Les activités pour enfants et familles de ce week-end dans le Bronx – Resoudre les problemes d’un serveur MineCraft
Films sur le vert – Les boutiques du parc de l'Atlas
25 juillet 2018 – Glendale
Monsters University Atlas Park est le lieu de rendez-vous incontournable de votre famille pour faire les magasins, manger et se divertir. Profitez de notre Zip Line, de Beer Garden en plein air et de Centre Green tout l’été.
L'heure du conte et Singalong pour les enfants – Housing Works – Bookstore Cafe
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – New York
Rejoignez Ingrid Running pour lire, chanter et danser, convient aux enfants de moins de 3 ans et à leurs gardiens. 5 $ par famille à la porte.
Atelier sur le papier plantable – Freshkills Park
25 juillet 2018 – Staten Island,
Créez un morceau de papier recyclé «plantable» 5 × 7 tout en découvrant l’importance des plantes indigènes! Le papier est fabriqué en mélangeant du vieux papier journal et du courrier indésirable pour créer une nouvelle pâte à papier. Les participants ajouteront un mélange de semences indigène qui sera ensuite pressé dans des feuilles de papier. Une fois séché, le papier peut être utilisé pour les cartes ou les lettres, et plus tard, il peut être planté pour permettre la croissance des graines incorporées. L'atelier est ouvert à tous les âges, mais il est recommandé aux enfants de 5 ans et plus.
Divination et prophétie chamanique Tuvan avec Chokbar et A.T. Mann – Musée d'art Rubin
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Avec Chokbar et A.T. Mann
Uptown Bounce – Musée de la ville de New York
25 juillet 2018 – Upper East Side
Libre! Joignez-vous au musée de la ville de New York et à El Museo Del Barrio pour notre série annuelle de fêtes en bloc gratuites Uptown Bounce. Quatre mercredis soirs consécutifs, dansez devant des DJ de New York, profitez de visites de la galerie, d'ateliers d'art et savourez des boissons en été et des plats locaux. Détails à annoncer, revenez et rejoignez notre liste de courrier électronique pour les mises à jour.
UG! SPECTACLE D'HUMOUR!! @ Drexler's: mardi 24 juillet 2018 ed. – Drexler's
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – NYC
UG! SPECTACLE D'HUMOUR!! NOW @ Drexler’s: mardi 24 juillet 2018 ed. Todd Montesi et Richard James présentent des bandes dessinées impressionnantes devant une foule sympathique et sympathique dans l'épicentre de la hanche, NEW YORK CITY. Avec les deux vétérans de la bande dessinée que vous avez vus à la télévision, UG! garantit un temps de houle gratuit! Nous avons aussi des tonnes de boissons spéciales! Alors qu'est-ce que tu attends? Descends et UG! avec nous !!! UG! SPECTACLE D'HUMOUR!! @ Drexler’s Présenté par Todd Montesi et Richard James 9 Ave A (entre E. 1ère et 2ème st.) Showtime: 20h30 Pas de couverture, 1 verre Min. Pour info / réservations: (646) 524-5226 Via métro: train F jusqu’à la 2e avenue Invités de la semaine: (édition du mardi 24 juillet 2018): Magic Man David Harris! Mec Suave Shane Gayle! Go-Gettin ’Grisel Cabrera! Le baryton Frédéric Goldstein! Grand Tim Sturtevant! Sammin Jammin Samantha Bednarz! Tappin ’Thiago Macklin Lima! L'inévitable Daniel J Perafan! Et notre gars Mike Tsirklin! Organisé par le seul vrai roi d'UG! Todd Montesi !! Avec The Big Bawse Hawse Christopher Wagner !! W / Notre officiel Hype-Man / DJ Cactus Black lui-même Richard James !!! #UGIT
"Une aventure théâtrale avec un mystère de meurtre" – Madison Theatre at Molloy College
25 juillet 2018 – Rockville Centre
Rejoignez-nous pour une aventure théâtrale unique, le meurtre et le mystère, où chaque invité joue un rôle dans les événements de la nuit. Des crimes peuvent avoir lieu, des meurtres peuvent se produire, mais c’est à vous de résoudre le mystère! Ce sera une soirée thématique amusante, alors portez mieux votre théâtre. Un dîner familial sera servi.
Génération de femmes – KGB The Red Room
25 juillet 2018 – New York City
1 boisson minimum.
John Zorn présente: Laura Ortman – Sciure de bois nationale
25 juillet 2018 – Brooklyn
La richesse des talents de l’Amérique indigène est au rendez-vous, alors que la célèbre violoniste White Mountain Apache, Laura Ortman, se produira en collaboration avec les multi-instrumentistes Raven Chacon (Navajo) et Timothy Long (Choctaw).
Blue Grass Collusion – KGB La chambre rouge
25 juillet 2018 – New York City
Pas de couverture. 2 boissons minimum.
Forever Young – Casino Empire City
25 juillet 2018 – Yonkers
Les membres de l'Empire Club âgés de 55 ans et plus gagnent 10 points Empire en jouant sur toutes les machines à sous les mercredis pour recevoir 10 $ de jeu gratuit et un valet gratuit. Un par membre du club Empire, par journée de promotion. Ne peut être combiné avec d'autres offres. Sont exclus les jeux de table électroniques. Cliquez ici pour les règlements officiels
CéSar Haas Quartet – Le Cornelia Street Cafe
25 juillet 2018 – New York
César Haas est un guitariste de jazz brésilien récemment arrivé sur la scène jazz de New York. César est étudiant au doctorat en arts musicaux à la Eastman School of Music, où il enseigne également la théorie du jazz et des cours d'improvisation, ainsi que des cours privés de guitare jazz. Le groupe interprétera des originaux et des arrangements d'airs de jazz et de musique brésilienne.
Jon Irabagon Quartet – Le Cornelia Street Cafe
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Jon Irabagon retourne dans le métro Cornelia avec un nouveau quatuor à ne pas manquer
Musical Tots – La bibliothèque de terrain
25 juillet 2018 – Peekskill
Rejoignez Lori Cohen pour un programme interactif de musique et de mouvement. Musical Tots est conçu pour les enfants de cinq ans et moins qui marchent.
Avenged Sevenfold / Prophètes de la rage – Jones Beach Theatre
25 juillet 2018 – Wantagh
"Ce sera notre plus grand voyage à ce jour", a déclaré le chanteur du groupe metal, M. Shadows. Le mois dernier, Avenged Sevenfold a clôturé une tournée à guichets fermés à l'appui de son dernier album, The Stage. Le groupe a joué dans des arènes partout dans le pays, mais le chanteur M. Shadows a déclaré à Rolling Stone que sa tournée estivale pour le groupe de métal "sera notre plus grand voyage à ce jour. Pour ce qui est de la production et de la sélection de chansons, cycle a conduit à cela. " La tournée débutera le 22 juillet au Xfinity Center de Mansfield, dans le Massachusetts, et s'achèvera le 2 septembre au Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, à The Woodlands, au Texas. Prophets of Rage rejoindra Avenged Sevenfold tout au long du trek, tandis que Three Days Grace servira de support. "Ils ont l'expérience d'une époque que nous respectons", affirme Shadows, qui a déclaré avoir pris la route avec Prophets of Rage. "En grandissant, c'est la musique des années 90 qui nous a le plus parlé. Ce sont des gars légendaires et j'espère que les deux publics pourront se rencontrer pour créer quelque chose de spécial."
Concert en plein air gratuit: Valses to Tangos – Église presbytérienne de Bridgehampton
25 juillet 2018 – Bridgehampton
La musique et la danse vont de pair depuis des temps immémoriaux. Rejoignez-nous sous la tente ou apportez un pique-nique et asseyez-vous sur la pelouse de l'église presbytérienne de Bridgehampton pour une soirée de musique énergique et excitante du monde entier, toutes inspirées par la danse.
Pier 17 Cinema Club présente: Trainwreck – The Rooftop au Pier 17
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Les nuits de cinéma sont #BetterWithAView. Profitez des collations sur le thème du film, des cadeaux et des vues incroyables. Apportez vos couvertures et arrivez tôt pour vous asseoir. Depuis que son père lui a fait comprendre que la monogamie n’était pas réaliste, la journaliste Amy (Amy Schumer) a fait de la promiscuité son credo. Autant qu'elle profite d'une vie libre et sans engagement, Amy est vraiment dans une ornière. Aaron Conners (Bill Hader), un sportif sportif plein de charme et de succès, est en train de tomber amoureux pour la première fois – et de plus, Aaron semble l’aimer aussi. Amy commence à se demander s'il est temps de mettre de l'ordre dans ses affaires.
Une fois sur cette île – 235 West 50th Street
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – New York
Telle est la puissance théâtrale de Once sur cette île, le récit universel de Ti Moune, une paysanne sans peur qui est à la recherche de sa place dans le monde et qui est prête à tout risquer pour de l'amour. Guidée par les puissants dieux insulaires (jouée par Lea Salonga, Alex Newell, Merle Dandridge et Quentin Earl Darrington, lauréate du Tony Award), Ti Moune entreprend un voyage remarquable pour retrouver l'homme qui l'a capturée. La vision novatrice de Michael Arden, réalisateur mis en nomination pour un Tony Award, et de la chorégraphe réputée Camille A. Brown évoque "un lieu où la magie est possible et où la beauté est visible à la vue de tous!" (Le Huffington Post). Réunissez-vous pour une fois sur cette île, la comédie musicale NY1 est considérée comme un "théâtre exaltant! Impossible de résister!" Et où la puissance intemporelle du théâtre nous rassemble, émeut nos cœurs et nous aide à traverser la tempête.
Family Seaside Adventure: Bâtiment Lens et sauvetage – Phare de Fire Island
25 juillet 2018 – Fire Island
Les familles se retrouveront dans le bâtiment de Lens et découvriront la lentille de Fresnel de premier ordre qui brillait jadis dans le phare il y a de nombreuses années. De là, retournez au quartier des gardiens pour participer à un exercice de simulation de sauvetage. Une fois terminé, les familles se retrouveront dans l’Art Studio pour créer un cadre photo en bois unique en son genre que la famille pourra utiliser pour afficher un souvenir de leur aventure. Composez le 631-661-4876 pour vous inscrire. Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte.
Marché Woodhull Youthmarket Farmers 'Market – Parc Marcus Garvey
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Le Woodhull Youthmarket s'approvisionne en nourriture chez Greenmarket Co., un service de distribution en gros offert par GrowNYC. Greenmarkt Co. est conçue pour apporter à la communauté de New York les produits de ferme de la région les plus frais et de la plus haute qualité.
BK Bazaar Grindcore se réunissent – Brooklyn Bazaar
25 juillet 2018 – Brooklyn
KIDNAPPED (CT) – PUNISHERS POWERVIOLENCE – FAKE DENNIS: https://kidnappedpv.bandcamp.com/album/hungry Moisturizer (RI) – LES MEULES LES PLUS RAPIDES DE NOUVELLE-ANGLETERRE – ONE DOZEN DONUTS – https://moisturizer.bandcamp.com/releases – DÉAFECTION DE LA MORT OBSTRUÉE PAR LE NJ https://skuz.bandcamp.com/ SNITCHGRINDER – TATLE TELLING ASS GRIND COPS DE BK HIGH COST (aka pourriture septique moins certaines personnes) – GREIF CONGREGATION DE CULTES PV https://septicrot.bandcamp.com / album / culte du chagrin? t = 2 LONG CON (Nashville) – LES HOMMES SOUS COUVERTURE PROFONDE COMME DES MOULINS https://longcon666.bandcamp.com/ $ 10 BUCKS 20pm DOORS
Américains à Paris – Damrosch Park Bandshell
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – New York
Pour cette soirée exaltante inspirée par la fable, le film et la connexion franco-américaine, le maestro Louis Langrée dirige le Festival Orchestra dans l'ouverture inspirée par Voltaire de Bernstein et une nouvelle édition de la partition de Gershwin dans An American in Paris. Le pianiste américain suprême de Mozart, Emanuel Ax, enflamme les célèbres mélodies de l’un des meilleurs concertos pour piano de Mozart (également la pièce «party» préférée de Bernstein). Et un travail de chambre de Mozart rarement joué met en valeur l'harmonica en verre, inventé par un autre Américain célèbre à Paris: Benjamin Franklin.
CIRCUS avec The Muse Brooklyn, siège de ABCirque – Broadway Plaza
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – Times Square
Cette compagnie de cirque contemporaine basée à Brooklyn présente ses spectacles de cirque non traditionnels à Times Square sous la forme de spectacles de rue à petite échelle qui raviront les spectateurs du Crossroads of the World.
Raphael Saadiq Tamar-kali: Ensemble PsychoChamber – Damersch Park Bandshell
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Depuis ses débuts avec le groupe multiplatinum Tony! Toni! Ton! et tout au long de ses trois décennies de carrière, collaborant avec des artistes tels que Solange, D'Angelo et The Roots, musicien, auteur-compositeur et producteur primé aux Grammy Awards, Raphael Saadiq a gardé les flammes de la vieille école R & B. Pour ce spectacle spécial, il prend sa place légitime au centre de la scène pour jouer des trésors anciens et nouveaux de son catalogue approfondi. Tamar-kali, de Brooklyn, a récemment été nommée (comme Saadiq) pour un Oscar pour son travail musical sur le film Mudbound. Ce soir, elle et son ensemble à cordes / vocal explorent l'intersection de la musique classique et de la sensibilité post-punk.
Prêt pour EMPKT – One Art Space
25 juillet 2018 – New York
L'artiste pop émergent, Matt LeGrand, fera ses débuts à New York le mercredi 25 juillet! Il se produira lors de la soirée de lancement officielle d’EMPKT PR, qui se tiendra dans la célèbre galerie d’art Tribeca, One Art Space, dans le Lower Manhattan. LeGrand divertira la foule avec sa première performance en direct de son nouveau single, "12:00 AM", aux côtés de danseurs de la légendaire House of Ninja. Les billets coûtent 20 $ et incluent des bouchées gastronomiques, des cocktails et des spectacles tout au long de la soirée. Les recettes iront aux Amis des enfants. Pour plus d'informations: EMPKTPR.com/tickets
Mauvais comportement: États-Unis de GAY – House of Yes
25 juillet 2018 – Brooklyn
APPELER TOUT: QUEÈRES, REINES, GOUDRONS, DANDIES, CHAUSSONS, RAD FAE, NANCY GARÇONS, BOUCHONS SOUPLES, HARD FEMMES, GAY GODDESSES et le reste de vos merveilleux reines HOMMES au DANCE FLOOR Ce soir, c'est votre maison. Bienvenue dans notre édition du PATRIOTISME PERVERSÉ de Bad Behavior! Enlevez les ordures, jetez les ordures et apportez-nous vos ordures les plus glamour – nous voulons tout à la fête la plus chic de Brooklyn !!! Avec une musique garantie pour vous aider à trouver le désir, la satisfaction et la désorientation sur une piste de danse sans fin La révolution peut survenir dans une boîte de nuit, un baiser peut tout changer, et dans la brume de feu d'artifice de la mi-été, nous pouvons célébrer notre anarchie.
Sons of Sound (Feat. Ben Goldsmith) – KJ Farrells Bar and Grill
25 juillet 2018 – Bellmore
Un trio de fous musiciens de moins de 18 ans… Mais ne laissez pas l’âge de ces gars vous tromper !!! SHREDDDDDD, ces musiciens débutants étonnants peuvent tous. Réalisez le classique du rock, des Beatles à Led Zeppelin et plus encore…
Hudson River Community Sailing (HRCS) Lancement de la campagne STEM to Stern avec une nouvelle flotte de bateaux – Boothouse Pier 66
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Hudson River Community Sailing (HRCS), une organisation à but non lucratif de premier plan qui développe le leadership et la réussite scolaire des jeunes de New York sous-desservis par le biais de l'éducation à la voile, lancera une nouvelle flotte de voiliers J / 80 dans le cadre d'une initiative de collecte de fonds publique d'une durée de trois ans, le Campagne STEM to Stern. Le lancement de leurs premiers bateaux aura lieu mercredi de 18h30 à 20h00 (HE) au hangar à bateaux du Pier 66, dans la West 26th Street. L'événement sera une célébration du succès des organisations et de la vision pour l'avenir. La campagne STEM to Stern portera principalement sur l’agrandissement de la flotte, ainsi que sur l’élargissement des programmes et infrastructures destinés aux jeunes. Pour plus d'informations sur la manière de rejoindre la campagne STEM to Stern ou sur HRCS, cliquez ici.
Nouveaux visages de Posi-Tone – Jazz Standard
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Josh Lawrence – trompette; Roxy Coss Tenor – saxophone; Behn Gillece – vibraphone; Theo Hill – piano; Peter Brendler – basse; Vinnie Sperrazza – batterie.
Films sur le vert – Les boutiques du parc de l'Atlas
25 juillet 2018 – Glendale
Université Monster Apportez une chaise ou une couverture. Atlas Park est le lieu de rendez-vous incontournable de votre famille pour faire les magasins, manger et se divertir. Profitez de notre Zip Line, notre Beer Garden en plein air et de notre Center Green tout l’été
Peinture dans le parc avec palais de Pinot – Pavillon pique-nique du parc Germonds
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – West Nyack
Profitez de peindre une belle scène de la nature dans un cadre magnifique en plein air! Tous les âges sont les bienvenus. L'inscription est obligatoire.
Forever Young – Casino Empire City
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – Yonkers
Les membres de l'Empire Club âgés de 55 ans et plus gagnent 10 points Empire en jouant sur toutes les machines à sous les mercredis pour recevoir 10 $ de jeu gratuit et un valet gratuit.
Les rails – Mercury Lounge
25 juillet 2018 – New York
LES RAILS – anciennement connu sous le nom de "Flamants morts"
Dylan Reese, Résumé, Ryan Oakes, Low, Francc – Mercury Lounge
25 juillet 2018 – New York
La première expérience musicale de Dylan a commencé vers l'âge de 15 ans. Il a déclaré qu'il ne l'avait pas prise au sérieux au début, et que ses amis et lui-même feraient des chansons parodiques et les mettraient en ligne comme une blague. En vieillissant, il est allé au collège jouer au basketball au début. Cependant, durant sa saison de première année, il commence à avoir de plus en plus d'opportunités pour les chansons qu'il écrit pendant son temps libre et se rend compte que sa passion pour la musique grandit. Il a fait un grand pas vers la musique quand il a décidé d'abandonner le basketball, une activité pour laquelle il adorait et travaillait fort par le passé afin de se concentrer sur son rêve nouvellement formé. Il a expliqué que cette démarche était un tournant décisif pour lui. C'est là que la musique a évolué, passant d'un simple passe-temps à une chose qu'il souhaitait prendre au sérieux.
LAN Party – Le ruisseau et la grotte
25 juillet 2018 – Queens
"LAN Party est une émission humoristique animée par les créateurs de Hard Drive, la section jeux de The Hard Times! Chaque mois, un comédien invité joue l'un de ses jeux préférés devant un public et, avec un panel, De plus, le tout est diffusé en direct sur Internet, vous pouvez donc vous joindre à nous et interagir avec le spectacle, peu importe où vous vivez! "
Stanley Cowell Quintet – Coca Cola de Dizzy's Club
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – New York
Avec le saxophoniste et flûtiste Bruce Williams, le trompettiste Freddie Hendrix, le bassiste Tom DiCarlo et le batteur Vince Ector. Le pianiste éminent Stanley Cowell a commencé sa carrière dans le jazz dans les années 1960, en travaillant avec des artistes tels que Max Roach, Charles Tolliver, Bobby Hutcherson et Stan Getz. Dans cette période du jazz – et dans le rôle de Cowell -, le New York Times a relevé un équilibre important qui a toujours été une constante dans l’art de Cowell: "une musique à la fois de réinvention et de répertoire … une œuvre originale, à l’esprit indépendant, à l’aise tradition du jazz et pratique courante, mais qui ne lui sont pas redevables. " La même chose peut être dite à propos de chaque membre de son quintet A-list. Ce soir, ils reviendront sur l'incroyable corpus écrit et enregistré par Cowell au cours des 50 dernières années. C'est une combinaison d'originaux persistants et de mélodies bien connues, et même les standards sont souvent des interprétations uniques, décomposées et rassemblées à nouveau pour répondre à des questions non posées telles que: "si le graveur vertigineux de bebop" Anthropologie "de Charlie Parker et Dizzy Gillespie était-il exécuté? ballade chronométrée? " Les réponses valent toujours la peine d'être entendues.
French Jazz Night – Bar à vins Vella
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Rejoignez-nous le 25 juillet au Vella Wine Bar pour un dîner, des cocktails et du jazz français en direct. Performance spéciale de Myriam Phiro et de son groupe. Célébrons la victoire de la France à la Coupe du monde 2018. La musique live commence à 21 heures. Votre billet de table à dîner confirme votre réservation.
Live Jazz at WestHouse – Hôtel WestHouse à New York
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Les mercredis, chassez votre blues en milieu de semaine avec le jazz du fabuleux trio Josh David, qui commence à 20 heures. Préparez-vous à vous détendre avec style en organisant une soirée à WestHouse.
Au-delà de l'indignation – L'espace Greene
25 juillet 2018 – Hudson Square
Vous vous sentez attaqué? Comme si la haine grandissait noyait tout le reste? Dans Beyond Outrage, organisé par Arun Venugopal du WNYC, nous ferons un pas en arrière et explorerons les moyens par lesquels l'art, l'esprit et la fantaisie peuvent restaurer l'humanité et nous faire traverser une autre journée. À travers des performances en direct, des clapbacks de classe mondiale et des vidéos virales, nous allons réinventer des moyens de lutter contre la haine et la violence, individuellement et collectivement. Les invités incluent l'acteur et conteur Kayhan Irani et le comédien Nore Davis.
Un film d'été sous les étoiles à Prospect Park – Long Meadow
25 juillet 2018 – Brooklyn
Mercredi 25 juillet – Alice au pays des merveilles (1951) La jeune Alice tombe au pays des merveilles et rencontre une pléiade de personnages dans sa quête de la maison. Animation musicale: Morricone Youth propose des airs psychédéliques pré-film
Farm & Compost Opportunities Volunteer – Jardin botanique du Queens
25 juillet 2018 – Flushing
Rejoignez le NYC Compost Project pour donner un coup de main à notre ferme urbaine ou découvrez comment les restes de nourriture compostés nourrissent le sol. Découvrez comment créer un écosystème agricole et développer des cultures saines. Les tâches varient selon les événements et peuvent inclure le désherbage, la récolte, les activités de plantation, le traitement des déchets alimentaires, la construction d'un tas de compost ou le triage du compost fini. Les volontaires doivent avoir au moins 16 ans.
Piano Karaoké avec Julian Velard – La salle de demandes de Sid Gold
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Avec un style que le Sunday Times appelle "accrocheur mais compliqué; une combinaison étonnamment rare", Julian Velard est un mélomane piano-pop rappelant Stephen Sondheim ou Randy Newman à l'apogée de leurs talents. Avec 4 albums de matériel original à son actif, il fait des tournées internationales aux côtés de Jamie Cullum, Paul Carrack et Amy Macdonald. Son son de pianiste bizarre et originaire de New York a trouvé son plus grand public en Hollande, où il a mis en vedette le lieu légendaire d'Amsterdam, Paradiso. Son timing comique et ses styles musicaux font de lui un habitué de The Howard Stern Show et de Ask Me Another de NPR.
30 Rock Bingo – Barre de Videologie & Cinéma
25 juillet 2018 – Brooklyn
Il n’ya que deux choses que nous aimons dans ce monde: tout le monde et BINGO. Nous introduisons un NOUVEAU bingo qui présente vos nerds préférés dans la salle des écrivains de TGS et une certaine actrice qui vit de façon théâtrale dans une vie normale. Chaque mercredi, nous regarderons 30 Rock et jouerons à BINGO. Surveillez les camées de célébrités, les croquis de TGS et le Dr Leo Spaceman. Écoutez des choses comme "page", "blerg" et pleurer. Obtenez un BINGO et vous gagnerez une boisson gratuite!
Funhouse Comedy – Magasin de bonbons Pete
25 juillet 2018 – Brooklyn
Gabe Pacheco et Sameer Naseem proposent depuis plus d’un an une vitrine dynamique de la comédie indépendante avec des artistes de premier plan. Chaque semaine, ils invitent leurs favoris dans le magasin de bonbons Pete, au cœur de Williamsburg, pour divertir les locaux dans un espace de spectacle intime. C'est une excellente occasion pour les amateurs d'humour de découvrir des joyaux du stand-up tout en dégustant de délicieuses breuvages et en commençant leur week-end le mercredi.
Science citoyenne: Projet de surveillance de la larve du monarque – Long Island Children's Museum
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – Garden City
Venez être un citoyen citoyen et étudiez les papillons monarques dans le jardin d’asclépiades de LICM. En mesurant les plantes, les précipitations et les œufs de monarque, vous collecterez des données réelles que les scientifiques du laboratoire Monarch de l’Université du Minnesota pourront analyser! Vos données les aideront à comprendre la migration des papillons et aideront à conserver cette espèce menacée. Chaque mercredi, promenez-vous dans ce jardin et observez comment les plantes poussent et peuvent constituer un habitat pour les monarques en visite.
Ce programme est rendu possible grâce au soutien des initiatives de développement durable Rob et Melani Walton de l’Arizona State University.
Ages: 4 ans et plus. Gratuit avec entrée au musée.
Soirée dansante au Sky Lounge! – Chambre Sky
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Perché sur les hauteurs de Times Square, Hell's Kitchen et The Garment District, au cœur de New York, Sky Room organise une soirée de questions avec GAME ON TRIVIA, tous les mercredis pour sa fête Wild Card Wednesday avec jeux de société et moments de divertissement!
Groupe de jeux Itsy Bitsy – Temple Sholom
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – Greenwich
Que vous soyez un parent pour la première fois ou que vous ayez plusieurs enfants, venez bavarder et jouer à ce groupe de jeu gratuit pour les parents d’enfants de moins de deux ans. Connectez-vous avec d'autres parents sur les joies et les bosses de la parentalité, tout en engageant votre bébé dans un groupe avec musique, jeux de moteur et heure du conte.
Pour plus d'informations, contactez David Cohen à l'adresse david.cohen@templesholom.com.
Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers, Andrew Leahey et le Homestead – Daryl's House Club
25 juillet 2018 – Pawling
Révolution rock aux influences espagnoles inspirées de ces balises musicales du sud-ouest.
Shakespeare à la ferme – Muscoot Farm
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – Katonah
Profitez d'une chasse au trésor adaptée aux enfants pour fêter Halloween. Les costumes sont encouragés.
George Gee Swing Orchestra | Série d'événements estivaux Waterside 2018 – Waterside
25 juillet 2018 – Lower Manhattan
Le 8ème album de George Gee est: "Swing Makes You Happy" – et c'est exactement ce que ce spectacle va faire! Lorsque le George Gee Swing Orchestra joue des chansons populaires de l'époque Swing, vous êtes certain de ressentir plus de peps dans votre démarche. Parmi les apparitions de George Gee Swing Orchestra, on peut citer MTV, le théâtre Apollo à Harlem et Good Morning America de ABC. Tous les événements sont gratuits et se déroulent sur notre place. Rejoignez Waterside cet été pour profiter de la musique en direct, de la danse, des films et de notre vue imprenable sur l'eau et la ville!
Young Makers – Musée des enfants de Long Island
Jusqu'au 25 juillet 2018 – Garden City
Fabriquer, créer et innover lors des ateliers Young Maker. Le mouvement des créateurs se concentre sur la créativité, l'expérimentation et le bricolage. Acquérir des compétences pratiques et éveiller votre curiosité
comme nous étudions différents matériaux à travers l'art de fabriquer. Rejoignez-nous pour ces ateliers gratuits pour découvrir l'inventeur en vous!
Tate Modern Talk: Charlotte Cotton dans Public, Private, Secret – Aperture Foundation
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Rejoignez la conservatrice Charlotte Cotton à la Tate Modern pour une discussion autour de son dernier livre, Public, Private, Secret: sur la photographie et la configuration de soi (Aperture / International Centre of Photography, 2018). Public, Private, Secret explore les rôles de la photographie et de la vidéo dans la formation de l'identité et la reconfiguration des conventions sociales qui définissent notre identité publique et privée. Cet ensemble d'essais, d'interviews et de réflexions évalue la manière dont nos modèles de création d'image et de consommation sont intégrés et impliqués dans une matrice plus large de codes de comportement et de codes sociaux en ligne, qui à leur tour donnent aux images une vie propre. Dans ce contexte, nos créations visuelles et nos activités en ligne brouillent et suppriment les séparations conventionnelles entre les expressions publique et privée (et parfois secrète). Les écrits traitent des diverses perturbations, résistances et subversions que les artistes proposent aux versions limitées de la race, du genre, de la sexualité et de l’autonomie qui peuplent la culture populaire traditionnelle. Ils anticipent un avenir pour notre monde d'images riche en diversité et en altérité, un avenir qui peut être façonné et influencé par la représentation de soi.
Tournée des membres: David Wojnarowicz à la Whitney – Aperture Foundation
25 juillet 2018 – New York
David Wojnarowicz (1954-1992) s'est fait connaître en tant qu'artiste à New York dans les années 1980. L'artiste a refusé un style de signature, adoptant une grande variété de techniques avec une attitude de possibilité radicale. À partir de la fin des années 1970, Wojnarowicz créa un corpus d'œuvres couvrant la photographie, la peinture, la musique, le film, la sculpture, l'écriture et l'activisme. Quejer et séropositif, Wojnarowicz était un défenseur passionné des personnes atteintes du sida. Un nombre inconcevable d’amis, d’amoureux et d’étrangers – des hommes disproportionnément homosexuels – sont morts de l’inaction du gouvernement. Wojnarowicz lui-même est décédé des suites de complications liées au sida à l'âge de trente-sept ans. Aperture a publié en 1992 les feux de broussailles dans le paysage social, qui ont commencé en collaboration avec l'artiste avant son décès. Vous n'êtes pas membre? Devenez un aujourd'hui pour recevoir une invitation exclusive à cet événement et participer à d'autres rassemblements éducatifs toute l'année!
Visite à pied d'Eataly Nyc Flatiron – Eataly
25 juillet 2018 – New york
Que ce soit votre première visite à Eataly ou si vous souhaitez simplement en savoir plus sur nous, nous vous invitons à participer à une visite guidée à pied de Eataly NYC Flatiron. Rejoignez-nous pour en savoir plus sur notre patrimoine et nos produits italiens, goûter des produits de la délizerie en cours de route et faire partie de la famille Eatalian dès votre départ!
Quizz Off – Magasin de bonbons Pete
25 juillet 2018 – Brooklyn
Les plus belles anecdotes de New York vous attendent. Vous avez les cerveaux? Apportez vos amis et détruisez vos nouilles avec six séries de questions intelligentes, amusantes et DUR. Les animateurs les plus expérimentés de la ville mettront votre esprit à l'épreuve dans les domaines des connaissances générales, de la musique, des dizaines et de l'identification visuelle. Le premier prix est un onglet de 75 $, le deuxième prix est de 40 $ et le troisième prix est de 15 $. Mais le vrai prix (en plus de se vanter de pouvoir se vanter et de se qualifier pour les finales deux fois par an) est la scène sociale à l'honneur de la foule des Quizz-Off. Essayez-le! Et venez tôt pour une bonne table.
Beaucoup de Mozz (Arella) – Eataly
25 juillet 2018 – New york
Couper, remuer, chauffer, égoutter, tirer, étirer, pétrir, façonner. Répéter. La fabrication de la mozzarella est un processus très manuel qui nécessite beaucoup de travail et de précision.
Poetry Walk – Le jardin botanique de New York
25 juillet 2018 – Bronx
Une marche de poésie en cours présente le travail du poète acclamé W.S. Merwin, organisé en partenariat avec la Poetry Society of America. Merwin, ancien poète officiel des États-Unis résidant à Hawaii depuis les années 1970, utilise son intérêt pour l'écologie profonde pour explorer les relations entre la nature et les humains.
John Zorn présente Laura Ortman – Sciure de bois nationale
25 juillet 2018 – Williamsburg
La John Zorn Commissioning Series célèbre le lieu révolutionnaire de Zorn, The Stone, un lieu à but non lucratif qui était «dédié à l’expérimentation et à l’avant-garde» et qui a été un lieu vital pour la nouvelle musique dans Alphabet City de Manhattan pendant plus de 10 ans. Le dernier mercredi de chaque mois, National Sawdust honore l'esprit de la pierre en accueillant la première mondiale de nouvelles œuvres. Une richesse de talents originaires d'Amérique indigène occupe le devant de la scène, alors que la célèbre violoniste White Mountain Apache, Laura Ortman, se produit en collaboration avec les multi-instrumentistes Raven Chacon (Navajo) et Timothy Long (Choctaw). Interprète de longue date et maître de la tradition autochtone, Ortman a performé et formé des publics aux États-Unis et au-delà, du Whitney Museum au MoMA de San Francisco en passant par le Centre français Georges Pompidou. Ortman et Chacon collaborent depuis longtemps avec des enregistrements improvisés et se sont produits ensemble à New York, au Nouveau-Mexique, à Toronto, à Vancouver, à Berlin et en Californie. Timothy Long était le chef d'orchestre et co-producteur du Coast Orchestra, un ensemble de musique entièrement amérindien fondé en 2008 par Laura Ortman.
Ron Mcclure, Michael Eckroth et Pete Zimmer – Mezzrow Jazz Club
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Rejoignez le légendaire bassiste Ron McClure et ses invités Michael Eckroth au piano et Pete Zimmer à la batterie pour une soirée de chant dans notre salle d'écoute.
Pete Malinverni 'Après-midi' – Mezzrow Jazz Club
25 juillet 2018 – New York
Rejoignez la pianiste Pete Malinverni pour notre soirée en compagnie d’invités musicaux.
Danse moderne (niveau ouvert) – 92Y
25 juillet 2018 – Upper East Side
Explorez les relations du corps avec la respiration, le poids et l'espace grâce à des combinaisons de travail debout et au sol et de voyages. Développez la force et la souplesse de vos mouvements. Déplacez-vous dans l'espace avec des combinaisons plus longues et plus complexes.
Dirty Circus: Variety Show – La Maison du oui
25 juillet 2018 – Brooklyn
Un spectacle de variétés dédié au brut et au torride. Aérien. Cirque. Absurdité. Compétence. Hilarité. Éclat. Les interprètes les plus beaux, les plus aptes et les plus féroces, soigneusement sélectionnés et présentés sur notre scène pour votre plus grand plaisir. Animé par le seul et unique Kae Burke! Raconté en 3 actes, pas pour les faibles de coeur. Des spectacles comme Dirty Circus sont notre coeur et notre âme. Ils nous permettent de mettre en valeur les meilleurs talents de toute la ville et de vous les apporter à moindre coût. Parce que nous t'aimons
Evanescence et Lindsey Stirling – Mohegan Sun Arena
25 juillet 2018 – Uncasville
Formé au milieu des années 90, Evanescence, deux fois primé au GRAMMY® Award, compte trois albums à son actif. Le groupe faisait partie intégrante de l’établissement d’une masse critique mondiale dans le rock. Le premier album phare du groupe, Fallen, date de 2003; spending 43 weeks on the Billboard Top 10, the album sold more than 17 million copies worldwide and was certified 7x platinum in the U.S. Global hit "Bring Me to Life." Released Fall 2017 on BMG, the band worked in the studio with producers Will Hunt and orchestra arranger and composer David Campbell. Synthesis featured two new Evanescence songs in addition to fan favorites re-imagined with a live orchestra and Electronica. The group truly delivered a transcendent concert experience. Lindsey Stirling remains fearless enough to always dream big. In the over five years since the release of her 2012 self-titled debut, the Electronic music impresario, violinist, dancer, and artist quietly and humbly became one of the 21st century's most innovative stars by clinging to her groundbreaking vision of cinematic violin-driven Electronic music. Recently, Lindsey released her first ever holiday album titled Warmer in the Winter in October. Featuring classic and original songs, the album went on to become the #1 new Christmas album of 2017, ahead of Pop music heavyweights such as Gwen Stefani and Sia. Both artists' shows will be accompanied by a full orchestra, highlighting both acts musicality and their incredible performance abilities that continue to blow fans away. The orchestrated performances will also perfectly accent the astounding amphitheater venues across the U.S. and Canada that the two will be performing in, making for a magical summer evening. The two artists recently collaborated on the song, "Hi-Lo" from the latest Evanescence album, Synthesis, which features a virtuosic violin solo by Lindsey Stirling.
Major Stage Presents Pop and Rock – DROM
July 25, 2018 – New York
Major Stage Presents Pop and Rock – DROM
July 25, 2018 – New York
Bata Drumming Intensive – New York Jazz Workshop
July 25, 2018 – New York
Explore new rhythms in this special 1-day intensive! This program is open to beginner, intermediate, and advanced musicians. TOPICS: The focus of the class will be learning Afro Cuban Bata drumming, *but would also be beneficial for anyone who has an interest in learning more about this incredible folkloric music or just wants to expand their horizons.* The workshop is open to all regardless of musical experience. Learning the music of the Bata drums offers any musician not only the obvious expansion of their rhythmic vocabulary but also insight into musical structures, phrasing, improvisation and ensemble interaction. The musical expression and flexibility involved in this music is very akin to Jazz and would be invaluable to any Jazz student as it is truly one of the roots of the African influence in our native American music.
Lobby Nights with Wfmu: Sheila B. – Ace Hotel
July 25, 2018 – New York
Sheila Burgel has spent most of her life in the dusty old record shops of New York, London, Paris and Tokyo in an attempt to own every '60s girl-pop 45 in existence. She has produced and written the liner notes for several compilations including Real Gone Music / Sony Legacy's Honeybeat: Groovy 60s Girl-Pop, Ace Records / Big Beat's '60s Japanese girl-pop compilation series, Nippon Girls and Rhino Records' Grammy nominated One Kiss Can Lead to Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost & Found box set. She edited the critically acclaimed photography book Dust and Grooves: Adventures in Record Collecting. She currently hosts radio show, Sophisticated Boom Boom on Fridays from 3pm – 6pm EST on WFMU. WFMU is a listener-supported, non-commercial radio station broadcasting at 91.1 Mhz FM in Jersey City, NJ, right across the Hudson from lower Manhattan. It is currently the longest running freeform radio station in the United States. Rolling Stone Magazine, The Village Voice, CMJ and the New York Press have all at one time or another called WFMU "the best radio station in the country", and all of the station's programming is controlled by individual DJs and is not beholden to any type of station-wide playlist or rotation schedule. Experimentation, spontaneity and humor are among the station's most frequently noted distinguishing traits.
Community Happy Hour – Pioneer Works
July 25, 2018 – Brooklyn
Join Pioneer Works staff, artists-in-residence, and friends in our garden for a monthly happy hour including live jazz music, cash bar, and small bites. *In the event of inclement weather, happy hour will be moved to the North Hall of the building.
Garden Creativi-Tea: Art Workshops Pretty Pots for Pretty Herbs & Flowers – Voelker Orth Museum
July 25, 2018 – Flushing
The family-friendly summer art workshops are back. It's an afternoon to create butterfly mobiles, a perfect item to bring the summer spirit into your home. Look for some butterflies in the garden for inspiration. Participants make and take home their own creations. Each week we combine art with some nature in the garden, and a refreshing glass of iced tea on the side. On rainy and hot days, the program moves indoors.
Wednesday Night Poetry Slam Open Hosted by Falu – Nuyorican Poet's Café
July 25, 2018 – Manhattan
Wednesday Night Slam Every Wednesday except the first Wednesday of the Month. Hosted by Jive Poetic!
Live at the Shoppes – Ronjo Magic Show Presents Amazing Anthony – The Shoppes at East Wind
July 25, 2018 – Wading River
Bring the entire family Ronjo Magic Presents Amazing Anthony Magic Show. With 40 years of experience, Ronjo Entertainment, includes a group of talented, dedicated and fun performers of magic entertainment for all ages. Anthony had been performing magic, professionally since the age of 14 and has never looked back. For over 35 years he has developed a family show that is full of magic, music, laughter, and amazement. He has performed for many schools, libraries and corporations and at Jones beach. This is a FREE event sponsored by Peoples United Bank and The Shoppes at East Wind. Bring your own chairs or blankets and relax on the lawn! No pets, outside food, drink or alcoholic beverages allowed.
RECESS Summer Salon Series – Jonah Bokaer Arts Foundation
July 25, 2018 – brooklyn
RECESS Summer Salon Series 15th Anniversary Wednesday, July 25th 7:30pm – 9:00pm Art & Social Justice Alec Goldfarb & James Koroni Artists in Residence, James Koroni [A-I-R Program Cycle 2], and Alec Goldfarb [Founder’s Residency Cycle 2] will present their collaborative work Leviathan. Leviathan is based on James' depiction of marine plastic pollution and completed by Alec's score. Program Alec Goldfarb’s Laughing Coffin Laughing Coffin is a new music ensemble dedicated to integrating composition and improvisation with puzzle-box rhythms and a 'transgressive' noise aesthetic. Laughing Coffin is comprised of Nick Dunston, Davy Lazar, Xavier Del Castillo, Yuma Uesaka, and Alec Goldfarb. Pulse Induction Pulse Induction is a trio comprised of Jon Elbaz, Steven Crammer, Alec Goldfarb. Leviathan Alec is composing an original score to a new work by James Koroni, entitled Leviathan. They will present an exclusive excerpt of this work, for the first time in New York. Alec Goldfarb / Steven Crammer-Dhrupad After years of study under Pandit Anupam Shobhakar, Alec has developed the language of the senia beenkar/senia maihar gharana on a western guitar. A brief classical performance: after a brief alap, he will be joined by Steven Crammer on Tabla. Get your tickets now at https://jonahbokaer.secure.force.com/ticket/#sections_a0F37000009cBtREAU !
KidFEST: 'Galumpha' – Guild Hall
July 25, 2018 – East Hampton
Combining stunning acrobatics, striking visual effects, physical comedy and inventive choreography, Galumpha brings to life a world of imagination, beauty, muscle and merriment. The three performers create a sensory feast of images ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime, drawn together into a seamless whole, consistently bringing audiences to their feet. Galumpha is a triumphant mix of art and entertainment, offering world-class, award winning choreography (Edinburgh Festival Critics' Choice Award, Moers International Comedy Arts Prize) that is equally at home on the concert stage, at a comedy club or at an outdoor festival. Student Rush tickets are not available for this show. Tickets at GuildHall.org; Box Office 631.324.4050 or in person daily 11am-5pm or until 30 minutes after curtain on show nights beginning May 21; Theatermania.com or 1.866.811.4111.
Brian Charette's 'Homeland' – 55 Bar
July 25, 2018 – Manhattan
Melanie Scholtz…Voice & Loops Brian Charette…Organ Joel Rosenblatt…Drums
Wacky Water Wednesdays – Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium
Through July 25, 2018 – Cold Spring Harbor
Kids can play games and go under sprinklers set up on Hatchery lawn. Bring a towel.
Johnny Nicholas – The Cutting Room
July 25, 2018 – New York
Make no mistake: Johnny Nicholas knows from the blues. His credentials? Impeccable. Conviction? Immeasurable. And chops? If an instrument's got strings, keys, or reeds he can play the hell out of it. He's also a consummate songwriter and a great singer blessed with a warm, toasty growl of a voice that can roll from rumble to croon and back again with seductive ease. Marcia Ball calls Nicholas "an extremely engaging innovative traditionalist" who "writes instant classics and sings them to break your heart and rock your soul." But the key word there is "innovative," because as deep as his roots go — and we're talking about a cat who learned firsthand from the likes of Robert Lockwood Jr., Howlin' Wolf, Big Walter Horton, and Johnny Shines (to name but a few of the legends he studied under early in his five-decade career) — Nicholas does not paint in one color. As befits a soul who's spent a lifetime soaking up the flavor of such vibrant music scenes as Ann Arbor, Chicago, South Louisiana and Texas (which he's called home now for nearly 40 years), his music is full-spectrum Americana — a rich gumbo of not just blues, but cajun, swing, folk, and barrelhouse rock 'n' roll. As an artist and performer he can mesmerize a listening room crowd or bring a festival crowd to their feet with his rollicking boogie woogie piano and his stellar band.
Designprep Summer Intensive | Architecture Design (7/23-7/27) – Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
July 25, 2018 – New York
Learn the basic principles of architecture with guest designers from local firms and tackle real-world city planning challenges facing New York City. Throughout the week, teens will have an opportunity to develop, prototype and present their ideas to practicing architects. This FREE 5-session summer workshop will begin on Monday, July 23 and end on Friday, July 27. Sessions run from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each afternoon. Students are required to attend all 5 sessions: Monday, July 23 through Friday, July 27 from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm daily. Registration is open to rising 9th graders and current high school students in New York City. SESSION DATES Monday, July 23, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Tuesday, July 24, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Wednesday, July 25, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Thursday, July 26, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Friday, July 27, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Students are required to bring a completed parental consent form on the first day (7/23).
A World of Plants – The New York Botanical Garden
July 25, 2018 – Bronx
A showcase of the Garden's living collections featuring lush tropical rain forests, cactus-filled deserts, curated displays of palms from around the world, aquatic and carnivorous plants, and much more.
Design Kids | Imagination Playground – Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
July 25, 2018 – New York
Stimulate your child's design creativity! Join us for Imagination Playground in the Arthur Ross Terrace and Garden on Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m from June 27 through August 1. WORKSHOP PROGRAM HOURS Ongoing, 11 – 1 p.m. Arthur Ross Terrace and Garden
Walter Trout – Highline Ballroom
July 25, 2018 – New York
Walter Trout is the beating heart of the modern blues rock scene, respected by the old guard, revered by the young guns, and adored by the fans who shake his hand after the show each night. After five decades in the game, Trout is a talismanic figure and part of the glue that bonds the blues community together, at a time when the wider world has never been so divided. He's also the only artist with the vision, talent and star-studded address book to pull off a project on the scale of We're All In This Together. "It was quite a piece of work to get this record together," he admits. "But I guess I have a lot of friends, y'know…?" Before you even hear a note, We're All In This Together has your attention. Drafting fourteen A-list stars – including Joe Bonamassa, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, John Mayall and Randy Bachman- and writing an original song for each, Trout has made the most tantalizing album of the year, and found solace after a run of solo albums that chronicled his near-fatal liver disease of 2014. "Now was the right time for this record," he says. "Battle Scars [2016] was such an intense piece of work, written with tears coming down my face. I needed a break from that, to do something fun and light-hearted. This album was joyous for me." Scan the credits of We're All In This Together and you'll find nods to every twist and turn ofTrout's electrifying backstory. There's keys man and long time friend Skip Edwards, who came up on the same early-'70s New Jersey circuit where Trout cut his teeth as the precocious lead guitarist for Wilmont Mews. There's organ wizard Deacon Jones, the West Coast bandleader who brought a twenty-something Trout into the orbit of blues titans like John Lee Hooker and Big Mama Thornton. "Deacon sorta discovered me when I moved to LA in the '70s," reflects Trout. "So I owe him."
Community Happy Hour: Haven's Kitchen – Pioneer Works
July 25, 2018 – Brooklyn
Join Pioneer Works staff, artists-in-residence, and friends in our garden for happy hour. Each event spotlights a local chef or culinary organization. This month's Happy Hour features small bites by Haven's Kitchen, a cash bar, and live music by Matt Evans & Co. A vegetarian Middle Eastern feast cooked over the grill and in the coals will be served at one long communal table. Haven's Kitchen is a space dedicated to forming communities through the pleasure of cooking and eating. Alison Cayne opened Haven's Kitchen in 2012 with the goal of teaching the pride and pleasure of cooking seasonal ingredients from scratch. She founded the company with a mission to educate people on how decisions around the food we purchase, eat, and make affect the environment, society, and our daily relationships. Initially a cooking school, the business eventually expanded to include a café, on-site and off-site private event services, and culinary consulting. Alison's first cookbook, The Haven's Kitchen Cooking School, is published by Artisan/Workman.
Arctic Monkeys – CMAC Performing Arts Center
July 25, 2018 – Canandaigua
Joe Saylor & Friends – Smoke Jazz and Supper Club
July 25, 2018 – New York
Joe Saylor plays percussion in Jonathan Batiste's Stay Human, the house band for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He also performs at various jazz clubs, festivals, and venues around the world. He has conducted jazz workshops at various educational institutions including the prestigious Stanford University. He has performed at such places as the Howard Theater, the White House, Lincoln Center, Rockwood Music Hall, Webster hall, and the Great GoogaMooga. He has performed or recorded with Roy Hargrove, Wynton Marsalis, Dwayne Dolphin, Steve Wilson, Joe Lovano, Jon Faddis, Slide Hampton, and Ellis Marsalis.
Critical Walk-through: Ellen Gallagher on Evolutionary Possibilities – American Folk Art Museum
July 25, 2018 – New York
Artist Ellen Gallagher will discuss her ongoing Watery Ecstatic series and relate her work to the scientific illustrations on view in the exhibition Charting the Divine Plan: The Art of Orra White Hitchcock (1796–1863).
Off With Their Heads, Spells, Big Eyes, Headlines – Brooklyn Bazaar
July 25, 2018 – Brooklyn
Wednesday July 25th at Brooklyn Bazaar Off With Their Heads Spells Big Eyes Headlines
The Paramount Tribute Series Presents: Creedence Clearwater Revisited – The Paramount
July 25, 2018 – Huntington
This tribute band celbrates the music of Billy Joel.
Opening Reception Manuel Mendive: Nature, Spirit, and Body – The Bronx Museum
July 25, 2018 – Bronx
The Board of Trustees of The Bronx Museum of the Arts, Chairperson Joseph Mizzi, and Executive Director Deborah Cullen cordially invite you to attend the opening of Manuel Mendive: Nature, Spirit, and Body, curated by Christine Licata.
The Kennedy Administration – Groove
July 25, 2018 – New York
A dynamic presence on every bandstand she graces, singer Ms Kennedy brings a captivating soulfulness to the proceedings on Kennedy Administration's self-titled debut. With credits ranging from Stevie Wonder, Gregory Porter and Andra Day to Lauryn Hill and a roster of acclaimed "musician's musicians" in between, Kennedy Administration's instrumental trio has seen, heard and played a lot of great music over the past few years. The band has been refining their sound and irresistible stage presence for three years at their Groove residency in NYC. With this quartet's singular namesake at the microphone, Kennedy, you'll experience right away how hard it is not to be captured by her joy and energy. Forging a sound and identity for itself, Kennedy Administration is creating sensory, soulful modern music with elements of jazz, R&B, hip-hop and pop judiciously applied. You will move to the rhythms of the drummer Nat Townsley and bassist Chelton Grey. You'll feel every vibe Ondre J plays when the funk, jazz and R&B sounds leave the keys and bop your head to Vin Landolfi's guitar solos. Kennedy's joy and passion are contagious. This particular Kennedy Administration is ushering in a brand new "Great Society" of sweet music.
Superhero Drawing Workshop – Mineola Memorial Library
July 25, 2018 – Mineola
Rock your drawing skills with artist McKel Supreme! Learn how to draw superhero characters like Ironman, the Hulk, and Superman.
Amateur Night At The Apollo – Apollo
July 25, 2018 – New York
A brand new line-up of contestants competes for the chance to perform during the March 14th Show Off and move on to Top Dog on May 16th. It all leads to the chance of winning the title of Super Top Dog and a cash prize ($5,000 in the Child Star category and $20,000 in the Adult category) on November 21st! Aspiring musicians, singers, dancers, comedians, rappers and spoken word artists try their best to please the audiences that can make them an Apollo legend. Get ready to cheer or jeer as you decide who stays and who gets booted off stage. At Amateur Night, you tell the performers to be good or be gone! Amateur Night at the Apollo is hosted by the comedian Capone. Each show begins with a festive pre-party featuring video and music by DJ Jess. And keep a lookout for C.P. Lacey, the resident Executioner who sweeps bad talent off the stage.
New Perspectives Tour – New Museum of Contemporary Art
July 25, 2018 – New York
Join us for a New Perspectives tour that focuses on intimacy in select works by Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa, Thomas Bayrle, and John Akomfrah. Together, we will examine how these artists evoke interior life through form, content, and presentation, while answering cultural critic Stuart Hall's prophetic call for us all to "live in a more relativistic way." By comparing Ramírez-Figueroa's immersive installation, Bayrle's analog distortion of images, and Akomfrah's films across multiple screens, we will rigorously contemplate what kinds of proximity and relation contemporary art requires of us. Finally, we will consider our engagements with these works, exploring how the artists stage an encounter between their personal histories and viewers' own stories.
Jennifer Li – WeLIve
July 25, 2018 – new york
Join other local adventure seekers in this interactive mixology workshop. Map&Move––an experiential travel group for adventurous hearts and minds ––will be inviting its favorite mixologists to teach everyone how to make global-inspired concoctions. Ticket includes drinks and dinner. Co-hosted by ArtsClub, a social club that makes it easy to add a little art to your life.
Pajama Storytime – Brentwood Public Library
July 25, 2018 – Brentwood
Children can come dressed in their pajamas, ready to listen to stories, sing songs and dance.
Jaws – YMCA Boulton Center For The Performing Arts
July 25, 2018 – Bay Shore
Rated: PG An enormous great white shark terrorizes a summer resort town, where a police chief, a fisherman and a marine biologist realize they're "gonna need a bigger boat" to battle the bloodthirsty beast.
Ten Spot Comedy – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 25, 2018 – Manhattan
Ten Spot Comedy presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners , as well as Up and Comers…See the stars of tommorow , today .These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more!
Steve Aron's Newtalent Showcase – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 25, 2018 – Manhattan
Steve Arons presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners , as well as Up and Comers…See the stars of tommorow , today .These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more!
Sunset Boat Family Paint Event! – Key to My Art East Rockaway!
July 25, 2018 – East Rockaway
All ages! Bring the kids, or drop off kids 5+! No experience necessary! Price includes all supplies, canvas, paint, and step by step instruction! Must register online in advance. Please arrive on time or you and/or your child will miss important instruction. Dress for Mess! This is a drop off only event!
Audio Tours – The New York Botanical Garden
July 25, 2018 – Bronx
Have you ever wanted to talk to the Garden's staff and learn more about the Garden's plants or collections? Now you can by listening to the Garden's audio tours, which cover a breadth of subjects from horticulture to garden history. Learn more about the research scientists are doing at the Garden, find out what's in bloom, and leave your comments for Garden staff.
Bumper Jacksons – Hill Country Barbecue Market – Hill Country Live
July 25, 2018 – New York
Bumper Jacksons are hot and sweet, painting America's story from the streets of New Orleans to Appalachian hollers. Unafraid to scrap together new sounds from forgotten 78's, the Bumper Jacksons elegantly balance paying homage to the traditions while fashioning their own unique, playful style. The group began as a duo, a city-meets-country experiment between songstress Jess Eliot Myhre and banjo player Chris Ousley. They hopped on bicycles, touring the country, instruments on their backs, seeking to reimagine roots music. In five short years, Bumper Jacksons grew to a brassy seven-piece, with horns and pedal steel. They've been honored multiple times as the Mid-Atlantic's "Artist of the Year" & "Best Traditional Band" at the Washington Area Music Awards. Bursting at the seams with some of the richest threads of old America, Bumper Jacksons bring you into the center of a party where everyone's invited and the dance floor never sleeps.
Miho Sasaki – Club Bonafide
July 25, 2018 – New York
Miho Sasaki is a jazz pianist and currently studying music at SUNY Purchase. Born in Tokyo, Japan, she began to play piano at the age of 5 and continued studying music through high school. After her exposure to jazz and enrolling into a jazz program for two years, she began her musical career. She has performed in many venues and has taught for more than ten years in Tokyo. In 2015, she received a scholarship from the Rotary Foundation to study abroad which led her to SUNY Purchase. Approaching her third year in the program, she was selected as the recipient of the prestigious James Moody Scholarship. She enjoys participating in jam sessions in and around New York City as well as performing with her own groups. She is also very passionate about teaching piano and performance. Her capabilities allows her to teach classical music or music rooted in improvisation. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga.
Meet the Raptors – Riverhead Free Library
July 25, 2018 – Riverhead
Families with children of all ages: Children under 11 MUST be accompanied by an adult. (No registration required)
Raptors hunt for live prey. They grow to various sizes from the smallest SawWhet Owl to the largest, the Bald Eagle. Learn about which of these magnificent birds live in our backyards.
Ragtag Team – Creek and Cave
July 25, 2018 – Long Island City
Good news, Misfits! We're putting together a Ragtag Team every Wednesday night at 6pm. Come join our merry band, where you'll have 5 minutes to work on your new jokes. Names pulled from the bucket. Hosted by Kaity Neagle and Irene Hartmann
Week at the Creek: Nate Craig – Creek and Cave
July 25, 2018 – Long Island City
Nate Craig is a nationally touring headliner and regular at The NY Comedy Cellar, Hollywood Improv, and Largo (LA) among others. He'll play Jonah Hill's brother "Phil" in the upcoming Netflix series "Maniac" and was a cast member on TruTV's "World's Dumbest". He was recently featured on Season two of Comedy Central's "Roast Battle" and MTV's "Acting Out". He's been on AXS Gotham Comedy Live, Tosh.0 and Comedy Central's "Mash-up" which he also wrote for. He's written for 3 seasons of "Ridiculousness" on MTV and his album Nate Craig "Eggshell" is featured in the Pandora "Comedy Spotlight" at Pandora.com. Nate has headlined both the "Laugh Your Asheville Off" and "San Francisco Comedy and Burrito Festivals" and has been featured at the Bridgetown, RIOT LA, and HBO Las Vegas Comedy Festivals. He's been on "You Made it Weird" with Pete Holmes, has written for "A Prairie Home Companion" with Garrison Keillor, and was featured on the "Best of the Bob & Tom Radio Show". He does theater tours with Bill Burr, headlines all over the country and has multiple full length comedy albums available on iTunes and everywhere else.
Let's Say You're Right – Creek and Cave
July 25, 2018 – Long Island City
We're taking the piss out of people's assumptions, prejudices, stereotypes…running everything up to the ridiculous "inevitable conclusions" of letting certain dumb shit go unquestioned. Featuring standup from four of NYC's best comedians, gathering after to riff on each other's least favorite assumptions and those of our crowd, and a special message of the week from our host, Kat Burdick.
Lizard Brain – Creek and Cave
July 25, 2018 – Long Island City
Every Wednesday at 11:00, Lizzie Cassidy will give you 3 minutes to tell jokes, curse, rant, read poetry (please don't read poetry) and drink booze. We're gonna have a real good time together. Come on down! And tell people we have punch and pie. More people will come if they think we have punch and pie
PreK-8 Information Session – BASIS Independent Manhattan
July 25, 2018 – Upper West Side
An Information Session to learn what exactly sets BASIS apart from other private schools in New York City. At this event, you will learn about the acclaimed PreK–8 program, hear from the Head of School, meet faculty and staff, and get to know enrolled families.
Muffins In The Window – Dixon Place
July 25, 2018 – New York
Audience members return (month after month) to support past, present, and brand new performance artists as they try out never before seen material, currently LIVE IN THE LOUNGE at the infamous Dixon Place. All are encouraged to perform in this monthly showcase of actors, singers, comedians, dancers, monologuists, filmmakers, instrumentalists, drag performers, and burlesque entertainers. Join this sensational, tipsy, outrageous, and non-judgmental crowd as we laugh, cry, and ponder the ever changing artistic endeavours of our New York City family- free!
Kate Wolff's Dragon Sorcery – New York Comedy Club
July 25, 2018 – New York
Kate Wolff's Dragon Sorcery Dragon Sorcery is a comedy show like no other. Comedian-Healer, Kate Wolff, combines her extremely honest and edgy humor with her tarot reading skills and spiritual knowledge. Comedians come up and share a funny personal story they are going through and then Kate uses her healing abilities and humor to help them navigate through their situation in a way that's hilarious, digestible, and entertaining. We are used to comedians oversharing, but this is a whole new way to see them at their rawest and funniest. Dragon Sorcery allows the audience to explore the meaning of life in a way that is comforting, eye opening, and hysterical.
Lucian/Lucien – Dixon Place
July 25, 2018 – New York
After getting bludgeoned by a lesbian at a bar, Lucian wakes up in a 1940s speakeasy and gets the literal gay ripped out of him. A reborn Lucian must navigate the consequences of his newfound straightness in a world that's only known him as a leading figure of the alt-right gay movement.
Andy Timmons & the Travis Larson Band – Iridium
July 25, 2018 – New York
When Ibanez displays their instruments at music industry trade shows they prominently feature the world's greatest guitar heros: Vai, Satriani, Gilbert, and Andy Timmons. Timmons sparked his own guitar revolution scoring two top 10 videos on Mtv with his band Danger Danger, selling over a million records, and touring the world opening for Kiss and Alice Cooper. A handful of critically acclaimed solo albums followed soon after as well as a long association as guitarist and music director for Olivia Newton-John. Often referred to as "The King Of Tone," Timmons scored another global success in 2011with his emotive interpretation of The Beatles 'Sgt. Pepper' album entirely arranged for guitar. Never one to sit still, Timmons also recorded four albums with world renowned drummer Simon Philips (Toto, The Who, Jeff Beck) and played them live across much of the world.
Tinder & City Football Group Provide Fans in NYC the Ultimate Pre-Game Experience – Amity Hall
July 25, 2018 – New York
Swipe right on a free, fun-filled afternoon at 80 W 3rd Street before the highly anticipated Manchester City vs. Liverpool match! Tinder’s first-ever sports partnership with City Football Group is giving fans the ultimate pre-game experience. Join Tinder and City Football Group at Amity Hall at 1:00pm and enjoy swag, a free drink (for up to 100 Tinder users) and 20 lucky winners will get tickets to the Manchester City vs. Liverpool match!
Cold Beer – New York Comedy Club
July 25, 2018 – New York
Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises! Our regulars include Andrew Schulz, Christian Finnegan, Duncan Trussell, Bonnie McFarlane, Sherrod Small, Ari Shaffir, Ricky Velez, Yamaneika Saunders, Carmen Lynch, Lenny Marcus, Mike Britt, Sarah Tollemache, Emma Willmann, James Mattern, ANthony Devito, Greg Stone, Aaron Berg, Mike Cannon, Jon Laster, Josh Gondelman, Matt Pavich, Matt Richards, Nore Davis, Neko White, Corinne Fisher, Krystyna Hutchinson, Wendi Starling, Nathan Macintosh, Gary Vider, Sam Morril, Joe List, Mark Normand, Subhah Agarwal, Kate Wolff, Dante Nero, Chuck Nice and more
Johnny Avino Concert – Rath Park
July 25, 2018 – Franklin Square
Petland Parties is designed to educate youngsters about the importance of nature and science. The program provides a fun and educational experience that encourages children to learn more about all types of animals. Children will learn to respect these creatures, cast off their fears and accept them as part of our natural world.
The Thirst – New York Comedy Club
July 25, 2018 – New York
Classic Late Night NYC comedy featuring hot up-and-comers and surprise drop ins doing rapid fire sets! You never know what you're gonna get!
Nihongo Chat + J-Culture – Japan Society
July 25, 2018 – New York
During our July 25th meeting, special guest Noriko Furuhata (4th degree black belt) will demonstrate the embodiment of the spirit of Japanese martial arts with the highest standards of propriety. She trained under Master Masataka Mori (9th degree black belt and head of the Japan Karate Association New York Dojo) for over 25 years. Karate is practiced in a number of different styles including as a combat sport, a self-defense form and "Budo", the Japanese art form which emphasizes style and self-discipline. After the demonstration, we will move back to practicing conversation skills.
The Circus In Times Square – Broadway Plaza
Through July 25, 2018 – Brooklyn
Wednesdays in July. This Brooklyn-based contemporary circus company brings their non-traditional circus shows to Times Square in the form of small-scale street performances that will delight audiences at the Crossroads of the World. With a different line up every week, you never know what you're going to see!
Jaws – Boulton Center for the Performing Arts
July 25, 2018 – Bay Shore
An enormous great white shark terrorizes a summer resort town, where a police chief, a fisherman and a marine biologist realize they're "gonna need a bigger boat" to battle the bloodthirsty beast.
Global Crossroads | Eva Salina & Peter Stan – Times Square Plaza
July 25, 2018 – Midtown
Vocalist and accordion player perform soulful and heartfelt songs of the Balkan Roma people. Through the Global Crossroads Concert Series, Make Music New York presents artists in Times Square from around the world that reflect New York City’s diverse global cultures, featuring music from Brazil to the Balkans and from Mali to Korea.
Dining Etiquette – Downton Abbey: The Exhibition
July 25, 2018 – New York
Etiquette Expert Myka Meier will discuss formal dining etiquette and the similarities between the dining etiquette of the Edwardian and Post-World War I time as we see in Downton Abbey and today.
Playing the Wild Card – The Medicine Show Theatre
Through July 25, 2018 – New York
Harper Continuum Dance Theatre and Red Desert Dance Ensemble return to the stage with PLAYING THE WILD CARD! Enjoy an evening of dance and lots of surprises that will be different nightly. Please purchase your tickets in advance to secure seating for this intimate performance. General Admission $25.00 and Student and Senior $20.00. For more information, please visit www.hcdancetheatre.com or check out our events page on Facebook. The Medicine Show Theatre is located on W 52nd Street between 10th and 11th Ave. The performances begin at 7:30 PM Tuesday, July 24th and Wednesday, July 25th, 2018. Harper Continuum Dance Theatre is committed to creating artful dance performances while expanding dance to a broader audience. Harper Continuum Dance Theatre unites members of the community by bringing people together and embracing them beyond the stage and through site-specific performances based in New York City.
Cliff Westfall Record Release Show – Union Hall
July 25, 2018 – Brooklyn
New York-based country songwriter Cliff Westfall writes songs about heartache, loss, addiction… you know, funny songs. Or he can turn on a dime and dive headlong into a sentimental weeper. The Kentucky native delivers with a mixture of wit and bravado that, for Westfall, is central to what country music is all about. On his new album, Baby You Win, to be released July 13, 2018, he's assembled a crew of some of New York's best musicians to explore a new idea of Americana, drawing inspiration from sources often forgotten by the current country scene. "I feel like the humor of people like Roger Miller, Don Gibson, and Del Reeves is neglected nowadays," Westfall says. "A lot of current country music makes you want to ask, 'Hey, does anybody remember laughter?' And you know, it's not really anything against what anyone else is doing, it's just that the ability to laugh at your troubles seems to have gotten lost." The songs on Baby You Win are bitingly acerbic, dependent on the twisty puns, bittersweet humor, and turns of phrase that used to define country music. Westfall's a true son of Kentucky and an honest student of the genre, but refuses to be constrained by its definitions. He cites Chuck Berry as his favorite lyricist, arguing that some of Berry's songs were much closer to their country cousins than lines of race and genre might have suggested. This is Americana outside the box, made by an artist gleefully rifling through the dusty record bins of American roots music and converting them into something new.
Midnight North – The Capitol Theatre
July 25, 2018 – Port Chester
In June of 2017 Midnight North released their third studio album: Under the Lights. On this full length record, Midnight North left it all on the court. Recorded by David Simon-Baker (Los Lobos, ALO, Jackie Greene, Mother Hips) at the Greene Room and Allegiant Studios, Under the Lights features their 11 best new tunes. Expect flares of country on tracks like "The Highway Song" and "Greene County", tinges of soul on the likes of "Back To California", and all the elements of good solid rock and roll. With strong melodies and stronger harmonies, for this band it comes down to one thing: the song.
Transforming 'Fiddler on the Roof' into 'Fidler Afn Dakh' – Museum of Jewish Heritage
July 25, 2018 – New York
Join us for a lively discussion of the journey to bring the Yiddish Fiddler to life. Featuring Joel Grey, Director; Stas Kmiec, Choreographer; and Zalmen Mlotek, National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene's Musical Director and Artistic Director. Moderated by Budd Mishkin. This program is co-presented by National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene and the Museum as part of the Fiddler Talks: From Anatevke to Broadway and Back Again series.
Food Cart Tour of the Financial District – 60 Wall Street
July 25, 2018 – New York
Get a taste of the Financial District on this tasting tour that offers an in-depth look at the inner-workings of New York's street food industry. You'll enjoy international cuisines from six of Manhattan's most iconic food carts and food trucks, learn about the history of street vending, hear the stories of hard-working sidewalk entrepreneurs, and understand the daily challenges and triumphs of operating these thriving but feverishly demanding small businesses. While the menu changes from week to week depending on which vendors are out for the day, gourmet tastings may include Bengali kati rolls, Egyptian falafel, Belgian waffles smothered in a cookie-based topping, and more! This tour is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the Financial District near Wall Street.
Memorial Visions: Fifteen Years After the 9-11 Competition – Center for Architecture
July 25, 2018 – Manhattan
This lecture will reflect on how designers create memorials in the wake of 2003's 9/11 memorial competition. The past fifteen years have been marked by numerous tragedies. The need remember and process these events has generated complex dialogues within the design community about how to memorialize victims. "Memorial Visions" will reflect on the ideas expressed in the 9/11 competition and consider methods to promote better design and construction of future memorials. Lester Levine will provide a retrospective on the competition, presenting entries and highlighting the characteristics of this seminal competition. The case studies will represent a spectrum of approaches to memorial design, showcasing innovative ideas and precursors to contemporary trends. Levine's presentation will be followed by a panel and audience discussion to reflect on the trends explored in the 9/11 competition, driving a broader dialogue about how the design community should memorialize tragic events.
Tour of 1 Hotel, Brooklyn Bridge Park – Center for Architecture
July 25, 2018 – Manhattan
Join the AIANY Interiors Committee for a tour of 1 Hotel, Brooklyn Bridge Park designed by INC. This structure, a visual praise poem dedicated to Brooklyn's waterfront, overlooks Brooklyn Bridge Park, the East River, and lower Manhattan. The aesthetic of the hotel draws inspiration from contemporary Brooklyn design culture, the history of the wharf that originally occupied the site, and the natural coastal landscape as exemplified by the Park. The mission-driven 1 Hotel, Brooklyn Bridge Park is an example genuine green development, with hotel profits financing the creation of this extraordinary public park. INC draws the park directly into the hotel by visually opening up the entire ground floor to the exterior blurring the lines between inside and out with greenery and natural materials evocative of the adjacent landscape. INC developed a site-specific, purpose-built, made-to-last aesthetic driven by smart problem solving and an expressive use of materials with a layered, easygoing hand.
Comedians You Should Know NYC – The Gutter Bar
July 25, 2018 – Brooklyn
Every Wednesday night at 9:00, Comedians You Should Know showcases the very funniest comedians the Greatest City in the World has to offer in the Spare Room of Brooklyn's Gutter Bar! With a rotating roster of the very best stand-ups from the five boroughs and beyond, each week is a totally new show featuring only comics you really should know.
Roots Nyc | Louie Vega, Kevin Hedge & Special Guest Appearance – Cielo
July 25, 2018 – New York
A godfather of global dance music, Louie Vega has painted an award-winning career from a palette mixed with everything from salsa and afro-beat, to jazz, hip-hop and soul. A godfather of global dance music, Louie Vega has painted an award-winning career from a palette mixed with everything from salsa and afro-beat, to jazz, hip-hop and soul. What distinguishes the Grammy winner and 4-time nominee as one of the best living house music deejays is his ability to evolve alongside the times, distill the current musical landscape through his unique taste and put his own timeless spin on it. "Little" Louie Vega, as he is sometimes affectionately known, was born in the Bronx into a musically gifted family (his father, a jazz saxophonist, and his uncle, Salsa King Héctor Lavoe). The "Little" moniker is ironic, given the fact that by the 80s he was deejaying at clubs he wasn't even old enough to attend, holding residencies at Studio 54, Devil's Nest, Hearthrob, Roseland, and the Palladium. Soon Vega was producing his own remixes, which included Information Society's "Running", Noel's "Silent Morning" and Debbie Gibson's "Only in my Dreams". Then in 1991 he joined Atlantic Records—and hit the mainstream. Teaming with an-up-and-coming Marc Anthony, he helped to produce "Ride on the Rhythm". An immediate hit, the single put Vega and Anthony on the map. The duo would rock the club circuit, with their success culminating when they opened for Tito Puente at his 100 Album concert at Madison Square Garden.
Fernando Otero – Zinc Bar
July 25, 2018 – New York
"Mr. Otero vibrantly summoned tango ancestors while also acknowledging Bartok and Prokofiev. His brilliant playing bore traces of jazz pianists like Bill Evans and Don Pullen. The resulting synthesis proposed bold new directions for a venerable tradition." – The New York Times The innovative Argentinean pianist/composer Fernando Otero will be in residency at Zinc Bar on Thursdays in April, performing with the Brazilian violinist Andrei Matorin and Argentinean percussionist Ramiro Scalzi. Otero, a leading figure of a pan Latin American jazz movement flourishing in New York, has developed a unique and provocative style he calls "X Tango" – a fast-paced and intense music that combines the improvisatory thrill of jazz with a contemporary classical structure. His critically-acclaimed albums "Pagina de Buenos Aires" and the Latin Grammy Award–winning "Vital" have established him as internationally recognized artist. His shows at Zinc will feature new work and compositions from recent albums: "Radio Angel", a sensuous blend of tango and jazz, and "Romance", which was praised as "darkly ravishing" by the New York Times.
Tap (Open Level) – 92Y
July 25, 2018 – Upper East Side
The class is designed for those who have accomplished the basic tap foundations.We offer a blend of styles in our tap classes, ranging from the classic Broadway Tap moves of 42nd Street and Fred Astaire movies to the freestyle Rhythm Tap made popular by Savion Glover! Learn the basics and get your body moving in a safe, encouraging atmosphere. Spend six weeks learning basic tap vocabulary, class etiquette and proper warm-up techniques.
Hasan Minhaj Experiment Time – The Fat Black Pussycat
July 25, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Hasan Minhaj from The Daily Show.
MC: Jon Laster, The Winner of Stand Up NBC – Comedy Cellar
July 25, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Jon Laster, Winner of Stand Up NBC. Gregg Rogell from the "Louie" Ck Show, "The Aristocrats", "The Conan O'Brien Show", Comedy Central's "Tough Crowd" and "The Tonight Show". Keith Robinson from HBO's "Crashing", from the movie "Trainwreck", Hour Comedy Special on Comedy Central, from Conan O'Brien Show, TBS's "Are We There Yet", Wanda Sykes Show, Comedy Central's "Tough Crowd", HBO. Lenny Marcus from "The David Letterman Show", as seen on Aspen and Montreal Comedy Festivals. Marina Franklin from the movie "Trainwreck", "Louie", "The Nightly Show", "The Jim Gaffigan Show". Rory Albanese from Emmy Winning Writer/Executive Producer – Daily Show, Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, Half Hour Special on Comedy Central.
A Summer Movie Under The Stars: 'Alice in Wonderland' – Prospect Park Long Meadow
July 25, 2018 – Park Slope
Young Alice stumbles into Wonderland and meets a cast of characters in her quest to get home. Morricone Youth provides some pre-film psychedelic tunes beginning at 7pm.
MC: Jared Freid from Comedy Central – The Village Underground
July 25, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Jared Freid from Comedy Central. Jordan Carlos from Broad City, Girls, Guy Code, Friends from College (Netflix) the Nightly Show, Colbert Report. Alingon Mitra from "Conan", The Late Show with Craig Ferguson, Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central's "Adam Devines's House Party. Nick Griffin, 11 appearances on "The Late Show with David Letterman", "Late Show with Stephen Colbert", Comedy Central Presents "The Half Hour Comedy Special". Matt Ruby from SEESO/NBC the Comedy Show Show and MTV's Girl Code. Marina Franklin from the movie "Trainwreck", "Louie", "The Nightly Show", "The Jim Gaffigan Show". Modi from HBO, Comedy Central, Netflix, The Howard Stern Show. Last Comic Standing, CBS's Madam Secretary, The Film "Luisiana Caviar" and HULU's Deadbeat.
Leonard Bernstein: Jazz On The Town – 92nd Street Y
July 25, 2018 – New York
Leonard Bernstein fused elements of jazz, classical and popular music in his pioneering Broadway scores, and his genius changed American music forever. Celebrate his enduring influence with virtuosic vocalist René Marie and a band that brings out the best in Bernstein's soaring songs.
Edmund White: The Unpunished Vice w/ Michael Carroll – Books Are Magic
July 25, 2018 – Brooklyn
Blending memoir and literary criticism, The Unpunished Vice: A Life of Reading is a compendium of all the ways reading has shaped Edmund White's life and work. His larger-than-life presence on the literary scene lends itself to fascinating, intimate insights into the lives of some of the world's best-loved cultural figures. With characteristic wit and candor, he recalls reading Henry James to Peggy Guggenheim in her private gondola in Venice and phone calls at eight o'clock in the morning to Vladimir Nabokov–who once said that White was his favorite American writer. Edmund White has written some twenty books. In 2018, he received the PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Career Achievement in American Fiction. He is perhaps best known for his biography of French writer Jean Genet, for which he won the National Book Critics Circle Award. He is also the author of a trilogy of autobiographical novels ? A Boy's Own Story, The Beautiful Room is Empty, and The Farewell Symphony. He has written a novel about love in the AIDS era called The Married Man; Marcel Proust: A Life; a book about unconventional Paris called The Flaneur; and a biography of Arthur Rimbaud. His works of fiction include Chaos and Hotel de Dream. His most recent book is Inside A Pearl: My Life in Paris; in April 2016 his new novel, Our Young Man, was published. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, he lives in New York City.
Nick DiPaolo Headlines – The Fat Black Pussycat
July 25, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Nick Dipaolo, You Know Him from the Nick Dipaolo Show on Sirius Xm Radio, Louie on FX, Numerous Specials on Comedy Central and his critically acclaimed One Hour Special on Showtime Entitled Raw Nerve.
MC: Seaton C. Smith from 'Mulaney' on FOX – Comedy Cellar
July 25, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Seaton C. Smith from "Mulaney" on FOX, from the Opie and Anthony Virus Tour and the New Faces Show at Just for Loughs Comedy Festival in Montreal. Phil Hanley from Comedy Central Special, the Late Show with Seth Meyers, The Pete Holmes Show on TBS, John Oliver's New York Stand Up Show. Judah Friedlander from NBC's Emmy Winner "30 Rock", the movies "Showtime", from "Meet The Parents". Emma Willmann from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, MTV, VH1, host of The Check Spot on SiriusXM. Matthew Broussard from Conan, Comedy Central Half Hour, Finalist on Jeff Ross' "Roast Battle". Des Bishop from HBO "A Comic's Climb", The Today Show, "Des Bishop Work Experience" RTE (Ireland) Best of Edinburgh Fringe BBC (UK).
Audrey Silver Band – Club Bonafide
July 25, 2018 – New York
Audrey Silver is one of the most elegantly creative singers in jazz today. Known for her smooth, effortless sound, sensitive interpretations, satisfying swing, and unique approach to the American songbook, Audrey sings with a style that radiates her warm, generous personality. Audrey's steady stream of appearances—including performances at the Tanglewood Jazz Festival and New York's prestigious JVC Jazz Festival—have made her more sought after than ever. Based in New York City, she performs at numerous venues including 55 Bar, Cornelia Street Cafe and Jazz at Kitano. In October, 2016 Audrey released her third CD, Very Early. Included in the stellar line-up are two revered jazz musicians, Bruce Barth on piano and Lewis Nash on drums. The album offers a broad array of music from American Songbook standards, originals, to contemporary tunes and a French song all creatively arranged by singer, composer and Berklee professor, Steven Santoro. Audrey received critical praise for her "vocal prowess" in her second album, Dream Awhile, which features many of the players that have worked with her in New York clubs throughout her career, including pianist Joe Barbato, bassist Joe Fitzgerald, guitarist Chris Bergson, and drummers Anthony Pinciotti and Todd Isler. The recording wowed critics, who lauded her thoughtful, charming, and uniquely personal interpretations of 11 lesser- known jazz standards. Audrey is a storyteller at heart, a performer who loves connecting with her audiences. She respects the power of lyrics, but is equally fascinated by how an artist can alter the mood, meaning and impact of a song through its arrangement. Audrey has an insatiable desire to learn, a vast repertoire, years of jazz piano studies, a well-developed ear for scat and improv, and a musically open mind. These elements combine to make Audrey a singer, bandleader and arranger who delights her audiences and fellow musicians. An avid researcher and broad listener, Audrey continuously adds to her distinctive musical vocabulary, and always surprises audiences with her delightfully original versions of jazz standards. Also inspired by the cabaret world, she enjoys sharing anecdotes between songs, offering an unusually friendly, intimate, and enlightening jazz atmosphere. Audrey started studying classical piano and cello as a young child, but deep down she alway wanted to be a singer. Audrey explored her love of jazz and popular song by spending hours absorbing the styles of Fred Astaire (she also studied tap) and singing along with the various Broadway musicals—such as The Pajama Game and Guys and Dolls—that comprised much of her father's record collection. Audrey finally began to explore her vocal skills while studying at Brown University, where she founded the school's first co-ed jazz a cappella group, The Higher Keys, for which she transcribed and arranged for the first time.
Willerm Delisfort Project – Smalls Jazz Club
July 25, 2018 – New York
Pianist, and Composer Willerm Delisfort is a messenger of life using music as his tool. His career extends the continuum of musical styles that ranges from Jazz, Gospel, R&B and many more. Because of this, Willerm's versatility has created a high demand for him with prominent jazz, rap, soul, and fusion artists including 2009 Best World Guitarist Fareed Haque, Grammy Award winning artist T-Pain, Lauryn Hill , Kirk Whalum, Louis Bellson , Lew Soloff, Calvin Newborne, Corey Wilkes, Curtis Fuller, Jimmy Heath, David Sanchez, Jennifer Holiday, George Freeman, Red Holloway, Javon Jackson, Melton Mustafa Sr, Peter Erskine, Public Announcement, Freddie Jackson, and more. He has performed over 20 festivals all around the Globe, branching from the west coast of the United States, all the way to Europe, touring Spain, and the United Kingdom. Even in the lights of main stage theater, you can always expect Willerm in the orchestra pit, either conducting or playing the lead piano book. Headlining shows such as Dreamgirls, Ain't Misbehavin, Crowns, Aida, The Best of Broadway, and Don't Bother Me I Cant Cope. Willerm has been featured on over 7 albums on piano, along with several commercial recordings broadcast all over the world. His most recent, the critically acclaimed Flat Planetby Virtuosity Guitarist Fareed Haque which is available on Owl Studio Records. Next expected release will be Willerm's debut album entitled "Freedom Riders" scheduled to be release in September 2009. Born in Little Haiti Miami Florida to Haitian Parents Pierre Franklin and Antonette Delisfort, his father exposed him to different music from a very early age. Teaching him the rich history of his heritage, while his mom taught him the importance of being able to dance and feel the embracement of the music, Willerm's curiosity grew towards a life in the arts, unknowingly embarking on a journey which would lead him to where he is today.
MC: Mike Yard from 'Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore' – The Village Underground
July 25, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Mike Yard from "Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore", Bad Boys of Comedy, Def Comedy Jam, and Showtime at the Apollo. Rick Crom, the Star of "Oh Rick!" Documentary, from HBO's "Divorce", Inside Amy Schumer, the movie "The Post". Gibran Saleen Des Bishop from HBO "A Comic's Climb", The Today Show, "Des Bishop Work Experience" RTE (Ireland) Best of Edinburgh Fringe BBC (UK). Mike Vecchione from The Tonight Show, "Last Comic Standing", and M Radio, "Howard Stern on Demand". Emma Willmann from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, MTV, VH1, host of The Check Spot on SiriusXM. Azhar from Amazon Patriot,regular Dave Chappelle Opener, and called as Funniest Muslim by CNN.
MC: Wil Sylvince, The Founder & Producer Of NBC's Short Cuts Festival – Comedy Cellar
July 25, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Wil Sylvince, the founder & producer of NBC's Short Cuts Festival, Comedy Central's "Stand Up Revelation", Showtime's "The Big Black Comedy Show", Damon Wayens: The Underground, and writer on The Chappelle Show. Des Bishop from HBO "A Comic's Climb", The Today Show, "Des Bishop Work Experience" RTE (Ireland) Best of Edinburgh Fringe BBC (UK). Daniel Simonsen from BBC "Russell Howard's Good News", Best Newcomer Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Andrew Schulz from Hulu's "There's Johnny", IFC's "Benders", the Brilliant Idiots Podcast, MTV's "Guy Code". Adrienne Iapalucci from the Late Show with David Letterman, from The Artie Lange Show, Last Comic Standing. Dave Attell from the movie "Trainwreck", Star of "Daves Old Porn" on Showtime, Comedy Central's "Insomniac with Dave Attell", The David Letterman, The Tonight Show, IFC's "Z Rock", "Tough Crowd". Paul Mecurio from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Comedy Central Special, HBO, Emmy Winner-The Daily Show, the Tonight Show, CBS Sunday Morning, CNN, the film "The Bleeder" Staring Liev Schreiber.
STEAM for Preschoolers: Slime – My Gym Fresh Meadows
July 25, 2018 – Fresh Meadows
Parent & Me STEAM Project: Slime Time to get slimy! Using household ingredients kids and parents will create to take home. Mix colors to create your own creation. This slime project is borax free. After your project is completed we will have structured gym classes for the kids to enjoy.
Andrew Gould Quintet – Smalls Jazz Club
July 25, 2018 – New York
He has performed with James Moody, Benny Golson, Wallace Roney, Jon Faddis, The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, the Mambo Legends Orchestra, David Weiss, Ray Vega, Bobby Sanabria, Ricky Rodriguez and many more. He was a 2013 Thelonious Monk Saxophone Competition Semi Finalist and has recorded for MTV, Universal Records, Warner Bros Music, and Capitol Records for world famous artists including Fifth Harmony, Mac Miller and more. He has also performed live on the Today Show, ABC News, WBGO Radio, and at Winter Jazzfest, The Charlie Parker Jazz Festival, Bermuda Jazz Festival and many more. He has toured extensively around the world performing all over the U.S.A. including Hawaii, as well as Bermuda, Europe, Asia, and Canada. A graduate of both Manhattan School of Music and SUNY Purchase, Andrew continues to teach regularly, giving both private lessons and masterclasses to students of all levels.
Aaron Seeber 'After-hours' – Smalls Jazz Club
July 25, 2018 – New York
A native of Bethesda, Maryland, Aaron Seeber is proving himself to be a rising talent in the New York Jazz scene. Now living in Brooklyn, Aaron attended the prestigious SUNY Purchase Jazz program, where he was mentored by Kenny Washington and John Riley. He has played or recorded with Paul Bollenback, Joe Magnarelli, The New York Voices, Gilad Hekselman, Ed Cherry, Brian Lynch, Neal Miner, Butch Warren, Freddie Redd, Kiyoshi Kitagawa, Jared Gold, Clifton Anderson, Tim Green, David Wong, among others, and has toured internationally with The Warren Wolf Trio. Aaron brings his own band every month to the legendary Smalls Jazz Club. He has performed at Carnegie Hall, Blue Note, Marian's Jazz Room, Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola, Fat Cat, The Iridium, Blues Alley, Bohemian Caverns among many more.
Courtney Barnett, Julien Baker + Vagabon – Prospect Park Alliance
July 25, 2018 – Brooklyn
Courtney Barnett performs at the Bandshell as part of BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival, presented by BRIC in partnership with Prospect Park Alliance. Courtney Barnett has been celebrated as one of the most distinctive and compelling voices in indie rock, a singer-writer who mixes deeply insightful observations with devastating self-assessment. Rolling Stone praised her as "one of the sharpest, most original songwriters around—at any level, in any genre… a self-strafing humorist á la Lena Dunham who's also a Dylan-style word ninja." She's a critical darling with an adoring fanbase to match. Julien Baker's solo debut, Sprained Ankle, was one of the most widely acclaimed works of 2015. The album, recorded by an 18-year-old and her friend in only a few days, was a bleak yet hopeful, intimate document of staggering experiences and grace, centered entirely around Baker's voice, guitar, and unblinking honesty. Cameroon-born Laetitia Tamko, better known as Vagabon, is a multi-instrumentalist and producer who moved to New York City with her famliy in her teens. A tough transition for any teenager, her lo-fi synthy music tells the story of a searching soul who is blazing a new trail in the indie landscape. "Tamko's voice is enormous but delicate, and she belts it with gusto throughout Infinite Worlds, spinning out little effortless arias amid songs Modest Mouse may have written in another life," states Pitchfork. For the latest information, including weather updates, set times, seating configurations, and FAQs, please visit the BRIC website.
Flying University – Bad Arguments About Immigration – Caveat
July 25, 2018 – New York
In the middle of the crisis over separating families at the border there is a tremendous amount of misinformation. Join our panel of experts, including a neuroscientist studying trauma and an immigraiton lawyer, as they respond to the bad arguments against immigration. Flying University is a re-education in hidden histories. This series is named after the underground university in Russian-occupied Poland that taught subjects banned by the state-run schools. This rebel organization also educated women, who were barred from attending the official university, including Marie Curie. In that spirit, each Flying University talk highlights a piece of history that has been "conveniently forgotten". Lets set the record straight.
Electrikana – Ashford & Simpson's Sugar Bar
July 25, 2018 – New York
R&B and Jazz
Stray – The Tank
Through July 26, 2018 – New York
STRAY is a meta-memoir performance that references Patti Smith and David Wojnarowicz, and is based on creator Tanya Marquardts experience as a sixteen-year-old runaway,BDSM model, and New York transplant. Beginning the day Tanya ran away from home, her songs drive you through the chaotic years that follow, and show you how art sustained her throughout.
Ladykillers at IL MAKIAGE – IL MAKIAGE
July 26, 2018 – New York
Free, all-women comedy show at IL MAKIAGE! Happy hour starts at 7pm, show starts at 730pm. Enter free raffle to win Ladykillers merch, accessories and more! Featuring: Jo Firestone Carmen Lagala Cara Weinberger Maria Wojciechowski Erica Spera Alley Lightfoot Hosted by Hattie Jean Hayes.
A€AP Ferg – Terminal 5
July 26, 2018 – New York
IDK, Buddy
Wet Paint – A New Play Festival – The Tank
Through July 26, 2018 – New York
Wet Paint is a new play festival celebrating several talented sets of artists, many of whom have been tearing-up the Off-Broadway/Regional theatre scene for years. With ink so fresh, it's being strengthened every moment until performance time. Imagine a gallery where painters are creating the work in front of you as it hangs on the wall. Watch our paint dry, and you'll likely be among the first to witness a masterpiece.
Terence Blanchard featuring the E-Collective – MetroTech Commons
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
New Orleans native and Grammy Award-winning trumpeter/bandleader Terence Blanchard is an artistic force, known for composing soundtracks for the bulk of Spike Lee's films. With his new electric funk quintet E-Collective, he honors black lives and black art with vibrant, uplifting sets. Their newest release, LIVE, comprises powerful live concert recordings that bring their funky dance grooves, generosity of spirit, and Blanchard's messages of hope to MetroTech.
Victory Dance 2018 – The New Victory Theater
Through July 26, 2018 – Midtown
Featuring a cross-section of highly accomplished and internationally recognized New York-based companies, Victory Dance offers a mix of cool, contemporary dance.
TALE: NYC's Finest Storytelling! – KGB The Red Room
July 26, 2018 – New York City
No hokey gimmicks. No dumb themes. No bad Tinder date stories – TALE brings you the best in NYC's storytelling! Featuring performers with creds from SNL, NPR, Comedy Central, VICE, HBO and beyond.. Here's one hell of a fine lineup Rhonda Hansome (Louie) Omar Capra (Spiderman – Homecoming) Harmon Leon (Meet the Deplorables, StoryFest) Anita Flores (The Moth) Jeff Kornberg (Conde Nast) Music by: Adam Blotner (Edinburgh Festival) (2 drink min./21 & older)
Honoring the First People of Queens: A Conversation on History and Cultural Protocols – Flushing Town Hall
July 26, 2018 – Flushing
This insightful panel featuring members of the Matinecock tribe of Queens and Long Island will explore the tribe's history, culture, and customs. Topics discussed will include: best practices in acknowledging Matinecock tribal territories and tools to help the tribe in building relationships with local organizations and government. Moderated by Gabrielle Hamilton, Director of Education & Public Programs at FTH.
Peyton Pleninger +3 – KGB The Red Room
July 26, 2018 – New York City
No cover. 2 drink minimum.
2018 Waterfront Concert Series! – Astoria Park Great Lawn
July 26, 2018 – Astoria
The 2018 Waterfront Concert Series continues on Thursday, July 26th, 2018 at 7:30 pm at the Astoria Park Great Lawn where you will be taken on a journey back in time to where it all began with the Motown sounds of yesterday, come enjoy a fantastic performance from "Motor City Revue!" This free concert is open to the public and no RSVP or tickets are required. Just show up!
2018 Movies on the Waterfront Series! – Astoria Park Great Lawn
July 26, 2018 – Astoria
Central Astoria LDC is pleased to kick off the 2018 Movies on the Waterfront Series. Monday, July 23rd, 2018 at sunset on the Astoria Park Great Lawn with a showing of “Bambi.” This free movie presentation is open to the public, and no RSVP or tickets are required. Just show up!
With A Little Feeling – The Creek and The Cave
July 26, 2018 – Queens
Sketches pulled strait from the comics mind to our theatre wall! Featuring music of the live persuasion! It's comedy, with a little feeling.
New York Quarterly: A Summer Reading – The Cornelia Street Cafe
July 26, 2018 – New York
The New York Quarterly is celebrating its 49th anniversary this fall. Cornelia Street is very happy to welcome NYQ back to its stage, where it enjoyed a 10-year reading series. NYQ Books was established in 2009 by Editor Raymond Hammond and has published upwards of 135 books of poetry.
Luis Perdomo Quartet – The Cornelia Street Cafe
July 26, 2018 – New York
"Acclaimed pianist Luis Perdomo brings his new quartet, which explores Afro-Venezuelan rhythms, Jazz and free improvisation, together with some of New York's most exciting young musicians"
Swamp Thing – The Creek and The Cave
July 26, 2018 – Queens
Swamp Thing brings you the best bang for your buck comedy line ups in New York City. Follow @SwampThingLIC in Twitter to get a free tallboy.
A Drinking Game NYC presents The Goonies – The Bell House
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Classic movies – shaken, not stirred, and with a twist. What's "A Drinking Game"? Well, take your favorite 80s or 90s flick, mix in a live staged reading, add a dash of your favorite beverage, and you've got one hell of a cocktail. Talented actors perform cult classics for a live audience. One night only. A new show every month–comedies like The Princess Bride, Back to the Future, and Ghostbusters. Each movie comes with a list of buzzwords and phrases–when you hear one, a bell rings and everybody drinks! The actors are in on the fun, too. Plus, when someone says a name, the actor playing that character has to drink. So as the evening progresses, the show's bound to get a little wacky."
The Austin Eastciders Ramble! – The Bell House
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Celebrate summer with an awesome party and join DoNYC and Austin Eastciders for the July Austin Eastciders Ramble – an amazing night of music, dancing, food and ice cold cider at The Bell House! The Austin Eastciders Ramble will be a good 'ol hang for you and your friends with delicious Eastciders and a free show!
RestorationART presents August Wilson's FENCES Screening – Restoration Plaza
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Join RestorationART for a FREE film screening of August Wilson's Fences Thu, July 26, 8pm (at dusk) at the Restoration West Plaza!
After the Funeral: Memorializing Loved Ones – Green-Wood Historic Fund
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
After the funeral is over, how do we begin memorializing the precious memories of a loved one? While traditional acts – such as published obituaries, grave markers, scrap books, and stories at the dinner table – are important and relevant, there are new and exciting ways emerging on how to preserve a person's life, wisdom, and cherished values. Join death educator Amy Cunningham for a discussion about capturing the true legacy of a loved one. Over the past several years, she has worked with hundreds of families to ensure that the rituals around memorializing feel true and right for each family. Learn about creating unique keepsakes, whether it is the form of textiles, artwork, charitable donations, or readings. She will also explore how digital platforms can provide an ideal space for sharing stories and memories that are easily accessible. Discover what might feel right for your family.
Live at the Archway: Rising Choreographers – The Archway Under the Manhattan Bridge
July 26, 2018 – DUMBO
Live at the Archway is DUMBO's signature series: featuring dynamic musical performances + pop-up gallery + interactive art experience, in a magical, only-in-DUMBO setting. Always free, always all ages + always rain or shine. This week, be awed by site-specific contemporary dance from six renowned companies. Plus, get up-close with a live art experience led by DUMBO-based artist Marney Fuller.
Sceneless Scene Showcase – 89 North Music Venue
July 26, 2018 – Patchogue
What is Sceneless Scene Showcase? A musical festival meets art show meets flea market extravaganza, dedicated to showcasing local Long Island crafts, goods & talent!
Selena for Sanctuary – Damrosch Park Bandshell
July 26, 2018 – New York
The queen of Tejano music and an idol to an entire generation of young artists, Selena Quintanilla-Pérez is the inspiration for this evening of music and community. Join an exciting lineup of genre-defying Latinx musicians, including Chilean singer-songwriter Mon Laferte; SoCal "DIY dream pop" wunderkind Cuco (Red Bull); fierce, magnetic vocalist and musician Nina Diaz; soulful, alternative R&B artist Omar Apollo; and accomplished songwriter/filmmaker August Eve as they bring their own spirit to Selena's famous melodies melodies backed by a stellar house band featuring members of Brownout and Antibalas. Ecuadorian-Lithuanian DJ and cultural activist Riobamba cues up the evening from the turntables.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Tiger Rose (Jerry Garcia Tribute) – KJ Farrells Bar and Grill
July 26, 2018 – Bellmore
TIGER ROSE re-lives the music of "The Jerry Garcia Band". Performing 2 full Jerry Band setlists every night, including all the Motown, R&B, Blues and good old Grateful Dead nuggets that Jerry loved to play. TIGER ROSE was formed in 2011, in Westbury NY when the remaining members of a Blues band found just what they needed to take their music to the next level. Since then, they have proved that they have everything they need to jam like a well fed machine. TIGER ROSE has a way of taking Motown, R&B, Soul and Rock&Roll to a new level. Feeding off the energy of the crowd they play the songs Jerry Garcia loved. Thus keeping every TIGER ROSE experience unique and very "in the moment."
Hudson Riverflicks – Sing a Long – Hudson River Park's Pier 40
July 26, 2018 – Manhattan
Community Organizing for Climate Change in Red Hook – Brooklyn Historical Society
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
The urgency of climate change has charged some coastal neighborhoods to mount their own initiatives to tackle rising seas and intensifying storms. With Red Hook as a case study, we'll explore the potential of community organizing to prioritize environmental justice and preserve unique ecosystems, and the limits of local activism in the face of global climatic shifts requiring massive infrastructure interventions. Associate director of the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at SUNY Stony Brook Christine O'Connell moderates a discussion with Waterfront Alliance President and CEO Roland Lewis, Fifth Avenue Committee environmental organizer Karen Blondel, and architect Gita Nanden.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Paradise Kitty (A female Guns N Roses Tribute) – Blackthorn 51
July 26, 2018 – Elmhurst
Premier all girl Guns n' Roses tribute
2018 Waterfront Concert Series! – Astoria Park Great Lawn
July 26, 2018 – Astoria
You will be taken on a journey back in time to where it all began with the Motown sounds of yesterday, come enjoy a fantastic performance from "Motor City Revue!" This free concert is open to the public and no RSVP or tickets are required. Just show up!
Lucky 7 – Empire City Casino
July 26, 2018 – Yonkers
Empire Club Members earn 7 Empire Points playing slot machines to receive $7 Free Play.
Mars Motel, MAYVE – Mercury Lounge
July 26, 2018 – New York
The '90s were the ultimate decade for just about any kind of music you happened to be into. But there's one production style used by songs from Slowdive's "Alison" to Oasis' "Wonderwall" that truly marks the era — buckets of reverb, Wall of Sound-style guitars and tons of tambourine. Today, that airplane-hangar vibe is your ticket to the beating heart of Brooklyn rockers Mars Motel, but it's not just used as a genre signifier — it's the sound of your own memories whirring. That buzzing feeling is at the heart of Mars Motel's new single "Living in the Moment," which reaches back to the moment you step back into your childhood home, surveying the changes and coming to grips with who you once were. Singer Sarik Kumar explains in a statement, "It's a song about youth and independence, and the lyrics touch upon the time when one leaves home and goes out into the world. But upon returning, the place you once remembered and loved so much somehow feels different and unfamiliar."
My Plate (Families) – Riverhead Free Library
July 26, 2018 – Riverhead
Families will learn about the five food groups and how to incorporate each group into their daily meal planning. Portion sizes for both children and adults will be discussed along with tips on how to plan healthy meals. Participants will learn how to prepare a healthy and simple snack. To Register call- 631-727-3228
Chess Club – Warner Library
Through July 26, 2018 – Tarrytown
Tom Sieling will play and sing fun, humorous, and participatory kids’ songs, for families of all ages
Live at the Archway: Rising Choreographers – The Archway Under the Manhattan Bridge
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Live at the Archway is DUMBO's signature series: featuring dynamic musical performances + pop-up gallery + interactive art experience, in a magical, only-in-DUMBO setting. Always free, always all ages + always rain or shine. This week, be awed by site-specific contemporary dance from six renowned companies. Plus, get up-close with a live art experience led by DUMBO-based artist Marney Fuller. ///////////THE BASICS The Archway Under the Manhattan Bridge is a public plaza in DUMBO, Brooklyn. It’s on Water St between Anchorage Place and Adams St. ///////////MORE DETAILS THE DANCERS WHITE WAVE Dance, led by choreographer Young Soon Kim, curates Rising Choreographers NYC performance—an extension of its Wave Rising Series—for a second year at Live at the Archway. Playing off the site specific nature of the space, the evening will feature six innovative and risk-taking dancemakers. Choreographers and companies to be announced. THE ARTIST Marney Fuller lives in Brooklyn, New York, and her studio is in DUMBO. She received a BA from Western Washington University and an MFA from Pratt Institute. Marney’s art is about fleeting habitats and changing boundaries, and conjures up cross-sections of culture, class, and environment with a “tug of war” throughout, creating a sense of longing and of distancing with the paint being the main attraction. Each canvas features built-up tactile layers, marks and drips, breaking apart an image or idea towards abstraction and then reining in the original references. Her outdoor assemblage sculptures are made mostly from noble metals and wires such as steel, copper and brass, and are playful, unexpected and larger than life. THE GALLERY Every week at Live at the Archway, we assemble (tool-free!) Tfnf’s "The Space Station." It is a replica, in flat pack, modular, franchisable form, of the DUMBO gallery This Friday or Next Friday– “likely the tiniest, most inconsequential gallery in NYC, maybe on the face of the Earth” – founded and run by Nathan Sinai Rayman since 2013 as both a gallery and an artwork. We exhibit a new DUMBO-based artist every Thursday, and invite the public to engage through a live art component, where the artist and public create a collaborative piece together over the course of three hours.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Jazz & Blues In Harlem – Lenox Saphire Harlem
July 26, 2018 – New York
Events with some of the best Jazz & blues musician. Don't miss this great opportunity to see some of the best Jazz & Blues Musician.
Daniel Norgren, This Is The Kit – The Bowery Ballroom
July 26, 2018 – New York
Daniel Norgren shouldn't need an introduction. But for the uninitiated, before the music speaks louder than these words ever could, here's his story: The Swedish born musician began releasing albums on his own Superpuma Records in 2007, running the imprint with his producer, Pelle Nyhage, and his wife, Petra Wester-Norgren. Daniel's records are supremely unique takes on the American tradition, evoking a rust-worn blues feel that pervades his sound. But Norgren's interests lie in more than music. His enterprise is a fully realized universe: Norgren makes his own videos, filming the world around him to match his aesthetic. In this regard, he reminds one of Sergio Leone, not in his filmic style, but in the way he spins American music unlike anyone born in the USA ever could. Our blind spots are too large, our notions too preconceived. Daniel Norgren illuminates the cracks and details of the Americana lineage we so often overlook. Daniel Norgren is an otherworldly talent with an old soul. He made his name with a strong, slow build, quietly introducing his music to anyone willing to listen.
Open House for Expectant Parents – Albany Medical Center
July 26, 2018 – Albany
FREE! The Birth Place provides expectant parents tours every month for families who would like to learn more about childbirth options at Albany Medical Center. Experienced staff from Albany Medical Center present the program and take you on a tour of the units. Registration is required. Download Registration Form
The Hip Abduction – Mercury Lounge
July 26, 2018 – New York
Sometimes inspiration strikes from the immersion of living in a far away place. The view of the ocean. The sound of a rainforest at sunrise. The smell of an open-air market. The embrace of the wild human experience. However, maybe the nostalgia for a certain place might be attributed instead to a feeling, or a time, or even a person. Sometimes, inspiration stems from a place that everyone can relate to, but maybe no one's actually been. This is the music of The Hip Abduction, the vibrant St. Petersburg, FL-based collective that formed over a mutual appreciation for West African and early Jamaican reggae/dub music. The Hip Abduction (THA) began through informal jam sessions and quickly coalesced into a sound that attracted national attention. For "Gold Under the Glow", the band's third full album released on March 11, 2016, THA engage an indie pop acumen alongside a highly emotive and roots driven sound. Recorded in Nashville, Gold Under the Glow was produced by Dabney Morris (Wild Cub) who is credited with incorporating synth-pop teeth into the band's global foundation and summery vibe. It's a smart blending of world pop and club aesthetics that appeals to both audiences. The Hip Abduction featuring David New (lead vocals, guitar), Chris Powers (bass), Dave Johnson (baritone, tenor sax), Cody Moore (keyboards, sax), Matt Poynter (drums, vocals) and Justino Walker (guitar, vocals, sitar) have shared stages with the likes of Grace Potter, Galactic, The Revivalists, Ziggy Marley, Umphrey's McGee, Thievery Corporation, Matisyahu, 311, Galactic, and Moon Taxi and has performed at Shaky Knees, FloydFest, Wanee Music Festival, Suwannee Hulaween, Deep Roots Mountain Revival, Sunfest, Orange Blossom Jamboree, Tropical Heatwave Music Festival, The BIG What? et plus. Watch out for more festival plays in 2018 including Red Rocks Amphitheater, California Roots Festival, Blue Plum Festival, Camp Bisco, Duck Creek Log Jam, Camp Deep End and more as well as coast to coast dates.
Nyxl Homecoming – Sony Hall
July 26, 2018 – New York
General Admission Only
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Happy Hour Karaoke with John Khoury! – Sid Gold's Request Room
July 26, 2018 – New York
Singer/Musician/Author John Khoury brings his extensive song book to Sid Gold's. Influenced by the likes of Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, and his father, who sang in a local Doo Wop group, The Deans, John has been performing around the tri-state area for years. A native New Yorker, John authored and published "Go Sit on Your Own Stoop!", a collection of stories about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1970's. He has the unique ability to tell a story and connect people both on the page and on the stage. When he's not performing or writing, John can be found at his day job at AMC Networks, rooting for the Mets, and expanding on his knowledge of useless trivia.
Josh Yavneh & The Culprits – Pete's Candy Store
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Josh Yavneh & The Culprits are a good ol' rock and roll band from New York. Bits and pieces from countless influences (from Bob Dylan, Neil Young Tom Petty and Howlin' Wolf to Rem, Nirvana, The White Stripes and Queens Of The Stone Age and plenty more). They recently released ""On The Table"" – A 4 song EP and are currently working on their debut album.
Piano Karaoke with Wendy Ip – Sid Gold's Request Room
July 26, 2018 – New York
"Singer/songwriter/pianist Wendy Ip is back doing Piano Karaoke after a 4-year hiatus in London, UK. She has released 3 albums, "Fan Favorites So Far", "A Different Kind of Life" and "The Ip EP" and was featured on VH1's "Bad Girls" show about female indie rockers. While working with Gene Simmons, Wendy's song "Take Me Away" was performed by Sophie Tweed-Simmons on A&E's "Simmons Family Jewels". Wendy has toured with Ronnie Spector as pianist and backup singer. She is currently working on new original material, whilst performing cover tunes for your pleasure at Club Med Resorts and of course, Sid Gold's."
Evening Cocktail & Craft: Henna and Hops – Queens Botanical Garden
July 26, 2018 – Flushing
Join Henna Darling to explore the botanical and cultural importance of henna. Participants will see the henna plant, learn to prepare henna paste, and try their hand at practicing this unique art form. Sip on botanical brews from the borough of Queens while you create your own designs.
Extended Summer Evenings – Queens Botanical Garden
July 26, 2018 – Flushing
QBG is extending its open hours so you can enjoy twilight at the garden every Thursday evening in July and August.
Walter Trout – Daryl's House Club
July 26, 2018 – Pawling
International guitar hero and member of historic groups Canned Heat and John Mayall's Bluesbreakers
Shug's Sweet Shop w/ Shuga Cain – The West End Lounge
July 26, 2018 – New York
Drag Show
Sophia Sarlat Swings – 53 Above Broadway
July 26, 2018 – New York
Sofia Sarlat is back to the 53rd stage for a four week residency swinging the American songbook and swaying the Latin standards. Sofia will also be featuring uprising cats on the jazz scene. Sofia Sarlats repertoire is sassy, sensual and sparkling with her sensational house band Ryan Slatko and Tony Lannen.
The Land Before Time – Jacob Burns Film Center
July 26, 2018 – Pleasantville
A severe drought has spread across the land, forcing the dinosaurs, including a youngster named Littlefoot and his family, to travel great distances in search of food. When tragedy hits, Littlefoot and his friends must find their way to the Great Valley on their own. Relying on perseverance, teamwork, and friendship, these small dino heroes face down the unpredictable challenges—including sharp-toothed predators—that they meet along the way. Laugh and cheer as you enjoy this popular hand-drawn animated adventure!
Cross-Stitch Circle – New York Historical Society
July 26, 2018 – Upper West Side
Drop in to try your skills at one of the oldest forms of embroidery in the world. Beginning cross-stitchers will learn the basic stitch and create a bookmark with their new skill. More seasoned stitchers can continue working on their bookmark or branch into more complicated designs – make a handcrafted gift for someone! Younger kids may also enjoy coming along and contributing to our community weaving using recycled fabrics and ribbons.
The Food & Wine of Friuli-Venezia Giulia: A 4-Course Chef's Table – Eataly
July 26, 2018 – New york
Without leaving New York, guests will discover the traditional tastes and customs of Italy's most northeastern region as they enjoy typical dishes all paired with the region's wines. Such authentic dishes from Friuli-Venezia Giulia are created with a combination of tradition, innovation, and especially biodiversity. The region boasts a unique microclimate and mineral-rich soil, thanks to its proximity to both the mountains and the sea. This has enhanced the characteristics of the typical food products and indigenous wine varietals, allowing us to offer guests a true taste of the land with regionally inspired dishes and wine pairings. During this intimate dinner experience, guests will be.
The New Division / Julien-K NITE – Rough Trade NYC
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
The New Division is the alias of Los Angeles based electronic Musician/Producer John Glenn Kunkel. What began as a college bedroom project in Riverside, CA was eventually met with critical success in the winter 2011 debut E.P., "The Rookie." A few months later, the first full-length record entitled "Shadows," was declared "album of the year" by several renowned music tastemakers and garnered the band an international following. "Night Escape," which was released as the second E.P. in 2012, shifted gears with the project's songcraft. Sonically, it featured a more developed and refined dance-oriented sound encompassing lush expansive instrumentation and brighter tonalities. An appearance by the Greek Balearic outfit Keep Shelly in Athens, and the unprecedented success of the second single "Kids" paved a new vantage point for the act.
Poetry Walk – The New York Botanical Garden
July 26, 2018 – Bronx
An ongoing poetry walk showcases the work of acclaimed poet W.S. Merwin, organized in partnership with the Poetry Society of America. Merwin, a former U.S. Poet Laureate who has resided in Hawai'i since the 1970s, uses his interest in deep ecology to explore the relationship between nature and humans.
Cellino & Barnes: Injured Heart – Union Hall
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Michael Breen, David Rafailedes
Transit Tots – New York Transit Museum
July 26, 2018 – New York
Join us each Thursday for stories, art exploration, and hands-on investigations of fun themes like animals underground, the people and buildings of New York City, colors and shapes, and, of course, our subways and buses! Free with admission. For ages 2-5 and adult companions. For a detailed listing of all family events, visit nytransitmuseum.org/family.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Library Live: Joe the Magic Man – The Field Library
July 26, 2018 – Peekskill
Joe's comedy magic show will amaze children and tickle their funny bone at the same time. Joe is a retired New York police officer who has been bringing the joy of magic into people's lives for years. With generous funding from The Rotary Club of Peekskill.
Michael Kanan 'After-Hours' – Mezzrow Jazz Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
Join pianist Michael Kanan for our after hours set.
Modern Dance (Open Level) – 92Y
July 26, 2018 – Upper East Side
Explore the body's relationship to breath, weight and space through standing and floor work and traveling combinations.Develop strength and movement flexibility. Move through space with longer, more complex combinations.
Tusk, The Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute – Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises
July 26, 2018 – New York
For more than 70 years, Circle Line has been showing guests the best sights of NYC. In addition to a full lineup of sightseeing cruises, this summer you can get out on the water with Rockin' the River Music Cruises, floating open-air concerts. Thursday the 26th features Tusk: The Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute, is the #1 Tribute to Fleetwood Mac in the world, bar none. No wigs, no backing tracks, no gimmicks, just five musicians recreating the music of Fleetwood Mac to perfection with note for note renditions that no other Fleetwood Mac tribute on the touring scene today can come close to duplicating.
Open mic – Mr Beery's
July 26, 2018 – Bethpage
Mr Beerys Weekly Open Mic Night! Sign ups at 830, music starts at 930!
Solid Gold Comedy – West Side Comedy Club
July 26, 2018 – Manhattan
Solid Gold is a monthly comedy show that combines live-music and stand up to create a can't-miss experience for both comedy and music fans alike. For $10, you'll see the best headlining comedians in the country as well as the top up-and-coming acts in New York. We've also got song challenges, prize giveaways and a show-closing sing-along. Stop by and let's make the last Thursday of the month the BEST Thursday of the month. This month's lineup features sets from: Norlex Belma (Caroline's Breakout Artist) Corinne Fisher (Guys We f@#ked podcast) Paul Hooper (Gotham Comedy Live) Carmen Lagala (Comedy Central) *Please note our new start time this month! We kick off at 10 p.m.* Purchase tickets here: https://westsidecomedyclub-com.seatengine.com/shows/83546 Solid Gold is produced by: Sam Evans, Emily Faith, Ben Katzner and Ajani Thompson. Also, follow us on Instagram! (@solidgoldcomedy)
7 Crown Presents The Beitels – Drom
July 26, 2018 – New York
.8pm Jason Yudoff and the New Hotness http://www.jasonyudoff.com/ 9pm Luke Buck www.lukebuckmusic.com 10pm a Band Called Sad video release party www.abandcalledsad.com
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Fun with a Fight Scene: Ready to say 'En Garde'? – Primary Stages Einhorn School of Performing Arts (ESPA)
July 26, 2018 – New York
The Montagues and the Capulets aren't the only ones who can hold their own in combat. After you take our "Fun with a Fight Scene" class, you'll become a regular Musketeer! (If musketeers fought with pool noodles, that is.) At the start of the class, award-winning fight choreographer Joe Isenberg will teach you the basics of (play) hair-pulling, slaps, and punches. Once you master that, you will pick up your sword — made out of a pool noodle — and work on a fight routine. Next, you will take your routine to the next level by working with a partner to create a story! (Pirate v. Sailor? Good Knight v. Bad Knight? Jet v. Shark?) If you wish, you can perform your fight scene in front of the rest of the class. Bring a friend for your dueling partner or make a new one at this class. Children ages 12 and up are welcome when accompanied by an adult.
Lady Antebellum & Darius Rucker with Special Guest Russell Dickerson – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
July 26, 2018 – Bethel
Seven-time GRAMMY award-winning and current nominees Lady Antebellum and three-time GRAMMY award-winner Darius Rucker will head out on the road together for their co-headlining SUMMER PLAYS ON TOUR. The trio and Rucker share a long-time friendship and touring history, setting the tone for a fun-filled stint, for which special guest Russell Dickerson has been invited to join. With dozens of No. one hits between them the tour offers a playlist-worthy night for fans which will also include spontaneous collaborations throughout the evening. "For us as a band, being out on the road together is where it all comes to life," said Charles Kelley. "Darius is one of our closest friends, and so we just feel really excited to get to share this tour and those memories on and off stage with him. There's no doubt that it's going to be a total blast and we're thrilled to have Russell out with us too this summer – we're already brainstorming ways to shake things up and make each night all about just being in the moment." "Reuniting this summer and heading back out on the road with my friends Lady Antebellum feels like a home away from home," said Rucker. "It's going to be an incredible summer, and I can't wait to see y'all out there!"
RiqueñO: A Bilingual Poetic Play – Nuyorican Poet's Café
July 26, 2018 – Manhattan
Come enjoy an evening of Latin flavor, full of traditional poetry, rhythms, dance and culture. A bilingual poetic musical play in three-acts, RIQUEÑO explores the natural mosaic that is national identity. Exploring Puerto Rican identity and its progression through history, RIQUEÑO starts during the Hispanic-American War, continues through the current Puerto Rican Diaspora, and ends with a hypothetical view into the future years to come after hurricane María.
Hip To Hip Theatre Presents Shakespeare In The Park: 'King Lear' – LeFrak City
July 26, 2018 – Corona
The aging King Lear decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters based on their love for him. Misunderstanding his youngest daughter's refusal to flatter him, he disowns her in favor of her ruthless, manipulative sisters…who promptly strip him of power, wealth, and sanity. Shakespeare's spectacular tragedy pits good against evil as the exiled princess returns to claim the throne.
Kids and The Classics is a free interactive workshop and the companion piece to the program of Free Shakespeare in the Parks. It is offered 30 minutes before every performance, and it is designed for children ages 4 to 12. It gives children a chance to interact with the text by previewing the characters and situations, and creating links between the text and their own lives through theatre games and close reading of text. Fun for the whole family. Bring a blanket or low chair and picnic fare.
Honoring the First People of Queens: A Conversation on History and Cultural Protocols – Flushing Town Hall
July 26, 2018 – Flushing
This insightful panel featuring members of the Matinecock tribe of Queens and Long Island will explore the tribe’s history, culture, and customs. Topics discussed will include: best practices in acknowledging Matinecock tribal territories and tools to help the tribe in building relationships with local organizations and government. Moderated by Gabrielle Hamilton, Director of Education & Public Programs at FTH.
Stories in the Garden – Wave Hill
Through July 26, 2018 – Bronx
Hear about the folklore surrounding two wonderfully mysterious and enchanting creatures, the owl and the coyote. Learn about these local animals and their habits and special attributes. Then create a fanciful, wintery tableau of simple, paper puppets and shadowy scenes that capture your own make-believe owl and coyote mythology.
Convening for Contemporary Art, Education, and Social Justice – New Museum
July 26, 2018 – New York
The New Museum inaugurates an annual convening of activists, artists, and educators to exchange knowledge and methods for generating critical discussion and structural change, while promoting safer and braver spaces. As a non-collecting institution working primarily with living artists, the New Museum is poised to be responsive to ever-present and increasingly urgent priorities of inclusiveness, while taking stock of activities relevant to contemporary art, education, and social change. The Museum has published two historical books on contemporary art and education to generate, assemble, and disseminate work in the form of essays, artist entries, and lesson plans: Contemporary Art and Multicultural Education (1997) and Rethinking Contemporary Art and Multicultural Education (2011). Over the last decade, the Museum has actively created content, tools, and methods for employing contemporary art as a resource for engaging youth and communities in questions and ideas that matter to them. As the Museum considers its next step in making such tools and knowledge further available to educators, the new multi-day Convening for Contemporary Art, Education, and Social Justice invites artists, activists, classroom teachers, and educators in other settings to share best practices.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Space for Learning: Within and Beyond Walls – New Museum
July 26, 2018 – New York
Architect and historian Mabel O. Wilson joins New Museum artists-in-residence the Black School and Kameelah Janan Rasheed for a panel discussion considering the role of visual culture, art, and architecture in the creation of spaces centering black teachers, learners, and knowledge within conditions of systemic and institutionalized racism. Throughout US history, from slavery to Jim Crow segregation to present-day inequities and marginalization, people of color have created space for learning through diverse strategies that encompass mobile, temporary, domestic, and built forms. What might present and future spaces for education gain from engaging these often-suppressed histories? For the New Museum's annual summer art and social justice residency and exhibition, artists and educators the Black School and Kameelah Janan Rasheed reimagine learning spaces in the Fifth Floor Gallery and Resource Room, respectively, as well as the use of these environments for workshops and classes. They discuss their choices for these spaces and their approaches to teaching and learning, as well as the histories of black education in the US. Mabel O. Wilson will draw from her transdisciplinary design practice and historical research, which investigates space, politics, and cultural memory in black America and respond to the exhibition and residency.
A€AP Ferg, Denzel Curry, IDK – rescheduled – Terminal 5
July 26, 2018 – New York
A€AP Ferg may hail from a block in Harlem notoriously known as "Hungry Ham (Hamilton Heights)," but that never completely defined him. Whether it be launching clothing and jewelry lines or attending art school, he constantly bobbed and weaved past expectations. As a rapper, unpredictability remains his only calling card. The next member of the A€AP Mob collective to have a solo project, he can slip from gruff, gritty rhymes to soaring singing, and he does so seamlessly. On his A€AP Worldwide released mixtape, Trap Lord, he's got his own musical domain on lock. "Ferg's debut [mixtape] will not sound like anything that's out in the music industry right now," assures A€AP Worldwide co-owner, A€AP Yams.
Oz Noy – 55 Bar
July 26, 2018 – Manhattan
Oz Noy…Guitar Dave Kikoski…Keys James Genus…Bass Jeff "Tain" Watts…Drums
Neighborhood Nights – City of White Plains
Through July 26, 2018 – White Plains
Bring a big blanket and some chairs so your family can enjoy picnics, music, children’s programs, movies, and more throughout White Plains' neighborhood parks on weekday evenings.
Manhattan Bones- McBone Jazz Series – Silvana
July 26, 2018 – New York
Manhattan Bones is a quartet of New York City area academicians, pit-orchestra musicians and freelancers, plus a rhythm section. While the group’s trombone love affair ostensibly salutes J.J. Johnson (“Shutter-bug”), Juan Tizol (“Caravan”), Bob Brookmeyer (“Hum”) and Jimmy Knepper (“Where Flamingos Fly”), leader Scott Reeves contributes a couple of challenging modern compositions, and then there are Faure’s “Pavane,” Gil Evans’ “Gone” and Wayne Shorter’s “Tom Thumb.”
Scientific Controversies #15 Black Holes – Pioneer Works
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Scientific Controversies (Sci Con) is a series of conversations between scientists on unsolved quandaries, hosted by Pioneer Works Director of Sciences Janna Levin. Black holes are gloriously weird. Formed as the death state of heavy stars, they can be as small as cities or as big as solar systems. Our own Milky Way galaxy is anchored at its center by a black hole four million times the mass of our sun but only 20 sun widths across. The rest of our galaxy could harbor billions of city-sized black holes. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable universe, each one replete with billions of stellar mass black holes and each one probably the home to one supermassive black hole. Beyond the oddity of black holes, they may play an essential role in sculpting galaxies and the universe on the largest scales. Black holes may have carved a world that we could live in. Pioneer Works Director of Sciences, Janna Levin, invites Yale professor and astrophysicist Priyamvada Natarajan and the University of Arizona professor and astrophysicist Feryal Özel to question if our very existence is contingent on the shepherding role of black holes in the history of the cosmos. Join us after the conversation for star gazing with the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York in the garden and DJ Black Helmet’s set of rare grooves in the North Hall. This project is supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.
Designprep Summer Intensive | Architecture Design (7/23-7/27) – Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
July 26, 2018 – New York
Learn the basic principles of architecture with guest designers from local firms and tackle real-world city planning challenges facing New York City. Throughout the week, teens will have an opportunity to develop, prototype and present their ideas to practicing architects. This FREE 5-session summer workshop will begin on Monday, July 23 and end on Friday, July 27. Sessions run from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each afternoon. Students are required to attend all 5 sessions: Monday, July 23 through Friday, July 27 from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm daily. Registration is open to rising 9th graders and current high school students in New York City. SESSION DATES Monday, July 23, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Tuesday, July 24, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Wednesday, July 25, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Thursday, July 26, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Friday, July 27, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Students are required to bring a completed parental consent form on the first day (7/23).
Buggles – Westhampton Free Library
July 26, 2018 – Westhampton Beach
Celebrate National Ice Cream Day with this delicious, sensory craft (Registration required).
Brass Against the Machine – The Cutting Room
July 26, 2018 – New York
Brass Against the Machine is a NYC based brass band playing protest songs and other hip hop anthems from Rage Against the Machine, Living Colour, Public Enemy, A Tribe Called Quest, Kendrick Lamar, Fugees and more.
Free Summer Movie: 'The Greatest Showman' – Mayo Performing Arts Center
July 26, 2018 – Morristown
Hugh Jackman leads an all-star cast in this bold and original musical filled with infectious showstopping performances inspired by the story of P.T. Barnum’s rise to fame. Co-starring Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson and Zendaya.
Rated: PG
A World of Plants – The New York Botanical Garden
July 26, 2018 – Bronx
A showcase of the Garden's living collections featuring lush tropical rain forests, cactus-filled deserts, curated displays of palms from around the world, aquatic and carnivorous plants, and much more.
Juilliard School Presents Drew Forde and Friends – Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
July 26, 2018 – New York
JULY 26: JUILLIARD SCHOOLS PRESENTS DREW FORDE AND FRIENDS Known as "ThatViolaKid," Forde is a fiery and passionate performer. He mentors musicians to pursue their passion and creates a community of positivity and self-improvement. The evening will feature Drew Forde, viola Jocelyn Zhu, violin Maria Im, violin Mitchell Lyon, cello Performance times: 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. and 7:30 – 8:15 p.m. COCKTAILS AT COOPER HEWITT Thursday Evenings, 6:00–9:00 p.m. June 21-August 9, 2018 The popular summer performance series in Cooper Hewitt's Arthur Ross Terrace and Garden. All ages welcome. Cocktails and light fare for purchase. $13 per performance online/$15 at door. Children under five are free. For ages 5–17, $7 tickets may be purchased at the garden entrance or museum admissions desk. Held rain or shine. No refunds. Cocktails at Cooper Hewitt ticket holders may enter the museum starting at 5 p.m #DrinkUpDesign
Scientific Controversies #15 Black Holes – Pioneer Works
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Scientific Controversies (Sci Con) is a series of conversations between scientists on unsolved quandaries, hosted by Pioneer Works Director of Sciences Janna Levin. Black holes are gloriously weird. Formed as the death state of heavy stars, they can be as small as cities or as big as solar systems. Our own Milky Way galaxy is anchored at its center by a black hole four million times the mass of our sun but only 20 sun widths across. The rest of our galaxy could harbor billions of city-sized black holes. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable universe, each one replete with billions of stellar mass black holes and each one probably the home to one supermassive black hole. Beyond the oddity of black holes, they may play an essential role in sculpting galaxies and the universe on the largest scales. Black holes may have carved a world that we could live in. Pioneer Works Director of Sciences, Janna Levin, invites Yale professor and astrophysicist Priyamvada Natarajan and the University of Arizona professor and astrophysicist Feryal Özel to question if our very existence is contingent on the shepherding role of black holes in the history of the cosmos. Join us after the conversation for star gazing with the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York in the garden and DJ Black Helmet’s set of rare grooves in the North Hall. This project is supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.
Scientific Controversies No. 15: Black Holes – Pioneer Works
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Scientific Controversies (Sci Con) is a series of conversations between scientists on unsolved quandaries, hosted by Director of Sciences Janna Levin. Black holes are gloriously weird. Formed as the death state of heavy stars, they can be as small as cities or as big as solar systems. Our own Milky Way galaxy is anchored at its center by a black hole four million times the mass of our sun but only 20 sun widths across. The rest of our galaxy could harbor billions of city-sized black holes. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable universe, each one replete with billions of stellar mass black holes and each one probably the home to one supermassive black hole. Beyond the oddity of black holes, they may play an essential role in sculpting galaxies and the universe on the largest scales. Black holes may have carved a world that we could live in. Director of Sciences Janna Levin invites Yale professor and astrophysicist Priyamvada Natarajan and the University of Arizona professor and astrophysicist Feryal Özel to question if our very existence is contingent on the shepherding role of black holes in the history of the cosmos.
Cup Cake Glam Party – Spa & Salon at East Wind Long Island
Through July 26, 2018 – Wading River
Before the summer flies by gather some friends for a day of beauty, treats and fun at The Spa & Salon and The Shoppes at East Wind! Visit the Spa & Salon and choose one of these delightful services… • Glitter Sweet Cream Pedicure • Hair Blow Out • Eye-Candy Make-up Application Then head over to The Shoppes and enjoy… • Cupcake Decorating at A Cake In Time! We’ll provide two large cupcakes, lots of candy decorations, frosting and simple instructions for creating your own masterpieces. You’ll take home the re-usable pastry tip, too! Great for all ages (with adult supervision under 7.) • One Carousel Ride • Slice of plain pizza and small fountain drink at Brezza Pizza Kitchen.
Sturgill Simpson – CMAC Performing Arts Center
July 26, 2018 – Canandaigua
Alemay Fernandez – Smoke Jazz and Supper Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
Jazz vocalist Alemay Fermandez was called one of Singapore's "best-loved entertainers" by TimeOut. A veteran performer on the Asian jazz scene, Alemay has performed with the Count Basie Orchestra, Gregory Porter, Ernie Watts, Randy Brecker, Antonio Hart, among many others. With her sultry tone and powerhouse vocals, Alemay is a rare talent who destined for wide acclaim in New York.
Nickel and Dime Ops – Smoke Jazz and Supper Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
"Judging from the crowd dancing in the aisles on Thursday night, (Nickel) might be on to something!" (Clem Richardson, NY Daily News) For two years, lyricist "Nickel" and his octet "Dime OPS" have been jamming into the early morning hours turning this jazz meets hip hop series into a popular party with their fusion of clever, organic hip hop and acoustic jazz.
Summer on the Hudson: Children's Performance Series – Pier I in Riverside Park South
Through July 26, 2018 – Upper West Side
This children's series features music, storytelling, and theater for young audiences.
The Unsung Jazz Geniuses of Prohibition with The Ghost Train Orchestra – The Fisher Center
July 26, 2018 – New York
Jazz Through the Looking Glass: The Hot Jazz Age presented with Catskill Jazz Factory and the New York Hot Jazz Festival. Trumpeter Brian Carpenter leads the inspired Ghost Train Orchestra – a little big band renowned for performing almost-forgotten musical gems – in a concert of the unearthed works of the lesser-known and rarely-heard composers and band leaders that served as fixtures of the dance halls, speakeasies, and nightclubs of the late prohibition-era years of the Southside of Chicago and Harlem.
Tarot Readings – Threes Brewing
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Modern Intuitive Tarot Readings by Rebecca O'Sullivan. Rebecca is an experienced Brooklyn-based intuitive Tarot reader who also uses Lenormand and Astrology to illuminate and empower clients to their highest potential.
Powerglove – Gramercy Theatre
July 26, 2018 – New York
Just a few blocks from Madison Square Park, Gramercy Theatre’s intimate live experience remains unmatched by any other Manhattan venue. Get up close and personal with the performers in the general admission section, or enjoy a full view of the unforgettable environment in our authentic theatre seating. Grab a cold drink from one of the many bars located in the venue, including the downstairs lounge.
Marvelous Moths Walk and Talk – Wave Hill
July 26, 2018 – Bronx
Hear about the folklore surrounding two wonderfully mysterious and enchanting creatures, the owl and the coyote. Learn about these local animals and their habits and special attributes. Then create a fanciful, wintery tableau of simple, paper puppets and shadowy scenes that capture your own make-believe owl and coyote mythology.
The Lesson GK – Arlene's Grocery
July 26, 2018 – New York
Community. Magic. Life changing. Église. Accueil. These are just a sample of words used to describe those who have experienced live performances by The Lesson GK – a NYC-based group comprised of a vocalist, producer/drummer, emcees and instrumentalists. The Lesson GK started a collaborative weekly jam session in 2012 which has become the cornerstone of the NYC underground hip hop scene. The band's secondary name "Gentei Kaijo" (Japanese for "limitation cancellation") perfectly captures the ethos of the fully improvised experimental hip-hop, jazz, R&B, funk and progressive soul experience that proudly challenges both the artists and the crowd to become the best version of themselves by taking notice of their neighbor – regardless of cultural background, race, occupation and orientation – and learning about them in a space that fosters family.
Goolis – Groove
July 26, 2018 – New York
Goolis burst onto the scene in the Spring of 2016 with the breakout video single "Times," followed up weeks later by the complete visual album Goolis Presents Mr. Goolis. Each song was accompanied by whimsical, hallucinogenic, and hilariously crafted videos produced, cut, and directed by Goolis. Still having never performed live, Goolis went back into the studio to create the second 2016 release, Goolis Presents RIDIGOOLIS. Exploring wild new territory both musically and lyrically, Goolis provided an audience with another hit single in "Simple Pleasures," and took the music video personas to the next level with his animated cat in "Curiosity," and the Los Angeles Statue of Liberty in "American You." Surrounding the second LP release, Goolis began playing private, and pop-up shows in New York City, and over the course of 2017 became a hit in the downtown Manhattan music scene. 2017 saw the release of the third album, Goolis In Love, recorded in Ghana and Philadelphia. Goolis spent the spring of 2017 in Accra, Ghana working with the rhythm section The Xtreme Volumes. Goolis? ?In? ?Love? ?is an album in love with being in love. It contains all the sentimentality and universality that one expects from a love song, right alongside the fatalistic political satire subtly embedded in these songs. Entering its world is like falling in love: underlying terror and overwhelming ecstasy.
Li'nard's Many Moods – Groove
July 26, 2018 – New York
Li'nard Jackson is the heart and soul of Li'nards Many Moods Band and is a New York City legend. He is recognized as a genius in the art of dynamic, live performance and as a versatile bass guitarist, singer, songwriter and producer of exceptional artistic standards. You HAVE TO see them live to believe it! He began his music career in Richmond, Virginia at an early age. He sang in his church's choir, won a statewide musical rhythm competition at age eight and studied the violin and the bass guitar. He is renowned for his command of a wide range of styles from Dance, Hip Hop and R&B, to West African, Rock, Blues and Reggae. An internship at Philly International Record Label with the songwriting team of Roebuck, Jefferson and Simmons led to work on records with Patti LaBelle, The O'Jays and The Jones Girls. He has contributed to over fifty albums and 175 songs. Before moving to New York, Li'nard played up and down the Eastern seaboard and toured Europe with the groups Defunkt and Mr. Thing and the Professional Human Beings. Li'nard has also performed with Codaryl Moffett Jazz Ensemble and Roy Ayers.He has performed at Manhattan's top nightclubs including The Blue Note, The Bitter End, Terra Blues, Nells and S.O.B.'s The Groove, The Village Underground and The Red Lion..
Rose Colella ~ Cocktail : JAZZ – The Triad
July 26, 2018 – New York
Fresh off her New York City appearances at the legendary Feinstein's/54 Below & The Metropolitan Room, jazz vocalist Rose Colella has been featured in The New York Times,The Chicago Tribune & The Chicago Sun-Times, and has released her highly-anticipated album "Cocktail" to sold-out audiences and global acclaim. Rose has also received mention in All About Jazz, JAZZIZ, NPR's A Blog Supreme & LA Jazz Scene, describing her as "elegantly tipsy," "pure seduction," "cooly coquettish" & "beautiful and inviting." Rose was recently chosen by LIONSGATE Films to present her "LA LA LAND" show during their Blu-Ray DVD release of the film, to two sold-out audiences last Spring, and the event was featured in Entertainment Weekly, IMDB, New York Post's Page Six, Chicago Tribune, NBC Chicago, Hollywood Reporter, PARADE Magazine, Time Out Chicago, BroadwayWorld, RedEye & Eater.
Mini Gardening Books – The Frick Collection
July 26, 2018 – Manhattan
Elissa Levy's bridge installation Difficult Conditions was inspired by a gardening book. In this workshop museum guests will get to bind their own gardening books! They can then use collage and drawing to fill their books, or take it out into the world to document nature in the city!
Pedrito Martinez – Ginny's Supper Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
"Pedrito is a genius…working with him has been a revelation to me." Wynton Marsalis "The Pedrito Martinez Group is the real thing. They had the club JUMPING! It made me feel like a teenager!" Quincy Jones "The Pedrito Martinez Group is writing a new chapter in Cuban music history" NPR All Things Considered Pedro Pablo "Pedrito" Martinez was born in Havana, Cuba, Sept 12, 1973. Having settled in New York City in the fall of 1998, by 2000, he had been awarded the Thelonius Monk Award for Afro-Latin Hand Percussion. Pedrito has recorded or performed with Wynton Marsalis, Paul Simon, , Bruce Springsteen, and Sting and has contributed, as a percussionist and vocalist, to over 50 albums. Pedrito's career as a leader began in 2005 with the formation in NYC of The Pedrito Martinez Group. The group's Grammy-nominated first album was released October, 2013 and was chosen among NPR's Favorite Albums of 2013 and The Boston Globe Critics Top Ten Albums of 2013. Habana Dreams, PMG's second album, was released in June 2016. Accolades for Habana Dreams include #1 Latin Jazz Album in NPR's Jazz Critics Top Jazz Albums for 2016 and being named anong Boston Globe World Music Albums for 2016.
Babies and Books – Greenpoint YMCA
Through July 26, 2018 – Greenpoint
It’s never too early to introduce your baby to books! Hear delightful stories, learn fun songs and rhymes, play with toys, and meet other families and caregivers in your neighborhood.
Mini Golf Day – Brentwood Public Library
July 26, 2018 – Brentwood
Play a round of mini golf in the library! Drop by the Children’s reference desk to borrow a club, ball and scorecard
106.7 LITE FM LITE 106.7 LITE FM – Bryant Park
July 26, 2018 – New York
106.7 LITE FM's Broadway in Bryant Park returns for its 18th season beginning Thursday, July 12th, with FREE, open-air lunch hour performances, for six consecutive weeks, featuring the best Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. Theater fans in the NYC area can expect musical numbers from hit shows including “The Band’s Visit,” winner of the 2018 Tony Awards’ best musical and best performances by an actor and actress in a lead role in a musical, “Once on this Island,” winner of the 2018 Tony Awards’ best revival of a musical and “SpongeBob SquarePants,” winner of the 2018 Tony Awards’ best scenic design of a musical, as well as “Waitress” starring Katharine McPhee, “Beautiful” starring Melissa Benoist, “Come From Away,” “Summer: The Donna Summer Musical,” “Chicago,” “Kinky Boots,” “School of Rock,” “FRIENDS! The Musical Parody,” and many more. New this year, Disney on Broadway will take over 106.7 LITE FM's Broadway in Bryant Park on August 2nd with performances from the hit shows “Aladdin,” “Frozen,” and “The Lion King.” The lineup for July 26th includes numbers from “Come From Away”, “Kinky Boots”, “The Band’s Visit”, “FRIENDS! The Musical Parody.” There will be a pre-show performance from “Mary Poppins Returns.” The event will be hosted by 106.7 LITE FM Bob Bronson and Christine Nagy and co-hosted by the cast of “The Play that Goes Wrong.”
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Fatopia – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 26, 2018 – Manhattan
Fatopia presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners , as well as Up and Comers…See the stars of tommorow , today .These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more!
The 10 Minute Set – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 26, 2018 – Manhattan
A variety show featuring music, dance, theater, comedy, and other tomfoolery. Get a taste of each with easy to chew 10 minutes sets. Join our crazy party where everyone can find an act that fits their fancy. 2 drink minimum (bottled water available)
Ben Clark – Hill Country Barbecue Market – Hill Country Live
July 26, 2018 – New York
Ben Clark and The Long Shadows are a folk alternative ensemble based out of Brooklyn NY. The dynamic performance of this group ranges across many different genres of popular music, influences include Martin Sexton, Jeff Buckley, Ryan Adams, Kendrick Lamar, The Punch Brothers.
Audio Tours – The New York Botanical Garden
July 26, 2018 – Bronx
Have you ever wanted to talk to the Garden's staff and learn more about the Garden's plants or collections? Now you can by listening to the Garden's audio tours, which cover a breadth of subjects from horticulture to garden history. Learn more about the research scientists are doing at the Garden, find out what's in bloom, and leave your comments for Garden staff.
Dangerous Rhythms: T.J. English and his Latin Jazz Explosion – Zinc Bar
July 26, 2018 – New York
Best selling author T.J. English (The Westies, Havana Nocturne) curates a series of the best in contemporary Latin Jazz to celebrate the launch of his latest book The Corporation: An Epic Story of the Cuban American Underworld. The series continues with Cuban pianist David Virelles featuring Román Díaz & Ago Lona.
Mark Berman Presents: Secret Jazz NYC Featuring jazz trio and special surprise guests – Club Bonafide
July 26, 2018 – New York
Jazz maverick, composer and virtuoso pianist Mark Berman, who can be heard on the theme song of the HBO series "Sex and the City" and who was even featured in an episode, invites you to join him for a unique, intimate and heartwarming concert featuring his jazz trio and special surprise guests. Berman will present jazz standards, his own originals and Broadway show tunes in modern and exciting arrangements. Mark collaborated with the proverbial who's who of jazz, pop and rock: Aretha Franklin, Carole King, Hugh Jackman, Chita Rivera and many others. He is also a powerful presence on Broadway where he's conducted and played lead piano in Rent, Smokey Joe's Cafe, Bullets Over Broadway, The Boy from Oz, Hairspray, 42nd Street, Radio City Spring Spectacular, Aida, The Color Purple, Jesus Christ Superstar and Spider-Man.
Art Teacher Amy: Surf and Sand Art Camp – St. Luke's Lutheran Church
Through July 26, 2018 – Bayshore
Learn to draw fun wild animals from around the world and learn cool facts and even some geography and science while using oil pastels, watercolors, and markers to create beautiful animals. Sculpt a different animal each day in sculpey clay. Register online at artteacheramy.com.
The Maria Montessori School Open House – The Maria Montessori School
July 26, 2018 – Levittown
Our mission is to provide a complete Montessori program which considers the emotional, intellectual, physical, and social development of the total child by addressing the uniqueness of each in a nurturing, emotionally secure, and academically excellent environment. Come meet teachers and alumni at our AMI Montessori Open House. We have classes for ages: 0-3, 3-6, 6-12, and Junior High.
International Bulk Wine and Spirits Show – South San Francisco Conference Centre
Through July 26, 2018 – San Francisco
July 25-26, 2018 – South San Francisco Conference Centre (July 25: 11 am to 5 pm, July 26: 11 am to 4 pm) Bulk Wine, Bulk Spirits, Contract Bottling, Contract Winemaking and Private Label from all over the world will be exhibiting in San Francisco at IBWSS. More than 80 Exhibitors will be in attendance at the inaugural The International Bulk Wine and Spirits Show. The International Bulk Wine and Spirits Show (IBWSS) is an annual trade show and conference, open to trade professionals only, which takes place in San Francisco, CA. IBWSS visitors are buyers looking to meet up their demand for bulk wines, bulk spirits, private label programs, grape buying or contract manufacturing. IBWSS San Francisco will give supermarkets, retailers, restaurants, wineries, distilleries and other buyers a premier international platform to source bulk wine and spirits and meet private label suppliers. IBWSS exhibitors are wineries and distilleries looking to sell bulk wine and spirits, producers and negotiators who offer contract manufacturing / private label programs and wineries/distilleries/importers who have one-time excess stock to clear. IBWSS buyers are other wineries and distilleries looking to meet their demand, Importers, Retailers, and Distributors looking for private label programs and negotiators who are looking to meet growers and producers. Twitter: https://twitter.com/ibwsshow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ibwsshow/?ref=br_rs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ibwsshow/
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
That's Not Tango–Astor Piazzolla, A Life in Music – SubCulture
Through July 26, 2018 – New York
Singled Out by the New York Times, Acclaimed Show Returns to NY June 8, 9 & 10 as well as July dates In Gender-Bending Role, Lesley Karsten Stars in Production Led by Stephen Wadsworth A more revealing, soul-searching expression of the life of Astor Piazzolla—the father of Nuevo Tango—is at the heart of a revamped production of "That's Not Tango – Astor Piazzolla, A Life In Music," returning for an extended run at New York's SubCulture on June 8, 9 & 10th and for multiple performances in July. The director is Stephen Wadsworth, named one of the most influential stage directors of the 21st century by American Theatre. Conceived by Lesley Karsten and written by Karsten and Wadsworth, the team have re-adapted their 2016 tribute to plumb more intimate details of the musician's life, examining his doubts, struggles and regrets, and how they inspired and sometimes contradicted his celebrated career. The staged production has a unique gender-bending premise – the part of Piazzolla is played by a woman. As Piazzolla, Lesley Karsten delivers a compelling dramatic narrative that offers a deeper understanding of Piazzolla's life, from his rough childhood in New York to the fame he achieved for revolutionizing the traditional tango. The show unfolds through an interplay between storytelling and virtuoso performances of Piazzolla's music by JP Jofre, (bandoneon), Brandt Fredriksen (piano) and Nick Danielson (violin). "We've moved from a more straightforward narrative of the facts of his life into an exploration of the inner workings of the man," says Karsten. "The premise is simple. He's dead, hates it and returns because he has unfinished business … with himself. He has regrets, struggles with isolation, memories of love lost. He gave what he had to give — and the music is astonishing – but he needs to set the record straight. There's a price to be paid for immortality." Karsten and Wadsworth take us on an intimate journey into Piazzolla's past, from his childhood in New York, years that shaped the man he would become, to his death at 71 in Buenos Aires. Growing up on the Lower East Side, he was strongly influenced by the music he was surrounded by. Along with exposure to Bach, Stravinsky and Bartok, he heard klezmer from Jewish weddings, jazz from nearby clubs and tango—an idiom he initially rejected—from the scratchy records his father played. A chance encounter with Artur Rubenstein when Piazzolla was 16 further inspired him to pursue music; he was soon taken under the wings of classical composer Alberto Ginastera and tango great Aníbal Troilo, and later went on to study with the legendary Nadia Boulanger. Through her, the composer found his true calling. From this gumbo of life experiences emerged a music that's intensely personal, yet universal and as beloved in Tokyo, Berlin and New York as it is In Buenos Aires. Since his death in 1992, Piazzolla's reputation has only grown with jazz giants like Gary Burton and Al di Meola and classical superstars like Yo Yo Ma, Emmanuel Ax and Daniel Barenboim including his works in their repertoires. His influence continues to be felt in the works of other significant composers, such as Osvaldo Golijov. As tango reaches new heights in popularity, Astor Piazzolla is taking his rightful place as a towering figure in all 20th-century music. "I hope people develop a personal relationship with the music and understand what it meant to him," Karsten says. "I want audiences to experience the man behind its urgency and power." Karsten's creative journey began when she was asked to read some Latin American poetry while a violinist performed Piazzolla in Fairfield, Connecticut. Rather willfully, Karsten admits, she rejected the poetry and adapted elements of Piazzolla's biography instead. The piece, which was part of a chamber music series, had lines out the door and around the corner. "Lesley's work as Piazzolla moves quickly beyond gender into the androgyny of the soul," says Wadsworth. "A woman in a persona so conventionally masculine, and whose music has a bald assertiveness and violence many associate with maleness, is very tango. Piazzolla was fascinated by the quick-change animus-anima exchanges between men and women dancing tango." JP Jofre is an award-winning bandoneon player and composer considered to be the premiere bandoneónista of the modern age. He has been repeatedly highlighted by the New York Times and praised as one of today's leading artists by Great Performers at Lincoln Center. His music has been recorded by Grammy winner Paquito D' Rivera, choreographed and performed by Herman Cornejo (Principal Dancer of the American Ballet Theatre). Jofre has taken his form of contemporary tango to some of the most important venues around the world, including San Antonio Symphony, San Diego Symphony, and Argentina's National Symphony Orchestra. Award-winning pianist Brent Fredriksen is the Music Director of the show. He is a founding member of New York's Ensemble Respiro. He has held debut recitals at Weill Recital Hall, Gasteig Cultural Center, and Vafopoulio Hall, and has performed with numerous renowned ensembles. In 2003, he was selected by the U.S. and China Foundation to perform recitals and concerts throughout China. He has several recordings, and has also recorded solo piano music for the soundtrack of the award-winning documentary film, Sonia, and chamber music composed by Nickitas Demos for the film A Free Bird. Most recently he recorded piano for New Music from Greek and Greek-American Composers for Albany Records. Among his many collaborations, violinist Nick Danielson has performed and recorded at venues such as Jazz at Lincoln Center with world renowned tango and contemporary Argentinian ensembles and musicians such as Paquito D'Rivera, Pablo Ziegler, and Wynton Marsalis. He has performed on Grammy and Latin Grammy-winning recordings in both genres and has recorded two solo albums. He is the Assistant Concertmaster of the New York City Ballet Orchestra. Stephen Wadsworth is a veteran of Broadway, the West End and opera companies throughout Europe and the US, including the Met. He has directed such wildly diverse playwrights such as: Terrence McNally, Anna Deavere Smith, Beth Henley, Ken Ludwig, and composers Peter Lieberson and Daron Hagen. Working with Leonard Bernstein, he wrote the Grammy-nominated opera A Quiet Place. He was a Playwriting Fellow for Sundance at the Ucross Foundation and the McCarter Theatre, and currently teaches directing at Juilliard. Story and Musical Consultants include: Kip Hanrahan, Piazzolla's longtime associate and the producer of his seminal CDs Tango Zero Hour and La Camorra, and Fernando Gonzalez music critic, writer and translator of Natalio Gorin's "Astor Piazzolla: A Memoir." Dates: June 8 @ 7pm June 9 @ 2pm and 7pm June 10 @ 3pm July 18, July 19, 25, July 26 @7pm Ticket: $35 $15 cash-only rush ticket one hour before the show (current student or educator ID required).
The knife cuts both ways – Dixon Place
Through July 26, 2018 – New York
When the judge gave me the verdict: 'Ms. Gentili, I am going to allow you to stay in the US under a full asylum,' I couldn't wait to go back to Argentina! Returning would be awesome, weird, sad and fun! And it would reveal how a 'New York downtown transsexual sweetheart' was made from an ugly Argentinean Litoral birthplace. And the sex was part of the whole development, sweet and dirty and full of merits.
Jacqueline Novak & Chris Laker – Creek and Cave
July 26, 2018 – Long Island City
Jacqueline Novak Novak has been featured on The Late Late Show with James Corden, at comedy festivals across the country, and was named a Next Wave Woman by Pandora Radio.[1] In 2016, Novak released her first book, HOW TO WEEP IN PUBLIC: FEEBLE OFFERINGS ON DEPRESSION FROM SOMEONE WHO KNOWS.[2] Her comedy album, Quality Notions, debuted at #4 on iTunes in 2014 Chris Laker Chris Laker is a New York City based stand-up who just made his television debut on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Named a New Face at the Montreal Just for Laughs Comedy Festival in 2011, Chris's sharp and edgy comedy has earned him a loyal following in New York's alternative scene, where he's hosted a variety of shows (The Show at The Creek and the Cave, The Laker Awards) and podcasts: This Week in Jackin', Heteronormative, and Overslept. This past year Chris has been opening for Mike Birbiglia on his Working It Out and The New One tours. Chris's debut stand-up album, "Moments of Greatness"(Comedy Dynamics) is available everywhere that sells music. Chris writes and acts too.
KGB: Sideshow Goshko – KGB Bar
July 26, 2018 – New York
Cultural Review Show – Creek and Cave
July 26, 2018 – Long Island City
The Cultural Review Show, the live version of the hit BBC phenomena that is sweeping the world like the mighty British Empire of old! Join host Dominic Fogarty as he continues his quest to understand American culture and his funny friends
Barf up Your Jokes – Creek and Cave
July 26, 2018 – Long Island City
Matt Anderson runs a fun mic where you can barf up your jokes. Come get your comedy reps in. Lottery style! Get your name in before 11:01pm if you don't want to be in the late bucket!!
Patrick Moraz (Moody Blues/Yes/Refugee) – Iridium
July 26, 2018 – New York
Patrick Moraz, legendary PIANIST / KEYBOARDIST, has a stellar musical history. He was a member of the groups YES and THE MOODY BLUES. Born in Switzerland, Moraz has played and recorded with artists such as Guy Bovet, Chick Corea, The Supremes, Jeff Berlin, Alphonse Mouson, Kazumi Wantanabe, Bunny Brunel, Bill Bruford, among many others. In his early years, having studied with music masters as diverse as Nadia Boulanger, John Lewis (MJQ) and Stephane Grappelli, Patrick won several #1 awards at European Jazz Festivals, and with his own quartet was invited to open for the John Coltrane quartet. Later on, he formed his own band, MAINHORSE, then the group REFUGEE along with former members of THE NICE, Lee Jackson and Brian Davison.
Chuck Braman Quintet at Sunset Jazz at Lyndhurst Concert Series – Lyndhurst Concert Lawn
July 26, 2018 – Tarrytown
Relax on Lyndhurst’s great lawn and enjoy modern jazz by The Chuck Braman Quintet. The grounds open at 4 pm, music begins at 6:30 pm. There is a $5 per person parking fee. The site is also accessible by walking the Old Croton Aqueduct trail. Dogs are allowed on-leash. Concerts are on the west lawn overlooking the Hudson River. Rain call made by 3 pm and announced online and on Facebook. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets or low-profile lawn chairs and may bring or purchase a picnic supper on site. Food Vendors include: Elias NY Pizza Truck Samosa Shack Jimmy’s Soft Serve Broken Bow Brewery Destination Wine
Creek Cave Live – Creek and Cave Comedy Show
July 26, 2018 – Long Island City
Creek Cave Live (CCL) is the touring arm of The Creek & The Cave, when we are not on the road we bring you the an amazing showcase full of Creek favorites, comics just passing through and some of the best stand up comics living in NYC. Because we love comedy and our audiences so much we give you a free PBR for supporting our space! And if you're a dear and sit in the front row we give you a free shot! Line up available week of show!
Uncut From Air! – Dixon Place
July 26, 2018 – New York
In the grand tradition of the Variety Show spearheaded by luminaries such as Carol Burnett, Dolly Parton, and Cher while briefly returning to the spotlight by none other than Maya Rudolph, Uncut From Air!, aims to resurrect the artform once more. Spanning from the iconic Don Francisco from Sabado Gigante to the eccentric Don Pardo of SNL fame, Uncut From Air! is a nod to the past, and a glimpse into a possible future with Variety show banter and whimsy brushing up against this day in age where reality is its own harsh unscripted farcical nightmare.
Hello, Daddy!: One Man's Journey to Cure Heterosexuality – Dixon Place
July 26, 2018 – New York
Built off a decade of journal entries, acclaimed comedian Sam Morrison uses stand-up comedy, storytelling, and character and prop work to chronicle transformations of shame, love, and sex throughout his life. Falling in love with his Hebrew school teacher. Dating the prettiest woman in school. Trying to get into conversion camp. Sam's unique brand of high energy humor and touching narrative will take you on hilarious explorations of sexual embarrassments and climaxes.
NYRR R-U-N 5K – New York Road Runners/Central Park
July 26, 2018 – New York
This race takes place in Central Park in Manhattan. If you're looking for the NYRR Brooklyn R-U-N 5K in Prospect Park, visit this page. R-U-N? We are! Back on the summer schedule, the NYRR R-U-N 5K is a unique, social weekday run in Central Park, with a race start time of 7:00 p.m. Challenge your friends, runners and non-runners alike—R-U-N?—to join you for 3.1 miles in Central Park asa twist to your usual Thursday happy hour. Come to the park early for our pre-race activities, and keep the evening going with some post-race deals at local spots. Event hashtag: #r_u_n_5K—use it in your tweets, Instagrams, and Facebook posts! Live Results Live unofficial results are available during the race at liveresults.nyrr.org and in the NYRR app. Features include leaderboards, map tracking, and an individual runner search that can be shared on Facebook and Twitter. Tell your friends and family to follow your progress, and get unofficial results right after the race! Why Race with New York Road Runners? A portion of this event's proceeds supports NYRR’s mission to help and inspire people through running, and benefits NYRR’s youth and community programs. Course Info Mile 1: Start on West Drive at 91st Street and head south to the one-mile mark just before the 72nd Street Transverse. Mile 2: Turn left onto the 72nd Street Transverse and head east to East Drive. Turn left onto East Drive and continue north to the two-mile mark near 82nd Street. Mile 3: Follow East Drive past the Reservoir and pass the three-mile mark near 100th Street. Continue on East Drive to the finish just before the 102nd Street Cross Drive.
Happy Hour Comedy – New York Comedy Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
It's never too early for Comedy! Join us for the quintessential New York City Comedy experience. Our happy hour show presents a mix of citywide stars, club favorites, and fresh faces so you can kick off your evening with a lot of laughs!
Thursday Standup Throwdown – New York Comedy Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
Thursday Standup Throwdown Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises! Our regulars include Andrew Schulz, Christian Finnegan, Duncan Trussell, Bonnie McFarlane, Sherrod Small, Ari Shaffir, Ricky Velez, Yamaneika Saunders, Carmen Lynch, Lenny Marcus, Mike Britt, Sarah Tollemache, Emma Willmann, James Mattern, ANthony Devito, Greg Stone, Aaron Berg, Mike Cannon, Jon Laster, Josh Gondelman, Matt Pavich, Matt Richards, Nore Davis, Neko White, Corinne Fisher, Krystyna Hutchinson, Wendi Starling, Nathan Macintosh, Gary Vider, Sam Morril, Joe List, Mark Normand, Subhah Agarwal, Kate Wolff, Dante Nero, Chuck Nice and more!
Czech That Film: A Prominent Patient – Czech Center New York
July 26, 2018 – New York
A Prominent Patient is based on the true story of Czech diplomat and politician Jan Masaryk, the son of Czechoslovakia's founding father Toma?s? Garrigue Masaryk. Set just before World War II breaks out, Jan serves as Czechoslovak Ambassador in London. He desperately tries to save his homeland from Nazi occupation, appealing to his French and British allies. Their betrayal is an ultimate slap in the face. Left without a nation, Jan flees to America, wanting to forget the world in a psychiatric ward. cependant,
Roast Battle NYC – New York Comedy Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
Roast Battle NYC The bi-coastal phenomenon just keeps rolling. Like Thunderdome of insult comedy, two comedians enter, one leaves hilariously humiliated. What is Roast Battle? Check out what people are saying in Vulture, The Interrobang and Comedy Groupie The Battles: Main Event: Your Host: Judges: Stand up from:
Jaws…Entirely from Memory – Videology Bar & Cinema
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Ten Bones Theatre Company is excited to bring the Entirely from Memory series back to Videology with Jaws…Entirely from Memory! The team of eight Entirely from Memory performers will attempt to save Amity Island using only what they can remember after watching the film one time. The rules remain the same: 1.) The show is cast blindly and in front of the audience 2.) Actors must incorporate lines written by the audience 3.) Actors must incorporate any sound effect played by the tech booth 4.) One audience member is given a horn they may honk three times. Once honked, the performers must create a scene that makes perfect sense given where they are in the story but makes no sense being in the story of Jaws. Love the movie? We got you covered. Never seen it? We got you covered. You think you saw it once and you kind of remember it? You're probably in the show. Performers: Ben Furnas, Tom Costello, Willy Appelman, Pete McElligott, Scott Thomas, Andy Schneeflock, Molly Gaebe, Ryan Chittaphong, and Claire Gresham.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Dr. Bradley's Fabulous Functional Narcissism – Don't Tell Mama
July 26, 2018 – New York
Dr. Bradley Jones tells his madcap, thought-provoking and poignant story of how an eager-to-please theatre queen survived a decade in a Broadway hit, and overcame envy, grandiosity, and even murder to become a respected psychoanalytic clinician… who still knows how to tap and sing!
The Fourth Regional Plan Opening – Center for Architecture
July 26, 2018 – Manhattan
Based on response, please note that, depending on attendance and venue capacity, an RSVP to the opening does not guarantee entry. Join us for the opening of The Fourth Regional Plan. In 2017, the Regional Plan Association published the Fourth Regional Plan, a long-range strategic plan for the New York Metropolitan Area. Like RPA's three previous plans, released in the 1920s, 1960s, and 1990s, the fourth plan was created to help elected officials, policymakers, and advocates plan for the region's future.
Dan Manjovi – Bryant Park
Through July 26, 2018 – New York
Piano in the park.
Cellino v. Barnes – Union Hall
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
A comedic play based on the true life breakup of famous injury attorneys Cellino and Barnes. Written and directed by Michael Breen and David Rafailede
The Felice Brothers – The Capitol Theatre
July 26, 2018 – Port Chester
The Felice Brothers' album, Life in the Dark, out on Yep Roc, is classic American music. At once plainspoken and deeply literate, the band's latest features nine new songs that capture the hopes and fears, the yearning and resignation, of a rootless, restless nation at a time of change. Life in the Dark also coincides with The Felice Brothers' 10th anniversary as a band. Hailed by the AV Club for a sound at once "timeless, yet tossed-off," they've released plenty of music over the past decade, often on their own without a record label, but the new album is the fullest realization yet of the band's DIY tendencies. Self-produced by the musicians and engineered by James Felice (who also contributed accordion, keyboards and vocals), the Felice Brothers made Life in the Dark themselves in a garage on a farm in upstate New York, observed only by audience of poultry. "The recording is definitely rough around the edges and cheap," James Felice says, laughing. "It was liberating and really cool to do. It allowed us to untether ourselves from anything and just make music." Because of makeshift studio set-up, the music they made was necessarily stripped down, emphasizing acoustic instruments and spacious arrangements on songs that showcase the sound of a band playing together live, with echoes in the music of Woody Guthrie, Townes Van Zandt, John Prine and rural blues. "We tried to make it as simple and folk-based as possible, because we were working with limited resources," singer and guitarist Ian Felice says. "We wanted to take all the frills out and make it just meat and potatoes." Still, there are hints of seasoning: among the folk and blues touchstones, the band took a certain inspiration from Neil Young and the Meat Puppets, too. Ian Felice says he was trying to channel the spirit of Meat Puppets II on opener "Aerosol Ball" — "They played kind of weird, freaky folk music, so there's a connection there," he says — while James Felice says listening to Neil Young's Tonight's the Night was like getting permission to make Life in the Dark.
Grace Kelly – Le Poisson Rouge
July 26, 2018 – West Village
After her recent Joy Party Tour visiting some of the United States' sunniest locales in celebration of the launch of new record GO TiME: Brooklyn, young saxophonist-singer-songwriter phenom Grace Kelly is ready to kick it up a notch with the second installment of the innovative combination video/audio album, [GO TiME: Brooklyn 2]. The official album release show will premiere at the musician-founded multimedia art venue (Le) Poisson Rouge in New York City on July 26, 2018, with special guest Elliott Skinner of Thirdstory.
Runnin' on Empty with Yotam Tubul & Lisa Franklin – Le Poisson Rouge
July 26, 2018 – West Village
Runnin' on Empty is a monthly stand-up show with nothing to lose! The show features a mix of pros and up-and-comers, from people who last performed on Conan to people who last performed to three tumbleweeds. To be fair, those tumbleweeds hadn't laughed that hard in years. Join us at the show critics are calling "Best comedy in the city, I am so proud" (Lisa's Mom) and "My baby is going to Hollywood!" (Yotam's Mom). Hosts/soul-siblings Yotam Tubul and Lisa Franklin first met in a college stand-up group, where Yotam told Lisa "I think your joke is more cute than funny," and she replied "You're probably right." Since then, they've been thick as thieves.
Sexmob Summer – Le Poisson Rouge
July 26, 2018 – West Village
Sexmob (Steven Bernstein – slide trumpet, Briggan Krauss – saxophones, Tony Scherr – bass, Kenny Wollesen – drums) continues to deconstruct familiar pop tunes with subversive impunity. Everything from Prince's "Sign O' the Times" to John Barry's "Goldfinger", the Grateful Dead's "Ripple", Nirvana's "About a Girl", the Rolling Stones' "Ruby Tuesday", Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth", Paul McCartney's "Live and Let Die" and ABBA's "Fernando" is fair game for this band of musical renegades. And Bernstein is explicit about Sexmob not being a cover band. "Covers to me means you play it exactly like the record," he explains. "I just take songs that I feel have a great melody and do them in my style. So I'll pick a tune and tell the guys, 'Let's Sexmob this!' And I realize that's what jazz musicians have always done. That's how Lester Young and Charlie Parker and Miles Davis got popular. They played the songs that everyone knew. And because they could recognize the song then that invited them into their style."
Truth Thursdays – Cielo
July 26, 2018 – New York
Rising Signs – Pine Box Rock Shop
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Comedy team, Best Hair, brings together NYC's hottest indie improv teams for a free night of fun. Join us every fourth Thursday of the month!
Summer Thursdays: Combo Chimbita – The Museum of Modern Art
July 26, 2018 – New York
Rooted in Colombia and based in New York, Combo Chimbita lives in the future. After playing together for years, these first-generation New Yorkers—powerhouse vocalist Carolina Oliveros, synth player and bassist Prince of Queens, guitarist Nin?o Lento, and drummer Dilemastronauta—began experimenting with di erent traditional musical styles during their late-night residencies at Barbe?s in Brooklyn. Exploring the connections between visual identity and improvisational long-form trips, Combo Chimbita came together as a four-piece band after Oliveros stepped forward to tighten the rhythm with her guacharaca, the traditional Colombian percussion instrument. Although the band members' backgrounds are in heavy rock, metal, and psychedelic funk and soul, they gleefully fuse elements from cumbia, 1970s funana? from Cape Verde, and kompa from Haiti, as well as salsa, reggae, and futuristic-yet-retro synth sounds.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Days of Wild – The Red Lion
July 26, 2018 – New York
'Tuesday Afternoon' band Concert – Rock Hall Museum
July 26, 2018 – Lawrence
There will be "Nights in White Satin" as Tuesday Afternoon- a Moody Blues Tribute band performs memorable music.
Blues in the Night – 92nd Street Y
July 26, 2018 – New York
Experience the force of the blues with legendary songstress Melba Joyce and tenor sax master Houston Person, alongside organist Mike LeDonne, trumpeter Eddie Allen, guitarist Rodney Jones and more.
Michael Weiss Trio – Jules Bistro
July 26, 2018 – New York
Veteran New York pianist Michael Weiss has worked with the greatest names in jazz: Johnny Griffin, Art Farmer, Frank Wess, Jimmy Heath, Lou Donaldson, George Coleman, and the list goes on. The New York Times calls Weiss "a confident and sparkling presence" exhibiting "sensitivity and logic, along with crisp control." Born in Dallas, Michael began piano studies at age six. Beyond his classical training, Weiss developed a quick ear picking out pop songs on the keyboard. At fifteen, he discovered the world of jazz at the Interlochen academy in Michigan. There Weiss studied arranging and subsequently penned several big band scores while in high school. He continued his studies at Indiana University while gaining invaluable bandstand experience with Indianapolis jazz veterans, Al Kiger and Pookie Johnson. After earning a bachelors degree, Weiss moved to New York and soon landed his first "name" gig with Jon Hendricks.
Open Mic Featuring Guest Host & the Sugar Bar All Star Band – Ashford & Simpson's Sugar Bar
July 26, 2018 – New York
Presenting a fresh alternative to the mundane, Ashford & Simpson's Sugar Bar is an intimate, full-service restaurant, showcasing local and international talent. Performances run from R&B/soul to jazz to Caribbean to traditional African rhythms.
Ladies' Night – Color Me Mine
Through July 26, 2018 – West Nyack
Come enjoy a creative and fun night out.
BookSparks presents Carola Lovering, Susie Orman Schnall w/ Jamie Blynn – Books Are Magic
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Books Are Magic is teaming up with BookSparks for a must-read summer reading event! Check out their website for more info on their Summer Reading Challenge. Jamie Blynn, entertainment editor at US Weekly, will be moderating a discussion between Carola Lovering and Susie Orman Schnall. Carola Lovering is the author of Tell Me Lies, out from Simon & Schuster (Atria Books) on June 12, 2018. Her work has appeared in W Magazine, National Geographic, Outside, and Yoga Journal, among other publications. Tell Me Lies is her first novel. She currently lives in Brooklyn, where she also teaches yoga. Susie Orman Schnall grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Her writing has appeared in publications including The New York Times, The Huffington Post, POPSUGAR, Writer's Digest, and Glamour. She is also the author of the award-winning novels On Grace and The Balance Project. Susie has spoken extensively on work-life balance and is the founder of The Balance Project interview series. She lives in Purchase, NY, with her husband and their three sons.
Marina Franklin Headlines – The Fat Black Pussycat
July 26, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Marina Franklin from the movie "Trainwreck", "Louie", "The Nightly Show", "The Jim Gaffigan Show".
Hot Hand Trio – Bar Chord
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Brass band playing funk, soul, new orleans, hip hop, and jazz
MC: William Stephenson from 'Louie' and 'The Chris Rock Show'. – Comedy Cellar
July 26, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: William Stephenson from "Louie" and "The Chris Rock Show". Phil Hanley from Comedy Central Special, The Late Show with Seth Meyers, The Pete Holmes Show on TBS, John Oliver's New York Stand Up Show. Emma Willmann from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, MTV, VH1, host of The Check Spot on SiriusXM. Michael Somerville, 4 Letterman appearances, Siriusxm Album of the Year, "How to (Blank) a Man" Web Series, the host of "Wingman" on FLN. Keith Robinson from HBO's "Crashing", from the movie "Trainwreck", Hour Comedy Special on Comedy Central, from Conan O'Brien Show, TBS's "Are We There Yet", Wanda Sykes Show, Comedy Central's "Tough Crowd", HBO. Ryan Hamilton from Hour Special on Netflix, from the "Late Show with Stephen Colbert", "Conan O'Brien Show", "Last Comic Standing".
MC: Jon Laster, The Winner of Stand Up NBC – The Village Underground
July 26, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Jon Laster, the Winner of Stand Up NBC. Gregg Rogell from the "Louie" Ck Show, "The Aristocrats", "The Conan O'Brien Show", Comedy Central's "Tough Crowd" and "The Tonight Show". Rick Crom from Star of "Oh Rick!" Documentary, from HBO's "Divorce", Inside Amy Schumer, the movie "The Post". Des Bishop from HBO "A Comic's Climb", The Today Show, "Des Bishop Work Experience" RTE (Ireland) Best of Edinburgh Fringe BBC (UK). Noah Gardenswartz from Comedy Central half-hour special, Conan, writer on Amazon Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Emma Willmann from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, MTV, Vh1, host of The Check Spot on SiriusXM. Greer Barnes from HBO's "Crashing", the "Dave Chappelle Show", "Tough Crowd", "For Love Of The Game", and "The David Letterman Show".
Adam Kolker Quintet – Smalls Jazz Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
Adam Kolker (saxophones, clarinets, flutes) is a multi-talented performer, composer and arranger.He performed and recorded with latin-jazz artist Ray Barretto from 1994 through 2002 (with whom he received two Grammy nominations). He just returned from a two-week tour of Italy with a quartet he co-leads with John Abercrombie. He also has appeared and/or appears regularly in New York City with such groups as the Village Vanguard Orchestra, the Maria Schneider Big Band, Bruce Barth, Freddie Hubbard and the Jazz Composers Octet, Judi Silvano, the Gil Evans Orchestra, Bobby Prevites Horse, Dominique Eade, the Jazz Composer's Collective, Mario Pavonne, David Berkman, Kenny Wheelers Large Ensemble, Lucia Pulido, Michael Weiss, Alan Ferber's Nonet and many others.
MC: Jon Fisch from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert – Comedy Cellar
July 26, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Jon Fisch from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, "The David Letterman Show", "The Apprentice" on NBC, "Last Comic Standing", and Comedy Central's "Premium Blend". Nathan Macintosh from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Conan on TBS, Just for Laughs Comedy Festival Montreal. Ted Alexandro from "The Late Show with David Letterman", Comedy Central "Half Hour" Special, and "Late Night with Conan O'Brien". Marina Franklin from the movie "Trainwreck", "Louie", "The Nightly Show", "The Jim Gaffigan Show". Des Bishop from HBO "A Comic's Climb", The Today Show, "Des Bishop Work Experience" RTE (Ireland) Best of Edinburgh Fringe BBC (UK). Rory Albanese from Emmy Winning Writer/Executive Producer – Daily Show, Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, Half Hour Special on Comedy Central.
Thursday Volunteer Corps – Prospect Park Alliance
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Volunteer with Prospect Park Alliance's Thursday Volunteer Corps! This dedicated team of volunteers perform a variety of different projects throughout the Park. The group meets at a different location every week helping in a variety of landscape and horticultural projects. Regardless of physical ability, there's something for everyone to do. Register online or call (718) 287-3400 for more information.
Tim Hegarty Band – Smalls Jazz Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
At age 14 Tim Hegarty was asked to sit in with jazz legends Art Farmer, Clark Terry, and Jon Faddis which changed his life forever. Frank Foster became his saxophone teacher. After soloing with the Guggenhiem Concert Orchestra at Lincoln Center in 1984, Tim was given the opportunity to study clarinet with Ben Armato of the Metorpolitan Opera. He also began to study harmony and piano with Harold Danko and James Williams. It was 1985 when Tim got to meet the great Gil Evans and first got to play with the band. In 1986 Tim attended the University of Miami where he studied woodwinds, composition, and arranging. He returned to New York City in 1989 to attend the Manhattan School of Music and the New School. There, he was the recipient of the "Zoot Sims Award" which allowed him to perform several concerts in Spain with his quartet that included pianist Brad Mehldau. Tim received his MA from Queens College under the guidance of Jimmy Heath and Donald Byrd where he studied saxophone, composition, and arranging. It was at this time that Tim became a member of the Gil Evans Orchestra performing Monday nights at Sweet Basil and began regular gigs with the Mingus Big Band. He was fortunate enough during this period to tour the U.S. with several different groups and was asked to perform in Japan for the first time after doing a CD with guitarist Mike Stern and drummer Akira Tana. He also recorded CDs with Lonnie Plaxico and began performing regularly with Ben E. King, Tom "Bones" Malone, and Pete Levin. He recorded his first CD as a leader in 1992 that included musicians Gil Goldstein, Mark Egan and Kenwood Dennard. In 2011 Tim orchestrated and arranged several big band charts for Ben E. King which were performed on a live radio broadcast from the "Tokyo Jazz Festival".
MC: Ardie Fuqua from The 'Louie Ck Show' on FOX – The Village Underground
July 26, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Ardie Fuqua from the "Louie Ck Show" on FOX, HBO's "Bad Boys of Comedy", and Comedy Central's "Tough Crowd". Matt Ruby from SEESO/NBC the Comedy Show Show and MTV's Girl Code. Liz Miele from Hulu"S "Coming To The Stage". Gibran Saleen Daniel Simonsen from BBC "Russell Howard's Good News", Best Newcomer Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Mark Normand from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", Hour Special on Comedy Central, four appearances on The Conan O'Brien Show, @Midnight, TRU-Tv, Last Comic Standing. Dan Soder from Netflix, Showtime's "Billions" and the Bonfire on Sirius/Xm.
Jonathan Thomas -'After-hours' Jam Session – Smalls Jazz Club
July 26, 2018 – New York
Jonathan Thomas (Piano) // Henry Conerway III (Drums) // Barry Stephenson (Bass)
MC: Wil Sylvince, The Founder & Producer Of NBC's Short Cuts Festival – Comedy Cellar
July 26, 2018 – New York
MC for this show: Wil Sylvince, the founder & producer of NBC's Short Cuts Festival, Comedy Central's "Stand Up Revelation", Showtime's "The Big Black Comedy Show", Damon Wayens: The Underground, and writer on The Chappelle Show. Brian Scott Mcfadden from the David Letterman Show and Comedy Central. Mike Vecchione from The Tonight Show, "Last Comic Standing", and M Radio, "Howard Stern on Demand". Alingon Mitra from "Conan", the Late Show with Craig Ferguson, Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central's "Adam Devines's House Party. Joyelle Nicole Johnson Wyatt Cenac's "Night Train". Dave Attell from the movie "Trainwreck", Star of "Daves Old Porn" on Showtime, Comedy Central's "Insomniac with Dave Attell", The David Letterman, The Tonight Show, IFC's "Z Rock", "Tough Crowd". Jared Freid from Comedy Central.
Second night added! Bongripper playing Terminal in full plus more – Saint Vitus Bar
July 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Why Your Train is F*cked: A love/hate show about the history of the MTA – Caveat
July 26, 2018 – New York
You know when your train is f*cked – this is the show that tells you WHY. Get on board for a deep dive into the history of the MTA. Whether you love it, hate it, or want to compose more informed rage-tweets about it during your next 20 minute delay – we've got you covered. Your hosts Meg Pierson (TEDx, Alchemy Comedy) and Justin Williams (City College, SirusXM), along with a mysterious anonymous ghostwriter, will conduct our show through the twists and turns of history; revealing unbelievable stories, subway life-hacks, and truly upsetting details about our subway system.
Visual Delicacies: An Anthology of Short Films – Caveat
July 26, 2018 – New York
Visual Delicacies: An Anthology of Short Films is a screening hosted and created by comedian, filmmaker, and artist Lorelei Ramirez (VICE/ADULT SWIM). Visual Delicacies features short films from filmmakers working today across a variety of genres. Inspired by mediocre white centered anthology series' and inaccessible film festivals, Visual Delicacies highlights works from people of all genders, sexualities, races, and classes to create an equal playing ground for beautiful and thought provoking work. By gathering a group of visually decadent pieces for everyone to enjoy, Visual Delicacies creates an atmosphere for film appreciation and the comfort of knowing good things still exist. This night is meant to highlight some of the most exciting voices working in short form film today that might not yet be noticed or are well on their way and to give you, the viewer, a visual escape that'll inspire you thereafter.
Lobby Nights: Andy Beta – Ace Hotel
July 26, 2018 – New York
For over a decade, Andy Beta has written about music for the likes of the New York Times, Pitchfork, Wall St. Journal, MTV, Rolling Stone and more, covering everything from folk to disco and jazz to new age music. Tonight he spins some of the music he's written about, and some he hasn't. As DJs spin, the photobooth flashes and mixers mix, enjoy delicious selections from the Lobby Bar and high fives from our friendly staff. General RSVP is not required, but does get you on our A-List mailer for the latest in bookings and event info.
Backdoor Barbecue – The PIT Underground
July 26, 2018 – New York
Backdoor Barbecue serves up high-energy and tightly-structured original sketch shows. Featuring musical performances, character bits, monologue joke segments, and more, this SNL/Key & Peele-style mash-up provides a wide assortment of witty writing that is perfect for all comedic palettes. Like a page full of cat memes they are to the point and will have you laughing from start to finish. Backdoor Barbecue is a New York City based sketch comedy group that writes, performs, and produces original shows regularly at the Peoples Improv Theater including their recurring sketch show, their annual holiday charity show Chuckles for Children, and their late-night show – At The Moment with Mike Brian and Maureen Kuhl. They have been featured in New York City SketchFest, The PIT's Pilot Season, and NYC SketchBlock, and host a number of podcasts across the vast interweb. Since meeting in Peoples Improv Theater's sketch program, the fellas of Backdoor Barbecue have also studied long-form improvisation at the PIT and UCB, as well as satire and late-night writing at The Second City. Despite all of them being under 6', they are still reaching for the stars.
A Midsummer Night's Soirée – The Pierre
July 26, 2018 – New York
On Thursday July 26th, join Perrine at The Pierre Hotel and Château Miraval for a festive evening of food, music and endless Côtes de Provence Rosé. Discover Perrine's Rosé Terrace overlooking Central Park. Savor the sounds of lively musical acts. Indulge in a specially curated menu from The Pierre's Executive Chef Ashfer Biju and featuring signature sweets from our award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Michael Mignano. Enjoy colorful cocktails by Grey Goose and Evian water.
Freedom for One, Freedom for All? Abolition and Woman Suffrage, 1830s – 1920s – Museum of the City of New York
Through July 27, 2018 – Upper East Side
This two week summer institute will convene 30 teachers of middle and high school students in an exploration of the intertwined histories of the abolitionist and woman suffrage movements in the United States. NEH Summer Scholars will work with prominent scholars in the fields of U.S. history, African American studies, women and gender studies, and law, including Deborah Gray White, Manisha Sinha, Judith Wellman, Julie Gallagher, Martha Jones, Prithi Kanakamedala, and Wanda Hendricks to explore a rich array of primary sources and historical scholarship on view at both institutions. Over the course of the two-week institute, teachers will learn new narratives about these seminal movements in American history and the connections between them. In light of upcoming important anniversaries for both the abolition and suffrage movements, participants will also learn ways to connect past with present using the lenses of race, gender, and class to unpack inequities and injustices that continue to challenge our nation. Application deadline: March 1, 2018 Notification date: March 28, 2018 Stipend details: $2,100
Ready, Set, Survive Camp at Rye Nature Center – Rye Nature Center
Through July 27, 2018 – Rye
Learn survival strategies this summer. Mimic animal instincts and learn how to outsmart predators. Each group will tackle survival challenges by building natural shelters, using simple tools to create fire, and relaying messages through coded communication. Contact nicolepennucci@ryenaturecenter.org for more information.
Summer of Spielberg: HOOK – Southampton Arts Center
July 27, 2018 – Southampton
Steven Spielberg filters J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan through a distinctly 1990s sensibility in Hook. Peter Pan has become Peter Banning (Robin Williams), a 40-year-old mergers and acquisitions lawyer with a permanent scowl on his face and a cellular phone in his belt. Banning has lost any memory of being Peter Pan, and he is also in danger of losing his wife Moira (Caroline Goodall) and two children, Jack (Charlie Korsmo) and Maggie (Amber Scott). Peter and his family travel to London to visit Granny Wendy (Maggie Smith) who recalls Peter’s lost youth and asks him, “Peter, dear, don’t you know who you are?” With Peter’s children asleep in the same bedroom where the original Peter Pan story began, there is a blinding flash. Peter comes into the room to discover a note from Captain Hook (Dustin Hoffman), informing Peter that he has kidnapped his children. Granny Wendy now tells him who he really is and encourages him to re-discover his happy thoughts, transform himself into the Peter Pan of the past, and go rescue his children. With the encouragement of Tinkerbell (Julia Roberts), Peter recalls the birth of his son and once again takes wing. Then it’s off to Never Land to rescue his kids. FRIDAY NIGHT FILMS are offered FREE outdoors on our lawn – bring chairs, blankets and picnics! Please visit www.southamptonartscenter.org for more information.
Café Music at The Dolphin – The Dolphin Bookshop
Through July 27, 2018 – Port Washington
Café Music is a free weekly music series in The Dolphin Bookshop Café.
Performances take place every Friday night. While enjoying the music, grab a bite to eat, delicious coffee or tea and our tasty treats.
Go: Organic Chamber Orchestra and Brooklyn Raga Massive – Rubin Museum of Art
July 27, 2018 – New York
Future Music
The Buzz about Bees – Greenbelt Nature Center
July 27, 2018 – Staten Island
A local beekeeper and educator from Beezy Bees Honey will present a slideshow on various hives he maintains throughout Staten Island and New Jersey, show a demonstration hive and beekeeping equipment, and teach about different types of pollinators and how you can how you can attract them to your yard
The Magus – Rubin Museum of Art
July 27, 2018 – New York
Cabaret Cinema
Yu He – Agora Gallery
Through July 27, 2018 – New York
The Figure and Unknown Places Self taught painter Yu He's acrylic still lifes and landscapes capture everyday scenes with an expressive palette and painterly brushwork. Born in China and living in the United States, the artist's abstracted compositions offer a playful take on traditional subject matter. She tilts the perspective, eliminates detail, and blurs background and foreground in her works, creating a whimsical effect that challenges the connotations of still life painting. The artist's Still Life No. 579 and Still Life No. 577 depict a typical tablescape with loose, quick brushstrokes, the cool, blue palette lending a sense of calm to the images. Meanwhile, Still Life No. 498, Still Life No. 502, and Still Life No. 575 each image a combination of fruits, flowers, and tableware portrayed with thickly painted turquoise, auburn, and yellow strokes. Horizon lines and fine details are excluded from these works, allowing teacups, blooms, and vases to float in imaginative, richly pigmented environments. Finally, Seaside. Evening No. 372 captures a peachy pink and aqua sunset, the brilliant twilight sky mirrored in the calm waters.
Sinkane presents Honeyfingers – National Sawdust
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Honeyfingers, the Jonny Lam led band that's made waves for its brand of "country jazz and western swing," presents music drawn from Lam's myriad experiences, including as a Chinese-American.
Full Moon Drumming: Peru – Flushing Town Hall
July 27, 2018 – Flushing
Celebrate the Full Moon with a drum circle in Flushing Town Hall's garden with master drummers from Perú. Begin with a workshop led by percussionist Hector Morales who will demonstrate various Afro-Peruvian rhythms on cajon (box drum), cajita and quijade, then jam with the entire group under the full moon. All are welcome from beginner to professional, just bring your enthusiasm!
Book Discussion: Neil Patrick Harris's 'The Magic Misfits' – Maspeth Library
July 27, 2018 – Maspeth
When street magician Carter runs away, he never expects to find friends and magic in a sleepy New England town. But like any good trick, things change instantly as greedy B.B. Bosso and his crew of crooked carnies arrive to steal anything and everything they can get their sticky fingers on.
As You Will: Shakespearean Improv – The Cornelia Street Cafe
July 27, 2018 – New York
If there's one problem with the 884,647 words Shakespeare wrote, it's that they've all been performed already. What about The virtually infinite number of words he hasn't written…yet? The players of As You Will invite you to a show where we will bring to life all the plays and poetry the immortal bard would have written if he hadn't gone and died. Huzzah!"
Kyle Nasser Quintet – The Cornelia Street Cafe
July 27, 2018 – New York
Nasser brings some of NYCs finest improvisers to play the music they recently recorded for his sophomore album as a leader. "superlative musicianship as a performer, writer and a bandleader…ardent creativity and urbane artistic composure" – All About Jazz
Stone Temple Pilots / Bush & The Cult – Jones Beach Theater
July 27, 2018 – Wantagh
Three bands, Three titans of alternative rock that helped define the sound of alternative rock will come together soon for the first time in "Revolution 3" in a "tri-headlining" tour format, which unites the Cult, Stone Temple Pilots and Bush for a series of summer dates with a stop at Jones Beach on Friday, July 27 tix: http://STP.jonesbeach.com – each act will take turns in the top billing for what's being described as a "revolving headlining run" that makes room for full sets from all three artists. Members of Bush, the Cult and STP (including new singer Jeff Gutt) were all on hand for a Revolution 3 Tour launch party on April 3 in Los Angeles. "We are looking forward to seeing everybody in the summer. This is a great tour for rock fans," enthused Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale in a press release, with Stone Temple Pilots' Robert Deleo chiming in, "We are thrilled to join our friends this summer to celebrate our music with all of you." .. Cult leader Ian Astbury added, "We look forward to celebrating glorious summer nights of responsible (and irresponsible) hedonism with all of you."
#FOMO Party – Friends and Lovers
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Ft DJs Darling Chuck, Tap 10, & The Yellow R Kell + Special Guests
Beatles & Beyond (starring The Mahoney Brothers) – Suffolk Theater
July 27, 2018 – Riverhead
"If I didn't know any better, I would swear it was The Beatles." – Bob Eubanks, Beatles Promoter Hollywood Bowl Featuring The Mahoney Brothers – the LAST cast members of Beatlemania on Broadway, take a trip through the Beatles history from early Liverpool days to Let it Be – "The Beatles and Beyond" show, the latest production from the Mahoney Brothers, combines note-for-note renditions of famous songs recorded by The Beatles, both as a band and during their post-breakup solo careers. Through the use of period specific costumes and exact instrumentation, combined with modern staging and video production, the audience can IMAGINE "The Reunion Concert That Never Was!" Maybe I'm Amazed… yes, I AM
Models and Bottles Fridays … Free on the A.C. Pass Guest List – Show
July 27, 2018 – New York City
Models and Bottles Fridays Text keyword SHOWNYC to 83361 for Instant RSVP and chance to win a VIP Party (FREE Admission, Bottle & More!) SHOW. NYC Nightclubs. 135 West 41st Street. Times Square. 10 pm-???(Broadway and 6th Ave) A.C. Pass List invites you to "The Original" Models and Bottles Fridays at NYCs newest premier hotspot, Show NYC! This will be the biggest Friday Night party NYC has ever seen. Top DJs, aerialists, dancers, expert mixologists, bottle service served by our #Showgirls, a true VIP experience, a sexy crowd, all in a spectacular new venue. Ask about our specials, VIP packages and Group/ Birthday specials.. World reknown DJs play open format, house music, old skool, top 40, mash-ups and more. Everyone receives complimentary admission on the “A.C. Pass List” (ladies til 12am, Gents til 12am). Ask me about special birthday (& group) packages. Call me direct @ 917.653.0768 for Table Service and more details. 21+ID. To expedite entry, get on the "A.C. Pass Guest List" please e-mail me directly, crisac@mac.com. Doors and list opens at 10 pm & all list closes at 2 am. All admission is at the discretion of the doorman. Dress fashionable please. Dress code: Ladies please wear shoes(no sandals or flip flops), Guys dark sneakers OK with collar shirt or button up! (NO Hats, NO Hoodies, NO Baggy Attire) .. Special Thanks to www.QueensRealEstate.info. [[Upscale & Chic crowd]]Bottle Packages before 1 am w/ Advanced Reservations (TAX & TIP are Included!) $515 = 2 Bottles(Grey Goose, Ciroc or Black Label) & A Champagne $615 = 2 Bottles(Hennessey or Patron) & A Champagne $645 = 2 Bottles of Moet Rose $1150 = 2 Bottles(Grey Goose or Ciroc), 3 MOET ROSE & Hookah $1250 = 2 Bottles(Hennessey or Patron), 3 MOET ROSE & Hookah Visit www.ACpass.com (for mobile devices) NOW for Info/ Direction/ ACPASS Card.
The Spice World Sing-Along! – The Bell House
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
What's got Girl Power, a bizarre plot barely held together by British celebrity cameos, and, for some reason, Meat Loaf? The Spice World Sing-Along! We're screening Ginger, Baby, Posh, Scary and Sporty's feature (and final) film debut with all the song lyrics on the screen so you can sing along with the movie. -Party with your fellow Spice World fans and interact with the movie "Rocky Horror Picture Show"-style with fun props, drinking games and shout outs during the film! -Come dressed as your favorite Spice Girl (or invent your own…Sneezy Spice anyone?) to win prizes in the Costume Contest! -Audition to be the 6th Spice Girl with the Wannabe Karaoke Competition! -Are you a super fan? Test your knowledge in the Trivia Challenge! -Stick around after the film for the Girl Power Sing-Along & Dance Party, featuring music videos from the Spice Girls and other iconic women of pop from the 80s til today, all subtitled so everyone can sing-along!
Wolf Spirit with Tom and Keele – The Creek and The Cave
July 27, 2018 – Queens
The Wolf Spirit Boys host this 90-minute monthly comedy variety show featuring stand up, live panel discussions, sketches, and a new video every month. Each show, Wolf Spirit is joined by a brand new lineup of the most exciting members of the New York City comedy community. Past guests include Jared Logan, Sean Patton, Mark Normand, and more. Wolf Spirit Live is a Time Out New York Critic's Pick and has been named one of the Best Free Comedy Shows In NYC. It received the Creek and the Cave's 2015 Best New Show Award and Wolf Spirit was featured in Wildcard's 10 Breakout Sketch Groups of 2015.
Glen Hansard – The Capitol Theatre
July 27, 2018 – Port Chester
Marking his third solo album, singer-song-writer Glen Hansard will release Between Two Shores on January 19, 2018 via Anti-. Following up 2015's GRAMMY nominated Didn't He Ramble, and his 2012 solo debut Rhythm and Repose, the ten-track collection was produced by Hansard himself for the first time. The culmination of more than six years of writing and recording, Between Two Shores came together in only a matter of weeks. This past March, Hansard booked himself time at Black Box Studios in France with the original idea of taking inventory of his songbook. Working again with former Frames bandmate and producer David Odlum, Hansard was in search of a direction for his next record. As he trove through his previous sessions, various ideas and home recordings, a sketch of an unplanned record began to take shape. The aptly titled "Setting Forth" became the catalyst for the direction Hansard hoped to achieve with Between Two Shores. Recorded with drummer extraordinaire Brian Blade and members of his Fellowship Band the song tackles themes of self-doubt in a time when it's impossible not to be riddled with uncertainty. The album's lead track "Time Will be the Healer" is a hopeful plea to a forlorn lover that also speaks to the way for-ward in the current social climate. Indeed, it would be impossible not to in some way address the politics of the day, which Hansard does in "Wheels on Fire" and its refrain of "We will overcome!" Listen to "Time Will Be The Healer" here.
Moonlight Tours – Green-Wood Historic Fund
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Join other fearless trekkers to explore Green-Wood's intriguing tombstones and unforgettable catacombs under the glow of the full moon. Historian Jeff Richman leads these immensely popular walking tours, which begin at sunset and are accompanied by the ethereal and atmospheric sounds of live accordion music. Buy your tickets soon; these tours always sell out.
Snake Oil – The Creek and The Cave
July 27, 2018 – Queens
Dan King & Ben Conrad are business men with big ideas for a bigger and better world. Every month they present a sure-fire, can't miss, get-in-on-the-ground-floor, knock your socks off idea that will not only make a lot of money, but will make lives better across the board. All you gotta do is listen, drink, and give us your money. They've also invited several of their friends from the start up world along to present their ideas and visions for a new and exciting life for all (please give them your money too). THE SHOW IS FREE BUT DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED AND BEGGED FOR SHAMELESSLY. ALSO THERE'S FREE BEER (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST). PLEASE GIVE US YOUR MONEY!
The Hearst Fellows Symposium – Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden
July 27, 2018 – New York
Come to our Symposium, as this year’s Hearst scholars present original research on America in the 1830s. Each summer, The Mount Vernon Hotel Museum hosts the Hearst Research Fellows —generously funded by the Hearst Foundation. This year’s Fellows are Oberlin University’s Max Ripps, who looks at 19th century popular culture, exploring the connections between westward expansion, and rapid urbanization with early 19th-century art, theater and literature. From Williams College, Isaiah Krugman, explores finance and banking in 19th-century New York City, specifically tracing the increased influx of goods into the city after the completion of the Erie Canal to the rise of financial institutions serving as “middle men” between merchants and consumers. Free with admission. Refreshments to follow.
Park Slope Conservatory Summer Camp – Park Slope Conservatory
Through July 27, 2018 – Park Slope
Here at the Conservatory we focus on combining fun and learning to teach craft and comuncation through the performing arts. Our summer camp is a 3 week intensive that includes a rotating schedule of 6 enriching classes and an exciting performance at the end of camp. All classes are taught by working artists with degrees from top conservatories and universities, who have performed on broadway, regionally, on tour, or in film. Classes: Acting, Film Actin, Improv, Voice Technique, Song Interp, Hip Hop, Ballet/Modern. Extended Camp: early drop off and late pick ups available for no additional cost.
TOTS Welcome In Shabbat! – Bay Ridge Jewish Center
July 27, 2018 – Bay Ridge
Families with 0-5 year olds, siblings and caregivers experience Shabbat with songs, stories, instruments and dancing. Journey through a Shabbat experience that will excite your children and develop Jewish Community. Tot Shabbat concludes with challah and grape juice and lots of smiles
Bad Angel & The Scofflaws, Plus Long Island Cares Food Drive – 89 North Music Venue
July 27, 2018 – Patchogue
Join us for great music and a great cause! Holidays need not be the only time that we should donate to the needy, it should be all year round. Bring a few cans and dry goods for Long Island Cares and our neighbors who could use some help. Bad Angel plays classic and contemporary hard rock, playing all the songs you didn't even know you wanted to hear. The Scofflaws performs a mix of ska, rocksteady, and R&B and are made up of Sammy Brooks on saxophone, John Soldo on drums, Brian Duggan on bass, Greg Bucking on guitar, and Jared Dubin on trombone.
Hal Willner's Amarcord Nino Rota – Damrosch Park Bandshell
July 27, 2018 – New York
Legendary music producer Hal Willner brings together an eclectic array of musicians for an imaginative musical tribute to Italian composer Nino Rota, known for his iconic scores to Federico Fellini's films including La Dolce Vita, 8½, and Juliet of the Spirits. The night opens with music from two other famous Rota scores—the first two Godfather movies—before digging into the Fellini music with a live performance of the seminal 1981 tribute album that launched Willner's storied career, Amarcord Nino Rota (I Remember Nino Rota)
Family Fridays: Jester Jim – The Common Ground
July 27, 2018 – Sayville
Welcome to the world of wildlife with a menagerie of the coolest animals!
A Free Astronomy Night with Jupiter Joe & the STEM Alliance of Larchmont-Mamaroneck – Harbor Island Park
July 27, 2018 – Mamaroneck
Learn about the planets and get an up-close look at Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, the moon, Mars, and the International Space Station.
A Night Hosted By HxnnyXO & HawkXO + Special Guests – Lot45 Bushwick
Through July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
A Night Hosted By XO featuring HawkXO & HxnnyXO & friends. Guests must be 21 years or older. Entry subject to doorman discretion.
Hudson Riverflicks – Family Fridays – Hudson River Park's Pier 40
July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
Come out and enjoy a movie on the great Chelsea Lawn Bowl. Bring your blanket and watch recenty blockbuster hits outdoors in your westside backyard!
Music in the Garden: Hot Jazz Jumpers – Planting Fields Arboretum
July 27, 2018 – Oyster Bay
Hot Jazz Jumpers perform 20s/30s, traditional jazz, music of New Orleans, blues, tin pan, ragtime, old timey, swing, world music and dance. They play an eclectic mix of traditional genres, Jazz, Blues, Gullah,Geechee, R & B and World Music. The Hot Jazz Jumpers have performed at such New York venues as Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, 55 Bar, and at venues around the world, including Japan, Spain, Brasil, Sweden, St. Kitts, Bermuda, Israel, Korea, Moscow, Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Academy City, Canada & across the U.S.
Full Moon Drumming: Peru – Flushing Town Hall
July 27, 2018 – Flushing
Celebrate the Full Moon with a drum circle in Flushing Town Hall’s garden with master drummers from Perú. Begin with a workshop led by percussionist Hector Morales who will demonstrate various Afro-Peruvian rhythms on cajon (box drum), cajita and quijade, then jam with the entire group under the full moon. All are welcome from beginner to professional, just bring your enthusiasm! “The Afro-Peruvian Ensemble” makes every performance an unforgettable live experience. It celebrates a unique heritage and gets everyone up on their feet and in love with this music! The ensemble’s repertoire includes uplifting festejos and zamacuecas, dazzling Peruvian waltzes and sensual landos, as well as the“contrapunto de cajones” (box drums solos) and “contrapunto de Zapateo” (tap dancing competition), classics of the Afro-Peruvian folklore rarely seen in the US. (Space is limited to 20 participants; Drums provided)
New York Jazz Academy Showcase Concert – Club Bonafide
July 27, 2018 – New York
New York Jazz Academy® concerts at Club Bonafide feature many of the talented musicians studying and performing with New York Jazz Academy®, the fastest-growing music school in New York City. Performers include jazz vocalists and instrumentalists directed by saxophonists Javier Arau, Michael Webster and David Engelhard, trombonist and vocalist Ron Wilkins, trumpeter Peck Allmond, guitarist Tom Dempsey, bassists Ron McClure and Matt Pavolka, drummer Pete Zimmer, and many others. Concerts will close with an open jam session, so bring your instrument! NYJA is the fastest-growing music school in New York City. Its innovative and comprehensive jazz curriculum has helped hundreds of students, including adults and kids. NYJA began in Manhattan with a simple and determined mission of providing ensemble performance and rehearsal opportunities to talented young musicians. Over the years, the school has seen unprecedented growth while developing into a new and successful model of jazz education and professional development for musicians of all ages and levels. Now NYJA helps train and develop a student body of all ages and levels, including seasoned performing artists using NYJA programs as a form of professional development, adult hobbyists of varied ability, supremely talented teens, and beginners of all ages. With locations thriving in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island, New York Jazz Academy® has become a beacon of inspiration and insight for musicians ready to take their jazz playing to the next level.
Imagine This Women's Film Festival Presents 'Ladies Rocking the Lens: NY Edition' – WeWork NoMad
July 27, 2018 – New York
Imagine This Women's Film Festival Presents 'Ladies Rocking the Lens: NY Edition' Ladies Rocking the Lens series will feature a collection of the best short films from Imagine This Women's International Film Festival's collection. Join us on July 27th at WeWork Nomad for a night of the best shorts screened from ITWIFF by our badass NY women filmmakers and have the opportunity to mingle with the filmmakers. Screenings followed by Q&A and networking. Light snacks and mocktails will be served. Screenings starts @ 6:50pm
Summerscapes Art Camp – Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Through July 27, 2018 – New York
Exclusively for kids ages 8–11, this five-day camp features discussions and activities that foster creativity and critical-thinking. Each session includes guided explorations of the museum's Frank Lloyd Wright building and special exhibitions, followed by hands-on, interactive workshops where campers create their own works of art. These individual and collaborative art-making projects encourage participants to experiment with various mediums and methods, including painting, sculpture, collage, and digital media. The week concludes with a mini-exhibition for kids to share their creations with family and friends. Participants must be ages 8–11. Limited to two weeks per child. Fee: $600 one week/$500 one week for members, $1100 two weeks/$900 two weeks for members. Includes art materials, snacks, a family pass, and photos documenting the program. For more information, please call 212 360 4254 or e-mail Carolyn Keogh at ckeogh@guggenheim.org.
Adam Strauss, Katie Hannigan, Luke Thayer & more – Tribeca Comedy Lounge
July 27, 2018 – New York
In addition to the listed comics, 3-4 more comics will also perform. Some you may have heard of from TV or Netflix specials, others may be new to you, but all are hilarious, seasoned professionals. Adam Strauss: Adam Strauss's work has been called many things, mostly adjectives. He won the New York Fringe Festival's Overall Excellence Award for Solo Performance and the Leffe Beer Craft Your Character storytelling competition. He's lost too many things to mention here. The New York Times said* he "mines a great deal of laughter" and Time Out New York called his solo show The Mushroom Cure "a true-life tour de force" and named it a Critics' Pick.
Mike Yung (Night One) – Mercury Lounge
July 27, 2018 – New York
Mike Yung is a 58-year-old singer from Brownsville, New York, a neighborhood in Brooklyn. As a teenager, he was discovered and signed as an artist to RCA and CBS and eventually landed at T-Electric, the same label as Etta James and Luther Vandross. Yung was gearing up to be a household name when the label suddenly went bankrupt; his debut album was never released. After being forced to find a way to make a living to support his family, he took his talent underground and began busking in the subway. For the past 37 years, Yung's voice has been reverberating throughout the walls of the NYC subway system. In 2016, Yung was put back in the public eye after a video of him singing his version of the Righteous Brothers classic "Unchained Melodies" in the NYC subway went viral, accumulating over 500 million total views. He has performed on the Late Late Show with James Corden and was a semifinalist on Season 12 of Americas Got Talent. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, he has begun working on his debut album, "Never Give Up", something he has been waiting his whole life for. The album's first single, "Alright," was released last month and is currently available on all music platforms. Mike has appeared on the Late Show with James Corden, Americas Got Talent (Semifinalist) and has been featured on notable news outlets such as Fader, Vibe, Billboard, and The Guardian among many others.
Rooftop Films | We The Animals – Old American Can Factory
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Us three. Us brothers. Us kings, inseparable. Based on the celebrated Justin Torres novel
Honeyfingers – National Sawdust
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
This show is the last of three in a series curated by jazz fusion artist Sinkane. Honeyfingers, the Jonny Lam led band that's made waves for its brand of "country jazz and western swing," presents music drawn from Lam's myriad experiences, including as a Chinese-American. The result is a Western imagination of Chinese music, resembling Lam's memories of his grandmother singing him traditional Chinese folk songs while being raised on a heavy dose of classic rock and jazz.
Cuentos y Canciones – Warner Library
Through July 27, 2018 – Tarrytown
You won’t want to miss this musical group’s first appearance at Warner. They are Parents’ Choice award winners, and incorporate fun, fresh, and smart lyrics in a style appealing to kids and adults alike. Join for an awesome afternoon of music for kids and their grown-ups.
Juláin is a Mermaid by Jessica Love – New York Historical Society
Through July 27, 2018 – Upper West Side
This week at Little New-Yorkers we will celebrate imagination and playing dress up by reading Julian is a Mermaid. Children will create a mermaid crown to wear home.
Corey Glover of Living Colour – YMCA Boulton Center For The Performing Arts
July 27, 2018 – Bay Shore
Even before forming the pioneering, Grammy winning, platinum selling rock band Living Colour, Corey's incredible talent as a personality and as an artist was brought to the attention of director Oliver Stone. The famed movie maker decided to cast Corey in his Vietnam epic, Platoon. Corey has also appeared in the films The Keeper, Reunion 81, and Loose Women. As a founding member of Living Colour, Corey helped prove that not only could black guys kick out the jams, but that they could be embraced by a vast expanse of fans. Living Colour earned numerous industry awards including back-to-back Grammys for Best Hard Rock Performance of 1989 ('Cult of Personality') and 1990 (Time's Up) and emerged as one of the most influential rock acts of all time: regularly selling out arenas and selling millions of albums.
Friday Night Poetry Slam – Nuyorican Poets Cafe
July 27, 2018 – New York
Come check out the Nuyorican's most popular weekly event! Watch professional poets perform and our Wednesday night Slam winners spit! Judges of our Friday Night Slams are 5 randomly chosen members of our audience (in other words, it could be you!). $13 General admission at the door (a line forms outside an hour before admittance, general admittance starts at 10pm). Tired of waiting on line? Buy VIP Tickets online and mingle with da poets! $25 VIP admission (online only). Arrive at the Main Entrance (and not in the line) by 9:30pm SHARP!
Art in the Garden: Ribbons of Color – Long Island Children's Museum
Through July 27, 2018 – Garden City
How can ribbons in the wind remind us of abstract art? Join us as we explore the work of Willem de Kooning, abstract expressionist and curious experimenter! We will discuss
movement and line while we paint and experiment with a new technique of art-making.
Happy Hour Karaoke with Mark Piro – Sid Gold's Request Room
July 27, 2018 – New York
Start your weekend with a song from Mark's extensive song list!
Farmer's Market Fridays Hosted by Down to Earth Markets – Queens Botanical Garden
July 27, 2018 – Flushing
Visit the Down to Earth Markets every Friday until November 16 to purchase fresh produce from the farmers market. The market is located corner of Dahlia Avenue and Main Street, Flushing.
Em's Damn Good Rogering – Pete's Candy Store
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Em's Damn Good Rogering is coming in hot and stinky with a comedy variety show that'll singe your nostril hairs clean off. Featuring the finest stand up, characters, bits, music, and bloody naked ritual you've eva feasted your good eyes upon.
Sid Gold's Request Room at Sound View – Sid Gold's Request Room
July 27, 2018 – New York
Sound View + Sid Gold's Request Room are teaming up to bring New York City's best piano bar karaoke to the North Fork. Hosted by a rockin' Sid Gold's piano player in Sound View's Piano Bar, guests are encouraged to gather around the piano, take the mic, and the lead the crowd in a sing-a-long of their favorite pop, rock, soul and punk tunes. Sound View guests and locals are invited to the party which occurs on select Friday nights beginning in April and continuing through the summer.
The Flyers – Pete's Candy Store
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
The Flyers are a Rock & Roll band with Country Blues flavor. Two guitars, bass, and drums. Grab a beer, get up, and groove. They will be touring and recording this Summer
The James Hunter Six – Daryl's House Club
July 27, 2018 – Pawling
The U.K.'s greatest soul singer whose "songs sound like instant classics and his tight band is sensational."
Networking Luncheon – Group II – Penn Club of New York
July 27, 2018 – New York
If you are interested in sourcing new clients, new deals, new customer or new business partners, the business networking leads lunch group is for you. This ongoing group meets the second Friday of the month over the buffet lunch at the Club. Members of this group are based in Manhattan, are non-competitive with one another within the group, and are expected to attend regularly to hold their exclusive spot. All attendees must be pre-approved to participate; no walk-ins.
Story & Craft – The Field Library
Through July 27, 2018 – Peekskill
Join for storytime followed by a special craft.
Piano Karaoke with Julian Velard – Sid Gold's Request Room
July 27, 2018 – New York
With a style The Sunday Times calls "catchy but complicated; a surprisingly rare combination," Julian Velard is piano-pop tunesmith recalling Stephen Sondheim or Randy Newman at the peak of their talents. With 4 albums of original material under his belt, he's toured internationally alongside the likes of Jamie Cullum, Paul Carrack, and Amy Macdonald. His quirky, native New York, piano-man sound has found its largest audience in Holland, where he headlined Amsterdam's legendary venue, Paradiso. His comedic timing and musical stylings have made him a regular on The Howard Stern Show and NPR's Ask Me Another.
Poetry Walk – The New York Botanical Garden
July 27, 2018 – Bronx
An ongoing poetry walk showcases the work of acclaimed poet W.S. Merwin, organized in partnership with the Poetry Society of America. Merwin, a former U.S. Poet Laureate who has resided in Hawai'i since the 1970s, uses his interest in deep ecology to explore the relationship between nature and humans.
1,001 Nights: Middle Eastern Fantasy – Zavo
July 27, 2018 – New York
Dinner pairing with a show: featuring fairy tales with magic, gorgeous belly dancers, snake charmers, live singing with traditional drums, and much more.
TGIF – Empire City Casino
July 27, 2018 – Yonkers
EARN 5 GET 5 BEFORE 5! Empire Club Members earn 5 Empire Points playing slot machines to receive $5 Free Play. Free Play must be redeemed by 5pm on Fridays. Excludes electronic table games.
Luis Perdomo & Rufus Reid – Mezzrow Jazz Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
Luis Perdomo is a pianist of startling power and clarity. A modernist in his thinking with a groove and wonderful feeling. Join him and his invited guest Rufus Reid on bass for a weekend in our listening room.
Jon Davis – 'After-Hours' – Mezzrow Jazz Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
Join pianist John Davis for our after-hours.
Cole Lumpkin EP Release Party – Drom
July 27, 2018 – New York
Ever since he was old enough to walk, Cole Lumpkin has been impassioned by, fascinated with, and intimately connected with music. Drawing from a diverse array, of influences, from the avant-garde rock of Frank Zappa to the blue-eyed pop-soul of John Mayer, his affection for the art of organized sound has become his creed: to compose music and play it for the pleasure of the masses. His compositions are vibrant, a fusion of tasteful form, lyric and improvisation he has coined "Prog Pop". Live, he performs on multiple instruments with an impressive array of professional musicians, nailing tight arrangements of his work, taking musical risks during solos, and keeping the energy bar high. Cole Lumpkin recently singed a management deal with SVN23. His debut single Insatiable (feat. Will Ross), followed by Furious & How , sets the tone for his debut EP scheduled for release late 2018. "It seems like the term multi-talented was invented for this composer, singer and songwriter from New York… a furiously fast and exceedingly infectious auditory marvel" – Roger Jansen, Music Critic
The Figure and Unknown Places – Agora Gallery
Through July 27, 2018 – NYC
Agora Gallery is pleased to announce The Figure and Unknown Places, an exhibition of twenty-six international artists working at the intersection of portraiture and landscape. The diverse selection of artists includes Angela Blattner, Gunter Langer, Ketan Kelkar, Mireille Pizzo, Marco Henrie, Ilaria Castagnacci, Hugo Ximello-Salido, Ashraf Elsharif, Mileidy Plata, Jutta Ebeling-Dehnhard, J.H. Rebelato, Germán Valles Fernández, Taikyu Lim, Susan Marx, Christine Stettner, Yu He, Pino Lavecchia, Gonzalo Urrea Correa, Monica Adams, Andreas Meer, Marliese Scheller, Fiorenza D'Orazi, Francis Annan Affotey, Boguslawa Czarnecka, Richard Tomlin, and Linda Rosen The works featured in The Figure and Unknown Places offer new insights on traditions of portraiture and landscape painting, each artist depicting the world through a subjective and highly personal lens. The paintings and photographs on view employ abstraction, realism, and illustration to convey perspectives on the human condition and the world we inhabit. The complexity of the relationship between man and nature is also explored in works that image the engrained connections between human and animal. Providing insight on the binary of nature and culture, the artists in The Figure and Unknown Places dismantle presumed categories and imagine new worlds. The Figure and Unknown Places opens July 7th with an opening reception Thursday, July 12th 6-8 PM and will remain on view until July 27th, 2018. Exhibition Dates: July 7 – July 27, 2018 Reception: Thursday July 12, 2018 6-8 PM Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat 11:00am – 6:00pm Gallery Location: 530 West 25th Street, New York, NY Event URL: https://www.agora-gallery.com/ExhibitionAnnouncement/Figure_7_7_2018.aspx Featured Artists: Monica Adams | Francis Annan Affotey | Yu He | Angela Blattner | Ilaria Castagnacci | Boguslawa Czarnecka | Fiorenza D'Orazi | Jutta Ebeling-Dehnhard | Ashraf Elsharif | Marco Henrie | Ketan Kelkar | Gunter Langer | Pino Lavecchia | Taikyu Lim | Susan Marx | Andreas Meer | Mireille Pizzo | Mileidy Plata | J.H. Rebelato | Linda Rosen | Marliese Scheller | Christine Stettner | Richard Tomlin | Gonzalo Urrea Correa | Germán Valles Fernández | Hugo Ximello-Salido About Agora Gallery Agora Gallery is a contemporary fine art gallery located in the heart of Chelsea’s fine art district in New York. Established in 1984, Agora Gallery specializes in connecting art dealers and collectors with national and international artists. The art gallery’s expert consultants are available to assist corporate and private clients in procuring original artwork to meet their organization’s specific needs and budget requirements. With a strong online presence and popular online gallery, ARTmine, coupled with the spacious and elegant physical gallery space, the work of our talented artists, who work in diverse media and styles, can receive the attention it deserves. Over the years Agora Gallery has sponsored and catered to special events aimed at fostering social awareness and promoting the use of art to help those in need. Image: Ketan Kelkar, Goal of Life, Oil on Canvas, 30' x 36'
Hot Rabbit LGBTQ Dance Party – Drom
July 27, 2018 – New York
HOT RABBIT is a queer dance party started in 2011 that features LGBTQ performers and DJs from NYC and around the world. Winner of many NYC Nightlife awards, Hot Rabbit has been named "Best in Gay Nightlife" by the New York Times, Gothamist, HuffPo, NY Magazine, TimeOut, NBC Out, and more! With new DJs and performers at every event, and a variety of high-energy, positive, dance, music and performance styles, you'll never find the same lineup twice! Working to make sure everyone can walk in and feel like they belong, Hot Rabbit represents all parts of the LGBTQ community. Hot Rabbit Fridays will take place two Fridays a month at DROM!
Elements Fitness Studio Presents Sarah Wragge – Elements Fitness Studio
July 27, 2018 – East Hampton
Elements Fitness Studio Presents Sarah Wragge Holistic Nutritionist & Wellness Expert Q&A and Pre/Post Workout Fuel Visit SarahWragge.com Friday, July 27, 2018, 10:30 AM RSVP: Wellness@ElementsFitnessStudio.com Elements Fitness Studio 68 Newtown Lane, Suite 6, East Hampton, NY 11937 www.elementsfitnessstudio.com
Kidville Upper West Side Drop-Off Pajama Party – Kidville Upper West Side
July 27, 2018 – Upper West Side
Join for three-hour drop off pajama party at Kidville Upper West Side, Includes free play, dinner, arts and crafts, story time, dance time, movie time, The SMART Playbook leadership building curriculum, and more.
Carlos Dias sings Frank Sinatra and Tom Jobim – Iridium
July 27, 2018 – New York
The Brazilian-born, Manhattan-based singer, actor, and model Carlos Dias has led a remarkably eclectic international career. He has appeared in many of Brazil's highest- rated novelas (soap operas) and musical productions imported from Broadway; sung pop-jazz at top New York venues; worked as an acrobatic dancer; and recorded several CDs of dance music and American standards. Born in Sa?o Paulo, Carlos graduated in 1998 from Teatro Escola (Theater School) Macunai?ma, a center for artistic experimentation and freedom of expression. In his hometown he attended Escola Wolf Maya, another respected acting school; studied film acting at Studio Fa?tima Toledo; and joined the theater company Teatro Amador Produc?o?es Arti?sticas (TAPA). He also studied American and flamenco tap- dancing and capoeira. All the while he maintained a thriving career as a model, which made him a familiar face throughout Brazil and Australia. But music is his greatest joy. Inspired by his grandfather, Clemente Capella— first violinist in the orchestra of Sa?o Paulo's Teatro Municipal for 45 years—Carlos devoted much of his time to the study of piano and voice. He went on to costar as a singing actor in the Brazilian versions of Grease, Beauty and the Beast, and Chicago. For almost six years he sang backup for Brazil's popular dance-music countertenor Edson Cordeiro. Carlos released several dance-music CDs of his own, including Recall (featuring his band of the same name) and This Is the Time (produced by dance/ electronic artist Franco Junior).
Elements Fitness Studio Presents Sarah Wragge – Elements Fitness Studio
July 27, 2018 – East Hampton
Elements Fitness Studio Presents Sarah Wragge Holistic Nutritionist & Wellness Expert Q&A and Pre/Post Workout Fuel Visit SarahWragge.com Friday, July 27, 2018, 10:30 AM RSVP: Wellness@ElementsFitnessStudio.com Elements Fitness Studio 68 Newtown Lane, Suite 6, East Hampton, NY 11937 www.elementsfitnessstudio.com
Full Moon Howl – Flat Rock Brook Nature Center
July 27, 2018 – Englewood
What can you see by the light of the full moon? How can other animals see in the dark and we need flashlights? Come on this nighttime hike under the full moon and see what special things we can find! Hike is 2-3 miles long. For children 10 and older and adults. Bring a flashlight.
Music in the Park – Lasdon Park
Through July 27, 2018 – Katonah
Come enjoy beautiful music on the lawn. Food and beverages for sale.
Drop In Sessions with the Teen Apprentice Program – New Museum
July 27, 2018 – New York
Teens participating in the New Museum Teen Apprentice Program (TAP) will facilitate an art-making project for visitors and guide their use of the Black School's The Black School Process Cards, a deck of cards offering artist-activist tactics that users can apply to meet community needs. Gathering in the Fifth Floor Gallery at 3 p.m. on Fridays from July 13–August 17, these drop-in workshops will be first-come, first-served. Between July 13 and August 17, students in the program will be also available Tuesday through Friday to assist museum visitors in exploring the past and future of black critical pedagogies in the exhibition "The Black School X Kameelah Janan Rasheed."
Hip To Hip Theatre Presents Shakespeare In The Park: 'All's Well That Ends Well' – Monument Steps at Fort Greene Park
July 27, 2018 – Fort Greene
Having restored the King's health with a miraculous potion, Helena requests Count Bertram's hand in marriage in return. But when the arrogant Bertram refuses to marry beneath his class and flees from both King and bride to the nearest war, Shakespeare's courageous heroine must stop at nothing to bring him home. Meanwhile, Bertram's friends hilariously unmask the swashbuckling braggart Parolles.
All performances are free to the public and will feature an interactive kids workshop 30 minutes before showtime. Kids and the Classics is designed for ages 4 to 12 and gives children a chance to interact with the text by previewing the characters, situations, and creating links between the text and their own lives through theatre games and reading of text.
#P96SummerExperience18 – AP Cafe
Through July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
A week-long experience that offers knowledge and inspiration from different creators & innovators, while bringing a community of curious souls together to network & exchange ideas with each other. You're invited to take part in this week-long experience centered around the idea that #TheWorldIsYours and you can fulfill your projects in life.
Adam Klipple's Organ Soul Explosion! – 55 Bar
July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
Stephany Mora…Voice Lily White…Saxophone & Voice Adam Klipple…Organ Matt Chertkoff…Guitar Conrad Korsch…Bass Joel Rosenblatt…Drums
American Comedy Institute Show – Gotham Comedy Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
8 & over A show featuring the best up and coming new comedians.
The Macallan Brings Scotland Distillery to Life at Grand Central Station – Grand Central Station – Vanderbilt Hall
Through July 27, 2018 – New York
From Wednesday, July 25th to Friday, July 27th (which also happens to be National Scotch Day), The Macallan will bring its groundbreaking new Distillery and Visitor Experience to life with a never-seen-before, immersive experience that will transport participants to Speyside Scotland, right from Grand Central’s Vanderbilt Hall. As part of the experience, guests will enjoy samples of The Macallan with bites of Scottish fare.
Movies In The Park: 'Coco' – Flushing Meadows Corona Park
July 27, 2018 – Flushing
In Disney/Pixar’s vibrant tale of family, fun and adventure, aspiring young musician named Miguel (voice of newcomer Anthony Gonzalez) embarks on an extraordinary journey to the magical land of his ancestors. There, the charming trickster Hector (voice of Gael Garcia Bernal) becomes an unexpected friend who helps Miguel uncover the mysteries behind his family’s stories and traditions.
Designprep Summer Intensive | Architecture Design (7/23-7/27) – Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
July 27, 2018 – New York
Learn the basic principles of architecture with guest designers from local firms and tackle real-world city planning challenges facing New York City. Throughout the week, teens will have an opportunity to develop, prototype and present their ideas to practicing architects. This FREE 5-session summer workshop will begin on Monday, July 23 and end on Friday, July 27. Sessions run from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each afternoon. Students are required to attend all 5 sessions: Monday, July 23 through Friday, July 27 from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm daily. Registration is open to rising 9th graders and current high school students in New York City. SESSION DATES Monday, July 23, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Tuesday, July 24, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Wednesday, July 25, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Thursday, July 26, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Friday, July 27, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Students are required to bring a completed parental consent form on the first day (7/23).
45th Anniversary of Watkins Glen Summer Jam featuring the music of The Grateful Dead, The Allman Brothers Band and The Band – The Cutting Room
July 27, 2018 – New York
45th Anniversary of Watkins Glen Summer Jam featuring the music of The Grateful Dead, The Allman Brothers Band and The Band featuring Half Step, The Allmost Brothers Band and Quarter Horses The Summer Jam at Watkins Glen was a 1973 rock festival which once received the Guinness Book of World Records entry for "Largest audience at a pop festival". An estimated 600,000 people traveled by car, van or hitchhiked to what was then called Watkins Glen Grand Prix Raceway to see The Band, Allman Brothers Band and the Grateful Dead perform.
Equestrian Camp 5 – Houghton College
Through July 27, 2018 – Houghton
A World of Plants – The New York Botanical Garden
July 27, 2018 – Bronx
A showcase of the Garden's living collections featuring lush tropical rain forests, cactus-filled deserts, curated displays of palms from around the world, aquatic and carnivorous plants, and much more.
DJ Steve Sidewalk Party – The West End Lounge
Through July 27, 2018 – New York
First Annual Presents the Casey Crew & Friends Love Podcast W/ Dj Envy & Gia Casey – Sony Hall
July 27, 2018 – New York
General Admission Only First Annual Presents THE CASEY CREW & FRIENDS LOVE PODCAST w/ DJ ENVY & GIA CASEY Doors: 6:00 pm / Show: 8:00 pm See more at the Sony Hall website!
Orrin Evans Quartet – Smoke Jazz and Supper Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
Orrin Evans, a powerful pianist and jazz iconoclast who recently joined the Bad Plus, is always at the nexus of interesting projects and music. His group for this weekend includes saxophonist Bill McHenry and drummer Mark Whitfield, Jr. in a quartet that features bass legend Buster Williams. The New York Times describes Orrin as "…a poised artist with an impressive template of ideas at his command." All About Jazz adds he's "one hell of a jazz pianist."
Saron Crenshaw – Smoke Jazz and Supper Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
SaRon Crenshaw is a riveting blues guitarist who takes his inspiration from greats like BB King, Albert King, Albert Collins, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Buddy Guy. Although he's a local mainstay with a strong and enthusiastic following at Smoke, he is still a surprising "discovery" to audiences who haven't heard him before. The Big Apple BBQ News concurs saying, "SaRon might be one of the most soulful and exciting blues artists you haven't heard yet…(he) is a masterful blues artist."
Sixth Annual Firefly Festival – Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
July 27, 2018 – Pound Ridge
Bring chairs and blankets and meet at the end of Michigan Road for the annual firefly festival. Enjoy some s'mores and bring a flashlight to watch this amazing show.
Bronx Storyslam with the Moth – The Bronx Museum
July 27, 2018 – Bronx
The Moth StorySLAMs are open-mic storytelling competitions open to anyone with a five-minute story to share on the night's theme, INTERFERENCE, inspired by Diana Al-Hadid: Delirious Matter. To be selected to participate, arrive by 7pm and enter your name in The Moth "hat."
Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band & Beth Hart Band – Palace Theatre
July 27, 2018 – Albany
Renowned blues rock guitarist/songwriter Kenny Wayne Shepherd and celebrated Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Beth Hart will be hitting the road together, playing full sets at each performance. Kenny Wayne Shepherd is over two decades into a recording career that began when he was just 16. He has sold millions of albums worldwide and, in addition to his five Grammy nominations, he has won two Billboard Music Awards, a pair of Orville H. Gibson awards, the Blues Foundation's Keeping The Blues Alive award and two Blues Music awards. He's had eight #1 blues albums and a string of #1 mainstream rock singles. His latest release, Lay It On Down debuted at # 1 on the Billboard Blues Charts and remained there for 8 consecutive weeks. The record is still in the top ten, not having left it since the album's release in August of 2017. Shepherd is also currently nominated for two Blues Music Awards.
DJ Genius James – Threes Brewing
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Come and enjoy a night @Threes Brewing with DJ Genius James. He'll be cutting up and mixing through a whole bunch of genres to keep the vibe bouncing.
Bagels and Backlava – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
Bagels and Backlava presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners , as well as Up and Comers…See the stars of tommorow , today .These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more!
Thrillkiller – Arlene's Grocery
July 27, 2018 – New York
Exploding on the scene in the fall of 2015, mixing elements of metal, rock, pop and others, Thrillkiller delivers a viciously unique style of music. With the launch of their debut EP, Time in January of 2016, followed by their totally fan funded debut release showdown in summer of 2016, Thrillkiller are currently supporting their new music video THE KING OF 1984, released in July of 2017.
Under 5s Drop In Class – The Frick Collection
Through July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
Music time! Story time! Art time! Join CMA's WEE teaching artists for an art-filled drop-in session when the museum is closed for general hours. Parent and/or caregivers are required to join and we encourage family collaboration throughout the class. No sign up required.* Monday through Friday, 10:45AM to 12PM Fee: $25/family up to 5 Savings for CMA Members: $10 off ($15 per family) Want to stay longer? General admission is just $6 per family after drop-in.
New Wave Tribute Night – Arlene's Grocery
July 27, 2018 – New York
Love Vigilantes is the definitive tribute to New Order. They began playing in Seattle in 2002 and currently play sold out shows up and down the west coast. Love Vigilantes has also been invited to play Milwaukee's Shank Hall and the Double Door in Chicago. The band have played with world famous 80's acts like Wang Chung and Berlin. Love Vigilantes are known for their exciting live versions of songs from the early Joy Division days to the latest New Order albums. They play songs ranging from Love Will Tear Us Apart, Ceremony and The Perfect Kiss to Crystal, Krafty and dozens of other fan favorites. They also play New Order's biggest hits including Bizarre Love Triangle and the bestselling 12" single of all time, Blue Monday. Love Vigilantes has received endorsements from New Order, Richard Blade (DJ from 80's LA and Sirius Radio), Blasphemous Rumours (Depeche Mode Tribute), the Sweet and Tender Hooligans (Smiths tribute), Superdiamond (Neil Diamond Tribute) and many others. Love Vigilantes assure an exciting and wonderfully nostalgic evening for everyone from the casual fan, to the New Order diehard.
The Black Soul Experience – Groove
July 27, 2018 – New York
Welcome to The Black Soul Experience, a high-powered, intense live show. R&B, funk, soul, soca, hip-hop, reggae, and house will keep you dancing in the aisles all night long! Featuring your host, bandleader, and veteran musician at the Groove, Antwon Robinso, alongside Tracey Nicole. Backed by the finest musicians in NYC.
Animation Block Party – Rooftop Films
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Experience the year's best animated short films at the incomparable Animation Block Party! Rooftop Films is proud to co?present the opening night of Animation Block Party. Dedicated to exhibiting all genres of the world's best animation by independent, professional and student animators and filmmakers, Animation Block Party is one of the country's premier animation festivals.
Youth Camp! Creative Minds Creating Light: Intro to Neon – UrbanGlass
Through July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
This workshop offers young artists (ages 11-18) an opportunity to learn and apply neon-bending skills with an emphasis on experimentation and spontaneity. We will focus on creating playful lighting sculptures that draw from the geometric and organic qualities of bending neon tubing. This workshop will safely introduce the student to basic technical and aesthetic aspects of neon and at the end of the class the student will take home an assembled neon sign ready to plug-n-play.
The Wildfire Band – The Art Garage
July 27, 2018 – Cooperstown
The Wildfire Band is the loving "refiring" of the beloved BlueFire Band. The BlueFire Band, with core members Randi Fishenfeld, Richard Velasquez, Nick Cucunato, and Michael Waxman (joined 2007) had been performing and wowing audiences throughout South Florida for 18 years. Jeffrey Lafferty, drummer, joined the band as a permanent member in 2013. BlueFire garnered a huge loyal and adoring fan base due to the amazing chemistry and musicianship of its members. The band was built on love and respect. As the saying goes, "Nothing lasts forever." Lives change – circumstances change. Nick reached a time in his life where he felt he wanted to retire and Rich accepted a wonderful job-offer in Boston. We accept these changes with open hearts and wish everyone (including those of us remaining) success. There are no bad feelings, only love. HENCE, the "refiring"! Jeffrey, Michael and Randi have decided to run with the opportunity to create a new and exciting project called THE WILDFIRE BAND. We added two amazing musicians: Stevan Carter (guitar/vocals), and John Falcone (bass/vocals). These beautiful musicians were selected because of their passion and talent. We fit like a glove!
Yarn Bomb the Studio! – The Frick Collection
Through July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
Yarn bombing is the action of covering objects or public places with colorful coils of yarn! Join CMA teaching artists as we celebrate this style of street art by turning our studio into a gigantic soft sculpture!
Camp Huguenot – Historic Huguenot Street
Through July 27, 2018 – New Paltz,
At Camp Huguenot, you won't just learn about archaeology – you'll do it! Campers will work with others, alongside real archaeologists, searching for artifacts left behind by the original Huguenot settlers and the Native Americans who came before them. Campers will spend time conducting a live dig by excavating, cleaning, and cataloging their archaeological finds. Through these activities they will learn the basic principles and practices of archaeology, as well as its modern day significance and relation to the understanding of past cultures. Additional time will be spent on historic crafts, indoor and outdoor games, related educational activities, local field trips, and tours of the historic site. The week concludes with a camper-created exhibit of the artifacts found during their dig, which all participants and family members are invited to attend.
Open Play – Epiphany Community Nursery School
Through July 27, 2018 – Upper East Side
Play in a 2,100 square-foot, brightly colored and child-safe gym on days that are too hot, too cold, too rainy or just because you need an activity. This is an unstructured playtime in the gymnasium for children 6 months to 3 years old, with an adult. There is age-appropriate gym equipment like a slide, balance beam, rollers and in-ground trampoline, and tons of fun toys. Being in the gym builds coordination, body awareness, boosts gross motor development, and provides a social experience, all while having fun!
For more inforation, contact Kathy: 212-737-2977 or kathyk@ecnsnyc.org
Memphis Meets Harlem: Doug Wamble – Ginny's Supper Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
A native of Memphis, TN, Doug Wamble has recorded and performed with a wide range of artists including Wynton Marsalis, Cassandra Wilson, Branford Marsalis, Henry Butler, Morgan James and Norah Jones. A student of the American roots tradition, he occupies a place as a guitarist where Robert Johnson meets Ornette Coleman and the two of them pay a visit to Thelonious Monk's house. Doug is a film composer and has worked on many films for acclaimed documentarian Ken Burns. Wamble has taken the best music of his hometown, from W.C. Handy to Al Green, and all points in between, to present an evening of swing that brings the spirit of Memphis to the soul of Harlem.
Novoa/ Makabe / Takeishi – IBeam Brooklyn
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Emi Makabe, vocals & shamisen Eva Novoa, piano Satoshi Takeishi, drums
Baby Mixers – Epiphany Community Nursery School
Through July 27, 2018 – Upper East Side
Play in a 2,100 square-foot, brightly colored and child-safe gym on days that are too hot, too cold, too rainy or just because you need an activity. This is an unstructured playtime in the gymnasium for children 6 months to 3 years old, with an adult. There is age-appropriate gym equipment like a slide, balance beam, rollers and in-ground trampoline, and tons of fun toys. Being in the gym builds coordination, body awareness, boosts gross motor development, and provides a social experience, all while having fun!
For more inforation, contact Kathy: 212-737-2977 or kathyk@ecnsnyc.org
Una Noche De Family Fun – Brentwood Public Library
July 27, 2018 – Brentwood
Enjoy an evening of bilingual activities, time with family and fun!
Black Lips – Rocks Off
July 27, 2018 – New York
The story of the Black Lips began in Dunwoody, Georgia, a quiet, conservative suburb of Atlanta, in the year 1999. Born of a mutual love of Link Wray, The Stooges, and The Ramones, and sealed through a shared dedication to defiance, the band formed after childhood friends Jared Swilley and Cole Alexander were kicked out of Dunwoody High for separate, yet equally bad, behavior. The former classmates took their love of music and restless energy and channeled it into their newly found free time, and joined by friends Ben Eberbaugh and Joe Bradley, the Black Lips started playing shows around Atlanta, at house parties and bars. They spent this time honing their sound – garage rock infused with blues, psychedelia, and punk, plus a healthy dose of reckless abandon – and released their first 7-inch, "Ain't Coming Back," in 2002 on Die Slaughterhouse records (named in homage to the flophouse den they called home). Shortly before the band was set to head out on their first ever national tour, Eberbaugh was tragically killed by a drunk driver. Devastated but determined to carry on in Eberbaugh's honor, the Black Lips hit the road as a trio just a few days later. It's been 15 years, but that passionate dedication to touring has never left the band. The Black Lips have released eight full-length albums since that first tour, and have traveled the country and the world extensively, making a name for themselves as an electrifying, must-see live act. It helps that the same mischievous spirit that helped speed up their exit from the educational system is still very much alive, thriving in its new environment on stage, resplendent with punk rock theatrics and miscellaneous bodily fluids, amongst other things. The band's energy and unique "flower punk" sound helped them build a rabid fan base, and after releasing their first two albums through Bomp!, they put out the critically celebrated Let It Bloom on In The Red records. This record garnered the Black Lips features in Spin and Rolling Stone, and they were soon signed to Vice Records, subsequently releasing Los Valientos Del Mundo Nuevo, an ambitious album recorded live at a bar in Tijuana, Mexico, in February of 2007. In their decade-long tenure with Vice, the Black Lips have evolved from wildly crooning over fuzzy, raucous music at house shows full of kids to wildly crooning over fuzzy, raucous music at international festivals in front of thousands of fans. They have toured consistently, with their zeal for travel taking them all over the world, and not without some international adventure: In 2009 the Black Lips went on their first (and last) tour of India, playing shows in Bangalore and Mumbai before chaos struck in Chennai after the band ditched their toned-down presence in favor of classic Black Lips capers, including some not so well received Lips-locking. After the same sex smooching and also Alexander baring his butt to the rowdy crowd, the tour's sponsors pulled out and the band was nearly jailed, their passports confiscated by the disgruntled promoters. According to Swilley: "The first few shows, we were being really reserved because we didn't want to offend anyone, but they kept telling us to do what we wanted…I guess "do whatever you want" didn't include kissing each other, and I think Cole mooned the crowd, which is a huge no-no. We had to physically wrestle our passports back from the promoters. It was the scariest 15 hours of my life, but we got out of there." The band ended up taking a 200 mile cab ride to the next province and hopped a flight to Berlin, narrowly escaping Indian prison. Undeterred, the band jumped at the chance to become the first Western punk band to tour another notoriously conservative continent, the Middle East, just a few years later. Pourquoi? "It was important for a number of reasons," Swilley says of the tour. "We've always wanted to push boundaries of where we go. Plus, a lot of people told us we couldn't do it, and anytime someone tells us we can't do something, then we kind of have to. We have O.D.D, oppositional defiance disorder." This time, their shows went off without a hitch, and Black Lips played shows for crowds in Jordan, Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraqi Kurdistan, and the United Arab Emirates in 2011 in support of that year's release of their record Arabia Mountain, produced by Mark Ronson. The title was actually a reference to a mountain in Georgia, but that didn't stop the Lips from playing the record all over the Middle East, to enthused fans and without causing any further international incidents. "Everyone was really nervous about us going there, but it really went off without a hitch," adds Swilley. The band also hasn't abandoned plans to become the first rock band to play on all seven continents, hoping to hit their last remaining one, Antarctica in the near future, and disregarding Metallica's claim of this achievement: "Just when we were securing the funding, Metallica sniped us. They took a boat, probably a gold plated Versace boat, down there. But they actually didn't play on land, and they didn't play with amps, so technically they haven't played Antarctica. Metallica hasn't beat us yet." For their ninth studio album, the Black Lips have teamed up with Sean Lennon, who got on board to produce Satan's graffiti or god's art? in 2016. The Black Lips had formerly worked with Lennon on Arabia Mountain, where Lennon played theramin on several tracks. The band moved up to Lennon's studio compound on a remote farm in upstate New York, and spent several months living and breathing the new record. This removal from the outside world, plus the return of beloved early guitarist Jack Hines and the exciting addition of new members Oakley Munson on drums and Zumi Rosow (the first female Black Lip) on saxophone, infused the project with a focused, intoxicating liveliness, similar to the spirit that had brought the Black Lips to life in the first place, way back in 1999. Only this time, the band is drawing from nearly two decades of experience and musicianship, and the newness is tethered by familiarity: Munson is a longtime friend of the band, and Rosow has been playing live with the Black Lips for several years now. There's even a dash of kismet: unbeknownst to the band, after being off the grid for some time, Munson had just recently moved to a cabin a short distance away from Lennon's compound, and the first time his phone ever rang after he plugged into the wall, Alexander was on the other end, asking him to play. All of this excitement and immersion created the perfect storm for the Black Lips' most musically evolved album to date. "It was a really beautiful experience. We were very far from civilization, and we were all living at the studio. We weren't going home to our own beds every night; that was our whole world, 100% of the time," says Swilley of the experience. "Making this record was the most wonderful few months of my life. It was by far my favorite time recording an album so far…It was just magic." The Black Lips were joined by Saul Adamczewski of Fat White Family, who helped co-produce the record with Lennon, plus another rather magical guest: Yoko Ono. "She's very cosmic," Swilley says of the celebrated artist and musician, who makes an appearance on a few of the tracks. The final product is urgent and thoughtful, reflecting the growth the Black Lips have experienced since bursting onto the scene (once or twice quite literally on fire), but it's also true to their original blistering, careening take on rock n' roll: fuzzy, dirty, and rife with three and four part harmonies. Satan's graffiti or god's art? proves that while they may have grown up a bit and changed a few things around, the Black Lips are still as creatively unhinged and exhilarating as ever. Satan's graffiti or god's art? is out now on Vice Records.
World's Greatest Comedy Show Ever – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
World's Greatest Comedy Show Ever presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners , as well as Up and Comers…See the stars of tommorow , today .These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more!
Little Lesley & The Bloodshots – Hill Country Barbecue Market – Hill Country Live
July 27, 2018 – New York
Little Lesley & the Bloodshots are an original Rockabilly trio from New York. Called "a welcome shot in the arm for the rockin' faithful" by UK's Vintage Rock Magazine, they've been taking the scene by storm with their fiery twang and high energy live show. Lesley Swift fronts the band, belting out her songs and slapping the upright bass like someone who was meant to. Her passionate performances, complete with jaw-dropping bass moves, have lit up stages around the world, including the Nashville Boogie, Viva Las Vegas, Summer Jamboree (IT) and the Hotrod Hayride (UK). She's joined on guitar by ex-cowboy and punk-rock-n-roll veteran Brian "Swifty" Swift. They met in Nevada where Swifty's wild guitar style turned Lesley onto Rockabilly, and they ventured to NYC together where they found native Staten Islander Bobby Lee. Bobby's big-band influenced drumming hopped up their guitar driven twangy sound. With two independently released albums under their belt, Little Lesley & The Bloodshots were signed by the legendary Western Star Records of the United Kingdom in 2016. Their "Doin' Fine" EP recorded and produced by Alan Wilson has created quite a buzz and is in regular rotation on BBC radio.
Audio Tours – The New York Botanical Garden
July 27, 2018 – Bronx
Have you ever wanted to talk to the Garden's staff and learn more about the Garden's plants or collections? Now you can by listening to the Garden's audio tours, which cover a breadth of subjects from horticulture to garden history. Learn more about the research scientists are doing at the Garden, find out what's in bloom, and leave your comments for Garden staff.
The Music of Nina Simone & First Ladies of Jazz & Blues – Club Bonafide
July 27, 2018 – New York
First Ladies of Jazz & Blues: The Music of Etta James, Billie Holiday, Nina Simone & More feat. Emilie Surtees Jazz has not one queen but three, and impassioned vocalist Emilie Surtees will pay homage to all of them in First Ladies of Jazz & Blues. From scat to breathy ballads, "First Lady of Song" Billie Holiday could do it all while Etta James is considered one of the greatest blues singers who ever lived. And Nina Simone lit the world on fire with a vibrato that stirred souls and moved mountains. Hear some of this Holy Trinity's greatest hits as Surtees interprets them with conviction at Club Bonafide in New York.
Glitchcraft – UrbanGlass
Through July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
3D printing is an amazing part of the toolkit for glassworking today, and there's a lot to learn. This class will focus on using experimental methods to form hot glass with 3D prints. As the use of this tool develops in the glass world, it is important to discuss the 'why' of this technology as much as the 'how'. This course will include technical demonstrations in 3D technologies and glass processes, as well as slideshows, discussions and readings that can help inform your use of this technology. For those of you who know glass and are new to 3D print, you can expect a similar learning curve to glassblowing. Glitches will occur, but they are as frustrating as they are full of potential so the best approach to this class is to be curious. Often our processes will fail or produce unexpected results. 'Glitchcraft' is meant to embrace these accidents and look for inspiration in them. Please approach this course as research and development for the curious maker.
New York Nightingales – Club Bonafide
July 27, 2018 – New York
The New York Nightingales are a vintage style singing trio. Accompanied by live musicians, these 'gales will steal your heart with their unique arrangements of your favorite swing tunes. Tight harmonies and playful personalities are what make the New York Nightingales timeless. They are having thier first show at NYC's Club Bonafide on July 27, 2018. The Nightingales are committed to choosing and developing arrangements that are interesting and fun to perform, believing if they love the music this much, so will you. Their repertoire includes both well-known favorites and forgotten gems, providing unique stylings you will not find elsewhere.
The Magic and Comedy of Jim McClenahan – Rock Hall Museum
July 27, 2018 – Lawrence
Enjoy the side-splitting comedy, spell-binding magic and spirited sing-a-longs of a fun-filled Jim McClenahan performance. Jim’s typically wacky antics will induce giggles and guffaws from youngsters and adults alike.
Panorama Music and Arts Festival: The Weekend – Randall's Island Park
July 27, 2018 – New York
Migos, Father John Misty, The War on Drugs, Dua Lipa
Scatterbrain (Open Mic) – Creek and Cave
July 27, 2018 – Long Island City
Scatterbrain is the funniest way to start your weekend. Every Friday at 6pm, James Hamilton hosts a slew of New York's funniest up-and-coming comedians as they deliver their best jokes, or at least the best ones they came up with today. Drop you name in the bucket by 6 if you want in on the fun.
South Street Seaport Museum Presents Free Fridays – South Street Seaport Museum
July 27, 2018 – New York
South Street Seaport Museum presents Free Fridays July 6, 2018 – September 7, 2018 from 3pm – 7pm Every Friday The South Street Seaport Museum announces Free Fridays, with free admission to theMuseum every Friday from July 6, 2018 – September 22, 2018 from 3pm-7pm at 12 Fulton Street, NYC. Join the South Street Seaport Museum for a summer of Free Fridays presented by The Howard Hughes Corporation! Every Friday beginning July 6, between 3-7pm the Seaport Museum will offer free admission to its exhibitions and historic ships! The 2018 Free Fridays program is presented by The Howard Hughes Corporation. Please e-mail info@seany.org for more information. GETTING TO THE MUSEUM By subway: 2, 3, 4, 5, A, C, J, Z to Fulton Street station Bus: M15, M15-SBS to Fulton Street. Downtown Connection to Pearl Street and Fulton Street. *As the museum is located in an historic district please contact the museum regarding accessibility needs prior to visiting. ABOUT SOUTH STREET SEAPORT MUSEUM The South Street Seaport Museum, located in the heart of the historic Seaport district in New York City, preserves and interprets the history of New York as a great port city. Designated by Congress as America's National Maritime Museum, the Museum houses exhibition galleries and education spaces, working nineteenth century print shops, and an active fleet of historic vessels that all work to tell the story of "Where New York Begins."
Wine, Beer & Street Food Festival – Eataly NYC Downtown
July 27, 2018 – New York
Guests can escape the summer heat inside Eataly and enjoy typical Italian street foods (think Suppli, Porchetta, Brisket Meatballs) alongside local and Italian beers, a selection of sparkling, white, red, and rosé wines, and cocktails such as Montenegro Mules. All access bracelets are $60 for a two-hour unlimited tasting of food and drinks, and tickets can be purchased online.
Hot Bits & Lemonade (Open Mic) – Creek and Cave
July 27, 2018 – Long Island City
Everyone gets 3 minutes, if you get there after the mic starts you get in the late bucket for a 2 minute set. If you need to make it to a show just let the host know. Try out your hot bits and work through your lemonade.
Bonus Round – Open Mic – Creek and Cave
July 27, 2018 – Long Island City
You have won a no-expense paid trip to beautiful Long Island City, where you get to be a contestant on the Bonus Round Open Mic. Everyone wins 50000 minutes, give or take (usually take) 49997 minutes. There are no other prizes, but if there were prizes, they would be fabulous.
RomeoRomeo – Dixon Place
July 27, 2018 – New York
A mash-up of 'Romeo and Juliet' and the Nixon Watergate tapes. The Romeos want to bring down the monopoly of Helvetica and Time New Roman—and give rise to marginal fonts like Comic Sans and Papyrus. They also want to live their lives, party and fuck. But Leather Daddy Nixon and his minions need conformity and will stop at nothing to keep control.
Full Moon Hike – Hudson Highlands Nature Museum's Outdoor Discovery Center
July 27, 2018 – Cornwall
Enjoy the moonlit fields and forests on a guided full moon trek. Join an educator to learn and hear lunar and celestial stories. Paid registration is required.
It Matters Comedy Show – New York Comedy Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises! Our regulars include Andrew Schulz, Christian Finnegan, Duncan Trussell, Bonnie McFarlane, Sherrod Small, Ari Shaffir, Ricky Velez, Yamaneika Saunders, Carmen Lynch, Lenny Marcus, Mike Britt, Sarah Tollemache, Emma Willmann, James Mattern, ANthony Devito, Greg Stone, Aaron Berg, Mike Cannon, Jon Laster, Josh Gondelman, Matt Pavich, Matt Richards, Nore Davis, Neko White, Corinne Fisher, Krystyna Hutchinson, Wendi Starling, Nathan Macintosh, Gary Vider, Sam Morril, Joe List, Mark Normand, Subhah Agarwal, Kate Wolff, Dante Nero, Chuck Nice and more!
Friday Night Headliners – New York Comedy Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises! Our regulars include Andrew Schulz, Christian Finnegan, Duncan Trussell, Bonnie McFarlane, Sherrod Small, Ari Shaffir, Ricky Velez, Yamaneika Saunders, Carmen Lynch, Lenny Marcus, Mike Britt, Sarah Tollemache, Emma Willmann, James Mattern, ANthony Devito, Greg Stone, Aaron Berg, Mike Cannon, Jon Laster, Josh Gondelman, Matt Pavich, Matt Richards, Nore Davis, Neko White, Corinne Fisher, Krystyna Hutchinson, Wendi Starling, Nathan Macintosh, Gary Vider, Sam Morril, Joe List, Mark Normand, Subhah Agarwal, Kate Wolff, Dante Nero, Chuck Nice and more Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with adult Standard two drink minimum per person Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice Groups of 7+ please email events@newyorkcomedyclub.com No refunds due to inclement weather NY State Tax (8.875%) additional ALL SALES ARE FINAL
The Nature of Things at Keeler Library – Keeler Library
July 27, 2018 – North Salem
See and touch exotic animals up close. Plus, learn about endangered species and conservation hands-on. The Nature of Things is an environmental outreach program that presents quality live animal presentations
Registration is required: keelerlibrary@wlsmail.org or call at 914-669-5161
Nacho Bitches – New York Comedy Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
NACHO BITCHES is the wildly popular late night show brought to you by NYC comedy scene favorites CORINNE FISHER (Guys We Fucked podcast) & BLAIR SOCCI (Brooklyn Comedy Festival). These two dainty women (LOL!), er, foul-mouthed, beer-guzzling babes, bring you the city's best comedians once a month for a rowdy night of laughter. Nacho Bitches B REGZ INCLUDE: Michael Che, Gary Gulman, Pete Davidson, Ari Shaffir, Chris Gethard & Kevin Meaney.
Superbad Kegger – Videology Bar & Cinema
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Help us kick the keg! Each ticket includes a refillable solo cup of Blue Point's Citrus Plunge IPA! Boop! Tell your best friend you love them and pound some beer at our second kegger of the summer! The kind of kegger where you get to sit down and watch a movie, which is what we all sort of wish keg parties were, right? We've partnered up with Blue Point Brewery to have their Citrus Plunge IPA flowing into your cup for the entirety of the screening (up to 3 refills included in your ticket.) Let's kick the keg! Two co-dependent high school seniors are forced to deal with separation anxiety after their plan to stage a booze-soaked party goes awry. Dir. Greg Mottola. 2007. 113 min.
Vampire's Kiss Drinking Game – Videology Bar & Cinema
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
"Cage acts as if he has been taking hits off of Dennis Hopper's gas mask. There's no way to overstate it: This is scorched-earth acting — the most flagrant scenery chewing I've ever seen." Washington Post The life of white-collar New Yorker Peter (Nicolas Cage) seems to revolve solely around making as much money and sleeping with as many women as possible. After a typical night of scouring trendy bars for some action, Peter manages to take home the sexy Rachel (Jennifer Beals), who bites him on the neck while they're in bed. The next day, Peter is certain he is now a vampire. Though no one shares his point of view and he hasn't changed physically, he dons fake fangs and begins stalking women. Dir. Robert Bierman. 103 min. 1988.
Buster Poindexter (Summer Residency) – City Winery
July 27, 2018 – New York
Today, the words "blues" and "shouting" are, alas, inextricably linked, but what about the tradition of mellow blues crooners that extended through Charles Brown, Nat King Cole and, in their more romantic moments, Joe Williams and Ray Charles? "Buster Poindexter" (nee David Johansen) first attracted attention as a glam rock pioneer (in the New York Dolls, with whom he still tours) and then as an early MTV idol (with "Hot Hot Hot"). Yet with his big, deep, resonant voice, Buster Poindexter is most impressive as a crooner and occasional belter of ballads in the classic R&B tradition. His ongoing run affirms the point that however you know him, the artist known as Buster Poindexter, complete with his one-liners and longer comic monologues (not to mention his signature pompadour), is one of the most endearing and enduring entertainers currently trodding the boards in New York.
K-12 Summer Program: Introduction to Architectural Design (Grade 9) – Center for Architecture
Through July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
This Program is Sold Out – to be added to the waitlist, email info@cfafoundation.org. Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Dates: Monday, July 23 – Friday, July 27, 2018 Price: $600 Interested in architecture, but don't know where to start? Start here! This special 9th grade program introduces students to the key components of architectural design through drawing and modeling activities that familiarize them with essential design concepts and techniques. Students will learn how to use scale measurement to create architectural floor plan, elevation and section drawings, and experiment with other 3-D drawing techniques such as axonometric and perspective drawing, to document and draft their own designs.
#P96SummerExperience18 – AP Cafe
Through July 27, 2018 – Bushwick
A week-long experience that offers knowledge and inspiration from different creators & innovators, while bringing a community of curious souls together to network & exchange ideas with each other. You're invited to take part in this week-long experience centered around the idea that #TheWorldIsYours and you can fulfill your projects in life.
K-12 Summer Program: House of the Future (Grades 3-5) – Center for Architecture
Through July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
Students in this studio will investigate how housing has changed over the years and what's in store for the future. The group will visit a historic home in NYC for a window into how people lived in the past, explore advancements in green architecture today, and speculate about what elements will be most changed in 100 years. As their culminating project, students will design and build their own models of a house of the future.
Hibiscus in Watercolor and Colored Pencil – The New York Botanical Garden
Through July 27, 2018 – Bronx
The sensual hibiscus flower, a focus of O'Keeffe's work during her time in Hawai`i, continues to beguile. Practice blending colored pencil and watercolor pencil to capture the tropical stunner's undulating petals and dramatic reproductive structure.
Summer Concert Series: Old, New, & Blue: A Celebration of Gershwin's Rhapsody – The New York Botanical Garden
July 27, 2018 – Bronx
George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, a groundbreaking work that defined the melting pot of Jazz Age America, is given a new identity in this specially commissioned arrangement featuring the Catskill Jazz Factory Collective, a multicultural all-star ensemble, led by top trumpeter Dominick Farinacci. Farinacci's ensemble features modern jazz masters from Venezuela, Japan, Brazil, France, Afghanistan, and America, embodying a contemporary reflection of today's America through the lens of George Gershwin's American classic. Old, New, & Blue presents a night of modern interpretations of traditional American jazz, pop, and rock standards, culminating in the centerpiece of the program, the specially commissioned world premiere tribute performance of Gershwin's masterful Rhapsody in Blue. "A trumpeter of abundant poise." – The New York Times
ENYA Beyond The Boards: ODA Site Visit – Center for Architecture
July 27, 2018 – Manhattan
ENYA members will be led on a construction site tour of 420 Kent Ave, designed by ODA, as presented at the July Beyond The Boards event. Attendees will meet at the southeast corner of Kent and S 8th St at 2:00pm. The password for Eventbrite registration is btb-july2018.
Carlos Dias salutes Nat King Cole & Frank Sinatra – Iridium
July 27, 2018 – New York
Carlos Dias salutes Nat King Cole & Frank Sinatra with a Brazilian touch on new CD, "Copacabana Station" In 2014, the Brazilian singer, actor, dancer, and model Carlos Dias, who had costarred in the country's hit productions of Chicago, Grease, and Beauty and the Beast and acted in several smash novelas (Brazilian soap operas), took the biggest gamble of his career: He left his hometown of São Paulo to move to Manhattan and sing. "New York was the dream of my life," he says. "My favorite music when I grew up was more American than Brazilian: rock and roll, jazz, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, all the great names." Luck as well as talent were with him: Soon he began a two-year residency at B.B. King's Blues Club & Grill, one of the city's most prestigious venues.
Ricky Ritzel's Broadway – Don't Tell Mama
July 27, 2018 – New York
3-Time MAC Award-Winning Tribute To Broadway Musical Comedy with Ricky Ritzel at the piano
Bedraggled Broadway – Don't Tell Mama
July 27, 2018 – New York
Starring Cacophony Daniels & Sutton Lee Seymour Bistro Award Winner & Glam Award Winner! "…The Best And Brightest Drag Talents in New York City!" Huffington Post Musical Comedy Characterizations
Dancehall Palooza – Highline Ballroom
July 27, 2018 – New York
Karaoke Tremendous – Union Hall
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Lord Easy (of Karaoke Killed the Cat) and Jeremy (Sir Jarlsberg) Gibson are out to spread love and kick down the walls of your private room karaoke! KARAOKE TREMENDOUS is like the karaoke you know, just turned up to 11. Put it this way, if your favorite dance party had a baby with a karaoke machine, that baby would be KARAOKE TREMENDOUS. You sing good? That's great! You don't? That's fine. Just bring the enthusiasm and we'll give you the fun!!
GO 90s & my2000s Party: What's Your Age Again? – Le Poisson Rouge
July 27, 2018 – West Village
Your regularly scheduled GO 90s with The Fresh Kids of Bel-Air party plus a whole lot more. Welcoming my2000s Party with TRL to the show so you can travel through the millennium like it's New Year's Eve every single weekend. We're talking Y2K memories coupled with your favorite hits of the 90s and 2000s. Seriously, this is what #FlashbackFriday dreams are made of. The Fresh Kids of Bel-Air are bringing back all of the slammin' hits you listened to on your walkman from TLC to Third Eye Blind. If your first crush was the Pink Power Ranger or you're looking for an excuse to throw on your jellies, GO 90s at Le Poisson Rouge is where it's at – DUH! So whether you're a New York City OG or just cruisin' through, come bump and grind with the freshest kids in the city!
Gerry Eastman & Friends: Jam Session – Williamsburg Music Center
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
In addition to performing with his band and welcoming all kinds of artists in his club week after week, WMC owner & founder Gerry Eastman is active on the New York music scene as a guitarist, bassist, composer,conductor, and bandleader. He is one of the few people still around who have toured the world with jazz icons such as Count Basie, Sarah Vaughan, and Etta Jones.
Story Time Fridays – Edamama Cute Cuts & More
July 27, 2018 – Williamsburg
Story Time is geared toward 2 to 4 years old kids and their families, and there are always great stories, smiles and giggles to be had by all.
Jeremiah Moss: Vanishing New York paperback w/ Jason Diamond – Books Are Magic
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Vanishing New York is an unflinching portrait of gentrification in the twenty-first century, and a love letter to lost New York, by the creator of the popular and incendiary blog Vanishing New York. New York City has long been a destination for rebels and rule breakers, artists, writers, and other hopefuls longing to be part of its rich cultural exchange and unique social fabric. But today, modern gentrification is transforming the city from an exceptional, iconoclastic metropolis into a suburbanized luxury zone with a price tag only the top 1 percent can afford. Blogger and cultural commentator Jeremiah Moss has spent the past painstakingly documenting this sea change. In Vanishing New York, he reports on the city's development in the twenty-first century, a period of "hyper-gentrification" that has resulted in the shocking transformation of beloved neighborhoods and the loss of treasured unofficial landmarks. Moss leads us on a colorful guided tour of the most changed parts of town-from the Lower East Side and Chelsea to Harlem and Williamsburg – lovingly eulogizing iconic institutions as they're replaced with soulless upscale boutiques, luxury condo towers, and suburban chains.
Craig Dreyer & Fiends – Bar Chord
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Sax and Keyboard based rock and blues
MetFridays: The Observant Eye – The Met Fifth Avenue
July 27, 2018 – Upper East Side
One hour, one object, endless possibilities. Tap into your powers of observation and learn how to investigate a work of art through close looking and discussion. No previous knowledge of art is necessary. Adult learners from all backgrounds and fields of study (college level and beyond) are welcome!
Lola Star's Dreamland Disco – Prospect Park Alliance
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Every Friday throughout mid-October, Lola Star hosts a DJ roller disco skating party at the LeFrak Center at Lakeside. Each event showcases a new theme from 70s Glitter Rock to 80s Glam, as well as dazzling performers, kitschy contests, giveaways and more. Guests must be 21+ (valid Photo ID required for entry).
Shape Up NYC: Healing Hatha Yoga – Prospect Park Alliance
July 27, 2018 – Brooklyn
Exercise your body and your mind in Brooklyn's Backyard! Join Prospect Park Alliance at the Prospect Park Audubon Center for Hatha yoga, a branch of yoga that emphasizes physical exercises to master the body along with mind exercises to withdraw it from external objects.
Steve Williams Quartet – Smalls Jazz Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
Williams was born in in Rochester, New York and grew up in Washington, DC. He continued his music education at the University of Miami. There he joined Monty Alexander's band, with whom he started to perform on the international scene. He furthered his music education in New York, with Billy Hart. Back in Washington, Williams played locally with Milt Jackson, Freddie Hubbard, Joe Williams, Woodie Shaw, Gary Bartz, Eddie Henderson, John Hicks, Larry Willis, Mulgrew Miller and many others. He joined Gary Thomas' band, with whom he recorded one of his first compositions, "Pads". Then he joined Shirley Horn, who would keep for twenty-five years the same rhythm section: Charles Ables (bass) and Steve Williams (drums). Critic Don Heckman wrote in the Los Angeles Times (February 2, 1995) about "the importance of bassist Charles Ables and drummer Steve Williams to the Horn's sound. Working with boundless subtlety, following her every spontaneous twist and turn, they were the ideal accompanists for a performer who clearly will tolerate nothing less than perfection". His music relationship with the pianist and singer gives him the opportunity to tour the world and record with such artists as Toots Thielemans, Branford Marsalis and Wynton Marsalis, Carmen McRae, Roy Hargrove and Miles Davis.
Joe Dyson Quintet – Smalls Jazz Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
One of the Latest sounds emerging from New Orleans' Drum Legacy is Joe Dyson. He has been seen with an A list of Brilliant Artist, including Nicholas Payton, Donald Harrison, and Dr Lonnie Smith. Dyson can also be seen forging a new path for music with Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah's "Stretch Music" creating a new approach to drumming with his "Pan African Kit." He has appeared on over 22 recordings, including recent releases EVOLUTION by Dr. Lonnie Smith, (Blue Note Universal Records), Sullivan Fortner's ARIA (Impulse Universal Records) and Christian aTunde Adjuah's STRETCH MUSIC (Ropeadope Records). Elder Drummers are calling him "The One," the one that will carry the legacy forward.
JD Allen 'After-hours' – Smalls Jazz Club
July 27, 2018 – New York
Hailed by the New York Times as "a tenor saxophonist with an enigmatic, elegant and hard-driving style," J.D. Allen is one of the most thoughtful jazz saxophonists on the scene today. The Detroit natives apprenticeship has largely been in New York, where he has performed, recorded, and toured with legends Lester Bowie, George Cables, Betty Carter,Louis Hayes , Ron Carter, Jack DeJohnette, Frank Foster Big Band, Winard Harper, Butch Morris, David Murray, Wallace Roney, and contemporaries Cindy Blackman, Orrin Evans, Marcus Gilmore, Russell Gunn, and Me'shell N'degeocello, Dave Douglas among others. J.D.'s debut album, In Search Of… (red records), won him the Best New Artist award in Italy in 1999, and had reviewers praising him for his original compositions and bold playing. That same year J.D. began touring and recording with drummer Cindy Blackman's Quartet, where he remains a member. His second release, Pharoah's Children (Criss Cross), won him accolades for its thoughtfulness, maturity, and adventurousness. One of Jazziz Magazine's Critics Pics Top 10 Albums of the Year, the album was praised in the U.S. and Europe, along with leading musicians, such as Michael Brecker and Jeff "Tain" Watts. Since making a strong impression in his early years in New York at venues like Smalls, Village Gate, and Visiones, and serving an invaluable tenure with Betty Carter, J.D. has come a long way, now fully possessed of his own sound. J.D. has appeared on NPR's Jazz Perspectives, WNYC's Soundcheck, WKCR's Musician's Show and is a member of the Romare Bearden Homecoming Jazz All-Star Band. J.D. Allen performs regularly with his own trio.
ANYBODY: An Improvised Historical Hip-Hopera with North Coast – Caveat
July 27, 2018 – New York
North Coast, New York City's premier hip-hop improv team, has long been known for their seamless melding of freestyle rapping and improv comedy. Now in the wake of Lin Manuel's smash Broadway hit Hamilton, North Coast is here to help quench the people's thirst for historical raps. Join North Coast for this very special historical performance as the team takes your favorite historical figure and performs a fully improvised "hip-hopera" around that figure's life. Nikola Tesla? Bawse. Frederick Douglass? Sans défaut. Louisa May Alcott? Mic drop. Stand on the right side of history and buy your tickets today!
Songbird 'Debut Single Release Party' – Ashford & Simpson's Sugar Bar
July 27, 2018 – New York
Lobby Nights: We Are Free (Dj Sets) – Ace Hotel
July 27, 2018 – New York
We Are Free is a Greenpoint, Brooklyn-based artists managment company who supports talents such as Beach House, DARKSIDE, Purity Ring, Sleigh Bells and Weyes Blood. Every Friday this July, their friends, family and a few special guests will be coming by our lobby to spin jams from 8 till late. A new roster each week. As DJs spin, the photobooth flashes and mixers mix, enjoy delicious selections from the Lobby Bar and high fives from our friendly staff. General RSVP is not required, but does get you on our A-List mailer for the latest in bookings and event info. For seating reservations, hit up our events team.
The Sheepdogs with Brent Cowles – (Le) Poisson Rouge
July 27, 2018 – New York
Take a Tromp through the Swamp! – Warner Library
July 28, 2018 – Tarrytown
Tom Sieling will play and sing fun, humorous, and participatory kids’ songs, for families of all ages
Nature Walk: Butterflies and Other Insects – Sagamore Hill NHS
July 28, 2018 – Oyster Bay
Bugs! What would our world be like without insects? Maybe not as pleasant as one might think! Discover why butterflies and other insects are important pollinators, and learn to identify some common meadow insects. Join a volunteer naturalist on a moderate hike on Sagamore Hill's trails. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring water.
LES Chinatown Stop 'N' Swap – Chinatown ADA Weekend Walk
July 28, 2018 – Chinatown
Bring clean, reusable, portable items such as clothing, housewares, games, books, and toys that you no longer need, and take home something new-to-you.
Hrp Green Team – Hudson River Park's Pier 40
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
Gain meaningful experience working with friends, community members and like-minded individuals looking to beautify and maintain Hudson River Park's picturesque waterside landscape! This volunteer program is an exciting opportunity for community members to nurture their inner green thumb alongside their neighbors while improving public greenspace. Members of the HRP Green Team will work with our seasoned horticulture staff and participate in landscape enhancement activities including planting, weeding, pruning, mulching, trimming of ornamental grasses, addition of soil amendments, cleaning of vegetation beds and other general gardening activities.
Who Made The Potato Salad Presents: The Sister Act Spectacular – The Tank
July 28, 2018 – New York
OH HAPPY DAY! Who Made The Potato Salad? Is back and taking everyone to church with the Sister Act Spectacular All sketch comedy will be inspired off of both cult classics (Sister Act 1 and 2) This will also be a BIRTHDAY Celebration for the Creator/Host X Mayo (Upright Citizens Brigade) and her sister- the oh so talented Steven Polletta. Writers meet at 8am. Scripts are done by 3pm. Actors arrive at 5pm to rehearse. The show goes live at 11pm. This show will be starring some of the hardest working people of color in the industry from NBC, The Rundown with Robin Thede, ABC, Upright Citizens Brigade, and more. Issa Cookout so as always there will be a DJ, Dancers, and small Bites. Come out and make a Joyful Noise! BRING A ROBE or Whoopi Goldberg to get extra communion.
Watson Adventures’ Whodunnit at the Met Family Scavenger Hunt – Metropolitan Museum of Art
July 28, 2018 – Upper East Side
A killer is on the loose at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and it’s up to you to stop him! The killer has created a scavenger hunt that reveals his name, the weapon he used, and where he hid the body. Follow the trail of clues and answer tricky questions to solve the crime. Can you figure out whodunnit? Kids must be accompanied by an adult. Price includes museum admission. Advance purchase is required.
The Revolution Vol. 29 – National Sawdust
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Much of the charm of a place like Brooklyn comes from discovering what secret events hide inside seemingly mundane brick buildings with colorful street art plastered on their walls. Wandering the streets of Brooklyn's culturally booming neighborhoods you may ask yourself, "What exclusive functions could I attend if I were lucky enough to be in-the-know?" -Soundigest THE REVOLUTION is a performance series highlighting Brooklyn & Harlem based artists + musicians that not only represent the core of independent pop culture but who currently stand in the breeding ground of evolution within their genre. This local musical movement empowers community, change, and activism through performance and unity amongst the arts. Once a month, three different artists showcasing three different genres have a chance to spread love, light, and awareness through their music and their stories. This series supports revolutionary artistry and how important music is to healing, in all aspects of life.
Nick Semenykhin Trio – KGB The Red Room
July 28, 2018 – New York City
No cover. 2 drink minimum.
PABLO DONA – Unix Gallery
Through July 28, 2018 – New York
Fashion for Freedom Event – The Mezzanine
July 28, 2018 – New York
Fashion for Freedom brings together the worlds of fashion and human rights, aiming to create a space where fashion lovers and activists can celebrate the efforts of ethical brands and bring awareness to atrocities such a slavery in the fashion industry. The 2018 Fashion for Freedom Campaign will run online from June through August, but we invite you to join us for its exclusive event on July 28th in New York City! The event will feature complimentary cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, some amazing ethical giveaways, and a chance to be part of the Fashion for Freedom movement.
JNote Band Live – Silvanas NY
Through July 28, 2018 – New York
Indie Music Artist Performance by Singer/songwriter Stephanie Jeannot and the JNote Band performing live at Silvana NY located at 300 West 116th Street on the corner of Frederick Douglass in Harlem, NY. Artist will be performing from 10PM to Midnight.
Sky Kings Raptor Show – Staten Island Zoo
July 28, 2018 – Staten Island
Learn the natural history of incredible birds of prey, including hawks, owls, falcons, vultures, and other raptors, along with their unique traits and natural abilities. Presentations will be held at noon, 1pm, and 2pm.
Tony Malaby Quartet – The Cornelia Street Cafe
July 28, 2018 – New York
Tony Malaby, tenor sax; Ben Monder, piano; Tim Dahl, bass; Ches Smith, drums
The Jim Henson Exhibition Guided Tour – Museum of the Moving Image
Through July 28, 2018 – Astoria
With a Museum educator as your guide, join an intimate tour of The Jim Henson Exhibition, a dynamic experience that explores Henson’s groundbreaking work for film and television and his transformative impact on culture. Discover his inspirations and creative genius, and how he collaborated with a team of builders, writers, and performers to leave behind an extraordinary legacy. The exhibition includes puppets, character sketches, scripts, interactive experiences, and costumes from the worlds of Rue de Sesame, The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, et plus. Tours begin at 1:00 p.m. at the entrance to The Jim Henson Exhibition (2nd floor).
VANS Warped Tour Finale – Jones Beach Theater
July 28, 2018 – Wantagh
Line-Up by stage: Journey Right Foot Journey Left Foot Mutant Red Dawn Mutant White Lightning Owly.fm Full Sail Stage
Future Old School – Friends and Lovers
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Future Old School is an all-rap dance party that takes place on the last Saturday of every month at Friends and Lovers in Crown Heights. Started by Brooklyn-based DJs Dash Speaks, NSR, Friends w Benefits, and Will Buck as a forum to play the old-school rap music on which they grew up for themselves and their friends, FOS has since become one of the best monthly parties in New York City. It's a fresh take on an old-school party – grounded in the music that pulls at the heart-strings of millennial hip hop heads at a venue that captures the energy of a quickly vanishing New York. In the past few months alone, guests have included Pete Rock, Maseo, J. Period, Pharoahe Monch, DMC Champion DJ Esquire, Statik Selektah and Grand Wizard Theodore.
Late Night Session: Vanisha Gould 'an Ode to Carmen Mcrae' – Dizzy's Club Coca Cola
Through July 28, 2018 – New York
With vocalist Vanisha Gould, pianists Eden Ladin (7/24-25, 7/27-7/28) and Chris McCarthy (7/26 only), bassists Dean Torrey (7/24-26, 7/28) and Matt Dwonszyk (7/27 only), and drummers Kush Abadey (7/24-25) and Jongkuk Kim (7/26-28). Tuesday-Saturday evenings, doors open at 11:15pm for Late Night Sessions featuring some of the most talented emerging artists in jazz. There are no reservations for Late Night Sessions – just swing by! This month, Thursday and Saturday evenings will be hosted by Julian Lee.
NYRR Team Championships (5M) – New York Road Runners
July 28, 2018 – New York
Please note: The start times for the NYRR Team Championships races have changed. The women's race will now begin at 7:00 a.m., and the men's race will begin at 8:15 a.m. Who has the fastest team in town? The city's top running squads race for bragging rights in this teams-only five-miler. This race is open only to members of established, NYRR-recognized teams (see requirements for entry below). Men and women race in separate events, with the women's race taking place before the men's race.
Pianist Jenny Q Chai in Sonorous Brushes – Spectrum
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
A Multi-Sensory Concert Featuring Works by Debussy, Durieux, Ravel, Messiaen, and a US Premiere by Jaros?aw Kapu?ci?ski using Antescofo Software Claude Debussy: Etude, Pour les huit doigts Claude Debussy: Etude, Pour les quartes Claude Debussy: Prelude Book 2 No.11, Les tierces alternées Claude Debussy: Prelude Book 2 No.11, Feux d’artifice Frédéric Durieux: Pour tous ceux qui tombent – Hommage à RAVEL Maurice Ravel: Oiseux tristes Olivier Messiaen: Cantéyodjayâ Jaroslaw Kapu?ci?ski: Calligraphies for Ziqi (US Premiere) Jaroslaw Kapu?ci?ski: Side Effects Watch an Excerpt of Kapu?ci?ski’s Side Effects: http://bit.ly/2ymsaQb "dynamic and unconventional" – The New York Times
Buddy Guy and Jonny Lang – The Capitol Theatre
July 28, 2018 – Port Chester
At age 81, Buddy Guy is a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, a major influence on rock titans like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, a pioneer of Chicago's fabled West Side sound, and a living link to the city's halcyon days of electric blues. Buddy Guy has received 7 GRAMMY Awards, a 2015 Lifetime Achievement GRAMMY Award, 37 Blues Music Awards (the most any artist has received), the Billboard Magazine Century Award for distinguished artistic achievement, a Kennedy Center Honor, and the Presidential National Medal of Arts. Rolling Stone Magazine ranked him #23 in its "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time." Buddy Guy released his latest studio album Born To Play Guitar on July 31, 2015 via Silvertone/RCA Records, which debuted at #1 on Billboard's Top Blues Albums chart. The follow-up to his 2013 first-ever double disc release, Rhythm & Blues, which also debuted at #1 on Billboard's Top Blues Albums chart, Born To Play Guitar was produced by GRAMMY Award winning producer/songwriter and Buddy's longtime collaborator Tom Hambridge. The release features guest appearances by Van Morrison, Joss Stone, Kim Wilson and Billy Gibbons. Though Buddy Guy will forever be associated with Chicago, his story actually begins in Louisiana. One of five children, he was born in 1936 to a sharecropper's family and raised on a plantation near the small town of Lettsworth, located some 140 miles northwest of New Orleans. Buddy was just seven years old when he fashioned his first makeshift "guitar"—a two-string contraption attached to a piece of wood and secured with his mother's hairpins.
Science for the People: Geoengineering Launch + Documentary Premiere – Caveat
July 28, 2018 – New York
Celebrate the return of Science for the People! Join us for the premiere viewing of the mini-documentary about SftP's revitalization and readings from our first publication since 1989: a collection of essays about the science and politics of geoengineering.
Planet Earth Drinking Game! SHARK WEEK EDITION! – Caveat
July 28, 2018 – New York
It's a good thing the Earth is mostly water, because you're gonna need it after Planet Earth Drinking Game. Join us each month to watch your favorite show starring David Attenborough with some nature-loving nerds, play games and win prizes, and drink every time there's time-lapse footage (no, we're not kidding).
35th Anniversary Benefit: ?Four Seasons of Vivaldi and Piazzolla – Atlantic Golf Club
July 28, 2018 – Bridgehampton
A cultural and social highlight on the East End, the BCMF Board of Directors invites you to join them in celebrating the Festival's 35th season in a superb evening of music and friendship at the Atlantic Golf Club. On this special occasion, we offer a program that is both contemporary and nostalgic. The program opens with John Corigliano's enticing Voyage for Flute and Strings, followed by four intoxicating and spine tingling "Seasons" from Baroque master Antonio Vivaldi and tango master Astor Piazzolla.
Twilight Tour – Green-Wood Historic Fund
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
There are few places more atmospheric than a cemetery at dusk – and Green-Wood is top notch when it comes to beauty and atmosphere. As the sun sets on 478 spectacular acres, you'll weave through stunning landscapes and visit the graves of fascinating figures in New York and American history. This not-to-be-missed walking tour ends with a visit to the Catacombs, which are normally closed to the public.
Farmhouse Modern – Vintage Design Show – Brooklyn Bazaar
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Autumn Elise Vintage is partnering with Brooklyn Bazaar to present a thoughtfully curated vintage design show. The event, titled Farmhouse Modern, will highlight of-the-moment design trends, offering a wide selection of Mid Century, Industrial, and Rustic vendors. Dealers from the Hudson Valley and the Greater NYC area will be showcasing their most unique wares. NYC delivery will be available for large purchases. Vendors who have previously collaborated with 1st dibs, Diptyque, and the TV show, Flea Market Flip will be in attendance. Saturday, July 28th, 11-5pm. Indoors at 150 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Giraffes? Giraffes!, Rest Ashore, Goddard – Brooklyn Bazaar
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Saturday, July 28th at Brooklyn Bazaar Golden Parachute Presents: : GIRAFFES? GIRAFFES! :: Rest Ashore ::: Goddard 8pm, $10 adv / $12 dos, all ages (under 18 w/ parent/guardian)
Hudson River Cleanup at Riverside Park – Riverside Park
July 28, 2018 – New York
Join United By Blue and Riverside Park Conservancy for a cleanup of the Hudson River at Riverside Park this summer! Riverside Park is a historical natural gem along the Manhattan coast. Aside from being an escape into nature from the city, the park supports one of the oldest cultivated collections of American Elms, a thriving bird sanctuary, and a number of migratory woodland species. These species, as well as park users, depend on the health of the park and the Hudson River to maintain this natural haven. However, due to heavy park traffic and the flow of the river, litter and trash can present a problem to the park and river as a habitat and outdoor recreation space. Help us protect the park and riverbanks by joining us at this cleanup! United By Blue will provide all cleanup supplies, snacks, and water. Join us for cleanup games, prize giveaways, and a day of enjoying and caring for Riverside Park!
Shoot the Shite – The Creek and The Cave
July 28, 2018 – Queens
Amazing FREE monthly Comedy Show presented by Ray DeVito (Asylum.com) Ben Kronberg (Jimmy Kimmel Live) Nick Cobb (Last Comic Standing) & Tim Dimond (Pittsburgh Comedy Festival) They welcome some of their favorite comics.
Pray, Eat and Learn! – Bay Ridge Jewish Center
July 28, 2018 – Bay Ridge
Come to BRJC to take part in Shabbat Services, then eat and learn with our Rabbi Judd. You will leave with new insights!
Randy Smith – The Riverside Church
July 28, 2018 – New York
This Luncheon is a celebration of the rich and diverse culture of people of African and Afro-Caribbean descent and their friends.All are welcome to experience this event which will highlight events and people in the history of African diaspora. Dynamic speakers, some powerful praise and worship and a fun fellowship. As well as, featured music from Africa the continent, the Caribbeans, to modern jazzy, hiphop, rnb, and gospel influences. Delight your tastebuds with some of the more commonly known dishes, like coconut rice, Koki beans, fried plantains, beignets, fried chicken, and a variety of salads, Caribbean and Soul food. Everyone is encouraged to wear culturally influenced attire. If you don't have anything Afro-centric wear something that reflects your culture. *Arrive on time Featured speakers: Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts III of the Abyssinian Baptist Church NYC Congressman Adriano Espaillat of the 13th Congressional District of New York. Dr. Gloria Essoka More information and confirmed speakers can be found on the website
Tap (Open Level) – 92Y
July 28, 2018 – Upper East Side
The class is designed for those who have accomplished the basic tap foundations.We offer a blend of styles in our tap classes, ranging from the classic Broadway Tap moves of 42nd Street and Fred Astaire movies to the freestyle Rhythm Tap made popular by Savion Glover! Learn the basics and get your body moving in a safe, encouraging atmosphere. Spend six weeks learning basic tap vocabulary, class etiquette and proper warm-up techniques.
Plugged In: African Diaspora and Friends Luncheon – The Riverside Church
July 28, 2018 – New York
This Luncheon is a celebration of the rich and diverse culture of people of African and Afro-Caribbean descent and their friends.All are welcome to experience this event which will highlight events and people in the history of African diaspora. Dynamic speakers, some powerful praise and worship and a fun fellowship. As well as, featured music from Africa the continent, the Caribbeans, to modern jazzy, hiphop, rnb, and gospel influences. Delight your tastebuds with some of the more commonly known dishes, like coconut rice, Koki beans, fried plantains, beignets, fried chicken, and a variety of salads, Caribbean and Soul food. Everyone is encouraged to wear culturally influenced attire. If you don't have anything Afro-centric wear something that reflects your culture. *Arrive on time Featured speakers: Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts III of the Abyssinian Baptist Church NYC Congressman Adriano Espaillat of the 13th Congressional District of New York. Dr. Gloria Essoka More information and confirmed speakers can be found on the website
Black Metal Chvrch – The Creek and The Cave
July 28, 2018 – Queens
The First Chvrch of Black Metal has finally come to The Creek to have its first mass ever. Mother Oslo (aka Oslo The Gay Black Metal Southerner) will host and read scriptures from the most unholy book of all eternity. The Black Metal Bible. Come for the damnation. Stay for the sacrifice
Kick Start, Live Vinyl, Heartbreaker – 89 North Music Venue
July 28, 2018 – Patchogue
Kick Start plays classic rock from the 1960s all the way into the 1990's, with a little flavor. The band consists of Jimmy Quinn on lead guitar and vocals, Simmon Janusis on bass and vocals, Carolyn "Sissy" Trombetta on vocals, Cathy Paviglianiti on vocals, Rick Romance on drums, and Jim Paviglianiti on vocals and guitar.
Plugged In: African Diaspora and Friends Luncheon – The Riverside Church
July 28, 2018 – Upper West Side
This luncheon is a celebration of the rich and diverse culture of people of African and Afro-Caribbean descent and their friends. All are welcome to experience this event which will highlight events and people in the history of African diaspora. Expect dynamic speakers, some powerful praise and worship, and a fun fellowship. Plus, featured music from Africa the continent, the Caribbeans, to modern jazzy, hiphop, R & B, and gospel influences. Delight your tastebuds with some of the more commonly known dishes, like coconut rice, Koki beans, fried plantains, beignets, fried chicken, and a variety of salads, Caribbean and Soul food. Everyone is encouraged to wear culturally influenced attire. If you don't have anything Afro-centric wear something that reflects your culture.
Randy Smith – The Riverside Church
July 28, 2018 – New York
This Luncheon is a celebration of the rich and diverse culture of people of African and Afro-Caribbean descent and their friends.All are welcome to experience this event which will highlight events and people in the history of African diaspora. Dynamic speakers, some powerful praise and worship and a fun fellowship. As well as, featured music from Africa the continent, the Caribbeans, to modern jazzy, hiphop, rnb, and gospel influences. Delight your tastebuds with some of the more commonly known dishes, like coconut rice, Koki beans, fried plantains, beignets, fried chicken, and a variety of salads, Caribbean and Soul food. Everyone is encouraged to wear culturally influenced attire. If you don't have anything Afro-centric wear something that reflects your culture. *Arrive on time Featured speakers: Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts III of the Abyssinian Baptist Church NYC Congressman Adriano Espaillat of the 13th Congressional District of New York. Dr. Gloria Essoka More information and confirmed speakers can be found on the website
Yoga in the Gardens – Old Westbury Gardens
Through July 28, 2018 – Old Westbury
Professional Kripalu Yoga instructor, Lorili Henry, leads students through a dynamic, yet gentle flow of postures and conscious breathing. Participants must bring a yoga mat, yoga strap, and towel. (Rain or shine, includes Gardens admission) every Thursday and Saturday.
#BigSaturdays #BestSaturdayParty …Free on the A.C. Pass Guest List – Show
July 28, 2018 – NyC
#BigSaturdays #BestSaturdayParty Text keyword SHOWNYC to 83361 for Instant RSVP and chance to win a VIP Party (FREE Admission, Bottle & More!) SHOW. NYC Nightclubs. 135 West 41st Street. Times Square. 10 pm-???(Broadway and 6th Ave) A.C. Pass List invites you to join us each and every Saturday at NYCs newest premier hotspot, Show NYC! This will be the biggest Saturday Night party NYC has ever seen. Top DJs, aerialists, dancers, expert mixologists, bottle service served by our #Showgirls, a true VIP experience, a sexy crowd, all in a spectacular new venue. Ask about our specials, VIP packages and Group/ Birthday specials.. World reknown DJs play open format, house music, old skool, top 40, mash-ups and more. Everyone receives complimentary admission on the “A.C. Pass List” (ladies all-night, Gents til 11pm). Ask me about special birthday (& group) packages. Call me direct @ 917.653.0768 for Table Service and more details. 21+ID. To expedite entry, get on the "A.C. Pass Guest List" please e-mail me directly, crisac@mac.com. Doors and list opens at 10 pm & all list closes at 2 am. All admission is at the discretion of the doorman. Dress fashionable please. Dress code: Ladies please wear shoes(no sandals or flip flops), Guys dark sneakers OK with collar shirt or button up! (NO Hats, NO Hoodies, NO Baggy Attire) .. Special Thanks to www.QueensRealEstate.info. [[Upscale & Chic crowd]]Bottle Packages before 1 am w/ Advanced Reservations (TAX & TIP are Included!) $515 = 2 Bottles(Grey Goose, Ciroc or Black Label) & A Champagne $615 = 2 Bottles(Hennessey or Patron) & A Champagne $645 = 2 Bottles of Moet Rose $1150 = 2 Bottles(Grey Goose or Ciroc), 3 MOET ROSE & Hookah $1250 = 2 Bottles(Hennessey or Patron), 3 MOET ROSE & Hookah Visit www.ACpass.com (for mobile devices) NOW for Info/ Direction/ ACPASS Card.
Daniel Simonsen, Teresa DeGaetano, Adam Strauss, Sheba Mason & more – Tribeca Comedy Lounge
July 28, 2018 – New York
Daniel Simonsen is a Norwegian comic and the 2012 Foster's Edinburgh Comedy Award winner for Best Newcomer.[1] Simonsen began performing in 2004 in his native country of Norway and moved to London to progress his career in comedy. He has performed at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe since 2009 but 2012 was undoubtedly his most successful year to date. As well as his Best Newcomer Award, his show "Champions" received rave reviews,[2][3] he supported Simon Amstell on his UK tour in 2012 and 2015[4] and appeared on Russell Howard's Good News in 2012. Simonsen has won and been nominated for awards both in Norway and the UK including Chortle Best Newcomer, Best Comedian at Comedy Fight Club and the So You Think You're Funny competition.[5] Since 2014, he has had a recurring role in Vic and Bob's BBC sitcom House of Fools as Erik. Simonsen is currently performing all over New York on shows like Knitting Factory, Wyatt Cenac's "Night Train", Ghandi, UCB, Slipper Rooms, Tribeca Comedy Lounge, Creek and the Cave, plus more!
ZEBEDEE, Floam, Consumables – Mercury Lounge
July 28, 2018 – New York
Originally from Australia, frontman Zebedee Row (guitar/vocals) grew up amongst a family of musicians. Though he was never formally trained, he has been plucking away at this and that since the rise of his first Mohawk (age 8). And yes, he's still a rebel today. Eventually, New York stole Zebedee from his homeland. He was hastily scooped up by the indie/diy scene, which adored his foreign accent, his dashing looks, and his propensity to spark a bone. After an extended tenure in bands rooted in Blues and Classic Rock during which he polished his chops and oriented himself in the local club circuit, Zebedee has now taken up a more diverse sound, something more rugged and perhaps more dissonant. Today, he is joined by Victor De La Garza (drums) and Michael Benham (bass), two jazz-trained musicians from Mexico and New Hampshire, Vancouver born Kelsey Van Mook (guitar) and local sideshow Sam Braverman (synth). Eventually, New York stole Zebedee from his homeland. He was hastily scooped up by the indie/diy scene, which adored his foreign accent, his dashing looks, and his propensity to spark a bone. After an extended tenure in bands rooted in Blues and Classic Rock during which he polished his chops and oriented himself in the local club circuit, Zebedee has now taken up a more diverse sound, something more rugged and perhaps more dissonant. Today, he is joined by Victor de la Garza (drums) and Rafael Durand (synths/piano), two jazz trained musicians from Mexico City, Cat Power's Nico Turner (guitar) and Kelsey Van Mook (bass). On first listen, it's apparent that Zebedee has tapped into a world-weary side of himself: while his past material has a lighter playfulness to it, here we find Zebedee delving into darker sensibilities. Track 1 "Fright" has him nearly crying into the mic mid-song, and in track 2 "Spades" we find him grappling with issues of suicide and drug-addiction. These matters are not taken lightly and elicit first-hand experience; the listening experience is emotionally taxing. We also find Zebedee experimenting with both droning and fairy-footed synthesizers as well as crunchy, heavy guitars. The combination makes for a refreshing reevaluation of early 90s alternative rock colliding with contemporary dance music. It may get you weeping and grooving all at once. What's more, "Fun and Games" offers a 60s R&B ballad with phantasmal backing vocals and subdued horns. Zebedee is, as he always has been, a storyteller. His songs contain strange characters and are characters themselves ("Working Girl" in particular), each one of them individuals that exude their very own beauty and foibles. And Zebedee's voice is perhaps the most motley character of them all: he is constantly taking it to unforeseen places and having fun doing so (think Screamin' Jay Hopkins). And like his voice, his song craft cares not for conventions: it is wonderfully slapshod, it thrives on contradiction, it melds the classic with the strange and does so naturally. This is a superb effort from a fresh new voice meant for a new generation of listeners.
Mike Yung (Night Two) – Mercury Lounge
July 28, 2018 – New York
Mike Yung is a 58-year-old singer from Brownsville, New York, a neighborhood in Brooklyn. As a teenager, he was discovered and signed as an artist to RCA and CBS and eventually landed at T-Electric, the same label as Etta James and Luther Vandross. Yung was gearing up to be a household name when the label suddenly went bankrupt; his debut album was never released. After being forced to find a way to make a living to support his family, he took his talent underground and began busking in the subway. For the past 37 years, Yung's voice has been reverberating throughout the walls of the NYC subway system. In 2016, Yung was put back in the public eye after a video of him singing his version of the Righteous Brothers classic "Unchained Melodies" in the NYC subway went viral, accumulating over 500 million total views. He has performed on the Late Late Show with James Corden and was a semifinalist on Season 12 of Americas Got Talent. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, he has begun working on his debut album, "Never Give Up", something he has been waiting his whole life for. The album's first single, "Alright," was released last month and is currently available on all music platforms. Mike has appeared on the Late Show with James Corden, Americas Got Talent (Semifinalist) and has been featured on notable news outlets such as Fader, Vibe, Billboard, and The Guardian among many others.
Killcode – The Bowery Ballroom
July 28, 2018 – New York
KILLCODE is a five piece American based rock band that hails from New York City. Their unique sound and style has been described as Southern infused Rock/ Metal. KILLCODE's songs are hooky super charged anthems with big guitars and driving rhythms that pumps a shot of adrenaline into your system the moment you hear them. KILLCODE, founded by vocalist/frontman Tom Morrissey and guitarist Chas, laid down the KILLCODE foundation with a couple of tracks they recorded at their home studio. After listening back, they knew they were on to something! Next up would be recruiting long time musical companion Erric Bonesmith on bass guitar and Rob Noxious on the drums to complete their rhythm section. With all members coming from established projects prior to KILLCODE, the band quickly raised eyebrows and landed on bills with the likes of Godsmack & Sevendust. KILLCODE also provided main support to Brett Scallions on the Re Fueled East Coast tour. To date, the band has released 'To Die For', a six song EP, a second six song EP, 'Taking it All', the self-titled album 'KILLCODE' and their current release 'The Answer'. Both EP's charted well nationally and gained the band critical acclaim worldwide. The album 'KILLCODE' charted in the #2 position for a week on BILLBOARD's Mid-Atlantic Heat seekers Chart and 'The Answer' is again gaining the band critical acclaim worldwide. The song "Breaking Away," off of 'Taking It All', was featured in the inspirational documentary, 'DRESSED', directed by David Swajeski and starring fashion designer Nari Manivong and "6am Again", which appears on both their debut EP, "To Die For" and the self-titled full length album, has been featured on The Howard Stern Show on Sirius/XM. KILLCODE then decided to add a second guitarist by welcoming DC Gonzalez. DC, known as lead guitarist for the rock band Panzie, has proven to more than just fit in, his style complements what KILLCODE already had going on and it reinvigorated the band as they headed into the studio with producer Joey Zampella (best known as guitarist for legendary bands Life of Agony, Carnivore, and Stereomud) to record "The Answer", KILLCODE's latest and current release. KILLCODE has enjoyed an ever growing fan base both nationally and internationally and have headlined and sold out prominent marquee venues including New York City's Irving Plaza, Gramercy Theater, Bowery Ballroom as well as successful support gigs at Roseland Ballroom and Sony PlayStation Theater. Their Tristate area success was complimented by successful shows at the Dunkin Donuts Arena in New Hampshire, Gillette Stadium in Massachusetts and The Viper Room in Los Angeles. In 2016 KILLCODE partnered with Coallier Entertainment to help extend their reach internationally by bringing the band out to perform at prestigious festivals around the world such as Guitare En Scene in France, Bang Your Head Festival in Germany, Hell & Heaven Festival in Mexico and more. 2017 saw the band once again touring around the world, returning to Mexico for the Corona Northside festival, Germany for the Bang Your Head and Rock of Ages festivals as well as spreading the :::CODE::: to new countries such as Switzerland for The Riverside Auarburg Festival, Spain for Rockfest Barcelona, The U.K. for The Hair Metal Heaven and Hard Rock hell Festivals, several club dates in Puerto Rico and direct support for Dee Snider and his Solo band for their USA/East coast dates. KILLCODE aren't showing any signs of slowing down and are ready and able to take their rightful place alongside the biggest rock acts out there. This is only the beginning….
Natti Vogel – National Sawdust
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Young alt-pop mastermind and piano singer-songwriter Natti Vogel is rapidly becoming New York's buzziest independent artist with his stunning new orchestral EP "Serving Body" and its equally inimitable array of music videos. His live shows, where Vogel's conservatory, cinematic, cabaret, rock, jazz, comedic and foreign-language training are all put to use, create an unusually intense and wonderful experience raved about by audiences and press alike. After two previous sold out album concerts, Vogel returns to National Sawdust for two shows this July, where the full body of his work will be on display.
Human Man, Floam, Consumables – Mercury Lounge
July 28, 2018 – New York
Born from the plashet formally known as the Drips.
40th Anniversary of Dance Fever – Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Summer Reading Games Day 2018 – Celeste Bartos Forum
July 28, 2018 – New York
On July 28, please join TeenLIVE, NYPLarcade, & MyLibraryNYC for Summer Reading Games Day 2018! This all-ages event celebrates play, literacy, and games at the New York Public Library. Last year, we hosted our first-ever Summer Reading Games Day as a way to build upon the sucess of International Games Day and the fun of summer reading. This year, activities will include games for all ages (5 and up) and admission is free and open to the public.
Tracking & Forest Forensics – Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary
July 28, 2018 – Newtown
Who dunnit? Animal tracks and other signs not only tell us who made them, but also allow us to recreate what was done and why. Become a nature sleuth and help solve the mysteries of the sanctuary.
Register at cvhfoundation.org. All children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring a water bottle and dress appropriately for meadow and trail walking. Changes due to weather will be posted on the website.
Ballroom Throwbacks Presents: Ballroom Pride 2018 – Knockdown Center
July 28, 2018 – Maspeth
Ballroom Throwbacks is proud to announce the first #BALLROOMPRIDE2018 free ball. Honoring the ballroom scene that has inspired mainstream culture and entertainment for decades, 2018 Ballroom Pride invites each house, its participants and spectators to come out to compete and celebrate! In the spirit of unity & competition, each house is asked to come out in their house colors , dress code, theme etc. Thank you to everyone, we hope you come out and have a good time!
Best Buy Photography Workshop Tour – Manhattan Midtown Best Buy
July 28, 2018 – New York
This workshop is a hands-on, interactive experience taught by professional photographers and our Best Buy Camera Experience Shop Experts. The focus and theme of this summer’s workshop is capturing people and pets. You will be coached by the award-winning, professional photographers Tony Gale and Miguel Quiles. Tony’s clients have included Sony, Bank of America, Best Buy, Procter & Gamble, and State Farm, and Miguel has been sponsored by Sony, Profoto, Adorama, and Savage Paper. After check-in, you will be transported by bus from your local Best Buy store (for the Manhattan event, this is the Midtown store location) to a specially-chosen location where we’ve created custom shooting set-ups complete with models, props, and accessories. Each set-up is designed to teach key skills in portrait & action photography. You will learn how to maximize your camera’s settings, learn new techniques and how accessories can advance your photos to the next level, all with the hands-on help of our Experts. You will have the opportunity to borrow and try out an array of lenses and accessories. Lunch, snacks, giveaways and transportation are all provided. The events cost $50 – but you’ll easily make this up with the giveaways, lunch, transportation, and the priceless opportunity to work with pros! Register here: https://bestbuyphotoworkshoptours.com/registration/index/
Eight is Never Enough – 53 Above Broadway
July 28, 2018 – New York
COME BE A PART OF THE SHOW! The cast of EIGHT IS NEVER ENOUGH delivers hilarious comedy improvised on the spot based on audience suggestions and participation. Every show is topical and customized to you. Think WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY meets Broadway.
Ada Belle – Pete's Candy Store
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
ambient pop music
Shockmop – Pete's Candy Store
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
We'll play indie-rock music and you can dance with your shoulders to it
Bluegrass Brunch: Union Rail – Daryl's House Club
July 28, 2018 – Pawling
Union Rail is an original band who blends influences from Appalachian bluegrass, folk, country and blues with they're own pop mix of early American music.
ComedySportz – 53 Above Broadway
July 28, 2018 – New York
Since 2004, ComedySportz® New York has been entertaining fans with the fastest and funniest form of improv comedy in the Big Apple. Two teams of improvisers vie for points in a hilarious competition by playing a series of improv games, similar to what yo may have seen on TV's Whose Line Is It Anyway? A referee governs the action, calling…
Amanda Shires – Daryl's House Club
July 28, 2018 – Pawling
Critially acclaimed singer/songwriter/violinist and winner of the Americana Music Association's Emerging Artist of the Year.
Nature-Themed Programs – Center for the Urban River at Beczak
Through July 28, 2018 – Yonkers
Each week will feature nature-themed lessons and craft activities.
Registration is required. Please contact Gabby at riverexplorers1@gmail.com or 914-377-1900, x13.
Hudson River Seining – Center for the Urban River at Beczak
Through July 28, 2018 – Yonkers
Each week will feature nature-themed lessons and craft activities.
Registration is required. Please contact Gabby at riverexplorers1@gmail.com or 914-377-1900, x13.
Saturday Night Piano Karaoke with Mark Piro – Sid Gold's Request Room
July 28, 2018 – New York
Spend you Saturday night with Mark's extensive song list! and sing!
LEGO My Library! – The Field Library
Through July 28, 2018 – Peekskill
Love to build? Kids 5 and up are invited to join for a program of free play with the library's huge Lego collection.
Shannon and the Clams – Rough Trade NYC
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
It wouldn't be wrong to say that Shannon and the Clams was formed by accident. Just outside the invisible borders of Oakland's warehouse music scene, Shannon Shaw was absorbed in studying illustration at California College of the Arts, a 100-year-old institution that draws freaks into the city from across the country. For many, the school serves as a gateway into the sprawling music underground that agitates beneath the Bay Area, as a hub for fliers for illegal parties in backyards, basements, and overpasses. During a bout of depression, Shannon took up a neglected bass guitar that had been a gift from an ex-boyfriend years earlier and played it for the first time, writing in a raw and untrained way. The urge to perform these songs soon took her to open mic nights around the East Bay. "It was the perfect outlet," Shannon says. "I never thought I'd be someone who played music, but one day I picked up this bass and started writing songs. I became addicted to it. It became my focus." Word got around that she was performing and the instigators of art school parties, always hungry for new talent, convinced Shannon to throw a band together and play. It worked, and it pushed her to aim higher, but the band was only meant to be temporary. Now, ten years later, her path has revealed itself and Shannon and the Clams are releasing their fifth album, Onion, this time collaborating with producer Dan Auerbach and his label Easy Eye Sound.
Oyster Bay Walking Tour – Sagamore Hill NHS
Through July 28, 2018 – Oyster Bay
This summer, Sagamore Hill will offer free walking tours of the historic hamlet of Oyster Bay. Join a park ranger on an easy mile and a half stroll through time as they interpret the points of interest significant to Theodore Roosevelt, his family, and his presidency. Stops include the Oyster Bay train depot, where Roosevelt used to catch the train to New York City, the Moore Building, which was a base of operations for the “Summer White House,” and Christ Church, where Roosevelt’s funeral mass was held in 1919. Tours will meet at 2:00PM in the Oyster Bay Long Island Railroad parking lot under the large rectangular firemen’s arch.
Nights in the Lights – Boundless Adventures
July 28, 2018 – Purchase
Boundless Adventures is an outdoor aerial adventure park with a range of obstacle courses where adventurers climb, swing, balance, jump, and zip on a thrilling treetop course. Challenge (and surprise) yourself with feats of strength, stamina, agility, and bravery as you maneuver through nature in a range of obstacle courses that offer exhilarating, self-esteem building activities for kids ages 7 and older and adults alike.
Poetry Walk – The New York Botanical Garden
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
An ongoing poetry walk showcases the work of acclaimed poet W.S. Merwin, organized in partnership with the Poetry Society of America. Merwin, a former U.S. Poet Laureate who has resided in Hawai'i since the 1970s, uses his interest in deep ecology to explore the relationship between nature and humans.
Afropunk Battle of the Bands – Knitting Factory Brooklyn
Through July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
The top 16 bands with the most votes will compete in our semi-final shows at the Knitting Factory between July 25th – July 28th.
Luis Perdomo & Rufus Reid – Mezzrow Jazz Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Luis Perdomo is a pianist of startling power and clarity. A modernist in his thinking with a groove and wonderful feeling. Join him and his invited guest Rufus Reid on bass for a weekend in our listening room.
Modern Dance (Open Level) – 92Y
July 28, 2018 – Upper East Side
Explore the body's relationship to breath, weight and space through standing and floor work and traveling combinations.Develop strength and movement flexibility. Move through space with longer, more complex combinations.
The Amazing National Dance Day Hunt – Slattery's Midtown Pub
July 28, 2018 – Midtown
A series of clues leads you around the city performing physical and mental challenges along the way. Dance your way through NYC with this interactive, fun hunt celebrating dance. Each member of the winning team receives a New York City gift package. The hunt takes three hours. Please wear comfortable shoes and bring a Metrocard. One member of the team should have a smart phone and download the ScanQuest app.
Relax with Free Yoga at The Westchester – The Westchester
Through July 28, 2018 – White Plains
Zen out with free mat yoga at The Westchester! Every Saturday in July, The Westchester invites yogis to take free classes in the Savor Westchester Food Hall. Whether you’re a beginner or have been practicing for years, everyone can enjoy this adult yoga class. Please be sure to bring your own yoga mat. After class, be sure to pick up lunch from one of the many restaurants in Savor Westchester Food Hall.
Anthony Wonsey 'After-Hour' – Mezzrow Jazz Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Join pianist Anthony Wonsey for our after-hours with invited musical guests.
Watson Adventures’ Murder at the Met Scavenger Hunt – Metropolitan Museum of Art
July 28, 2018 – New York
Join Watson Adventures on a murder mystery scavenger hunt for adults at the Metropolitan Museum! A murdered curator has left behind a cryptic trail of clues connected with secrets in works of art. As your team gathers answers about the art, you begin to piece together a sordid tale about greed, lust, revenge and treachery, all revolving around the museum’s planned multi-million dollar purchase of a rare painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. The murder victim knew too much—and now it’s your turn to discover what drove someone to commit murder. To find out, you’ll have to crack a secret code to figure out whodunnit. Price includes museum admission. Advance purchase is required.
Venetian Mystery Night – Zavo
July 28, 2018 – New York
Private dinner and show, featuring: DJ Johnny Versace Theatrical and aerial performances Living statues And much more… Complimentary champagne in the piano lounge. Surprises for those in masks!
Everything Old Is New Again! – On Stage at Kingsborough
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Come dance to one of New York City's most sought-after ensembles as they play their fresh renditions of Jazz Age favorites such as "Fascinatin' Rhythm," "I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket," and "West End Blues" with style, sophistication, and a touch of the blues. With the utmost respect for the past, this innovative orchestra brings new energy to the tradition of early jazz. Bandleader Jason Prover has performed with The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, Lee Fields and the Expressions, and the Hot Sardines. "Sneak Thievery Orchestra is one of the hottest jazz bands around!" – Michael Katsobashvili, Director of the New York Hot Jazz Festival
Schtick A Pole In It: Justin Timberlake Edition – Drom
July 28, 2018 – New York
From comedians Dan Goodman and JoAnna Ross comes Schtick A Pole In It, a night of comedy and pole dancing. Comics and pole dancers alternate the stage to create a unique show that leaves everyone happy. Who doesn't like to laugh? Who doesn't like to see dancers do insane things on the pole? If you've never seen a pole show this is the one to come to. They're not strippers, it's not burlesque, it's aerial dance with a side of crazy gymnastics and death defying tricks that make your jaw drop.
Historic Tour – Kings Theatre
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Explore the Kings Theatre on a guided tour, where you'll learn about the history and architecture of the former movie palace and it's new life after a $95M restoration to a state-of-the-art live performance venue. The tour will begin promptly at 2:00PM under the Kings Theatre marquee. All guests must purchase a ticket to join the 75 minute tour.
Watson Adventures’ Met Madness Scavenger Hunt – Metropolitan Museum of Art
July 28, 2018 – New York
Join Watson Adventures on a unique scavenger hunt for adults! Discover the weird and wacky side of art on an unforgettable tour of the best of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. You’ll discover some of the most startling and humorous works in galleries you never knew existed. Highlights include the Egyptian Temple of Dendur, a tranquil Chinese garden, ancient animal mummies, a saint’s tooth, an incontinent Cupid and a medieval Mick Jagger. A smartphone is required for each team to participate on this hunt. Price includes museum admission. Advance purchase is required.
PLAY: MUSIC – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
Through July 28, 2018 – Bethel
For ages 9-15 years old, this three-week program at Bethel Woods facilitated by the College of Performing Arts at the New School from NYC provides opportunities for exploration in songwriting, instrumental music, and vocals. Students of all levels learn how to access music as a force for activism and develop their own self-expression in the form of original songs that speak to what they care for in their own lives. By offering education in many aspects of music, participants gain a full toolbox of musical skills –vocal and body warm-ups, voice projection, national and international musical traditions, foreign language exposure, identifying song genres, improvisation, performance etiquette, history and social issues as inspiration, figures of speech, composition and instrumental scoring–as well as experience thinking critically and working collaboratively to achieve goals. Individual instruction in voice and instrument are offered as well as group collaborations and ensemble work. All levels of musicianship are welcome; participants can choose from a variety of instruments and at which level they'd like to start. P.L.A.Y. Music culminates in an exciting and engaging presentation of program process including sharing of traditional and new compositions, ensemble and solo performances, and opportunities for the audience to join in!
Watson Adventures’ SoHo Chocolatey Scavenger Hunt – SoHo Square Park
July 28, 2018 – New York
Join Watson Adventures on a unique, chocolate-infused scavenger hunt throughout SoHo! The perfect hunt for those adventurers with a sweet tooth! While finding answers to tricky questions, you’ll be visiting a variety of chocolate shops, bakeries and specialty shops throughout SoHo. Treats spotted along the way will include tropical fruit caramels, bacon candy bars, lavender macaroons, spiced hot chocolate, delicious cupcakes and rice pudding in more than 31 flavors. Please bring one smartphone per team for photos and $10 cash for food purchases. Advance purchase is required.
Out of Doors Family Day – Lincoln Center
July 28, 2018 – Upper West Side
Amidst three weeks of world-class music, dance, film, and spoken word performances from international and U.S. artists, Out of Doors will host a Family Day with kid-friendly music and dance performances on LC's spectacular campus. The Mark Morris Dance Group leads an all-ages and abilities dance class highlighting excerpts from the group’s Love Song Waltzes, also performed as a part of Mostly Mozart Festival. Then, the Marching Cobras after-school drumline and dance team will take over Josie Robertson Plaza for an energetic afternoon. Soul Science Lab closes the day's activities on Hearst Plaza with their explosive energy and positive messages.
Cowboy Junkies Pre-Show Farm-To-Table Dinner – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
July 28, 2018 – Bethel
Celebrate summer at Bethel Woods with a bountiful farm-to-table dinner presented by Bethel Woods' own Executive Chef. Pre-show multi-course dinner will take place in the Market Sheds.
Kraal Charles Media presents Verses – Nuyorican Poet's Café
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
… the Open Mic Spoken Word Monologue Skit Music Comedy Showcase! Hosted by the Audaciously winning crazy girl Helena D. Lewis. Every last Saturday of the month! #?kraalcharlesmedia? ?#?VERSES? ?
Cowboy Junkies – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
July 28, 2018 – Bethel
Cowboy Junkies released The Wilderness, Volume 4 of The Nomad Series on March 27, 2012, marking the conclusion of an ambitious schedule of four releases over an 18-month period. The group's Michael Timmins says of the new CD, "The title, The Wilderness, in some odd way seemed to define what these songs were actually "about": fragility, emptiness, loneliness, beauty, chance, loss, desperation – the delicate balancing act that makes up a life. They are about being lost in the wilderness of age, the wilderness of parenthood, in the wilderness of just trying to find meaning and substance, happiness and truth in ones day to day life. They are about standing alone in middle of it all, breathing in the cold still air and wondering." The preceding album, Sing In My Meadow, a collection of songs recorded over a four day period that evokes the psychedelic, blues-inspired forays the band is fond of exploring on stage was hailed by Metromix as "showing yet another side of one of the most versatile, underrated bands of the last 25 years." The first volume of the series, Renmin Park, released in 2010, was inspired by Michael Timmins' two-month stay in China with his family in '08 and was called "their most ambitious yet" by The Boston Herald. Demons (2011), the second in the series, is a collection of songs by the late Vic Chesnutt which Canada's National Post called "… a celebration of both the Junkies and Chesnutt and one of the year's best albums."
Fashion for Freedom – The Mezzanine
July 28, 2018 – New York
Fashion for Freedom brings together the worlds of fashion and human rights, aiming to create a space where fashion lovers and activists can celebrate the efforts of ethical brands and bring awareness to atrocities such as slavery in the fashion industry. The Fashion for Freedom Campaign centers around a July 28th event in New York City with three main components: Shop, Learn, and Honor. Guests will have the opportunity to shop from a number of ethical pop-up shops during the opening cocktail hour. Then, legendary fashion activist Safia Minney will deliver a keynote speech, followed by a panel discussion with other industry leaders. Finally, the Fashion for Freedom Event will conclude by honoring a change maker in this field.
Meet R2-AE – Key to My Art
July 28, 2018 – Amityville
Come meet R2-AE – an R2 unit/astromech! You can meet and take pictures with this lifesize R2 model then paint a version of R2-D2 on canvas. No experience necessary. Paint with your children or drop them off. Price includes all supplies, canvas, paint, and step by step instruction. Must register online in advance. Arrive on time or your child will miss important instruction.
Instatacular : short sets – The Creek and The Cave
July 28, 2018 – Queens
The world can be a cold, difficult place for anyone who's vertically challenged . Instatacular : short sets brings together all the funniest comedians under 5'7?. People of any height are welcome to come, and enjoy the laughs. Come by and get to learn a little from a different point of view. Hosted by the short Daniel J Perafan "
Punch Brothers with special guest Madison Cunningham – Beacon Theatre
July 28, 2018 – New York
Punch Brothers are the acoustic quintet of mandolinist Chris Thile, guitarist Chris Eldridge, bassist Paul Kowert, banjoist Noam Pikelny and violinist Gabe Witcher. Says the Washington Post, "With enthusiasm and experimentation, Punch Brothers take bluegrass to its next evolutionary stage, drawing equal inspiration from the brain and the heart." Their latest album, the T Bone Burnett-produced The Phosphorescent Blues (released in 2015 on Nonesuch Records), addresses the power and the pitfalls of our super-connected world with straight-up poignancy and subversive humor. Punch Brothers formed in 2006. Its first Nonesuch record, Punch, was released in 2008 and combined elements of the band's many musical interests. In 2009, they began a residency at NYC's intimate club, The Living Room, trying out new songs and ultimately spawning the Grammy-nominated Antifogmatic (2010). In 2012, the band released Who's Feeling Young Now?, which Q praised for its 'astonishing, envelope-pushing vision', while Rolling Stone said, 'The acoustic framework dazzles – wild virtuosity used for more than just virtuosity.' Recently, Chris Thile took over hosting duties of Live from Here (formerly A Prairie Home Companion) in 2016 and released Thanks for Listening in late 2017 – a collection of songs written for Chris' popular radio show. Chris Eldridge partnered with Julian Lage for the Grammy-nominated Mount Royal and Noam released his fourth solo album, the Grammy-nominated Universal Favorite. Both Mount Royal and Universal Favorite were produced by Gabe Witcher, who was also behind Sara Watkins' latest, Young In All The Wrong Ways. Paul Kowert has been recording and touring with the Dave Rawlings Machine while developing his latest project Hawktail, Paul's band with Jordan Tice, Brittney Haas and Dominick Leslie.
HOT SUMMER NIGHTS! Free Outdoor Concert Series – On Stage At Kingsborough
Through July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Enjoy a series of incredible jazz performances under the stars this month at Kingsborough’s Lighthouse Bandshell, all of which are free and open to the public. Pincnicking is encouraged (gates open at 7pm so you have time to set up) and food will be available for sale, or you can bring your own.
Black Love Committee – New Museum
July 28, 2018 – New York
The Black School will lead a series of three tactic-specific sessions on arts activism for an intergenerational audience, culminating in a presentation at Black Love Festival NYC at the Sugar Hill Children's Museum of Art & Storytelling. In these sequential themed meetings, which will take place at Sugar Hill and the New Museum, participants will identify a shared community goal and collaborate in art-making and direct action toward achieving it. This is a free workshop series and space is limited. To apply, email season@newmuseum.org and describe briefly why you are interested in participating in the series and your commitment to attending all sessions.
Phineas the Clown – Forest Park Carousel Amusement Village
July 28, 2018 – Woodhaven
Phineas is an award-winning clown and juggler. He has been trained by members of the Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit, world juggling champion Tony Duncan, and the NY Goofs under the direction of former dean of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, Dick Monday. He worked at the Streb Laboratory for Action Mechanics teaching juggling and slapstick for multiple summer seasons. He currently holds the world record for juggling clubs while bouncing on a pogo stick. Come see his show to see what he'll juggle next! This event is FREE to guests of Forest Park Carousel Amusement Village. For ride and game ticket pricing, please visit: https://forestparkcarousel.com/pricing/
KJ Denhert – 55 Bar
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
KJ Denhert…Vocals & Guitar A.T.N. Stadwijk…Keys Sean Harkness…Guitar Mamadou Ba…Bass Ray Levier…Drums
Avery Sommers: For Sentimental Reasons – The Art Garage
July 28, 2018 – Cooperstown
Broadway veteran and Arts Garage favorite Avery Sommers, whose voice has been described as a "powerhouse" by The New York Times, takes the stage at Arts Garage on July 28th. Sommers will present a musical journey of love lost and found thru great songs from Broadway, the 60's and The American Songbook. Avery Sommers appeared on Broadway in Ain't Misbehavin', Show Boat, Chicago, and Platinum, and in the national tours of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas with Ann-Margret, and Chicago with Chita Rivera and Joel Grey. Avery was also seen in Regina Taylor's Crowns at City Theatre in Pittsburgh, and Hairspray at Actors' Playhouse. She has been featured in 10 independent films shot in South Florida, and will begin filming a new web series in the spring.
Marching Cobras – Josie Robertson Plaza
July 28, 2018 – Upper West Side
They’ve performed at the Super Bowl, in an Oscar-winning movie (Birdman), and as part of the Times Square New Year’s Eve celebration, and now this 60-member drumline and dance team brings its high-energy artistry to Josie Robertson Plaza.
The Music of Bob Marley for Kids with David Langlois and The Brooklyners – Garcia's at The Capitol Theatre
July 28, 2018 – Port Chester
An opportunity to rock out in an effort to educate children and explore their creativity. The Rock and Roll Playhouse is an early and often first introduction to a child’s lifelong journey with live music and rock and roll.
Peter Baron Solo – The Cutting Room
July 28, 2018 – New York
Peter Baron, born and raised in Greenwich Village, New York was most influenced by guitar-based rock bands of the 70's and 80's. Peter Baron's sound has been described as a combination of modern edgy pop rock and 70's metal. You might say Zeppelin/Aerosmith meets Foo Fighters/Alanis Morrisette. At 17, Peter landed a spot as second guitarist with Leslie West of Mountain and toured the U.S./Canada with Leslie in various bands. Performances included stadiums, coliseums and well-known clubs, playing to audiences as large as 70,000 with some of the biggest bands on the planet. Some of the artists include Kiss, Metallica, Peter Frampton, Slash of Guns N Roses and many, many more. Peter Baron currently plays guitar with Leslie West's Mountain and has played with Leslie on and off since 17.He also toured and recorded with Rainbow/Deep purple singer Joe Lynn Turner as well as Peter Baron's Thunderfarm. Peter has celebrated 6 sold out shows at the cutting room. Vampire the Rock Opera is the brain child of Peter and features a band/cast of 12 musicians, a narrator, a scary clown mc as well as a bit of a stage production… the story is told through a combination of orchestral movements by Frank D'augusta and songs written by Peter Baron.
Dance with Mark Morris Dance Group – Hearst Plaza
July 28, 2018 – Upper West Side
Learn to dance with one of the world’s most celebrated contemporary dance companies. For this special all-ages, all-abilities class, participants will have the chance to dance steps from Mark Morris’s Love Song Waltzes, which will be performed in August at the Mostly Mozart Festival.
A World of Plants – The New York Botanical Garden
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
A showcase of the Garden's living collections featuring lush tropical rain forests, cactus-filled deserts, curated displays of palms from around the world, aquatic and carnivorous plants, and much more.
The Gotham All-Stars – Gotham Comedy Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
A professional Showcase featuring comics from "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon", "Late Night with Seth Meyers", "The Late Show", "The Daily Show", Conan on TBS, Comedy Central, HBO and various TV shows and films. Featuring Jim Mendrinos, Leah Bonnema, Nathan Macintosh, Gregg Rogell (8pm show) and more! Jim Mendrinos: Comedian Jim Mendrinos is the common man with uncommon comedy observations. From world politics to the politics of personal relationships, Jim's everyman insights creates a symphony of comedy covering a wide spectrum of humanity.
Dance with Mark Morris Dance Group – Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts – Hearst Plaza
July 28, 2018 – New York
Learn to dance with one of the world's most celebrated contemporary dance companies. For this special all-ages, all-abilities class, participants will have the chance to dance steps from Mark Morris's Love Song Waltzes, which will be performed in August at the Mostly Mozart Festival.
Circus Saturdays – Westchester Circus Arts Camp at Harvey School
Through July 28, 2018 – Katonah
Campers (ages 6-18) of all skill levels will showcase amazing and fun circus arts skills they learned in camp including: Aerial Arts, Acrobatics, Tightwire, Juggling, Stilt-walking, Contortion, Magic, and Clowning. Hilary Sweeney and her team of circus professionals will be there to inspire campers in this highly individualized program. During the course of this two-week session, circus trainers guide campers through a range of skill workshops designed to build confidence, strength, flexibility, balance, and creative expression.
The Harlem Sessions Hosted by Marc Cary – Smoke Jazz and Supper Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
11:30 PM no music charge $20 minimum 12:45 AM no music charge $20 minimum
The Rub – The Bell House
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
There's a reason why The Rub is a New York City institution: it's a dance party where people with good taste in music come together, get wasted and shake their asses until the wee hours of the morning. Having garnered praise from the Village Voice ("best party in Brooklyn to dance sweatily to smart music") and the New York Press ("best party in NYC"), The Rub is always about great dance music (hip-hop, disco, funk, house, and reggae), affordable drinks, and real people; no dress code, no bottle service and no celebrity DJs
Retro Game Night – Westhampton Free Library
July 28, 2018 – Westhampton Beach
Enjoy time with your friends and paint a beautiful beach scene featuring your own footprints. (Registration required).
Through July 28, 2018 – NEW YORK
World Renowned Magician Joshua Jay, will present the first-ever immersive close-up magical experience, with his newest creation, Six Impossible Things, directed by Luke Jermay. Six Impossible Things will inhabit New York City’s most exciting storytelling space, Wildrence (59 Canal Street), for a limited run beginning June 1, opening June 9 and will only run through July 28, 2018. Tickets are $106—$126 and can be purchased at SixImpossibleThingsShow.com. Performing for only 20 people, Joshua Jay’s Six Impossible Things moves audiences through several rooms where a new mystery unfolds to reveal an impossible “thing”. During the course of 75 minutes Jay will attempt to read thoughts, manipulate decisions and even alter taste buds in the first and only immersive close-up magic show. The six astounding magic effects, are all original creations of master magician Joshua Jay. The artwork throughout the space is created by celebrated artist Serge Block. June 1 – July 28, 2018 Opening Night June 9, 2018 Wildrence is located behind the Blue Door at 59 Canal Street Performance Schedule: Friday & Saturday at 7pm & 9:30 pm Tickets are $106—$126 and can be purchased at SixImpossibleThingsShow.com
Giraffes? Giraffes!, Vasudeva, Goddard – Brooklyn Bazaar
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Saturday, July 28th at Brooklyn Bazaar Golden Parachute Presents: : GIRAFFES? GIRAFFES! :: Vasudeva ::: Goddard
Pet Rock Adoption – Mineola Memorial Library
July 28, 2018 – Mineola
Rocks are the perfect pet; they don't eat, shed, or poop! Choose a "pet" rock to decorate, pick out a cozy perfectly sized "blanket," and decorate your pet's carrier! Sign up begins Monday, July 9.
Street Light Boutique (Ft. Rahlou and Dj Que Sera) – Threes Brewing
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Music Event @Franklin + Kent. Purveyors of soulful sounds moving freely without boundaries.
LATE NIGHT SESSION: Vanisha Gould 'An Ode to Carmen McRae' – Dizzy's Club Coca Cola
Through July 28, 2018 – New York
With vocalist Vanisha Gould, pianists Eden Ladin (7/24-25, 7/27-7/28) and Chris McCarthy (7/26 only), bassists Dean Torrey (7/24-26, 7/28) and Matt Dwonszyk (7/27 only), and drummers Kush Abadey (7/24-25) and Jongkuk Kim (7/26-28). Tuesday-Saturday evenings, doors open at 11:15pm for Late Night Sessions featuring some of the most talented emerging artists in jazz. There are no reservations for Late Night Sessions – just swing by! This month, Thursday and Saturday evenings will be hosted by Julian Lee.
Boy George & Culture Club and The B-52s and Thompson Twins' Tom Bailey – Forest Hills Stadium
July 28, 2018 – Forest Hills
Since their inception in 1981 Culture Club have sold more than 50 million records worldwide, lead by their classic hits, "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me," "Karma Chameleon," and "I'll Tumble 4 Ya". The group is fronted by British singer/songwriter Boy George, who is universally recognized as one of music's iconic artists. George was recently presented with the Ivor Novello lifetime achievement award in 2015 for his contribution to the music industry. Roy Hay, Mikey Craig and Jon Moss make up the remaining original line up set to tour. Their recent shows have garnered rave reviews from the press since reforming: Culture Club is…."a true show band, with a master at it's center. If you like to go out, if you like to feel good, if you like to be transported by music, if you are in search of authenticity in a land inundated by fake, …..then this is your gig!"
Cheers To QNS! A Queens Beer Festival – LIC Landing
July 28, 2018 – Long Island City
Let's raise a pint to Queens! "Cheers To QNS!" is a huge beer festival celebrating all things Queens and raising funds for the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy. Music, Pop-Up food stalls, and best of all… 100% of proceeds go to benefit the Hunter's Point Parks Conservancy keep the LIC riverfront parks open and clean for all New Yorkers to use.
Auguste and Alden, Ian Bamberger – Arlene's Grocery
July 28, 2018 – New York
Auguste and Alden – Alden Sachse-Skidd/lead vocals & guitar, Auguste Sachse-Skidd/lead vocals & bass, Sean Lemkey/vocals &drums Auguste and Alden are a brother and sister duo who passionatly write and perform their own original music. Their sound is extremely unique full of intricate blood harmonies and their creative musical arrangements. Auguste and Alden have toured nationally performing at venues such as the NAMM show while playing alongside many major artists, in addition to appearing on a syndicated weekly TV series. Their passion to make music is evident by their catalog of over 70 original songs they have written, produced and recorded.
2018 Gun Hill HomeBrew Hero Competition – Gun Hill Brewing Company
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
With the recent release of last year's winners beer, Homebrew Hero Key Lime Pie Gose, it means it's time to host the 2018 competition. Home brewers from all over the area will be vying for the grand prize: to have their beer brewed on our system, and distributed throughout or network. Each contest will be sampling his/her beer for attendees in hopes of being selected as the "People's Choice Winner".
Black Butterfly – Groove
July 28, 2018 – New York
" Black Butterfly " starring Nanna , a 21 year old singer/songwriter/model from Brooklyn NY. Nanna was a contestant on Kelly Rowland's Chasing Destiny Show on BET, and has performed in showcases for Indie artist sponsored by 105.1, and has performed several times at Brooklyn's own Milk River, The Shrine, Pianos, etc. Nanna has modeled for NY Fashion Week and was a model on Project Runway All Stars season 3. Nanna writes her own songs, and credits her mom Priceless as her mentor, and Beyonce, Michael Jackson, and Usher as her inspiration. Nanna's motto is to "Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself."
A Variety Show to Benefit Susan G. Komen Foundation – The Triad
July 28, 2018 – New York
A Variety Show with music, theater and dance performances. All monies raised will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
LES Chinatown Stop 'N' Swap – LES Chinatown ADA Weekend Walk
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
Free community reuse event! Bring clean, reusable, portable items such as clothing, housewares, games, books, & toys that you no longer need, and take home something new-to-you, free! You don’t have to bring something to take something. *Outdoor event, rain or shine
FBOMB – Arlene's Grocery
July 28, 2018 – New York
One of The Lower East Side's longest running parties, this monthly show features the best rock bands in NYC along with a special tribute set!
City Alley : ROCK – The Triad
July 28, 2018 – New York
From hits like 'Reflections' to 'No More', City Alley delivers terrific emotional and true human experiences that can be relatable. Coming to a city near you, with many different styles of music many will enjoy this band and all it has to offer. Really the emotional depth connects well with those who listen to the band. With the spring coming along go out and see this band perform, have a blast, and rock on. Listening to songs like Reflections, the song gives out feelings of love, emotion, attachment, introspection, frustration, tension, and appeals to younger crowds, rockers, guitarists, and independent artists, to really capture experience and having a real connection to the listener about real life things that we go through. The band captures perfectly these elements and will send the listener wanting more and more. Bringing in a fresh perspective on things relating to its audience on a deeper level. Please note: 2 Beverage Minimum per person
Watson Adventures’ Whodunnit at the Met Family Scavenger Hunt – Metropolitan Museum of Art
July 28, 2018 – New York
Join Watson Adventures on a unique murder mystery scavenger hunt for kids 10 and up! A killer is on the loose at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and it’s up to you to stop him! The killer has created a scavenger hunt that reveals his name, the weapon he used and where he hid the body. Follow the trail of clues and answer tricky questions to solve the crime. Can you figure out whodunnit? Kids must be accompanied by an adult. Price includes museum admission. Advance purchase is required.
1970's Day – Long Island Game Farm
July 28, 2018 – Manorville
Long Island Game Farm is bringing back its 1970’s Admission Price Day, AKA 1970’s Day, for the fourth year in a row. Sur Saturday, July 28, (Rain Date: Sunday, July 29) all day, the park will feature admissions prices from its first decade in business. Tickets will cost $3.90 per adult and $1.95 per child (+tax). This is an unbeatable price that only comes along once a year.
Shinnicock Young Blood Drummers and Dancers – Montauk Lighthouse
July 28, 2018 – Montauk
The Young Blood Dancers of the Shinnecock tribe perform.
Dayveon – Rooftop Films
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Mourning his older brother, 13-year-old Dayveon is drawn to the camaraderie of a local gang. In the wake of his older brother's death, 13-year-old Dayveon spends the sweltering summer days roaming his rural Arkansas town. When he falls in with a local gang, he becomes drawn to the camaraderie and violence of their world.
Petey DeAbreu, Fran Duncan, Kevin Becker & Adam Grimes VARIETY – The Triad
July 28, 2018 – New York
Mike Geffner's Inspired Word, one of New York's most popular grassroots performance series, presents Variety Experience Live, showcasing this city's rising star musicians, comedians, spoken word artists, and poets. This night features X Factor U.S. Season 1 star and MTV's Are You the One? cast member Francesca Duncan, a singer/songwriter whose soulful sound combines Neo Soul and R&B and who writes intimate songs about sexuality, mental health, and childhood; comedian Petey DeAbreu, who will make you fall out of your seat laughing and appears regularly at The Stand NYC, the Greenwich Village Comedy Club, and Broadway Comedy Club; spoken word and slam poet, artist Kevin Becker, will dazzle you with his verbal gymnastics, uniquely alliterative wordplay, and rapid-fire. seemingly breathless delivery; and singer/songwriter Adam Grimes (and his group of musicians), who layers high energy pop with elements of musical theatre. Please note: 2 Beverage Minimum
Antiques Galore – Hell's Kitchen Flea Market
July 28, 2018 – New York
In the summer we welcome visitors from all over the world who return every year to shop our closet. This summer, we'll have lots of great trendy fashion and vintage too.
ComedySportz – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
Since 2004, ComedySportz® New York has been entertaining fans with the fastest and funniest form of improv comedy in the Big Apple. Two teams of improvisers vie for points in a hilarious competition by playing a series of improv games, similar to what yo may have seen on TV's Whose Line Is It Anyway? A referee governs the action, calling fouls and keeping the match moving at a blistering pace. The audience is always a part of the interactive show, and audience volunteers sometimes even wind up on stage! Because everything is improvised, it's never the same show twice. And it's clean–appropriate for all ages. Every ComedySportz® match is a unique and unforgettable event–laughs guaranteed! Come see why so many people come back to see us again and again.
Underwater Landscapes – The Frick Collection
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
Inspired by Dustin Yellin's layered glass collages, museum visitors will get to make a layered landscape of an underwater scene! Young artists will be able to collage directly onto acetate sheets and layer each collage to create a landscape with depth and perspective.
Missoula Children's Theatre Acting Camp: Robin Hood – Emelin Theatre
Through July 28, 2018 – Mamaroneck
For generations, MCT has given kids the opportunity to perform on the Emelin stage. Children ages 6-16 are welcome and everyone will be cast in the production. No advance preparation necessary; enthusiasm and a smile are most important.
To register: Call Susan Flink @ 914.698.3045 x200 or email susan.flink@emelin.org
Transplants: Katie Boyle – Q.E.D
July 28, 2018 – Queens
Transplants is a stand-up show, featuring comics who are new New Yorkers, telling stories of where they came from and the journey that led them here.
Charenee Wade – Ginny's Supper Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
First Runner-Up in the 2010 Thelonious Monk International Vocal Competition, Charenee Wade is a notable singer, composer, arranger and educator who received her degree from the Manhattan School of Music. Her accolades include Betty Carter's Jazz Ahead Program where she performed her original music at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC; being one of the talented four chosen for the Dianne Reeves Young Artist Workshop at Carnegie Hall; 1st Runner-Up in the Jazzmobile Vocal Competition; and being selected for the JAS Academy Summer Sessions, 2007-09, directed by Christian McBride. Charenee is currently a professor at the Aaron Copland School of Music, City College, and with the Jazzmobile Workshop program. She teaches various workshops and clinics and was an esteemed judge for the 2010 Jazzmobile Vocal Competition, alongside Dr. Billy Taylor and Grady Tate. Charenee performs internationally and graces the stages of the Jazz Gallery, Jazz at Lincoln Center's Dizzy Coca Cola's, the legendary Smalls and the Zinc Bar in NYC. Her debut CD, Love Walked In was released in July 2010.
Think Up! Old Westbury Whodunits: Ecology A-Z – Old Westbury Gardens
July 28, 2018 – Old Westbury
Investigate the wonders of nature and history’s mysteries. Fact finding hunts through Westbury House and gardens uncover clues and solve riddles. Ages 8 and up.
Hashtag Comedy: Tracey Carnazzo – Q.E.D
July 28, 2018 – Queens
Tracey Carnazzo hosts this mind blowing evening of the worlds best stand up comics right here in Astoria, Queens. Comics as seen on MTV, VH1, Punchlines, Comedy Central, SiriusXM Radio and more.
Luigi Paint Event! Super Mario Brothers – Key to My Art East Rockaway!
July 28, 2018 – East Rockaway
Did you join us to paint Mario? Well you asked for Luigi and we listened!!!! We hope you'll join us to paint Mario's adorable counterpart! No experience necessary! This is a drop-off event! Price includes all supplies, canvas, paint, and step by step instruction! Must register online in advance. Please arrive on time or your child will miss important instruction. Dress for Mess! This is a drop off only event!
Shut Up Sit Down – Broadway Comedy Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Staring… Eric Tartaglione,Joe Moffa, Alley Mulrain & Ben Bowman This is what happens when four Italian Americans show up for a therapy session and the doctor fails to show up. They take matters into their own hands, attempting to detangle their issues without the aid of a qualified professional. Although their arguments, revelations, and quips may not be the stuff of Norman Rockwell paintings, they're funny and heartfelt enough to have earned the play a "Best Unique Theatrical Experience" nomination from the Off-Broadway Alliance Written by: Tina Giorgi, Eric tartaglione, Joe Moffa, & Chris Monty Original driection by Eve Brandstein and Tom Ingegno This production is directed and produced by Shoeless Angel Productions.
Evan Weiss Show – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
Evan Weiss presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners , as well as Up and Comers…See the stars of tommorow , today .These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more!
The Mammoths – Hill Country Barbecue Market – Hill Country Live
July 28, 2018 – New York
Beginning in Austin, TX, in the heart of their middle school days, David Kapsner (lead vocals/guitar/piano), Michael Jekot (lead guitar/vocals), and Tyler Rush (bass/vocals) came together to transcend the barrier of blues-rock into funky psych-soul through their various music ventures. Bringing the audacious and wonderfully talented Tim Durand (drums/vocals) into the picture has recently solidified the band with a roaring sound and strength to complement their vibe. Dedication to their music has evolved The Mammoths from garage rock to sophisticated blues-funk, and constant experimentation has allowed each member of the group to always stay true to their roots. Jekot, self-described as playing in the "grunge-endrix" style, notes that Kapsner's soul-vocals, Durand's pure metal, and Tyler's deep, groovy funk stand out in the realm of rock, drawing influence from all over to create a sound that is entirely new, yet curiously familiar.
Superhero Family Fun Day – Dave & Buster's West Nyack
July 28, 2018 – West Nyack
Come in a Superhero costume to receive FREE unlimited game play with a purchase of a Power Card of $20 or more! Complimentary FUN for everyone to include: Bounce House, Face Painters, Balloon Artist and Meet & Greet with two Superheros.
The Industryroom – The Broadway Comedy Club
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
Tonight some of NYC's funniest up-and-coming comics will audition for both our Club's talent booker and one of the nation's top Festival Bookers. This is one of our most popular shows, and has run uninterrupted for 15th consecutive years. You will also be treated to some of NYC's best veteran headliners. No online-tickets available. Simply buy your tickets at the door on the day of the show. This is a Special Event no discount tickets accepted.
Harm Reduction Kit Party – Judson Memorial Church
July 28, 2018 – New York
JUDSON OFFICES (Enter by way of 239 Thompson St.) Contact Kim Kelly ( jackim7@earthlink.net ) for more information.
Audio Tours – The New York Botanical Garden
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
Have you ever wanted to talk to the Garden's staff and learn more about the Garden's plants or collections? Now you can by listening to the Garden's audio tours, which cover a breadth of subjects from horticulture to garden history. Learn more about the research scientists are doing at the Garden, find out what's in bloom, and leave your comments for Garden staff.
Happy If Happy When: A Family Musical – LATEA @ The Clemente
Through July 28, 2018 – Lower East Side
Happy If Happy When is a 90-minute family-friendly musical, based on a true story about two parents and their five children, ages 9-17, who moved to a farm, only to find out that the farm they bought had a mind of its own. Conflict ensues and the family learns how much they need one another to realize the dream they all share of living close to the earth.
Jenna Esposito – Club Bonafide
July 28, 2018 – New York
Jenna Esposito has been delighting audiences across the country ever since her 2004 debut in New York City. She is, perhaps, best known for her tribute to Connie Francis, which has been a smash hit among critics and audiences, alike. Connie herself has praised Jenna's work as she is also renowned for her tributes to "The Great Italian-American Songbook," which celebrate songs that had their origins in Italy, as well as songs made famous by fellow Italian-Americans. In New York City, Jenna has headlined at Birdland, Feinstein's/54 Below, Feinstein's at Loews Regency, The Metropolitan Room, BACKSTAGE dope teatro, The Laurie Beechman Theatre, The Duplex, Danny's Skylight Room, and NYC's historic Friars Club. In 2013, Jenna performed at the Highline Ballroom, in Manhattan, where she was the opening act and duet partner for multi-platinum recording artist, Patrizio Buanne, and in 2011, she made her debut at Manhattan's historic Town Hall, sharing the stage with Liza Minnelli, Chita Rivera, Lucie Arnaz, Larry Gatlin and Marilyn Maye. Jenna has also performed shows at the James Armstrong Theatre and the Nakano Theatre in Torrance, CA, The M Bar in Hollywood, Lorenzo's at the Hilton Garden Inn in Staten Island, NY, the Hoboken Italian Festival in Hoboken, NJ, the St. Nicholas Italian Festival in Philadelphia, PA, Milwaukee's Festa Italiana, Empire City Casino in Yonkers, NY, Villa Roma in Callicoon, NY, and Monticello Raceway & Casino in Monticello, NY. Dubbed "the voice of Little Italy," Jenna has performed many shows in Manhattan's historic Little Italy, including solo shows at the famed San Gennaro Festival, and she has also made several appearances in Manhattan's Columbus Day Parade. She has also had the honor of singing at the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Gala in New York City. Her shows Italian Undercover, That's Amore: Jenna Sings Love, Italian Style, Takin' A Chance On Love, A Hint of Rosemary: The Songs of Rosemary Clooney, SMOOCH!, and I Hate Men: Songs for the Scorned have all received critical acclaim, and her annual "All-Star Birthday Bash" is a fun-filled evening during which she has shared the stage with a number of New York's finest performers.
Panorama Music and Arts Festival: Janet Jackson – Randall's Island Park
July 28, 2018 – New York
Lineup: Sza, Cucci Mane , St. Vincent, Lil Wayne
Family Art Class – Hudson River Museum
Through July 28, 2018 – Yonkers
Learn how to build bird kites from construction paper and twine, and make tissue-paper stained glass windows in the shape of kites. Participate in kite contests led by Kites in Motion throughout the day, as well as an outdoor scavenger hunt, with prizes.
Free general admission all weekend in celebration of Yonkers Arts Weekend.
Day Drinking: The Brunch Musical – Every Saturday at 2 PM and Sunday at 3 PM – New World Stages
July 28, 2018 – New York
BRUNCH IN A GLASS! Looking for the quintessential New York brunch outing? You'll find it at New World Stages in DAY DRINKING, the latest edition of the smash-hit musical comedy shows about cocktails and spirits! After all, what could be more New York than combining Bellinis and Bloody Marys with an Off-Broadway show in the heart of Manhattan's world-famous Theatre District? "Get your brunch on!" -The Village Voice Join four friends as they battle today's always-connected, over-scheduled world to carve out time to enjoy brunch together. While struggling to prioritize and prepare for their gathering, they learn the stories behind not only well-known brunch drinks but also brunch itself, and come to appreciate the value of making time to break bread and sip drinks with good friends. "A laugh-out-loud delight!" -The Mary Sue Your ticket includes a create-your-own Bloody Mary Bar, an authentic Irish Coffee, and a seasonal Bellini! DAY DRINKING is the perfect afternoon outing for bachelorette parties, birthday celebrations, and special events – group discounts are available at Telecharge Group Sales or call 800-432-7780. Please arrive 30 minutes before curtain to enjoy the Bloody Mary Bar. A limited number of Premium Tickets are available for each performance that include a Screwdriver as a fourth drink and a souvenir Imbible glass. "Hysterically insightful!" -DC Metro Theater Arts Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ImbibleDayDrinking
Overwatch League Grand Finals 2018 – Barclays Center
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
The inaugural season of the Overwatch League, the first major global esports league with city-based teams, will conclude with the Grand Finals at Barclays Center on July 27 & 28. Following the end of the Overwatch League Playoffs, two teams will take center stage for the final showdown, featuring an immersive on-site fan experience and culminating in the championship matches, to take home a share of the $1.4 million prize pool, the Overwatch League trophy, and a place in the history books as the league's inaugural champion.
Waiting for the Barbarians – Dixon Place
July 28, 2018 – New York
An adaptation of famous gay poet CP Cavafy's ode to decadence at the end of an empire. Waiting for the Barbarians gets right to the bottom of the long-standing love affair between gay people and totalitarianism.
Tens Across The Board – Dixon Place
July 28, 2018 – New York
Tens Across the Boards is an homage to the women who continually inspire the artist formerly known as Dionne Slay. Throughout the decades these women have served as pivotal influences on the music world and the world at large. Dionne will guide you through this musical celebration with love, light and hope for the future.
High Line Tour: From Freight to Flowers – High Line
July 28, 2018 – West Village
Hear the story behind New York City's park in the sky. Join us for a free 75-minute long tour led by High Line Docents, knowledgeable volunteer guides who offer you an insider's perspective on the park's history, design, and landscape.
Power Hour! Open Mic – Creek and Cave
July 28, 2018 – Long Island City
Power Hour! Open Mic is brought to you by Amy Shanker, Brett Hiker, and Cameron Ford. Originating in Chicago, this mic mixes your hot new bits with some beer and piano. While you're working on getting famous, a designated weekly "drinker" is on stage beside you working on a pitcher or 2 of beer. He or she will occasionally chime in to riff with your set. This is a fun, no-fail mic; if you drop the ball, the drinker will pick it up. And don't worry! At the end of the mic, we'll watch as the drinker attempts to do their set.
Discount Disco – Creek and Cave Comedy Show
July 28, 2018 – Long Island City
"Dancefloor War Stories? Real Life Dirk Diggler? Got Beef with HBO's Vinyl? This is the mic to let it out. Characters. Queens. Caitlyn. All welcome…Quaaludes, not included." "Everyone's a winner baby, that's the Truth." – Hot Chocolate
Kim Walker-Smith – PlayStation Theater
July 28, 2018 – New York
Kim Walker-Smith has quickly become one of the strongest voices for the current youth revival. She is a passionate worship leader with an anointing to bring an entire generation into an encounter with God. All of those who are in a worship service led by Kim will catch her contagious love to worship. She has many interests and at the core of them all is a heart for justice, love, and God's presence. Kim is one of the senior leaders in the Jesus Culture movement and one of the worship leaders in the Jesus Culture band. She and her husband Skyler, lead worship, teach, and impart around the world.
Film Screenings: Hawai'I past and Present Series – The New York Botanical Garden
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
Learn more about the history and culture of Hawai'i through our Hawai'i Past and Present Film Series.
Historic Spinning – Westhampton Beach Historical Society
July 28, 2018 – Westhampton Beach
What kinds of foods did Early Americans eat? How were meals prepared before modern appliances? How was temperature regulated? Find out at thisHistorical Cooking demonstration.
Candy for Breakfast at Sugarfina – The Shops at Columbus Circle
July 28, 2018 – New York
Adulting is hard. Fend off the Monday morning blues with the new #CandyForBreakfast collection. The collection includes three new chocolate bars: Cinnamon Cereal Chocolate Bar, Marshmallow Cereal Chocolate Bar, and Fruity Cereal Chocolate Bar and three new candy cubes®: Fruity Loops Candy Cube®, Cinnamon Crunchies Candy Cube®, and Gummy Eggs Candy Cube®. Join in celebrating the first annual #CandyForBreakfast day on Saturday, July 28th. Guests will be treated to coffee, juice and of course our Candy For Breakfast collection.
Raiders of the Lost Ark with Whiskey Shots – Videology Bar & Cinema
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Renowned archeologist and expert in the occult, Dr. Indiana Jones, is hired by the U.S. Government to find the Ark of the Covenant, which is believed to still hold the ten commandments. Unfortunately, agents of Hitler are also after the Ark. Indy, and his ex-flame Marion, escape from various close scrapes in a quest that takes them from Nepal to Cairo. Dir. Steven Spielberg. 1981. 115 min.
Zombieland Drinking Game – Videology Bar & Cinema
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
"This isn't just a good zombie comedy. It's a damn fine movie, period. And that's high praise, coming from a vampire guy." – TIME Magazine After a virus turns most people into zombies, the world's surviving humans remain locked in an ongoing battle against the hungry undead. Four survivors — Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) and his cohorts Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) — abide by a list of survival rules and zombie-killing strategies as they make their way toward a rumored safe haven in Los Angeles. Dir. Ruben Fleischer. 2009. 88 min.
Saturday NIght Headliners – New York Comedy Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises! Our regulars include Andrew Schulz, Christian Finnegan, Duncan Trussell, Bonnie McFarlane, Sherrod Small, Ari Shaffir, Ricky Velez, Yamaneika Saunders, Carmen Lynch, Lenny Marcus, Mike Britt, Sarah Tollemache, Emma Willmann, James Mattern, ANthony Devito, Greg Stone, Aaron Berg, Mike Cannon, Jon Laster, Josh Gondelman, Matt Pavich, Matt Richards, Nore Davis, Neko White, Corinne Fisher, Krystyna Hutchinson, Wendi Starling, Nathan Macintosh, Gary Vider, Sam Morril, Joe List, Mark Normand, Subhah Agarwal, Kate Wolff, Dante Nero, Chuck Nice and more Requirements : 16 & over or 13+ with adult Standard two drink minimum per person Individual comedian appearances subject to change without notice Groups of 7+ please email events@newyorkcomedyclub.com No refunds due to inclement weather NY State Tax (8.875%) additional ALL SALES ARE FINAL
Linda Loves Bingo – Le Poisson Rouge
Through July 28, 2018 – West Village
WIN BIG AT NYC'S #1 DRAG GAME SHOW—LINDA LOVES BINGO! Join hostess Linda Simpson as players vie for a treasure trove of prizes, from discount-store delights to a cash jackpot. Thrills, laughs and prizes galore! Bring along your friends, relatives, your special someone, or just come alone—Anyone can be a winner at this fun-filled affair! Great for birthday celebrations and other special gatherings. (Arrive early for best seats.) The New York Times, Time Out and New York magazines all agree: Bingo with Linda is a blast!
Saturday Night Standup – New York Comedy Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises! Our regulars include Andrew Schulz, Christian Finnegan, Duncan Trussell, Bonnie McFarlane, Sherrod Small, Ari Shaffir, Ricky Velez, Yamaneika Saunders, Carmen Lynch, Lenny Marcus, Mike Britt, Sarah Tollemache, Emma Willmann, James Mattern, ANthony Devito, Greg Stone, Aaron Berg, Mike Cannon, Jon Laster, Josh Gondelman, Matt Pavich, Matt Richards, Nore Davis, Neko White, Corinne Fisher, Krystyna Hutchinson, Wendi Starling, Nathan Macintosh, Gary Vider, Sam Morril, Joe List, Mark Normand, Subhah Agarwal, Kate Wolff, Dante Nero, Chuck Nice and more!
AIANY Industrial Waterway Tour: Freshkills Park in Staten Island – Center for Architecture
July 28, 2018 – Manhattan
Come witness one of the most remarkable land reclamation projects in history. This extended AIANY architecture boat tour travels to Staten Island and offers a limited "backstage pass" to experience the transformation of the region's former largest garbage landfill into today's Freshkills Park. The cruise will enter a network of tidal kills (or streams) to explore the unprecedented land reclamation project, nearly three times the size of Central Park. NYC Parks and AIA New York guides will provide insightful narration about cutting-edge landscape architecture and engineering, urban planning, and the industrial architecture and infrastructure of Staten Island's North West shore.
Moth Night – Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
July 28, 2018 – Staten Island
Stay up late and celebrate National Moth Week! Revel in the beauty and learn about the life cycles and habitats of moths. Featured activities include looking closely at Museum specimens, face painting, shadow dancing, art activities, and a night hike through Snug Harbor with Science Educators Clay Wollney and Mike Shanley. Guests should bring flashlights for the night hike. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
No Small Children- Teachers by Day, Rockin Chicks by Night – The Cutting Room
July 28, 2018 – New York
No Small Children is an all-girl band, or as they call themselves, a band. They were born on the playground in the spring of 2012. Elementary school-teachers by day, guitarist and singer Lisa Pimentel and drummer Nicola Berlinsky decided to start the band while covering recess duty. Three months later they had an EP, countless shows behind them and an east coast tour booked. By October 2013, bass player and singer Joanie Pimentel had moved to Los Angeles to join the group. With all three teaching at the same school, lunch breaks became band meetings, after-school times became rehearsals and holidays were reserved for touring.
Bird Walks – The New York Botanical Garden
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
Bring your binoculars and walk the Garden grounds with a bird expert. You'll search for our feathered friends and learn more about bird-friendly habitats, passage birds, and those that make a permanent home at the Garden.
Saturday Late Night – New York Comedy Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Saturday Late Night Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises! Our regulars include Andrew Schulz, Christian Finnegan, Duncan Trussell, Bonnie McFarlane, Sherrod Small, Ari Shaffir, Ricky Velez, Yamaneika Saunders, Carmen Lynch, Lenny Marcus, Mike Britt, Sarah Tollemache, Emma Willmann, James Mattern, ANthony Devito, Greg Stone, Aaron Berg, Mike Cannon, Jon Laster, Josh Gondelman, Matt Pavich, Matt Richards, Nore Davis, Neko White, Corinne Fisher, Krystyna Hutchinson, Wendi Starling, Nathan Macintosh, Gary Vider, Sam Morril, Joe List, Mark Normand, Subhah Agarwal, Kate Wolff, Dante Nero, Chuck Nice and more!
Vanessa Falabella – Iridium
July 28, 2018 – New York
Vanessa Fallabella, A Brazilian Artist/Actor Coming From Spanish And Italian Descent, Has Shown Her Brilliant Singing In Known Stages And Also Been Flourished In Other Artistic Fields Of Radio And TV Programs. The Beauty Of Her Performances Has Been Inspired By A World Of Music Genres Such As Pop, Bossa Nova, Samba, Jazz, R&B And Soul. Lived In New York For Many Years And Made The Big Apple The Bridge For Her Music Focus And Recording Projects. Collaborated With Artists Such As Gato Barbieri, Philippe Saisse, Sadao Watanabe, Cyro Baptista, Eumir Deodato, And Frank Ferrucci, Performing In Famous Venues Like Town Hall, Cafe Wha, Metropolitan Room Among Others… Invited To Tour With The Platters In Brazil, Chile And Thailand In 2013. The First Brazilian To Join The American Group And Recently Featured At App Band Of The Day. She Began To Work On Her Fourth Album, To Be Released After The World Cup. Vanessa Is Now In NY, Doing Some Clinics, On Her Way To Some Performances In Italy.
Bird Walks – The New York Botanical Garden
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
Bring your binoculars and walk the Garden grounds with a bird expert. You'll search for our feathered friends and learn more about bird-friendly habitats, passage birds, and those that make a permanent home at the Garden.
Fashion & Design Weekend – The New York Botanical Garden
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
Style takes center stage with the Hawaiian fashion and design. Drop in for kapa-making demonstrations, get a glimpse into the history of Hawaiian dress with a display of Queen Lili'uokalani's gowns, and more.
My Inspiration – Don't Tell Mama
July 28, 2018 – New York
The Barry Levitt Foundation & Matsuki Productions are proud to present "My Inspiration". Barry Levitt's friends sing their favorite legends.
Cheap Date Comedy Show – Union Hall
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Big Laughs + Free Snacks = CHEAP DATE! A cheap night with NY's funniest comedians! Plus! Free snacks, sketches, amazing prizes, and much more! Hosted by SHARRON PAUL (College Humor) and CALVIN COLE (TBS Just for Laughs)
The Music of Bob Marley for Kids with David Langlois and The Brooklyners – The Capitol Theatre
July 28, 2018 – Port Chester
The Rock and Roll Playhouse, a family concert series hosted at Brooklyn Bowl, The Capitol Theatre, Industry City, Ardmore Music Hall, The Sinclair, Thalia Hall, Boulder Theater, UC Theatre, Marathon Music Works and The Echoplex, allows kids to "move, play and sing while listening to works from the classic-rock canon" (NY Times). Using the songs created by the most iconic musicians in rock history, The Rock and Roll Playhouse offers its core audience of babies and kids games, movement, and stories and an opportunity to rock out. The Rock and Roll Playhouse is an early and often first introduction to a child's lifelong journey with live music and rock and roll. Photo Release: By attending this event, I consent to my image (with or without my voice) being included in photographs and/or film and videotape of the event, and give The Capitol Theatre, The Rock and Roll Playhouse and their respective licensees and assigns the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to use and publish such content in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter developed. Band: http://www.davidlangloismusic.com/jahwid/
The Bronx Night Market – Fordham Plaza
July 28, 2018 – Bronx
The BX is getting its Night Market, and it's a big deal! The first-ever Bronx Night Market is taking place this summer, at Fordham Plaza. With more than 35 handpicked food vendors, it represents the city's diverse culinary offerings and stands to be the biggest of its kind in the boogie down. The monthly, FREE, open-air festival is a collaboration between quarterly magazine Edible Bronx and Bronx-based creative agency BLOX with support from the Fordham BID. It highlights local artisans, merchants and of course, the local soundtrack with notable performers. Whether you're in search of unique food items, packaged treats or an authentic recipe passed down for generations, The Bronx Night Market has over 35 food vendors, handcrafted items, art merchants, and live entertainment.
Cacophony Daniels: Wanna Bette? – Don't Tell Mama
July 28, 2018 – New York
Join 2017 Bistro Award winner Cacophony Daniels (aka Jersey Boys's Courter Simmons) for "Wanna Bette?," a live-singing cabaret tribute to the one and only Bette Midler. Performed as only Cacophony can – in their original keys – featured songs will follow the Bathhouse Beauty from her start on Broadway in Fiddler On The Roof through her Grammy-Award winning albums The Divine Miss M and Experience The Divine, all the way through her Oscar-nominated film roles in The Rose and For The Boys. Michael Musto of the New York Times says Cacophony is "spinning, belting, and high-kicking fun" and Gerry Geddes of Bistroawards.com calls Cacophony "Perfection." This fun, campy, uproarious evening of songs from the Divine Miss M's entire career is sure to make you boogie-woogie, so bring along all of your friends and Cacophony will put a spell on you!
Cirque Saturdays – Highline Ballroom
July 28, 2018 – New York
About Last Night – Cielo
July 28, 2018 – New York
The Gabriel Alegría Afro Peruvian Sextet – Zinc Bar
July 28, 2018 – New York
THE GABRIEL ALEGRIA AFRO-PERUVIAN SEXTET provides an engaging and rhythmic interpretation of jazz that brings the listener to life in a world of call-and-response. It is a musical culture and community that is cool, in a hot kind of way. The band's music infuses jazz with the rhythms, instruments and passionate commitment found in Afro-Peruvian music from Coastal Peru. This is World Jazz that is primal. Gritty Afro-Latin jazz. The sound track to an urban jungle. The music is new, but deeply rooted in tradition. It is accessible and colorful. Gabriel has created a growing jazz movement and tradition to capture your heart and imagination for life. Fair Warning: The music is spicy.
Polly Gibbons – Birdland
Through July 28, 2018 – New York
With warm, soulful vocals and an innate blues sensibility, Polly Gibbons has been likened to many of the jazz and soul greats, but with her own fun, unique style of storytelling. This summer, Polly opened for jazz great George Benson and the "Empress of Soul" Gladys Knight on their sold out UK tours. London Jazz News said of Polly's show at Royal Albert Hall in June that "listening to her open up with soul and passion is a joyous experience." British London-based vocalist Polly Gibbons is one of the most respected and talked about young singer/songwriters of her generation. Being nominated for the prestigious BBC Jazz Award back in 2006 with no album release to her name, was a clear indication of just how special a singer and performer Polly is. Much esteemed by her contemporaries, Polly has built a reputation as an original and gifted voice. With warm, rich, soulful vocals and an innate blues sensibility, Polly has been likened to many of the jazz and soul greats bringing her own storytelling and earnest depth alongside unique humor and fun to performances. Polly's influences are brilliant, broad and inspired – from the poetry of Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen, to the be-bop of Charlie Parker, the deep wails of Mahalia Jackson's gospel, to the emotional depth of Donny Hathaway, Billie Holiday and Nina Simone; the soul of Marvin Gaye, and the blues of Buddy Guy. Polly is celebrating her new Resonance Records release "Many Faces of Love", a presentation of songs which describe the eternal aspects of Love: Searching for, Finding, Losing, Trying to Reconnect, and finally, the Lessons Learned from the Search.
Shakespeare in the Parking Lot Presents "Hamlet" – The Clemente Parking Lot
Through July 28, 2018 – New York
Shakespeare in the Parking Lot, a popular New York summer institution, is now in its 24th year. Its concept–presenting Shakespeare plays with a "poor theater" aesthetic in a working parking lot–is now widely imitated around the US and around the world, with productions as far away as New Zealand. To the company's knowledge and research, it will be the first major New York outdoor stage company to offer a production with a female Hamlet. Unlike the well-known cross-gender castings of the masterpiece (from Sarah Siddons to Sarah Bernhardt to Maxine Peake), this one is not a woman playing a man: the title character is a feminine Princess of Denmark, whose tragedy is meant to explore when happens when you inject female power into a chaotic and confused world. Performances: July 19 at 6:30 July 20 at 6:30 July 21 at 6:30 July 26 at 6:30 July 27 at 6:30 July 28 at 6:30
Back To The Eighties Show with Jessie's Girl – Le Poisson Rouge
July 28, 2018 – West Village
Every Saturday night for the last 5 years, crowds of ecstatic fans and newcomers alike throw on their best spandex, leg warmers and metal gear, line up, and come downtown for an all-out celebration at the BACK TO THE EIGHTIES SHOW.
Solo Piano series featuring Joel Forrester – Jules Bistro
July 28, 2018 – New York
Joel Forrester is the composer of more than 1600 tunes, a versatile and accomplished jazz pianist, leader of his own quintet and prolific recording artist. He has performed in an extraordinary diversity of settings
The Pamela Hamilton Group – Jules Bistro
July 28, 2018 – New York
"Anyone who tries to pigeon-hole Pamela Hamilton is going to have a tough time of it. This classically trained violinist and singer is able to reach deep into multiple musical traditions–gospel, blues, Jazz, pop rock–and take what 'she needs to create unique experiences for her ever-appreciative audiences. No one out there is doing what she does. Beyond impressive."
TV Party Tonight with The Hard Times – The PIT Underground
Through July 28, 2018 – New York
Got nothing better to do? Drop by the basement and watch some TV with writers from the world's top name in punk satire: The Hard Times. We'll be showing off the craziest music videos, interviews, and wild obscure clips we can find, along with special guests, sketches, and words from our lovely corporate sponsors.
Schtick A Pole In It: Timberlake Edition – Drom
July 28, 2018 – New York
From comedians Dan Goodman and JoAnna Ross comes Schtick A Pole In It, a night of comedy and pole dancing. Comics and pole dancers alternate the stage to create a unique show that leaves everyone happy. Who doesn’t like to laugh? Who doesn’t like to see dancers do insane things on the pole? If you’ve never seen a pole show this is the one to come to. They’re not strippers, it’s not burlesque, it’s aerial dance with a side of crazy gymnastics and death defying tricks that make your jaw drop. This month's theme is the Justin Timberlake. JT. The one who left NSYNC and is famous. What ever you call him we are going to ROCK YOUR BODY and get FILTHY because we CAN'T STOP THE FEELING. If you don't see shows like this why are you even paying the crazy NYC rents? Schtick A Pole In It: Justin Timberlake Edition Saturday, July 28th 8pm (doors open at 7:30) $20 online https://www.ticketfly.com/event/1706698 $25 cash at the door $30 VIP Comics Dan Goodman (Skinja, Fusion Network) JoAnna Ross (creator of Schtick) Sergio Chicon (Coach Francis) Courtney Fearrington (Butterscotch Comedy) Special Guest TBA Dancers Nita Bradley (Pole Play) Nicole Duquette (Hudson Valley Pole Arts) Gabrielle Maguire ( Co Creator of Pole Play, Pole of Fortune) Emily Sanderson (USPDF Pro) Zixy Z (Viva La Pole Show, Sexy Back Chicago) Lineup subject to change *Limited Seating* *Reservation Highly Recommended* *Call Drom to reserve a table*
Back 2 Back: Anna Raff & Aura Lewis – Books Are Magic
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators presents Back 2 Back, a series celebrating veterans and new comers in the industry. This month we welcome Anna Raff and Aura Lewis! Anna Raff is an award-winning illustrator of several books for children including WORLD RAT DAY, IF I WERE A KANGAROO, A BIG SURPRISE FOR LITTLE CARD, YOU ARE NOT A CAT!, and the forthcoming THE DAY THE UNIVERSE EXPLODED MY HEAD—due out in 2019. Currently, she is at work on her fifth science-related picture book collaboration with author David A. Adler. Aura Lewis is an author-illustrator based in New York City. She has an MFA in illustration from the School of Visual Arts. Aura's debut picture book, Gloria's Voice, was published in March 2018 with Sterling Publishing, and is available online and in bookstores! Her second book, The Illustrated Feminist, will be published in 2020 with Abrams.
AIANY Industrial Waterfront Tour with Classic Harbor Line – Freshkills Park
July 28, 2018 – New York
Cruise on the vibrant waterways of the Kill Van Kull and the Arthur Kill and into the heart of Freshkills Park on a Classic Harbor Line luxury yacht. This special 3.25 hour round-trip tour is the only public water tour into the Freshkills waterways, co-guided by Freshkills Park and the American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter. Meet at Chelsea Piers, near 22nd Street on the Hudson River in Manhattan.
La Madrugada – Bar Chord
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Latin Jazz/Salsa
Saturday Volunteer Corps – Prospect Park Alliance
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
The Prospect Park Alliance Saturday Volunteer Corps is a great way to explore Prospect Park and give back to your community! Every Saturday from April–September, volunteers will take on a different section of the Park and engage in various tasks such as tree care, perimeter maintenance, litter patrol, bench painting, and more! Register online or call (718) 287-3400 for more information Please note there will be no Saturday Corps on 5/19 or 5/26.
Greenmarket at Grand Army Plaza – Prospect Park Alliance
July 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
At what other market can you do all your food shopping, sample local wine and explore Brooklyn's favorite park? Established in 1989, the Grand Army Plaza greenmarket is the flagship Brooklyn market. EBT/Food Stamps and WIC & Senior FMNP coupons accepted year-round. For a full calendar of events and a list of sellers, visit GrowNYC.
Smalls Showcase: Ben Barnett Quartet – Smalls Jazz Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Ben Barnett is an up and coming trombonist on the New York jazz scene. He is a first call sub for Arturo O'Farrill's Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra and The Cotton Club All-Stars, 2nd trombone in George Gee's 17-piece Swing Orchestra, and leads his own quartet around New York City. He is fascinated by the music of the 1940's, 50's, & 60's, including such by Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Hank Mobley, Horace Silver, Donald Byrd, J. J. Johnson, Sonny Rollins, and his favorite musician, Kenny Dorham. As the grandson of a professional opera singer on one side and a piano prodigy on the other, music has been a force throughout his entire life.
Chris Webby, Topher Chillo, Matt Saxon, Ak40DEVON, Austin Watts – The Chance
July 28, 2018 – Poughkeepsie
Chris Webby, Topher Chillo, Matt Saxon, Ak40DEVON, Austin Watts
Tim Hagans Quartet – Smalls Jazz Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Tim Hagans has performed and recorded with Thad Jones, Ernie Wilkins, Joe Lovano, Bob Belden and Dexter Gordon. For three years he was a member of the Stan Kenton Orchestra. For fifteen years he was artistic director and composer-in-residence for the Norrbotten Big Band, traveling to Sweden to perform, conduct and arrange projects with guests artists such as Rufus Reid, Randy Brecker, Peter Erskine, and Dave Liebman. THE AVATAR SESSIONS CD features music he created during that tenure, performed by Tim Hagans, the Norrbotten Big Band, and the above mentioned guest artists. Tim Hagans is the featured soloist on the soundtrack by Howard Shore for the movie The Score, starring Robert DeNiro and Marlon Brando.
Philip Harper Quintet – Smalls Jazz Club
July 28, 2018 – New York
Philip Harper (born May 10, 1965 in Baltimore, Maryland) is a jazz trumpeter. He grew up in Atlanta and studied music there. He later worked with The Jazz Messengers and Charles Mingus' big band. He also signed with Verve Records and produced four albums for them.[1] Harper played from 1988 to 1993 in The Harper Brothers, alongside brother Winard Harper.
A sophisticated night of R&B w/DJ Gully & G Waterz – Ashford & Simpson's Sugar Bar
July 28, 2018 – New York
Live it Up Midnight Yacht Cruise – Harbor Lights Yacht
Through July 28, 2018 – New York
Summer is a time to Live It Up and what better place to do that then on a Midnight Yacht Cruise around New York City. Drinking, Dancing, and Partying on a multi-level yacht with breathtaking views of the New York City Skyline and Statue of Liberty is the very definition of How to Live It Up….so grab your friends, family, co-workers, whomever….and purchase tickets for the ultimate summertime event. Tickets start at $25 & Birthday Packages, Bachelorette Party Packages, & College Graduations are available. CONTACT INFO: events@nypartycruise.com www.nypartycruise.com/eventpages/2018/midnightcruise72718.html
tender of you too – The Tank
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
High-schoolers Allegra and Tara meet when cast in the school play as Frances Willard and Mary Bannister two historical leaders of the late-1800s Women's Christian Temperance Movement who shared a very close friendship (and maybe more). Through rehearsals, sleepovers, and communions with Ouija boards, Allegra and Tara explore just how similarand dissimilarthey are to Frances and Mary.
Open Studio – The Whitney Museum of American Art
Through July 29, 2018 – Meatpacking District
Get creative in the Whitney’s Hearst Artspace! Make your own art inspired by works on view in current exhibitions. Each week there will be a different art making project.
Anastasia – Broadhurst Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Inspired by the beloved films, Anastasia transports us from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the euphoria of Paris in the 1920s, as a brave young woman sets out to discover the mystery of her past. Pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya enlists the aid of a dashing conman and a lovable ex-aristocrat. Together, they embark on an epic adventure to help her find home, love, and family. With its opulent settings, dazzling costumes, and a soaring score including the song favorites from the hit animated film, "Journey to the Past" and "Once Upon a December," Anastasia is the spectacular new musical about discovering who you are and defining who you're meant to be.
Museum Highlights – New York Transit Museum
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Join our expert Museum Educators on a dramatic journey through the building of New York's subway system, the evolution of the City's surface transportation, and our priceless collection of vintage subway and elevated cars dating back to 1904. Tours every Saturday and Sunday at 12pm and 3pm.
Works & Process, the Performing-Arts Series at the Guggenheim, Announces Spring 2018 Season – The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Peter B Lewis Theater
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Works & Process, the Performing-Arts Series at the Guggenheim, Announces Spring 2018 Season Highlights: – Commissions by Ryan McNamara, Jodi Melnick, and Reid Bartelme and Harriet Jung – Music of Golden Globe Award-winning series Mozart in the Jungle – Behind the scenes access to Carousel, Jerry Springer-The Opera,and Reasons to Be Pretty Happy – American Ballet Theatre, Jacob's Pillow, Nederlands Dans Theater, and Washington Ballet previews – Breaking Bread with Balanchine on Russian Easter with Meryl Rosofsky and New York City Ballet dancers "An exceptional opportunity to understand something of the creative process" -The New York Times (NEW YORK, NY – December 4, 2017) -Works & Process at the Guggenheim is pleased to announce its Spring 2018 Season. Since 1984 the performing-arts series has championed new works and offered audiences unprecedented access to leading creators and performers. Programs explore the creative process through stimulating artist discussions and riveting performance highlights. Each 70-minute program takes place in the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Peter B. Lewis Theater. Additional information is available at worksandprocess.org. Lead funding for Works & Process is provided by The Florence Gould Foundation, The Christian Humann Foundation, Mertz-Gilmore Foundation, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Evelyn Sharp Foundation, with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. Spring 2018 Season Schedule The New Group: Jerry Springer-The Opera Monday, January 8, 7:30 pm Prior to the opening of Jerry Springer-The Opera, co-creator Richard Thomas(Music, Book, Lyrics; Book by Stewart Lee), director John Rando, and choreographer Joshua Bergasse discuss the process behind this gleefully profane musical that outrageously celebrates the ritual of public humiliation and redemption. Cast members perform highlights, illuminating the chaos and unrestrained id of our times. DANCE COMMISSION Battleground Ryan McNamara Wednesday-Friday, January 10-12, 7:30 pm Following the sold-out premiere of Battleground in 2016, Works & Process presents an encore of this one-of-a-kind "Cosplay-Battle-Ballet" made in and for the museum's Frank Lloyd Wright-designed theater. Three squads of performers-the Red Choir Loft, the Green Balcony, and the Blue Stage-battle for dominance with audience members acting as embedded witnesses. DANCE COMMISSION One of Sixty-Five Thousand Gestures/NEW BODIES Jodi Melnick with Jared Angle, Sara Mearns, and Gretchen Smith Sunday and Monday, January 14 and 15, 7:30 pm Works & Process -presents an encore of choreographer Jodi Melnick's sold-out 2016 commission, One of Sixty-Five Thousand Gestures/NEW BODIES. This work weaves together dance, spoken text, and moderated discussion with live music,featuring New York City Ballet dancers Jared Angle, Sara Mearns, and Gretchen Smith, with harpsichord by composer György Ligeti, violin by composer Heinrich Biber, and commissioned music by Robert Boston. A New Carousel Jack O'Brien and Justin Peck Sunday, February 4, 7:30 pm Rodgers & Hammerstein's timeless musical returns to Broadway for the first time in over two decades. The new productionfeatures choreography by New York City Ballet's Justin Peck and direction by Jack O'Brien. Prior to the Broadway opening of Carousel, cast members perform excerpts of new choreography, and Peck and O'Brien discuss the creative process behind this new presentation of a musical drama that has captivated theatergoers for generations. Mozart in the Jungle: Inside the Music Sunday, February 11, 3 and 7:30 pm Audiences are invited inside the world of Mozart in the Jungle, the Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning television series set in the orbit of the fictional New York Symphony. The Amazon show has featured performances by artists including Joshua Bell and Plácido Domingo, who sang on a raft in a Venetian canal with fictional opera diva "La Fiamma" (played by Monica Bellucci), conducted by Maestro Rodrigo de Souza (Gael García Bernal), and cameos by composers Nico Muhly and Caroline Shaw. At Works & Process, Shaw joins showrunner Will Graham and creative consultant Elena Park in a program that takes the audience inside the music, including performances by Shaw of music that was originally created for the television series. The Metropolitan Opera: Così fan tutte Peter Gelb, Christopher Maltman, Phelim McDermott, and Kelli O'Hara Monday, February 12, 7:30 pm Prior to the Metropolitan Opera's premiere of Così fan tutte, general manager Peter Gelb leads a panel discussion about the company's new production, which sets Mozart's masterpiece in a carnivalesque, funhouse environment inspired by 1950s Coney Island. The panel includes baritone Christopher Maltman, who sings Don Alfonso; production director Phelim McDermott; and soprano and Broadway star Kelli O'Hara, who sings Despina. Members of the cast perform excerpts from the opera. The Washington Ballet Julie Kent and Gemma Bond Sunday and Monday, February 25 and 26, 7:30 pm A champion of new choreography, Washington Ballet artistic director Julie Kent and American Ballet Theatre corps de ballet member Gemma Bond discusses Bond's newest work. Washington Ballet dancers perform highlights from a new commision by Bond prior to the March 14premiere in Washington, D.C. LA Phil/Beth Morrison Projects: Place Ted Hearne, Patricia McGregor, and Saul Williams Monday, March 5, 7:30 pm A modern-day oratorio, Place explores a country at a crossroads, where manifest destiny and gentrification meet history and personal experience. The creatorsdiscuss their collaboration and the complex and contentious map of the place we call home. Actors Steven Bradshawand Allison Semmes perform highlights prior to the premiere at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles (April 2018), Barbican Centre, London (May 2018), and in New York (fall 2018). Opera Theatre of Saint Louis: An American Soldier David Henry Hwang and Huang Ruo Sunday, March 18, 7:30 pm Excerpts are performed from this new two-act opera based on the true story ofDanny Chen, proud American and son of Chinese immigrants residing in Manhattan's Chinatown. After enlisting in the U.S. Army, Chen is welcomed in boot camp, but in Afghanistan, his own base becomes enemy territory as military hazing turns deadly, posing powerful questions about what it means to be an American. Librettist David Henry Hwang and composer Huang Ruo discuss their collaboration with Nancy Yao Maasbach, president of the Museum of Chinese in America, prior to the opera's premiere in Saint Louis. Presented in association with the Museum of Chinese in America, New York. Prurience Christopher Green An experiential entertainment about our private pleasures . . . March 20-31 For performance times, please visit worksandprocess.org Location: The Wright restaurant at the Guggenheim After interviewing neuroscientists, sociologists, addiction experts, and therapists, writer and performer Christopher Green presents an immersive theater experience inviting audiences to attend a fictional self-help group that takes a playful look at how sex and pornography are consumed.Questioning theside effects of porn, Green asksaudiences to consider if society is in the grip of anactual addiction or a moral panic. COSTUME AND DANCE COMMISSION Reid Bartelme and Harriet Jung Sunday, March 25, 3 and 7:30 pm Monday, March 26, 7:30 pm Costume design takes center stage in this new work devised by designers Reid & Harriet Design in collaboration with their favorite clients and dance makers, Lar Lubovitch, Pam Tanowitz, Jack Ferver, Gwen Welliver, and Burr Johnson. Nederlands Dans Theater Sol León and Paul Lightfoot Saturday, March 31, 7:30 pm This performance offers behind-the-scenes access to the Nederlands Dans Theater's U.S. tour. Company dancers perform highlights from Sol León and Paul Lightfoot's Shoot the Moon (2006), with music by Philip Glass; and Singulière Odyssée (2017),featuring music by Max Richter. León and Lightfoot participate in a moderated discussion. Breaking Bread with Balanchine Meryl Rosofsky Sunday and Monday, April 8 and 9, 7:30 pm Legendary choreographer George Balanchine was also a great cook. Food scholar Meryl Rosofsky previews her "culinary biography" of the dance master, showing how his relationship to food illuminates forces-cultural, geographic, political-that shaped him as an artist. Joining her are special guests who danced or dined with Balanchine. Dancers from New York City Ballet perform excerpts. Prior to the program, The Wright restaurant at the Guggenheim will offer special dishes from Balanchine's repertoire, including his paskha and kulich, which he made each year for his famous Russian Easter feasts. Reservations for this special dinner will be accepted starting in March call 212 427 5690 or visit OpenTable. BALANCHINE is a trademark of the George Balanchine Trust. American Ballet Theatre: AFTERITE Wayne McGregor Sunday and Monday, April 29 and 30, 7:30 pm Utilizing Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring as inspiration, the Royal Ballet resident choreographer Wayne McGregor presents a new work that reconceptualizes the seminal work. McGregor and American Ballet Theatredancers present excerpts of AFTERITE prior to its New York premiere at the Metropolitan Opera. Ephrat Asherie Dance: Odeon Sunday, May 6, 7:30 pm Ephrat Asherie, a 2016 Bessie Award-winner, discusses her newest work prior to its Jacob's Pillow premiere with festival director Pamela Tatge. Dancers and musicians perform highlights and explore what happens when dances from the African diaspora-including breaking, hip hop, house, and vogue-intersect and remix with the music of Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth. MCC Theater: Reasons to Be Pretty Happy Neil LaBute and Leigh Silverman Sunday, July 29, 7:30 pm Tony Award-winner Neil LaBute and Tony Award-nominee Leigh Silverman discuss their creative process, and cast members perform highlights from Reasons to Be Pretty Happy. Labute, MCC Theater's Playwright-in-Residence, and Silverman revisit the characters first introduced in Reasons to Be Pretty (a 2009 Tony Award-nominee for Best Play) and Reasons to Be Happy (2012). After five years in New York, Greg and Steph return to their blue-collar hometown for their 20th high school reunion and to a dramatic encounter with the friends they left behind. Location: Peter B. Lewis Theater (unless otherwise noted) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 1071 Fifth Avenue at 89th Street Subway: 4, 5, 6, or Q train to 86th Street Bus: M1, M2, M3, or M4 bus on Madison or Fifth Avenue Tickets: $45, $40 members, $10 student rush tickets one hour before performance, based on availability (for students under 25 with valid ID) Priority ticket access and preferred seat selection starts December 4, 2017, for $500+ Friends of Works & Process and Guggenheim members at the Associate level and above. General ticketing starts December 13, 2017. For more information, call 212 758 0024 or 212 423 3587, Mon-Fri, 1-5 pm, or visit worksandprocess.org. guggenheim.org/social #WorksandProcess #15XX December 4, 2017 For more information, press tickets, and photos, or to arrange interviews, please contact: Duke Dang, General Manager Works & Process at the Guggenheim 212 758 0024 ddang@worksandprocess.org Michelle Tabnick, Publicist Works & Process at the Guggenheim 646 765 4773 michelle@michelletabnickpr.com May Yeung, Publicist Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 212 423 3840 pressoffice@guggenheim.org
40th Annual Thunderbird American Indian Mid-Summer Pow Wow – Queens County Farm Museum
Through July 29, 2018 – Floral Park
Find out what's 'growing on' at Queens Farm at the on-site Seasonal Farmstand. We grow over 50 varieties of vegetables, so come by and see what's in season each week! Get tips on how to make easy, nutritious meals for the family.
EBT & SNAP benefits accepted.
Members always receive 10% off produce.
Farm-fresh eggs available starting at 12 pm (1 doz/customer; first-come first-served)
Historic Trolley Tours – Green-Wood Historic Fund
Through July 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
Experience the most magnificent and historic 478 acres in New York City. Join our expert tour guides to hear fascinating stories of Green-Wood's permanent residents, see breathtaking views of Manhattan, tread where George Washington and his troops fought the Battle of Brooklyn, and much more.
Stomp – Orpheum Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Stomp is a joyful, witty and wordless show that has been seen all over the world. An eight-member cast with energy to burn creates beautiful music and sly humor with found objects: Zippo lighters, push brooms, wooden poles, hammer handles, garbage cans, inner tubes, matchboxes—and yes, even the kitchen sink. There's no traditional narrative; both household and industrial objects find new life as musical instruments in this unique combination of percussion, movement and visual comedy. It is a journey through sound, a celebration of the everyday and a comic interplay of characters wordlessly communicating through dance and drum.
Ships Ahoy! – Maritime Explorium
Through July 29, 2018 – Port Jefferson
On Saturday, create paper mountains as you experience the dynamics of the pull of gravity. On Sunday experience the strong protective magnetic field of our planet earth.
The Lion King – Minskoff Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
A lively stage adaptation of the Academy Award-winning 1994 Disney film, The Lion King is the story of a young lion prince living in the flourishing African Pride Lands. Born into the royal family, precocious cub Simba spends his days exploring the sprawling savanna grasslands and idolizing his kingly father, Mufasa, while youthfully shirking the responsibility his position in life requires. When an unthinkable tragedy, orchestrated by Simba's wicked uncle, Scar, takes his father's life, Simba flees the Pride Lands, leaving his loss and the life he knew behind. Eventually companioned by two hilarious and unlikely friends, Simba starts anew. But when weight of responsibility and a desperate plea from the now ravaged Pride Lands come to find the adult prince, Simba must take on a formidable enemy, and fulfill his destiny to be king. A vibrant and exciting tale from the great creatives at Disney, The Lion King is a story of love and redemption that nobody should miss.
Yoga in the Park by Om Shanti Yoga and Reiki Center – The Common Ground
Through July 29, 2018 – Sayville
No experience necessary. Bring a towel and yoga mat.
Regina Carter Quartet – Jazz Standard
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Regina Carter – violin; Adam Birmbaum – piano; Chris Lightcap – bass; Alvester Garnett – drums.
Reunion 2018 – Paul Smith's College
Through July 29, 2018 – Paul Smiths
Paul Smith's College will hold Reunion 2018 on campus July 27 – 29. Reunion Registration will open in mid-May. http://www.paulsmiths.edu/alumni/reunion/
Tai Chi in the Gardens – Old Westbury Gardens
Through July 29, 2018 – Old Westbury
Tai Chi — a unique form of "moving meditation — calms the mind, relaxes the body and strengthens the spirit. Sessions are taught by professional tai chi instructor, Linda Cafiero, and are designed for all experience levels. $18.00 per session; $8.00 members (rain or shine, includes Gardens admission) every Wednesday and Sunday.
Catherine Russell – Dizzy's Club Coca Cola
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
With guitarist Matt Munisteri, pianist Mark Shane, bassist Tal Ronen, and drummer Mark McLean. Grammy Award winner Catherine Russell has been one of the most widely recognized jazz vocalists since the release of her debut album in 2006. Her latest album, Harlem on My Mind, was nominated for the 2017 Best Jazz Vocal Album Grammy Award. Russell's experience extends beyond releasing seven acclaimed albums as a solo artist; she has also worked with Steely Dan, David Bowie, Cyndi Lauper, Paul Simon, Jackson Browne, and Levon Helm. She joined the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis on its Big Band Holidays tour for the past two years, packing concert halls nationwide, and tonight you can catch her in the intimate Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola. Seeing Russell perform live is a truly uplifting experience and an easy recommendation for any fan of jazz vocals.
47th Annual Putnam County 4-H Fair – Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park
Through July 29, 2018 – Carmel
Have fun with farm animals, a country living auction, food, games, entertainment, activities, exhibits, a horse show, a country pig roast and chicken barbecue, and, every kid's favorite, touch a truck.
SoLuna Studio Presents: Peter and the Starcatcher – SoLuna Studio
Through July 29, 2018 – hauppauge
This is the story of how Peter Pan became the boy we know and love. Tony-winning Peter and the Starcatcher upends the century-old story of how a miserable orphan comes to be The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up (a.k.a. Peter Pan). A wildly theatrical adaptation of Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson’s best-selling novels, the play was conceived for the stage by directors, Roger Rees and Alex Timbers, and written by Rick Elice, with music by Wayne Barker. From marauding pirates and jungle tyrants to unwilling comrades and unlikely heroes, Peter and the Starcatcher playfully explores the depths of greed and despair… and the bonds of friendship, duty and love. A young orphan and his mates are shipped off from Victorian England to a distant island ruled by the evil King Zarboff. They know nothing of the mysterious trunk in the captain’s cabin, which contains a precious, otherworldly cargo. At sea, the boys are discovered by a precocious young girl named Molly, a Starcatcher-in-training who realizes that the trunk’s precious cargo is starstuff, a celestial substance so powerful that it must never fall into the wrong hands. When the ship is taken over by pirates – led by the fearsome Black Stache, a villain determined to claim the trunk and its treasure for his own – the journey quickly becomes a thrilling adventure.
Sunflower Festival! – Garden of Eve Farm
Through July 29, 2018 – Riverhead
Pick sunflowers, hide in the sunflower maze, enjoy a hayride through the sunflowers, taste sunflower oil and sunflower seeds. Funpass to all activities, hayride farm animals, and more.
Aladdin – New Amsterdam Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
In the middle-eastern town of Agrabah, Princess Jasmine is feeling hemmed in by her father's desire to find her a royal groom. Meanwhile, the Sultan's right-hand man, Jafar, is plotting to take over the throne. When Jasmine sneaks out of the palace incognito, she forms an instant connection with Aladdin, a charming street urchin and reformed thief. After being discovered together, Aladdin is sentenced to death, but Jafar saves him by ordering him to fetch a lamp from the Cave of Wonders. Where there's a lamp, there's a Genie, and once Aladdin unwittingly lets this one out, anything can happen! Will Aladdin's new identity as "Prince Ali" help him win Jasmine's heart and thwart Jafar's evil plans? Will the Genie's wish for freedom ever come true?
Heavy Metal: Photographs by Jan Staller – Heckscher Museum of Art
Through July 29, 2018 – Huntington
Monumental photographs of construction sites and found industrial objects seen as sculptural artifacts of the post-industrial age.
Fernando Carpaneda "New Portraits" – MF Gallery
Through July 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
Fernando Carpaneda "New Portraits" is a series of paintings and drawings depicting the beauty and the sensuality of men and women. The work seeks to provoke debates and questions about equality, in the sense of valuing the human being. Leaving inhibition aside, in scenes that depict sex, gender and relationships, the artist's "in your face" approach is meant to inspire the observer to accept diversity in human sexuality. Carpaneda takes inspiration from the urban element, and uses the language of the street along with his own experiences. Beggars, pop stars, sex workers, punks and outcasts of all kinds are the object of his attention and look. He uses DNA- be it his own hair or that of his models- and blends it with more traditional art materials to create his paintings and sculptures. In the past, Carpaneda has focused his artistic gaze exclusively on the male subject. But for this show, he has created paintings and drawings of females for the very first time. Fernando Carpaneda was one of the first Brazilian artists to exhibit homoerotic works in Brazil, and is well known in the gay arts and erotic arts world. He has been showing in international galleries since 1982, in places such as Art Basel in Miami, The Tom of Finland Foundation in California, The Stax Museum of American Soul Music in Memphis and The Leslie Lohman Museum in New York, where he had a solo show in 2011. Carpaneda's art has been featured in books such as The Best of Punk Globe Magazine and Treasures Of Gay Art. In June 2012, some of his works were exhibited on 23 foot LED screens as part of “Art Takes Times Square” and were seen by over 1 million people. Carpaneda was also named as a Juror's Choice for Visual Art at the 2016 Seattle Erotic Art Festival. In 2015, Carpaneda created his own publication, “Carpazine”, to expose Underground music, performance and visual art. The bi-monthly magazine has featured a number of well-known and emerging artists such as Ginger Coyote, Drew Maillard, Frank Russo, Scooter LaForge, Gazelle, Leigh DeVries, Spike Polite and Manoush. The “Fernando Carpaneda: New Portraits” Opening Party, on Saturday June 23rd, (7-10pm) will also be the release party for Carpazine #15 which features Reverend Yolanda, a trans femme gender queer singer songwriter and Interfaith Minister of Music. Reverend Yolanda will be performing a few songs and signing magazines at the opening. Admission is free and open to all ages. MF Gallery is proud to be an Official NYC Pride Partner for this event. MF Gallery is located at 213 Bond Street, between Baltic and Butler Streets in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn. Take the F or G to Bergen St., the A or C to Hoyt/ Schermerhorn, or the R to Union. After opening night, the show will be open by appointment until July 29th. The artwork can also be viewed and purchased online at: www.MFgallery.net Email info@MFgallery.net or call (917)446-8681 to schedule a visit or for any other inquiries.
Barb Jungr and John McDaniel:1968-Let The Sun Shine In – Joe's Pub
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Following the release in 2016 of their highly acclaimed album Come Together – Barb Jungr and John McDaniel Perform The Beatles, the ferociously talented, award-winning duo bring a new show, 1968 – Let The Sun Shine In, to Joe's Pub in New York City for four performances, July 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th at 7pm. With their potent musical synergy, Jungr and McDaniel reinvent some of the most iconic anthems of the pivotal year of 1968, when the Viet Nam War and its protestors clashed and raged, and the U.S. saw the assassinations of both Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. The groundbreaking musical, HAIR, from which the title of the show was coined, debuted at The Public Theater, home of Joe's Pub, in 1968. The repertoire of 1968 – Let The Sun Shine In reflects the tenor of the times with titles including Born to be Wild, Do you Know the Way to San Jose?, Revolution and Everlasting Love. In a widely admired career that has defied categorization, musician, writer, composer, lyricist, Barb Jungr, has been critically lauded for her insightful and passionate interpretive style, described as "revelatory" by the New York Times. In recent years, Jungr has brought her singular talents to the songbooks of Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Jacques Brel, Nina Simone, Elvis Presley and more, creating the genre of the New American Songbook. In her 45 year recording career along with many collaborations, she has released 18 solo albums, many for Linn Records, receiving outstanding reviews worldwide and winning many awards. Jungr and McDaniel's collaboration has now produced two recordings. In 2011, Jungr received the New York Nightlife Award for Outstanding Cabaret Vocalist, the Backstage Bistro Award for Best International Artist, and Time Out New York's #1 Top Live Cabaret Act for 2011. John McDaniel is a Grammy Award winning Broadway conductor, arranger and producer who has lent his talents to 10 Broadway shows, including Chicago, Greaseand Taboo. McDaniel has worked with the crème de la crème of stars, including Patti LuPone, as her arranger for Patti LuPone on Broadway. He was the Musical Director for the entire six-year run of The Rosie O'Donnell Show and conducted the band daily, working with such artists as Tony Bennett, Madonna, Neil Diamond, Chaka Khan, Liza Minnelli and Dick Van Dyke. His work for television has garnered two Emmy Awards. He has been featured as a conductor with symphonies and philharmonic orchestras nationwide, and his credits include arranging music for multiple Tony Awards presentations. McDaniel is currently the Artistic Director of the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center's Cabaret and Performance Conference.
Sunday Cinema @ the TROVE – White Plains Public Library
Through July 29, 2018 – White Plains
This month's movies include Hotel Transylvania, A Wrinkle In Time, My Little Pony: The Movie, and Mary and the Witch's Flower.
Waitress – Brooks Atkinson Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Based on the 2007 film by the late Adrienne Shelly, Waitress follows Jenna, a pregnant waitress in the south trapped in an abusive marriage and looking for a happy ending. She finds relief—and potentially that happy ending—by making creatively titled pies and forming a romance with an unlikely newcomer.
Piano Karaoke with Drew Rakoswki – Sid Gold's Request Room
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Live Piano Karaoke with Drew Rakowski, hosted by Shannon Conley!
Hamilton – Richard Rodgers Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Hamilton is the story of the unlikely Founding Father determined to make his mark on the new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From bastard orphan to Washington's right-hand man, rebel to war hero, a loving husband caught in the country's first sex scandal, to the Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy. George Washington, Eliza Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and Hamilton's lifelong friend/foil Aaron Burr all make their mark in this astonishing new musical exploration of a political mastermind.
'Cinderella' – Galli Theater NY
Through July 29, 2018 – Midtown
Cinderella is joined by a new stepmother and stepsister, but they turn out not to be as nice as she had hoped. When the Prince invites everyone to the ball, they tell her she has to stay home and clean. She makes it to the castle and dances until the clock strikes midnight. Cinderella could live happily ever after, but only if a certain glass slipper fits her foot.
Sip. Boutique. Eat. – Beyond Studios
Through July 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
Follow us @sipshopeat for BTS updates! It's all at the market: Food, Style, and Drinks intersect at the Collective Pop-Up Market! This is THE foodie, fashionista, weekend warrior monthly pop up festival! SIP: Custom Drinks SHOP: a curated selection of individual vendors' vintage clothing, art, home goods, fashion designers, hand-made beauty products, organic candles, photography, collectibles and more. EAT: fresh food and desserts from local food vendors. ENTRY IS FREE! Get 1, 2, or 3 drink tickets in advance or on site. Discover new brands, connect with designers, hangout at the bar, or just chill with us! Location: 272 Seigel St. Brooklyn, NY 11206 Things to do in NYC, Things to do in Brooklyn, Bushwick
Activate Her Live – Driftwood Day Camp
Through July 29, 2018 – Melville
This weekend of a lifetime will be two days packed with adventure, creativity, and enlightenment. Here's your sneak peak of the weekend's events: Saturday, July 28th: 3rd Annual Camp Mom (aka Camp BADASS) (No, you do not have to be a Mom. It is for WOMEN from all walks of life.) We will be pushing you out of your comfort zone with fun activities while reconnecting you with your inner child awakening the Spirit that lays within. You will also be bonding with other like-minded woman who will become a part of your sisterhood of support way after the event is over. Activities will include: Trapeze Zipline Arts & Crafts Activities Bungee Yoga/Dance Mindful Minutes on Stress Relief & Communication Breakfast & lunch Awesome Swag Bag & t-shirt Sunday, July 29th: Activate Her Now LIVE A full day of transformational workshops, exercises, and activities with well-known industry leaders and speakers to activate your inner badass for good The day will also include: Champagne Brunch Cocktail party & stepping in ceremony to embody your Inner Badass Group Photoshoot to take home that BADASS feeling and remember who you are when you need it most … and so much more! Don’t miss out on this 2-day transformational retreat to activate your INNER BADASS and let loose at Long Island's premiere venues! Event Details Event: Activate Her Live Date/Time: July 28-29, 2018, 9am – 5pm Location: Long Island Contact: Patricia Ribeiro Wolfson Email: patricia@jumpstartforchange.com) Tickets: $444 (early bird until May 31st), $555 as of June 1st www.activatehernow.com/activateher-live
Barb Jungr and John McDaniel:1968-Let The Sun Shine In – Joe's Pub
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Following the release in 2016 of their highly acclaimed album Come Together – Barb Jungr and John McDaniel Perform The Beatles, the ferociously talented, award-winning duo bring a new show, 1968 – Let The Sun Shine In, to Joe's Pub in New York City for four performances, July 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th at 7pm. With their potent musical synergy, Jungr and McDaniel reinvent some of the most iconic anthems of the pivotal year of 1968, when the Viet Nam War and its protestors clashed and raged, and the U.S. saw the assassinations of both Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. The groundbreaking musical, HAIR, from which the title of the show was coined, debuted at The Public Theater, home of Joe's Pub, in 1968. The repertoire of 1968 – Let The Sun Shine In reflects the tenor of the times with titles including Born to be Wild, Do you Know the Way to San Jose?, Revolution and Everlasting Love. In a widely admired career that has defied categorization, musician, writer, composer, lyricist, Barb Jungr, has been critically lauded for her insightful and passionate interpretive style, described as "revelatory" by the New York Times. In recent years, Jungr has brought her singular talents to the songbooks of Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Jacques Brel, Nina Simone, Elvis Presley and more, creating the genre of the New American Songbook. In her 45 year recording career along with many collaborations, she has released 18 solo albums, many for Linn Records, receiving outstanding reviews worldwide and winning many awards. Jungr and McDaniel's collaboration has now produced two recordings. In 2011, Jungr received the New York Nightlife Award for Outstanding Cabaret Vocalist, the Backstage Bistro Award for Best International Artist, and Time Out New York's #1 Top Live Cabaret Act for 2011. John McDaniel is a Grammy Award winning Broadway conductor, arranger and producer who has lent his talents to 10 Broadway shows, including Chicago, Greaseand Taboo. McDaniel has worked with the crème de la crème of stars, including Patti LuPone, as her arranger for Patti LuPone on Broadway. He was the Musical Director for the entire six-year run of The Rosie O'Donnell Show and conducted the band daily, working with such artists as Tony Bennett, Madonna, Neil Diamond, Chaka Khan, Liza Minnelli and Dick Van Dyke. His work for television has garnered two Emmy Awards. He has been featured as a conductor with symphonies and philharmonic orchestras nationwide, and his credits include arranging music for multiple Tony Awards presentations. McDaniel is currently the Artistic Director of the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center's Cabaret and Performance Conference.
Kevin Hart Irresponsible Tour Official Afterparty at Highline Ballroom – Highline Ballroom
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Party with Kevin Hart on Saturday, July 28th at Highline Ballroom! Don't miss your chance to party with Kevin Hart for the offical afterparty for his Irresponsible Tour at one of the hottest and largest club venues in NYC, Highline Ballroom Doors open at 11pm Highline Ballroom is located at 431 West 16th Street between 9th Avenue and 10th Avenue. For table reservations and bottle service email anthony@aimgroupny.com Must be 21+ with valid ID. All sales are final. No refunds.
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
REVEAL is a benefit performance featuring choreography and performances by current dancers with the ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATER. The two performances will take place on JULY 28TH at 7:30pm and JULY 29TH at 3pm at the AILEY CITIGROUP THEATER, located inside the Joan Weill Center for Dance. All proceeds raised from ticket sales to these performances will directly go to the AILEY DANCERS RESOURCE FUND. [ADRF provides financial assistance to AAADT dancers in the form of Career Transition Grants, Creative Endeavor Grants and Emergency Loans. Career Transition Grants assist dancers in pursuing new career paths when the inevitable retirement from performing occurs. Creative Endeavor Grants provide dancers with support for choreographic projects and workshops. Emergency Loans are for dancers faced with emergency situations such as illness and disability.]
Marlon Wayans – Carolines on Broadway
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Marlon Wayans is an actor, producer, comedian, writer and film director. His films have grossed more than $736-million in domestic box office, an average of nearly $50-million per outing. As a standup comedian, he is selling out nationwide and adding shows every weekend. Wayans can next be seen starring in the NBC sitcom "Marlon," loosely based on his life. "Marlon" is a family comedy centered around a loving (but immature) father committed to co-parenting his two kids with his very-together ex-wife, played by Essence Atkins. "Marlon" will premiere this August 16 at 9 p.m. Wayans also stars in the upcoming Netflix movie NAKED which will premiere on the streaming site on August 11. Based on the Swedish film, NAKEN, the romantic comedy co-stars Regina Hall and reunites Wayans with director Michael Tiddes. Marlon, who is also a writer and producer on the movie, stars as Rob Anderson, a charming man-child, who wakes up on his wedding day, naked in an elevator, reliving the hour before the ceremony over and over again. He last starred in FIFTY SHADES OF BLACK, which he also wrote and executiveproduced, in January 2016. Directed by Michael Tiddes, the film co-starred Mike Epps and Kali Hawk.
'Hair' presented by Westchester Sandbox Theatre – Bendheim Performing Arts Center at JCC Mid-Westchester
Through July 29, 2018 – Scarsdale
A musical that defined a generation is back with a vengeance. The storyline will grab your hearts and minds and the music will have you rocking in the aisles.
HAIR performs July 27-29,
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
REVEAL is a benefit performance featuring choreography and performances by current dancers with the ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATER. The two performances will take place on JULY 28TH at 7:30pm and JULY 29TH at 3pm at the AILEY CITIGROUP THEATER, located inside the Joan Weill Center for Dance. All proceeds raised from ticket sales to these performances will directly go to the AILEY DANCERS RESOURCE FUND. [ADRF provides financial assistance to AAADT dancers in the form of Career Transition Grants, Creative Endeavor Grants and Emergency Loans. Career Transition Grants assist dancers in pursuing new career paths when the inevitable retirement from performing occurs. Creative Endeavor Grants provide dancers with support for choreographic projects and workshops. Emergency Loans are for dancers faced with emergency situations such as illness and disability.]
Skintight – The Laura Pels Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Roundabout reunites writer Joshua Harmon (Bad Jews, Significant Other) and director Daniel Aukin (Bad Jews) for Skintight, a scorching examination of beauty, youth and sex. Reeling from her ex-husband's engagement to a much younger woman, Jodi Isaac (Idina Menzel) turns to her famous fashion-designer dad for support. Instead, she finds him wrapped up in his West Village townhouse with Trey. Who's 20. And not necessarily gay. But probably an adult film star. At least, according to Jodi's son. Who's also 20. And definitely gay. Skintight assays the nature of love, the power of attraction, and the ways in which a superficial culture persists in teaching its children that all that matters is what's on the inside. Joshua Harmon's Skintight will begin performances on May 31, 2018 and open officially on June 21, 2018. This is a limited engagement Off-Broadway. A Roundabout commission. Skintight is a recipient of an Edgerton Foundation New Play Award. Joshua Harmon's Skintight was developed at Roundabout with support from the Laurents/Hatcher Foundation. Roundabout's work with new and emerging playwrights and directors, as well as development of new work, is made possible by Katheryn Patterson and Tom Kempner. We gratefully acknowledge the Roundabout Leaders for New Works: Alec Baldwin, James Costa and John Archibald, Linda L. D'Onofrio, Peggy and Mark Ellis, Jodi Glucksman, Sylvia Golden, Hess Foundation, Inc., Judith and Douglas Krupp, K. Myers, Laura Pels International Foundation for Theater, Laura S. Rodgers, Seedlings Foundation, Mary Solomon, Lauren and Danny Stein, Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, and Dr. Leonard Tow.
Jazz Improvisation, Composition – Summer Jazz Workshop – New York Jazz Workshop
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Marc Mommaas, Mark Sherman, and Tony Moreno are three jazz masters who have led this workshop in conservatories around the world, and have impeccably perfected the key components to teaching improvisation. This workshop on improvisation and composition covers many different styles, as well as harmonic, melodic and rhythmic principles. Marc Mommaas will lead the program and will be joined by Mark Sherman on the first two days and by Tony Moreno on the second two. This program is open to all instrumentalists and vocalists.
Goldstein – The Actors' Temple
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
GOLDSTEIN, the highly anticipated new musical about family, opens Monday, March 26th at the Actors Temple Theatre (339 West 47 St -between 8th and 9th Avenues). Michael Riedel NYPost said, “Like Rags mixed with a touch of Fiddler on the Roof, keep your eye on Goldstein.” Goldstein is based upon Louis Goldstein’s tell-all family memoir best seller. With music and lyrics are Michael Roberts and a book by Charlie Schulman, this uplifting and heartwarming, multi-generational musical explores the challenges and triumphs of an immigrant Jewish American family. The cast of 7 of Broadway’s best performers reminds us that families are complicated, the truth is never clear, and forgiveness is our best hope. Tickets are $79 and are available by visiting www.Goldsteinmusical.com or by calling (212) 239-6200.
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
REVEAL is a benefit performance featuring choreography and performances by current dancers with the ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATER. The two performances will take place on JULY 28TH at 7:30pm and JULY 29TH at 3pm at the AILEY CITIGROUP THEATER, located inside the Joan Weill Center for Dance. All proceeds raised from ticket sales to these performances will directly go to the AILEY DANCERS RESOURCE FUND. [ADRF provides financial assistance to AAADT dancers in the form of Career Transition Grants, Creative Endeavor Grants and Emergency Loans. Career Transition Grants assist dancers in pursuing new career paths when the inevitable retirement from performing occurs. Creative Endeavor Grants provide dancers with support for choreographic projects and workshops. Emergency Loans are for dancers faced with emergency situations such as illness and disability.]
Elrow Open Air – The Brooklyn Mirage
Through July 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
Eats Everything B2B Patrick Topping Technasia B2B Marc Maya Will Clarke B2B Santé Denney B2B Jesse Perez The Golden Pony: Timothy B2B with Thomas Les Carbonell B2B Kika The dusk-to-dawn games commence at 6:30pm, taking you on a 10-hour musical marathon until 4:30 AM at The Brooklyn Mirage. This line-up is more unique than ever… Featuring Jesse Perez, Denney, Will Clarke, Technasia, and NY's very own The Golden Pony, who will be joined by our resident Marc Maya, plus some of our staples and dance music's most in demand talent — Eats Everything, Patrick Topping and Santé. Warming things up are New Jersey locals Les Carbonell and Kika!
40th Annual Thunderbird American Indian Mid-Summer Powwow – Queens County Farm Museum
Through July 29, 2018 – Floral Park
(Times listed below) New York City's oldest and largest Powwow will feature three days of intertribal Native American dance competitions to which the public is invited. Over forty Indian Nations will be represented at this spectacular event held in the apple orchard on the farm grounds. A large selection of quality Native American art, crafts, jewelry, and food will be available for sale. DAY PASS: $10 adult; $5 child (ages 12 & under) WEEKEND PASS: $16 adult; $7 child (ages 12 & under) Farm Members are FREE
Zac Brown Band Bus Trip and Tailgate – Mulcahy's Pub and Concert Hall
Through July 29, 2018 – Wantagh
Come travel with us to the 2018 Down the Rabbit Hole, Zac Brown Band Concert at Citi Field. Ticket includes round trip transportation in a luxury coach bus, a complete tailgate experience that includes our famous BBQ, beer, soda and wine, DJ and line dancing.
Family Art Project: Cool-off Colors Collage – Wave Hill
Through July 29, 2018 – Bronx
Hear about the folklore surrounding two wonderfully mysterious and enchanting creatures, the owl and the coyote. Learn about these local animals and their habits and special attributes. Then create a fanciful, wintery tableau of simple, paper puppets and shadowy scenes that capture your own make-believe owl and coyote mythology.
Kinky Boots – Al Hirschfeld Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Based on a true story and the indie film of the same name, Kinky Boots follows young Brit Charlie Price, who abandons his family's shoe factory to live with his demanding girlfriend in London. After the unexpected death of his father, Charlie returns to the struggling factory and finds it's up to him to figure out a way to keep the business alive. Enter Lola, a fabulous drag queen, who gives Charlie the idea to create ladies' shoes for men. Soon, the factory is turning out "kinky boots" under the supervision of Charlie and Lola, but can this harebrained scheme actually work? And can these two extremely different men find a common ground and become real friends?
Family Sundays: Inner Voyages – The Rubin Museum
Through July 29, 2018 – Chelsea
Drop into the Education Center for some art-making, a family exhibition tour, and a thematic gallery search. The activity involves tucking your worries away in an envelope and sealing it with a blossoming, folded lotus to symbolize a fresh start.
Reverse Bad Luck Charms – The Frick Collection
Through July 29, 2018 – Manhattan
In Diana Shpungin's, "Fixed Mirrors," the artist creates a series of paper casts of cracked mirrors as a symbolic gesture of reversing bad luck. For today's workshop museum guests will emulate this process by designing their very own "reverse bad luck charms" to wear out of the museum and into the world!
Dizzy Gillespie All-Star Big Band – Blue Note Jazz Club
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
History has produced its share of great artists and great people—John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie was both. As a performer, he left behind an incredible record of innovation and inspiration. As a composer, a broad repository of musical masterpieces, and as a man, a legion of friends, colleagues and compatriots who remember him with the same degree of love and esteem they reserve for his work. Dizzy Gillespie All-Star Big Band History has produced its share of great artists and great people—John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie was both. As a performer, he left behind an incredible record of innovation and inspiration. As a composer, a broad repository of musical masterpieces, and as a man, a legion of friends, colleagues and compatriots who remember him with the same degree of love and esteem they reserve for his work. For Dizzy Gillespie, playing in a small combo was never enough. His artistry compelled him to seek and to create larger ensembles because as a composer and arranger, a big band was the ultimate vehicle for self-expression. Given that the majority of his career took place after 1950 when the big band era was over, it's especially notable that Dizzy Gillespie continued to create brilliant music using the grand-scale formats of jazz big band and orchestra right up to the end of his life in 1993. The Dizzy Gillespie™ Big Band and Alumni All-Star group (small group) is the direct descendant of these ventures, and happily, the tradition lives on, nurtured by Gillespie alumni and executive director, producer, and bassist John Lee. The Big Band and the Alumni All-Stars feature some of Dizzy's closest compatriots: senior statesmen and NEA Jazz Master Jimmy Heath and veteran Gillespie alumni Roy Hargrove, Roberta Gambarini, Cyrus Chestnut, Steve Davis, Lewis Nash, and musical director John Lee. All of them are band leaders, educators, and recording artists in their own right.
Clowns, Magicians, and More – Pier 62 Carousel
Through July 29, 2018 – Chelsea
This wise-cracking Brooklyn clown is proud to cross the Brooklyn Bridge and bring his show to Manhattan. He’ll make jokes, clown around, and do some magic. Always looking for volunteers to help him with tricks, Bonkerz is sure to give all guests stomach aches from laughing so hard! This event is free to guests of the Pier 62 Carousel.
Terry Winters Forces and Fictions – The Drawing Center
Through July 29, 2018 – Soho
A leading figure in the art world for four decades, Terry Winters became well known in the 1980s for his materially-conscious drawings and paintings. Representing the patterns and schema that undergird physical and intellectual life—French philosopher Gilles Deleuze is cited as an important reference—Winters's drawings of grids, networks, and knots illustrate complex encounters between biological drives, technological systems, and mental processes. The Drawing Center's Main Gallery will present an overview of Winters's drawings from 1980 to the present including full cycles of drawings, such as File Drawings (2009), as well as a selection of large-scale works on paper that foreground the overarching theme of Winters's practice: the desire to make sense, however fictively, of the manner in which the visible world is constructed and received. Rather than offering a comprehensive drawing retrospective, the show will be organized with an eye to morphological relationships so that, as viewers move through the gallery, they will recall and ideally return to earlier related images.
Hipkiss Bulwark – The Drawing Center
Through July 29, 2018 – Soho
Praised for their meticulously-detailed panoramic landscapes, Anglo-French artists Alpha and Chris Mason, known collectively as Hipkiss, have been collaborating for three decades on intricate drawings that interweave dystopian narratives with a personal lexicon of symbolic forms. Past works by Hipkiss chronicle fictional histories of warring clans, urban crusades, and quasi-apocalyptical societies. For Bulwark, the artists' first solo museum show in New York, Hipkiss will present the most recent cycle of drawings in their series The Towers (2015–ongoing). The drawings pull from the myriad allegorical significance of towers as symbols for transcendence, irrational ambition, and piety.
Free Arts Island Outpost – Children's Museum of the Arts on Governors Island
Through July 29, 2018 – Governors Island
Young artists travel to the historic Governors Island for free hands-on art making workshops and art-viewing experiences. On weekends the open outdoor space of Free Arts Island Outpost beckons families to become inspired to explore big projects utilizing found objects and traditional mediums. This is a space to invent, adapt, and transform relationships to art and the art making process.
'SWAK (Sealed With a Kiss)' – Underground Theater
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
A classic twist on the Frog Prince.
Hot Glass Weekend Wonderland! – UrbanGlass
Through July 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
Come try something creative and new in this two day weekend adventure. In this course, we will cover the basic fundamentals of hot glass and put that new knowledge to use by exploring solid and blown forms. This is a great crash course for anyone looking to try glassblowing, experiment with this magical material, and have a wonderful weekend! All are welcome, though this class is best suited for those new to the material.
God Save Queen Pam: A New Musical Comedy – Players Theater
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Harken back to a time before we were all filled with existential dread, and see a new musical comedy that is all about fun, silliness, and laughter. Remember laughter? It’s like a backwards hiccup. In ‘God Save Queen Pam’, the entire royal house of Edevane has died out, and the only living heir is an American bartender from New Jersey. With the help of her devoted staff, Pam Duffy has to figure out her new God-ordained career before the snobby jerks of court unseat her and ruin everything. Hilarity ensues, and nothing else. No, really- we promise: no moments of sad reflection, no ironic nods to the woes of the day, and your cellphone will be off, so no NYT notifications about who tweeted what this time. God Save Queen Pam is running Off-Broadway at the Players Theater from June 21st-July 29th. Performances are at 7pm on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and 3pm on Sundays. More information can be found at www.godsavequeenpam.com.
SpongeBob SquarePants – Palace Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Stakes are higher than ever before as SpongeBob and all of Bikini Bottom face the total annihilation of their undersea world. Chaos erupts. Lives hang in the balance. And just when all hope seems lost, a most unexpected hero rises up and takes center stage. Get ready to dive to all-new depths of theatrical innovation at SpongeBob SquarePants, where the power of optimism really can save the world! SpongeBob SquarePants features original songs by Yolanda Adams, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Sara Bareilles, Jonathan Coulton, Dirty Projectors, Alex Ebert of Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, The Flaming Lips, John Legend, Lady Antebellum, Cyndi Lauper, Panic! At the Disco, Plain White T's, They Might Be Giants and T.I., and a song by David Bowie with additional lyrics by Jonathan Coulton.
'The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee' – Yorktown Stage
Through July 29, 2018 – Yorktown Heights
A funny and irreverent rock musical about the seventh president of the United States.
Shawn Wayans – Gotham Comedy Club
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Shawn Wayans: Shawn Wayans made his acting debut in 1989 in his brother Keenen Ivory Wayans' feature film "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka." Immediately following his feature film debut, Shawn joined the cast of the Emmy Award winning comedy series, "In Living Color."
Summer Honey Harvest – Audubon Greenwich
Through July 29, 2018 – Greenwich
Join the Back Yard Beekeepers Association as they harvest honey from local bee hives. Attendees can get a chance to spin the extractor as it pulls honey from honeycomb. Honey will be available for purchase while supplies last.
The Early Show – New York Comedy Club
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
It's never too early for Comedy! Join us for the quintessential New York City Comedy experience. Our happy hour show presents a mix of citywide stars, club favorites, and fresh faces so you can kick off your evening with a lot of laughs!
Nytm Train Operators Workshop – New York Transit Museum
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Drop by our Computer Lab to take control of a NYC Subway car and operate it over virtual miles of track, using some incredibly realistic software! Suggested for ages 10+
The New York City Poetry Festival – Governors Island
Through July 29, 2018 – New York Harbor
Every year on the last weekend in July, the New York City Poetry Festival unites the vast and diverse New York City poetry community on the idyllic summer paradise of Governors Island.
The festival invites poetry organizations and collectives of all shapes and sizes to bring their unique formats, aesthetics, and personalities to the festival grounds, which are ringed with a collection of beautiful Victorian houses and tucked beneath the wide, green canopies of dozens of century old trees. By uniting the largest community of poets in the country and offering a unique setting for literary activity, the New York City Poetry Festival electrifies arts and literature and brings poetry to new light in the public eye.
It's Lit! Intro Neon Weekend – UrbanGlass
Through July 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
This introduction to neon class provides the environment, tools and techniques for those interested in learning about the craft. Course content will cover safety, basic splices and bends at the torch, and how to finalize and light up your sign. Come spice up your life with some light!
Transit Gaming Workshop – New York Transit Museum
Through July 29, 2018 – Brooklyn Heights
Build all of the parts you need for a board game inspired by New York City transportation.
Come From Away – Schoenfeld Theatre
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Come From Away is based on the true story of when the isolated community of Gander, Newfoundland played host to the world. What started as an average day in a small town turned in to an international sleep-over when 38 planes, carrying thousands of people from across the globe, were diverted to Gander's air strip on September 11, 2001. Undaunted by culture clashes and language barriers, the people of Gander cheered the stranded travelers with music, an open bar and the recognition that we're all part of a global family.
Fred Hersch Trio – Village Vanguard
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
In the quest to describe the music of Fred Hersch in a word — a preposterous task, but not a pointless one — you could do a lot worse than "refinement." Mr. Hersch is a pianist of cultivated taste and erudition; he's also the sort of jazz musician who brings a lissome elegance to his playing, disinclined to accentuate the effort behind it all. But there's another definition of refinement that has to do with painstaking progress, the incremental stretch toward an elusive ideal.
Brooklyn, NY Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest – Brooklyn Expo Center
Through July 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
We're having a party and you're invited! Gluten Free & More magazine wants you to know that living with a food allergy or sensitivity doesn't need to be about deprivation and missing out. On the contrary, what you're living without is all the horrible symptoms and medical problems you had before understanding what allergens you needed to avoid. So, come join us, over a hundred of our favorite exhibitors and thousands of our closest friends as we celebrate LIVING WELL!!
The Blue Room – WhiteBox Gallery
Through July 29, 2018 – New York
Bridge Production Group will present David Hare’s THE BLUE ROOM directed by Max Hunter at The WhiteBox Art Gallery (329 Broome Street between Bowery and Chrystie Streets), July 12-29. Performances will run Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 7pm, Friday and Saturday at 8pm, and Saturday, July 21 & 28 at 2pm. Tickets ($30) are available for advance purchase at www.bridgeproductiongroup.org. The performance will run approximately 90 minutes, with no intermission. Last seen on Broadway with Nicole Kidman in 1998, The Blue Room is David Hare's loose adaptation of La Ronde – a series of vignettes that show how chance sexual encounters travel throughout class and power in society. The Bridge Production Group is thrilled to reunite Artistic Director Max Hunter and Resident Artist Christina Toth in presenting The Blue Room, bringing the company’s visual and abstracted aesthetic to create a multimedia immersion of light, sound, movement, and performance. The Bridge is transforming The WhiteBox Gallery on the Lower East Side, creating an immersive visual art instillation that will house performance salons – only forty audience members per performance! The cast will feature Max Hunter* (Red Light Winter with Bridge Production Group) and Christina Toth (Annalisa on “Orange is the New Black”; Lazarus at New York Theatre Workshop). The creative team will include Lighting & Projections Design by Cheyenne Sykes (Assistant Lighting Designer, Drake Boy Meets World European Tour), and Costume Design by Nicolle Allen (Netflix’s “The Irishman” with Martin Scorsese; Saturday Night Live).
Free Summer Concerts – Eisenhower Park Field 2
Through July 30, 2018 – East Meadow
Here's the concert line-up:
Tuesday, July 3 · Movin’ Out, a Billy Joel tribute
Saturday, July 7 · Oldies Show
Friday, July 13 · Disco Unlimited
Saturday, July 14 · Elevation Band, a U2 tribute
Friday, July 20 · ’80s Explosion
Monday, July 23 · Harry Chapin Tribute
Friday, July 27 · Tramps Like Us, a Springsteen tribute
Saturday, July 28 · Oldies Show
Monday, July 30 · Nassau Pops
8ight For 8ight – Empire City Casino
Through July 30, 2018 – Yonkers
Empire Club Members earn 8 Empire Points playing slot machines to receive $8 Free Play. Enjoy $8 drink specials in the lounge. $8 frozen cocktails in Dan Rooney's and $8 food special in the food court.
Breakfast Buffet – Hard Rock Cafe
Through July 30, 2018 – New York
Buffet Includes: Scrambled Eggs, Fried Bacon, Turkey Sausage, Home Style Cheesy Hash Brown Potatoes, Whole and Sliced Fruit, Freshly Baked Bagels, Assorted Danish, Muffins, Breakfast Pastries, Yogurt and Cereal. A la carte options of Pancakes, Waffles & French Toast made to order. BEVERAGES 1 Mimosa per Adult, Assorted Juice Selection, Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea
Celebrate National Cheesecake Day – Junior's Restaurants
Through July 30, 2018 – Midtown
In honor of this delicious holiday, Junior’s is introducing a brand-new cheesecake flavor, Strawberry Shortcake Cheesecake, being offered for $5 in restaurants from July 26th until July 30th. The cake will also be available online and in restaurants until the end of August.
Celebrate National Cheesecake Day on Monday, July 30th at Junior’s Restaurant – Junior's Restaurant
Through July 30, 2018 – New York
With National Cheesecake Day on Monday, July 30th, there is no better way to celebrate than with The World’s Most Fabulous Cheesecake from Junior’s Restaurant. In honor of this delicious holiday, Junior’s is introducing a brand-new cheesecake flavor, Strawberry Shortcake Cheesecake, being offered for $5 in restaurants from July 26th until July 30th. The cake will also be available online and in restaurants until the end of August! To create the new Strawberry Shortcake Cheesecake, Junior’s blends their World’s Most Fabulous Cheesecake with fresh strawberry puree to create a delicious strawberry cheesecake which is then sandwiched between layers of homemade yellow cake, strawberry preserves, and fresh whipped cream. The entire cake is hand frosted with buttercream and decorated with a strawberry buttercream border. Additionally for National Cheesecake Day Weekend only, Junior’s is having their best sale of the year online, with all cheesecakes on sale for as low as $29.99 plus shipping.
Eight Is Never Enough – The Broadway Comedy Club
Through July 30, 2018 – Manhattan
The cast of EIGHT IS NEVER ENOUGH delivers hilarious comedy improvised on the spot based on audience suggestions and participation. Every show is topical and customized to you. Think WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY meets Broadway.
Jersey Boys – New World Stages -Stage One
Through July 30, 2018 – New York
Jersey Boys is a musical biography of the Four Seasons—the rise, the tough times and personal clashes, and the ultimate triumph of a group of friends whose music became symbolic of a generation. Far from a mere tribute concert (though it does include numbers from the popular Four Seasons songbook), Jersey Boys gets to the heart of the relationships at the center of the group—with a special focus on frontman Frankie Valli, the small kid with the big falsetto. In addition to following the quartet's coming of age as performers, the core of the show is how an allegiance to a code of honor learned in the streets of their native New Jersey got them through a multitude of challenges: gambling debts, Mafia threats and family disasters. Jersey Boys is a glimpse at the people behind a sound that has managed to endure for over four decades in the hearts of the public.
Upcycled Binoculars – The Frick Collection
Through July 30, 2018 – Manhattan
Today in the open studio young arts will be designing and creating their very own take-home binoculars! For this project museum guests will experiment with cardboard, cellophane, cone cups and more.
Meditation for Kids – Kadampa Meditation Center Long Island
Through July 30, 2018 – Huntington
Classes are presented in a lively, creative and interactive way. The classes are suitable for children 6-14 years of age. Meditation for Children is an ongoing program every Sunday morning throughout the school year. Classes are held in the children’s meditation room at Kadampa Meditation Center Long Island in Huntington.
Mini – Mondays – Color Me Mine
Through July 30, 2018 – West Nyack
Color Me Mine Pottery Studio provides a space for kids and adults to express their creativity, relax, have some fun with over 300+ different bisque options for you to choose from. Paint and then glaze fire your piece!
Pricing is based on the item(s) you choose to paint. See website for more information.
Story and Play – Brooklyn Public Library – Central Library
Through July 31, 2018 – Prospect Heights
Hear wonderful stories, play with toys and make new friends at this fun and informal program.
Lighthouse Open Late – Fire Island Lighthouse
Through July 31, 2018 – Fire Island
Enjoy the early evening at the Lighthouse. Beat the parking fee after 6pm. Tower tours are available until 7:30 pm at regular fee. Weather permitting please call ahead (631) 661-4876. Every Saturday in July.
Fantastic $15 – Empire City Casino
Through July 31, 2018 – Yonkers
Empire Club Members earn 15 Empire Points playing slot machines to receive $15 Free Play! Free Play can be redeemed at any Promotions Kiosk. One per Empire Club Member per promotional day. Plus: Enjoy $5 Bacardi drink specials in the Entertainment Lounge from 5pm-10pm and live music from 8pm-10:30pm.
Prêt! Set! Read! – The Field Library
Through July 31, 2018 – Peekskill
Join for a fun, interactive storytime that focuses on early literacy skills for kids 3 and up. Enjoy stories, songs, and rhyming and shape games. No sign-up needed.
Green Teens – Long Island Children's Museum
Through July 31, 2018 – Garden City
Explore the worlds of science and nature with the Green Teens this summer in Our Backyard! Each week, dig deeper into the unknown through hands-on learning experiences on alternative energy, water, habitats, and more. Check out our website for Green Teens updates.
Sweet Dreams – Long Island Children's Museum
Through July 31, 2018 – Garden City
Do you have sweet dreams of lollipops, soccer or butterflies? Join us for a unique workshop as you design your own pillowcase using fabric paint, markers, and stamps.
Listen to lullabies from around the world as you create the masterpiece of your dreams! To ensure that visitors have ample time to create their pillowcases, timed tickets will be issued for this program.
National Geographic Encounter: Ocean Odyssey – National Geographic Encounter
Through July 31, 2018 – Times Square
Through ground-breaking technology, audiences will go on a digital "underwater" dive and come face-to-face with life-size photo-real versions of some of the largest and most interesting creatures of the sea at this one-of-a-kind immersive entertainment experience. This is a walk-through experience and lasts approximately 90 minutes.
Pay-what-you-wish Thursdays July 2018 Drop-In Play at Spark by BCM! – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through July 31, 2018 – Brooklyn
Pay-what-you-wish Thursdays July 2018 Drop-In Play Join in the following drop-in art projects and play opportunities taking place on July weekends in our Studio. We are feeling the summer vibes at Spark and cannot wait to play with more unusual materials to get our creative juices flowing. SPARK Independence! Saturday, July 7 – Sunday, July 8 Flower wreaths After spring has come and gone, welcome summer with a bright flower wreath! Saturday, July 14 – Sunday, July 15 Fluttering Butterfly collage Design your mixed media flying butterfly diorama and watch your butterflies take flight! Saturday, July 21 – Sunday, July 22 Tinted Binoculars Make your binoculars and have fun peering through the colorful lenses to see a tinted world. Saturday, July 28 – Sunday, July 29 Sunny Day Visors Protect your skin from summer rays and decorate a bright and colorful sun visor! All programs subject to change.
Dance and Music with Cumbe Kidz – Fort Greene Park
Through July 31, 2018 – Fort Greene
Join the Fort Greene Park Conservancy and Cumbe: Center for African and Diaspora Dance for a fun journey through the African diaspora by way of Fort Greene Park! Families are invited to visit Jamaica, Cuba and the U.S. through interactive Caribbean, Hip Hop and Afro-Cuban classes. Watch master artists perform, then experience the joy and learn the movements through a class and a dance jam.
Performances are free, suitable for children of all ages and require no prior formal instruction. Meet in the Monument Plaza’s western wing.
July 2018 Drop-In Play at Spark by BCM! – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through July 31, 2018 – Brooklyn
July 2018 Drop-In Play Join in the following drop-in art projects and play opportunities taking place on July weekends in our Studio. We are feeling the summer vibes at Spark and cannot wait to play with more unusual materials to get our creative juices flowing. SPARK Independence! Saturday, July 7 – Sunday, July 8 Flower wreaths After spring has come and gone, welcome summer with a bright flower wreath! Saturday, July 14 – Sunday, July 15 Fluttering Butterfly collage Design your mixed media flying butterfly diorama and watch your butterflies take flight! Saturday, July 21 – Sunday, July 22 Tinted Binoculars Make your binoculars and have fun peering through the colorful lenses to see a tinted world. Saturday, July 28 – Sunday, July 29 Sunny Day Visors Protect your skin from summer rays and decorate a bright and colorful sun visor! All programs subject to change. Wednesday, 1:00-5:00PM Thursday, 1:00-6:00PM Friday, 1:00-5:00PM Saturday, 1:00-5:00PM Sunday, 1:00-5:00PM We are closed Mondays & Tuesdays.
Children's Library Reading Program: 'Rumble in the Jungle' – Various libraries around Rockland County
Through July 31, 2018 – Rockland County
Presented by the Master Gardener Volunteers of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rockland County, this STEAM-oriented, multifaceted educational, and fun packed hour program is geared for grades 1-4.
Children will be introduced to seven exotic, strange, and colorful rainy jungle birds after they have brainstormed what is necessary for any winged creatures to adapt to their environment. Tropical birdwatcher Karen will take the children on a magical journey where they will learn the legend of a tiny hummingbird who becomes king of Guatemala. The program concludes with a fast moving, interactive game of Jungle Jumble where pairs of children try to reconstruct these exotic birds from puzzle pieces and match them with their correct bird songs.
All program participants will receive good bags of jungle themed information and pencil/paper activities. Registration is required.
People – Jeffrey Deitch
Through July 31, 2018 – New York
Family Movies – Glen Oaks Library
Through July 31, 2018 – Glen Oaks
7/3 "The Secret Life of Pets" (2016, PG), 7/10 "Hotel Transylvania 2" (2015, PG), 7/17 " Coco" (2017, PG), 7/24 "The Swan Princess: A Royal Myztery" (2018, PG), 7/31 "Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas" (2017, PG).
All Star Stand Up Comedy – The Broadway Comedy Club
Through July 31, 2018 – Manhattan
Broadway Comedy Club presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City with special guests from all across the country. You've seen them on MTV, HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Daily Show, Last Comic Standing and more!
Living History Tours – Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium
Through July 31, 2018 – Centerport
For more than a decade, Living History tours have delighted visitors to the elegant 24-room, Spanish-Revival waterfront mansion, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Stories told on the tours are based on the oral histories of people who worked for the Vanderbilts as teenagers and young adults. Some stories originated in Mr. Vanderbilt’s books of his world travels and extensive sea journeys. This summer of 1936 was eventful. “The movie Captains Courageous with Spencer Tracy is playing in the theaters, and Agatha Christie’s new novel, Dumb Witness, is in the bookstores,” said Stephanie Gress, director of curatorial affairs. “Legendary aviator Amelia Earhart is lost at sea in July, and European leaders are faced with threats of German expansion. The U.S. Post Office has just issued a commemorative stamp in honor of the women’s voting rights activist and social reformer Susan B. Anthony on the 30th anniversary of her death in 1906.” Earlier in 1936, New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia – who supported women’s voting rights – had been the keynote speaker at a dinner at the city’s Biltmore Hotel to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Women’s City Club in New York. le Living History presentation is set against this background of national and international news. LaGuardia is invited to Eagle’s Nest to join a few of the Vanderbilt family members – including William K. Vanderbilt’s brother, Harold; his sister, Consuelo, the Duchess of Marlborough; and her guests Elizabeth Arden, Anne Morgan, and her nephew, Henry Sturgis Morgan, Gress said. Mr. Vanderbilt’s sister, Consuelo, and her guests reminisce about their younger days at Suffragette rallies. Beginning Memorial Day weekend, the Museum will display items in two guest rooms that commemorate the centennial of women’s right to vote in New York State. Included will be an enlargement of the Susan B. Anthony stamp, suffrage banners and sashes, and an authentic outfit worn in that era by Consuelo, the Duchess of Marlborough. (Mr. Vanderbilt’s mother, Alva, also had been active in the movement.) The Living History cast: Ellen Mason will play Elizabeth Arden, who created the American beauty industry. Yachtsman Harold Vanderbilt – William’s brother, three-time winner of the America’s Cup, and expert on contract bridge – will be portrayed by Jim Ryan and Gerard Crosson. Peter Reganato will be Pietro, the Italian chef. Dale Spencer will perform as William Belanske, the curator and artist who traveled with Mr. Vanderbilt on his epic journeys. Anne Morgan will be played by Judy Pfeffer and Beverly Pokorny. The Vanderbilt has been called a “museum of a museum” – the mansion, natural-history and marine collections galleries are preserved exactly as they were when the Vanderbilts lived on the estate.
Corbin's Crusaders Sports Club & Day Camp Tours – Corbin's Crusaders
Through July 31, 2018 – Greenwich
Take a private camp tour during July at Corbin’s Crusaders. Interested families, should email info@corbinscrusaders.com to set up an appointment.
Guided Tours – Parrish Art Museum
Through July 31, 2018 – Water Mill
Docent-led tours highlighting the Permanent Collection and special exhibitions on Saturdays. Tours last approximately one hour.
Sheba Mason – The Broadway Comedy Club
Through July 31, 2018 – Manhattan
The child of playwright Ginger Reiter and comedian Jackie Mason, Sheba Mason has been performing since appearing in her mother's plays at the age of 2. Honing her own skills onstage for years, Mason has become a fixture of the Manhattan comedy scene, spouting witticisms about everything from politics to grandmothers. Now, she's taking her show on the road, and she's bringing along some of her talented friends. Join Mason for a hilarious night of comedy alongside Comedy Central's Tom McCaffrey, Raj Mahal and more of New York's brightest up-and-coming comics.
Nicholas K Sample Sale – Nicholas K Studio
Through July 31, 2018 – New York
Up to 80% off apparel and accessories. Shop runway samples and overstocks items including outerwear, leather jackets, dresses, pants, tops, shoes and more. Cash and credit card accepted. All sales final.
Summer Block Party at Coach – The Shops at Columbus Circle
Through July 31, 2018 – New York
Coach is a modern American luxury brand with a rich heritage rooted in quality and craftsmanship. All over the world, the Coach name is synonymous with the ease and sophistication of New York style.
BOSS X Formula E – The Shops at Columbus Circle
Through July 31, 2018 – New York
Boss is one of the leading international fashion and lifestyle groups that offers a versatile range of products in menswear, womenswear, kidswear, eyewear, watches and fragrances. The brand world of Boss consists of the core brand Boss and the avant-garde brand Hugo.
Hugo Boss Summer Sale – The Shops at Columbus Circle
Through July 31, 2018 – New York
Boss is one of the leading international fashion and lifestyle groups that offers a versatile range of products in menswear, womenswear, kidswear, eyewear, watches and fragrances. The brand world of Boss consists of the core brand Boss and the avant-garde brand Hugo.
Pilates in the Park – Freeman Plaza West
Through July 31, 2018 – New York
Pilates in the Park – @ Freeman Plaza West Real Pilates is back in Hudson Square! This is a super fun treat and is being extended through July, so be sure to join us before it’s gone. Here are the details: WHAT: One-Hour Mat Classes in the new Hudson Square Park WHEN: July 10, 17, 24 and 31 @ 6-7pm WHERE: Freeman Plaza West, between Broome+Watts (enter on Hudson) HOW MUCH: Free! BRING: Yourself and water! Mats are included. . #feelthereal
Chicago – Ambassador Theatre
Through July 31, 2018 – New York
Set in the legendary city during the roaring "jazz hot" 20s, Chicago tells the story of two rival vaudevillian murderesses locked up in Cook County Jail. Nightclub star Velma's serving time for killing her husband and sister after finding the two in bed together. Driven chorus girl Roxie's been tossed in the joint for bumping off the lover she's been cheating on her husband with. Not one to rest on her laurels, Velma enlists the help of prison matron Mama Morton and slickster lawyer Billy Flynn, who turn Velma's incarceration into a murder-of-the-week media frenzy, thus preparing the world for a splashy showbiz comeback. But Roxie's got some of her own tricks up her sleeve…
Judha Su – Art in General
Through July 31, 2018 – Brooklyn
Judha Su is an art critic and writer, working on shifting boundaries of contemporary arts, diverse forms of artistic practices, and politics of knowledge. She perceives art as a point of contact, negotiation, and entry to imagine beyond a conditioned reality. Her current project revolves around reclaiming thinking subjectivities, a transmission of bodily and nonverbal knowledge, and a re-distribution of sensory experiences. From 2015–16, she received a research fellowship from the Japan Foundation Asia Center to conduct fieldwork about practices of art writing in Indonesia, Philippines, and Japan. Last year, she initiated a collaborative project titled "To Whom It May Concern"; started as a laboratory exhibition at Bangkok CityCity Gallery, the project has now developed into a Thai-English online platform for collective learning. Judha is also a laborer of "soi" – a space for dialogue, research, and pedagogy. Judha is in residence at Art in General from April to July 2018 through the support of the Asian Cultural Council.
Lowercase Summer Popup – Wythe Hotel
Through July 31, 2018 – Brooklyn
We are an independent eyewear brand born and bred in NYC. With every single model designed and manufactured at our workshop in Brooklyn Army Terminal, each frame embodies its own particular story. Inspired by music, location, history and events of the city, you truly are wearing a piece of the city. The details of the frames are purposeful and play to each theme. From bold lines to underlying detail, the designs are unique and allow artistic expression for each individual. Please come and check out our summer pop up at the gorgeous space in Wyeth Hotel. We’ll have our full collection available including our newly released collaboration with NU SWIM. Browse the full collection on www.lowercasenyc.com.
Can You Run the Zoo? – Prospect Park Zoo
Through July 31, 2018 – Flatbush
Do you have what it takes to work at the zoo? Visit the Prospect Park Zoo every weekend in July to find out what it takes to care for hundreds of animals. National Zoo Keeper Week is in July so it’s a perfect opportunity to meet some of our keepers and learn about their jobs. Volunteer and education program information will highlight how you too can join the zoo!
Handheld Games of the Past – Lefferts Historic House
Through July 31, 2018 – Flatbush
Handheld games were just as popular in the past as they are in the present. So put down the remote or controller and come on over to the Lefferts house where you can join Prospect Park Alliance to learn classic handheld games from the past like graces, hoops, quoits, horseshoes and 9-pin bowling!
The Flo Show – The PIT Loft
Through July 31, 2018 – New York
Fresh off a lifetime of Floridian vaudeville tours, your favorite Aunt Flos are dancing back into your hearts and hosting a variety show! Featuring stand-up, sketch, characters and more!
Pop-Up Audubon I & II: Macy's Fishing Clinics – Prospect Park Audubon Center
Through July 31, 2018 – Flatbush
Join Prospect Park Alliance educators in a series of fun, free catch-and-release fishing clinics! Participants learn about aquatic ecology, fishing safety and will even get to collect their own bait, and then join us for a family birdwatching walk.
Once on This Island – 235 West 50th Street
Through August 01, 2018 – New York
This is the sweeping theatrical power of Once On This Island—the universal tale of Ti Moune, a fearless peasant girl in search of her place in the world, and ready to risk it all for love. Guided by the mighty island gods (played by Tony Award winner Lea Salonga, Alex Newell, Merle Dandridge, and Quentin Earl Darrington), Ti Moune sets out on a remarkable journey to reunite with the man who has captured her heart. The groundbreaking vision of Tony Award-nominated director Michael Arden and acclaimed choreographer Camille A. Brown conjures up "a place where magic is possible and beauty is apparent for all to see!" (The Huffington Post). Gather around for Once On This Island, the musical NY1 hails as "exhilarating theater! It's impossible to resist!" And where the timeless power of theatre brings us together, moves our hearts, and helps us weather the storm.
Once on This Island – 235 West 50th Street
Through August 01, 2018 – New York
This is the sweeping theatrical power of Once On This Island—the universal tale of Ti Moune, a fearless peasant girl in search of her place in the world, and ready to risk it all for love. Guided by the mighty island gods (played by Tony Award winner Lea Salonga, Alex Newell, Merle Dandridge, and Quentin Earl Darrington), Ti Moune sets out on a remarkable journey to reunite with the man who has captured her heart. The groundbreaking vision of Tony Award-nominated director Michael Arden and acclaimed choreographer Camille A. Brown conjures up "a place where magic is possible and beauty is apparent for all to see!" (The Huffington Post). Gather around for Once On This Island, the musical NY1 hails as "exhilarating theater! It's impossible to resist!" And where the timeless power of theatre brings us together, moves our hearts, and helps us weather the storm.
Little Farmer Explorers – Garden of Eve Farm
Through August 01, 2018 – Riverhead
Tour the farm each week to see what’s growing, taste the fruits of the field, and learn about how it grows. Fun for families, friends, and make great gifts too! Includes admission to Fun Fields play area. Pre-registration required, Register online at gardenofevefarm.com.
72 Hour Shootout Film Competition – Asian American Film Lab
Through August 01, 2018 – New York
JOIN THE FILM LAB! Create and Nurture Diverse & Innovative New Entertainment! Film Lab has an open Officer position and is currently accepting applications for Treasurer. The Treasurer applies for 2-3 grants a year. The position is unsalaried, however the Treasurer receives a commission from each successful grant award and works with a fabulous team doing great work to create positive social change through media entertainment! Email info@film-lab.org for more information. JOIN THE FILM LAB! Create and Nurture Diverse & Innovative New Entertainment! Film Lab is now accepting applications for the 2018 72 Hour Shootout filmmaking competition coordinator. Registration for the competition opens March 1st, 2018, and ends with a grand finale screening of the top ten films at AAIFF in NYC in the summer of 2018. The coordinator should have some filmmaking experience and must be local to NYC and generally available during May-August 2018! Email Shootout@film-lab.org for more information.
Peekskill 4th of July Celebration and Summer Concert Series – Riverfront Green Park
Through August 01, 2018 – Peekskill
Set yourself up for free outdoor concerts on five Wednesday evenings this summer. The fun starts on on July 4th with fireworks immediately following an R&B music concert. Other weeks include country, soul, rock, and jazz.
If there is rain, concerts after July 4th will be held indoors at Peekskill Middle School at 212 Ringgold Street.
Toddler Art Adventures – Elite Minds Montessori
Through August 01, 2018 – Columbia Street Waterfront District
Budding toddler artists will explore paint, crayons, oil pastels, collage materials, air-dry clay and recycled sculpture in this process-oriented art class. Themes for projects include NYC, outer space, animals, opposites and much more. This curriculum is a great introduction to a structured class for young artists and will help strengthen their fine motor skills and ability to represent the world around them.
Design Kids: Imagination Playground – Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Through August 01, 2018 – Upper East Side
Head to the Cooper Hewitt to play with the award winning Imagination Playground. Giant mobile construction blocks that children can use for creative play. For ages 5-12. Held in the Arthur Ross Terrace and Garden. Enter at 90th Street entrance.
'Aladdin' – BroadHollow Theatre
Through August 02, 2018 – East Islip
Welcome to Agrabah, City of Enchantment and the fantastic tale of the street rat who became a prince! All of your favorite characters – Aladdin, Jasmine, Iago, Jafar, the Genie, and more – are here in a musical adventure filled with magic, mayhem, and flying carpet rides.
Nicole Zuraitis – Birdland
Through August 02, 2018 – New York
Vocalist, keyboard player and songwriter Nicole Zuraitis blends bountiful songwriting skills, an effervescent presence and dazzling vocals in a consummate package that has thrilled audiences across Manhattan and across the world. Nicole is the 2016 New York City Songwriting Competition Coffee Music Project Winner, 2015 second runner-up in the Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition and the 2014 Herb Albert ASCAP Young Composer Awards Winner. She's also the Peoples Choice and Johnny Mercer Award winner in the National American Traditions Vocal Competition. She is the vocalist for the world famous Birdland Big Band in New York City and has been nominated in all three jazz categories in the 2018 International Music and Entertainment Awards. Nicole has headlined the Blue Note (NYC) and maintains residencies at the 55 Bar (every second Thursday of the month), Rockwood Music Hall (with the Dan Pugach Nonet), and Redeye Grill.
Art Pals – Creative Corner
Through August 02, 2018 – Larchmont
Join this weekly camp for ages 3-5, with a different theme each week like farm animals, jungle creatures, and underwater adventures. There will be a snack and story every day.
Golly Gee Whiz – TADA! Youth Theater
Through August 02, 2018 – New York
Book by Eric Rockwell & Joanne Bogart; Music by Eric Rockwell; Lyrics by Joanne Bogart Direction & Choreography by Joanna Greer Musical Direction by Matthew Gregory In this loving tribute to the classic Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland film musicals of the 30s and 40s, the residents of Happyville band together with the help of Mickey and Judy to put on a great show and re-establish Happyville as the bustling town that it once was.
'Golly Gee Whiz!' – TADA! Youth Theater
Through August 02, 2018 – Chelsea
A tribute to the classic Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland film musicals of the 1930s and 40s, Golly Gee Whiz! takes place in an American town, Happyville, during the Great Depression. Happyville’s residents are unmotivated and bored. Eager to make a change, a group of local children band together with the help of Mickey and Judy to put on a great show and re-establish Happyville as the bustling, optimistic town that it once was.
The LIC One Act Play Festival 2018 – The Secret Theatre
Through August 02, 2018 – Long Island
The LIC One Act Festival 2018 is a self-producing competition style one-act play festival. The plays are divided into up to six different programs. The Audience will vote for best plays. Those scores will be averaged to insure that everyone has a fair chance regardless of audience size. The top six to ten nominated plays will compete for the Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director and Best Play. Best Actor wins $50, Actress $50, Director $50 and Best Play $100. As well, those plays in the Finals will be offered a chance to be non-exclusively published in The Secret Theatre's Anthology of Short Plays. We also intend to invite the finalists to have their play published in a short play anthology. This would be a non-exclusive deal, which doesn't prevent the author from pursuing a deal with Samuel French for example and is not mandatory. We will be using the theatre's standard lighting plot and will provide you with a light and soundboard operator. In addition we will offer free 4-hour rehearsal space to each show from July 2nd – 8th, which is subject to availability and on a first come first served. Each play is responsible for providing their Director and Actors for their production. Break a leg! Equity Showcases permitted but acts will obtain their own code; The Secret Theatre will provide Equity compliant Insurance to the productions.
Tri State Buick & Gmc Dealers Present the 2018 Country Megaticket – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
Through August 03, 2018 – Bethel
Evening Bat Walks in Central Park – American Museum of Natural History
Through August 03, 2018 – Upper West Side
At dusk, bats leave the warm spaces under city roofs to feed on flying insects. Join Bradley Klein, Danielle Gustafson, and other members of the New York City Bat Group for a walk through Central Park. Aided by detectors that amplify the animals’ otherwise inaudible high-frequency chirps, bat-watchers monitor and catalogue the species that call the city home.
Jcal Musical Summer Camp – Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning
Through August 03, 2018 – Jamaica
Camp Léman – Léman Manhattan Preparatory School
Through August 03, 2018 – New York
Camp Léman is Lower Manhattan’s premier summer program that provides children with unforgettable experiences. At Camp Léman, campers from ages 3 to 5th grade participate in a plethora of enriching activities, including theater, cooking, basketball, magic, science, and swimming. It is the ideal place for your child to make friends, foster their imagination, and develop socially and educationally. Each of our age-based groups is led by a Head Counselor who is a certified teacher, and all of our highly-trained staff are committed to nurturing a fun, safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for every camper. With theme weeks, special outings, and a “Big Buddy Little Buddy program,” every day brings something new. Camp Léman takes place from 8:30am from 3:30 pm. 3 year old children have the option to stay for a half-day from 8:30am to 1pm, and children ages 4 and up have the option to stay for an extended day until 5:30pm from Mondays to Thursdays. Léman Manhattan also offers week-long specialty camps for children entering 4th-8th grades. Camp Léman runs from June 25 – August 3, 2018. Register at http://www.lemanmanhattan.org/camp_leman.html or e-mail summercamp@lemanmanhattan.org.
Compass Song – Times Square
Through August 03, 2018 – New York
Artists Mendi + Keith Obadike have stretched fragments of music, poetry, stories, and myths across the pedestrian plazas and surrounding blocks in all four cardinal directions, for visitors to discover whether they’re exploring the neighborhood or simply on their way to work. The result is Compass Song, a free app-based public sound artwork inspired by Times Square’s rich history as the Crossroads of the World that officially launches Wednesday, July 12th. Compass Song was commissioned by and created in residence with Times Square Arts. As you turn on the app, plug in your headphones and walk through Times Square, a voice will accompany your wanderings with poems about searching for freedom, reflections on navigating the city, and cross-cultural myths about the cardinal directions, woven through with quotes from and reworkings of Walk With Me, the African-American spiritual turned Civil Rights freedom song. The voice in Compass Song is always underscored by a drone, a unique harmony that translates the latitude and longitude data for Times Square into sound and modulates as you walk north, south, east, or west. Interspersed with this are vocal performances of the sounds of Times Square, as if the city itself is singing to you. Compass Song is centered at Duffy Square, with sounds spread between 49th Street to the north, 42nd Street to the south, 8th Avenue to the west, and 6th Avenue to the east. Let the map guide you within the active soundscape to seek out more of the audio experience, or wander through the district using only the app’s compass to happen upon divergent sonic elements. For more information on the project, please visit CompassSong.com
Amazing Grace CIRCUS! BIG TOP CIRCUS CAMP – Grace Episcopal Church Nyack
Through August 03, 2018 – Nyack
Amazing Grace CIRCUS! brings you a unique circus summer camp experience right in the heart of downtown Nyack (aka, The Art & Soul of The Hudson). Children will be taught by professional circus artists from Big Apple Circus, Cirque du Soleil, Westchester Circus Arts, Quebec National Circus School, and Acrobrats Inc. Learn how to walk on the tight-wire, work on the trapeze, perform on aerial silks, juggle, act, and learn classic clown routines. And that is before lunch! After lunch, learn to dance, build human pyramids, balance on their hands, tumble, and more! Big Top and Little Top Circus Summer Camps are the only full-time circus summer camps in Rockland and Bergen Counties.
Subculture Design: Principles and Process – UrbanGlass
Through August 03, 2018 – Brooklyn
Borosilicate glass design is an area of huge growth and exciting technical developments. Artists are looking towards progressive and innovative design solutions for both functional and non-functional objects. Over the last 10 years, a new generation has quietly taken on a high level of interest in this design field, bringing a necessity and focus to the material and objects. In this class, you will be presented with a series of problem solving exercises that will lead to well designed borosilicate objects. As a group we will discuss the pieces, their aesthetics, how they are used, and place them in our current culture. As designers, we are responsible for recognizing the full scope and complexity of these objects, and their place in our world and homes. Through research, discussions and exercises we will approach design structure, and work towards completed pieces.
Causing a Stir: New Works by Patti Grabel – Chase Edwards Contemporary
Through August 04, 2018 – Bridgehampton
Chase Edwards Contemporary in Bridgehampton presents “Causing a Stir: New Works by Patti Grabel” from July 21st – August 4th. “Causing a Stir” will feature new photographic compositions printed on both paper and glass depicting wooden spoons, each with its own unique story. The narrative threads in each work embrace a variety of themes including nourishment, sensuality, creative expression, aspirations and the liberating act of taking chances. The gallery will host an opening cocktail reception with the artist on Saturday, July 21st from 4pm -7pm. A portion of the proceeds from “Causing a Stir” will benefit City Harvest, the New York City non-profit that pioneered food rescue in 1982.
Wicked – Gershwin Theatre
Through August 04, 2018 – New York
So much happened before Dorothy dropped in. Wicked, the Broadway sensation, looks at what happened in the Land of Oz…but from a different angle. Long before Dorothy arrives, there is another girl, born with emerald-green skin—smart, fiery, misunderstood, and possessing an extraordinary talent. When she meets a bubbly blonde who is exceptionally popular, their initial rivalry turns into the unlikeliest of friendships…until the world decides to call one "good," and the other one "wicked." With a thrilling score that includes the hits "Defying Gravity," "Popular" and "For Good," Wicked has been hailed by The New York Times as "the defining musical of the decade." Time Magazine cheers, "if every musical had the brain, the heart, and the courage of Wicked, Broadway really would be a magical place." The Gershwin Theatre on 50th Street and Broadway is that magical place. From the first electrifying note to the final breathtaking moment, Wicked—the untold true story of the Witches of Oz—transfixes audiences with its wildly inventive story. It will send your spirits soaring to heights you'll never forget.
Marilyn Maye – Birdland
Through August 04, 2018 – New York
The Birdland Theater is proud to announce that legendary, Grammy-nominated songstress Marilyn Maye will be headlining in the brand new performance space for two weeks. Ms. Maye will be accompanied by the Tedd Firth Trio from July 24 – 28, and the Billy Stritch Trio from July 31 – August 4, with shows at 7pm each night. Marvelous Ms. Maye, who just celebrated her 90th birthday with a string of concerts and a featured interview on CBS Sunday Morning, has been crisscrossing the country playing hundreds of clubs, concert halls and joints for over seven decades. From a humble beginning as an amateur contest singing sensation in her native Topeka, Kansas, to 76 appearances on "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson," a Grammy Award for Best New Artist in the mid 1960's and inclusion in the Smithsonian permanent collection of 20th century recordings, vocalist Marilyn has done it all. But despite endless kudos — the late Ella Fitzgerald dubbed her "The greatest white female singer in the world" — Marilyn was performing infrequently when a 2006 appearance at Lincoln Center sparked a career renaissance. Rex Reed said, "The second coming of Marilyn Maye continues full steam ahead… miss her at your own peril," while the Wall Street Journal said, "she has the rhythm and musicianship of a great jazz singer, the projection and personality of a heavyweight Broadway diva." The New York Times' Stephen Holden summed it up, saying Marilyn's "…relationship with her fans has the emotional depth and complexity of a solid, rewarding marriage. She has the inexhaustible stamina and vocal heft of a woman half her age, and her spirited optimism is irresistibly contagious."
Early Childhood Math – Dyckman Farmhouse Museum
Through August 04, 2018 – Inwood
The Early Childhood Math Program is intended for children ages 2-6. Caregivers and children are invited to come together to this exciting program.
Make It or Break It: Introduction to Glassblowing – UrbanGlass
Through August 04, 2018 – Brooklyn
This class will take on an experimental approach to learning how to work with hot glass. Exercises will revolve around experiments to test material boundaries through traditional and unconventional processes. Students will gain empirical knowledge through trial, error and observation to then apply when making their own sculptures and vessels. We will work with both solid and blown glass and have a session in the cold shop to additionally manipulate the pieces made through carving, grinding and cutting. This class is open to beginner and intermediate students who wish to try out unusual ideas and methods.
Le Carrousel's Puppet Shows – Bryant Park's Le Carrousel
Through August 04, 2018 – Midtown
Presto! Change-o! Fantastic illusions, sleight of hand, levitation beyond belief…it’s fun for the whole family when the world’s best magicians perform fun-filled tricks for kids of all ages.
Le Carrousel's Story Time – Bryant Park's Le Carrousel
Through August 04, 2018 – Midtown
Presto! Change-o! Fantastic illusions, sleight of hand, levitation beyond belief…it’s fun for the whole family when the world’s best magicians perform fun-filled tricks for kids of all ages.
Random Farms Kids' Theater presents 'Mary Poppins JR.' – Tarrytown Music Hall
Through August 04, 2018 – Tarrytown
The Music Hall Market is a curated event that highlights the best in handcrafted goods from local & regional artist and makers, indie pop-up shops and local/homegrown businesses. The event will showcase over 25 artists & makers over Memorial Day Weekend and is free to attend. Stop by for delicious seasonal snacks, chances to win amazing prizes, and shop beautiful handcrafted goods.
Hunting the Whale: The Rise and Fall of a Southampton Industry – Southampton Historical Museum: Rogers Mansion
Through August 04, 2018 – Southampton
This interactive and inclusive exhibit adds new discoveries to the accumulation of documentation and artifacts collected over more than 100 years to illuminate Southampton Village’s prominent role in the whaling industry at its mid-19th century height. Whaling tools, maps, illustrations, archival images and text will be displayed with an eye toward making the exhibit accessible to audiences of varied interests and all ages. Among those whose roles will be highlighted are local indigenous people, slaves, servants, whaling captains, and the families that were sustained by the whaling industry. This exhibit takes place inside the historic Captain Albert Rogers Mansion, a 20 room Greek-revival house was built in 1843 during the peak of the whaling industry. It was built by Captain Rogers was one of the many prosperous whaling captains living in Southampton during the 19th century. The Rogers Mansion is a property of the Southampton Historical Museum.
Family Sundays – Nassau County Museum of Art
Through August 05, 2018 – Roslyn Harbor
Converse, collaborate and create together. Be inspired by the works in the exhibition explore new art materials. Family Sunday allows children and the adults in their lives to take time to reconnect while talking about and making art together.
Before We're Gone – LocalTheatreNY.com
Through August 05, 2018 – New York
BEFORE WE'RE GONE a new play by Jerry Small, Directed by Joe John Battista A Pulitzer-winning playwright, screenwriter and outspoken political activist, who has disappeared from her high-profile life in New York, Hollywood, and the tabloids, is hiding under an assumed name in a secluded seaside motel in Santa Barbara, California, where she intends to end her life by her own hand. At the very moment she is about to commit suicide, there is a knock on her door. It is a man with whom she had a brief relationship twenty-five years ago, when she was thirty-six and at the height of her Broadway fame and he was a naïve twenty, studying to be a Catholic priest. They met during the nineteen fifties in Reno's famous art-deco Mapes Hotel, where she was staying for her six-weeks divorce. He was working in the hotel while on sabbatical from the Franciscan Order, struggling to resolve doubts about the priesthood and himself. Over the last twenty-five years, they have not seen each other nor spoken. The play stars Leenya Rideout, whose Broadway credits include War Horse, Company, Cabaret and Cyrano de Bergerac. Also starring John Zdrojeski, who has appeared in numerous regional productions. Jay Russell, who has appeared on Broadway, and Emily Juliette Murphy, who has appeared Off Broadway. All actors courtesy of Equity.
Not an edge but a hinge – Abrons Arts Center
Through August 05, 2018 – New York
The 2018 edition of the annual AIRspace exhibition features work by 2017-2018 visual arts residents Christopher Aque, Priyanka Dasgupta and Chad Marshall, Carl E. Hazlewood, Trokon Nagbe, Macon Reed, Gabriela Salazar, Patrice Renee Washington, and Chris Watts. Marking the culmination of their residency at Abrons Arts Center, Not an edge but a hinge presents works across a range of media, including painting, sculpture, video, and site-specific installation, and is organized by AIRspace curatorial residents Christian Camacho-Light and Alexis Wilkinson. Aligning with Abrons' wide-ranging multidisciplinary performance and educational programming, Not an edge but a hinge attends to difference within shared time and space. Occupying the building's three main galleries, the exhibition takes a kaleidoscopic approach in order to honor the complex and shifting affinities between individual artworks. In the exhibition, several works withhold the figure from view, privileging the outline or trace over direct representation, investigating notions of disclosure or voyeurism. Others establish an indexical, material, or metaphorical relationship to place, often marking displacement or loss. Additional works use aesthetic forms and cultural objects as means of excavating histories of social violence, emphasizing their ties to the present. These overlapping elements function like hinges within a network of flexible relations, ultimately reflecting how these artists approach issues of identity in ways that elude and exceed a fixed reading.
Beyond Suffrage: A Century Of Women In New York Politics – Museum of the City of New York
Through August 05, 2018 – Manhattan
In honor of the women's suffrage centennial in New York State, the Museum of the City of New York explores women's political activism from the fight for voting rights up to the present day. Among the themes explored through artifacts, documents, costumes, photos and audiovisual materials are labor, health reform, good government and the women's liberation movement.
The 15th Annual New York Musical Festival – Various locations
Through August 05, 2018 – Times Square
Every year the New York Musical Festival showcases the best new musicals and musical theater talent in this three week event. This year's festival has 15 family friendly shows, including musicals about Blackbeard the pirate, the Berlin Wall, and more. Book early to avoid disappointment. See website for showtimes.
Tomato Gardening Workshops – Lyndhurst Mansion
Through August 05, 2018 – Tarrytown
Come join Homegrown Nurseries at the historic Lyndhurst Mansion this summer as we take a deep dive into growing a home garden's most prized possession – great tomatoes! Whether you are an experienced gardener trying to fine tune your prized Brandywines or a beginning gardener who wants to try a new crop this summer, these workshops will help. Over five workshops, we will take a take a deep dive into growing great tomatoes in the home garden – whether in a large backyard or in a small balcony. Each workshop is scheduled at the best time of year to put it into practice at home.
nanimarquina Offers Discounts on Designer Rugs and Poufs – nanimarquina
Through August 05, 2018 – New York
nanimarquina, the family-owned rug design brand, is pleased to announce that from July 15th – August 5th the company will host their Special Summer Sale at participating dealers, offering 10% off their entire collection, including standard and custom sizes along with 15% off a rug and pouf combination. This is a great opportunity to own unique, hand-made rugs and poufs for below retail value. Sale items include the Shade and Shade pouf collection (originally $2,896, now $2,462), the Hayon x Nani Collection (originally $3,825, now $3,443), and the Tres Collection + Tres Poufs (originally $3,185, now $2,708), as well as the remainder of nanimarquina’s collections.
Innit – SoHo Playhouse
Through August 05, 2018 – new york
Meet Kelly Roberts as she visits a psychologist. She’s bold, vulgar…and broken. You’ll laugh blindly to heartfelt tears! Powerful, sell-out one-woman show Innit, set during working class, 90’s Manchester, demonstrates the teenage angst and wilted heart of the outrageous, guffaw-inducing Kelly Roberts. Witness her first ever visit to a psychologist as she unwittingly discloses her hilarious and heart-breaking story, leaving a mark on those who remember those isolating teenage year.Colette Forde’s INNIT Begins Performances on July 6; Opening night is July 12 through August 5, 2018 Playing Schedule: Wednesday at 8:30 pm; Thursday at 7 pm; Friday at 8:30 pm; Saturday at 6 pm; Sunday at 3 pm Running Time 75 minutes
Little Rock – Sheen Center for Thought & Culture
Through August 05, 2018 – New York
This docudrama with music chronicles the true story of nine brave students poised to integrate the formerly all-white Little Rock Central High School. At the dawn of the civil rights movement, three years after Thurgood Marshall successfully litigated the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case, Little Rock, Arkansas became ground zero in the fight to integrate public schools across America. Through a series of events and with the aid of an emerging technology called television, living rooms across the world would witness a real life drama featuring a brave and stalwart group of black teenagers, who would become known as The Little Rock Nine, along with a supporting cast including a defiant Governor, a resolute President Eisenhower, and 11,000 federal and state troops. Integrating Little Rock Central High School would become an important and dramatic prerequisite step in implementing the new federal law. Successfully completing the school year would become its ultimate test. N.B. Strong language To receive and email alert when tickets go on sale, sign up here!
International Concert Series – Eisenhower Park
Through August 05, 2018 – East Meadow
The International Music Nights Summer Concert Series is presented by the Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation and Museums in recognition of Nassau County’s unique ethnic diversity. The International Music Nights are presented at the Lakeside Theatre, free of charge. Bring a folding chair or blanket. The schedule is as follows:
July 1-Turkish American Night
July 9 · German American Night
July 15 · African American Night
July 29 · Creole American Night
August 5- Chinese American Night
Get The Boat – SoHo Playhouse
Through August 05, 2018 – NEW YORK
When you meet someone for the first time you bond over the things you have in common. But what if the thing you have in common is also your biggest secret? Two strangers that meet on a journey many Irish women still keep as their biggest secret. Get The Boat his poignant, gruff, funny piece about sudden friendship, life shattering decisions and the secrets that we share. Get The Boat is produced by Holy Show Theatre Company, Playing Schedule: Wednesday at 8:30 pm; Thursday at 7 pm; Friday at 8:30 pm; Saturday at 6 pm; Sunday at 3 pm
Butterfly Exhibit – Greenburgh Nature Center
Through August 05, 2018 – Scarsdale
Follow the boardwalk down to the Native Plant Meadow where you’ll find an oasis of butterflies. Enjoy close encounters with these beautiful creatures and learn about their importance in nature.
Le Carrousel's Magique – Bryant Park's Le Carrousel
Through August 05, 2018 – Midtown
Presto! Change-o! Fantastic illusions, sleight of hand, levitation beyond belief…it’s fun for the whole family when the world’s best magicians perform fun-filled tricks for kids of all ages.
A Light on the Path to Inner Wisdom with Scott Tusa – Tibet House US
Through August 06, 2018 – New York
Starting in April, Scott Tusa will be in residence to guide and help launch a twelve week practicum focused on developing a personal relationship to the Buddhist path. Through a combination of experiential learning and meditation, the series will explore the intersections of core Buddhist principles and our everyday lives, where integrative practices meet our own inner potential. Along with weekly teachings and discussions, each four week module will include readings and practice recommendations to support participants in both their understanding and personal paths. We hope you can join us for this exciting new series, and please stay tuned for more information! Scott Tusa is a Buddhist teacher based in Brooklyn, New York. He teaches meditation and Buddhist psychology nationally and supports Tsoknyi Rinpoche's Pundarika Sangha as a practice advisor. He trained in Buddhist philosophy and meditation with some of the greatest living masters since his early twenties, including Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and Tulku Sangag Rinpoche. Ordained by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, he spent nine years as a Buddhist monk, with much of that time engaged in solitary meditation retreat and study in the United States, India, and Nepal.
Children's Specials – Riverfront Green Park
Through August 06, 2018 – Peekskill
Set yourself up for free outdoor concerts on five Wednesday evenings this summer. The fun starts on on July 4th with fireworks immediately following an R&B music concert. Other weeks include country, soul, rock, and jazz.
If there is rain, concerts after July 4th will be held indoors at Peekskill Middle School at 212 Ringgold Street.
Sensory Bounce – Bounce! Trampoline Sports
Through August 06, 2018 – Syosset
Every Monday evening, Bounce! is open for children and adults with autism. The Bounce! staff members have received sensitivity training and have experience working with special needs children and adults.
Movie Mondays – Ridge Hill
Through August 06, 2018 – Yonkers
Take in five different family movie nights this summer on the brand new South Lawn. Arrive early with your chairs and blankets to grab your spot on the lawn.
July 9 – Lego Batman
July 16 – Paddington 2
July 23 – Coco
July 30 – Beauty and the Beast
August 6 – Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.
Le Blanc – The PIT Loft
Through August 06, 2018 – New York
Le Blanc is a non-linear full length play with elements of music, art distillation, light design, and dance. Our show follows the rags to riches (back to rags) autobiography of the world infamous, unapologetically Black, openly queer, political, and talented (fictional) character of Wellington "Isyss" Le Blanc. Through a series of interviews and vignettes, we explore Wellington's life from his humble beginnings as a motherless child in the Foster/Adoption system of California, to his sexy exploits as a serial monogamist with a diverse selection of male and female lovers, all the way through his unconventional outlook and relationship with HIV/AIDS, and right into his underground rise to notoriety on the NYC gay ballroom scene as a member of the "House Of Le Blanc". What lies beyond his rise to mainstream success as a commercial dancer will be sure to shock as audiences witness his metamorphosis into an infamous public figure and "criminal". The show explores race, intimacy, sexuality, relationships, as well as our American judicial, health care, and law enforcement systems from a Black, All American, queer perspective.
Tech Tuesdays – Flatiron South Public Plaza
Through August 07, 2018 – Flatiron District
Since 2012, the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership Business Improvement District (BID), in partnership with General Assembly, has offered a series of tech education classes. This year, instructors from local institutions and businesses will teach classes on Tuesday evenings. Classes are free and open to the public but are subject to cancellation due to weather. Check out Twitter @FlatironNY for last-minute updates.
Wonderful Wednesdays at the Carousel for All Children – Willowbrook Park
Through August 08, 2018 – Staten Island
Meet the Greenbelt's early childhood educators at the Carousel in the Greenbelt's Willowbrook Park. Then enjoy a nature activity, and learn about upcoming programs throughout the summer and fall. Free and suitable for ages 3-5 with chaperone. Registration recommended.
Summer Reading Storytime – Granite Terrace at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 3
Through August 08, 2018 – Brooklyn Heights
Join The Brooklyn Public Library for a rollicking good time listening to stories, singing songs, and enjoying the breeze from the water! Brooklyn Heights children’s librarians will read stories from the library’s summer reading list, plus a whole lot more! The only thing more fun than a good storytime is one with a view of the Brooklyn Bridge!
Family Music Festival – Germonds Park & Congers Station Park
Through August 08, 2018 – Clarkstown
This year’s Family Music Festival will feature a wide variety of family concert artists and groups. If it should rain on the day of the concerts, they will be held at the Clarkstown High School South, 31 Demarest Mill Road, West Nyack, NY
Family Fun: Tai Chi – Freeport Public Library
Through August 08, 2018 – Freeport
Tai chi is a traditional Chinese exercise renowned for its health and meditative benefits that is practiced worldwide. Bring your family and practice it with us. Remember to bring water, wear comfortable clothing, and sneakers.
Story Time – Cross County Shopping Center
Through August 08, 2018 – Yonkers
Enjoy food from both Cross County Shopping Center eateries and area Food Trucks (like grilled cheese, tacos, pizza, waffles & MORE!) along with a live band! A donation from Food Truck sales will be donated to support the Food Bank of Westchester. Friday, August 4, 5:30pm – 8:30pm: Food Trucks & Live Music with the Royal Khaoz Friday, August 11, 5:30pm – 8:30pm: Food Trucks & Live Music with East Side Stories Friday, August 18, 5:30pm – 8:30pm: Food Trucks & Live Music with Angry Young Men
Music in the Grove: Kids Concerts – Fort Greene Park
Through August 08, 2018 – Fort Greene
Fort Greene's popular kids concert series returns for its seventh season with hour-long performances perfect for children of all ages and their parents and guardians. Performances by beloved local artists like Hopalong Andrew, Rolie Polie Guacamole, Soul Science Lab, and more!
Wednesday Workshops – Katonah Museum of Art
Through August 08, 2018 – Katonah
Enjoy an evening out or sign up for an adult workshop while children spend the evening creating art and enjoying pizza. Register before 12pm. Materials provided
Multi -Dimensional Music Experience – Sony Square NYC
Through August 08, 2018 – New York
Experience music with newly added dimensionality, and fully immerse yourself in different dimensions of sound.
Alabama to Wyoming, Moments from 50 States – Sony Square NYC
Through August 08, 2018 – New York
View the photographic journey of Sony Artisan Tony Gale, as he takes on the personal challenge to capture all 50 states.
'Freckleface Strawberry: The Musical' – BroadHollow Theatre
Through August 08, 2018 – Elmont
Freckleface Strawberry – The Musical, based on the beloved New York Times best-selling book by celebrated actress, Julianne Moore, is a fun and touching family musical. Specifically created to perform for young audiences, families can step inside of the book's pages with Freckleface and friends as they learn to "love the skin they're in."
Village Pops Concerts On the Green – Farmingdale Village Green Gazebo
Through August 08, 2018 – Farmingdale
Celebrate our new Long Island location in Farmingdale! There will be food, games, face painting, photo booth and more! We hope to see you there!
Forest Adventures – Blood Root Valley (Greenbelt)
Through August 09, 2018 – Staten Island
Join us for this new weekly series filled with woodland adventures including hikes, seasonal explorations, stories, and crafts. This program is designed for a caregiver and age-appropriate child to explore the wonders of the forest together.
'The Princess Who Saved a Dragon' – Theatre Three
Through August 09, 2018 – Port Jefferson
In a topsy-turvy turnaround, an independent-minded princess rescues a bedraggled dragon and they set-off on a wild adventure where they learn that being different can be a wonderful thing! A musical for the entire family—and dragons, too!
Throwback Thursdays – Flatiron North Public Plaza
Through August 09, 2018 – Flatiron District
On Throwback Thursdays, the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership Business Improvement District (BID) organizes a game station that is free and open to the public with giant games, board games, and cornhole sets. Local businesses and organizations will join in on the fun to provide free cultural education and entertainment, such as a children's bookbinding activity by the Center for Book Arts and a photo frame arts & crafts project by Wonder Photo Shop from 12-2pm on select Thursdays. At 6pm each Thursday, local musicians will entertain passersby.
Westchester Band Concerts – Chase Park Scarsdale Village
Through August 09, 2018 – White Plains
Take in free band concerts in the great outdoors. Rain location is Scarsdale High School Auditorium.
Citi Summer in the Square 2018 – Union Square
Through August 09, 2018 – Union Square
Every Thursday during the summer catch a mix of kids performances and activities in Union Square. See website for schedule.
14th Annual Free SummerStarz Movies – Transmitter Park
Through August 10, 2018 – Greenpoint
School's almost out and Town Square's SummerSTARZ free family movie nights are back. Six wonderful Friday nights, starting with The Lego Batman on July 6th. Bring a picnic blanket, friends & family to Transmitter Park on the gorgeous Greenpoint waterfront. Come early and have an awesome time!
Bryant Park Movie Nights – Bryant Park
Through August 10, 2018 – Midtown
Bring a blanket and sit on the Lawn to enjoy great food, friends, and a feature film. Lawn opens 5pm and film begins at sunset. Food items for sale curated by Hester Street Fair on the Fountain Terrace.
June 18: The Breakfast Club
June 25: The Philadelphia Story
July 2: Une ligue à part
July 9: Little Miss Sunshine
July 16: Fried Green Tomatoes
July 23: La princesse à marier
July 30: When Harry Met Sally…
August 6: The Wiz
August 13: Thelma and Louise
August 20: Le terminateur
Fridays at the Movies – Floral Park Library
Through August 10, 2018 – Floral Park
Come and watch some classic Kids Movies with us! Children of all ages welcome, but all children age 9 and younger must be accompanied by an adult or teen (age 14 and up, please). No adults without children, please, this is a Kid's Program Series. No registration, all are welcome.
Outdoor Concerts – Cross County Shopping Center
Through August 10, 2018 – Yonkers
Enjoy food from both Cross County Shopping Center eateries and area Food Trucks (like grilled cheese, tacos, pizza, waffles & MORE!) along with a live band! A donation from Food Truck sales will be donated to support the Food Bank of Westchester. Friday, August 4, 5:30pm – 8:30pm: Food Trucks & Live Music with the Royal Khaoz Friday, August 11, 5:30pm – 8:30pm: Food Trucks & Live Music with East Side Stories Friday, August 18, 5:30pm – 8:30pm: Food Trucks & Live Music with Angry Young Men
2018 Summer Movie Series – Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Through August 10, 2018 – Midtown
The Intrepid Summer Movie Series returns this summer with a selection of six feature films. People are invited to bring lawn chairs, picnic baskets, and blankets to the Intrepid Museum to view the films outdoors on a huge inflatable screen on the Flight Deck of the historic aircraft carrier. The movie series will open with the annual screening of Top Gun to kick off Memorial Day weekend. The lineup for the 2018 Intrepid Summer Movie Series is:
Friday, May 25: Top Gun
Friday, June 29: Wonder Woman (2017)
Friday, July 13: Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday, July 27: Dunkirk Friday
Friday, August 10: Ghostbusters (1984)
Friday, August 24 will feature a community choice pick between Blade Runner (1982), Airplane! (1980), Disney Pixar’s Planes (2013), The Hunt for Red October (1990), and The Breakfast Club (1985).
Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis and space is limited. Food and beverages are available for purchase onsite. Guests are also welcome to bring their own food and beverages.
Port Washington Community band and Pilsner Brass Band Concerts – John Philip Sousa Memorial Band Shell, Sunset Park
Through August 10, 2018 – Port Washington
Singles Association of Long Island, ages 25 plus. Bring a chair. Ask for Vinny, Joe, or George. Social gathering afterwards at the Landmark Dinner, 1027 Northern Boulevard, Roslyn.
Dig! Plant! Grow! Pickle Me! – The New York Botanical Garden
Through August 10, 2018 – Bronx
The New York Botanical Garden’s landmark 2018 exhibition, 'Georgia O’Keeffe: Visions of Hawai‘i', will focus on the iconic artist’s immersion in the Hawaiian Islands in 1939. Visitors will experience a lush flower show in the Garden’s Enid A. Haupt Conservatory evoking the gardens and landscapes that inspired O’Keeffe as well as the complex story of the flora and unique ecology of Hawai‘i.
In the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden, children and their families will be introduced to plants represented in O’Keeffe’s paintings and tropical food plants of Hawai‘i. Families will receive field notebooks and follow a trail, observing and drawing nature as O’Keeffe did in her work. Children will explore the botanical science of plant structure and create paintings.
Handwriting Without Tears ® Summer Workshop – Connect the Dots Occupational Therapy
Through August 10, 2018 – Midtown
A fun and interactive 10-session handwriting workshop that will help engage your child to both develop and gain confidence in their handwriting skills. Taught by a Handwriting Without Tears ® certified Occupational Therapist, your child will be sure to get the well-deserved attention and training they need in order to be successful as they begin to enter their schooling years. They will first receive a screening to determine correct placement, and will be followed with ten 45-minute sessions. Your child will be sure to master the techniques needed in order to become more familiar and confident in their practice and skills. Children who master handwriting are better, more creative writers. The earlier children are taught to master handwriting, the more likely they are to succeed in school, and write with speed and ease in all subjects.
PotLot Shabbat Dinners @ JCC Harlem – JCC Harlem
Through August 10, 2018 – Harlem
Head to the JCC's beautiful outdoor space for an al fresco community gathering. BYO vegetarian/dairy dish or meal to welcome Shabbat together. These dinners are welcoming to families of all configurations as well as individuals looking for Jewish community. You bring dinner, and JCC will provide utensils, wine, grape juice, challah, and dessert.
City Parks Foundation Get Up & Go – Parks across New York City
Through August 10, 2018 – New York
This free sports program provides tennis, golf, soccer, track and field, and fitness instruction and use of equipment for over 14,000 New York City children during the summer months. There are activities available for ages 6-16 years old in 39 parks across the five boroughs. Lessons for kids are offered at all skill levels. The fun includes free beginner lessons, tournaments, leagues, excellence programs and special events such as a tennis tournament at Flushing Meadows Tennis Center. Sign up and pre-registration required. See website for details and sign up early to avoid disappointment. The emphasis of the program is not only on learning the basics of the sport, but also on developing self-esteem, discipline and sportsmanship.
Summer Saturdays – Covenant Ballet Theatre
Through August 11, 2018 – Gravesend
Covenant Ballet has been offering high quality ballet programs and productions for 30 years. We are affiliated with American Ballet Theater and we provide their curriculum to our students. We foster the love of the arts in Southern Brooklyn through dance. We are a community-focused and a non-profit organization. We are located in 251 Avenue U. Our summer program runs from July 7th to August 11th and classes are broken down in age groups. The classes offered are for beginners and for experienced dancers.
'Chalk' – Kraine Theater
Through August 11, 2018 – East Village
A playful and poignant homage to classic silent-film era comedians, Chalk invites audiences into a hand-drawn world where imagination is made real and anything can happen.
Cinema on the Bay – Sunset Park
Through August 11, 2018 – Port Washington
Cinema on the Bay, a favorite summertime tradition in Port Washington, hosts a sunset screening and a lineup of upcoming films that includes “Wonder” on July 7, “Ghostbusters” on July 21, and “Sing” on Aug. 11 — all brought to the community for free by the Town of North Hempstead. Consultez le site Web pour plus d'informations.
Youth Golf Lessons – Merrick Road Golf Course
Through August 11, 2018 – Merrick
Help your kids work on their golf game with group co-ed lessons, ages 8-17. Kids can learn the basics or improve upon what they already know. Along with ball striking and golf training tactics, our fantastic instructors will indulge on etiquette, mannerism, composure, and patience. Golf is a sport where you can learn valuable life lessons and have fun playing it too! Clubs preferred, NOT required. Dress appropriately, proper footwear no flip flops. Children with clubs, please have 7-8-9 irons at first class. For more information, please call 292-9000, ext. 7244.
Say What? NYC Comedy Improv – The PIT Loft
Through August 11, 2018 – New York
Say What? NYC is a NYC based short form improv group comprised of the finest misfits comedy has to offer. Hosted by one comedian, the cast must perform an array of improvised games and songs based on suggestions by the host as well as the audience (whom are encouraged to participate or even invited on stage to interact with the cast.) Performers must use the information given and their insane imaginations to portray different characters as well as an array of scenes. These games were made popular by the show "Whose Line It Anyway?".
Summer Camp Series! – UrbanGlass
Through August 11, 2018 – Brooklyn
UrbanGlass offers summer classes in a variety of glassmaking techniques designed for young artists. These workshops introduce students to this unique material and expand the breadth and depth of their art making activities.
iCreate 2018 Student Art Exhibition – Bruce Museum
Through August 12, 2018 – Greenwich
The Bruce Museum spotlights the creative energy and vitality of fine art created by regional high school students in the 8th annual iCreate exhibition. The show features approximately 40 jury-selected art works created by students competing for cash prizes and includes a catalog and digital presentation of all participating students’ work.
Busy at the Bee Yard Maintenance Sessions – Sands Point Preserve
Through August 12, 2018 – Sands Point
Follow along with the beekeeper as she performs maintenance on the hives. These sessions involve hands-on participation on beekeeping techniques. As a precaution, wear long sleeves, long pants, closed shoes, and tie up long hair. Hats and gloves are recommended. No perfume or insect repellents! Also, do not eat bananas before the sessions, as they remind honeybees of a fight pheromone which can disturb the hives.
Derrick Adams: Sanctuary – MAD Museum of Art and Design
Through August 12, 2018 – Columbus Circle
Derrick Adams is a New York–based, multidisciplinary artist working in performance, video, sound, textile- and paper-based collage, and multimedia sculpture. His practice is rooted in deconstructivist philosophies such as the fragmentation and manipulation of structure and surface, and the marriage of complex and improbable forms. Through these techniques, Adams examines the force of popular culture and the media on the perception and construction of self-image.Derrick Adams: Sanctuary is an exhibition of large-scale sculpture, and mixed-media collage and assemblage on wood panels that reimagine safe destinations for the black American traveler during the mid-twentieth century. The body of work was inspired by The Negro Motorist Green Book, an annual guidebook for black American road-trippers published by New York postal worker Victor Hugo Green from 1936 to 1966, during the Jim Crow era in America.
Derrick Adams: Sanctuary – Museum of Arts and Design
Through August 12, 2018 – Columbus Circle
Derrick Adams is a New York–based, multidisciplinary artist working in performance, video, sound, textile- and paper-based collage, and multimedia sculpture. His practice is rooted in deconstructivist philosophies such as the fragmentation and manipulation of structure and surface, and the marriage of complex and improbable forms. Through these techniques, Adams examines the force of popular culture and the media on the perception and construction of self-image. Derrick Adams: Sanctuary consists of 50 works of mixed-media collage, assemblage on wood panels, and sculpture presented in an installation designed by the artist that reimagine safe destinations for the black American traveler during the mid-twentieth century.
The body of work was inspired by The Negro Motorist Green Book, an annual guidebook for black American road-trippers published by New York postal worker Victor Hugo Green from 1936 to 1967, during the Jim Crow era in America. Referred to simply as The Green Book in its day, the publication served as a guide to finding businesses that were welcoming to black Americans, including hotels and restaurants, during an era when open and often legally prescribed discrimination against nonwhites was widespread. These designated safe spaces were places of refuge and leisure, where one could spend quality time with friends and family. The depiction of black America at leisure is a theme of continued interest to Adams, who explores how engaging in leisure as a form of relaxation and reflection can be a political act when embraced by members of black or working-class communities. Derrick Adams: Sanctuary reflects on the plight of working-class black people before and during the Civil Rights Movement, and their determination to pursue the same American Dream afforded to others. Today, The Green Book serves as a poignant artifact and reminder of the importance of equality during a time in which uneven law enforcement continues to negatively shape the lives and experiences of many black Americans.
MOMIX – The Joyce Theater
Through August 12, 2018 – New York
Full of "beguiling, eye-filling and often impressive visual and movement theatrics" (The Wall Street Journal), MOMIX delights both young and old, year after year. Seamlessly blending illusion, physicality, magic and whimsy, this dazzling company returns with a compilation of company treasures from the beloved Botanica, Alchemia, Remix, Opus Cactus, and Lunar Sea.
BNP Paribas Presents: CityParks Tennis – Various locations throughout Queens
Through August 13, 2018 –
BNP Paribas is the presenting sponsor of CityParks Tennis. The LACOSTE FONDATION is also a sponsor of the program. CityParks Tennis provides free tennis lessons to children, ages six to 17, in 39 parks throughout the five boroughs. The program, one of the largest free municipal tennis programs in the United States, makes tennis instruction freely available to those who want to learn the game in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Lessons for kids are offered at all skill levels. Opportunities include free beginner lessons, tournaments, leagues, excellence programs and special events. CityParks Tennis runs through August 13th and concludes with a fun tournament for beginners held at the Central Park Tennis Center and the BNP Paribas Aces Tournament for intermediates held at Flushing Meadows Park in mid-August. Registration required.
New Parents' Support Group – Bend + Bloom Yoga
Through August 14, 2018 – Gowanus
Join postpartum doula Tina Goldstein for this 6-week series. Our New Parents' Support Group is a supportive space where you can share your experiences and concerns, ask questions, and form community with other parents. Each hour-and-a-half focuses on a topic concerning the profound transition into parenthood, but is open to individual concerns, so bring your baby (newborns up to 18 months), your questions, and your lunch, and meet some new friends who truly “get” what you’re going through. Topics may include birth stories, sleep, feeding, balancing relationships, self-image, and more!
Children's Creative STEAM Workshops – Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium
Through August 14, 2018 – Centerport
The Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum Education Department will offer one-day Children’s STEAM Workshops during July and August. In these fun, creative STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) programs, students in grades K-3 explore land, sea, and sky and discover the wonders in our world. Students are encouraged to bring lunch. To register, call 631-854-5539.
Libraries Rock! Summer Reading Program for Children – Riverhead Free Library
Through August 15, 2018 – Riverhead
The Library encourages children and parents to read for pleasure this summer. Come in, sign up, read books you choose, earn prizes!
Mad. Sq. Music: Summer Nights – Madison Square Park
Through August 15, 2018 – Madison Square Park
Music from across the world comes together for this vibrant series of concerts that will beckon you to dance. Featuring a list of award-winning musical acts from around New York City, experience the best talent in genres from salsa to soul.
Mad. Sq. Kids Concert Series – Madison Square Park
Through August 15, 2018 – Madison Square Park
Music from across the world comes together for this vibrant series of concerts that will beckon you to dance. Featuring a list of award-winning musical acts from around New York City, experience the best talent in genres from salsa to soul.
Double Dutch – Pier 2, Brooklyn Bridge Park
Through August 15, 2018 – Brooklyn Heights
Join Double Dutch Empire for Open Ropes, a weekly double dutch jump rope session every Wednesday. Open Ropes is free and open to everyone of any age, skill, and jump style. Skilled instructors are on-hand to provide basic double dutch instruction in a fun block party environment.
Crawlers Club – Marlene Meyerson JCC
Through August 15, 2018 – Upper West Side
Calling all Tummy Time "graduates" looking for a continuation of your favorite movement class! This class helps babies reach new developmental milestones in a community of first friends. Pre-registration is encouraged as space is limited. Program Director: Mara Braunfeld, mbraunfeld@jccmanhattan.org
Ice Skating – Newbridge Road Park (Arena)
Through August 15, 2018 – Bellmore
"Why don't you come to your senses…" and head down to Newbridge Road Park where Desert Highway will play the very best of The Eagles.
Summer Kids Series – Bow Tie Warner Theater
Through August 15, 2018 – Ridgewood
Enjoy all the new classic kid's movies all summer long – free! Featuring favorites Trolls, Ferdinand, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, and more! Check the website for updates.
Tummy Time – Marlene Meyerson JCC
Through August 15, 2018 – Upper West Side
This charming class makes tummy time fun for you and your baby. Through songs, nursery rhymes, and exercises designed to strengthen muscles and provide mental stimulation, your baby will reach important milestones in a playful and relaxed environment. A perfect first movement class. Pre-registration is encouraged as space is limited. Program Director: Mara Braunfeld, mbraunfeld@jccmanhattan.org
106.7 LITE FM's Broadway in Bryant Park – Bryant Park
Through August 16, 2018 – New York
106.7 LITE FM CELEBRATES BROADWAY THIS SUMMER AT ‘106.7 LITE FM’S BROADWAY IN BRYANT PARK’ 18th Annual Series of Free Broadway Performances Kick-off Thursday, July 12 in New York City's Bryant Park New York, NY (June 20, 2018) – iHeartMedia’s 106.7 LITE FM announced today the return of its highly-anticipated, annual lunchtime theatre summer series, 106.7 LITE FM’s Broadway in Bryant Park. The 2018 program will bring the best of Broadway together for FREE performances for six consecutive weeks from Thursday, July 12 to Thursday, August 16. New Yorkers and visitors to the Big Apple are invited to come at 11 a.m. every Thursday with performances running from 12:30 p.m. EST – 1:30 p.m. EST on the Bryant Park Stage. Hosted by 106.7 LITE FM’s on-air personalities, this year’s annual presentation of open-air lunch hour performances featuring the best Broadway and Off-Broadway shows will be presented by your local Toyota Dealers, VISIT PHILADELPHIA® and FUJIFILM Instax®. 106.7 LITE FM’s Broadway in Bryant Park invites participants to soak up the summer sun while enjoying musical numbers from hit shows including “The Band’s Visit,” winner of the 2018 Tony Awards’ best musical and best performances by an actor and actress in a lead role in a musical, “Once on this Island,” winner of the 2018 Tony Awards’ best revival of a musical and “SpongeBob SquarePants,” winner of the 2018 Tony Awards’ best scenic design of a musical, as well as “Waitress” starring Katharine McPhee, “Beautiful” starring Melissa Benoist, “Come From Away,” “Summer: The Donna Summer Musical,” “Chicago,” “Kinky Boots,” “School of Rock,” “FRIENDS! The Musical Parody,” and many more. New this year, Disney on Broadway will take over Broadway in Bryant Park on August 2nd with performances from the hit shows “Aladdin,” “Frozen,” and “The Lion King.” “We are so excited to be hosting the annual 106.7 LITE FM’s Broadway in Bryant Park for the 18th year,” said Chris Conley, Program Director of 106.7 LITE FM. “We have an incredible list of shows, including the winner of the 2018 Tony Awards’ best musical, ‘The Band’s Visit,’ among so many other new shows coupled with popular classics. We look forward to welcoming theater fans once again to this special summer series.” The Bryant Park stage is located at 6th Avenue between 40th and 42nd Streets. Lawn seating is first-come, first-serve. The current 106.7 LITE FM’s Broadway in Bryant Park schedule** is as follows: July 12 106.7 LITE FM Host: Helen Little Co-Host(s): Catherine Russell and the cast of “Perfect Crime” “Chicago” “SpongeBob SquarePants” “Stomp” “Waitress” July 19 106.7 LITE FM Host: Rich Kaminski Co-Host: Renée Taylor from "My Life on a Diet" Pre-Show: Brooke Shapiro “Beautiful” “Desperate Measures” “On A Clear Day You Can See Forever” "Phantom of the Opera" July 26 106.7 LITE FM Host: Bob Bronson and Christine Nagy Co-Host(s): Cast of “The Play That Goes Wrong” Pre-Show: “Mary Poppins Returns” “Come From Away” “Kinky Boots” “The Band's Visit” “FRIENDS! The Musical Parody” August 2 106.7 LITE FM Host: Delilah “Aladdin” “Frozen” “The Lion King” August 9 106.7 LITE FM Host: Victor Sosa Co-Host(s): Cast of “The Play That Goes Wrong” Pre-Show: "VITALY: An Evening of Wonders" “Avenue Q” “Jersey Boys” “Smokey Joe's Café” “Summer: The Donna Summer Musical” August 16 106.7 LITE FM Host: Delilah Pre-Show: Jordin Smith + Brooke Shapiro “Once On This Island” “School Of Rock” "Wicked” For details, schedule updates and a chance to win free Broadway tickets, fans can listen to 106.7 LITE FM via the station’s website, www.litefm.com, as well as on iHeartRadio. 106.7 LITE FM is a leading media outlet in the New York market. The station's programming and content are available across multiple platforms, including its broadcast stations; online via its branded digital sites; mobile; and social, with nationwide listening through iHeartRadio, the all-in-one streaming music and live radio service.
Summer Kids Movie Series – Franklin Square Bow-Tie Cinemas
Through August 16, 2018 – Franklin Square
Chef Mary T. Sydor will be teaching you the skills of cake decorating. The fee for materials is $3.00. Class limit is 20. Registration begins on Wednesday, January 24. Please register in person.
Children's Hands-on Milling – Water Mill Museum,
Through August 16, 2018 – Water Mill
Children learn the art of milling. Registration required.
'Aladdin' – BroadHollow Theatre
Through August 16, 2018 – Elmont
Welcome to Agrabah, City of Enchantment and the fantastic tale of the street rat who became a prince! All of your favorite characters – Aladdin, Jasmine, Iago, Jafar, the Genie, and more – are here in a musical adventure filled with magic, mayhem, and flying carpet rides.
Spice Things Up This Summer, & All Year Long, at Union Cantina – Union Cantina
Through August 16, 2018 – Southampton
Do not miss the exciting new menu specials and entertainment at Long Island’s most vibrant, social and delicious destinations – Union Cantina, the Hamptons only authentic modern Mexican restaurant. This popular eatery, designed by Southampton Social Club owners Ian Duke and David Hilty, sits in the iconic Bowden Square and is open all year-round. With Duke and Hilty working alongside award-winning Executive Chef Scott Kampf, who has been featured on Food Network’s Iron Chefs of America, the trio continues to bring innovative Mexican cuisine to Southampton throughout the year. This season brings new dishes and cocktails, a calendar of daily events including live music and specials, and an outdoor bar and adult playground with an assortment of outdoor games for everyone to partake in. The Southampton Hotspot continues to bring good food, good drinks, good service and good times!
106.7 LITE FM's Broadway in Bryant Park – Bryant Park
Through August 16, 2018 – Midtown
Check out weekly open-air lunch-hour performances featuring the best Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. Theater fans in the NYC area can expect musical numbers from hit shows like "Waitress," “SpongeBob SquarePants,” “Beautiful,” “School of Rock,” “Wicked,” and many more. New this year, Disney on Broadway will take over Broadway in Bryant Park on August 2 with performances from the hit shows “Aladdin,” “Frozen,” and “The Lion King."
Graham Clarke's Musical Fridays – Rye Free Reading Room
Through August 17, 2018 – Rye
Rock out with popular children's musician Graham Clarke. Kids love Graham's silly humor and fun songs and will enjoy moving and grooving to the beat during his energetic performance.
Afternoon Family Films – Hillcrest Library
Through August 17, 2018 – Flushing
Don't know what to do this summer? Visit the Queens Library at Hillcrest every Friday, Light refreshments are permitted. (Films subject to change based on availability)
7/6-Coco (2017, PG)
7/13-Wrinkle in Time (2018, PG)*
7/20-A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits (2016, PG)
7/27–Strange Magic (2015, PG)
8/3-Peter Rabbit (2018, PG)
8/10-Deep (2017, PG)
8/17-Black Panther (2018, PG-13)*
Summer Restaurant Week Dinner at Scarpetta in NoMad – Scarpetta in NoMad
Through August 17, 2018 – New York
Scarpetta in NoMad is thrilled to participate in NYC Restaurant Week, Summer 2018. Guests can enjoy fine dining and experience the delicious cuisine and ambiance. For $42 per person, guests can enjoy a delicious 3 Course Prix Fixe Dinner which will feature Scarpetta’s classic dishes, such as Spaghetti with Tomato & Basil and Raw Yellowtail. Finish your dinner with delectable desserts such as a Coconut Panna Cotta or the delicious Valrhona Chocolate Cake. Scarpetta’s Restaurant Week Dinner Menu will be available Monday through Thursday from 5:30 PM – 10:00 PM, Friday from 5:30 PM – 11:00 PM and Sunday from 5:30 PM – 10:00 PM. The new flagship location and the indulgent menu offered at Scarpetta in Nomad is an evening not to be missed. Scarpetta’s Summer 2018 Restaurant Week Dinner Menu: primi choice of one CAULIFLOWER ROMANESCO salmoriglio, herbed bread crumbs CREAMY POLENTA fricassée of truffled mushrooms RAW YELLOWTAIL olio di zenzero & pickled red onion secondi choice of one SPAGHETTI tomato & basil BRANZINO rosemary lentils, braised endive ROASTED CHICKEN spring vegetables, roasted fingerlings, orange olivada dolci choice of one OLIVE OIL CAKE citrus, mascarpone mousse COCONUT PANNA COTTA caramelized pineapple & guava “soup” VALRHONA CHOCOLATE CAKE chocolate, butterscotch & caramel gelato
Baby Soda – Bring your swing dancing shoes! – Pier 45 at Hudson River Park
Through August 17, 2018 – New York
Friday nights mean great local music on Pier 45! Join us Friday night at Hudson River Park's Pier 45 at 7pm to hear Baby Soda Jazz Band!
Picnic & Play – Randall's Island Park
Through August 17, 2018 – Randall's Island
Bring out your family and friends for fun games like giant Connect 4, Jenga, board games, hula hoops, and more. Art projects, too! Bring a picnic or purchase a burger at the pop-up grill as you enjoy an evening outside and watch the sunset over the city.
Romare Bearden: Storyteller – Emily Lowe Gallery, Hofstra University Museum
Through August 17, 2018 – Hempstead
The narrative themes of Romare Bearden’s work spanned historical, political, and religious topics. Through his innovative works of art, Bearden communicated his ideas and thoughts about everyday African-American life in 20th century America. The exhibition includes prints in a variety of methods (aquatint, engraving, etching, lithograph, and silkscreen) from the Hofstra University Museum Collections.
Mike Ledonne's Groover Quartet – Smoke Jazz and Supper Club
Through August 17, 2018 – New York
Hammond B3 master Mike LeDonne, who was nominated for Best Keyboard Artist 2012 by the prestigious Jazz Journalists Association, leads a jazz dream team of artists in this long-running house party. "…saxophonist Eric Alexander, guitarist Peter Bernstein and drummer Joe Farnsworth are joining LeDonne to present their version of what in the trade is called "grits and gravy" jazz. This is groove music that's fun and good for the soul." – (Greg Thomas, NY Daily News)
Lezlie Harrison Sings from the Great American Soulbook – Smoke Jazz and Supper Club
Through August 17, 2018 – New York
Over the last several years Lezlie Harrison's burnished, soulful alto and striking beauty and distinctive blend of jazz, classic 70's soul, and original music has become a fixture on the New York jazz scene. Lezlie draws upon the deepest foundations of her musical orientation: the soul music that surrounded her during formative years in Harlem, the gospel music she sang as a child in her grandfather's Methodist church in North Carolina. The Great American Soul Book will feature songs written by the likes of Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Bob Dylan. Jazz standards will preside alongside popular songs laced with gospel infusion and ballads that morph into funk excursions all anchored by the organ trio. Expect some appearances by some very special guests, as well.
Reflections of a Summer Scape – Joan B Mirviss Ltd
Through August 17, 2018 – New York
Joan B Mirviss is pleased to present Reflections of a Summerscape: Japanese clay, prints, and paintings from June 20 to August 17, 2018. The exhibition is inspired by the colors and elements of the Japanese summer landscape from the sweltering heat of the mid-day sun to the blue-green of water, the vibrant reds of the peonies, the creamy tones of the abalone shells, the granular patterns of sand, and the smooth, carved surfaces of viewing stones.
Infant & Toddler/Anyone & Me Summer Classes – M.A.T.S.S. Kids' Gym & E.C.E.C.
Through August 17, 2018 – Syosset
We have classes for every age group including our popular "Two's Company Separation" class to ready your toddler for Nursery School in the fall. Wonderful opportunity to play, engage with other little ones, movement, tumbling and music in our special age appropriate gyms.
Central Park Discovery Walk for Families: Towering Trees – The North Woods – Charles A. Dana Discovery Center
Through August 18, 2018 – Upper East Side
Take a hike through the North Woods and learn how to tell a maple from an oak! Discover how trees – from seeds and leaves to logs – contribute to the health of an urban park woodland community. Learn about the landscapes and ecosystems of the Park through hands-on exploration using kid-friendly binoculars, field guides, hand lenses, and complimentary Discovery Journal.
City Parks Foundation's PuppetMobile Presents 'The Big Good Wolf' – Various locations throughout Manhattan
Through August 18, 2018 – Manhattan
In this original marionette production, the infamous Big Bad Wolf sets out to transform himself with help from Goldilocks and Baby Bear.
PuppetMobile schedule is listed here:https://cityparksfoundation.org/calendar/category/puppetmobile/
7/20 – Manhattan, NY – St. Vartan Park @ 11AM
8/2 – Manhattan, NY – Union Square @ 11AM
8/11 – Harlem, NY – St. Nicholas Playground South @ 11AM
8/12 – Manhattan, NY – Corlears Hook Park @ 4PM
8/18 – Harlem, NY – Marcus Garvey Park @ 4PM
Family Movies – Bayside Library
Through August 18, 2018 – Bayside
Come and watch movies together with families and friends. 7/7: "Black Panther" (2018, PG-13), 7/21: "Paddington 2" (2018, PG), 8/4: "The Lion King" (1994, G), 8/18: "Peter Rabbit" (2018, PG)
Evening at Jones Beach – Parking field #4, Jones Beach State Park
Through August 18, 2018 – Wantagh
Singles Association of Long Island, ages 25 plus. Meet at 6:30pm at the main entrance flagpole by the water tower next to the concession stand for a game of either miniature golf or shuffleboard followed by a concert with a live band on the stage by the boardwalk. There is a small charge for miniature golf or shuffleboard. No rain dates.
Nature Center Adventures – Salt Marsh Nature Center
Through August 18, 2018 – Marine Park
Nature Center Adventures connect New Yorkers of all ages to the natural world. Nature Center Adventure programs include scavenger hunts, nature crafts and games, and getting up close and personal with our nature center animals.
WILD! Feeding – The Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Through August 18, 2018 – Stamford
Support local farmers and explore the SM&NC through hands-on activities. Enjoy a self-guided craft on the meadow, farm animal meetings, and lunch with Bert & Sadie, the North American River Otters. Then attend Edible Science and explore the science behind some of our favorite foods, such as pizza, s'mores, and ice cream.
Huntington Arts Council Presents 'DEC the Walls' – Main Street Gallery
Through August 18, 2018 – Huntington
Huntington Arts Council proudly presents an exhibition that combines its Exhibition and Decentralization Regrant programs. Showcased are six artists who received funding from the Creative Individuals category. These works span the artistic spectrum from the visual to the performing arts. HAC features works by Lucienne Pereira, Chanika Svetvilas, Tonito Valderrama, Nichelle Rivers, Napoleon Revels-Bay, and Kendra Mace Clark.
Nature Center Adventures – Payson Center in Inwood Hill Park
Through August 18, 2018 – Inwood
Nature Center Adventures connect New Yorkers of all ages to the natural world. Programs include scavenger hunts, nature crafts and games, and getting up close and personal with the nature center animals.
Kids Arts and Crafts Workshop – Bryant Park
Through August 18, 2018 – Midtown
Presto! Change-o! Fantastic illusions, sleight of hand, levitation beyond belief…it’s fun for the whole family when the world’s best magicians perform fun-filled tricks for kids of all ages.
Huntington Arts Council Presents 'DEC the Walls – Main Street Gallery
Through August 18, 2018 – Huntington
Huntington Arts Council proudly presents an exhibition that combines its Exhibition and Decentralization Regrant programs. Showcased are six artists who received funding from the Creative Individuals category. These works span the artistic spectrum from the visual to the performing arts. HAC features works by Lucienne Pereira, Chanika Svetvilas, Tonito Valderrama, Nichelle Rivers, Napoleon Revels-Bay, and Kendra Mace Clark. Libre.
Zen Zoo Yoga – Prospect Park Zoo
Through August 18, 2018 – Flatbush
Join Prospect Park Alliance and NYC Parks for this fun and mindful Shape Up NYC class for kids. Our instructor will teach Asana yoga, which is based on animal forms and shapes. Yoga for kids helps foster self confidence, compassion, visualization and laughter. This class is open to children under 18, no registration is required. All levels are welcome.
TR's Laboratory Explorers – Sagamore Hill NHS
Through August 19, 2018 – Oyster Bay
Explore the natural resources of Sagamore Hill, collect samples, and look at your discoveries under the microscope! We invite children (ages 9-12) to join us on a free scientific expedition across the park to learn about the local flora, fauna, and bacteria, to learn how to take samples and "leave no trace" on the environment, and to gain hands-on experience using a microscope. Please arrive 30 minutes before the start time and wear appropriate clothes (high socks, long pants, sturdy shoes).
'The Jungle Book' – Puppetworks
Through August 19, 2018 – Park Slope
Enjoy an artful retelling of The Jungle Book, Rudyard Kipling's Fables of India, as adapted for marionettes by
Nicolas Coppola and Adam Kilgour. Suggested for ages 3 and up.
Summer Concerts on the Green – Stony Brook Village Center
Through August 19, 2018 – Stony Brook
Enjoy live music outdoors on the green.
'Pinkalicious the Musical' – Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts
Through August 19, 2018 – Smithtown
This is the tale, based on the popular book by Victoria Kann and Elizabeth Kann, of Pinkalicious, who can't stop eating pink cupcakes despite warnings from her parents. Her pink indulgence lands her at the doctor's office with Pinkititis, an affliction that turns her pink from head to toe – a dream come true for this pink loving enthusiast. But when her hue goes too far, only Pinkalicious can figure out a way to get out of this pink predicament.
Passport to the World – Bronx Zoo
Through August 19, 2018 – Bronx
This is an anuual 5K run. Pick an animal to run for and run through the zoo. Runners will start at 8am and families will begin at 8:45am.
Public Process Commission – Xaviera Simmons: Convene – Hunter's Point South Park
Through August 19, 2018 – Long Island City
SculptureCenter is pleased to announce Convene, a temporary public art project by Xaviera Simmons. Simmons's project is the third artwork commissioned through SculptureCenter's art education program Public Process. Convene is a sculptural installation of aluminum canoes painted with designs that abstractly and explicitly evoke national flags symbolic of the diverse historical and contemporary demographic makeup of Astoria and Long Island City. The work will be installed on land along the East River in Hunter' Point South Park in Long Island City.
Ailey Extension 2018 Summer Performance Workshop – The Joan Weill Center for Dance
Through August 19, 2018 – New York
Ailey Extension’s annual Summer Performance Workshop gives novice students the chance to shine in the spotlight and take their training to the next level. Beginning Saturday, July 21, dancers can learn Horton, hip-hop, or ballet themed choreography and gain invaluable performance training with 16 hours of rehearsal over the course of four weeks. Under the guidance of five notable Ailey Extension notable instructors (Karen Arceneaux, Fernando Carrillo, Robin Dunn, Yuka Kawazu, and TweetBoogie), students will expand their style of movement, enhance their ensemble skills, and cultivate confidence and stage presence. Each workshop culminates in two performances at the Ailey Citigroup Theater on Sunday, August 19 at 3pm & 7pm.
Ailey Extension 2018 Summer Performance Workshop – The Joan Weill Center for Dance
Through August 19, 2018 – New York
Ailey Extension’s annual Summer Performance Workshop gives novice students the chance to shine in the spotlight and take their training to the next level. Beginning Saturday, July 21, dancers can learn Horton, hip-hop, or ballet themed choreography and gain invaluable performance training with 16 hours of rehearsal over the course of four weeks. Under the guidance of five notable Ailey Extension notable instructors (Karen Arceneaux, Fernando Carrillo, Robin Dunn, Yuka Kawazu, and TweetBoogie), students will expand their style of movement, enhance their ensemble skills, and cultivate confidence and stage presence. Each workshop culminates in two performances at the Ailey Citigroup Theater on Sunday, August 19 at 3pm & 7pm.
Swiss Institute Annual Architecture and Design Series: Third Edition, Readymades Belong to Everyone: Curated by Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen – Swiss Institute
Through August 19, 2018 – New York
Including works by Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Lutz Bacher, Alan Belcher, Daniella Betta, Petra Blaisse / Inside Outside, Jennifer Bolande, Arno Brandlhuber, Merlin Carpenter, Caruso St. John, Christo, Alain Clairet, Claire Fontaine, Maria Eichhorn, Sylvie Fleury with Lady Pink, Wade Guyton, Trix and Robert Haussmann, Koo Jeong A, Pierre Joseph, Christian Kerez, Rem Koolhaas, Lacaton & Vassal, Adriana Lara, Klara Liden, Ken Lum, Chloe Maratta, Lucy McKenzie, Sveta Mordovskaya, Mos Architects, Kaspar Müller, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, Oliver Payne and Nick Relph, Cedric Price, Cecilia Puga, Smiljan Radic, Emanuel Rossetti, Aldo Rossi, Sauter von Moos in collaboration with Herzog & de Meuron, Sergison Bates Architects, Ser Serpas, Richard Sides & Gili Tal, Lena Tutunjian, Flannery Silva, Reena Spaulings, Jan Vorisek, Martin Wong, Lena Youkhana, Heimo Zobernig and more. With public programs by Adjustments Agency, Yuji Agematsu, Germane Barnes, David J. Getsy, Gordon Hall, Helen Molesworth, David K. Ross, Martino Stierli, Aurora Tang of The Center for Land Use Interpretation, Chandraguptha Thenuwara, Jan Vorisek and more. Swiss Institute is delighted to announce the third edition of its Architecture and Design Series, entitled READYMADES BELONG TO EVERYONE. This marks the inaugural exhibition at SI's new home in the heart of the East Village, located at 38 St Marks Pl. Curated by Niels Olsen and Fredi Fischli, directors of exhibitions in the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich, READYMADES BELONG TO EVERYONE features more than 50 artists, architects and collectives from 16 countries with 17 new commissions. The exhibition extends contemporary understandings of the readymade, as it has filtered through histories of art, design and architecture to become mutated, redoubled, and accelerated in urban environments of commerce and control. It has been more than a century since Marcel Duchamp reorganized aesthetic categories with his seminal Fountain (1917), creating new attention to context and found or manufactured materials. By the 1980s, such artistic conversations had evolved into strategies of appropriation even more explicitly associated with critique, especially in regard to mass-produced objects and commercial imagery. During that decade, the immediate neighborhood of Swiss Institute's new location in the East Village became an epicenter of experimentation with readymade forms: David Hammons sold snowballs to passersby in his Bliz-aard Ball Sale on Cooper Square in 1983; and works by artists such as Jeff Koons, Haim Steinbach, and Jennifer Bolande, featuring everyday items, were shown at galleries such as International with Monument, started by artists Kent Klamen, Elizabeth Koury, and Meyer Vaisman, and Nature Morte, run by artists Peter Nagy and Alan Belcher.
Being: New Photography 2018 – The Museum of Modern Art
Through August 19, 2018 – Manhattan
Every two years, MoMA's celebrated New Photography exhibition series presents urgent and compelling ideas in recent photography and photo-based art. This year's edition, Being, asks how photography can capture what it means to be human. At a time when questions about the rights, responsibilities, and dangers inherent in being represented—and in representing others—are being debated around the world, the works featured in Being call attention to assumptions about how individuals are depicted and perceived. Many challenge the conventions of photographic portraiture, or use tactics such as masking, cropping, or fragmenting to disorient the viewer. In others, snapshots or found images are taken from their original context and placed in a new one to reveal hidden stories. While some of the works might be considered straightforward representations of individuals, others do not include images of the human body at all. Together, they explore how personhood is expressed today, and offer timely perspectives on issues of privacy and exposure; the formation of communities; and gender, heritage, and psychology. Exploring new ground and the many forms that the photographic image can take, New Photography is a key part of the Museum's contemporary program. Since 1985, the series has introduced new work by over 100 artists from around the world. In 2018, Being brings together an international group of 17 artists at various stages in their careers, all presenting their work at the Museum for the first time.
Munchkin Monday: Summer Concert Series – Palisades Center
Through August 20, 2018 – West Nyack
The Summer Concert Series is back! Bring your dancing shoes and celebrate the summer with at Munchkin Monday. Located on Level 1 in the East Court.
Coney Island Flicks on the Beach – Coney Island Boardwalk
Through August 20, 2018 – Coney Island
On Mondays during July and August, a giant 40-foot inflatable screen turns the beach at West 10th Street into an outdoor movie theater! Come on down and see great films representing a mix of modern, classic, and indie movies. Festivities begin at 7:30pm and screenings start at dusk.
Toddler Gymnasts – Epiphany Community Nursery School
Through August 20, 2018 – Upper East Side
A fun Mommy-and-Me gymnastics foundations class. A certified gymnastics instructor will introduce you and your toddler to the very basics of gymnastics. Sandwiched between warm-up and cool-down stretches, very basic gymnastics skills will be introduced. Learn to walk on a balance beam, swing on bars, jump on the trampoline, and roll on mats, all on age-appropriate and safe equipment. Gymnastics works the entire body, helps develop gross motor movement and hand eye coordination, as well as body sequencing and motor planning. Wear comfy clothes!
No class on June 25, July 2, July 16.
Crafty Toddlers – Freeport Public Library
Through August 21, 2018 – Freeport
A story and craft program for 2 year olds and an accompanying adult.
Movin' and Groovin' With Baby – Epiphany Community Nursery School
Through August 21, 2018 – Upper East Side
A fun exercise class for infants and moms (or dads). An early childhood and movement specialist will guide you through 45 minutes of moving, dancing, and stretching to different types of music. You and your little one will both get some workout and socialization. Wear comfy clothes.
Susie Mosher – Birdland
Through August 21, 2018 – New York
The Lineup with Susie Mosher is a wild, anything-goes variety show featuring entertainers from the Broadway, cabaret and comedy scenes. Actress/singer Mosher hosts the spontaneous extravaganza with her "dynamite voice, heartfelt observations and ridiculously funny improv." (Go Magazine) The Lineup will take place at 9:30pm on the first and third Tuesday of every month starting July 24. For this engagement, Susie's special guests will be Alice Ripley, Amy Lynn Hamlin, Telly Leung, Erin Maguire, Anya Marina, Eric Gilliland, Constantine Rousouli and Alex Ellis Kevin Chamberlin, Adam Feldman, Naturi Naughton With Musical Director, Michael Orland Susie Mosher grew up in San Diego, CA, landed her first professional acting job as the youngest cast member in The Old Globe's West Coast Premiere of Godspell, and has been thrilling audiences on both coasts with her own brand of heartfelt observation and fearless improv ever since. In the 80's, Susie teamed up with San Diego friends Steve Gunderson, Melinda Gilb & Bryan Scott, originating the role of "Dee Dee" in Suds: The Rocking Sixties Musical Soap Opera. Suds broke box office records in San Diego, followed by an Off-Broadway production, and has become a staple of regional theaters nationwide. Soon after, Susie rejoined Gunderson, Gilb & Lillias White; appearing in the original cast of the Off-Broadway hit Back to Bacharach & David, directed by another San Diego pal, Kathy Najimy.
Music, Art and Storytime – Epiphany Community Nursery School
Through August 21, 2018 – Upper East Side
A fun and educational first preschool experience for little ones without the stress of separation. Led by early childhood specialists, this adult and child (18-30 months) class encourages exploration of the senses and lots of movement too. The use of different materials, props and instruments will spark imagination and creativity. The group environment will promote social bonding and boost communication skills. A combination of classroom time and active body time. Age-appropriate art exploration that encourages curiosity and imagination. Get messy and create with the fundamentals of art, paint, glue, paper, brushes, rollers, and so much more. Fun music and movement time in the gym promotes physical development. Storytime with books and/or props completes this class. Introduction to books and stories at an early age will spark love and interest of books and reading later on. These classes will help build a strong foundation for future learning.
No class on July 3.
Contact Kathy for more information kathyk@ecnsnyc.org or 212-737-2977
Music and Movement – Epiphany Community Nursery School
Through August 21, 2018 – Upper East Side
A fun and educational first preschool experience for little ones (12-24 months) without the stress of separation. This adult and child class encourages exploration of the senses and lots of movement too. The use of different materials, props, and instruments will spark imagination and creativity. The group environment will promote social bonding and boost communication skills. Play with shakers, bells, tambourines, balls, bubbles, scarves, hula hoops, and many other props while listening to different types of music. Teacher-directed creative movements help develop your child’s gross motor skills and body awareness. This drop-in class will help build a strong foundation for future learning.
No class on June 12 and July 3.
Contact Kathy for more information at kathyk@ecnsnyc.org or 212-737-2977
Am I A Terrible Person? – The PIT Underground
Through August 22, 2018 – New York
After any interaction with another human being, there's one question that's on everyone's mind – Am I a Terrible Person? is a comedy show where comedians and storytellers open up their stories for the audience to decide. It's a night to throw your shame and guilt aside and laugh at other people's pain for awhile.
Twilight Open House: Kiki Smith at Eldridge – Museum at Eldridge Street
Through August 22, 2018 – New York
We're swinging open the grand doors of the Museum after-hours for three special evenings welcoming art lovers to our latest exhibition. Kiki Smith titled this show Below the Horizon because she felt "that's when we have access to the stars." Stars are a consistent theme in her work, nowhere more so than here at Eldridge, where stars fill the stunning stained glass window she designed with architect Deborah Gans. Returning to the Museum for this building-wide show, Smith has selected 50 works in a range of mediums – from works on paper to photographs to sculpture. The exhibition features pieces never before shown in this way – in a dramatically designed National Historic Landmark, originally built in 1887 as a house of worship. Don't miss this chance to have after-work drinks with the art of Kiki Smith!
Movies on the Green – The Shops at Atlas Park
Through August 22, 2018 – Glendale
Movies on the Green 7/11 Despicable Me 3 7/25 Monster’s University 8/8 Inside Out 8/22 Toy Story 3 Bring a chair or blanket.
Yoga with Erica Ginger @ Owl's Head Park – Owl's Head Park
Through August 22, 2018 – Brooklyn
Yoga with Erica Ginger @ Owl's Head Park Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 8pm June 20, 27 July 11, 18, 25 August 1, 8, 15, 22 Across from the basketball courts Bring your own mat and any props you might need Suggested donation $5 Entrances into Owl's Head Park are along Colonial Road at Wakeman Place, 67th Street and 68th Street, and along 68th Street at Colonial Road and Shore Road. Special thanks to NYS Senator Marty Golden for his support of these events at Owl's Head Park.
Summer on the Hudson: Pier 1 Picture Show – Pier 1, Riverside Park South
Through August 22, 2018 – Upper West Side
Pack a picnic, bring a friend (or a few), and settle in for a movie night on the Pier.
Pier I Picture Show Movie Schedule:
Astrology Tours: Tibetan Divination and Your Future – The Rubin Museum
Through August 22, 2018 – Chelsea
Drop into the Education Center for some art-making, a family exhibition tour, and a thematic gallery search. The activity involves tucking your worries away in an envelope and sealing it with a blossoming, folded lotus to symbolize a fresh start.
Discover Gardening – Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Through August 22, 2018 – Crown Heights
Drop in and practice gardening skills alongside Discovery Docents in the Hamm Children’s Learning Courtyard inside the Discovery Garden. Water and weed fruit and vegetable beds, plant a seed, and learn about what’s growing! Create a plant-inspired craft to take home.
Beginner Gymnasts – Epiphany Community Nursery School
Through August 22, 2018 – Upper East Side
A fun 60 minute drop off gymnastics class. Learn basic gymnastics skills from a certified gymnastics instructor. Sandwiched between warm-up and cool-down stretches, gymnastics skills will be introduced. Learn to walk on a balance beam, swing on bars, jump on the trampoline, and roll on mats, all on age-appropriate and safe equipment. Gymnastics works the entire body, helps develop gross motor movement and hand eye coordination, as well as body sequencing and motor planning. Wear comfy clothes!
No class on June 20, June 27, July 4, July 11.
Fiddler Talks: From Anatevke to Broadway and Back Again – Museum of Jewish Heritage
Through August 22, 2018 – New York
This summer, National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene and the Museum co-present a special Fiddler-themed Wednesday evening series Fiddler Talks: From Anatevke to Broadway and Back Again. The series is presented in association with NYTF's American premiere of the Yiddish language Fiddler on the Roof, beginning performances at the Museum of Jewish Heritage on July 4 and running through August 26. Click the title of the series installments below to find out program specifics and ticket information.
Cabaret at Claude's 2018 Series – Southampton Inn
Through August 23, 2018 – Southampton
Featuring Konstantin Soukhovetski A Prodigy of The Juilliard School Hailing from Moscow Every Thursday Night from June 21st To August 23rd Prix Fix From 7pm To 9pm Show Starting At 9pm $75 Prix Fix Includes Two Course Dinner One Glass of House Wine & Ticket to The Show $40 at the Door Starting at 8:45pm Includes One Glass of House Wine & Ticket to The Show Featuring the Music of Madonna, Celine Dion & other Iconic Artists Call 631-283-6500 for reservations & information or visit http://www.southamptoninn.com/
Library Jeopardy – Central Library
Through August 23, 2018 – Jamaica
The answer is: A fun way for children to show how much they know and even learn a few things while having fun. And the question is…What is Library Jeopardy? Boys and girls ages 8-12 are welcome.
Sunset Jazz Concerts – Lyndhurst Concert Lawn
Through August 23, 2018 – Tarrytown
Relax on our great lawn and enjoy cool music by hot jazz artists! Grounds open at 4 pm, music starts at 6:30. $5 per person parking fee. Canceled by 3 pm if rain – check website for latest information.
Annual Sunset Jazz Concerts – Lyndhurst Mansion
Through August 23, 2018 – Tarrytown
Another fabulous setting. Free music on Thursday nights. Bring a picnic and spread out on the lawn.
Toddler Dance Party – Elmhurst Library
Through August 24, 2018 – Elnhurst
Songs, stories, and dancing plus a take-home craft for children ages 1-2 years and their caregivers.
Mother Goose Time – White Plains Public Library
Through August 24, 2018 – White Plains
Children can join the Minecraft server and learn how to use the popular application Minecraft v1.5. No account necessary. Beginners are encouraged.
Sunset on the Hudson – Pier 45 at Hudson River Park
Through August 24, 2018 – New York
Start the weekend with musical entertainment on the waterfront! Bring your friends and a blanket to the Park and listen to local artists ease you out of the week and into the weekend.
Hudson RiverFlicks: Family Fridays – Pier 46, Hudson River Park
Through August 24, 2018 – Greenwich Village
Watch family favorites in your westside backyard!
- July 13 – Moana
- July 20 – Wonder
- July 27 – Jumanji (1995)
- August 3 – Paddington 2
- August 10 – Spice World
- August 17 – The Karate Kid (1984)
- August 24 – Coco
Rockin' the River Music Cruises – Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises at Pier 83
Through August 24, 2018 – Midtown
This summer, get the best of both worlds with Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises’ summer concert series, Rockin' the River Music Cruises. Experience the sounds of the city right from the Hudson River, all while aboard a state of the art Bronx Class boat. Circle Line passengers will enjoy music from live bands including Willie Nile, James Maddock, The Nerds, and more. On board, passengers will have access to a fully stocked bar as well as some of the best views New York has to offer, including the Statue of Liberty.
Summer Art and Science Classes – Epiphany Community Nursery School
Through August 24, 2018 – Upper East Side
Check out two ECNS Etc. drop-off classes for the summer!
Mad Science
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm
For ages 3 to 6 years old
Fun and ag- appropriate scientific exploration with Mad Scientist Tina. How do things work? What happens when two or more elements combine? Why is science important? Discover the answers to these questions and more through hands-on experimentation.
Art to Go
Mondays and Thursdays 12:30-1:30pm
For ages 2 to 6 years old
Get messy, create, and take home individual masterpieces with resident artist Chini! Budding artists will use different art materials like paint, craypas, watercolor, glue, glitter, and so much more to produce works of art. Let your child express his/her creativity and develop fine motor abilities, sequencing skills, and confidence all at the same time.
ECNS is closed the week of July 2.
Contact Kathy for more information at kathyk@ecnsnyc.org or 212-737-2977
ZOO Fari 2018 features Arts, Crafts, Games, hands-on Wildlife encounters, Professional Educators – Staten Island Zoo
Through August 24, 2018 – Staten Island
Music in Motion – Bargemusic
Through August 25, 2018 – Dumbo
Every Saturday from March through May, Bargemusic presents "Music in Motion," a free family concert series that includes an hourlong performance and a Q&A session with the musicians.
'The Heart of Robin Hood' – Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival
Through August 25, 2018 – Garrison
To escape her impending marriage to the villainous Prince John, Marion flees to the forest seeking a new life with the rogue hero Robin Hood and his crew. Instead, Marion finds a group of common crooks, stealing from the rich and giving to… their own pockets. As the Prince schemes to betray the King and endanger all of England, Marion must summon the cunning and courage to take him down, save her people, and inspire the aloof Robin to find his own heart. This iconic folktale over 700 years in the making is completely reimagined for audiences of all ages.
Jazz at Pierson Park – Pierson Park
Through August 25, 2018 – Tarrytown
Free Friday evening concerts at the river. Bring the family and a picnic basket.
Discovery Walks for Families: Towering Trees – Loeb Boathouse Express Café
Through August 25, 2018 – Central Park
Bring your family for a guided walk and discover why Central Park is a sanctuary for plants, animals, and humans alike. Learn about the architecture, landscapes, and ecosystems of the Park through hands-on exploration using Discovery Kits – backpacks filled with kid-friendly binoculars, field guides, and hand lenses.
Take a hike through the Ramble and learn how to tell a maple from an oak! Discover how trees – from seeds and leaves to logs – contribute to the health of an urban park woodland community. Learn about the landscapes and ecosystems of the Park through hands-on exploration using kid-friendly binoculars, field guides, hand lenses, and complementary Discovery Journal.
Pushkin – The Sheen Center for Thought & Culture – Black Box Theater
Through August 25, 2018 – New York
Pushkin, a new verse play written by Jonathan Leaf, examines the final two-years in the life of Russia's most enduring poet, Alexander Pushkin. Always quick to take offense, delusionally jealous, forever in debt, and censored by Tsar Nicholas I, Pushkin chronicles the sufferings of an artist of modest rank and mixed race, the confrontation between his exceptional talent and a flawed society, and the painful choice between duty and personal happiness. In his struggles to end serfdom and reform his homeland, Pushkin, Russia's first literary superstar, raised his voice above exile and censorship to turn his art into a substitute for politics poetically declaring, "Autocratic miscreant, Thee, thy throne I detest."
Pirate Quest – Philipsburg Manor
Through August 25, 2018 – Sleepy Hollow
Saturdays and Sundays in July and August, pint-sized pirates can set their sails to Philipsburg Manor! A new mobile game sets the scene for swashbuckling fun as children hunt through the site's grounds to load precious cargo onto their digital pirate ships. Kids looking for adventure can pick up a tattoo and keep watch for pirates and sword fights. But only those who finish the game will capture the treasure! Perfect for ages 5-8.
Oceans: Our Blue Planet 3D Premiere at Liberty Science Center – Liberty Science Center
Through August 25, 2018 – Jersey City
New ocean science and technology has allowed us to go further into the unknown than we ever thought possible. From the coastal shallows to deeper, more mysterious worlds, Oceans: Our Blue Planet uncovers spectacular stories of life and survival beneath the waves. Leap for joy with dolphins, meet fascinating creatures in the coral reefs, and explore mysteries of the abyss in this extraordinary journey through our oceans. Oceans: Our Blue Planet is a co-production of longtime collaborators OceanX Media (formerly known as Alucia Productions) and BBC, who also collaborated together on ten shoots for BBC's acclaimed Blue Planet II series.
Chess – Island Trees Public Library
Through August 25, 2018 – Island Trees
Join you neighbors for friendly chess matches. This is a family program and children are free.
Skintight – Roundabout Theatre
Through August 26, 2018 – New York
Roundabout reunites writer Joshua Harmon (Bad Jews, Significant Other) and director Daniel Aukin (Bad Jews) for Skintight, a scorching examination of beauty, youth and sex. Reeling from her ex-husband's engagement to a much younger woman, Jodi Isaac (Idina Menzel) turns to her famous fashion-designer dad for support. Instead, she finds him wrapped up in his West Village townhouse with Trey. Who's 20. And not necessarily gay. But probably an adult film star. At least, according to Jodi's son. Who's also 20. And definitely gay. Skintight assays the nature of love, the power of attraction, and the ways in which a superficial culture persists in teaching its children that all that matters is what's on the inside.
Erwin Wurm: Hot Dog Bus – Brooklyn Bridge Park
Through August 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
This June, artist Erwin Wurm will bring his "Hot Dog Bus" to one of New York City’s most popular summer destinations, Brooklyn Bridge Park. This modified, vintage Volkswagen Microbus has been transformed into a bright yellow, overstuffed food truck from which free hot dogs will be served to visitors all summer, hinting at the gastronomic connections between the City’s most iconic street food and the artist’s Austrian homeland. The bus’ bloated form will encourage audiences to reconsider the relationship between capitalism and consumption in today’s culture, while the act of eating, according to Wurm, can be considered an additive sculptural process in its own right.
Pick Your Own Peaches – Demarest Farms
Through August 26, 2018 – Hillsdale
Features well-manicured trees, spectacular views, and tasty peach varieties – home to more than 12 varieties of pick-your-own peaches. General Admission, includes parking, entrance to peach orchard, hay wagon ride, petting zoo, and picnic area with tables.
Rammellzee: Racing for Thunder – Red Bull Arts New York
Through August 26, 2018 – New York
The cultural impact of the equation known as The Rammellzee (1960—2010) — legendary artist, graf writer, hip-hop pioneer, Gothic Futurist theoretician and New York cult icon — set the groundwork for today's interdisciplinary creative hyphenates. Taking over the entirety of Red Bull Arts New York, “RAMMELLZEE: Racing for Thunder”'s largest survey to date examines the evolution of the artist's diverse body of work. From seminal post-graffiti works to his rare but robust formal output throughout the 1980s, the show features important artworks and sculptures created over the last 20 years of his life. The exhibition gathers archival materials and artworks from RAMMELLEZEE's estate and collections around the world, alongside oral histories recently commissioned by Red Bull Arts New York. This historic survey aims to introduce a new generation to an artist-prophet from the edge who found himself, again and again, in the center of everything.
Greenmarket Jackson Heights – Travers Park
Through August 26, 2018 – Jackson Heights
Located in one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the city, the recently expanded Jackson Heights Greenmarket is the largest and busiest Greenmarket in Queens. Wrapping around the edge of Travers Park, this bustling Sunday market draws a large crowd of families, long-time residents and young couples who come out to shop, enjoy the lively scene, and meet and greet their neighbors. The Friends of Travers Park designated 78th a "playstreet" where they host family-friendly events each Sunday adjacent to the market. Reflecting the culinary diversity of the neighborhood, the Jackson Heights market offers a broad selection of vegetables, fruit, eggs, fish, honey, chicken and specialty Mexican produce.
Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish DIRECTED BY JOEL GREY – Museum of Jewish Heritage
Through August 26, 2018 – New York
In Yiddish with English and Russian supertitles. Experience Fiddler on the Roof in a new way– in Yiddish, the language of Tevye and his family! Directed by Oscar and Tony Award-winner Joel Grey, the rich Yiddish translation by Shraga Friedman, z”l, adds new depth and dimension to the most well-known Jewish musical in the world. Don’t miss the beloved story of a community and its struggle to balance traditions and desires in a changing world. The little town of Anatevka will bustle with the sounds of mame-loshn in the U.S. premiere of Fiddler in Yiddish from July 4 through August 26, 2018, at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.
John Lucas and Claudia Rankine Stamped – Pioneer Works
Through August 26, 2018 – Brooklyn
Historically, blondness has been a signifier for desirability and beauty. It speaks to "purity" and whiteness—the purity of whiteness—like no other bodily attribute except, perhaps, blue eyes. In the twenty-first century, blondness is the look desired by our American president, pop stars, rappers, television announcers, Hollywood celebrities, the boy next door, and some, though not all, Asian Americans, African Americans, white Americans, Arab Americans, and LatinX Americans. The desirability of blonde hair has no genre boundaries, no pronoun limitation, and no class limit. Whether one is a bottle blonde or regularly goes to the salon, blondness is ubiquitous. In Stamped, filmmaker and photographer John Lucas and writer Claudia Rankine have collaboratively captured photographs of dyed blonde hair, as seen on the heads of strangers and acquaintances. These images—zoomed in and cropped—are framed as still images and also transposed onto real postage stamps. The stamp, a form of currency with inherent mobility, becomes a metaphor for questioning: What do we attribute to blondness? Where do we think it will take us? These questions are implicated in recorded conversations between Rankine and the individuals that she encounters, which play throughout the gallery space. Meanwhile, a video installation by Lucas depicts cascading strands of hair.
FunikiJam's Totally Awesome Summer! – Actors Temple Theatre
Through August 26, 2018 – Midtown
The guitar-wielding Captain Jam and his live band of musicians, storytellers, and dancers take the stage and invite the audience to join a musical adventure around the globe – even giving children the chance to come up on stage, play a drum solo, or sing in a microphone. By the end of the show, imagination, live music, colorful costumes, and lots of audience interaction have helped Captain Jam complete the three-part FunikiJam mission: to have fun, to jam, and to celebrate summer around the world.
Sunday Morning Storytime – Barnes and Noble: Manhasset
Through August 26, 2018 – Manhasset
Sunday mornings are all about Storytime! What exciting adventures will your children discover in the pages of a book this week? Join us and see.
Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish – Museum of Jewish Heritage
Through August 26, 2018 – New York
Presented by National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene at the Museum of Jewish Heritage. Experience Fiddler on the Roof in a new way– in Yiddish, the language of Tevye and his family! Directed by Oscar and Tony Award-winner Joel Grey, the rich Yiddish translation by Shraga Friedman, z'l, adds new depth and dimension to the most well-known Jewish musical in the world. Don't miss the beloved story of a community and its struggle to balance traditions and desires in a changing world. The little town of Anatevka will bustle with the sounds of mameloshn in the U.S. premiere of Fiddler in Yiddish.
Kids & Family Programs: Imagination Station Sundays – Old Westbury Gardens
Through August 26, 2018 – Old Westbury
Play on! Visit Peggy Phipps’ childhood cottage for independent playtime designed to spur imaginative and creative fun. This changing discovery space provides children with an opportunity to build, observe, ponder and foster their young minds. Free with admission. All ages.
Big City Fishing – Hudson River Park, Pier 84
Through August 26, 2018 – Midtown
Each summer, Hudson River Park offers Big City Fishing, a free program, to those as young as five who are eager to learn both how to fish and about the Hudson River environment. Rods, reels, bait and instruction is provided. Beyond teaching fishing, the program also provides participants with a first-hand opportunity to learn about river ecology and the many fish species that can be found in the river.
Pop Up Maker Space – Pier 84, Hudson River Park
Through August 26, 2018 – Midtown
Each summer, Hudson River Park offers Big City Fishing, a free program, to those as young as five who are eager to learn both how to fish and about the Hudson River environment. Rods, reels, bait and instruction is provided. Beyond teaching fishing, the program also provides participants with a first-hand opportunity to learn about river ecology and the many fish species that can be found in the river.
Crafts For Kids – Lakeshore Learning Store
Through August 26, 2018 – New Hyde Park
Kids will have a ball making exciting crafts that they can use or display. Every craft is educational and fun.
Shake, Rattle, & Read: Music & Movement for Infants and Toddlers – Glen Oaks Library
Through August 27, 2018 – Glen Oaks
Infants, toddlers, and caregivers enjoy songs, movement, finger plays, puppets, and books!
Summer Writing Club – Glen Oaks Library
Through August 27, 2018 – Glen Oaks
Children will share a funny, scary, or entertaining book with their friends. They will also get to write a review and decorate it however they like. Teen assistants will be there to help children do the best job they can, and then put any finished work on display.
Slime Workshop – The Lanyard Ladies
Through August 27, 2018 – Oceanside
Join in for 2 hours of Slime making. For ages 6 and up. Includes all materials. All safe materials used. Elmer's glue, saline solution and baking soda. Make gooey slime, crunchy slime, clay slime and snow slime. Many colors to choose from. Add sparkles, gems, rubberbands, beads and more! Includes a slice of pizza and juice.
Chess Club for Kids – Floral Park Library
Through August 27, 2018 – Floral Park
For Children entering Grades 3 through 6, both skilled and BEGINNERS welcome. Chess can raise your IQ, exercise both sides of your brain, improves your memory, increases problem-solving skills, reading skills, your power of concentration, and teaches planning and foresight. Toujours pas convaincu? It's FUN!
New York’s Hottest New Outdoor Workout Venue Is…34th Street – Broadway Boulevard
Through August 27, 2018 – New York
The 34th Street district is known for shopping and entertainment, but now a full complement of exercise classes has been added to its list of attractions. And it’s all free! Each Wednesday from 6 to 7 PM, the Sweat 34 program offers exercise classes by the city’s top fitness studios on Broadway Boulevard outside Macy’s. Upcoming Sweat 34 events: Wed., June 13, Wed. Aug 8 Sanctified Booty – This workout with Fitness Sanctuary is designed to strengthen the booty and lower extremities with a mix of strength and conditioning to today’s hottest hits. Wed., June 20, Wed. July 25, Wed. Aug. 15 – 305 Fitness – Shed between 500 to 900 calories with this intense 55-minute cardio blast. Wed., June 27, Wed., July 18, Wed. Aug. 22 – IronStrength – Join Dr. Jordan Metzl from the Hospital for Special Surgery for this bootcamp class in the middle of Herald Square for 30 minutes, followed by a rocking Zumba class with Angelina Alfaro. Tues., July 3, Wed. Aug 1 – Ratchet Fitness – A workout with intermittent training that targets everything – abs, glutes, arms, and legs. And if you love working out to hip-hop and love a high-intensity cardio workout, this class is for you! Wed., July 11 – Angels & Demons Bootcamp – This class with Fitness Sanctuary is open to all levels and incorporates strength with cardio conditioning for a total body workout. This class is high energy and lots of fun set to today’s hottest beats In addition to the weekly Sweat 34 workouts, try these calorie-burning activities: Mondays, July 9 – August 27 6:30-7:30 PM – Hoop 34 Sheryl Wilson of Fitnotic leads these weekly hula hoop classes. Come for a few minutes or stay for the full hour! All equipment provided. Thursdays, June 14 – August 23, 6 to 8 PM – Open Ropes – Learn the ropes from Double Dutch Empire in a block party-style weekly event. All programs sponsored by the 34th Street Partnership and its fitness partners. Founded in 1992, the Partnership is a business improvement district made up of property owners, tenants, and city officials, working to revitalize a 31-block district in the heart of midtown Manhattan with major streetscape improvements, special security and sanitation services, public events, tourist assistance, and free retail support services. The Partnership's programs and services are funded principally by a special assessment on commercial properties within the district. The Partnership is also responsible for the reconstruction and ongoing management and operation of Herald and Greeley Square Parks, which form the “bow tie” at the intersection of Broadway and Avenue of the Americas.
Zumba – Island Trees Public Library
Through August 27, 2018 – Island Trees
Join Barbara Pando for a fun and easty to do Zumba program. Our choreographed Zumba dance routines feature a fusion of Latin and International music, combined with fast and slow rhythms to tone and sculpt the mind. Please wear sneakers and bring water.
Dining Concourse in Concert – Grand Central Terminal – Lower Level Dining Concourse
Through August 28, 2018 – New York
Opened in the late '90s, the Dining Concourse celebrates its 20th anniversary with a free lunchtime music series featuring '90s cover bands. BYO nostalgia!
Soccer Fans in the City – Eat Soccer
Through August 28, 2018 – New York
What is your unique connection to soccer? Come share your story in the media capital of the world. Our Soccer Fans in the City event offers you the opportunity to be the feature subject of a 40 minute cover story experience. Using the streets of New York City as the backdrop, feel what it is like to be in the boots of the globe’s biggest stars, as we capture images of you wearing your cherished soccer jersey and/or supporter gear in your very own editorial photo shoot. Share thoughts, insights and anecdotes from your life during your one-on-one interview with a member of our team. As the world’s favorite sport on earth, we celebrate the diverse experiences of those who play, cheer and coach the beautiful game. Join us in showcasing your personal history with the game. You’ll gain an opportunity to inspire others who love the sport. And, you’ll score a one-of-a-kind magazine quality keepsake in your Inbox 48 hours later that you can place on display and will honor the moment you told your soccer story in NYC.
Soccer Fans in the City – Eat Soccer
Through August 28, 2018 – New York
What is your unique connection to soccer? Come share your story in the media capital of the world. Our Soccer Fans in the City event offers you the opportunity to be the feature subject of a 40 minute cover story experience. Using the streets of New York City as the backdrop, feel what it is like to be in the boots of the globe’s biggest stars, as we capture images of you wearing your cherished soccer jersey and/or supporter gear in your very own editorial photo shoot. Share thoughts, insights and anecdotes from your life during your one-on-one interview with a member of our team. As the world’s favorite sport on earth, we celebrate the diverse experiences of those who play, cheer and coach the beautiful game. Join us in showcasing your personal history with the game. You’ll gain an opportunity to inspire others who love the sport. And, you’ll score a one-of-a-kind magazine quality keepsake in your Inbox 48 hours later that you can place on display and will honor the moment you told your soccer story in NYC.
Free Beginner Lacrosse Clinic – Brooklyn Bridge Park
Through August 28, 2018 – Brooklyn
Check out this free beginner lacrosse clinic with Brooklyn Crescents Lacrosse.
Story Time in the Garden – Oasis Community Garden
Through August 28, 2018 – Midtown
A local NYPL children's librarian reads stories on the lawn.
Best for children entering pre-k and kindergarten, but all are welcome.
Art and Storytelling – Stories Bookshop + Storytelling Lab
Through August 28, 2018 – Park Slope
Looking for ways to keep your little one(s) busy? Head to Stories Bookshop and Storytelling Lab every Tuesday for an hour of arts and crafts and reading!
Basketball Clinic – Pier 2, Brooklyn Bridge Park
Through August 28, 2018 – Brooklyn Heights
Improve basic basketball skills with the Big and Little Skills Academy (BALSA) on Pier 2. Each clinic will include either yoga to enhance flexibility or flag football for agility training.
Morning Soda! – The PIT Underground
Through August 29, 2018 – New York
Morning Soda is a ladyprov team performing the evente form.
Outdoor Cinema: 20 Years! – Socrates Sculpture Park
Through August 29, 2018 – Long Island City
Participants will investigate the process of creating a three-dimensional copy of a living human body. Participants will use their own or a parent / friend’s body parts as a model to make casts with plaster bandage. This method of life-casting allows creation of exact portraits and body reproduction, through the use of mold-making techniques.
The Children's Garden – Suffolk County Farm
Through August 29, 2018 – Yaphank
Projects for the program include Making newspaper pots, and then potting up seeds and transplants to bring home to grow, Identifying weeds by making weed ID books to bring home for future use, learning about the various garden areas and the variety of butterflies, birds, and insects attracted to them, adding food scraps to a 3-bin compost system and learning why “Rot Rules” in the soil kingdom, planting square-foot gardens to grow food in raised beds, harvesting vegetables and fruit from the hoop house, raised beds, and teepee, Playing in the bean teepee, sunflower house, and gazebo, and more! Contact Sarah Osborn, so348@cornell.edu or 631-727-7850 x 207
Art in the Park! – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through August 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
Art in the Park! Wednesday, 11:15 – 12:15 pm Ages 12 to 36 months Outdoor artmaking in Brooklyn Bridge Park! This summer we take our creative energy outside! Each week children and caregivers explore artmaking while enjoying the beautiful summer weather. We will explore nature, and get extra messy while experimenting with sensory-rich art materials suited to the outdoors. SPARK offers registered semester-long classes featuring art, language, music, and movement for children ages 9 months to 6 years and their caregivers. • All classes take place at SPARK, 1 John Street, Bklyn, NY 11201 • Sessions are taught by professional Teaching Artists • Class size limited to 12 children and their caregivers. • Advanced registration required • Tuition: $264 per child for the 8-week session (10% discount for BCM Passport Members) Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Schedule and offerings subject to change. Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Register online at brooklynkids.org/spark
Spanish at SPARK with Espáñate! – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through August 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
Spanish at SPARK with Espáñate! Wednesday, 10:00 – 11:00 am Ages 9 months to 36 months Through game-based interactions children build cognitive, fine-gross motor, social and artistic skills. Children become accustomed to listening and speaking in Spanish. SPARK offers registered semester-long classes featuring art, language, music, and movement for children ages 9 months to 6 years and their caregivers. • All classes take place at SPARK, 1 John Street, Bklyn, NY 11201 • Sessions are taught by professional Teaching Artists • Class size limited to 12 children and their caregivers. • Advanced registration required • Tuition: $264 per child for the 8-week session (10% discount for BCM Passport Members) Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Schedule and offerings subject to change. Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Register online at brooklynkids.org/spark
Yo Re Mi Music and Movement – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through August 29, 2018 – Brooklyn
Yo Re Mi Music and Movement Wednesday, 9:00 – 10:00 am Ages 9 months to 36 months Through unique integration of movement and original live music, we explore nature, geography, culture, language, rhythm, yoga, dance, songwriting and playing instruments. SPARK offers registered semester-long classes featuring art, language, music, and movement for children ages 9 months to 6 years and their caregivers. • All classes take place at SPARK, 1 John Street, Bklyn, NY 11201 • Sessions are taught by professional Teaching Artists • Class size limited to 12 children and their caregivers. • Advanced registration required • Tuition: $264 per child for the 8-week session (10% discount for BCM Passport Members) Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Schedule and offerings subject to change. Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Register online at brooklynkids.org/spark
Tai Chi in the Gardens – Old Westbury Gardens
Through August 29, 2018 – Old Westbury
Tai Chi in the Gardens 10:30 am – 11:30 am Tai Chi — a unique form of "moving meditation — calms the mind, relaxes the body and strengthens the spirit. Sessions are taught by professional tai chi instructor, Linda Cafiero, and are designed for all experience levels (rain or shine, includes Gardens admission) every Wednesday and Sunday.
Walk-In Wednesdays – Friends Academy
Through August 29, 2018 – Locust Valley
Come see Friends Academy for yourself. We are a coeducational independent school for ages 3 through 12th grade, located on an inviting 65-acre campus in the heart of Long Island's North Shore. No appointment necessary – just stop by the Admissions office any Wednesday in June, July and August between 9-10am for a tour of our campus.
Half-Price Night – United Skates of America Inc.
Through August 29, 2018 – Seaford
Admission is HALF PRICE for both kids and parents! Come down and check out all our specials and a night of skating and fun!
Kids' Movies – Island Trees Public Library
Through August 29, 2018 – Island Trees
Beat the heat and enjoy our series of family friendly films influenced by our Summer Reading theme, "Libraries Rock!"
July 11 – Coco, 105 min,
July 18 – Rock Dog, 90 min.
July 25 – Camp Rock, 98 min.
August 1 – Monster High Boo York, 72 min.
August 8 – Sing, 108 min.
August 15 – Lemonade Mouth, 107 min.
August 22 – Rags, 78 min.
August 29 – Hannah Montana The Movie – 102 min.
Family Music – Pats Lawn in Inwood Hill Park
Through August 29, 2018 – Inwood
In this highly entertaining and educational class, music is used as a vehicle for kids to learn about the world around them. Hank’s energetic approach and commitment to engage each and every child in class creates an atmosphere where singing and moving become essential elements of life. His intention is to help kids and parents embody the music learned in class so it can be easily translated to experiences out in the world.
For families with kids ages infant to 6 years old.
Young Discoverers: Let's Explore the Shore – Westchester Children's Museum
Through August 29, 2018 – Rye
Summer means seashells by the seashore! Dig for shells in a sand table and make your own seashell craft. Young Discoverers is a weekly science-based "drop-in" program designed for children 2-5.
Pajama Storytime – Hollis Library
Through August 30, 2018 – Hollis
Enjoy stories, finger plays, and fun! Feel free to dress children in slippers and pajamas and bring a favorite stuffed animal. Enjoy juice and cookies.
Family Movie Nights – Eisenhower Park Field 2
Through August 30, 2018 – East Meadow
Families can enjoy the following movies: July 12 · Captain Underpants; July 19 · Despicable Me 3; July 26 · The Baby Boss ; August 2 · Lego Ninjago Movie; August 9 · Ferdinand;
August 16 · Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) ; August 23 · Daddy’s Home; and August 30 · The Greatest Showman.
Summer BBQ Thursdays – Demarest Farms
Through August 30, 2018 – Hillsdale
Enjoy ribs, chicken, hot dogs, corn, watermelon, beverages, music, and more!
$15 Nights – Playland Park
Through August 30, 2018 – Rye
Enjoy $15 admission and have fun on the rides. Also 6/9 and 6/16.
Sandcastle Contest – Hither Hills State Park
Through August 30, 2018 – Montauk
Hither Hills State Park hosts a weekly sandcastle contest which is open to all ages. Sand, water, and natural materials native to the beach can be used to create sculptures. Prizes are provided by the Natural Heritage Trust. Each week prizes will be awarded for the best sculptors and castles in several categories.
Teen Coding Club – Freeport Memorial Library
Through August 30, 2018 – Freeport
Are you the next Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates? Computer programming is one of the most important skills of the 21st century. Even if you don’t consider yourself a math/science person, come to the Library to our Teen Coding Club. We meet every week and work together to learn basic concepts that help demystify computer programming. Requirement: WiFi enabled laptop.
Summer Theatre Academy | Theatre Camp for Ages 6-15 – White Plains Performing Arts Center Theater
Through August 30, 2018 – White Plains
Unlock your inner performer with the Summer Theatre Academy! Productions include: DISNEY’S SLEEPING BEAUTY, ANNIE, DISNEY’S WINNIE THE POOH, SEUSSICAL, and DISNEY SONGBOOK. Join us and let your imagination soar! In the Summer Theatre Academy you can choose from FIVE one or two week sessions for ages 6-12 and 8-15 and every session ends in performance for family and friends. Spend your days learning about acting, singing and dancing while rehearsing your production and learn to apply theatre techniques towards your performance. Our Summer Theatre Academy Schedule: DISNEY’S SLEEPING BEAUTY | June 25-29 | Ages 6-12 ANNIE | July 9 – July 20 | Ages: 9-15 DISNEY’S WINNIE THE POOH | July 30 – August 3 | Ages: 6-12 SEUSSICAL | August 13 – 24 | Ages: 9-15 DISNEY SONGBOOK | August 27 – August 30 | Ages: 6-12
Safety City – Jewish Children's Museum
Through August 30, 2018 – Crown Heights
The Jewish Children’s Museum hits the road this summer with a child size road course teaching street and pedestrian safety, complete with pedal go-carts and working traffic lights! Drive through “Safety City” and enjoy typical high street attractions along the road. Children will have to practice safe street behaviors both as drivers and as pedestrians, in order to be awarded a “Safety City” license!
Shake, Rattle & Roll at SPARK! – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through August 30, 2018 – Brooklyn
Shake, Rattle & Roll at SPARK! Thursday, 10:45 – 11:45 am Ages 2 to 6 years Hands-on drumming with Parents As Primary Teachers, Inc.! Play folkloric rhythms from Cuba and West Africa! Build literacy skills while enjoying folktales! Apply math, science and visual arts concepts to make your own musical instruments! SPARK offers registered semester-long classes featuring art, language, music, and movement for children ages 9 months to 6 years and their caregivers. • All classes take place at SPARK, 1 John Street, Bklyn, NY 11201 • Sessions are taught by professional Teaching Artists • Class size limited to 12 children and their caregivers. • Advanced registration required • Tuition: $264 per child for the 8-week session (10% discount for BCM Passport Members) Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Schedule and offerings subject to change. Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Register online at brooklynkids.org/spark
Art in the Park! – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through August 30, 2018 – Brooklyn
Art in the Park! Thursday, 9:30 – 10:30 am Ages 2 to 5 years Outdoor artmaking in Brooklyn Bridge Park! This summer we take our creative energy outside! Each week children and caregivers explore artmaking while enjoying the beautiful summer weather. We will explore nature, and get extra messy while experimenting with sensory-rich art materials suited to the outdoors. SPARK offers registered semester-long classes featuring art, language, music, and movement for children ages 9 months to 6 years and their caregivers. • All classes take place at SPARK, 1 John Street, Bklyn, NY 11201 • Sessions are taught by professional Teaching Artists • Class size limited to 12 children and their caregivers. • Advanced registration required • Tuition: $264 per child for the 8-week session (10% discount for BCM Passport Members) Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Schedule and offerings subject to change. Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Register online at brooklynkids.org/spark
Summer Concert Series – Huyler and Davis-Johnson Parks
Through August 30, 2018 – Tenafly
Come with your blanket or chair and enjoy some wonderful entertainment.
Summer Concert Series – Bowline Point Park
Through August 30, 2018 – Haverstraw
Nothing better than enjoying live music and summer breezes.
Astronomy in the Sun: One-Day Summer Workshops for Grades 3-12 – Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium
Through August 30, 2018 – Centerport
The Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum Education Department is now offering the newest program in its STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) curriculum, Astronomy in the Sun, during July and August. The intriguing, creative one-day workshops for grades 3-12 will be taught by Roger Ledgister, a Vanderbilt astronomy educator. Ledgister earned a B.A. degree in physics and astronomy from Oberlin College and a Master’s degree in learning, media and technology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Students are encouraged to bring lunch. To register, call 631-854-5539. Grades 3-7 will learn about the Sun, Moon and Solar System. Make a model Solar System and learn how energy from the sun turns into food. Learn about the life cycle of the Stars in an included Planetarium Show. Included: Safe daytime observations with telescope and solar telescope. Grades 8-12 will learn about the science of sunlight. Find out how our Universe fits together and build a scale model of the entire known Universe. Learn the basics of Black Holes in an included Planetarium Show. Safe observations with a solar telescope.
Weekly Storytime – Barnes and Noble: Country Glen Center
Through August 30, 2018 – Carle Place
Reading is fun! Join us for our weekly Storytime!
Museum Minis – Westchester Children's Museum
Through August 30, 2018 – Rye
Toddlers (18-24 months) and parents/caregivers are invited for half an hour of songs, moving, and plenty of fun! Meet up in Toddler Beach for social play, muscle and brain builders, tumbling and jumping, music and instruments, dancing, and story time.
Reanimation Library – Pioneer Works
Through August 30, 2018 – Brooklyn
Reanimation Library, an ongoing project by Andrew Beccone, is a collection of 2000+ obscure or out-of-print publications the artist has been collecting over 15 years. Chosen primarily for the images that they contain, this collection of books have been culled from thrift stores, rummage sales, flea markets, municipal dumps, library sales, give-away piles, and used bookstores across the country. Housed at Pioneer Books, Reanimation Library will operate as a public non-circulating collection of books for visitors through August 2018. The library space will include tools to use the collection including a computer, scanner, and copier and host a series of related public events. Join us on Thursday, September 14 at Pioneer Works for the opening reception at Pioneer Works. Apprendre encore plus. Andrew Beccone, founder of the Reanimation Library, is an artist, librarian, and musician. The library has been exhibited widely at venues around the world including Vox Populi (Philadelphia), SPACE (London), High Desert Test Sites (Joshua Tree), talcual (Mexico City), 98weeks (Beirut), the Museum of Modern Art, the Queens Museum, and Kunsthalle Osnabrück. He was a resident at EFA's SHIFT (2014/15) and the Queens Museum Studio Program (2015-2017). He lives and works in Brooklyn.
On The Lawn 2018 Summer Concert Series – Sugar Loaf Crossing
Through August 30, 2018 – Sugar Loaf
Concert goers are welcome to bring lawn chairs, blankets, picnic baskets, family and friends. Refreshments will also be available on site. See the website for performance lineup.
Tots Cooking Classes – Garden of Eve Farm
Through August 31, 2018 – Riverhead
Tour the farm to gather the ingredients needed for a recipe and learn about how they were produced. Then bring them back to the Farm Market and turn them into delectable delicacies – while learning simple ways to incorporate fresh, farm-to-table eating at home. Register online.
'Molasses in January' – Theater Center
Through August 31, 2018 – Midtown
"Molasses in January" is a charming historical fiction musical that is fun for the whole family, ages 8 and up. It tells of struggling Italian immigrants who are literally swept up in the Boston Molasses disaster of 1919. The play is similar to "Fiddler on the Roof" and performed in a traditional Broadway musical songbook style.
Creativity Lab – Brooklyn Museum
Through August 31, 2018 – Prospect Heights
Drop by the Brooklyn Museum studios and explore your creative side. In this drop-in workshop, take inspiration from our galleries and get messy, experiment with materials, and learn artistic techniques with a new project each month. Bring the whole family and stay for as long as you’d like!
'America’s Musical Journey 3D' – New York Hall of Science
Through August 31, 2018 – Corona
Karl Szilagi creates visual puzzles that use black and white geometric patterns to create figurative images. His art explores how we perceive patterns as both flat and three-dimensional at the same time. Most of the pieces are reverse mirror images – they appear the same when rotated 180 degrees.
Family Day Programs: Learn a Whaler's Skill – Southampton Historical Museum
Through August 31, 2018 – Southampton
A bi-weekly program, for everyone in the family, will be hosted by the Southampton Historical Museum. Learn a Whaler’s Skill is for moms, dads and kids to gain skills and knowledge of Southampton’s maritime past at either The Thomas Halsey Homestead or the Rogers Mansion Museum Complex. Families can learn how to tie sailing knots, create faux scrimshaw art, write with quill and ink pens and more. Through the physical action of these programs, you will be able to gain a better understanding of how these people lived in the 19th century. Each program also allows for interaction with real artifacts from the museum's collection. All one-hour programs begin at 3:00 pm and are free of charge. To sign up contact the Director of Education Connor Flanagan by calling (631) 283-2494 ext. 500 or emailing him at cflanagan@southamptonhistory.org
Free Fireworks – Coney Island Boardwalk
Through August 31, 2018 – Coney Island
Enjoy a free fireworks show at Coney Island from high atop Deno's Wonder Wheel on the Boardwalk!
Art Adventures! – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through August 31, 2018 – Brooklyn
Art Adventures! Friday, 11 – 12pm Ages 4 to 6 years Each week children and caregivers explore art in the SPARK studio, experiment with materials, discover hidden objects from the BCM collection on scavenger hunt challenges and create masterworks in this one-hour class. SPARK offers registered semester-long classes featuring art, language, music, and movement for children ages 9 months to 6 years and their caregivers. • All classes take place at SPARK, 1 John Street, Bklyn, NY 11201 • Sessions are taught by professional Teaching Artists • Class size limited to 12 children and their caregivers. • Advanced registration required • Tuition: $264 per child for the 8-week session (10% discount for BCM Passport Members) Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Schedule and offerings subject to change. Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Register online at brooklynkids.org/spark
Wild Waterfront – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through August 31, 2018 – Brooklyn
Wild Waterfront Friday, 9:30 – 10:30 am Ages 2 to 5 years Brooklyn’s own waterfront offers endless ways to explore nature up close! We’ll get our hands a little dirty, have a close look at some of the plants and animals in our Brooklyn backyard, and create hands-on projects inspired by our outdoor adventures. SPARK offers registered semester-long classes featuring art, language, music, and movement for children ages 9 months to 6 years and their caregivers. • All classes take place at SPARK, 1 John Street, Bklyn, NY 11201 • Sessions are taught by professional Teaching Artists • Class size limited to 12 children and their caregivers. • Advanced registration required • Tuition: $264 per child for the 8-week session (10% discount for BCM Passport Members) Children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Schedule and offerings subject to change. Tuition is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Register online at brooklynkids.org/spark
Summer of Spielberg, Outdoor Film Series – Southampton Arts Center
Through August 31, 2018 – Southampton
Southampton Arts Center is delighted to partner with Hamptons International Film Festival for the fifth year in a row to offer Free Outdoor Screenings of classic movies throughout the Summer. To celebrate 5 years of outdoor film, 2018 has been deemed the “Summer of Spielberg”, where all outdoor films shown will be classic selections written or directed by this master of film making. “Summer of Spielberg” schedule: Friday, July 6: Raiders of the Lost Ark Friday, July 13: Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom Friday, July 20: Close Encounters of the Third Kind Friday, July 27: Hook Friday, August 3: Poltergeist Friday, August 10: Ready Player One Friday, August 17: The Post (will be shown indoors at 7 PM) Friday, August 24: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Friday, August 31: Annual Screening of JAWS FRIDAY NIGHT FILMS are offered FREE outdoors on our lawn – bring chairs, blankets and picnics! Rain or Shine – in the event of rain, films will be shown indoors in the theater. Please visit www.southamptonartscenter.org
Lerner & Loewe's My Fair Lady – Lincoln Center Theater – Vivian Beaumont Theater
Through August 31, 2018 – New York
The most beloved musical of all time, Lerner & Loewe's MY FAIR LADY returns to Broadway in a lavish new production from Lincoln Center Theater, the theater that brought you the Tony-winning revivals of South Pacific and The King and I. Directed by Tony winner Bartlett Sher, the stellar cast – led by Lauren Ambrose, Harry Hadden-Paton, Norbert Leo Butz, Diana Rigg, Allan Corduner, Jordan Donica, Linda Mugleston and Manu Narayan – tells the story of Eliza Doolittle, a young Cockney flower seller, and Henry Higgins, a linguistics professor who is determined to transform her into his idea of a "proper lady." But who is really being transformed? The classic score features "I Could Have Danced All Night," "The Rain in Spain," "Wouldn't It Be Loverly" and "On the Street Where You Live." The original 1956 production won six Tony Awards including Best Musical, and was hailed by The New York Times as "one of the best musicals of the century."
Pop-Up Audubon: Fishing and Birdwatching – Prospect Park
Through August 31, 2018 – Prospect Park
Join Prospect Park Alliance educators in free fishing clinics and birdwatching with the whole family! Participants learn about aquatic ecology, fishing safety and will even get to collect their own bait. Then, participants of all ages can join Alliance naturalists on a walk to identify up to 250 species of birds that pass through Prospect Park. Check online for more schedule and location details.
Our Backyard: Seasonal Water Exhibit – Long Island Children's Museum
Through August 31, 2018 – Garden City
Kids can enjoy the outdoors with the Long Island Children Museum's seasonal "Our Backyard" exhibit. The award-winning outdoor exhibit offers a sensory garden, a water table, and lush plants. There are plenty of interactive elements including a pirate ship wheel, a hand pump to create summer showers on demand, a "fishing" setup, evaporation art, and even a boat race option.
Summer Lunch – Brentwood Public Library
Through August 31, 2018 – Brentwood
Island Harvest Food Bank’s Summer Food Service Program helps children ages 18 and under get nutritious meals when school’s out.
Whole Foods Market Kids Cooking Summer Series – Whole Foods Market
Through August 31, 2018 –
Kids will create fresh and flavorful recipes while having fun and learning about food in these 45-minute culinary classes at locations on the Upper West Side, Upper East Side, Tribeca, and Midtown.
Rockefeller Center Farmers Market Returns This Summer – Offering Specialty Products from Regional Farms – Rockefeller Center
Through August 31, 2018 – New York
Rockefeller Center’s annual farmers market returns this summer with a wide variety of specialty products from regional farms spanning New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. The market will be open Wednesday, July 25 through Friday, August 31, Wednesday-Friday of each week from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., at Rockefeller Center Plaza, located between 49th and 50th Streets and 5th and 6th Avenues, Manhattan. Shoppers will find fresh produce, meat, eggs, flowers, baked goods, cheeses, wine, spirits, and more. The farmers market is organized by the GrowNYC Greenmarket and is free and open to the public. For more information visit rockefellercenter.com. For news and updates follow @RockCenterNYC on Twitter and Instagram and Like Rockefeller Center on Facebook. Join the conversation by using #RockCenter DATE: Wednesday, July 25 – Friday, August 31 Wednesday through Friday, weekly TIME: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. LOCATION: Rockefeller Plaza Between 49th and 50th Streets and 5th and 6th Avenues Manhattan
Pop-Up Pool – Brooklyn Bridge Park
Through August 31, 2018 – Dumbo
Take a dip in one of New York City’s coolest hidden gems, then relax on the beach after your swim. The pool is 30 by 50 feet in size, and maxes out at an easy 3.5 feet deep—making it just right for families with smaller kids, too. Swimmers of all ages and levels are welcome to enter daily from 10 am to 6 pm for 45-minute sessions.
Summer Sunsational – White Post Farms
Through August 31, 2018 – Melville
Kick off Summer with magic and water fun. There will be water bouncers, a magic show, giraffe station, monkey barn, bird aviary and friendly animals waiting for you to visit. All activities are weather permitting.
Rock and Roll Playhouse with Face Painting – Industry City
Through August 31, 2018 – Sunset Park
Every Wednesday, enjoy free family concerts with live bands and face painting with The Cheeky Chipmunk at Courtyard 1/2.
Claude’s at the Southampton Inn – Southampton Inn
Through August 31, 2018 – Southampton
Claude’s at the Southampton Inn is the exciting debut 2018 eatery providing the epitome of comfort and luxury dining plus entertainment in Southampton. This summertime favorite of locals and visitors alike is perfectly situated at the epicenter of Southampton Village. Enter via the enchanting European-styled courtyard, freshly re-planted gardens, and pool patio to discover Claude’s newly renovated interior space — your premier destination for summer 2018. This beloved and bespoke restaurant will be serving delectable chef’s-choice dinners from renowned Executive Chef James Carpenter. Claude’s Restaurant is open year- round and provides beautiful inside dining or enchanting outdoor dining in the European courtyard or poolside patio. The restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner from 7:00am to 9:00pm. Carry Out Claudes will be ready to supply to-go lunches and suppers for trips to the beach, picnics, beautiful hikes through Southampton. A newly constructed state-of-the-art performance stage will host rock star pianist, actor, and Juilliard School prodigy Konstantin Soukhovetski every Thursday evening from 9:00pm to 10:00 pm. Beginning June 21, 2018, Soukhovetski will delight audiences with his renditions of popular tunes on a one-of-a-kind all-glass baby grand piano— designed especially for his performances. Dinner from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
Al Hirschfeld Birthday Celebration – The Algonquin Hotel
Through August 31, 2018 – New York
The Algonquin Hotel and The Al Hirschfeld Foundation invite you to an Al Hirschfeld Birthday Celebration. The exhibit 'Broadway Today As Seen by Hirschfeld' is on view in the Algonquin Lobby through August.
Molasses in January – Theater Center
Through August 31, 2018 – New York City
"Molasses in January" is a charming historical fiction musical that is fun for the whole family, ages 8 and up. Performances are every WED, THURS at 7:30 and SAT at 5. Call Theater Center at 212 921-7862 for tickets, location of theater is 210 West 50th St New York." Molasses in January", tells of struggling Italian immigrants who are literally swept up in the Boston Molasses disaster of 1919. The play is similar to "Fiddler on the Roof". "Molasses in January" is done in a traditional Broadway musical songbook style. A fun time for the whole family www.molassesinjanuary.net
Al Hirschfeld Birthday Celebration – The Algonquin Hotel
Through August 31, 2018 – New York
The Algonquin Hotel and The Al Hirschfeld Foundation invite you to an Al Hirschfeld Birthday Celebration. The exhibit 'Broadway Today As Seen by Hirschfeld' is on view in the Algonquin Lobby through August.
Regal Summer Movie Express – UA Sheepshead Bay Stadium 14
Through August 31, 2018 – Sheepshead Bay
Throughout July and August, Regal Cinemas in Brooklyn and Staten Island (UA Sheepshead Bay Stadium 14 IMAX & RPX and UA Staten Island Stadium 16 & RPX) will screen family-friendly movies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for just $1, with a portion of proceeds benefitting the Will Rogers Institute. Films will include Despicable Me, Storks, Iron Giant, The Lego Movie, and many more!
Summer Sounds Concert Series – Hudson Park
Through August 31, 2018 – New Rochelle
The band shell at New Rochelle’s historic Hudson Park will once again be filled with the “sound of music” as the New Rochelle Council on the Arts presents its annual summer concert series. The Emil Paolucci Summer Sounds Concert Series, created by the New Rochelle Council on the Arts, is in its 11th season and this year’s concerts will feature an eclectic menu of musicians performing everything from mellow jazz to opera to Salsa, Motown, and even a Ray Charles tribute band. This year the popular dance band Alive N Kickin will open the season performing Motown, R&B, Disco, and Swing favorites on June 27.
Summer Music Lessons – Bach To Rock Nanuet
Through August 31, 2018 – Nanuet
BACH TO ROCK is a music education center for students of all ages. Offering a unique method, based on the knowledge that students learn best when they join together to play the music they like the most. Kids enjoy special arrangements of the music of our time and combine individual lessons with band instruction. Learn more about PRIVATE LESSONS (AGES 7+) B2R ROCK BAND (AGES 7+) BEAT REFINERY (DJ School) (AGES 10+) B2R GLEE CLUB (AGES 7+) ROCK N ROLL (TODDLERS) ROCK CITY (PRESCHOOLERS) KIDS N KEYS (foundational group keyboard class) (AGES 5 – 7) BIRTHDAY PARTIES (AGES 4+) GROUP CLASSES (AGES 7+) B2R STUDIOS. Call today for more information.
Kids in the Kitchen – Long Island Children's Museum
Through August 31, 2018 – Garden City
Kids in the Kitchen
Little chefs use real cooking tools (with some help from adults) as we make easy, yummy, kid-friendly snacks from start to finish. Ages 3 to 8.
Jodi's Gym Summer Mini-Camp – Jodi's Gym
Through August 31, 2018 – Mount Kisco
JODI’S Gym Summer Camp (3 -7 yrs) Join us for a morning of non-stop fun Jodi’s Gym style! Your child will run, jump, tumble, balance, stretch, sing, create, move and groove all under the supervision and care of our well trained and certified staff. Come experience the joys of gymnastics, music and art. It’s a mix that your child is sure to love. Jodi’s Gym camp is offered all summer long (right up to Labor Day!) We offer super flexible scheduling. You register for the days and weeks that work for your schedule. Our camp teachers are our year round gymnastics teachers who have all gone through an extensive Jodi’s Gym training program. Our teachers are carefully selected based on their knowledge in both child development and gymnastics and are USA Gymnastics safety certified, CPR & First Aid certified and background checked. You won’t find a more attentive, caring, fun, enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff anywhere! Super flexible scheduling. You choose the days (any 2-5 days.) You choose the weeks (no minimums!) To register, call 914.244.8811 TUITION 2 days/wk $130 3 days/wk $175 4 days/wk $220 5 days/wk $265 A typical day at camp Ages 3-5 years: June 18th-August 31st; Ages 5-7years: August 6- August 31st
Jodi's Gym Summer Mini-Camp – Jodi's Gym
Through August 31, 2018 – Mount Kisco
JODI’S Gym Summer Camp (3 -7 yrs) Join us for a morning of non-stop fun Jodi’s Gym style! Your child will run, jump, tumble, balance, stretch, sing, create, move and groove all under the supervision and care of our well trained and certified staff. Come experience the joys of gymnastics, music and art. It’s a mix that your child is sure to love. Jodi’s Gym camp is offered all summer long (right up to Labor Day!) We offer super flexible scheduling. You register for the days and weeks that work for your schedule. Our camp teachers are our year round gymnastics teachers who have all gone through an extensive Jodi’s Gym training program. Our teachers are carefully selected based on their knowledge in both child development and gymnastics and are USA Gymnastics safety certified, CPR & First Aid certified and background checked. You won’t find a more attentive, caring, fun, enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff anywhere! Super flexible scheduling. You choose the days (any 2-5 days.) You choose the weeks (no minimums!) To register, call 914.244.8811 TUITION 2 days/wk $130 3 days/wk $175 4 days/wk $220 5 days/wk $265 A typical day at camp Ages 3-5 years: June 18th-August 31st; Ages 5-7years: August 6- August 31st
Al Hirschfeld Birthday Celebration – The Algonquin Hotel
Through August 31, 2018 – New York
The Algonquin Hotel and The Al Hirschfeld Foundation invite you to an Al Hirschfeld Birthday Celebration. The exhibit 'Broadway Today As Seen by Hirschfeld' is on view in the Algonquin Lobby through August.
Al Hirschfeld Birthday Celebration – The Algonquin Hotel
Through August 31, 2018 – New York
The Algonquin Hotel and The Al Hirschfeld Foundation invite you to an Al Hirschfeld Birthday Celebration. The exhibit 'Broadway Today As Seen by Hirschfeld' is on view in the Algonquin Lobby through August.
CONSORTIUM Custom Fashion Pop-up – CONSORTIUM Custom Fashion Pop-up
Through September 01, 2018 – New York
Sam Payrovi, founder of CONSORTIUM, the first specialized retailer for customizable fashion brands, proudly announces the official opening of the brand’s first concept store in New York’s SoHo neighborhood. The pop-up, located at 60 Grand Street, will be open to the public from July 10th through September 1st. Brands participating in the New York pop-up include custom fashion brands for men and women including Saintly, Stantt, Jeanuine, Awl & Sundry, Martenero, Piemer, Borun, Olfactory, Impish Lee and Laudi Vidni. The pop-up in New York will feature one-stop shopping for customizable brands and a guided design experience integrating technology via oversized touchscreens throughout the loftlike space. The high touch customer service includes personal stylists to guide clients through their design journey in store. EVENTS CALENDAR In New York, CONSORTIUM will offer unique experiences for clients such as: CONSORTIUM Happy Hour – Every Friday starting at 5 pm CONSORTIUM After Hours – Every Saturday starting at 7 pm World Cup Finals Party – July 15 Personal Stylist Appointments – July and August CONSORTIUM Power Hour- featuring brand events & deals Group shopping parties & special events For more information visit www.shopconsortium.com
LUMBERYARD Contemporary Performing Arts Presents Inaugural Summer Season in New York’s Hudson Valley, Bridge Street Theatre, Hudson Hall – Club Helsinki Hudson, LUMBERYARD Contemporary Performing Arts
Through September 01, 2018 –
LUMBERYARD Contemporary Performing Arts will present its inaugural Summer Season, which will take place from June 28 – September 1 in the Hudson Valley. The season will offer audiences a sneak peek at new works by a wide range of celebrated artists, including Urban Bush Women (June 28-July 1), Streb (July 6-8), Bridgman|Packer Dance (July 13-14), d. Sabela Grimes (July 27-29), Jodi Melnick (August 3-5), John Jasperse (August 17-19), Ishmael Houston-Jones and Miguel Gutierrez (August 24-26), and Savion Glover featuring Marcus Gilmore (September 1). The season represents the fullest realization to date of LUMBERYARD’s mission, to make transformative contributions both to the cultural landscape and economic health of Upstate New York, and to the field of contemporary performance in New York City and the U.S., by bringing renowned and emerging artists across the performing arts landscape to Catskill for out-of-town premieres.
Zero Waste Design Guidelines Exhibition – AIA New York | Center for Architecture
Through September 01, 2018 – New York
The Center for Architecture will host an exhibition curated by journalist Andrew Blum that will look beyond the guidelines and explore the challenges and opportunities latent during a particular segment of the lifecycle of trash: the brief period between when we release it from our hands and it rolls away on the back of a truck. The exhibition, on view from June 14 to September 1, 2018, will be accompanied by a full-day symposium, evening panels, and k-12 educational programming for local students.
Vivek Shraya: Trisha – Ace Hotel
Through September 01, 2018 – New York
Ace Hotel New York and John Chaich are proud to present Vivek Shraya: Trisha, a captivating photo series in which the artist occupies spaces and wears outfits to recreate photographs of her mother from the 1970s when she was a single woman recently immigrated to Canada. The concept was born from a desire to document striking physical similarities Shraya first began to notice while transitioning. Chaich notes that Vivek's imperfect recreations remind viewers that "queer people create our gender presentations with what's available to us, wherever we are." The collection's juxtaposition of new and source images creates a dialogue across time, genealogy and gender. Canada's Vivek Shraya is a queer-identifying artist whose body of work spans photography, albums, films and books. Her 2017 album with Queer Songbook Orchestra, Part-Time Woman, was included in CBC's Best Canadian Albums of 2017; her first book of poetry, even this page is white, won a 2017 Publisher Triangle Award and was longlisted for CBC's Canada Reads and her debut novel, She of the Mountains, was named one of The Globe and Mail's Best Books. The founder of the publishing imprint VS. Books and a four-time Lambda Literary Award finalist, Vivek was a 2016 Pride Toronto Grand Marshal, has received honors from the Toronto Arts Foundation and The Writers' Trust of Canada, and is currently an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Calgary. A reception for the exhibition will take place on Thursday July 12 at 7pm. On view through August 31. Creative direction: Vivek Shraya; Artwork and photography: Karen Campos Castillo; Makeup: Alanna Chelmick; Hair: Fabio Persico; Clothing in 4, 5 & 8: M. Orbe; Set and wardrobe assistants: Shemeena Shraya and Adam Holman. Image: Vivek Shraya, Trisha, Composite detail, 2018. Courtesy of the artist.
Night Climb – Bronx Zoo Treetop Adventure
Through September 01, 2018 – Bronx
Experience the zoo's popular Treetop Adventure under the stars! Extended hours create a magical night in the treetops. Beginner to expert – you’ll have a fun evening with family and friends.
Call for Entries: Design ‘N Gather 2018 – The NoMad Hotel
Through September 01, 2018 –
Design ‘N Gather, the much-heralded, annual global mosaic design competition created by Artaic – Innovative Mosaic and sponsored by Bostik Smart Adhesives, has just started accepting submissions for its 2018 edition. The competition welcomes designers and collaborative groups from all disciplines to create a mosaic design using Artaic’s mosaic software, Tylist™. This year, one winner will have their design installed inside the iconic Cupola at the NoMad Hotel. This is a chance for your artwork to be a permanent part of a world-renowned hotel in the heart of New York City! The competition winner will receive: – Free trip for two to Paris, France. – Major publicity and press coverage at BDNY and beyond. – The winning mosaic will be permanently installed in The NoMad Hotel’s iconic Cupola and unveiled at an exclusive event during Boutique Design New York (BDNY) in November 2018. Rules and Regulations: – Free participation, no purchase necessary. – Registration is required. – Participation is open to applicants from all design backgrounds including professionals, students and design-enthusiasts. – Participants must be over 21 years of age and currently reside within the US & Canada. – Collaboration is encouraged. – Entries may be submitted by groups, companies, and individuals alike. – Participants may submit up to 2 designs. Each concept must be submitted as a separate entry. – All submissions must be received prior to 11:59pm on Saturday, September 1, 2018. – Finalists will be selected by a jury of design professionals, in a blind merit-based judging process. – View the complete Terms and Conditions at designngather.com
Designing Waste: Strategies for a Zero Waste City Exhibition – Center for Architecture
Through September 01, 2018 – New York
The Designing Waste: Strategies for a Zero Waste City exhibition opens at the Center for Architecture in NYC, explores how architects, designers, and building professionals can help NYC achieve its goal of sending zero waste to landfills by 2030. The 10-week exhibition focuses on a particular segment of the waste stream: the brief period between when we discard something and it rolls away on the back of a truck.
Autism Spectrum Tour: The Discovery Squad – American Museum of Natural History
Through September 01, 2018 – Upper West Side
Families with members on the autism spectrum can attend a 40-minute tour led by specially trained guides, then spend some time exploring the Discovery Room before the museum opens to the public.
Children ages 5–9 will discover the dioramas in the Jill and Lewis Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, which offers a snapshot of the plants and animals native to North America. They will then plunge into the ocean to explore the dioramas in the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life. Children ages 10–14 will take a trip through the David S. and Ruth L. Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth to explore the planet we live on and the forces that create volcanoes, earthquakes, and rock formations.
Space is limited and advance registration is required.
Designing Waste: Strategies for a Zero Waste City Exhibition – Center for Architecture
Through September 01, 2018 – Greenwich Village
The Designing Waste: Strategies for a Zero Waste City exhibition opens at the Center for Architecture in NYC, explores how architects, designers, and building professionals can help NYC achieve its goal of sending zero waste to landfills by 2030. The 10-week exhibition focuses on a particular segment of the waste stream: the brief period between when we discard something and it rolls away on the back of a truck.
Native Voices: New England Tribal Families Exhibition – Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through September 02, 2018 – Crown Heights
BCM's newest exhibit, Native Voices: New England Tribal Families, opened June 30th and features the seasonal traditions of five Native American tribes from New England. Meet the Narragansett, Mashpee Wampanoag, Aquinnah Wampanoag, and Penobscot and Passamaquoddy communities through photographs, videos, and activities that invite you to participate in daily life and special events. Join us for this important and unique opportunity to learn about the history and modern life of indigenous communities through first-person narratives, oral history storytelling, large photo murals, hands-on activities, and evocative collection objects. Visitors will also be invited to explore a wigwam that will be built on the Museum's roof and learn about traditional building methods.
National Geographic Photo Ark – Bruce Museum
Through September 02, 2018 – Greenwich
The National Geographic Photo Ark is an ambitious project committed to documenting every species in captivity—inspiring people not just to care, but also to help protect these animals for future generations. In addition to creating an archival record for generations to come, this project is a hopeful platform for conservation and shines a light on individuals and organizations working to preserve species around the world. The Photo Ark exhibition will highlight more than 50 of Sartore's most compelling images and provide visitors with the unique opportunity to come face to face with animals from the National Geographic Photo Ark. Sartore has worked in more than 250 zoos, aquariums and animal rescue centers around the world. To date, he has completed intimate portraits of nearly 8,000 species.
25th Annual Harlem Meer Performance Festival – Central Park, Charles A. Dana Discovery Center
Through September 02, 2018 – Central Park
Enjoy the best local talent on an outdoor stage at this free festival featuring established and emerging artists in jazz, Latin, world, and gospel music and dance.
Rockwell, Roosevelt & the Four Freedoms – New York Historical Society
Through September 02, 2018 – Upper West Side
The first internationally touring exhibition devoted to Rockwell's iconic depictions of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Four Freedoms launches at the New-York Historical Society in May. The traveling exhibition, which was organized by the Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, explores how Rockwell's 1943 paintings—Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Fear, and Freedom from Want—gave visual voice to Roosevelt's call to the defense of freedom worldwide and took their place among the most enduring images in the history of American art. In addition to Rockwell's Four Freedoms, the exhibition encompasses numerous other examples of painting, illustration, and more, by both Rockwell and a broad range of his contemporaries, as well as historical documents, photographs, videos, and artifacts; interactive digital displays; and immersive settings, some using virtual-reality technology, all on the theme of the Four Freedoms, from FDR's initial enunciation of them as a reason to enter the War to their powerful post-war legacy. Following New-York Historical, the exhibition travels to The Henry Ford, Dearborn, MI; The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum, Washington, D.C.; Mémorial de Caen, Normandy, France; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX ; and the Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge, MA.
Surface/Depth: The Decorative After Miriam Schapiro – The Museum of Arts and Design
Through September 02, 2018 – Columbus Circle
In June of 2015, Miriam Schapiro, the pioneering feminist artist and founding member of the Pattern and Decoration movement, passed away at the age of 91. Surprisingly, given her status as the elder stateswoman of the feminist art movement, the tremendous impact of her oeuvre on contemporary art has yet to be fully acknowledged or critically assessed. This exhibition seeks to redress this gap in the history of American art through an exploration of Schapiro’s signature femmages, the term she coined to describe her distinctive hybrid of painting and collage inspired by women’s domestic arts and crafts and the feminist critique of the hierarchy of art and craft. In examining the aesthetic and political objectives of Schapiro’s femmages, this exhibition highlights the pivotal role her work and leadership played in the expansion of the art world to include historically marginalized forms of craft, decoration, and abstract patterning associated with femininity and women’s work.
Although she is unheralded as the source, the influence of Schapiro’s subjective approach to forms of decoration can be identified today in an remarkably diverse group of artists who continue to find inspiration in her embrace of artistic practices outside the art historical canon. To highlight this legacy, works by a select group of contemporary artists, including Sanford Biggers, Josh Blackwell, Edie Fake, Jeffrey Gibson, Judy Ledgerwood, Jodie Mack, Sara Rahbar, Ruth Root, and Jasmin Sian, will be exhibited alongside Schapiro’s signature femmages. This juxtaposition of historic and contemporary work brings into critical focus the tremendous role Schapiro’s femmages played in the reframing of craft and decoration, while shining a light on the way artists today, both distinguished and emerging, continue to approach the decorative as a language of abstraction tied to the personal and the political.
Traveling Exhibit: Hands-On Harley-Davidson™ – Long Island Children's Museum
Through September 02, 2018 – Garden City
Roar into a kid-sized motorcycle dealership and engineering lab in this one-of-a-kind visitor experience that lets kids—and adults—Dream It! Build It!…and Ride It!
Visitors this summer can explore a pretend motorcycle dealership while learning about the people, places and processes that make a community work. using activities to:
Roar into a kid-sized motorcycle dealership and engineering lab in this one-of-a-kind visitor experience that lets kids—and adults—Dream It! Build It!…and Ride It!
Visitors this summer can explore a pretend motorcycle dealership while learning about the people, places and processes that make a community work. using activities that promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) themes This interactive exhibit provides hands-on opportunities to “Dream It!”, “Build It!” and “Ride It” as you:
* hit the open road as you explore US and international touring routes
* become a design engineer and learn how accelereration, speed, friction, gravity, and other laws of physics affect a motorcycle in motion
* work with friends and family to create a custom motorcycle using interchangeable parts and accessories
* experiment to see what happens when a rider throttles, leans into a curve, or descends a mountain road
Hands-On Harley-Davidson was created by the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum (BBCM) in collaboration with Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
Extended Summer Hours – Storm King Art Center
Through September 02, 2018 – New Windsor
Take advantage of the season's longer days at this 500-acre sculpture park full of rolling hills, woodlands, and fields of native grasses and wildflowers. Kids will marvel at the 100 carefully sited sculptures created by some of the most acclaimed artists of our time.
The New Genres: Video in the Internet Age – Museum of the Moving Image
Through September 02, 2018 – Astoria
MoMI is opening “The New Genres: Video in the Internet Age,” a new exhibit exploring how modern platforms and technology have drastically impacted not only how we watch, make, and share videos, but what kinds of videos those are as well. As part of the exhibition, Polygon created a series of videos breaking down the biggest topics, including ASMR, Unboxing, Explainers, Let’s Play, Reaction videos and Vlogging. These videos can be seen throughout the exhibit, as well as in the main amphitheater. You can read more about the exhibit here, and find additional details below. WHO: Polygon and the Museum of Moving Image WHAT: “The New Genres: Video in the Internet Age” WHERE: The Museum of Moving Image — 36-01 35 Ave, Astoria, NY 11106 WHEN: April 27 – September 2 MoMI is open Wednesday / Thursday from 10:30AM–5:00PM, Friday from: 10:30AM–8:00PM and Saturday / Sunday from 10:30AM–6:00PM
'Newsies' – John W. Engeman Theater
Through September 02, 2018 – Northport
Set in New York City at the turn of the century, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a ragged band of teenaged ‘newsies,’ who dreams only of a better life far from the hardship of the streets. This all singing, all dancing, high-energy show features a score by eight-time Academy Award® winner Alan Menken (Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Sister Act) and Jack Feldman including “Carrying the Banner,” “Seize the Day,” “King of New York” and “Santa Fe.”
Shrek the Musical – John W. Engeman Theater at Northport
Through September 02, 2018 – Northport
“Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek….” And thus begins the tale of an unlikely hero who finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wisecracking Donkey and a feisty princess who resists her rescue. Throw in a short-tempered bad guy, a cookie with an attitude and over a dozen other fairy tale misfits, and you’ve got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily, there’s one on hand… and his name is Shrek. Based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, Shrek The Musical brings all the beloved characters you know from the film to life on stage and proves there’s more to the story than meets the ears.
Special Exhibit: “Stuffed Animal CARE-ium” – Maritime Aquarium
Through September 03, 2018 – Norwalk
Follow a rescued baby loggerhead sea turtle through its first year of life. The Aquarium will raise it for release into the Atlantic Ocean next fall. The guest sea turtle, only about 3 inches at first, will live in a new habitat near the "Sea Turtles" exhibit.
Special Exhibit: 'Albino Alligator' – Maritime Aquarium
Through September 03, 2018 – Norwalk
See a rare “great white of the wetlands” – an 8-foot albino alligator – in a special exhibit. Albino alligators are white because they lack the pigment called melanin that normally gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes. Aside from being creamy white, they look and act like a regular gator.
Albino alligators are very rare because, when young in the wild, they’re more obvious to predators. Plus, white alligators can’t bask in the sun like normal alligators – a necessary behavior for cold-blooded reptiles – because they’re susceptible to sunburns. The Aquarium’s visiting albino alligator will enjoy a special shaded enclosure out on the riverfront courtyard.
Access+Ability – Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Through September 03, 2018 – Upper East Side
This powerful new exhibit displays products, projects, and services developed by and with people with disabilities—physical, cognitive, and sensory—that expand their ability to lead independent lives and engage more fully in the world. The Access+Ability exhibition features more than 70 works, from adaptive clothing and eating implements that assist with daily routines to apps and “smart” technologies that aid in social interactions and navigating the environment. A variety of interactive elements will be installed throughout the exhibition to engage visitors, underscoring the importance of prioritizing users throughout the design process.
Kids Ride Free All Summer – All New York Waterway Ferry Terminals
Through September 03, 2018 – Weehawken
Kids under the age of 12 ride free on all NY Waterway Ferries all summer between New Jersey and Manhattan. There are even more opportunities for families to enjoy the best of the Big Apple with NY Waterway’s new expanded weekend service.
Summer Kids Ride Free adds even more value for families enjoying NY Waterway’s Your Key To The City™ attractions packages, which offer discounts of up to 56% on top New York City museums, attractions, and tours, such as the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, Madame Tussauds, and many more.
Highlights Of German Art from the Collection – Neue Galerie New York
Through September 03, 2018 – New York
The German collection spans the period from 1890 to 1940, and emphasizes the key movements of that era, including Expressionism, with canvases by members of the Brücke (Bridge), including Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Max Pechstein, and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, and also artists affiliated with the Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider), such as Vasily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, August Macke, and Gabriele Münter. The Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) movement is also addressed, with important selections by Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, George Grosz, and Christian Schad. In the decorative arts, the Bauhaus is a special area of emphasis, with major examples of design by Marianne Brandt, Marcel Breuer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Wilhelm Wagenfeld. Collectively, these works reflect this tumultuous epoch in German history, as the nation shifted from an empire to a fragile democracy under the Weimar Republic following World War I. Likewise, the utopian ideal of uniting art and life in the pre-war era was replaced by a more practical embrace of a machine aesthetic, as artists reconciled themselves to the emergence of modern technology.
Camp Cookie Do – Chefs Club Counter
Through September 03, 2018 – Soho
The next Chefs Club Counter pop-up partner in the annex space is edible cookie dough sensation D?!, who will be running a Camp Cookie D? themed shop all summer. This summer's camp themed pop-up will offer delicious takes on classic childhood camp desserts, fun summer-camp themed activities, and more.
The soft serve ice cream flavors are in collaboration with Blue Marble Ice Cream. Guests can also purchase specialty t-shirts, candy, tattoos and camp notepads from the “Canteen”.
Camp Cookie D? is decorated to remind guests of their favorite camp memories with a canoe, swing, mural wall, and plenty of photo opportunities. Guests can lounge with their desserts on the outdoor Adirondack chairs and wood stumps located on Lafayette Street outside the shop.
Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele: 1918 Centenary – Neue Galerie New York
Through September 03, 2018 – New York
Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) and Egon Schiele (1890-1918) are two of the greatest artists Austria produced in the early twentieth century. Although born nearly thirty years apart, both tragically died in 1918—the same year that the Austro-Hungarian Empire ceased to exist following its defeat in World War I. Over the intervening century, the works of Klimt and Schiele have come to define the fertile creativity that marked the so-called "joyous apocalypse," an apt term used to connote the waning days of Habsburg rule. This show pays tribute to the groundbreaking achievements of Klimt and Schiele, two masterful artists who are key figures in the collection of the Neue Galerie New York.
Madison Square Park Conservancy Announces Artist Diana Al-Hadid’s First Major Commissioned Outdoor Public Art Exhibition – Madison Square Park
Through September 03, 2018 – New York
Madison Square Park Conservancy Announces Artist Diana Al-Hadid’s First Major Commissioned Outdoor Public Art Exhibition Date: May 14, 2018 through September 3, 2018. Madison Square Park Conservancy announces its thirty-sixth exhibition, Delirious Matter by artist Diana Al-Hadid. Six new sculptures will be installed across Madison Square Park’s central Oval Lawn, peripheral lawns, and northern reflecting pool. Delirious Matter is the artist’s first major public art project. It will be on view from May 14, 2018- September 3, 2018. In spring 2018, artist Diana Al-Hadid (American, b. Aleppo, Syria 1981, lives and works in Brooklyn) will create newly commissioned sculptures in Madison Square Park. Two wall works will be combined with rows of hedges to form a room suggesting the elegiac beauty of deteriorating structures nestled into plant material. Three reclining female figures, titled Synonym, sit on plinths and will be displayed on the surrounding lawns. In the Park’s reflecting pool, the artist will realize a site-specific sculptural bust of a female figure perched atop a fragmented mountain. Al-Hadid is best known for creating work using traditional and contemporary sculpture materials and processes in unfamiliar ways that pivot amongst architecture, figuration, and abstraction. Despite the eroded appearance, the process is additive. Al-Hadid devised a distinctive process that is, in her words, “a blend between fresco and tapestry.” Delirious Matter is the first project by the artist and the first Conservancy commission to unite sculpture with plant materials. Website Link: https://www.madisonsquarepark.org Cost: Free
2018 Plaza Cafés – Rockefeller Center
Through September 03, 2018 – New York
Two outdoor dining options will open at Rockefeller Center for a limited time this summer: LT Biergarten Presented by Brasserie Ruhlmann, an outdoor dining haven featuring traditional German fare and a variety of beers on tap, and Limani Café, an al fresco oasis offering the best in Mediterranean cuisine. The outdoor cafes will open on Friday, June 8 in Rockefeller Plaza between 50th and 51st Streets and 5th and 6th Avenues. Both patios will be open throughout the summer, Monday through Saturday from 11:30am to 9pm and Sunday from 11:30am to 3:30pm. The LT Biergarten menu includes sausages, salads, snacks and ice cream sandwiches. Featured items include the Brew Master salad with radicchio, baby kale, frisee, gruyere, black forest ham, red onion, cherry tomato, mushroom, and egg; sausage options including Bratwurst, Wiener, Bauernwurst, Chicken Bratwurst, and Knackwurst; and a German chocolate macaroon ice cream sandwich. Happy hour specials featuring $5 beers will be available Monday through Friday from 4-6pm. The Limani Café menu includes salads, Paninis, sliders, additional light fare and desserts. Featured items include an octopus salad; a vegetarian Panini; lobster sliders; a seafood skewer with scallops, shrimp, and swordfish; baby lamb chops; and baklava.
MAGNUM New York – MAGNUM New York
Through September 03, 2018 – New York
MAGNUM New York returns for year three, fusing MAGNUM’s delicious ice cream, decadent Belgian chocolate and a variety of fun toppings together in an indulgent and customized bar unlike any other. MAGNUM New York features a one-of-a-kind premium chocolate and ice cream experience. Guests create a custom MAGNUM Bar at the “dipping bar” by selecting silky vanilla bean or rich chocolate ice cream bars to be hand-dipped in a choice of dark, milk or white chocolate coating. They then can choose three custom toppings from 20 premium ingredients such as the classic culinary rose petals, dried raspberry, and hazelnut croquant, as well as new additions for 2018 including dark chocolate crispy caviar, mini peanut butter chips and salted caramel coated biscuits. Guests will also have the opportunity to experience how premium ingredients not only taste, but are exalted by pure aroma at MAGNUM New York’s first ever aroma bar. LOCATION: MAGNUM New York, SoHo Neighborhood, 132 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012 DATES: June 1st – Labor Day 2018 HOURS: Monday – Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Built Exhibition Opening – Socrates Sculpture Park
Through September 03, 2018 – Long Island City
A park-wide solo exhibition of newly commissioned works by Virginia Overton that refashion found materials with dynamism and potency. In succinct, elegant forms, often accompanied with wry humor, Overton addresses concepts of labor, economics, and the land. Her material choices–fundamental elements for construction and fabrication–combined with her transparent approach to process, evoke narratives of self-reliance, creative constraints, and expediency. At the park, Overton creates new iterations of familiar works–an altered pickup truck, a water feature, a roof truss gem sculpture, and a suspended beam, among others.
Julia Phillips: Failure Detection – The Museum of Modern Art
Through September 03, 2018 – Manhattan
MoMA PS1 will present the first solo museum exhibition of New York-based artist Julia Phillips (b. 1985, German), featuring newly commissioned major works in combination with existing sculptures. Primarily working with ceramics, Phillips creates objects and scenes that are intimately connected to the body. Her sculptures mostly avoid direct figuration, however, and instead propose various interventions into and support structures for the body, emphasizing its absence from the works. Impressions of the human form are visible through elements like casts of orifices, handprints, and other traces, which indicate particular bodily placements in relation to her forms. While suggestive of particular functions and purposes that are overtly physical, these works also extend to the social and psychological. For Phillips, the body is entangled in the real and abstract spaces of politics, evident through indications given in her arrangements as well as the works' titles, which are often directives for specific actions.
Projects 108: Gauri Gill – The Museum of Modern Art
Through September 03, 2018 – Manhattan
MoMA PS1 presents the US premiere of photographer Gauri Gill's most recent body of work, Acts of Appearance, a series of vivid color photographs for which the artist worked closely with members of an Adivasi community in Jawhar district, Maharashtra, India. Gill's collaborator-subjects are renowned for their papier-mâché objects, including traditional sacred masks. In these pictures they engage in everyday village activities while wearing new masks, made expressly for this body of work, which depict living beings with the physical characteristics of humans, animals, or valued objects. A range of scenarios and narratives, situated in both "reality" and dreamlike states, come together in the photographs, which simultaneously portray symbolic or playful representations as well as the familiar experiences of community members against the backdrop of their home and culture.
David Rosaire and the One and Only Pekingese Dog Act – Long Island Game Farm
Through September 03, 2018 – Manorville
David Rosaire and his pack of adorable and very talented dogs are back at the Long Island Game Farm for the 2018 season.
Reza Abdoh – The Museum of Modern Art
Through September 03, 2018 – Manhattan
Though he was only thirty-two at the time of his passing, the Iranian-American theater director Reza Abdoh's (1963-95) mark on the world of theater was unmistakable. Relentlessly inventive, he pushed his actors—and audiences—to their limits amid ambitious, unusual, disorienting stage sets. Abdoh's aesthetic language borrowed from fairy tales, BDSM, talk shows, raves, video art, and the history of avant-garde theater. This exhibition, the first large-scale retrospective of Abdoh's work, will highlight the diverse video works that Abdoh produced for his performances and an installation based on his 1991 production Bogeyman. The exhibition also includes contextual materials reflecting the club scenes in both Los Angeles and New York, the culture wars of the Reagan era, and the AIDS crisis. Abdoh died of AIDS in 1995.
#TheSweatSessions – Hudson River Park’s 14th Street Park
Through September 04, 2018 – Meatpacking District
Grab your fit friends and join the Meatpacking District for free fitness classes at this summer’s Sweat Sessions! The popular wellness series returns to New York City offering free workout classes nearly every Tuesday night. The al fresco series has been a local favorite over the past several years and consists of three 45-minute classes.
The Meatpacking Business Improvement District is proud to host the annual series again in partnership with The Wellth Collective to offer participants a robust wellness program throughout the summer. Each class is completely free and open to the public. Mats will be provided.
Sara Berman: Between Community and Commerce – ZAZ10TS
Through September 04, 2018 – New York
ZAZ10TS the public art program at 10 Times Square presents SARA BERMAN: BETWEEN COMMERCE AND COMMUNITY Curated by Tamar Dresdner, organized by Tzili Charney July 11 – September 4, 2018 ZAZ10TS is pleased to present an exhibition of lint on canvas works by London-based artist Sara Berman (b.1975) July 11 through September 4, 2018 in the new lobby space at 10 Times Square (aka 1441 Broadway). Titled Between Community and Commerce, the exhibition presents a series of works exploring the former fashion designer's interest in repetition, textiles and patterning, in addition to her deeply held curiosity in social and cultural signifiers, in this case the intimacy of the body in a world of mass consumption and commerce. The installation in the heart of Times Square and the storied commercial building in the Fashion District––the home of so many globalized manufacturing decision makers—is for Berman a fitting showcase to this end. www.zaz10ts.com 10 Times Square (1441 Broadway@ 41st Street) Subways: Times Square 42nd Street (1,2,3, 7, N, Q, R, S, W) , Bryant Park (B,D,F,M)
Microsoft and Artist Mel Chin Unveil 'Unmoored' in New York's Times Square – Broadway Plaza
Through September 05, 2018 – New York
Artist Mel Chin will take over Times Square's Broadway plazas on July 11 with two new installations, 'Wake' and 'Unmoored', as part of a multi-location exhibition Mel Chin: All Over The Place, produced by the Queens Museum and public art nonprofit No Longer Empty. 'Wake', a 24-foot-tall construction resembling a shipwreck intertwined with the skeleton of a marine mammal, adjacent to a 21-foot-tall sculpture based on the figure head of 19th century opera star Jenny Lind, will serve as a bridge to a ground-breaking digital work, 'Unmoored'. In collaboration with Microsoft, 'Unmoored' uses cutting-edge Mixed Reality technology to present a vision of a world where global warming has gone unchecked, with technology bringing the work to life through digital interaction. The augmented reality experience can be viewed on cell phones and tablets through a downloaded app, and will extend from 45th to 47th street from July 11-September 5. A heightened HoloLens experience of the project, created by Microsoft, will be available from July 11-13.
Butterfly House – Tenafly Nature Center
Through September 05, 2018 – Tenafly
Offers visitors a total immersion experience for the young and old as it introduces visitors to the wonders of metamorphosis. See if a butterfly will land on your nectar stick or just watch them fly around you as they move between nectar plants. Observe butterfly chrysalis in the chrysalis box. Maybe you will be lucky enough to see a butterfly emerge!
Yoga in the Park with Sacred Sounds Yoga – Washington Square Park
Through September 06, 2018 – New York
Get your yoga on in Washington Square Park this summer and fall with Sacred Sounds Yoga. Breathe, move, and stretch with us mornings at Garibaldi Plaza. Every Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Port Jeff's 2018 Children's Shows at The Barn – The Barn, behind the Port Jefferson Village Hall
Through September 06, 2018 – Port Jefferson
The Barn, behind the Port Jefferson Village Hall, will be the site for children's shows each Thursday throughout July, August, and early September.
Summer Camp at Jodi's Gym – Jodi's Gym
Through September 07, 2018 – Upper East Side
Your child will run, jump, tumble, balance, stretch, sing, and create under the supervision and care of well-trained and certified staff. Experience the joys of gymnastics, music, and art, all with super flexible scheduling. You choose the days (2 day minimum), you choose the weeks (no minimums!).
Jodi's Gym Summer Camp – Jodi's Gym
Through September 07, 2018 – Mount Kisco
Join for a morning of non-stop fun Jodi’s Gym style! Your child will run, jump, tumble, balance, stretch, sing, create, move, and groove all under the supervision and care of well-trained and certified staff. Experience the joys of gymnastics, music, and art. It’s a mix that your child is sure to love. Choose as few as two days per week or as many as five in any week that works for your family.
Positively 8th Street Festival – West 8th Street
Through September 08, 2018 – Greenwich Village
A celebration of the rich cultural history, businesses, and institutions of 8th Street, featuring live music, food, pop-up parks, arts and crafts, and family fun.
Watch the colorful sights and sounds of the Village pass by while dining outside as Eighth Street restaurants throw open their doors. Enjoy over a dozen Eighth Street takeout options at the seating areas dotted along the block. Then, visit the many Eighth Street lifestyle retailers who will have special Positively 8th Street in-store activities and offers.
For the creative minds of all ages there will be arts and crafts workshops, create collages, learn life drawing, build model cities, and even create your very own Washington Square Arch mobile! If you would rather be on the receiving end of creativity, there will be face painting and caricature drawing. Once finished with creating, get competitive with classic outdoor games and activities.
Fitness buffs can get a quick fix with the NYC Parks mobile fitness center or high intensity dance-cardio classes with 305 Fitness. Not sure you are quite ready for that? Then visit the Mount Sinai/Beth Israel Medical Center for outdoor health screenings and blood pressure checks.
Take the opportunity to meet the leading Village’s leading institutions including the Jefferson Market Library, Greenwich Village Society for Historical Preservation, The Neighborhood Preservation Center, and the Washington Square Park Conservancy, and discover how they each contribute to quality of life in the Village.
There will also be some very special four-legged friends seeking new homes and families in the Village, with the Animal Care Center of New York pet adoption unit.
Little Rock – The Sheen Center for Thought & Culture
Through September 08, 2018 – New York
HISTORY CALLED IT HEROISM. THEY CALLED IT HIGH SCHOOL. LITTLE ROCK tells the riveting true story of the Little Rock Nine, the first black students to attend their city's formerly segregated central high school. What began as their quest for a better education soon became a national crisis, igniting the passions of a divided country and sparking a historic fight for justice in the Jim Crow south. On the cusp of the Civil Rights movement, a changing world watched as these nine children from Arkansas battled for their rights with only a book and pencil. At once harrowing and hopeful, LITTLE ROCK brings urgently to life the Nine's untold personal stories of challenge and resilience, conjuring memories of America not so long ago. From writer and director Rajendra Ramoon Maharaj, this deeply moving play honors the bravery of these young heroes and asks audiences: Would you have had the courage?
Celebrating Bill Cunningham – New-York Historical Society Museum
Through September 09, 2018 – New York
Celebrating Bill Cunningham marks the New-York Historical Society's recent acquisition of objects, personal correspondence, ephemera, and photographs that reflect the life and work of Bill Cunningham, one of the late 20th century's most influential trend-spotters and style authorities. The legendary New York Times journalist and photographer was frequently spied on the city's streets, at fashion shows, and elegant soirées capturing New York's fashion innovators and cultural glitterati. Showcasing a selection from Cunningham's Facades project?his eight-year photographic project documenting New York City's architectural and fashion history, shown at the Museum in 2014?Celebrating Bill Cunningham also features photographs documenting his friendship with floral designer Toni Cimino, known as Suzette; a Cunningham bicycle; his Nikon camera; signature blue jacket; ephemera; and unforgettable William J hats. Curated by Debra Schmidt Bach, curator of decorative arts.
Celebrating Bill Cunningham – New-York Historical Society
Through September 09, 2018 – New York
Celebrating Bill Cunningham marks the New-York Historical Society's recent acquisition of objects, personal correspondence, ephemera, and photographs that reflect the life and work of Bill Cunningham. One of the late 20th century's most influential trend-spotters and style authorities, the legendary New York Times journalist and photographer was frequently spied on the city's streets, at fashion shows, and elegant soirées capturing images of New York's fashion innovators and cultural glitterati. Among the highlights of Celebrating Bill Cunningham are a bicycle that he rode around the city; his first camera, an Olympus Pen-D, 35mm; signature blue jacket; personal photographs of Cunningham at home and with friends; correspondence, including a few of the hand-made Valentines he frequently sent to friends; and a New York City street sign, "Bill Cunningham Corner," that was temporarily installed at 5th Avenue and 57th Street in his honor, following his death. Soon after he arrived in New York, Cunningham worked as a milliner, and items on view from his millinery line, William J., include an innovative beach hat, along with other hats and fascinators; and a press release written for the William J. spring 1960 millinery show. Also on display are selections from Cunningham's Facades, his eight-year photographic project documenting New York City's architectural and fashion history, which was shown at the Museum in 2014.
Surface/Depth – Museum of Arts and Design (MAD)
Through September 09, 2018 – New York
In June of 2015, Miriam Schapiro, the pioneering feminist artist and founding member of the Pattern and Decoration movement, passed away at the age of ninety-one. Surprisingly, given her status as the elder stateswoman of the feminist art movement, the tremendous impact of her oeuvre on contemporary art has yet to be fully acknowledged or critically assessed. This exhibition seeks to redress this gap in the history of American art through an exploration of Schapiro's signature femmages, the term she coined to describe her distinctive hybrid of painting and collage inspired by women's domestic arts and crafts and the feminist critique of the hierarchy of art and craft. In examining the aesthetic and political objectives of Schapiro's femmages, this exhibition highlights the pivotal role her work and leadership played in the expansion of the art world to include historically marginalized forms of craft, decoration, and abstract patterning associated with femininity and women's work. Although she is unheralded as the source, the influence of Schapiro's subjective approach to forms of decoration can be identified today in an remarkably diverse group of artists who continue to find inspiration in her embrace of artistic practices outside the art historical canon. To highlight this legacy, works by a select group of contemporary artists, including Sanford Biggers, Josh Blackwell, Edie Fake, Jeffrey Gibson, Judy Ledgerwood, Jodie Mack, Sara Rahbar, Ruth Root, and Jasmin Sian, will be exhibited alongside Schapiro's signature femmages. This juxtaposition of historic and contemporary work brings into critical focus the tremendous role Schapiro's femmages played in the reframing of craft and decoration, while shining a light on the way artists today, both distinguished and emerging, continue to approach the decorative as a language of abstraction tied to the personal and the political.
Collection Spotlight: Tiffany Glass – Hudson River Museum
Through September 09, 2018 – Yonkers
The museum draws upon its collection to present a selection of favrile blown glass by Tiffany Studios.
'Anything Goes' – Westchester Broadway Theatre
Through September 09, 2018 – Elmsford
Cirque Ziva, the world-class cirque spectacular from the internationally renowned touring troop, The Golden Dragon Acrobats. From coast to coast, the athleticism and fine artistry of this elite group of acrobats have been receiving standing ovations from audiences of all ages and earning critical acclaim and packed houses, Cirque Zíva is a fast-paced, technically innovative, and beautifully presented new show.
Tai Chi in the Park – Washington Square Park
Through September 11, 2018 – New York
Improve your balance, strength, flexibility, and coordination in this Taijiquan class open to beginner and experienced alike. This martial art, created in the 19th century in Beijing, China, is a gentle, non-impact exercise benefiting both body and mind. Practitioners Tina and Juan invite you to join them in their practice—northern Wu style—every Tuesday at Garibaldi Plaza.
Movement Class for Adults and Seniors – Washington Square Park
Through September 11, 2018 – New York
Get your body moving this summer with fun, unique dance classes that promote strong and creative movement among adults of all ages and abilities. Classes are led by Dances founder, dancer/choreographer/teacher Naomi Goldberg Haas.
Healthy on the Hudson — Fitness with Lululemon – Pier 25 at Hudson River Park
Through September 12, 2018 – New York
Take your workout to our waterfront with Healthy on the Hudson! This FREE exercise series returns for our 20th Anniversary season, giving you opportunities to get fit in your Park every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday all summer long. Every Wednesday from May 23 through in September 12 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM, join us on Pier 25 for a dynamic variety of fitness classes provided in partnership with lululemon! Try different workouts and challenge yourself all summer long!
Kids Yoga with Sacred Sounds Yoga – Washington Square Park
Through September 12, 2018 – New York
Kids can join in the yoga fun as they stretch and move to songs, rhymes, and more with Sacred Sounds Yoga. Foster creativity, cooperation, and confidence in a safe environment where all kids are perfect just the way they are! Please bring your own yoga mat. Kids can join in the yoga fun as they stretch and move to songs, rhymes, and more with Sacred Sounds Yoga. Foster creativity, cooperation, and confidence in a safe environment where all kids are perfect just the way they are! Please bring your own yoga mat.
Free Kids Yoga – Washington Square Park
Through September 12, 2018 – Washington Square
Kids can join in the yoga fun as they stretch and move to songs, rhymes, and more with Sacred Sounds Yoga. Foster creativity, cooperation, and confidence in a safe environment where all kids are perfect just the way they are!
Please bring your own yoga mat. Adults must be present throughout the class.
Healthy on the Hudson – Hudson River Park
Through September 13, 2018 – New York
Take your workout to our waterfront with Healthy on the Hudson! This FREE exercise series returns for our 20th Anniversary season, giving you opportunities to get fit in your Park every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday all summer long. Every Thursday from May 24 through in September 13 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM, join us for Yoga at Pier 46 in partnership with Shape Up NYC! Enhance your yoga practice with skilled instructors and a rejuvenating river view. Bring your own mat!
Healthy on the Hudson — Yoga – Pier 46 at Hudson River Park
Through September 13, 2018 – New York
Take your workout to our waterfront with Healthy on the Hudson! This FREE exercise series returns for our 20th Anniversary season, giving you opportunities to get fit in your Park every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday all summer long. Every Thursday from May 24 through in September 13 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM, join us for Yoga at Pier 46 in partnership with Shape Up NYC! Enhance your yoga practice with skilled instructors and a rejuvenating river view. Bring your own mat!
Vinyl Nights Thursdays at Plaza 33 – Plaza 33
Through September 13, 2018 – NY
Join us on Thursday evenings for Vinyl Nights. We continue to spread the love of music & vinyl this Summer! FREE outdoor dance parties with The MM Crew & friends from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Plaza33 (33rd St & 7th Avenue), a new pedestrian plaza right outside Madison Square Garden. For decades New York City has had one of the most creative, vibrant music and nightlife scenes in the world and Mobile Mondays! celebrates it all with DJs who expertly tell the story through vinyl 45s. Join us Thursday June 7th for the Season Opener! We are Funk & Soul, Disco, Pop, Boogie, House, Hip Hop, 80's, 90's, Salsa & so much more. Thursday June 7th Joey Carvello & Woof Thursday, June 14th Misbehaviour & Operator Emz Thursday, June 21st Operator Emz & Just Blaze Thursday June 28th Natasha Diggs & Operator Emz Thursday, July 12th Joey Carvello & Woof Thursday, July 19th Operator Emz & Joey Carvello Thursday, July 26th Misbehaviour & Boogie Blind Produced with Rebecca Lynn / Mobile Mondays! NYC 45's Mobile Mondays! is NYC all 45's vinyl night every Monday at The Bowery Electric to save the music, preserve DJ culture & keep the vibe & soul of NYC alive. #preservetheculture https://www.mobilemondaysnyc.com/
Hudson RiverKids – Pier 62 and Pier 25
Through September 13, 2018 – Chelsea; Tribeca
This popular program of kids entertainment has been extended to run at both Pier 62 and Pier 25 this year. The performances feature the best of kids entertainment on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the summer (excluding some dates). May 22 and 25: Kid Ace June 1 and 5: Story Pirates June 12 and 15: Alex & The Kaleidoscope Band June 19 and 22: Alastair Moock June 26 and 29: City Stomp July 6: Mil's Trills July 10 and 13: Mike Messer July 17 and 20: Tim Kubart July 24 and 27: Rolie Polie Guacamole July 31 and August 3: Bilingual Birdies Band August 7 and 10: Suzi Shelton August 14 and 17: Penny Jones Puppets August 21 and 24:Ramblin' Dan and the Freewheelin' Band August 28 and 31: Mister G Sep. 7: Mil's Trills Sep. 11 and 14: The Pop-Ups
Spring & Summer Music Lessons – New City School of Music
Through September 14, 2018 – New City
Offering music lessons to students of all ages on piano, guitar, voice, drums, violin, saxophone, flute and clarinet! Find the right class today.
Yoga – Socrates Sculpture Park
Through September 15, 2018 – Long Island City
A park-wide solo exhibition of newly commissioned works by Virginia Overton that refashion found materials with dynamism and potency. In succinct, elegant forms, often accompanied with wry humor, Overton addresses concepts of labor, economics, and the land. Her material choices–fundamental elements for construction and fabrication–combined with her transparent approach to process, evoke narratives of self-reliance, creative constraints, and expediency. At the park, Overton creates new iterations of familiar works–an altered pickup truck, a water feature, a roof truss gem sculpture, and a suspended beam, among others.
Jackson Pollock Family Drip Painting Workshop – Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center
Through September 15, 2018 – East Hampton
Families tour the Pollock-Krasner House and studio, followed by a drip painting workshop for children. Pre-register online at imaginearted.com.
St. Ives Mixing Bar – St. Ives Mixing Bar
Through September 15, 2018 – New York
The St. Ives Mixing Bar is back starting Friday, June 15th for another summer of fun! Located in the center of the Flatiron neighborhood at 168 Fifth Avenue, the St. Ives Mixing Bar will offer visitors the opportunity to create personalized face scrubs, moisturizers and body lotions from more than 60 customizable combinations, including on-trend ingredients, such as: rose water, yuzu, kiwi, pink grapefruit, and more! A truly unique sensory experience, the St. Ives Mixing Bar will allow guests to see, smell and touch the ingredients that will leave them feeling fresh-faced and glowing. And for those looking to step up their glow game, a new mineral shimmer can be added to any combination of ingredients. The St. Ives Mixing Bar will also be heading online so those who aren’t traveling to NYC this summer can still create and ship custom products!
Treasures and Collectables Fair – Southampton Historical Museum
Through September 15, 2018 – Southampton
Vintage furniture, jewelry, textiles, glass, ceramics, artwork, collectibles and more will be sold inside the Red Barn and on the grounds. All proceeds benefit the Museum’s Collection.
Backstairs Tours – Lyndhurst Mansion
Through September 16, 2018 – Tarrytown
Backstairs Tours are offered select Saturdays and Sundays at 11:30 AM. Please note that this tour does NOT visit the main rooms of the mansion – please purchase Classic Tour Tickets for the traditional tour experience. If you've taken the Classic Mansion Tour, chances are, you'll be wanting more. This tour looks exclusively at 'behind-the-scenes' areas of the mansion. Come discover how during the Gilded Age and beyond, the staffs at Lyndhurst functioned to provide an efficient and seamless lifestyle for the Merritt and Gould Families! The tour begins with a journey up 79 stairs to the 5th-floor observatory tower. After enjoying the spectacular views of the lower Hudson Valley and Manhattan, you will descend 99 stairs to view the servants' quarters including the butler's suite, root cellar, scullery, kitchen, ice closet, and servants' dining room. The tour will conclude with a visit to the 1911 laundry building. This tour is approximately one and a half hours and because of its physical demands, it is not recommended for individuals with mobility issues.
Gardens, Grounds and Bowling Pavilion – Walking Tour – Lyndhurst Mansion
Through September 16, 2018 – Tarrytown
If you've taken the Classic Mansion Tour, chances are, you'll be wanting more! This challenging one-mile walking tour explores the property's western landscape covering the Gould era formal Rose garden, greenhouse, rockeries with river views and culminates with a tour inside the 1894 Bowling Pavilion. Please be aware that this tour involves extensive walking on uneven, hilly ground and is not recommended for individuals with mobility issues. Please consider your own abilities when signing up for a tour.
Live at the Archway – Archway Under the Manhattan Bridge
Through September 20, 2018 – Dumbo
Live at the Archway is DUMBO's signature series: featuring dynamic musical performances, a pop-up gallery, and interactive art experience, in a magical, only-in-DUMBO setting. Always free, always all ages, and always rain or shine.
Through September 20, 2018 – New York
Bryant Park’s yoga classes, believed to be the largest regularly scheduled outdoor series of its kind in the world, begin a new season Thursday, May 24. The twice-weekly classes will be held Tuesday mornings on the Upper Terrace 10 AM-11 AM, and Thursday evenings on the Lawn 6 PM-7PM. All classes are free and open to the public. The 2018 yoga season is made possible by the generosity of KeVita®, a leading manufacturer of fermented probiotic and kombucha beverages. A supporting sponsor, Gaiam, a yoga, fitness and wellness brand, will donate 1,200 yoga mats for participants to use throughout the season. Both partners will also participate in the Bryant Park Frequent Yogi loyalty program, rewarding returning attendees for their dedication. Bryant Park’s yoga classes draw thousands of participants throughout the warm weather months, making it one of the park’s most-attended activities. The Thursday evening class has drawn over 1,500 people during a single session. This year on select Tuesday mornings, Bryant Park introduces post-class yoga workshops on topics including self-care, meditation, and alignment with instructors from the Gaiam Wellness Studio, located in Lord & Taylor on 5th Avenue in NYC. About KeVita KeVita is a leader in fermented probiotic and kombucha beverages with three refreshingly accessible product lines and billions of live probiotics in every bottle. With over two-dozen flavors of Sparkling Probiotic Drink, Master Brew Kombucha and Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic, all KeVita drinks are USDA Certified Organic, non-GMO Project Verified, gluten-free and vegan. Crafted since 2009, KeVita has grown from a kitchen in Ojai, California to over 20,000 retail locations across North America. KeVita uses only the highest quality ingredients and pairs age-old techniques with modern technology to provide the finest quality, flavor, and functionality in the market. This commitment to quality continues through their advocacy for rigorous testing and transparency in fermented beverage labeling. Learn more at KeVita.com. About GAIAM With a 20+ year heritage, GAIAM is dedicated to making yoga, fitness, and wellness accessible to all through a wide distribution network that consists of approximately 38,000 retail doors, 19,000 stores-within-stores, 5,000 category management locations, e-commerce, and a mobile platform that features Yoga Studio, the leading paid yoga app for Apple, mobile, and tablet devices with over 2 million downloads to date. Learn more at Gaiam.com About Bryant Park Corporation Bryant Park Corporation (BPC), a private not-for-profit company, was founded in 1980 to renovate, finance and operate Bryant Park. BPC is funded by income from events, concessions and corporate sponsors, as well as an assessment on neighboring properties, and does not accept government or philanthropic funds. In addition to providing security and sanitation services, and tending the park’s lush lawn and gardens, BPC provides public amenities and activities, including movable chairs and tables, café umbrellas, restrooms, restaurants and food kiosks, and scores of exciting events throughout the year. Learn more at bryantpark.org.
Summer on the Hudson: Baylander Billion Oyster Project Presentation – West Harlem Piers
Through September 22, 2018 – Harlem
Moosiki Kids Musical Storytime fosters a love of reading at a young age with musical stories and sing-along encouragement on our comfy and danceable turf lawn by the big locomotive.
History and Mysteries of Snug Harbor – Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden
Through September 22, 2018 – Staten Island
Rediscover Snug Harbor on a summer tour with hidden time capsules, statues, murder, ghost sightings and more! The History and Mysteries of Snug Harbor tour brings you through an 83-acre site and reveals the history of this 19th century campus alongside tales of strange occurrences and mysteries of the grounds.
Summer on the Hudson: Sun Gaze Sundays – Pier 1, Riverside Park South
Through September 23, 2018 – Upper West Side
Moosiki Kids Musical Storytime fosters a love of reading at a young age with musical stories and sing-along encouragement on our comfy and danceable turf lawn by the big locomotive.
Classic Lyndhurst Mansion Tours – Lyndhurst Mansion
Through September 23, 2018 – Tarrytown
Lyndhurst welcomes all visitors, but please note that all tours of Lyndhurst require walking on hilly grounds and the ability to be standing for approximately one hour. Only the first floor of the mansion is handicap accessible.
Tanya Aguiñiga: Craft & Care – Museum of Arts and Design (MAD)
Through September 23, 2018 – New York
Los Angeles–based artist and designer Tanya Aguiñiga has established herself as a crucial voice working at the intersection of fiber art, design, social practice, and activism. Her work, ranging from her "Performance Crafting" series—which uses craft to generate dialogues about identity, culture, and gender—to furniture whose material and form reimagine its functionality to provide "support," shows a commitment to design thinking as political. At the heart of her practice is an inquiry into how community is created, and the role that craft, design, and materiality play in its formation. Founded by Aguiñiga and launched in 2015, AMBOS (Art Made Between Opposite Sides) is a long-term initiative that activates sites along the US–Mexico border through collaborative art-making and storytelling projects. Started as a month-long activation at the San Ysidro border crossing in Tijuana, it has evolved its focus to record and paint a picture of life along the length of the border. To date, AMBOS, in collaboration with artists and community organizations working with border issues/themes, has produced programs along the border between the United States and Mexico, stopping at thirteen US/Mexico ports of entry, and crossing a total of forty times. In 2018 Aguiñiga will complete the project, activating the remainder of the border from where she left off at El Paso/Ciudad Juárez.
La Frontera – Museum of Arts and Design (MAD)
Through September 23, 2018 – New York
Nearly two thousand miles long, the US-Mexico border (la frontera) is the most frequently crossed international border in the world. Although predominantly depicted in the American media as a hub of drug trafficking and violence, the border—porous in nature—is also a place that allows for the exchange of ideas, wealth, and culture. Recently at the forefront of political and cultural conversation following the current US President's anti-immigration discourse and executive orders, the border has been characterized by contradictions since the nineteenth century, when the US annexed an important portion of Mexican territory. For Mexicans, Central Americans, and the United States citizens living alongside it, the border presents daily challenges that carry within them both hope and devastation. It is a complex physical, economic, cultural, social, and emotional landscape of human interaction.
Exhibit – Becoming Tiffany: From Hudson Valley Painter to Gilded Age Tastemaker – Lyndhurst Mansion
Through September 24, 2018 – Tarrytown
A groundbreaking new exhibition of works by legendary artist Louis Comfort Tiffany will fill the Lyndhurst Mansion and gallery this summer. Charting the development of Tiffany's career from the 1870s through the early 1900s, the display features more than 50 pieces, focusing primarily on early and rarely-exhibited works. The exhibit includes glass and mosaics from the Haworth Collection in Accrington, England, the hometown of Tiffany's glass foreman, rare textiles from the Mark Twain House, rarely seen early paintings from the Brooklyn and Nassau County Museums and furniture and decorative arts from the Driehaus and other notable private collections. Based on new research, the exhibition conjures little known and unexpected dimensions of Tiffany's career. Works in the exhibition reveal his radical exploration of racial inequality in the North, his work with the Jewish community on synagogues in Albany and Buffalo when such intermingling was not common, his pictorial documentation of rampant industrialization along the Hudson River, his adoption of Orientalist subjects, as well as his close but often difficult relationships with women patrons, collaborators, and designers. In particular, the exhibition re-establishes the reputation of Helen Gould, eldest daughter of railroad baron Jay Gould, as a significant Tiffany patron. Tiffany is one of the most popular American artists, and his later work on Tiffany lamps and stained-glass church windows is well documented. Becoming Tiffany takes a different approach to the artist's life and work and focuses on his early work as a painter and decorator, telling the story of how he used his wealth and position in society as the son of the founder of Tiffany & Co. to further his career.
Hopalong Andrew's Kid Music Weekly, Drop-in 'Cowpoke Class' – Book Culture LIC
Through September 24, 2018 – Long Island City
At this new weekly, drop-in singalong, Hopalong Andrew plays interactive cowboy music with interactive activities, perfect for young cowpokes and their grown-up sidekicks. Hopalong Andrew adapts the classic cowboy songs to reflect life as an urban cowpoke, plays interactive “Cowpoke Classes” geared for all-age enjoyment, and performs as a rollicking 1-man band, bringing his guitar, banjo, harmonica, and suitcase drum kit.
Topsy Turvy Thursdays – Sugar Hill Children's Museum of Art & Storytelling
Through September 27, 2018 – Sugar Hill
The intimate storytelling presentation features a solo performer with roots in the community delighting our 'little audience' with a participatory and lively program. Performers have included Laura Bowman, Flor Bromley, Daniel Carlton, Alison Cox, Kelley Kelley, and Carletta Joy Walker.
Bird & Butterfly-Friendly Gardens – Garvies Point Museum
Through September 29, 2018 – Glen Cove
Our gardens are full of mostly native flowers that attract pollinators, bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds and songbirds! Make sure to visit the bird and butterfly-friendly gardens during the height of bloom.
Pleasantville Farmers Market – Memorial Plaza
Through September 29, 2018 – Pleasantville
The Pleasantville Farmers Market brings its goods indoors for winter at the largest, year-round farmers market in Westchester. With over 40 vendors participating in the indoor market, the delicious good time continues each Saturday at the Pleasantville Middle School cafeteria.
Storytelling in the Park – Central Park, Hans Christian Andersen Statue
Through September 29, 2018 – Upper East Side
An annual Summer tradition, now in its 61st season. Gather at the famous statue for stories from a different story teller (or two, or more…). With folk stories, fairy tales, mythological fables, and more at this Central Park landmark. Come rain or shine. For listings see website. .
Kayaking – Brooklyn Bridge Park
Through September 30, 2018 – Brooklyn
Glide along the water while kayaking with the Brooklyn Bridge Park Boathouse at the Pier 2 floating dock! Children under 18 must have an adult guardian present. All levels are welcome and no experience is necessary.
Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney: Sculpture Exhibition – Planting Fields Arboretum
Through September 30, 2018 – Oyster Bay
The artist is best known as the founder of New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art, yet she had a significant career as a sculptor, exhibiting throughout the United States and Europe. We will feature over thirty sculptures and drawings. This is the first exhibition of Whitney’s art since her death in 1942. William R. Coe knew Mrs. Whitney and was involved in the commission of the larger than life equestrian sculpture of Buffalo Bill in Cody, Wyoming.
The Means of a Ready Escape: Brooklyn's Prospect Park – Prospect Park Alliance
Through September 30, 2018 – Brooklyn
In celebration of the 150th anniversary of Prospect Park, Brooklyn Historical Society and Prospect Park Alliance present an exhibition that celebrates the founding vision of the Park, traces its social and historical trajectories, and examines the important role that Prospect Park has played as "Brooklyn's Backyard" for 150 years. The Brooklyn Historical Society is closed on major holidays.
Kayaking – Brooklyn Bridge Park Boathouse at Pier 2
Through September 30, 2018 – Brooklyn Heights
Glide along the water while kayaking with the Brooklyn Bridge Park Boathouse at the Pier 2 floating dock! Children under 18 must have an adult guardian present. All levels are welcome and no experience is necessary.
360 Wellness – The Shops at Columbus Circle
Through September 30, 2018 – New York
The Shops at Columbus Circle proudly curates a progressive, four-month wellness series focusing on different themes: Movement Matters, Clean Beauty, Mindful Eating, Conscious Fashion. Join industry leaders and lifestyle experts for live beauty demos, fitness classes, introspective health seminars and eco-friendly fashion exhibits.
Big City Fishing Sundays on Pier 25 – Pier 25 at Hudson River Park
Through September 30, 2018 – New York
Adults and kids aged 5+ learn how to fish while engaging with trained environmental educators about river science topics. We provide the rods, reels and instruction.
MARKET MADNESS – The Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Through September 30, 2018 – Stamford
Support local farmers and explore the SM&NC through hands-on activities. Enjoy a self-guided craft on the meadow, farm animal meetings, and lunch with Bert & Sadie, the North American River Otters. Then attend Edible Science and explore the science behind some of our favorite foods, such as pizza, s'mores, and ice cream.
Hudson River Nature Walk – Hudson River Park
Through September 30, 2018 – Greenwich Village
Learn about Hudson River Park’s wildlife by joining knowledgeable naturalists on guided nature walks along the Park’s esplanade.
Each nature walk is unique and offers a one-of-a-kind treasure hunt-like experience. Park Naturalists will meet participants at the Christopher Street Fountain, just north of Pier 40. Please wear comfortable shoes and dress appropriately for the weather.
Weekday Nature Exploration – Audubon Center at the Boathouse
Through September 30, 2018 – Prospect Lefferts Gardens
Join Prospect Park Alliance for free nature education programs every Thursday and Friday afternoon at the Prospect Park Audubon Center, the first urban Audubon Center in the nation.
Yang Yuanyuan – Art in General
Through September 30, 2018 – Brooklyn
Yang Yuanyuan (b. 1989, Beijing) lives and works in Beijing. She received a BA (hons) in photography at London College of Communications, University of the Arts London in 2013. By experimenting with different ways of visual storytelling, Yang creates narratives where facts and fiction coexist and speak about topics such as memory and history. Yang's work has been exhibited and published internationally. Her solo exhibitions include: "At the Place of Crossed Sights"(C-Space, Beijing, 2016) and "In-between Places" (Being 3 Gallery, Beijing, 2012). She participated Anren Biennale (2017) and Guangzhou Image Triennial (2017). Her works have been the subject of exhibitions at Guangzhou Times Museum, Guangzhou (2017); Yang Art Museum, Beijing (2017); Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna (2016)?Benaki Museum, Athens (2015); Objectifs, Singapore (2015); Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo (EAC), Montevideo (2015) and Three Shadows Photography Art Center, Beijing (2012).
Summer Open House – H.H. Biddle House
Through September 30, 2018 – Staten Island
Explore this NYC landmark house built in the Greek Revival style and overlooking the Raritan Bay and Arthur Kill waterways. Built in 1845 by Henry Hogg Biddle, who operated the Staten Island-Perth Amboy Ferry, it now houses local Tottenville historical items along with nature inspired artwork. Explore the property's adjacent terracotta garden, the beachfront and grounds of this NYC historic treasure.
Coastal Cleanup – Pier 1, Brooklyn Bridge Park
Through October 03, 2018 – Brooklyn Heights
Coastal Cleanup volunteers give back to the community by helping us remove hundreds of pounds of trash from Pier 1 salt marshes and beaches. Scheduled times are according to low tides, from May through October.
All volunteers must fill out a waiver and bring it to their first volunteer activity in the park. Volunteers 18 years old or younger should submit their waiver signed by a parent or guardian before any activity begins; volunteers 16 years old or younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Smorgasburg – East River State Park
Through October 06, 2018 – Williamsburg
Every Sunday from April through October, head to Breeze Hill in Prospect Park to finally take in some sun, and enjoy food from more than 100 local vendors.
Carousel for All Children – Willowbrook Park
Through October 07, 2018 – Staten Island
The 2018 Carousel for All Children season in Willowbrook Park kicked off on Saturday, May 5 with festivities from 12 – 4 pm.
Join us for fun and games as we greet another new Carousel season in the Greenbelt’s Willowbrook park. This year’s celebration falls on Cinco de Mayo. Join us for a fun celebration of the monarch butterfly's (mariposa) annual migration to Mexico! Festivities will begin at 12pm with a live musical performance by “Music with Patrick.”
The Carousel is open from 11am – 5:45pm on the following days:
May, September and October: Friday – Sunday (The Carousel will close after Columbus Day Weekend).
June: Wednesday – Sunday.
July & August: Seven days a week.
Sensory Sensitive Sundays – Chuck E. Cheese's
Through October 07, 2018 – Hempstead
Chuck E. Cheese's is open for two hours on the first Sunday of each month, specifically for children with autism and other special needs. The facility
reduces the lighting and noise, and the time includes food and games, and a trained staff.
Explore NYC’s new Rosé Mansion! – Rosé Mansion
Through October 07, 2018 – New York
This summer we’re making all of your Rosé dreams come true. Wander the rooms in the mansion while sipping Rosé from around the world. Each room will transport you to a different place and time. Along the way you will learn about the history, science, and economics of this magical beverage. Travel to Ancient Rome, stop by the Finger Lakes, blend your own wine, swing from a gold chandelier, and more before you end your journey in the greatest Rosé wine bar on the planet. Buy a ticket for a specific date and time. All tickets include entrance to the experience and wine samples equaling about two glasses of wine. Additional glass, bottles, and snacks are available for purchase in the Grand Tasting Lounge.
Smorgasburg – Prospect Park, Breeze Hill
Through October 07, 2018 – Prospect Lefferts Garden
Every Sunday from April through October, head to Breeze Hill in Prospect Park to finally take in some sun, and enjoy food from more than 100 local vendors.
Swords into Ploughshares: Sculpture by Jay Moss – Hebrew Home at Riverdale, Goldfine Pavilion Lobby Gallery
Through October 07, 2018 – Bronx
Derfner Judaica Museum + The Art Collection at Hebrew Home at Riverdale is pleased to announce its latest exhibition, Swords into Ploughshares: Sculpture by Jay Moss on view in the Pauline and William Goldfine Pavilion Lobby Gallery from July 15–October 7, 2018. A reception will take place on Sunday, July 15, from 1:30–3 p.m. in the Goldfine Pavilion Lobby Gallery, located at 5901 Palisade Avenue in the Riverdale section of The Bronx. Cet évènement est gratuit et ouvert au public. R.S.V.P. 718.581.1596 or art@hebrewhome.org. Photo I.D. required for admission. The exhibition includes 13 sculptures made between 1980 and 2012. Many of them reflect Moss’s experience on the front lines during WWII when he served as a combat engineer. Moss has worked for more than seven decades crafting sculptures that resonate with his experience of the horrors of war and his hope for a lasting peace. In these relief and tabletop works assembled with wood, metal, sheet lead, plastic and other materials, Moss addresses a range of social issues. Sometimes whimsical or ironic, they comment on such subjects as the corrupting influence of power and the treatment of prisoners from German prison camps to Guantanamo Bay. In an assemblage that resembles an artillery shell, Anzio (2003), made from materials leftover from when he was a professional lamp designer, Moss has collaged mementos from his war experience: a letter from his mother, a patch spelling out A-N-Z-I-O, a photograph of the German howitzer that ran on a railroad track, currency from the occupation used in Italy and a photo of his brother. The work is titled after the beachhead where, despite being a combat engineer, as a newly arrived soldier he had to replace combat troops in a flooded foxhole in the winter of 1944. Another work, GI Joe (2012), depicts a tall and lanky figure in relief, made up of fragments and with a skull-like face, at the ready with his helmet and rifle. Moss’s unit arrived in Europe on August 15, 1944, for Operation Dragoon—the Allied invasion of Southern France. Months later, not far from the front, in the forests of the Vosges Mountains, Moss built what were called corduroy roads—“trees that they knock down to make a roadway so it’s very bumpy to the front,” he has explained. That’s when he saw dead soldiers on the back of an open track—a traumatic memory that lingers to this day and which Moss has said is the “essence of the front for me.” During those final months of the war, thousands of enemy soldiers were captured. That time is reflected in The Prisoner (1991), a carved wood piece with a hand-drawn and painted bandana covering the eyes. The base of the head is carved wood covered with sheet metal, a material the artist frequently employs and which is soft and malleable, ready to be hammered or molded. About the artist Born in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, in 1923, to immigrant parents—Isadore Moskowitz, a clothing maker and store owner born in Russia, and Josephine Goldsmith Moskowitz, who was born in Romania—Jay Moss attended the High School of Industrial Art (later the High School of Art and Design), where he studied graphic arts, three-dimensional design, display and studio drawing. The family first lived over the tailor shop and later moved to Flatbush and Greenpoint before settling in Jackson Heights, Queens. Moss was drafted into the army in 1943 after working as a page at CBS, and trained as a combat engineer in Fort Belvoir, VA. His unit, the 36th Engineer Regiment, traveled through North Africa before arriving in early 1944 at Anzio, a key campaign of the Allied forces on the Italian coast. After Italy, he was stationed in Marseille and on the French front in the Vosges Mountains on the eastern border with Germany. Moss attended the Art Students League as a benefit of the GI Bill, studying under José de Creeft, Morris Kantor and M. Peter Piening. A mahogany head he carved while a student at the League was exhibited at Jacques Seligmann & Company in 1947. Moss also received a sculpture prize at the Nassau County Art Association in the 1960s. He was head of NBC television’s art department where he worked for 12 years and then was the owner-designer of a company that made decorative mirrors and wall pieces. After selling the company, he worked as a design consultant and lighting product designer. He also taught lighting product design at the Parsons School of Design and television graphic arts at the RCA Institute. All the while, he worked at his passion, sculpting in the basement studio of his family’s Long Island home and at their second home in Stockbridge, MA. Moss has worked both figuratively and abstractly, creating forms using a table saw and chiseling a variety of woods that he then assembles with other materials, including lead, metal and cloth. Moss has had two previous solo exhibitions, at Manhattan College in 2014 and the Historic Wells Gallery in Lenox, MA, in 2001. In 2008 he and his wife, Sabina, who have two sons, moved to Riverdale, where Moss continues his artistic practice. About Hebrew Home at Riverdale As a member of the American Alliance of Museums, the Hebrew Home at Riverdale by RiverSpring Health is committed to publicly exhibiting its art collection throughout its 32-acre campus, including the Derfner Judaica Museum and a sculpture garden overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades. The Derfner Judaica Museum + The Art Collection provides educational and cultural programming for residents of the Hebrew Home, their families and the general public from throughout New York City, its surrounding suburbs and visitors from elsewhere. RiverSpring Health is a nonprofit, non-sectarian geriatric organization serving more than 18,000 older adults in greater New York through its resources and community service programs. Museum hours: Sunday–Thursday, 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Art Collection and grounds open daily, 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Call 718.581.1596 for holiday hours and to schedule group tours, or for further information, visit our website at http://www.riverspringhealth.org/art This exhibition is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. Image: Jay Moss, Anzio, 2003, brass tubing, paper, sheet lead, 11 ¾ x 2 ¾ x 2/4 (open). Courtesy of the artist.
Walk This Way: Footwear from the Stuart Weitzman Collection of Historic Shoes – New York Historical Society
Through October 08, 2018 – Upper West Side
Shoes in recent years have culturally transcended their utilitarian purpose to become an object of desire and deliberation, calling up abstract considerations—like the freighted meanings of femininity, power, domination, and aspiration—for both women and men alike. Walk This Way: Footwear from the Stuart Weitzman Collection of Historic Shoes highlights examples from the shoe designer's extensive private collection, assembled over three decades. The exhibition considers the story of the shoe from the perspectives of collection, consumption, presentation, and production with more than 100 pairs of shoes on view. The exhibition will explore larger trends in American economic history, from industrialization to the rise of consumer culture, with a focus on women's contributions as makers, designers, and entrepreneurs. Coordinated by Valerie Paley, vice president, chief historian, and director of the Center for Women's History, with Edward Maeder, consulting curator, and Jeanne Gardner Gutierrez, curatorial coordinator.
Zip Line, Rock Climbing, and Extreme Jump – Atlas Park Mall: On The Center Green
Through October 08, 2018 – Glendale
Featuring NYC's only Zipline Attraction with 3 different challenges, Zip Lining, Rock Climbing, and Extreme Air Jump! No need for wings, a cape, or superhuman powers to fly across the mall! Experience an intense climb without the altitude sickness of Everest or the Andes! Ever wonder what it feels like to be an acrobat? Well now you can! Spring up to 25 feet in the air! For more information, visit www.zipjumpclimb.com
Art on the Farm – Randall's Island Park Alliance
Through October 13, 2018 – Randall's Island
Use the farm for inspiration for creating seasonal projects like nature printing, watercolor painting, nature journals, and more.
HeartBeet Farm Stand – Stony Brook Village Center
Through October 13, 2018 – Stony Brook
HeartBeet Farms produces fresh, organically-grown, nutritionally dense vegetables and fruits with a focus on nourishing families.
Polo at Bethpage State Park – Bethpage State Park
Through October 14, 2018 – Farmingdale
Polo is a great competive sport. Come and enjoy an afternoon of excellent polo games at Bethpage State Park. A treat for the whole family.
Piermont's Down to Earth Farmer Market – M&T Bank Parking Lot
Through October 14, 2018 – Piermont
Bringing together two kinds of vendors: local farmers and area food makers who source locally for a delicious experience.
Charting the Divine Plan: The Art of Orra White Hitchcock (1796–1863) – American Folk Art Museum
Through October 14, 2018 – New York
Charting the Divine Plan: The Art of Orra White Hitchcock (1796–1863) explores the confluence of art, love, science, and religion in the extraordinary art of Orra White Hitchcock, one of America's first female scientific illustrators. Her marriage in 1821 to Amherst College professor Edward Hitchcock cemented a years-long friendship and collaboration based on a bedrock of faith and science, mutual respect, close observation, and mental capacity for the largest of ideas. Orra White exhibited a prodigious scientific mind and abundant artistic talent at an early age. The exhibition traces her development from schoolgirl projects to highly accomplished renderings of the natural scenery of the Connecticut River Valley used in her husband's many geology publications. Less well known are colorful paintings on cotton—some more than twelve feet long—that were used to illustrate her husband's many college lectures on geology, botany, zoology, and anatomy. In these, Orra White Hitchcock communicated complex scientific principles in abstract visual terms that now appear gorgeously fresh and modern. Archival letters, manuscripts, diaries, and albums place Edward and Orra White Hitchcock in the very heart of international scientific inquiry. In the early years of the nineteenth century, when the natural world was a place of wonder, Edward Hitchcock, theologian and scientist, saw the interconnectedness of God's created world, and Orra White Hitchcock made it manifest through her art for all to comprehend and marvel.
Urban Farm Exploration Days – Randall's Island Park Alliance
Through October 14, 2018 – Randall's Island
Explore the Urban Farm's variety of crops, fruit trees, fragrant herbs, and chickens too. Also, join for fun farm art projects on Saturdays from 2-4pm. Each month, the farm also hosts a free, drop-in workshop on topics ranging from gardening skills to cooking to crafts.
Sacred Spaces: The Road To … and the Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Room – Rubin Museum of Art
Through October 15, 2018 – Chelsea
Featuring artist Ghiora Aharoni’s series “The Road to Sanchi” and two video works by artist Arthur Liou, the exhibition engages time as a medium and challenges viewers to consider the sacred and think about their own experiences with meaningful journeys. These installations continue the exhibition’s focus on devotional activities in awe-inspiring places.
Aharoni’s series of sculptures reimagines vintage taxi meters, now obsolete, from India. Video screens embedded in the meters capture the artist’s rickshaw rides in India to sacred sites for Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists. Each sculpture, whose form simultaneously references a time capsule and the silhouette of a stupa, becomes the oculus of a pilgrimage.
The videos “Kora” and “Saga Dawa,” created by Arthur Liou, explore aspects of Tibetan Buddhist ritual and celebration as they take place in the breathtaking environment around Tibet’s holiest mountain, Mount Kailash.
Visitors can take a pause inside the Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Room, an immersive installation inspired by traditional Tibetan household shrines. They are also invited to write letters to future museumgoers in a dedicated area in the gallery.
Edible Academy Fresh From the Garden Tastings – The New York Botanical Garden
Through October 18, 2018 – Bronx
The New York Botanical Garden’s landmark 2018 exhibition, 'Georgia O’Keeffe: Visions of Hawai‘i', will focus on the iconic artist’s immersion in the Hawaiian Islands in 1939. Visitors will experience a lush flower show in the Garden’s Enid A. Haupt Conservatory evoking the gardens and landscapes that inspired O’Keeffe as well as the complex story of the flora and unique ecology of Hawai‘i.
In the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden, children and their families will be introduced to plants represented in O’Keeffe’s paintings and tropical food plants of Hawai‘i. Families will receive field notebooks and follow a trail, observing and drawing nature as O’Keeffe did in her work. Children will explore the botanical science of plant structure and create paintings.
Susan York Foundation – The Drawing Center
Through October 18, 2018 – Soho
For the second long-term installation presented in The Drawing Center's Lab Corridor, Santa Fe-based artist Susan York will create a site-specific installation that references the internal structure of the museum's 35 Wooster Street building. Using graphite as a sculptural rather than a two-dimensional medium, York will create replicas of parts of the museum's foundation: eroded concrete piers that protrude above the museum's ground floor. York's long-term installation will initiate an expanded field of activity at The Drawing Center, pointing to new opportunities for exploring drawing as an interactive and socially-minded practice. Additionally, by bringing attention to The Drawing Center's building, York's installation will generate opportunities for discussion about the importance of museums continuing as public spaces with permanent, physical presence
Uni Project – FDR Four Freedoms Park
Through October 21, 2018 – Roosevelt Island
A fun-filled weekend with offerings like a pop-up reading room, story hour, and a curated collection of books and hands-on materials.
The Uni Project will visit the Park on: July 21-22, August 18-19, September 15-16, and October 20-21
The Uni Project is a nonprofit that brings learning opportunities to public space in New York City. Using custom-designed installations, the Uni Project pop ups in parks, plazas, and other public spaces to offer reading, drawing, and hands-on activities that let New Yorkers embrace the act of learning. The Uni Project partners with community organizations and city agencies, and prioritizes underserved locations. The Uni Project is generously supported by NYC Council Members Ben Kallos & Mark Levine.
P.S. Art: Celebrating the Creative Spirit of NYC Kids – The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Through October 21, 2018 – New York
Returning to The Met for the 11th consecutive year, the exhibition P.S. Art: Celebrating the Creative Spirit of NYC Kids features works of art in a variety of media created by public school students in New York City. The exhibition will be on view and open to the public at The Met Fifth Avenue from June 12 through October 21, 2018. P.S. Art highlights the talent and creativity of young artists and champions art making as a way to appreciate the cultures, life experiences, and traditions across the city. The 121 works in this year’s exhibition represent 123 students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in public schools throughout the five boroughs. The works were chosen from over 1,200 submissions, and the final decisions were made by a jury comprised of distinguished members of the art community, including members of The Met staff. P.S. Art 2018: Celebrating the Creative Spirit of NYC Kids is a project of the New York City Department of Education and Studio in a School Association, Inc.
P.S. Art: Celebrating the Creative Spirit of NYC Kids – The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Through October 21, 2018 – Upper East Side
Returning to The Met for the 11th consecutive year, the exhibition "P.S. Art: Celebrating the Creative Spirit of NYC Kids" features works of art in a variety of media created by public school students in New York City. "P.S. Art" highlights the talent and creativity of young artists and champions art making as a way to appreciate the cultures, life experiences, and traditions across the city. The 121 works in this year’s exhibition represent 123 students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in public schools throughout the five boroughs. The works were chosen from over 1,200 submissions, and the final decisions were made by a jury comprised of distinguished members of the art community, including members of The Met staff. "P.S. Art 2018: Celebrating the Creative Spirit of NYC Kids" is a project of the New York City Department of Education and Studio in a School Association, Inc.
Full Moon Party – Bronx Zoo Treetop Adventure
Through October 24, 2018 – Bronx
Celebrate the full moon at this exclusive 21 & over event offering a magical night for your aerial adventure, followed by an after-party at Base Camp with music, beer, wine, and BBQ. Dates: June 28, July 27, August 26, September 24, and October 24.
Rhyme Time by the Hudson – Boscobel House
Through October 26, 2018 – Garrison
Joyful learning through nursery rhymes, songs, parachute play, and storytelling will spark your little one’s curiosity and imagination. For children ages 1 through 4 and their caregiver.
Play Days @ Jay – John Jay Homestead
Through October 26, 2018 – Katonah
Happy birthday, George Washington! George Washington respected John Jay so much that, as president, he gave Jay his choice of job in the new administration. Join a docent-led tour of John Jay’s Bedford House to explore the close relationship between these two leaders of our early Republic.
Tours depart from the glass porch of the Main House at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm.
Exploring Play – Westchester Children's Museum
Through October 26, 2018 – Rye
Each month features a new theme brought to life for young children through creative and fun movement activities, songs, stories, and a take-home project for all. Parents and caregivers are provided with information on the latest developments in Play research for young children.
The Yard – Governors Island
Through October 27, 2018 – New York Harbor
Upon entering, children 6 and up are permitted to play free while their parents and caregivers are directed to remain outside. Trained playworkers are inside “The Yard” supporting play and the use of hand tools such as saws, hammers and shovels. Families with children under 6 are invited to the family adventure play area where children and parents can explore materials and play together.
Now in its third year of operation, play:groundNYC will be hosting a summer camp at ”The Yard,” including a Girls Only week, with two scholarships available per week throughout the summer. Campers experience the benefits of being at a camp on a car-free, zero waste island, a truly unique experience in New York City.
Suffern Farmers' Market – Commuter Parking Lot A
Through October 27, 2018 – Suffern
A family friendly market with food vendors, craft vendors, children’s activities, and live entertainment weekly.
Farmer's Market – Tanger Outlets: The Arches
Through October 27, 2018 – Deer Park
Deer Park, NY is bringing back the Farmers Market at the Tanger Outlets, hosted by ‘Country Fresh’ every Saturday beginning in June through October. Located around the fountain in the Piazza area, the market will feature Long Island’s local farms, wineries and bakers offering local fruits, vegetables, wines and more. Visitors can meet and visit with local farmers and vendors while satisfying their appetites by snacking while they shop.
Hester Street Fair 2018 – Hester Street Fair
Through October 27, 2018 – Lower East Side
In its seventh year, the Hester Street Fair is part food court, part flea market, with rotating vendors in more than 60 spots almost every warm-weather weekend. Peruse handmade goods, creative products, and artisanal food, or participate in one of many workshops taking place. Weekly themes include Ice Cream Social, Tech, Vintage, and Harvest.
Farm Market – John Jay Homestead
Through October 27, 2018 – Katonah
Happy birthday, George Washington! George Washington respected John Jay so much that, as president, he gave Jay his choice of job in the new administration. Join a docent-led tour of John Jay’s Bedford House to explore the close relationship between these two leaders of our early Republic.
Tours depart from the glass porch of the Main House at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm.
'Georgia O’Keeffe: Visions of Hawai‘i' Exhibition – The New York Botanical Garden
Through October 28, 2018 – Bronx
The New York Botanical Garden’s landmark 2018 exhibition, 'Georgia O’Keeffe: Visions of Hawai‘i', will focus on the iconic artist’s immersion in the Hawaiian Islands in 1939. Visitors will experience a lush flower show in the Garden’s Enid A. Haupt Conservatory evoking the gardens and landscapes that inspired O’Keeffe as well as the complex story of the flora and unique ecology of Hawai‘i.
In the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden, children and their families will be introduced to plants represented in O’Keeffe’s paintings and tropical food plants of Hawai‘i. Families will receive field notebooks and follow a trail, observing and drawing nature as O’Keeffe did in her work. Children will explore the botanical science of plant structure and create paintings.
Georgia O'Keeffe: Visions of Hawai'I – The New York Botanical Garden
Through October 28, 2018 – Bronx
Pioneering American modernist Georgia O'Keeffe (1887–1986) conveyed a distinct sense of place with innovative depictions of her surroundings, from stark New Mexican landscapes to New York cityscapes. Yet flowers and plants were subjects that engaged O'Keeffe throughout her career. Curated by Theresa Papanikolas, Ph.D., of the Honolulu Museum of Art, this landmark exhibition will offer a rare focus on 20 of O'Keeffe's depictions of Hawai'i from a nine-week sojourn in 1939 while on commission to produce images for a Hawaiian Pineapple Company promotional campaign. A lush exhibition in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory of Hawaiian flora and a stunning display in the LuEsther T. Mertz Library Art Gallery that includes more than 15 of O'Keeffe's Hawai'i paintings—not seen together in New York since their debut in 1940—will spotlight a transformative experience in the legendary artist's life, revealing O'Keeffe's deeply felt impressions and the enduring influence of the Islands' dramatic landscapes and exotic plants.
For Kids: A Closer Look: Georgia O'Keeffe and Hawai'I – The New York Botanical Garden
Through October 28, 2018 – Bronx
Inspired by O'Keeffe's unique style of representing close-up views of flowers and fruit, children will investigate botanical specimens and create art. Play in our Hawai'ian sandscape-a sandbox inspired by O'Keeffe's landscape paintings featuring real shell and rock specimens to uncover. Pot up a tropical ginger cutting to take home and observe its growth!
NYC Audubon Summer Residence – Governors Island
Through October 28, 2018 – New York Harbor
Join NYC Audubon’s seasonal residence on Governors Island! This year’s nature center will feature displays on conservation, a children’s room with books and activities, bird-inspired artwork and studio space showcasing artists creating work inspired by Governors Island and its variety of avian residents. Guests can borrow binoculars and participate in one of the free guided bird walks or strike out on their own to discover the bright and bustling bird life all over the island. Visit and learn all about the feathery friends who share our urban environment and what we can do to help them out.
Farmers' Market at the Village of Haverstraw – Village Hall
Through October 28, 2018 – Haverstraw
Support local businesses and community with fresh produce, jams, spices, and more!
The Central Park Walking Tour – Manhattan and Beyond Tours llc
Through October 28, 2018 – New York
The Central Park Walking Tour Daily 12pm—2 hours—2 miles—$25/person Gain a complete picture of Central Park’s origins, wit-ness its design, experience the cultural influences and feel the calming effect being in nature brings from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Through a Different Lens: Stanley Kubrick Photographs – Museum of the City of New York
Through October 28, 2018 – New York
Stanley Kubrick was just 17 when he sold his first photograph to the pictorial magazine Look in 1945. In his photographs, many unpublished, Kubrick trained the camera on his native city, drawing inspiration from the nightclubs, street scenes, and sporting events that made up his first assignments, and capturing the pathos of ordinary life with a sophistication that belied his young age. Through a Different Lens: Stanley Kubrick Photographs features more than 120 photographs by Kubrick from the Museum's Look Magazine archive, an unparalleled collection that includes 129 photography assignments and more than 12,000 negatives from his five years as a staff photographer. For any fan of Kubrick's films, the exhibition explores a formative phase in the career of one of the 20th century's most renowned motion picture directors.
The Central Park Walking Tour – Manhattan and Beyond Tours llc
Through October 28, 2018 – New York
The Central Park Walking Tour Daily 12pm—2 hours—2 miles—$25/person Gain a complete picture of Central Park’s origins, wit-ness its design, experience the cultural influences and feel the calming effect being in nature brings from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Rocket Park Mini Golf – New York Hall of Science
Through October 28, 2018 – Corona
Kids ages 6 and older will putt their way through a 9-hole miniature golf course that teaches the science of spaceflight. Players will explore key science concepts such as propulsion, gravity, escape velocity, launch window, gravitational assist, and more.
The game reveals that the same laws of motion and gravity that guide the path of a spaceship control the motion of golf balls here on Earth. In this nine-hole miniature golf course, players will explore key science concepts such as propulsion, gravity, escape velocity, launch window, gravitational assist, and more.
Art & Science Sundays – The Science Barge
Through October 28, 2018 – Yonkers
Every Sunday, from July through October, the Science Barge on Yonkers' waterfront invites children ages 4-10 for hands-on art and science workshops. Children and adults can cross the gangplank and come aboard the Barge to do planting activities, arts and crafts, and get up close and personal with baby eels, oysters, and blue claw crabs. So get your sea legs ready and climb aboard!
Nybg Farmers Market – The New York Botanical Garden
Through October 31, 2018 – Bronx
The Garden's farmers market abounds with locally grown produce, fresh baked goods, and other specialty items—every Wednesday throughout summer and into fall. Visit for a wide selection of weekly vendors, rotating artisanal purveyors, and visiting live performers.
Children's Museum of the Arts Free Island Outpost – Governors Island
Through October 31, 2018 – New York Harbor
Visit the Cleveland Museum of Art's Free Art Island Outpost on historic Governors Island every Saturday and Sunday this summer for free, hands-on art making workshops and art-viewing experiences. The open outdoor space of the Free Arts Island Outpost beckons you to come collaboratively create! Young artists will be inspired and challenged to explore big projects utilizing found objects and traditional mediums.
Christodora: Nature, Learning, Leadership – Governors Island
Through October 31, 2018 – New York Harbor
The “Christodora Clubhouse” is a gathering place where students and the public can participate in hands-on learning about local wildlife, including skulls and owl pellets; celebrate the sights and sounds of nature with art and music projects; and embark on hikes and exploration of the island. The Christodora residency on Governors Island gives program alumni the opportunity to share their passion for the environment and citizen science, and lead hikes, team-building and “camp 101” activities.
Center for Architecture Presents: The Fourth Regional Plan – AIA New York | Center for Architecture
Through October 31, 2018 – New York
Presents the Regional Plan Association's (RPA) Fourth Regional Plan. Released in November 2017, the long-range plan addresses urban challenges facing the New York Metropolitan area and envisions innovative schemes for the future of the region.
Governors Island Open Season – Governors Island
Through October 31, 2018 – New York Harbor
Beginning May 1, New Yorkers are invited to enjoy the Island’s open and expansive park spaces with unforgettable views of New York Harbor, car-free recreation and a robust calendar of free public programming just a short ferry ride away from Lower Manhattan and Downtown Brooklyn. Ferries will be free for all visitors during the first week of the season, from May 1-6.
Summertime Skating Rink – Mel's Rink Governors Island
Through October 31, 2018 – New York Harbor
The Trust for Governors Island has announced the opening of a new summertime skating rink along Governors Island’s Western shore. Made from a synthetic material designed for metal ice skates, Mel’s Rink Governors Island will give New Yorkers the rare opportunity to skate during the summer months and is the first outdoor skating opportunity on Governors Island. Skate rentals will be available for ages, with free skating every weekday from 10AM-12PM. The rink officially opens to the public on Saturday, May 26.
Farmer's Market – Wyckoff House Museum
Through November 03, 2018 – East Flatbush
Join the Wyckoff farm team as we share our harvest with the community. Stop by and grab your veggies, fruits, herbs, seeds, and local crafts at affordable prices.
Make a day of it and check out other events that may be happening that day, including workshops, family day, or hands-on skill building.
Seasonal Farmstand – Queens County Farm Museum
Through November 04, 2018 – Floral Park
Find out what's 'growing on' at Queens Farm at the on-site Seasonal Farmstand. We grow over 50 varieties of vegetables, so come by and see what's in season each week! Get tips on how to make easy, nutritious meals for the family.
EBT & SNAP benefits accepted.
Members always receive 10% off produce.
Farm-fresh eggs available starting at 12 pm (1 doz/customer; first-come first-served)
Seasonal Farmstand – Queens County Farm Museum
Through November 04, 2018 – Floral Park
Find out what's 'growing on' at Queens Farm when you shop at our on-site Seasonal Farmstand. We grow over 50 varieties of vegetables, so come by and see what's in season each week! We'll give you tips on how to make easy, nutritious meals for your family. Our Seasonal Farmstand continues through the first week of November. EBT & SNAP benefits accepted. Members always receive 10% off produce. Farm-fresh eggs available starting at 12 pm (1 doz/customer; first-come first-served)
The Long Run – MoMA : Museum of Modern Art
Through November 04, 2018 – New York
Floor Four, The David Geffen Galleries Innovation in art is often characterized as a singular event—a bolt of lightning that strikes once and forever changes what follows. The Long Run provides an alternate view: by chronicling the continued experimentation of artists long after their breakthrough moments, it suggests that invention results from sustained critical thinking, persistent observation, and countless hours in the studio. Each work in this presentation exemplifies an artist’s distinct evolution. For some, this results from continually testing the boundaries of a given medium, for others it reflects the pressures of social, economic, and political circumstances. Often, it is a combination of both. The Long Run includes monographic galleries and rooms that bring together artists across a broad range of backgrounds and approaches. All the artists in this presentation—drawn entirely from MoMA’s collection—are united by a ceaseless desire to make meaningful work, year after year, across decades. They include Lee Bontecou, Louise Bourgeois, Melvin Edwards, Gego, Philip Guston, David Hammons, Jasper Johns, Joan Jonas, Helen Levitt, Elizabeth Murray, Georgia O’Keeffe, Gerhard Richter, Frank Stella, and many others.
Healthy on the Hudson — Tai Chi – Pier 84
Through November 05, 2018 – New York
Take your workout to our waterfront with Healthy on the Hudson! This FREE exercise series returns for our 20th Anniversary season, giving you opportunities to get fit in your Park every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday all summer long. Every Monday in June and July from 6:30 – 7:30 PM, join us for Tai Chi at Pier 84 in partnership with T'ai Chi Chuan! All are welcome to participate in this ancient Chinese system of movement for health and vitality.
Climate Action Mondays – Calligaris Chelsea
Through November 05, 2018 – NEW YORK
Come on out for FREE wine, snacks, and entertainment in support of climate activism! This Monday, and every Monday through the November 6 elections, 350NYC and other climate-forward organizations will be co-hosting a 100% FREE EVENT from 7-10PM at Calligaris Chelsea. The address is 144 W. 18th St., New York, NY, 10011. If you’d like to read more about the event, or our mission in general, please see: https://world.350.org/nyc/climate-action-mondays/ Hope to see you there! Warmly, 350NYC
Family Farm Tour – Stone Barns
Through November 09, 2018 – Pocantico Hills
On this family-fun tour for ages 2 and older, explore the farm and some of the seasonal highlights. Then walk around the farm to have a look at the animals and the vegetable gardens.
Wafels & Dinges Factory Tour – Wafels & Dinges Headquarters
Through November 09, 2018 – Gowanus
Have you ever wanted to see what it takes to run a successful street food business behind the scenes? This tour will take you inside de Royal Dinges Factory, the commissary, production space, and headquarters of one of New York City’s most popular street food brands. On this guided tour, we will show you how they make their spectacular Liège wafel dough and delicious ice cream to supply their constellation of carts, trucks, kiosks, and cafés; you will learn how those carts and trucks are stored, supplied, and maintained; and you will get an insider’s look at this dynamic and growing business. You will even get the chance to put your hands in some wafel dough, and even cook your own fresh-made wafel in their custom-made irons.
Wild Bees: Photographs by Paula Sharp and Ross Eatman – Bruce Museum
Through November 11, 2018 – Greenwich
The exhibition Wild Bees features exquisite color photographs of native bees in their natural habitats, along with an exploration of their varied lifestyles. The photographs are part of an ongoing wild bee project undertaken by photojournalist and writer Paula Sharp and nature photographer Ross Eatman, who began documenting wild bees inhabiting New York's Rockefeller State Park Preserve and neighboring Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in 2014. Their lenses capture in beautiful detail the tremendous variety of shapes, colors and sizes of the insects. The essential role bees play in our planet’s health also comes into view. Wild bees are important pollinators of wildflowers, garden flowers and commercial crops including fruit trees, berries, melons and garden vegetables. Although domesticated honeybees often are used to pollinate cultivated plants, wild bees are able to pollinate many flowers and crops that honey bees cannot. The exhibition will include spectacular views of a variety of pinned bee specimens magnified by a video microscope, as well as three detailed, enlarged models of wild bees, an interactive bee Identification guide, and examples of a few wild bee homes.
Hastings Flea – Hastings-on-Hudson MTA Commuter Parking Lot
Through November 11, 2018 – Hastings-on-Hudson
A curated specialty flea market that features regular and rotating vendors (think crafts, clothing, vintage furniture, handmade jewelry), food, as well as live music and entertainment.
2018 dates:
April 8
May 13
June 10
8 juillet
August 12
September 9
October 14
November 11
Getting Grounded – Stone Barns
Through November 16, 2018 – Pocantico Hills
Tour the field and engage in a conversation about farming. Learn why soil is key and what being a food citizen is all about. For ages 14 and older.
Socrates Mini Market – Socrates Sculpture Park
Through November 17, 2018 – Long Island City
Enjoy a fresh brewed ‘cuppa’ from Henley Coffee & sample a selection of fresh-cut produce & small-batch products such as hot sauce from Hellgate Farm. Little Wildbranch Bakery will also be popping up to sell fresh baked goods! Throughout the season other special vendors will be featured including The Connected Chef. Cash transactions preferred. Major credit cards accepted by select vendors.
TaSH Farmers' Market – Patriots Park
Through November 17, 2018 – Sleepy Hollow
Expect farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, artisanal breads and baked goods, meats, poultry, fish, craft spirits, farmhouse cheeses, and more throughout upwards of 30 vendor stalls. The market also hosts chef demos, art projects, children’s activities, and live music.
Gazillion Bubble Show – New World Stages
Through November 18, 2018 – Midtown
Allow yourself to be washed away in a bubble tide or perhaps even find yourself inside a giant bubble. Experience mind-blowing bubble magic, spectacular laser lighting effects, and momentary soapy masterpieces that will make you smile, laugh, and feel like a kid again.
Rockville Centre Farmers Market – Rockville Centre Railroad Station
Through November 18, 2018 – Rockville Centre
Come out for a delightful array of produce and products. Fresh fruit and vegatables, jams, jellies, cakes, coffee and a whole lot more!
Erosion: Works by Leonard Ursachi – Derfner Judaica Museum
Through November 18, 2018 – Bronx
Derfner Judaica Museum + The Art Collection at Hebrew Home at Riverdale is pleased to announce its latest exhibition, Erosion: Works by Leonard Ursachi on view in the Derfner Judaica Museum and grounds from July 15–November 18, 2018. A reception and artist’s talk will be held on Sunday, October 7, 2018, from 1:30–3 p.m. in the Museum, located at 5901 Palisade Avenue in the Riverdale section of The Bronx. Cet évènement est gratuit et ouvert au public. R.S.V.P. 718.581.1596 or art@hebrewhome.org. Photo I.D. required for entry at all times. In this exhibition featuring an outdoor sculpture, installation work, and related maquettes and drawings, Leonard Ursachi addresses themes of environmental and social crises caused by manmade events and reflects on how the destruction of natural resources is intimately interconnected with the effacement of human history and culture. Central to the show will be a new outdoor sculpture created for the exhibition—an iteration of Ursachi’s What a Wonderful World series. The large-scale work is on view in the sculpture garden on the Hebrew Home’s majestic 32-acre property overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades. Carved in Styrofoam and covered in Styrocrete, pigments, non-toxic tar paint and 23-karat gold leaf, What a Wonderful World (2018) touches on the inextricable link between profitability and the destruction of the environment. The expanses of 23-karat gold leaf applied to the roughly textured, “tarred” oceans reference a global, often wealth-driven disregard for the impact of environmental choices. The continents, on the other hand, appear vast and devoid of life, signifying a stripping away of natural resources. Still, Ursachi’s vision implies hope: the sculpture’s egg shape may be read as the enduring, if fragile, potential for life. Inside the Museum will be a complementary display of drawings as well as maquettes in a variety of materials, including 23-karat gold, cast urethane resin, Styrofoam, concrete, cast aluminum and marble. Also included in the exhibition is Ursachi’s installation Rise and Shine (2010), a multi-media work that addresses the disappearance of the Romanian island of Ada Kaleh, which was submerged in the Danube River in 1970 by Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceau?escu in order to build a hydroelectric plant. Inside an aquarium-like receptacle, a model of the island cast from translucent urethane resin is lit from below, alternately drowned and resuscitated as water continuously rises and falls. Ursachi based the island’s form on Ada Kaleh, the rich history of which dates back at least four centuries, having been annexed at various times by the Habsburgs, Serbs and Ottomans. Under Communist Romania, Ada Kaleh was home to a vibrant Muslim community and such historic structures as the Ada Kaleh mosque (built in 1903 on the site of a former monastery), catacombs and bazaar. The island was a popular vacation destination during the Communist period, when Romania’s heavily-guarded and insular borders prevented its own citizens from leaving the country. Ursachi visited Ada Kaleh with his family in 1968, returning with the only souvenir available at the time—an officially stamped, government-issued postcard. A reproduction of this postcard and a photograph of the artist and his brother visiting Ada Kaleh as children are on view with Rise and Shine. According to Ursachi: “In contrast to the Communist grayness that muffled the rest of Romania, Ada Kaleh was an explosion of color and noise, and home to an active Muslim community that had settled there during the Ottoman Empire.” Rise and Shine addresses the disastrous effect such industrial projects have on human culture, displacing entire populations and literally washing away layers of history. The rise and fall of the water, which submerges and reveals the resin island, both engages environmental themes and reflects the unchecked destruction that can occur under tyranny. Ceau?escu’s rule was one of the most brutal in the Eastern Bloc, with his secret police force routinely torturing and imprisoning suspected dissenters and political enemies. Ursachi was arrested for attempting to escape Romania by swimming across the Danube—near the spot where Ada Kaleh once stood—to reach Yugoslavia in 1978. His second attempt to defect, in 1980, was successful, and he was granted political asylum in France where he spent five years. He came to the United States via Canada and settled in New York in 1987. About the Artist Leonard Ursachi is a Romanian-born artist. He grew up under a dictatorship from which he defected and spent years border-hopping before settling in New York. His work reflects our contemporary world of porous borders, vulnerable shelters, and mutating identities. His sculptures and installations use architectural references as tropes for systems that enclose and exclude, protect and reject. Ursachi’s work is often site-specific, with the physical, historical and cultural aspects of the site informing the artist’s concept and use of materials. About Hebrew Home at Riverdale As a member of the American Alliance of Museums, the Hebrew Home at Riverdale by RiverSpring Health is committed to publicly exhibiting its art collection throughout its 32-acre campus, including the Derfner Judaica Museum and a sculpture garden overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades. The Derfner Judaica Museum + The Art Collection provides educational and cultural programming for residents of the Hebrew Home, their families and the general public from throughout New York City, its surrounding suburbs and visitors from elsewhere. RiverSpring Health is a nonprofit, non-sectarian geriatric organization serving more than 18,000 older adults in greater New York through its resources and community service programs. Museum hours: Sunday–Thursday, 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Art Collection and grounds open daily, 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Call 718.581.1596 for holiday hours and to schedule group tours, or for further information, visit our website at RiverSpringHealth.org/art Image: Leonard Ursachi, What a Wonderful World, 2018, carved Styrofoam covered with Styrocrete, pigments, non-toxic tar paint and 23-karat gold leaf, mounted on painted steel base, 9 feet high (with base) x 4 feet diameter. Courtesy of the artist.
Ridgewood Farmers Market – Train Station Parking Lot
Through November 18, 2018 – Ridgewood
Farm to table, fresh and delicious produce. Homemade jams, with flavors you cannot get any other place, , preservative free fresh baked goods, and more.
Garden City Farmers Market – Behind State Supreme Court
Through November 20, 2018 – Mineola
Take your pick: fruits, vegetables, eggs, soaps, oils, pickles, juices breads and more!
Tri-Spy Tours: Walk or Bike – Three Village Historical Society
Through November 23, 2018 – Setauket-East Setauket
The remarkable true story of General George Washington’s Setauket Spy Ring has come to life in books, exhibits and even in a new television series. Now Long Islanders, and people from around the globe, can discover and relive history for themselves in an ingenious new outdoor adventure which will take nature enthusiasts, athletes, and history lovers to a whole new level.The brainchild behind this interactive historical experience is local historian, Margo Arceri, a Strong’s Neck resident who has spent years researching the Culper Spy Ring and its effects on the American Revolutionary War on Long Island.“The Culper Spy Ring is about average people doing extraordinary things,” states Margo Arceri. “These brave men and women, who risked their lives, have changed the course of history. It’s about time they get the recognition they deserve. Tri-Spy is a fun way for people to be active and to learn about the Culper Spy Ring and our Revolutionary War past.”Arceri, who is also a historical educator working in conjunction with the Three Village Historical Society in Setauket, will now act as a guide taking cyclists, walkers and kayakers through the actual trails where the British and Patriots once roamed. Those participating will follow in the actual footsteps of the Culper Spy Ring, and along the way, historical places of interest will be pointed out and discussed. There will be three options to choose from: bike, walk and kayak tour. The biking adventure will be a fifteen mile trek, and the walking tour a three mile trek.The walk can accommodate up to twenty four people and the bike tour can accommodate 12 people. The kayak adventure is by appointment only and is an estimated four hour tour. Those participating in the kayaking tour will have the opportunity to visit the proposed site of the famous “Nancy’s clothesline” where Anna Smith Strong hung petticoats and handkerchiefs as a means of passing along secret information and see the home where Benjamin Tallmadge was born. Some sites to be visited along the tours are the Strong Family Cemetery, the creek at Conscience Bay, Setauket Village Green, Patriot’s Rock, the c.1750 Tyler-Jayne Tavern, the 1729 Caroline Church of Brookhaven, and one of the oldest surviving structures in Setauket, the c.1695 Timothy Smith House. Several 19th century homes, churches and other structures will be seen as well, including the 1812 Setauket Presbyterian Church, and the c.1825 General John Roe Satterly House. The historic Three Villages, comprised of the Setaukets, Stony Brook and the incorporated villages of Old Field and Poquott, was settled as a farming community in 1655, and later became known for its shipbuilding. Its rich history is preserved at the Three Village Historical Society, which is also the home of the Society’s newest and ongoing exhibit SPIES! For more information visit www.culper.com.
'The Wizard of Oz' – Harlem Rep, Tato Laviera Theatre
Through November 24, 2018 – Harlem
The classic musical "The Wizard of Oz" is being performed by a multi-racial cast with a jazzy underscore and authoritative dramaturgy by representatives of the Yip Harburg Foundation.
Children and Family Programs – Storm King Art Center
Through November 25, 2018 – New Windsor
Hands-on experiences are created and led by artists, conservators, arts educators, and environmental educators. Participants of all ages are welcome in these drop-in workshops. Check the website for updated information and workshop details.
Opening Day Strawberry Festival – Ramsey Farmers' Market
Through November 25, 2018 – Ramsey
Exciting Open Day at the Ramsey Farmers' Market kicks off their 9th season with the annual Strawberry Festival with complimentary strawberry shortcake served by the Woman's Club of Ramsey. Local farmers and food purveyors offer fresh, local produce and products, including organic and responsibly grown vegetables and fruit, artisan breads and fine cheese, homemade pasta, sauces, chili and soup, fresh fish directly from the Hampton Bays, spice, herbs, gourmet olive oil, local honey, handmade pet treats, made on site guacamole, artisan teas and coffee, gluten free baked goods and prepared foods, organic salads, fermented vegetables, hummus, green juices and so much more.
Ramsey Farmers' Market – Erie Plaza
Through November 25, 2018 – Ramsey
The Ramsey Farmers' Market is Bergen County's award winning, non profit farmers' market featuring over 50 local farmers and food purveyors every Sunday. Stroll the market and enjoy extraordinary variety, local produce and products, music, children's crafts, chef demos and much more. Coming up August 6th enjoy the Peach Festival! Luscious, juicy peaches and nectarines, peach tea, peach lemonade, peach pies, muffins and cakes, peach cheesecake, peach jam and peach granola are only some of the "peach centric", local produce and products offered at the Peach Festival – all at the height of New Jersey peach season! There will also be free chances for give-a-ways, great music, children's books signings and crafts, and chef demos
Greenmarket at Elmhurst Hospital –
Through November 27, 2018 – Elmhurst
Located along an entrance to Elmhurst hospital, visitors to the hospital and neighborhood residents alike flock to the Elmhurst Greenmarket for fresh orchard fruit, vegetables from the "Black Dirt" region of upstate New York, local honey, and freshly baked breads and pastries.Cash, SNAP/EBT, Debit/Credit, WIC & Senior FMNP coupons accepted. Health Bucks are here! EBT users — for every $5 spent in EBT, customers receive a $2 Health Buck coupon to purchase additional fruits and vegetables.
Nyack Farmers Market – Downtown Nyack
Through November 29, 2018 – Nyack
Join some of the greatest vendors in the region who come together to bring you locally produced food, featuring fresh, delicious produce, baked goods, sweet somethings and other great items. Local artist and crafts people offer unique gifts.
Kids DIY Workshops – Home Depot
Through December 01, 2018 – Bedford Stuyvesant
Join this hands-on workshop in honor of Veterans Day, and you and your child can build a toy helicopter with turning blades. Once the toy helicopter is built, your child can decorate it with paint & stickers to create a mini-military vehicle.
Family Saturdays @ The Lab – Jacob Burns Film Center
Through December 01, 2018 – Pleasantville
Come for fun hands-on activities and a family-friendly shorts program featuring recent student work and festival favorites. Bring the whole family and enjoy watching, animating, and coloring together as we celebrate young filmmakers. Activities take place upstairs in the Jane Peck Gallery. You can also stop by the Media Arts Lab (where education programs are held) for free tours! Recommended for ages 3 and older.
What is Judaism 101? – Bay Ridge Jewish Center
Through December 10, 2018 – Bay Ridge
Monday, July 16–What is Judaism 101? Come to BRJC, Fourth Avenue & 81 Street, Brooklyn for a refresher course in Judaism and for those interested in becoming Jewish. Class will meet once a month.
Bruce Beginnings, Jr. – Bruce Museum
Through December 13, 2018 – Greenwich
A welcoming and engaging museum experience for toddlers, ages 10-24 months, and their caregivers, through hands-on play and exploration. Sessions are inspired by the museum’s collections and exhibits.
Free with admission, but space is limited.
Environmental Education Center – Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1
Through December 16, 2018 – DUMBO
Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy's Environmental Education Center is a new, year-round space which will be open to families and park visitors on weekends and outside of school hours. The Ed Center offers multiple interactive elements and a reading corner. The two signature exhibits are a discovery station and an aquarium. The Nancy Bowe Discovery Station is a 10' scale model of Brooklyn Bridge Park, featuring interactive modules that offer an in-depth look at the park's ecology, history and sustainable design. The Ed Center's 250-gallon aquarium showcases fish and invertebrates from the East River that have been caught during the Conservancy's popular seining program. A child-friendly touch tank offers visitors an opportunity to gently interact with marine animals, which are carefully monitored and regularly released back into the river.
New Moms and Infants Support Group – Ossining Public Library
Through December 17, 2018 – Ossining
Open to all mothers and infants looking for companionship, community, advice, and support regarding feeding, sleeping, postpartum questions, sibling settling, returning to work, and other new family challenges. This warm and welcoming support group is run by a certified postpartum doula CPD(CBI).
New Moms and Infants Support Group – Desmond Fish Library
Through December 17, 2018 – Garrison
This warm and welcoming support group is run by a certified postpartum doula CPD(CBI). It is open to all mothers and infants looking for companionship, community, advice, and support regarding feeding, sleeping, postpartum questions, sibling settling, returning to work, and other new family challenges. No fee, no registration, just come and go as needed. Siblings and pregnant women welcome.
'Frankenstein' – St. Luke's Theatre
Through December 17, 2018 – Midtown
A two-act sweeping, romantic musical about the human need for love and companionship. Published in 1818, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is in its bicentennial year, and this musical honors its source material. Having lost his mother at a young age, Victor Frankenstein seeks to end human mortality and arrogantly enters territory beyond his control. While he enjoys unconditional love from Elizabeth, Victor grants none to his creation.
New York Road Runners Open Run – Pier 6, Brooklyn Bridge Park
Through December 18, 2018 – Brooklyn Heights
Open Run is a new community-based initiative that empowers local volunteers to bring free weekly runs to local neighborhood parks all over NYC. All runs are directed by volunteers and are free to all participants. The finish line is open until the last person is done. The courses vary based on park, but they are between 2.5-3 miles. Participants are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the run and to leave their valuables at home ? bag check is not provided. No need to do anything before the run, just show up. Open to all ages, experience levels, walkers, strollers, dogs: All are welcome.
Stay at Home Parents Meet-Up – Elk Cafe
Through December 19, 2018 – Windsor Terrace
Bring the little ones to this event to get their wiggles out while the adults get to know other stay at home parents.
LIVE! At 650 Lee – Jefferson Valley Mall
Through December 21, 2018 – Yorktown Heights
Enjoy this year-long concert series featuring different genres of music including blues, soul, rock, reggae, jazz, and more. Host John Ford, of Ford Piano, will bring together various local musicians every week at the food court in the Jefferson Valley Mall.
Epic New York Beer Tour – Bars, Taprooms, Breweries – Empire State Building
Through December 22, 2018 – New York
The Beer Adventures app offers 150+ highly curated tours in 75 cities around the globe. Currently in 25 US cities, we take you to all of the best bars, taprooms and breweries in town giving you a day out to remember on your own terms. For this 'Epic New York Beer Tour' we invite you to join us in NYC as we hit up to 10 venues across Manhattan and Brooklyn in one day. This is one of our favourite Beer Adventures and it's done best by a combination of walking, subway and whatever else mode of transport is for you! Starting by the Empire State Building you'll pass loads of famous landmarks, go over and under the East River, hit both villages (Greenwich and East) and of course visit all the very best beer bars NYC has to offer. Come thirsty, hungry and ready to make a day of it! HOW IT WORKS: Search for 'Beer Adventures' in the Apple appstore or Google Play and download for free. You can then select the city and tours you want in-app. The Beer Adventures app acts as a magical mystery tour directing beer fans around a city at the touch of a few buttons. Available on iOS and Android, we offer highly curated, built in itineraries in most major cities. STARTING OUT: When ready click 'start the tour' after loading up your tour in-app. The meeting point will be near a major landmark like the Empire State Building and in the tour description on-app. Built in Google maps, Citymapper and uber will be your guide on this Beer Adventure. Every 45 minutes you'll get a pop-up asking if you'd like to move to the next place or stay for another beer. HOW MANY PLACES? Over the course of a day you'll visit between 5-10 bars, breweries, taprooms and eateries (or 2-3 if that's all you fancy). You can skip venues on the app if you don't like the look of them and move onto the next one. The Beer Adventures app currently has 3 different NYC beer tours to choose from covering Manhattan and Brooklyn. They all vary in different lengths to suit you. Category: Attractions | Walking / Guided Tours
Empire State Market – NYCB LIVE, Home of The Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Through December 23, 2018 – Uniondale
Discover Long Island's newest market destination, Empire State Market. This outdoor shopping and feasting mecca is conveniently located in the Ford Parking Lot of NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum. Opening every Sunday from 8am-4pm. Admission and parking are free.
A fun venue for all ages, the Empire State Market will feature hundreds of vendors offering new and collectible goods. Shoppers can find a plethora of new and used goods including jewelry, apparel and fashion accessories, household items, various artwork and crafts. Additionally, foodies will be able to find all sorts of fresh food as well as prepared foods. Come out and join us every week to discover what is new.
Kids Arts & Crafts Lab – Croton Free Library
Through December 26, 2018 – Croton-on-Hudson
Join Sukey Molloy for a special hour of movement, play, and song created specifically for toddlers and preschoolers with their parents. Parents will learn important terms, tools, and insights while engaging in play and song. The event features 45 minutes of interactive educational music and movement activities, followed by 15 minutes of dialogue and informative sharing. Handouts included. Sukey Molloy is an award winning recording artist and movement educator seen on Sukey’s Circle! and Sukey's House!
Call library to register: 914-271-6612
New Moms and Infants Support Group – Croton Free Library
Through December 27, 2018 – Croton-on-Hudson
Open to all mothers and infants looking for companionship, community, advice, and support regarding feeding, sleeping, postpartum questions, sibling settling, returning to work, and other new family challenges. This warm and welcoming support group is run by a certified postpartum doula CPD(CBI).
Airplane Mode: Free Weekly Comedy Show in Park Slope – Cherry Tree
Through December 27, 2018 – New York
Airplane Mode is a weekly stand-up comedy show hosted by Raghav Mehta, Rebecca O’Neal, Rohan Padyhe and Geoffrey Asmus at Cherry Tree Bar in Park Slope right next to the Barclay's Center. Every Thursday @ 8pm Airplane Mode showcases the best stand-up comedians in NYC and the world for FREE. These comedians have been featured on Comedy Central, NETFLIX, HBO, CONAN and the Tonight Show. So make sure to see them before they are famous. This week's show features Chloe Radcliffe (CONAN’s Comics to Watch) Tyler Fischer (America’s Got Talent), Randall Otis (Above Average), Gena Gephart (Laugh Factory), and Donnie Sengstack (Winner of Funniest Comic in Baltimore).
Story Book Yoga – Croton Free Library
Through December 28, 2018 – Croton-on-Hudson
Join Sukey Molloy for a special hour of movement, play, and song created specifically for toddlers and preschoolers with their parents. Parents will learn important terms, tools, and insights while engaging in play and song. The event features 45 minutes of interactive educational music and movement activities, followed by 15 minutes of dialogue and informative sharing. Handouts included. Sukey Molloy is an award winning recording artist and movement educator seen on Sukey’s Circle! and Sukey's House!
Call library to register: 914-271-6612
Seashell…Nature's Inspired Design Exhibition – Garvies Point Museum
Through December 28, 2018 – Glen Cove
In celebration of our 50th anniversary, join us for a special exhibit of exquisite seashells from around the world. From the collection of Garvies Point Museum, donated by Henry Dwyer and Alfred Wu.
Preschool Story Time – Croton Free Library
Through December 28, 2018 – Croton-on-Hudson
Join Sukey Molloy for a special hour of movement, play, and song created specifically for toddlers and preschoolers with their parents. Parents will learn important terms, tools, and insights while engaging in play and song. The event features 45 minutes of interactive educational music and movement activities, followed by 15 minutes of dialogue and informative sharing. Handouts included. Sukey Molloy is an award winning recording artist and movement educator seen on Sukey’s Circle! and Sukey's House!
Call library to register: 914-271-6612
'Pandas' – Maritime Aquarium
Through December 29, 2018 – Norwalk
This gorgeous new biopic tells the true story of Henry Bates, who risked his life in the perilous Amazon in the 1850s and discovered the “beautiful proof” that supported Darwin’s groundbreaking theories of evolution and natural selection. The film re-creates Bates' 11 challenging years in the Amazon rain forest as he searches for clues about how and why species – butterflies in particular – change and adapt over time to avoid predators. In the spectacular IMAX format, the lush jungle is as beautiful as the monkeys, birds, insects and one troublesome jaguar.Variety magazine said: “While nearly all made-for-IMAX educational movies boast breathtaking visuals, this one matches its imagery with an equally memorable story.” View the trailer at http://skfilms.ca/productions/amazon-adventure-3d/
Models and Bottles Fridays … Free on the A.C. Pass Guest List – Show
Through December 29, 2018 – New York City
Models and Bottles Fridays Text keyword SHOWNYC to 83361 for Instant RSVP and chance to win a VIP Party (FREE Admission, Bottle & More!) SHOW. NYC Nightclubs. 135 West 41st Street. Times Square. 10 pm-???(Broadway and 6th Ave) A.C. Pass List invites you to "The Original" Models and Bottles Fridays at NYCs newest premier hotspot, Show NYC! This will be the biggest Friday Night party NYC has ever seen. Top DJs, aerialists, dancers, expert mixologists, bottle service served by our #Showgirls, a true VIP experience, a sexy crowd, all in a spectacular new venue. Ask about our specials, VIP packages and Group/ Birthday specials.. World reknown DJs play open format, house music, old skool, top 40, mash-ups and more. Everyone receives complimentary admission on the “A.C. Pass List” (ladies til 12am, Gents til 12am). Ask me about special birthday (& group) packages. Call me direct @ 917.653.0768 for Table Service and more details. 21+ID. To expedite entry, get on the "A.C. Pass Guest List" please e-mail me directly, crisac@mac.com. Doors and list opens at 10 pm & all list closes at 2 am. All admission is at the discretion of the doorman. Dress fashionable please. Dress code: Ladies please wear shoes(no sandals or flip flops), Guys dark sneakers OK with collar shirt or button up! (NO Hats, NO Hoodies, NO Baggy Attire) .. Special Thanks to www.QueensRealEstate.info. [[Upscale & Chic crowd]]Bottle Packages before 1 am w/ Advanced Reservations (TAX & TIP are Included!) $515 = 2 Bottles(Grey Goose, Ciroc or Black Label) & A Champagne $615 = 2 Bottles(Hennessey or Patron) & A Champagne $645 = 2 Bottles of Moet Rose $1150 = 2 Bottles(Grey Goose or Ciroc), 3 MOET ROSE & Hookah $1250 = 2 Bottles(Hennessey or Patron), 3 MOET ROSE & Hookah Visit www.ACpass.com (for mobile devices) NOW for Info/ Direction/ ACPASS Card.
Bowling – Herrill Lanes
Through December 29, 2018 – New Hyde Park
Singles Association of Long Island, ages 25 plus meet for fun and fellowship. Social gathering afterwards at the Omega Diner, 1809 Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park.
Larchmont Farmers Market – Down to Earth Larchmont Farmers Market
Through December 29, 2018 – Larchmont
Check out the 13th season of the Larchmont Farmers Market. Shop the flavors of spring and find out what the season has in store.
Gosset's Farm Market – Gossett Brother's Nursery
Through December 29, 2018 – South Salem
A year-round market featuring locally produced, organic vegetables, meats and eggs; fruits grown using IPM (integrated pest management); fresh baked breads; seafood from just off Long Island; homemade tarts and quiches; goat and cow cheeses; locally roasted, organic, fair-trade coffee; local wines and more. The market is outdoors in the spring, summer, and fall, and then moves indoors in the winter.
Museum Highlights – New York Transit Museum
Through December 30, 2018 – Brooklyn Heights
Join the city's transit experts on a dramatic journey through the building of New York's subway system to learn about the evolution of the city's surface transportation, and the priceless collection of vintage subway and elevated cars dating back to 1904.
NYC Scavenger Hunt – Central Park
Through December 30, 2018 – New York
Join Big City Hunt on an Epic Scavenger Hunt Tour of Central Park. This scavenger hunt is great for kids, families, and friends. You'll learn a ton about your city and Central Park! New York's Central Park stretches across 843 acres of land. It is larger than independent city-states Monaco and Vatican City combined. Bethesda Fountain, Belvedere Castle, and The Dakota are just a few of the landmarks you’ll discover on this exciting two-hour hunt. Explore Central Park's rich history through this fun and engaging hunt through this iconic park using your smartphone. Check out this page for more information: https://www.scavengerhunt.com/locations/central_park_nyc_scavenger_hunt.html
Daily Zip – Bronx Zoo Treetop Adventure
Through December 30, 2018 – Bronx
Zip across the Bronx River and test your skills with unique aerial adventure climbing courses.
Greenlight Young Readers Book Group – Greenlight Bookstore
Through December 31, 2018 – Fort Greene
Led by Greenlight bookseller Grace, this book group is geared toward kids ages 9 to 12 and reads great contemporary and classic chapter books every fourth Wednesday of the month. Parents are welcome (but not required) to attend, and pizza is served.
Lavender Blues Music & Movement – Spark by Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through December 31, 2018 – Dumbo
Teaching musician Lavender Blues explores music, movement, and rhythm with children ages 1-3 years in this engaging jam session. During this class kids develop an understanding of rhythm and music, build awareness and control of their body as well as develop social and coordination skills. Taught by Alex Louis-Jacques, founder, Lavender Blues. Class size limited to 20 children and their caregivers. Drop-ins welcome.
Classic Mew-vie Night – Brooklyn Cat Cafe
Through December 31, 2018 – Cobble Hill
Watch a classic movie along with the cats of the Brooklyn cat cafe as they nap soundly in your lap, or perhaps purr distractingly as you try to pay attention. Ticket price includes a snack and drink. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult and everyone must sign a waiver.
The Buttons Sing-Along – Elk Cafe
Through December 31, 2018 – Windsor Terrace
Join this sing-along for sweet, silly original kids music geared towards kids of all ages.
Sea Turtle Nursery – Maritime Aquarium
Through December 31, 2018 – Norwalk
Follow a rescued baby loggerhead sea turtle through its first year of life. The Aquarium will raise it for release into the Atlantic Ocean next fall. The guest sea turtle, only about 3 inches at first, will live in a new habitat near the "Sea Turtles" exhibit.
Behind the Screen – Museum of the Moving Image
Through December 31, 2018 – Astoria
The core exhibition of the Museum, a one-of-a-kind experience that immerses visitors in the creative and technical process of producing, promoting, and presenting films, television shows, and digital entertainment. Occupying 15,000 square feet of the Museum's second and third floors, the exhibition reveals the skills, material resources, and artistic decisions that go into making moving images. Behind the Screen also introduces visitors to the history of the moving image, from nineteenth-century optical toys to the present-day impact of digital tools on film editing and post-production. Children under the age of fourteen must be accompanied by an adult of eighteen years or older. Artifacts: The exhibition incorporates approximately 1,400 artifacts from the Museum's collection of the material culture of the moving image. These include historic film and television cameras, projectors, television sets, sound recording equipment, costumes, set design sketches and models, make-up, fan magazines, posters, and an outstanding collection of licensed merchandise?dolls, toys, board games, lunch boxes, and more. The Museum has also been a pioneer in collecting video arcade and console games, which are on exhibit and available for play by visitors. Recently acquired objects on view include makeup used on the stars of Sex in the City, a mechanical prop designed by Mike Marino for a climactic scene in Black Swan, and molds and prototypes produced during the creation of a King Kong action figure. Computer-based interactive experiences: Visitors may record their own movements as a sequence of still photographs that can be printed out and made into a flipbook; create their own stop-motion animations, which they can save and email; record their voices over dialogue from a film, following the same procedure that actors use when dubbing their lines in post-production; choose sound effects to add to the images of well-known movies and television shows; add music to scenes from movies, and to experience how music affects mood and tone. Audio-visual material: Behind the Screen includes nearly four hours of audio-visual material that ranges from film clips related to the artifacts on display; projections of the earliest kinetoscope films, The Great Train Robbery, and selections from The Jazz Singer and Nanook of the North, all of which bring key moments in film history vividly to life; special videos, including The First Movies about Etienne Jules Marey and Chuck Workman's Precious Images; and a simulation of a live TV control room, taking visitors inside the room where director Bill Webb called the shots for the broadcast of a game between the New York Mets and San Diego Padres. Commissioned artworks: Artworks created especially for incorporation into Behind the Screen are Tut's Fever by Red Grooms and Lysiane Luong, a real movie theater equipped for video that seats thirty-five; TV Lounge by Jim Isermann, an environment resembling a 1960s living room; and Feral Fount by Gregory Barsamian, a stroboscopic zoetrope using 97 sculptures rotating on an armature to create a short animation.
The Little Orchestra Society: The Three C's…Culture, Classical Music, and Composing! – Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through December 31, 2018 – Crown Heights
Throughout December, The Little Orchestra Society is in residence at Brooklyn Children’s Museum for a series of family music workshops. Each session explores music of a different culture, engaging children, parents, and caregivers through movement, song, composition, and an introduction to world instruments. Sessions accommodate up to 25 participants on a first-come, first served basis.
The Jim Henson Exhibit – Museum of the Moving Image
Through December 31, 2018 – Astoria
A permanent exhibition devoted to Jim Henson. This dynamic visitor experience—housed in a new gallery space funded by the City of New York—explores Henson’s groundbreaking work for film and television and his transformative impact on popular culture. The Jim Henson Exhibition features a broad range of artifacts from throughout Jim Henson's remarkable television and film career. It reveals how Henson and his team of builders, performers, and writers brought to life the enduringly popular worlds of The Muppet Show, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth. It also includes material from Henson’s lesser known and experimental film projects, presenting Henson as a restlessly creative performer, filmmaker, and technical innovator. Among the nearly 300 objects on view in The Jim Henson Exhibition are 47 puppets—including Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Rowlf, The Swedish Chef, Statler, Waldorf, Big Bird, Elmo, Cantus Fraggle, a Skeksis, and other popular favorites—character sketches, storyboards, scripts, photographs, and iconic costumes. Film and television clips and behind-the-scenes footage are presented on more than 27 monitors and projections throughout. Interactive experiences allow visitors to try their hand at puppeteering on screen and designing a puppet character. Many of the artifacts in the exhibition are drawn from the 2013 donation by Jim Henson’s family to the Museum’s collection, which includes nearly 500 objects related to Henson’s unparalleled career and features historic puppets, costumes, production design material, and licensed merchandise. The exhibition also includes sketches, storyboards, scripts, and other material on loan from The Jim Henson Company Archives. Archival video and photographic material was provided by The Jim Henson Company, Sesame Workshop, and The Muppets Studio.
'Art, Artists & You' Exhibit – Children's Museum of Manhattan
Through December 31, 2018 – Upper West Side
Celebrate Easter with a weekend full of colorful activities starting with a museum-wide Easter Egg Hunt. Create a one-of-a-kind egg-shaped suncatcher inspired by the tradition of dying eggs and weave your own Easter basket using recycled materials.
Peter Max: Early Paintings – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
Through December 31, 2018 – Bethel
The art of Peter Max helped define the psychedelic 1960s, with its colorful imagery of gurus, sages, runners, flyers, Zen boats, snow-capped mountains, planets, stars, and sunbeams. His Cosmic posters were found in every college dorm room and in major museums across the globe. Peter Max has stayed in the public eye through five decades, but visitors to The Museum at Bethel Woods will have a rare opportunity to see inspiring artwork from a pivital moment in the artist's illustrious career: the period from 1967 through 1972 when his work moved from nostalgic collage-inspired realistic paintings to his visionary, imaginative Cosmic creations. Peter Max: Early Paintings brings together for the first time the collections of Robert Casterline and Shelly Fireman for a Peter Max experience that should not be missed. The exhibit will be on display through December 31st.
Touch Tank – Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through December 31, 2018 – Crown Heights
Meet and touch real, live sea creatures like starfish and sea urchins.
Sensory Room Family Hours – Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through December 31, 2018 – Crown Heights
In this inclusive space, children of all abilities can explore their senses. The Sensory Room is a welcoming environment for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Ripley's Relic – Ripley's Believe It Or Not Times Square
Through December 31, 2018 – Midtown
This 15-minute interactive experience will transform visitors into explorers, working together to unlock a series of puzzles and decipher a strange assortment of scientific symbols. Featuring the latest in high-tech components and top-tier movie-quality set design along with a guide to assist explorers on their quest, Ripley’s Relic will challenge adventurers to crack the code and unlock its powers in the heart of Times Square.
BX Bootcamp – Bronx Municipal Building Rotunda
Through December 31, 2018 – Bronx
Started planning for next year yet? Ever trained with an Olympian? Come join us for five days of world class training to get 2019 started right. We will be meeting OUTSIDE, in the bitter cold for 50 minute training sessions December 27-31, EARLY each morning at 5 am. You will also recieve a total of 50 minutes remote consultation from Bronx judo Olympian Taraje Williams-Murray and National Strength & Conditioning Association Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist Adam Marcus. Phone consultations may be conducted by video and cover topics from goal achievement, behavioral modification, healthy habits to correct exercise form and programming. Adam Marcus, CSCS also earned a masters degree in Exercise Science, is a Certified Level 1 USA Weightlifting Coach, a National Academy of Sports Medicine Corrective Exercise Specialist, a KettleBell Concepts Level 2 Instructor, and a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT). Needless to say, he knows his sh!t.
Totally Tots – Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through December 31, 2018 – Crown Heights
Each week children are introduced to an artist and an activity inspired by their techniques, materials, and ideas. Activities invite young artists to build and refine their fine motor skills; engage in sensory exploration of materials, and learn how to share with others in this open art studio. There is no such thing as a bad mess in this space, which is tailored to children five and younger.
Farmer's Market – Grand Army Plaza
Through December 31, 2018 – Park Slope
Founded in 1989, Grand Army Plaza is Greenmarket's flagship Brooklyn market, and the second largest market in the program, behind Union Square. Located at the northwest entrance to beautiful Prospect Park? and just steps from the Brooklyn Public Library, the Brooklyn Museum, and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. This community destination brings together a mix of shoppers from the nearby neighborhoods of Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Crown Heights, and beyond. Runners, dog-walkers, families, singles and foodies all converge to buy from the huge array of farm fresh products, and to participate in the programming and cooking demonstrations that take place every Saturday all year long. Open year-round.
Waterfront Exhibition – Brooklyn Historical Society Dumbo
Through December 31, 2018 – Dumbo
Located in Empire Stores directly on Brooklyn Bridge Park near Jane's Carousel, Brooklyn Historical Society DUMBO is an exciting new museum that highlights the amazing history and beauty of the Brooklyn waterfront. The museum is open Monday-Sunday from 11am-7pm and family programs are planned for Fall 2017.
New York & The Nation in The Robert H. and Clarice Smith New York Gallery of American History – New York Historical Society
Through December 31, 2018 – New York
Collection Highlights and New York and the American Experience Explore the story of New York and America in the Robert H. and Clarice Smith New York Gallery of American History. Highlights include: Mounted on the building's original 1904 columns are grand digital screens displaying a continuous, thematically co-ordinated slide show of treasures from the New-York Historical Society's collections. The west face of the columns features individual stations, incorporating interactive touch screens and museum artifacts, presenting six themes in American history which are found interwoven with the history of New York. Projected on dramatic flat screens affixed to six structural columns, the array of objects and images functions as visual signage that demonstrates to our visitors the depth of New-York Historical's collections.
Hearts & Crafts Bereavement Group – Hearts & Crafts Counseling
Through December 31, 2018 – Hillsdale
New Groups forming now. Call for details.
Holding History – Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through December 31, 2018 – Crown Heights
What makes an object “historical?” Why do museums keep objects behind glass? Children will ponder these questions holding, touching, and feeling historical artifacts from the museum's collection. They will learn about the history of those objects through this tactical investigation and by relating these historical artifacts to their own lives.
Sing-Alongs – The Dean Street
Through December 31, 2018 – Prospect Heights
Enjoy these weekday singalongs featuring a different favorite local musicians each day! Monday Make Music & Dance with DARA! Tuesday Sing along with ANDREW of ROLIE POLIE GUACAMOLE! Wednesday Sing along with EMMY & EVAN! Thursday Sing along with LLOYD of the DEEDLE DEEDLE DEES! Friday Sing along with MIKE MESSER of the DIRTY SOCK FUNTIME BAND!
Warrior Courses Wednesdays – Sky Zone Mount Sinai
Through December 31, 2018 – Mount Sinai
Take part in epic Nerf battles on trampoline courts.
Live Animal Adventure – Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through December 31, 2018 – Crown Heights
Enjoy an interactive animal show and meet real reptiles from the museum's Live Collection. Ages 4 and older.
Unseen Oceans – American Museum of Natural History
Through January 06, 2019 – Upper West Side
Visitors to Unseen Oceans will embark on a journey that takes them from the oceans’ sunlit surface to inky depths as they discover the latest in ocean science and encounter the researchers and technologies powering exploration today. Explore a series of circular, media-rich galleries that will showcase a range of marine ecosystems and introduce a new generation of scientists who are using cutting-edge research tools and developing new methods to explore the oceans top to bottom. Hghlights include:
A 180-degree, high-resolution screen where life-sized 3D animations of ocean giants including blue whales, giant squid, and great white sharks swim by visitors
Microscope stations to view live rotifers (a type of zooplankton)
A suspended display of biofluorescent species—showing the diversity of undersea animals that absorb and re-emit light
A virtual ride in a submersible into the shadowy depths and a photo-op station at a full-size model of a Triton sub
An interactive media installation featuring schooling fish that react to visitors’ movements
A magnetic sand table with a dynamic live projection where young visitors can learn about ocean topography by digging trenches and forming islands
Live marine animals including iridescent, bioluminescent comb jellies as well as seahorses, pipefishes, and chain catsharks whose vivid fluorescence was only recently discovered
Toward A Concrete Utopia: Architecture In Yugoslavia, 1948–1980 – The Museum of Modern Art
Through January 13, 2019 – Manhattan
Situated between the capitalist West and the socialist East, Yugoslavia's architects responded to contradictory demands and influences, developing a postwar architecture both in line with and distinct from the design approaches seen elsewhere in Europe and beyond. The architecture that emerged—from International Style skyscrapers to Brutalist "social condensers"—is a manifestation of the radical diversity, hybridity, and idealism that characterized the Yugoslav state itself. Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948–1980 introduces the exceptional work of socialist Yugoslavia's leading architects to an international audience for the first time, highlighting a significant yet thus-far understudied body of modernist architecture, whose forward-thinking contributions still resonate today.
Guess What: A PG Stand Up Comedy Show for Families – The Creek and the Cave Comedy Club
Through January 19, 2019 – Long Island City
The Guess What comedy show is a stand up comedy show with the perfect recipe for parents and kids: funny jokes and no sailor talk. Plus parents now don't need a babysitter to see a comedy show. Watch top NYC comics do their PG best jokes and, in between, kids gets a chance to go on stage and tell a joke. The vibe is definitely kid friendly as the hosts of the show are a dad comic and his 9-year old daughter. Tickets are free. Different comedians each month. Great brunch and kids menu. 3rd Saturday of Each Month Doors open at 12:30pm. Show starts at 1pm.
Escher: The Exhibition and Experience – Industry City
Through February 03, 2019 – Sunset Park
Exploring the intersection between art, mathematics, science and poetry, Escher’s works have fascinated and astounded generations of artists, architects, mathematicians, musicians and designers alike. Experience the utterly captivating and mind-bending work of graphic illustrator M.C. Escher in this new exhibition featuring more than 200 original works.
Constantin Brancusi Sculpture – The Museum of Modern Art
Through February 24, 2019 – Manhattan
Poet Erza Pound spoke of artist Constantin Brancusi's work as providing "the master keys to the world of form." Over a career that spanned half a century, Brancusi's innovations transformed sculpture as it had been known, and influenced generations of artists to come. After moving to Paris in 1904 from his native Romania, Brancusi affected the appearance of a Romanian peasant—a long beard, work shirt, and sandals—while embedding himself in avant-garde art circles. He soon began pushing modernist sculpture to the threshold of abstraction, developing a new, simplified vocabulary of graceful crescents, gleaming ovoids, and rough-hewn blocks that often evoked rather than resembled the things named in their titles, such as Bird in Space or Fish. He put the natural properties of his materials on display, carving directly into wood and stone and polishing metal to high reflectivity. The bases for his sculptures were often built of stacked elements—wood cubes, cylindrical slices, pyramidal blocks, or cruciform stones—becoming an integral component of the work itself and hinting at the possibility of infinite rearrangement, an idea that would prove fertile in future decades.
Disney's 'Frozen: The Broadway Musical' – St. James Theatre
Through March 10, 2019 – Midtown
The spectacular Disney film that captivated audiences around the world has finally made it to Broadway! Following the success of the 2013 animated movie, Frozen the Musical expands on the story of two sisters, giving more time to the characters we’ve come to love. With a book by Jennifer Lee, and music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, the show has kept many members of the creative team from the film, ensuring everything on stage is faithful to the original story. Instead of being a direct copy of the film, what Frozen the Musical does is transform these animated characters into something real and tangible. It really takes the time to dig deep into the characters’ motivations, allowing their relationships to develop further.
Exhibition: Impractical Jokers: Homecoming – Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Through March 17, 2019 – Staten Island
Impractical Jokers: Homecoming explores the story of four longtime friends from Staten Island whose hidden-camera, comedic television show, Impractical Jokers, has become a pop culture phenomenon. Steeped in embarrassment and awkward situations that make us laugh and cringe, the humor is built upon a foundation of trust and camaraderie amongst the four guys, James “Murr” Murray, Sal Vulcano, Brain “Q” Quinn, and Joe Gatto. See original costumes, props and art created over the past seven seasons. View new interviews, episode highlights and learn about behind-the-scenes production, including some secrets. Take a journey with the Jokers from high school hijinks to mainstream comedic success that all started on the shores of Staten Island. Interactive surprises are found throughout the museum to make the Jokers’ exhibition experience as unexpected as the Impractical Jokers themselves.
The Buttons Weekend Sing-Along – Edamama Cute Cuts & More
Through March 17, 2019 – Williamsburg
Please join The Buttons Band (Caitlin Mahoney and Hannah Winkler) for a grooving weekend sing-along on Saturdays at Edamama! Enjoy an energetic 45-minute set of our original tunes, classic children's songs, and oldies rock n' roll that is sure to get both kids and grown-ups singing and dancing! We hand out shakers, teach some moves, and encourage everyone to get their bodies grooving to the music. The Buttons' sing-along is a wonderful opportunity to bond with your child and your community through the love of music and the joy it brings.
Living Room Show – Postmark Cafe
Through March 23, 2019 – Brooklyn
The longest running stand-up and sketch comedy show in Brooklyn presented by Aaron Kominos-Smith and Turner Sparks (now in it’s 13th year)! Every Friday night at 8pm, come see some of TV's funniest comedians and hear jokes they're working on for their next TV appearance on Comedy Central, Fallon, Conan, The Tonight Show, and more! Come as a couple or come alone. Bring a group friends or bring your family. No restrictions on audience, we ask comics to keep their acts clean and EVERYONE gets in FREE! The show is at The Postmark Cafe: 326 6th St in Brooklyn. Follow @LivingRoomShow on Twitter and Facebook for weekly lineups For reservations email: livingroomcomedy@gmail.com facebook.com/livingroomshow
Hudson Valley Regional Farmers' Market – Hudson Valley Cerebral Palsy Association
Through March 31, 2019 – Brewster
The market is located inside the expansive lobby of the HVCPA building and showcases vendors selling vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, jams, bread and baked goods (gluten free too!), eggs, mushrooms, food artisans, and specialty items from local growers and producers. Some of the vendors include: Arch River Farm, The Canning Jar, Clock Tower Grill Food Truck, Conte’s Fish, Curious Tongue Creations-Gluten Free & Vegan Bakery, Deep Roots Farm NY, The Grand Strand Company, DoReMe Farms, Great Cape Bakers, KAS Spirits, M & M Italian Provisions, Nick the Knife Artisan Sharpening, Petropoulos Family Grove, Pickleicious, Ryder Farm Organics, Smellz Good – Natural Goat Milk Soap, Lotions & Sprays, Sacred Grounds Coffee, Steve’s Country Kitchen and White Pine Farm. And, in keeping with the market’s mission of “wellness”, a free yoga class by Clark Cameron-Gonzalez, of Dare To Do Yoga, will be offered on select Sundays.
ColorLab – Brooklyn Children's Museum
Through May 24, 2019 – Crown Heights
ColorLab is BCM's new family art studio inspired by contemporary African American, Afro-Caribbean, and African artists! Rotating programs will feature the work and material inspirations of African American, Afro-Caribbean, and African contemporary artists including Chakaia Booker, Wangechi Mutu, and Jack Whitten. Learn about Afrofuturism through a toolbox containing books, materials, and prompts to guide creating. Each visit to ColorLab will offer new ways to experiment with art and new ideas to explore. Hands-on programs will be supported by BCM’s teaching artists and educators.
Inside You – American Musuem of Natural History
Through June 16, 2019 – New York
Did you know that your gastrointestinal tract is home to about 100 trillion bacteria? That's more organisms than there are stars in the Milky Way! Our bodies are home to many trillions of microbes, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other organisms collectively called the human microbiome. In any human, microbial genes outnumber the genes in human DNA by more than 100 to one. This new perspective leads us to look at our bodies not just as individuals, but as entire ecosystems.Inside You explores the rapidly evolving science that is revolutionizing how we view human health and introduces some of the scientists who are breaking new ground in microbiome research.Inspired by the Museum's popular exhibition The Secret World Inside You, this exhibition introduces visitors to microbes that live in, on, and around all of us. Engaging graphics detail how microbes aid digestion, influence your immune system, and help fight harmful microbes. You'll find out how we acquire our microbiome and how it is shaped by the foods we eat and the environment we live in. Inside You is co-curated by Susan Perkins and Rob DeSalle, curators in the Museum's Division of Invertebrate Zoology and the Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics. Inside You is proudly supported by the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson. This exhibition is made possible by the generosity of the Arthur Ross Foundation.
New Permanent Exhibit: Titanosaur – The American Museum of Natural History
Through January 19, 2020 – Upper West Side
The museum adds another must-see exhibit opening on January 15, a cast of a 122-foot-long dinosaur Titanosaur that is part of a special year of dinosaur events, exhibitions, and digital offerings. Paleontologists have inferred that this dinosaur, a giant herbivore that belongs to a group known as titanosaurs, weighed in at around 77 tons—as much as 14 or 15 African elephants. In preparation for adding this colossal new exhibit, the museum closed the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Orientation Center in September to remove the hall's current incumbent: a life-sized—but, by comparison, diminutive—fleshed-out model of a juvenile Barosaurus that has been on display since the completion of the fourth floor in June 1996. The new, much larger occupant will graze the gallery's approximately 19-foot-high ceilings and, at 122 feet (37.2 meters), is just a bit too long to fit completely into the space. Instead, its neck and head will extend out towards the elevator banks, welcoming visitors to the "dinosaur" floor.
Connected Worlds – New York Hall of Science
Through January 31, 2020 – Flushing Meadows, Queens
The New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) will open Connected Worlds, its exciting and groundbreaking new exhibition on environmental sustainability, on June 27, 2015. Presented in NYSCI's iconic Great Hall, Connected Worlds is a fully immersive, digitally rendered interactive experience where visitors are encouraged to explore the interconnectedness of different environments, learn about the importance of keeping systems in balance, and see how our individual and collective actions can have widespread impact. Through their gestures and movements, visitors interact with animated creatures, plants, trees and other objects, and see how human decisions affect the environment. "Connected Worlds reflects what NYSCI is all about – a playful hands-on activity, a focus on problem-solving, and deep engagement with a topic. Connected Worlds gives visitors confidence in their ability to effect change, and empowers them within a larger environment," said Margaret Honey, president and CEO of NYSCI. "This leads to passionate learners – a hallmark of the NYSCI experience." Connected Worlds features gesture-based technologies that generate and project images onto seven massive screens. Six of the screens are more than 14 feet tall and one screen, which shows a digital waterfall, is 38 feet tall. The screens show six different, but interconnected, environments – desert, mountain valley, plains, reservoir, jungle and wetlands – each with their own unique trees, plants and creatures, but sharing common resources, such as water and weather patterns. Some of the animals travel across environments for breeding or to access food. A central reservoir, which is fed by the waterfall and supplies water to the six environments, is projected on the floor, covering approximately 2,300 square feet.
Saturday Author Story Time – Greenlight Bookstore
Through March 17, 2020 – Fort Greene
Saturday Story Time is geared toward kids ages 3 to 8 and their families. Authors and illustrators of picture books often visit on Saturdays to read from their new books, and neighborhood performers or the Greenlight staff sometimes read as well. There are always great stories and often activities and crafts too! Check the Events Calendar for an updated schedule of featured authors. Saturday Story Time is geared toward kids who are old enough to enjoy listening to a story, asking questions and working on crafts.
Donald Zucker and Barbara Hrbek Zucker Ocean Wonders: Sharks! – New York Aquarium
Through June 30, 2020 – Coney Island
Explore the coral reef, wander through a shipwreck, and peer over the Hudson Canyon in this brand new exhibit all about sharks, opening year-round beginning June 30. More than 115 species including sand tiger sharks, sandbar sharks, and loggerhead sea turtles live in this state-of-the-art exhibit.
Haruki Murakami's Sleep – BAM Fisher
Through December 02, 2020 – Fort Greene
THEATER Adapted by Naomi Iizuka Directed and devised by Rachel Dickstein and Ripe Time Part of the 2017 Next Wave Festival "This is my 17th straight day without sleep." A Japanese housewife's mundane existence of chores and grocery shopping explodes when a haunting dream leads her to cast sleep aside, releasing her into a world of danger and the thrill of the unknown. Based on the 1994 short story by the beloved Japanese author Haruki Murakami (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle), this hypnotic physical theater piece by Brooklyn-based, Obie Award-winning company Ripe Time follows one woman beyond the bounds of society. Led by a powerhouse female creative team—including director Rachel Dickstein and playwright Naomi Iizuka—and featuring an original score performed live by NewBorn Trio, this playful and eerie journey takes audiences through a wakeful realm where bodies float, ghosts lurk, and daylight rules no longer apply.
Friday/Saturday Drop-In – Brooklyn Game Lab
Through December 31, 2020 – Park Slope
Drop off the kids (ages 8 and up) for Friday drop-in, role-playing game (RPG) night. Brooklyn Game Lab run great D&D campaigns for new and highly experienced RPG-players. Saturday nights are geared towards our Teen Pass members, but all older kids (12 and up) are welcome to participate. Play sophisticated RPGs with complex campaigns and awesome characters, plus get some DM training.
Transit Tots – New York Transit Museum
Through December 31, 2020 – Brooklyn Heights
Head to the New York Transit Museum every Thursday for stories, art exploration, and hands-on investigations of fun themes like animals underground, the people and buildings of New York City, colors and shapes, and, of course, the city's subways and buses! Free with admission. For ages 2-5 and adult companions.
Dear Evan Hansen – Music Box Theatre
Through December 31, 2020 –
DEAR EVAN HANSEN MUSICAL PRODUCTION REVIEW Dear Evan Hansen has surpassed Josh Groban as Broadway’s biggest new hit. With $1.1 million in its pockets, this musical is creating a huge buzz that is drawing ardent fans across the board. Its average ticket price of $141 remains one of the highest box office rates in its niche. This amazing hit was originally in book form and the creativity of Steven Levenson led to its seamless transition to a wave-making high school musical. Benj Pasek and Justin Paul wrote the musicals for Dear Evan Hansen. It is on track to be one of the most successful pieces of musical theater ever to originate in Washington. The plot is centered on the peculiar problem of communicating in a time where technology has made it easier to reach out to people. Evan Hansen is a friendless high school student who achieves Internet fame due to a misunderstanding he perpetuates in regards to his supposed closeness to another troubled classmate who committed suicide. The twists in the story line help to accentuate the challenges that the younger generation face in today’s world. The gripping effects of the story and the raw show of emotions make this story one of the most amazing productions to ever grace Broadway. Parents can gain more insight and understanding into their children. Children can watch and learn how challenging it is for their parents to understand them at times. Grandparents, well, they will get to view this communications conundrum from all angles and certainly gain a good chuckle along the way. This record-setting, sold-out musical has been attracting positive reviews from leading names in the industry and beyond. Peter Marks of the Washington post calls it ‘’A heart-piercing trip to the place that musical theater can sometimes take us to.’’ He believes that this musical, which was first performed on November 14, 2016, holds the ace in every range. On the other hand, Charles Isherwood of the New York Times proclaims “This is a superb musical with great heart and humor.’’ When you leave a musical with one or two great songs running through your head, it can be said to be a success. However, leaving a musical with about 10 great songs running through your head is pretty much unheard of. The power of Dear Evan Hansen has set a new height that may not be surpassed by any production for many years. This is a performance that anyone serious about the arts absolutely must see and a performance certain to draw in permanently that first time attendee to a Broadway performance.
Picasso's Le Tricorne – New-York Historical Society
Through December 31, 2020 – Upper West Side
Now on display at the New-York Historical Society is a newly acquired and conserved Picasso in the exhibition Picasso's "Le Tricorne." It is the first work by Picasso, and one with great wall power and a New York history, to enter New-York Historical's collection. Pablo Picasso painted the stage curtain for the two-act ballet The Three-Cornered Hat (El sombrero de tres picos or Le tricorne). The ballet and curtain were commissioned by the impresario Sergei Diaghilev for his avant-garde, Paris-based Ballets Russes, the most influential ballet company of the twentieth-century. The ballet was choreographed by Léonide Massine with music by the Spanish composer Manuel de Falla. It premiered on July 22, 1919, at the Alhambra Theatre in London with sets, costume designs, and the monumental stage curtain created by Picasso. Picasso biographer John Richardson once called "Le Tricorne" the artist's "supreme theatrical achievement." The production, which was conceived by Diaghilev and Massine during a trip to Spain, was enhanced by its many Spanish collaborators, including Picasso who also designed the costumes and set for the ballet. Measuring roughly 20 feet square, the curtain depicts a scene with a bullring and celebratory spectators. Picasso painted it as an illusionistic window in a larger curtain that functioned as a backdrop setting the scene for the ballet. At some point before 1956 Diaghilev cut it from its larger context. For more than half a century the curtain, believed to be the largest Picasso painting in the United States, has hung in the hallway of the Four Seasons Restaurant, in the landmarked Seagram Building, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, on Park Avenue and Fifty-second Street in New York City. Vivendi, the company that once owned the Seagram Building, gave the Picasso curtain to the New York Landmarks Conservancy in 2005 as a "Gift to the City." The show positions Picasso's curtain in a dialogue with other N-YHS objects, including paintings from the European tradition that provide background to the artist's work as well as to the traditions against which the revolutionary artist rebelled. Other thematic threads pivot around dance subjects and explore roughly contemporary American paintings, sculpture, posters, and watercolors. Among the works included will be examples by William Adolphe Bouguereau, Will H. Bradley, Philippe de Champaigne, Jean-Léon Gérôme, Childe Hassam, Malvina Hoffman, Ricardo de Madrazo y Garreta, Elie Nadelman, Edward Penfield, Maurice Prendergast, John Sloan, and Adriaen van Utrecht.
Weekly Drop-In at Rockland Baby Café – Rockland Baby Café
Through January 31, 2023 – Spring Valley
Lower Hudson Valley Perinatal Network and the Rockland County Department of Health are pleased to have opened the 1st drop-in Baby Café in the NY Metro area. Open every Tuesday 10:30am – 12:30pm Drop-in to get-together to: *Meet and talk to new moms *Learn how to make breastfeeding easier *Make sure your baby is latching and gaining well Get tips on pumping and going back to work *Learn about other parenting topics Contact Sharen Medrano, 914-922-2240 for more information. Join our Facebook page: Rockland County Baby Café
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