labeling of PET bottles suitable for hotmelt and cold seal applications; self-adhesive labels as a facestock; and as release liner suitable for silicone coating, and in-mold labels for variety of food and non-food applications.
Siegwerk introduces its portfolio of UV, UV LED and solvent-based ink systems, including special whites suitable for sleeves used for non-food and food packaging applications. All these inks and whites are available as standard and low migration systems. Siegwerk will show Sicura Nutritube for high-end packaging, including specialty UV varnishes for tube laminate-based substrates. The company will display its digital offering of UV and water-based inkjet inks for narrow and wide web packaging. The company recently unveiled Sicura Jet low-odor non-CMR UV-inkjet inks that are designed for printing labels for household, hygiene and industrial packaging. Siegwerk also highlights developments for optimizing the recyclability of packaging and developing eco-friendly inks.
Sihl introduces Artysio flexible packaging films, optimized for printing with water-based inkjet technology then sealing with heat and ultrasound. The Picofilm O-60 white XM1 facestock range was recently certified with BS5609 section 3 for the Afinia L501 color label printer. Sihl also presents a range of durable facestock films. Its Pressuretac range guarantees residue-free labeling of goods in logistics, while Enduro is a multi-layered paper/filmic structure free from PVC and FSC-certified.
Sino Foils presents cold foils and hot stamping foils. The cold foils will adhere to a range of materials including laminated OPP/PET film, UV varnish top sheet labels, self-adhesive stickers, folding cartons and advertising materials. Hot stamping foils for soft plastics, such as UV-lacquered tubes, will also be on display as will hot stamping foil for all self-adhesive and sheet-fed labels.
Sirpi shows UV screen inks and UV varnish for special effects. The company also displays its deep black matte UV for wine label production and a full range of UV varnish ideal for protection and decoration of labels. Sirpi also offers screen and flexo varnishes suitable for overprinting digital labels, and will show a range of inks for flat and rotary screen and other specialty inks.
Sistrade presents the latest version of its MIS, with an enhanced job routing module that integrates with the planning and data collection modules. Also new is a module focused on flexible packaging, with better data visualization and the incorporation of a cylinder management workflow where cylinders are send to or from the engraver. The revised Scheduling module is more intuitive, allowing anticipation of production changes. It is now easier to readjust or recalculate operations and job orders, change factories or compare different scenarios. The new Sistrade Dashboard Builder provides a tool for creating your own dashboards to monitor the progress of the entire sales, stock or production process.
Smag Graphique launches a range of advanced converting technologies. Its ‘iconcept’ multi-process platform incorporates independent repeat size management, automatic length registration, cross foiling rotary heads for hot stamping, automatic plate loading and contact waste matrix stripping. iconvert is an off-line or on-line digital converting platform, fully servo driven with automated pre-setting, while the modular icontrol platform integrates with inspection systems, and integrates with ERP and industry 4.0 workflows. iconnect allows converters to offer intelligent labels to customers looking for traceability, supply chain and inventory management. The system will insert, encode, control and convert RFID tags or inlays. The icontact module additionally allows printing of electronic labels with conductive inks.
Soontomax offers clear-on-clear label products and a range of PP and PE digitally printable materials.
Spande launches the S7 flexo press, which has a 200m/min printing speed and 370mm/445mm/515mm web widths. The press has eight servos in each printing station. Servos are also used in ‘i-Pressure’, a system to automatically adjust printing pressure. The ‘i-Vision’ intelligent registration system uses two cameras to ensure registration accuracy at each printing station, independently.
SPGPrints shows its new RSI III rotary screen integration unit that runs at a speed of 150m/min. The module features a new long-life web-cleaning scraper that automatically removes ink splashes from the web after stoppages or operation in slow rotation mode. This enables thorough drying of the substrate while minimizing contamination of the rollers. RSI III comes in widths from 254mm to 660mm (10in to 26in) and integrates with almost all label presses, performing in-line with flexo, offset, gravure or letterpress. Also on display will be SPGPrints’ long-life nickel re-imageable RotaMesh and reusable RataPlate rotary screens, the Dev & Dry system for automated developing and drying of RotaPlate screens, plus high-definition imaging systems: the rotaLen laser engraver for rotary screens and the variLex CtP exposure system for rotary screens and plates for flexo, letterpress and dry offset. A live workbench will show the simplicity and speed of the rotary screen making workflow.
Spilker demonstrates production of Core Linerless labels on an S-Con Starline converting machine with the support of Ritrama and Omet. Also on display are the latest versions of the MicroGap adjustable anvil cylinder, allowing fine adjustment in steps of 0.5 micron. The version automated version with electronic actuator offers maximum ease of use and minimizes the risk of damage to the cutting tool.
Starfoil demonstrates its Value Line 1300SXL spooling/slitting machine with a higher speed of 250m/min and larger diameter rolls of up to 350mm. The machine can unwind from 1in, 3in and 6in to master rolls on 1in and 3in cores by means of shear slitting or razor slitting with a maximum unwind roll diameter of 700 mm. The CLC-600XL is a cantilevered model designed to slit 3in hot-stamping rolls to 1in or 3in rolls by means of shear slitting or razor slitting and runs up to a speed of 300m/min. Maximum diameters are 650mm for unwinding and 550mm for rewinding.As agent for Newfoil Machines, Starfoil will demonstrate a high-speed hot foil stamping Newfoil 2500 Servo machine for labels.
Sun Chemical will launch of its SolarVerse range of highly pigmented, low viscosity, multipurpose UV flexo base concentrates.
Taghleef Industries (Ti) presents its in-mold BOPP film portfolio which includes the new film, Nativia D813, based on PLA polymer derived from renewable resources. The film is biodegradable, and designed for reel-to-sheet offset printing and injection molding. On display will also be Ti’s all-polyolefin shrink film TDS, with 65 percent shrink. It is lightweight and floatable and significantly lowers freight costs while making sleeve-decorated PET containers 100 percent recyclable. Ti is also rapidly expanding work in PCR and PIR content label films for all segments.
Tea Adhesivos shows its equipment for the production of booklet and multilayer labels and RFID and NFC integration.
TEG Technologies exhibits a Sitexco SL1.5 laser cleaning system recognized with an FTA Technical Innovation Award in 2018.
TESA demonstrates Softprint self-adhesive plate mounting tapes, as well as self-adhesive Twinlock sleeves and the new ‘Flex’ tesa Softprint FE. unveils web-based mobile dashboards for its ERP system, simplifying communication within a company and between company locations.
Tilia Labs, a developer of planning, imposition, and AI automation software for the graphic arts industries, launches a new system that is claimed to reduce time and costs in label production. Tilia Aries is a cross-platform step-and-repeat tool for label printers that enables quick and easy layout for pre-print, cutting and finishing.
Todaytec shows its TDR325 thermal transfer resin ribbon with matte carbon and blue back coatings. It is characterized by excellent resistance to smear and scratch and has high resistance to alcohol and gasoline. Heat resistance is high, surviving a blast dryer at 50 deg for five days.
Toray unveils its new Imprima LJ line of water-washable waterless offset plates which can be processed in most waterless processors. Imprima LJ does not require post-baking and this
makes the plates easy to insert into any offset workflow. Other features include stable dot reproduction, high ink coverage,
300 LPI resolution, and compatibility with all UV- and oil-based waterless inks.
Tower Products introduces in Europe its full line of pressroom products for flexo and offset printers. On display will be SmartFlex anilox cleaning systems, specialty chemicals for flexo and packaging pressrooms, its UV-LED product line and Millennium Fountain Solution for both conventional and UV inks. These product lines are manufactured in Europe.
Tresu presents its automatic ink flow systems for label and package printing, and custom-designed printing and coating units for integration with industrial converting lines. Tresu expands its range of lightweight corrosion-resistant carbon fiber chambers with the new Tresu D3P. This offers superior strength because it is made with a single component by resin transfer molding. On display will be the Tresu FlexiPrint Reservoir Saveink chamber, up to 800mm wide. It includes a low-capacity reservoir, needing no connected pump. Ink may be added without press stoppages. Tresu’s F10 iCon ink supply system regulates ink flow, pressure and viscosity, maintaining constant ink density values. It performs automatic ink changes, including chamber cleaning, and ink returns.
Tri-Tronics shows its new DFS Digital Fiber Optic Sensor with an OLED display showing signal level and threshold values. The slim-line housing with protective lid can fit in a variety of small spaces. It is designed for labeling, converting and packaging machinery.
TSC Auto ID shows its new generation of label printers. The ML240P series boasts a compact design, quiet operation, open connectivity and the self-diagnostic TPH Care system. Additionally, the manufacturer presents a new system for 4in wide light industrial label printing. The MB series supports 8in OD label rolls up to 120mm and 450 meter ribbon capacity. The company is also promoting the new digital label printing system that includes the dye ink CPX4D and pigment ink CPX4P. offering print and color quality and low costs for consumables.
TWS showcases Amsky’s Aura 1524 flexo CTP system, imaging a plate size of 900 x 1,200mm. This is complemented by the smaller Aura 800 AL and Aura 600E units. Finishing equipment on show includes the JWEI LST-0604-RM digital die-cutting unit.
UEI Group engraved die companies will demonstrate the NW
Unilux launches the compact Mantis web viewing system for narrow web presses with limited mounting space. Integration of processor and camera into a single unit means the web viewer can be placed anywhere on the press and moved easily without the need to re-route wires. For added flexibility, any monitor can be connected via HDMI and the system is controlled using a wireless remote. A UV model is available for the inspection of cold seals, UV-visible inks and optical brighteners.
UniNet introduces the iColor 540 toner-based digital transfer A4/letter sized printer, printing full color combined with white overprint and underprint capabilities in a single pass. Applications include transfer production of garments, hard surfaces, marketing materials, labels and banners. UniNet also debuts the iColor LF200, a compact digital die-cutter and laminator equipped with plotter knife technology. The UniNet iColor 200 is a desktop inkjet printer for continuous roll-to-roll printing with either dye- or pigment-based ink. The iColor 700 digital label press uses low fuser temperature technology to print on film-based substrates.
Univacco presents the UPR series of holographic narrow web cold foils, giving metal engraving, metal brush and optical lens effects to labels. The company claims superior foil adhesion and rub-resistance combined with over-printability, and it works well for shrink sleeve applications.
Universal Engraving showcases its newest product line: NW SpeedChase NXT System. It is claimed to significantly improve die lock-up for engraved hot stamping and embossing flat dies and counter forces on a flatbed narrow web press. The system features quick, precision, magnetic mounting of the dies and counters so die changeover can be accomplished, on average, in as little as one minute. All engraved dies and counter forces arrive pre-mounted and pre-registered onto NW UniLock-Up plates, so, out of the box, they’re ready for the press.
UPM Raflatac shows its sustainable labeling materials including the PP Lite range, which combines a lighter face material, a lower coat-weight adhesive, and a lighter backing to optimize raw material useage. Ultrathin UPM Raflatac Vanish PCR labels feature 90 percent recycled content face and liners. Wash-off adhesives enable the recyclability of PET containers. Forest certified materials and bio-based films are also offered.
Uver shows a cartridge-based UV-LED module which can swap out lamps for different wavelength combinations without removing the cooling hose.
UV Graphic Technologies will showcase its 370mm wide full-servo 8-color Ultraflex UFO press. It will run at 200m/min and will print multiple substrates including 12-micron BOPP film, shrink sleeves, polyester film, in-mold labels, pressure sensitive material and heavy boards. The company will also showcase its latest video plate mounter with new features, the latest range of UV curing systems and slitter rewinders at the show floor.
Valloy launches the Bizpress 13R, a 7.3m/min single pass digital printer supporting a wide range of substrates including flexible package film, glassine paper, PE, PVC, direct thermal paper and even aluminum foil, as well as normal uncoated papers, PET or PP films. It comes with the Duoblade SX blade die-cutter, which reaches a linear speed of 9.8m/min. Up to four cutting heads can work simultaneously in the system, which offers die-cutting, laminating, matrix removal, slitting and separating. The Duoblade F is an automatic sheet-fed digital sticker cutting machine, which works with two blades and can cut up to 1,000 pages non-stop.
Verico Technology teams up with press manufacturer Codimag to run live demonstrations of the new Zahara NWL plates.
Vetaphone displays two corona stations for narrow web surface treatment. The VE1A-A (C4) features four ceramic electrodes and is designed for single-sided treatment, while the newly launched VE1A-M (C8) is designed for applications where high corona power is required from a single unit. Fitted with eight ceramic electrodes, the C8 operates at running speeds of 300m/min. Both models are CE and UL approved. On display will also be the VE2A-W (double-sided) and VE1A-W (single-sided) web cleaner units, available in four widths from 350mm to 570mm and capable of running at 250m/min. The units are easy to access for cleaning and maintenance and can be fully integrated with the corona system via the iCorona generator, eliminating the need for any additional operating system.
VFP Ink Technologies shows non-toxic and CMR-free functional inks for printing electronic circuits and adding sensors to labels and packaging. These functional inks can be screen or inkjet printed. Label manufacturers and designers can integrate light sensors, temperature sensors, capacitive sensor, NFC tags, odor sensors or even sound sensors in one label.
Vianord Engineering unveils new additions to its Wave range of processors for water-based flexo plates. Previously available for 90cm x 120cm (35in x 48in) formats, the new systems can process 106.7cm x 152.4cm (42in x 60in) formats. The company also presents developments in the field of industrial automation.
VIPColor displays the VP750 digital print-on-demand color label printer. The system’s water resistant print technology makes it ideal for colored labels for chilled food and beverage, animal care, cleaning products, chemicals, pharmaceutical and other moisture-exposed products. Intuitive for in-house label production and private labeling requirements, the VP750 can print at speeds of 18m/min with a resolution of 1,600 x 1,600 DPI on a printable width of up to 215.9mm.
Voyantic shows Reelsurance Pro, a multifunctional reel-to-reel machine that covers all RAIN RFID and NFC testing and encoding needs. Auto tension control and optional ionizers safeguard inlays and labels and a splicing table is positioned to remove defective labels before rewinding.
VPF launches a range of sustainable materials. Materials used for the production of paper include grass, biological waste from agricultural processes and recycling components. The new foils in the VPF portfolio consist of renewable and regenerative raw materials sourced from celluloid-based products. VPF also introduces PE, PP and paper materials qualified for inkjet and laser printing, including newly qualified materials for water-based inkjet printing systems. A laser adhesive material program consisting of nine types of paper and 14 laser foils is also new. It can be combined with a range of adhesives and liners for web-fed and sheet-fed laser printing. Further innovations include self-adhesive tamper-resistant closures for pharma packaging, transparent void PP foils and a transparent PET foil without any detectable security features which will display a hologram when the label is removed.
Wanjie shows the WJPS-350D/450 semi-rotary offset press, featuring multiple color units followed by flexo varnish and die-cutting. It can be customized to include rotary hot foil stamping, silkscreen, embossing, and more. The press features an auto lubricating system and optimized ink feeding with 18 ink transfer rollers, four water transfer rollers and four bridge rollers.
Wink highlights the enhanced line of SmartGap adjustable anvils that allow cutting depth to be adapted to different liner thicknesses. The SmartGap Advance has been developed as the basic version of the system and can be upgraded to the digital SmartGap Touch, which is nominated for this year’s Global Label Awards. Also new is SmartGap AutoControl, where a sensor bar continuously monitors the die-cutting result and automatically adjusts the die-cutting depth if necessary. In addition, Wink presents various SuperCut flexible die versions and surface treatments for a wide range of label applications, and a concept for new lightweight magnetic cylinders saving up to 80 percent of weight.
Xeikon demonstrates digital presses in three configurations. The Label Discovery Package is an entry-level system consisting of a Xeikon 3030 digital press and Dcoat digital converting line with varnish, semi-rotary die-cutting, and rewind. The Xeikon CX500 is aimed at high-end food and wine label printing. The company’s QB-toner has been designed specifically for food labels and takes upcoming regulations into account. The third Labelexpo set-up, the Xeikon PX3000, showcases Xeikon’s Panther UV inkjet technology. The newly launched Haptic printing module enables users to produce tactile print effects. Xeikon’s Panther DuraCure technology combines both LED and HG (mercury) curing in one pass, which creates an ink layer that is highly resistant to chemicals, temperature, sunlight, and mechanical abrasion. The company will also introduce its latest advisory tool 'Transform'.
X-Rite Pantone launches i1Pro 3 Plus, which creates accurate ICC profiles for a wide range of materials. Also new, eXact Auto-Scan enables automated and quick measurement of all patches of a color bar in under 15 seconds. With Esko and AVT, X-Rite Pantone has been working to further simplify packaging production for brands and packaging converters across our solutions. Visitors can see demonstrations of the companies’ new cross-platform integrated workflow.
Zanders Paper shows its wide range of label papers as well as papers and boards for packaging applications. This includes cast-coated premium brand Chromolux and the label paper Zanlabel, available in gloss, high gloss and touch (natural look and feel). The product range is supplemented by other specialty papers such as the new fluorocarbon-free barrier paper Zanbarrier NGR (natural grease resistant) or the coated high-speed inkjet paper Zanjet, available with silk and gloss surface. The extensive SBS board range Zanpack completes the selection of papers on display.
Zecher shows its SteppedHex engraving technology which produces a uniquely staggered cell geometry. The patented design is based on the familiar 60deg angle, but with a combination of three consecutively arranged conventional cells to constitute an alternative engraving format. SteppedHex engraving is claimed to improved resolution (in L/cm) of anilox rollers without significant loss of volume during printing with quiet doctor blade running.
Zeller+Gmelin presents its new Uvaflex Y80 ink series for UV flexo printing. Due to optimized flow behavior the inks spread evenly in both chambered and open systems and show no ink spitting even at high speeds, including at above 100m/min. The range of applications extends from wine labels on uncoated paper and packaging materials to wrap-arounds and shrink sleeves. The raw material base of the new Uvaflex Y80 flexo series fulfils all requirements of the EuPIA exclusion policy. Also on show, the Uvaflex FCM Y81 ink series contains significantly fewer migration-critical substances than common inks, making it safe for food packaging applications. The cured ink film with its low odor is said to be suitable for the most sensitive applications.
Zhongshan Suncrown Adhesive Products exhibits a wide range of label and lamination film products.
Zhuoli Imaging Technology presents Z110 premium wax ribbon and Z801 textile resin ribbon. Z110 produces crisp barcodes and durable images, while Z801 is a durable wash care resin used for garment and textile label printing, offering high print quality and superior resistance to washing, ironing and dry-cleaning. Z801 is compatible with a wide variety of materials including nylon, polyester satin and synthetic fibers.
This page will continue to be updated up to the opening of the show.
The official Labelexpo show guide is also available for viewing online.
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